Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1943)
THE NYSäÄ GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1943 PAGfe EIGHT 15 BABIES ENTERED IN CLUBS BABY SHOW Fifteen babies ranging In age from 29 days to 22 months were en tered in the baby show conducted by the Nyssa Civic club in the par ish hall Wednesday afternoon. Ch ildren up to two years of age were eligible for entry in the show. Each person voting was given eight points, with which she voted on the outstanding features of the different babies. The babies, in turn, were placed on a pink and blue throne, where they received their crown, made of white crepe paper and bearing a pink heart. The babies were William J. Holly. 11, Gretschen Rinehart. Floyd Keith Cartwright, David Julum, Douglas Buchner. Dianne Maulding, Virgin ia Ross Lee, Laraine Larson. Tom my Lee McCrady, Charles Dale Ga rrison. Dale Abersold, Sandre Lewis Terry Dale McKee. Betty Marie Christensen and Harland Raymond Sager. A program was given under the direction of Mrs Grant Rinehart, with six pre-school children part icipating. Those taking part were Dirk Rinehart, Caroline Heiner, Marilyn Abersold, Sheron Whitaker. Michael Eastman and Dennis Por- beas. Mrs Jake Simmons was in charge of the stage arrangement. She was NYSSA ladles of the church, At Thompson] gave an address of welcome and Mr j and Mrs Greenlee responded Miss l June Marie Wilson had charge of the singing conducted during the evening. A skit was given by «the young adults class and a reading was given by Mrs Royy Barnes. Mrs Russell Cochrun, dinner com mittee chairman, was assisted by Mrs Carlos Buchner and Mrs Hen ry Hartley. Henry Hartley was toastmaster. Members of the Wesleyan guild decorated the tables. assisted by Mrs Bernard Eastman and Mrs J L. Church. Mrs W E. Schiremen was chairman of the baby show. The tea committee con sisted of Mrs Henry Hartley. Mrs Emma Quinby and Mrs Bert Adams. A victory garden sale held in con nection with the baby show was - f - very successful. The products sold TO GIVE BIRTHDAY PARTY Mrs Herschel Thompson will en were donated by residents of Ny ssa. Money from the sale was tertain Thursday evening In obser used to purchase a war bond. Grant vance oi her husband's birthday. Rinehart gave a short talk on bonds. Guests will be Mr and Mrs A1 T h ompson, Mrs V. Beutler, Mr and - s - Mrs Robert Thompson, Dr. and Mrs MEXIOO MEETING THEME Mexico was the theme of the L. A. Maulding and Mr and Mrs'- ■Vesleyan Service guild at Its regular W F. McLing. meeting held at the Methodist par -» - WINNERS ENTERTAINED sonage Tuesday night. Miss Effie Winners of a bridge contest con Ellen Cdunsil had charge of the devotions Mrs Douglas McDonald ducted during the last two months gave a report on Mexico. Refresh by the Wednesday evening bridge club were guests of the losers at ments consisted of Mexican food. - 8 - the home of Mr and Mrs A1 Kuehn GIVES DINNER PARTY Sunday, evening. After dinner the Mrs Frank Rambaud entertained guests and hosts attended the mot at dinner Thursday for Mrs George ion picture show. Shutliff and sons of Payette and Mr and Mrs Sid Burbidge and SOCIETY TO MEET family. The Women’s Society of Christian Service of the Methodist church - 8 - REOEPTION IS HELD will meet September 23 at 2 o'clock A large crowd attended a recep with Mrs Russell Cochrun at her tion held in the Methodist church home. The topic for discussion will basement Friday evening for Rev. be “Cuba”. and Mrs M. H. Greenlee. - 8 - At a potluck dinner served by the COUPLE HONORED Mr and Mrs Duane Daley enter tained last week at their home for Mr and Mrs Donlad Kudma. Mr. Kudma will leave shortly to serve PROGRAM ! in the armed forces. A buffett dinner was served at 6:30 at which associates from the FSA office at Nyssa composed the 10 guests. At pinochle Kenneth Dahl won first prize. Guests who formerly lived in On tario moved to Nyssa when the PSA offie was transferred with the exception of Mr and Mrs Dahl and the guests of honor who are still Ontario residents. “ Back The Attack!” OF 8 - - S 31 ki W Æ . ¿ f tw - Free Ticket Given at our theatre from Sept. 17 to 30, inclus ive, with the purchase of each $25 worth of bo nds. The purchasers will be admitted to the picture Show at the time they buy the bonds.________ Double Feature FRIDAY & SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 17— 18 Russell Hayden and Hub Taylor in “SADDLES AND SAGEBRUSH” Dennis O’Keefe and Margo in “THE LEOPARD MAN” SUNDAY and MONDAY SEPTEMBER 19— 20 Barbara Stanwyck, Michale O’ Shea, J. Edward Bromberg and Gloria Dixon in “LADY OF BURLESQUE” Girls, Gags, Fun. Music and Mystery. Merry Melody, Sports & MARCH OF TIME Mat. Sun 2:30. Adm. Uc-38c. Evening Adm. llc-33c. Includes tax « ••are — BARGAIN NIGHT— TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy in “JITTERBUGS” John Nesbit, Passing Parade and New Serial, Secret Service in Darkest Africa. Admission. 5c-J#e. Including tax e r n. « WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY SEPT. 22—23 Donald Woods. Elissa I^andi, Otto Kruger and Frank Jenks in “CORREGIDOR” Last Stand in the Philippines . . They Were Sh ort of Everything But Courage. Pete Smith and News Adralmlon Evening — tic and 33c. Including Defense Tax _________ PTA HOLDS RECEPTION The Kingman Kolony P.T.A. held its annual reception for the teach ers of Adrian Thursday evening in the high school building. After a short business meeting conducted by the president, Mrs Anna Sparks, the meeting was tur ned over to Duayne Anderson, ch airman of the entertainment comm ittee, who presented the following program: “Mrs Mirgatroye's Dime”, reading by Colleen Oonnaughy; flute solo, Ellen Judd; girls Sextett, accomp anied by Mrs Thomas; trumpet solo, Dudley Kurtz; reading, Virg inia Jarvis; presentation of H. S. faculty, Mr Patch; presentation of grade faculty, Mr. Witty, and quiz program with John Johnson as ma ster of ceremonies. Mrs Maurice Judd and her com mittee served refreshments. —8— HOSTESS TO CLUB Mrs A. L. Fletcher was hostess to the Tuesday evening bridge club this week. Mrs Henry Hartley sc ored high and Mrs E. Frost second. Besides regular club members Mrs Qeonge Mitchell. Mrs Bert Lienk- aemper, Mrs R. G. Whitaker, Mrs Carlos Buchner and Mrs Wayne Morris were guests. 8 - TpPPS REcwuy-BUnT sam t .•il/. noNeveees - - ' W E ® GALLED ^ rue wune m aus n v ’. * 9 y AMERICAN IN D IAN S . Purchases Farm— A. B. Zimmerman of Medford. ! who has been a visiltor at the Ouy I Moore home during the past week, has purchased the George Kaylor farm. He plans to take possession of the property about December 1. looo ooo -JOLT X HAV UNIT IfHSPECIS THlCKNEOSeS OF METAL IN A FEW MINITTE 5 ...A JO B THAT FORMERLY TOOK HOURS * f vie Bee m s ttmeoueto ro AHtfuc a a/ euKiy semens) | Soldier Visits— R ECO ôN iriNS THE IMPORTANCE OF STANDARDS . IN INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENTS. ' , A new vfAMSPARenr U S. ANP BRAZILIAN BUSINESS I CCMEPl/JS COMPOSED O P A O R GAN IZATIO NS AR E C O O P E R A TIN G B y S M 6LE PIECE OP PLIOFILM __ _ SHARING DESIGNS ANP MEASl/P/NS SC O SQUARE p e e r n t s P ^ MANUFACTURING PROTECTS FI6HTER PLAMES M K A M S/r^£ PROCESSES TO THE W ORLDS BATTLE PROMTS matron, will attend the meeting to pay an official visit to this district. Refreshments wil be served after the business session. All Eastern Star members are invited to attend the meeting. - 8 - TEAOHERS TO BE HONORED A reception for Nyssa school tea- ool building September 23. A pot- ehers will be held In the high sch- luck dinner will be served at noon. The meat dish will be served by the Nyssa Civic club. Each family planning to attend is asked to pro vide enough bread and butter, and salad or dessert for six persons. The high school and grade school teach ers will be the guests. The public is invited to attend. ____________ morning for Skull springs, Malheur county, to hunt antelope. Nursing Home Notes — i Mrs Dennis Toombs was dismissed from the hospital September 11. Mrs Jake Borge and infant son were dismissed September 8, and Mrs Adeline Ward was dismissed September 13. A son was born September 11 to Mr and Mrs Ivan Miller of Nyssa. The boy weighed 8 pounds, 13 oun ces. LOCALNEWS Here From Payette— Mrs George Shurtliff and two sons of Payette visited from Thurs day until Sunday at the home of Mrs Frank Rambaud. Mrs Shurtliff and Mrs Rambaud Shopped In Boise Saturday. Visit In Utah— Mr and Mrs W. P. McLing spent j Mr and Mrs Donald Miller of from Saturday until Wednesday in | Boise visited over the week-end Salt Lake City. with his parents, Mr and Mrs Lee Engineer Visits— Miller. M. R. Scroggs of Ontario, resident engineer of the bureau of reclamat- ! Enters Service— Donald Kudma, head of the F. ion, was a visitor in Nyssa Wednes S.A. office tti Nyssa, has entered day. the armed services. He was trans ferred to Nyssa only a few weeks Prcressing Food— Several Nyssa women are taking ago. fruits and vegetables to Caldwell to be processed in a community Visit Here— Mr and Mrs Robert McCurdy visited friends in Nyssa Saturday while en route to visit Mr. McCu Bernard Eastman rdy's parents at Mountain Home, and also stopped here Wednesday. Insurance Real Estate Mr. McCurdy who is stationed with the navy at Farragut, Idaho is on Phone 64 a 10-day leave. OREGON NYSSA 8 - Mr and Mrs Bert Osborn have moved to a farm near Marshing, Idaho. They iormerly operated a farm at Kingman Kolony and Mrs Osborn worked in the Prank T. Morgan Insurance and real estate office. WANTED & FOR SALE—Girl for housework after school hours. Good McCormick cream separator No. 3 for sale. See Speck. Ford Garage. 16Slxp FOR SALE—Bean cutter. Inquire Peterson's blacksmith shop. lttSlxc Takes Position— |FOR SALE—.Three furnished cabins. Betty Tillman has accepted a Call 75. 16S4xc position as cashier in the Idaho I ----------------------- Power company olfice. She succ- FOR SALE—Weaner pigs.—J. H. eeds Mrs A1 Miers, formerly Ruby ; Benedict, Rt. 1, Nyssa. 16S2XP A U CTIO N We will have 50 heavy fryers, 4 to 4 1/> poun ds, for the sale Saturday. Two trailer houses with wheels. $90. See D. O. Bybee. We urge local farmers to attend our sales. Sale Every Saturday Bybee Livestock Sales Co. D. 0 . Bybee, Mgr Res. Phone 05J3 W. L. Lane, Auctioneer Phone 25W To Hunt Antelope— Robert Thompson and Herschel Thompson will go to Jordan Valley Saturday to hunt antelope. They Visit Daughter— Mir and Mrs Clark Hamlin of La- will be accompanied on the hunt Grande returned home Sunday after ing trip by “Pud" Long of Jordan spending several days with their Valley. daughter, Miss Erma Hamlin. Here From Boise— Move To Marshing— Howard W Owens is here from Union To Meet— Gowen field, Boise, for a visit of a The W.C.T.U. will meet October few days with his aunt and uncle, 8 at the home of Mrs Betty Forbes Mr ard Mrs R. C. Keller. Wheeler. Mrs Martin will be the leader. Rummage Sale Planned— A rummage sale will be held Sept ember 25 by the American Legion Too Late to Classify auxiliary. The proceeds will be used in welfare work. Persons willing to FOR SALE—Kraut cabbage. Phone give should telephone 148M. 823, Nyssa. We deliver. Gray. 16S2xc Attend Banquet— Web Pennie and Rev. H. N. Wad SALE—McCormtck-Deertng dell attended a Laymen’s league FOR banquet held in the Emmett, Idaho beet puller for F12 or F14 tractor, Christian church Monday night. l>ower lift. Inquire Eldon Jensen, ieS2xC. Fifty-nine men attended the affair. phone 8W. Take Househo’d Goods— Mr and Mrs Bert Shelton, former Nyssa residents, were here last week-end to take the remainder of their household goods to Ellensburg, Washington, where they are making | their home. They puchased a farm j at Ellensburg about a month ago. Wirasr10" CLUB HOLDS MEETING The Christmas club met at the home of Mrs J. R. Hunter Monday evening. The evening was spent in sewing. Refreshments were served. cfiecdiluL S oke. • W hen you are exam ined b y a physician, and tak e his prescrip tion to a pharm acist, you secure th e m axim um benefits from b oth th e m edical an d pharm aceutical professions. T he physician and p h arm acist w ork h an d in h an d in th e in terest of public health. N eith er is self- sufficient. E ach is d ependent upon th e o th e r You should h av e a fam ily physician to w hom you can tu rn in tim es of illness. Be sure th a t he is a licensed M .D . T hen bring his prescriptions to us. C om pounding prescriptions is a responsibility which we gladly accept. Nyssa Pharmacy Here From Nampa— DISTRICT MEETING PLANNED Mrs Campbell Baer of Nampa A district meeting of the Eastern visited Mr and Mrs Burnall Brown Star will be held Monday evening. I Friday. September 20 for the Ontario, Vale j and Nyssa chapters with Golden Going Hunting— Rule chapter of Nyssa acting a s ! Mr and Mrs Glea Billings. Mr and host. Mrs Bud Anderson and Mr and Mrs Dr. June Martin, worthy grand Larry Brown plan to leave Sunday i Maybe It’s Something Sat. Mat.. 2:30 P. M, Adir. Sc-20c; Evening, l!c-33c. include* tax M */ THEATRE Phone 108 h THE POCKETBOOK of KNOWLEDGE Snapp, who has resigned cooperative cannery. t You Didn’t Eat Yes, It’s true that ma ny disorders may result from not eating. And the well-fed are often PRESCRIPTIONS sufferers. In periods of stress and strain we may require more vitamins than the average diet will supply. Vitamins should not be taken promiscuously. Consult your physician. When you have your prescription bring it here to be filled. Owyhee Drug Company Day Night *1W Somewhere in New Guinea these wounded soldiers await evacuaUon. Flat on their backs, In the steaming heat of the jungle, where mosquitoes plague the air and ants and mosquitoes torment weary bodies, they dream of home . . . of clean while sheets and the touch of cool, comforting hands. You can help provide modern hospitals and the medicines they need for their recupera tion by putting every dollar you can into War Bonds during the Third War Loan. V . S. Treasury Dtpsrtmsml