Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1943)
” The NYSSA VOLITAI È XXX7 ÏÏC ’’Spud” Shipping To Be Concluded Here This Week Some Potatoes Are Left In Ground; Lettuce Har vest To Start No. 35 MINUTE MAIDS GIVE PROGRAM The Nyssa minute maids, organ ised as part of the nation-wide bond sale promotion, gave a program at the weekly luncheon o f the Lions clt*> Monday noon in Brownie's cafe. Dar Thel Bybee sang two num bers. “ People Like You and Me” and "Me and My O al” , accompanied by Mrs John Young, who organised the minute maids here. The entire group sang “ Marching Along" and Hear America Singing” . i-i ^SSSv^llilllll JOURNAL NYSSA' ÔftËGÔN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBËlTÎ6ri~9T3~ .i ■■■ ■ ........ .......................... Jamboree To Be Held By Schools In Local League Opening Football Event To Be Staged In Ont ario Sept. 24 .........■ "■■■'■ ■*— ■■'■ — — i — -i RATION OFFICE HOURS CHANGED After October 1 the office hours o f the war price aiW rationing bo ■■ ■ ■ — - $2.00 PERTEA'ÍT ■■ — Grange Passes W age Resolution The Oregon Trail Orange, gath ard will be from 10 to 12 noon, and ered at a regular meeting Tuesday night, passed a resolution to the 1 to 4 P.M Bond Auction Sale To Be Held Here Saturday, September 25 .Sales In Nyssa Up To Also, after that date the board efiect that memtoers arf in favor of BOND BUYERS TO holding the farm wage to 60 cents Wed. Noon Set At GET FREE SHOWS an hour or common labor. act on applications. This meeting $31,325 An amendment to the resolution Beginning Friday, the Nyssa th stated that many farmers feel that Parma W ill Provide the Bulldogs will be held each Thursday. Shipping of potatoes from Nyssa An auction sale will be conducted the farm seourity administration is eater will give a free ticket to the with their first gridiron opposition will be completed this week and not cooperating sufficiently with picture show with the purchase of on Nyssa’s main street Saturday of the season. The game will be shipping of lettuce will be started the farmers in holding wages in j $25 worth o f The arrange- night, September 25, beginning at played on the Nyssa field Friday between October 1 and 5, produce afternoon. line I ment will be continued for the rem- 8 o’clock to augment the war bond men said. The resolution was passed as a ainder of the month as an incentive campaign, which Is well underway, A considerable quantity o f pot Schoolmasters o f the Snake river result o f pressure brought on farm - j to the third war loan drive atoes. some o f them late, has been ers to force them to pay wages am- | The purchasers will be admitted according to Rev. M. H. Oreenlee, valley, meeting in Ontario last Frank A. Banks, formerly of N y left in the ground. Warehouse op chairman of the committee. week, decided to hold the annual ssa. has been appointed director of ounting to more than 60 cents an ; picture show at the time they erators are unable to take care of hour Rev. Oreenlee announced at the buy the bonds. Minute maids will Snake river football jamboree again the remaining potatoes, estimated region No. 1 of the bureau of re T h e Orange voted to use all of be in the lobby of the theater each weekly chamber of commerce lun this year. at one-fourth of the amount plan the money in its building fund for night from September 17 to 30, in The jamboree will be held in clamation with headquarters at Bo- cheon Wednesday noon that up to T h e brown “ point stamps’ In war ted. Some of the potatoes, however, clusive, to handle the sales. Ontario Friday night, September 24 isein accordance with a bureau re the purchase of war bonds. that time the county total of bonds ration book 3 became valid Septem will still be harvested. Members of the Vale Orange will with several members of the Snake organization announced this week. Celler space is very scarce, so th ber 12 for rationing meats, fats, sold was $185.602 25. A total Of $31,- be guests at the Oregon Trail O r River Valley league participating. R. J. Newell, construction engin ange meeting September 28. A pot at some potatoes will have to be pl 325 had been sold In the Nyssa sec oils, anned fish, cheese, canned Members of the league definitely ated in pits, eer in charge of the Boise and luck dinner is planned. tion, $50,056 at Vale, $103,747.25 at scheduled to enter the jamboree are From' the Nyssa-Adrian area. 157 mllk and other commodities now Owyhee projects., will be assistant 'Ontario, and $1500 at Jordan Valley. cars of potatoes were shipped in rationed with the red stamps in Ontario, Pruitland, Adrian. Vale, FARMERS TO GET Welser, Emmett and Nyssa. O ffi director. ______ The Vale figure Included the sale July, 387 in August and an estim- ! war ration book 2. cials hope that the Payette team Decentralization of the bureau of ( MORE AMMUNITION ated 100 so far in September, acc- ^ order in which the stamps Adrian, Sept. 16 (Special)— Adr o f $30,000 worth of bonds in one can also take part, but since Pay reclamation to assure a full utiliz ian’s grid squad Is now practicing transaction to an estate. Sales in ording to figures released by the | will become valld and their expir- ette schools do not open until Increased amounts of ammunition dally under the tutelage o f the new Union Pacific Railway company, the Nyssa area ran as high as ation of the land and water resour ation dates are shown below. September 20, Payette’s participa are made available for farmers to coach, Howard Lovejoy, for the op $4000. The fall lettuce crop this year will Expire tion is not definite. Several school ces o f the west to meet war and Valid Stamps protect crops and livestock by an be “enormous". Produce men said. A (16 points) W L. Lane. Nyssa auctioneer, Oct. 2 bands will appear at the contest. Sept. 12 postwar requirements was announ amendment to the war production ening league game, which will be A possible third more will be shipp B (16 points) played here with Emmett October 1. will donate his services for the au Oct. 2 ced by Secretary of the Interior Sept. 19 Doubt has been expressed as to board's ammunition order, L-286 ed this year as compared to last C (16 points) Ooach Lovejoy stated that "W e ction sale. The minute maids will Oct. 30 the advisability o f holding the Harold L. Ickes. The reorganization Sept. 26 year’s Shipments. Oct. 30 jamboree this year, due to war plan, presented to the secretary by The amendment provides a special j have_ lM t ^ Ur share_ U)- the" armed sell bonds and stamps and provide Oct. S D 1(6 points) quota of 50 .22 calibar rim -fire car- servlceB, but the harveat work Ls Shipping of lettuce, which should E (16 points) entertainment. Oct. 30 conditions, but schoolmasters voted Commissioner of Reclamation Harry Oct. 10 fridges. 20 center rifle cartridges what is holding our boys back now. be very good, will be cotninued un F (16 points) Teams o f business men are sol Oct. 30 that the morale value of this col W. Bashore, establishes six major Oct. 17 and 25 shotgun shells for farmers til freezing weather occurs. Attendance has been very irregular iciting merchants and farmers for As in the past, stamps will be orful annual event outweighed the field officers headed by local repr and ranchers who certify that the Harvest of yellow sweet Spanish come valid on successive Sundays, esentatives of the commissioner of regular quota was not sufficient and the boys still look ragged. A articles to be auctioned. The comm onions is well underway and will but, hereafter, they will always ex disadvantages. handful of regulars are returning, ittee already has promises o f the reclamation. Th e Ontario Lion's club will to protect crops and livestock from be continued the remainder of this pire on the Saturday nearest the The regional directors will be un birds and animals. The regular qu but none o f them has exhibited very donation of pigs, calves, horses and sponsor the affair as it has in the month and part of October. good form as yet” . other articles from farmers and end of a month. This will give con der the direct supervision of the The onion crop is normal and pr sumers and the trade the advan past with Harold Goul acting as commissioner of reclamation. They arterly quota is 100 rounds of 22 Ooach Lovejoy, a graduate of merchandise from merchants. A n y ices are good as the demand is gr tage o f knowing the day of the chairman of the committee on ar will have extensive latitude for in caliber rim -fire cartridges. 40 rounds Colorado State college, coached at one having articles to donate should rangements. o f center-fire rifle cartridges of any Edmonds, Rigby and Lava Hot Sp eater than the supply. telephone A1 Thompson, auction week on which the meats-fats The football schedule was also dependent action. Subject to bureau caliber, and 25 shotgun shells. The stamps will always expire, and will decided at the meeting. The Nys policies and programs and to dir special quota must be obtained be rings, Idaho before coming to Ad committee chairman, and articles rian. will be picked up the donors told permit them to plan accordingly. sa schedule follows: September 17, ection and assistance in the execut fore October 1. Boys reporting for practice are where to leave them. Between September 12, when the Parma at Nyssa: September 24 ion of technical phases, the regional Dick Ashcraft, Richard Beebe, Don Some of the articles, excluding the first series of brown stamps become Jamboree: October 1, Welser at directors will be responsible for nie Brewer, Melvin Crocker, Homer livestock, will be displayed before valid, and October 2, when the Nyssa; October 28, Fruitland at coordinating all bureau activities Didericksen, Dale Graham, Duane the sale. final sets of red stamps expire, Nyssa; October 15, Nyssa at Vale; in their respective regions. Hatch, Allen Hathaway, Donald H i A t the auction, a bidder buying Region No. 1 includes Washington, Informal entertainment was en both red and brown stamps will October 22, Nyssa at Adrian: Octo te. Robert Jackson, Wilbur Jackson, the greatest amount of bonds while After ber 29, Emmett at Nyssa; Novem Oregon. Including that part o f the joyed by members of the Nyssa un be used for purchases. Ivan Jensen, Maurice Judd, Ben an article is being auctioned, will it of the Oregon state guard at a October 2, only the brown stamps ber 5, Payette at Nyssa; November Klamath project in California, Id The Nyssa high school has sold Kamihlra, Dudley Kurtz, Ronald be given the article. in war ration book three will be aho. excluding the Bear river basin, potluck dinner served in the high 11. Nyssa at Ontario. Lane. Alvin MteDermitt, Roy Mech- used for purchases of meats, fats, $1200 in war bonds and the grade and the Snake river basin in W y school building Monday night to Election of club officers for the school has sold $560 in bonds since am. Thurman Piercy, W llford Pros guardsmen and their families. App and rationed dairy products. year resulted in the selection of oming. There will be no change in the The bureau nqy .has 72 projects September 10, Superintendent Henry ser, Ronald Saxton, Bob Schweizer, roximately 60 persons attended the Dennis Patch, superintendent of Silas Shaw. Keith Tallman, Carroll procedure for consumers, retailers, Adrian high school, as president; in operation, under construction or Hartley announced Wednesday. affair. The grade school sold 10 $25 bo Thomas, Skojl Fukiage, Blaine W al Speeches were given by members wholesalers, processors or produc Henry Hartley, superintendent at authorized in 16 western states. lace, Jewell Wilson, Oscar Zamora, nds and three $100 bonds. of the guard at the dinner, at wh ers. All the regulations applying Nyssa, as secretary-treasurer; Ivan Donald DeOss. Frank Davis, Ernie to the use o f red stamps in war The schools are attempting to ich Frist Lieutenant M. H. Oreenlee Patrick, superintendent at Weiser, FARMERS GIVEN Four section o f land west and Influence every youngster to fill his Lorenson and Howard Mlttleider. north of Vale will be taken over presided. Other commissioned o f f ration book I I are applicable to the John Conway, principal at Vale, W AR LOAN CALL The Antelpoes will play Caldwell brown stamps in war ration book stamp book and turn it in for a icers present were Captain Alva Go- and Mr. Sorenson, principal at Em in a practice game in Caldwell F ri by the army In the next few weeks bond. odell and Second Lieutenant Marlon in. mett, serving as directors of the fo r use as a practice bombing range. Oregon farmer® will be called up The brown stamps are the first athletic board. The local school district board day night and will compete the A representative o f the army eng Kurtz. on to raise $25 million in war bond following week-end in the Snake After the meal every man was two and the last two pages o f war The next meeting of the Snake purchases during the 3rd war lodn, voted to buy war bonds with a sp river valley Jamboree. ineers appeared before the county placed on K.P. duty. The families ration book in. They are point River Valley Schoolmasters’ club according to Burt K. Snyder, agri ecial reserve fund amounting to The Adrian schedule has been court Wednesday and asked for a value stamps. The letter Indicates $13,750. were then taken to the gymnasium, will be held November 17 at Fruit- cultural director, Oregon war fin lease „ .. of the land for the duration The high school has also organi arranged as follows: October 1. Em- where the guardsmen staged a sn the period during which they are land. ance committee, who just completed mett at Adrian; October 8, Adrian l of th* war and slx months there valid, and the number indicates the zed the minute maids, who will ass appy drill for the spectators. a statewide tour during which he The 001111 agre* d 10 the Pro* point value. ist in the bond sales. The group was at Welser; October 15, Adrian at 1!,ftOT posal and Immediate steps will be met with war bond chairman and These are the only stamps in war organized by the Girls league under Ontario; October 22, Nyssa at Ad taken to cancel the present lease on Visit In Caldwell— agricultural agents in every county. the direction of Mrs John Young. rian; October 29. Adrian at Payette; the land. It ls now leased to the M r and Mrs Carlos Buchner spent ration book m which will be used Morton Tompkins, master of the Continued on page 7) The girls are divided into three gr November 5, Pruitland at Adrian Wlllowcreek Stockmens association. Monday In Caldwell. Oregon State Orange, announced and November 11, Adrian at Vale. oups, music, mounted and model. Sections Involved are 3 and 4 and 9 that his organization will actively air field, where he is an aircraft | The girls wear the victory halo and 10 In Township 18, Range 44. solicit all members in an attempt to mechanic. Lewis D. Clark, director o f the and large white collar over dark CHANGE IS MADE T h e land lies on a plateau four divert ever 10 percent of Oregon’s Prior to his entrance into the air crippled children's division. Port dresses. IN ESES STAFF miles west and two miles north o f 1943 agricultural income into war forces, Sgt. Schneeflock was empl land, announces that a crippled ch bonds. Tompkins estimated the farm Vale. The main canal o f the Vale. ildren’s clinic will be held in M alh W. L. Flower o f the United States Oregon Irrigation district passes oyed by the Amalgamated Sugar co Income for 1943 to be valued at $243 RED CROSS WAR eur County September 27 beginning employment service with headquar through one end of it. mpany at Nyssa and as teacher in at 8 A.M. and lasting until 4 P.M. million PLANS OUTLINED ters in the Nyssa labor camp has It Is understood that live amm More than 2545 farmers in M al the Nyssa high school. The children are to attend by app been transferred to the Ontario unition Is not used The bombers heur county will be called on per As an ever-expanding united nat ointment. The clinic will be held in camp. Mr. Flower, who moved with which will use the range will come M r and MXs F. B. Brady announ the Women's Club building north sonally by teams o f solicitor« recr ions war front demand from every his family Sunday, is In charge of from Oowen field They will practice uited from the state grange and ce the birth of a daughter. Mary o ff highway 30 on S. W. 2nd street part of the world for new and ad at all elevations— from a few hun other farm organizations to see that ditional Red Cross service, Norman the Ontario camp. Loretta. August 31 in Norman. Ok Ontario. Mr. Flower has been succeeded dred feet o « the ground to 20.000 every excess dollar available is in H. Davis, chairman of the American lahoma Mr. Brady, former Nyssa Dr. E. O. Chuinard will be the here by J. R. Ramsey, who will work feet. Their misses are usually not resident, took his basic navy train examinglrtg orthopedic physician. vested in war bonds, according to Red Cross, today announced that at the Nyssa office In cooperation over 100 feet from the target. ing at Farragut, Idaho After com Miss Margaret Simpson, consultant Joe Dyer, county war finance chair Leon Fraser, president o f the First with John Cox. who has been em A crew will arrive In Vale with pleting his work there he was sent orthopedic nurse; Miss Im a Gamer, man, who completed plans with National Bank of the City of New ployed In the Nyssa camp for sev in the next few days to prepare the Snyder. to the Navy Aeronautical Tech medical social service director, and York, with the approval of Presid eral weeks. ground and a crew will be perman Thirty thousand specially prepared ent Roosevelt, has accepted the nical Training college at Norman, Mrs Laura P. Wells, nutrition con ently stationed here to care for the Oklahoma. His address is Barracks sultant from the division of mat farm war bond kits have been m ail chairmanship of the 1944 Red Cross range and observe the hits and mla- ed out from state war bond head war fund to be held next March TELEPHONE FIRM ? AN A N T O N IO A V IA T IO N CAD 54, NATTC . Norman, Oklahoma. ernal and child health, Oregon state se®. There will be some one on the E T CENTER. TEXAS, Sept. 16-En- Mrs Brady was formerly Miss Mary quarters to enable farmers to plan Chairman Davis, In announcing PROBLEMS CITED board o f health, will be present. range 24 hours a day as some of bond purchases without the necess the acceptance, pointed out that gaged in the last phase o f their tr Rust of Nyssa. Hostesses for the day will be Mrs the bombing practice will be at ity of leaving work and going Into Amelrcan Red Cross services both alning before they actually go be Ontario, Sept 16--The problems Charles P. Flegel and Mrs Roderick night. town. hind the controls o f an army plane, Paul Gilbert of Sunset Valley is to the armed forces and to civilians faced by the telephone companies Belnap. The personnel of the county Only the center 160 seres of the 31 young men from Oregon includ now stationed with the army in have been caried to every com er of were clearly pointed out by J. A. public Health office. Mrs H E Sim four sections will be used but the ing A-C Harold Kurtz o f Nyssa England, according to information the globe during 1943. Far greater Davenport, manager of the Mhlheur mons, Jr. and Mrs Edna Farris, EXPLOSION HURTS are now stationed at the army air received from him last week. demands are expected in 1944. he Home Telephone company, at the rest of the land will be posted as a R. N „ will assist. MRS. E. THOMPSON precautionary measure. forces pre-flight school for pilots at said as the united nations carry regular meeting o f the Klwanls cl This Is the fourth range the ar t ie v * " a n t and Mrs. Frark Tosch the San Antonio aviation cadet ce the war to continental Europe and ub. last week Mrs Eldo Thompson was seriously my has acquired In this county. nter. the nation’s largest poou for c f S u r«rt Valley are now in Texas MAN MAY LOSE deeper into the far east. During the course of his talk Mr. burned Monday afternoon by the There ls one at Barren Valley, where Liertensnt Tbsrh is tak SIGHT OF EYE aid crew trainees. “ I am very happy to have this Davenport stressed the necessity of explosion o f a quart of peaches she one near Rome and another near Upon completion of their pusults ing aim'ane pilot training. opportunity to join in serving the limiting long distance calls to those had Just removed for the oven. Tw in Springs. Mr. Tosch’s brother. Robert, was at the prefllght school, the cadets Sunset Valley, Sept. 15—Mrs Ed Red Cross” , Mr Fraser said. "W hile which are absolutely essential In Mrs Thompson was taken to Ny- , _ . . , . . will be sent to a primary flying among the squadron that flew over win Bergam received word last week ...a for treatment of bums on the > he * T * " “ Y ,7 i order hat calls necessary to the field, there to take up a new phase Borneo recently. that Robb Thompson may loee the VALE MAYOR TO face. neck, chest, abdomen and right |large T " e doUa.r*:. 1 ! wa_r effort maV * unlntenipted. in their training as potential com sight In one eye as a result o f an ' am confident that because of the i Emphaszlng the need for this he ENLIST IN ARMY arm. She had set the Jar o f fruit | A -C Merle Kurtz, who has been accident In the plant where he wo bat pilots Basic and advanced co splendid and efficient w orld-wide! brought out a number of facts wh- In the Santa Ana. California, hos rks near Portland. A piece o f swin down and was wiping it o ff when work of the Red Cross the American Ich were revealing. He stated that urses will follow. Vale. Sept 16 (Special)--M ayor the accident occurred. pital awaiting orders to receive ging steel struck his glasses, br people will as hertofore give their during the past two years the long John Caldwell resigned as mayor o f M r and Mrs John Holly have re radium treatment for his eye since eaking them, and a piece of glass full support In providing for its in- distance calls had nearly doubled, Vale Thursday night at a regular ceived word that their sor., William June 23, has notified relatives that became Imbedded In the eye. The ONLY 1 SCHOOL dlspensible financial needs. requiring many additional operat meeting of the city council. Mr. Ca has arrived in England. En route the second treatment was given eye Is still In a bandage and the MINUS TEACHER “The national goal for our March ors. It was also pointed out that ldwell la leaving September 24 to en to England he met Gene Seybald. August 31 and that the growth is condition of his sight has not been campaign will be determined on at least 63.000 calls are needed to ter the army air corps as a cadet. former radio man from Parma and scaling off. determined. Vale. Sept. 16 (Special)—Mrs the basis of our international, nat- handle the details o f the building He Is also resigning as chairman Nyssa. on the boat. Kathryn Claypool reports that all tonal, and local needs for one year | of a slnrle ship. These figures and o f the board of the Vale union Mr. and Mrs. Otto O. Wolfe of Here From Payette— Mr and Mrs Dan Holly have re m arl schools In the county have (from March 1944 and will be ann- others Mr. Davenport mentioned in high achool district and director ceived word that their son. R ay route 2. Nyssa. have received word Miss Enid Chadwick of Payette rural schools In the county have ounced as soon as our budgetary its effort to impress upon the minds o f the Vale Chamber of Commerce. from their son. Sergeant Irwin mond, recently moved from “some spent the week-end with M r and In view of the shortage, this is be studies are completed” . ! of telephone patrons the need for His resignation marks the second where in North Africa” . has been Wolfe, stating that he is now sta Mrs S. C. MoOonnell. lieved to be an excellent record. A- ------------------------ I eliminating nonessential calls dur- resignation of a Malheur county tioned in England. transfered again. mong the older teachers who have Returns Ho lng this emergency. mayor to enter the service. Mayor Shop In Boise— Mtss Rosemary Alexander of La returned to help out Is Mrs K irt Elmo Smith of Ontario is also res Private Arnold D. Wolfe, son of P E 0 0 6 A R M Y A IR FIELD. T E Mrs Bernard Prost. Mrs Perry Skinner who ls teaching the Oow Orande returned to her home Wed Vlatt Here— igning to enter the navy. Mr and Mrs. Otto Wolfe, la sta- XAS. September 16--Opl William Ward. Mrs Herbert Fisher and Mrs creek school near Jordan Valley nesday evening after visiting at the C. E. Child of Boise spent Sun Caldwell will be succeeded by O. Schneeflock. Eugene, has been tinned at Fort Douglas. Utah, where Emma Qulnby shopped In Boise Mrs Skinner received hea training home of Rev. and Mrs M H O r day at the home o f his daughter. Eugene Clark, president of the co promoted to Sergeant at Pecos army he is doing office work. Tuesday. eenlee In Scotland. Mrs J. B Olezentanner uncil. who «rill be acting mayor. will meet only one night a week to Reclamation Men Get Promotions Brown Stamps In Book 3 A re Good Adrian Gridmen N ow Practicing Guardsmen Have Potluck Dinner School Pupils Active In Drive Bombing Range W ill Be Opened Our Boys In The Service Clinic W ill Be Held In County