Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1943)
fA U È EIGHT GATE CITV , - .y-say T ~7r- ■*• — ■— Wmiim n that had been running for a year. In the drive the losers (stripes) will serve a chicken dinner in honor of the winners (stars) on the even ing of September 21, the regular meeting date, in the guild hall at 7:30. During the year many new members have been added to the roll, both adult and juvenile, and a total of $45,000 in insurance wr itten. Another meeting will be held on the evening of October 5, when the state supervisor, Mrs Mae Logan of Portland, will visit this section. The Ontario camp will join the Ny ssa camp in entertaining. A pro gram, dinner and adoption of a cl ass are planned. •SMALL PRY" HAVE DAY The "small fry” of Nyssa will ha ve an opportunity to snow their charms at the Nyssa Civic club baby show Sept. 15 at the parish hall at 2:30 P.M. All youngsters under two years of age are urged to have mom register them with Mrs Dick Tensen or Mrs Ed Frost or a card to either. All members and patrons of the chic club have their opportunity to help the club make Its yearly quota of bonds by taking surplus from their garden to be sold at the Har vest booth. Every woman interested in civic affairs is invited to be pre sent. —5— ROYAL NEIGHBORS MEET - 8 - DINNER PLANNED An interesting meeting held by Members and friends of the Met the Royal Neighbors of America, camp No. 10730 Tuesday evening, hodist church will hold a potluck climaxed a contest for membership fellowship dinner in honor of Rev. Too Late to Claaaity Combat Photographer Payroll Savings Buys Comfort For Your Fighting Relatives C orp a P ho to Sergeant Charles W. Smith of Laasdowne, Pa., la one of many Marine Corps combat photographers who today are.shooting films and bullets on many battlefronts of World War II. Leatherneck photographers qualify as full-fledged Devil Dogs before being dis patched to battlefronts and outposts as members of Marine Corps units. 11:1 It IIIIIIM MUI III II It 11 It It Hit It It It It I III It It It Itilll It It It It It II It It It If If If II1111 If I III Hay Insurance f WANTED—To rent winter storage for 100-150 tons potatoes and carr ots. Write Harry Masto, route 1 Homedale, Idaho. 9S3*p FOR SALE—Three tons third cutt ing hay in field. C. C. Cotton, 14 mile southwest of Nyssa. SSlxp FOR SALE—30-30 Winchester and box of cartridges. Inquire Journal office. 9S2xp FOR SALE—The Irving Bartholo mew place across Snake river from Nyssa. See Frank T. Morgan. 9Stfc U. S. T reasury D epartm ent Recipes I WANTED—To buy used piano. Mrs O. C. Lytle, route 2, Nyssa. 9S5xp PA „ all kinds of automobile coverage. A . L. A tk eso n ■ ___ | s m i i iff t iii if iii it it Mfii.iu 4 11 n il,in i iiitiiii in it m in i in hi hi niiiiifii hi i hi i hi i h i i n m i t it 11 in it nr R e tu r n in g to Nyssa— Mike McCulloch is expected to re turn home after spending a few weeks in defense work at Pasco. Ill At H om e- Jess Thompson was confined to Ills home by illness Tuesday follow ing dental treatment. 15 different sizes • to select from. Unfin Returns From Portland— Mrs Lloyd Marshall returned Tu esday from Portland, where she vis iled her two sons for a month. ished. Nicely grained OF EGGS WILL BE SHIPPED TO OUR FIGHTING ALLIES veneer finish in wat erfall design. Our Service Boys M a ttresses 20 new ones just arrived. All cotton-felted mattress es. A beautiful selection for your consideration. Nyssa Furniture Co. PROGRAM THEATRE Double Feature FRIDAY & SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 10—11 Charles Starrett and Kay Harris in “THE FIGHTING BUCKAROO” Brenda Joyce and Richard Fraser in “THUMBS UP” Sat. Mat., 2:30 P. M . Adtr 5c-20c; Evening, llc-33c. includes tax SUNDAY and MONDAY SEPTEMBER 12—13 Joseph Cotton, Teresa Wright, MacDonald Car ey and Henry Travel’s in “SHADOW OF DOUBT” Cartoon and MARCH OF TIME Mat. Sun 2:30, Adm llc-28c, Evening Artm llc-33c. Includes tax —BARGAIN NIGHT— TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 14 Warner Baxter and Margaret Lindsay in “CRIME DOCTOR” Cartoon and Last Chapter of Vanishing Men. A dm ission, 5e-2»e. In clu d in g ta x WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY SEPT. IS—16 Pat O’Brien, Randolph Scott, Anne Shirley and Eddie Albert in “BOMBARDIER” One Flight Over Rome and Mussolini Was Fin ished . . . Hitler is Next On Their List . . Cartoon and News Admission Evening — 11c and 33c. Including Defense Tax WAR Let Us Write Your Pet Prescription C h ests o f D ra w ers Phone 108 FOR SALE—Canning tomatoes and vegetables. Robert A. Lee. Ph. 111J. 9Slxc BUY with fire insurance. NYSSA FOR SALE—Alfalfa hay. »17 a ton in the stack. Three miles north of Nyssa junction on U.S. 95 in Idaho. Geo. Dohner. 9Slxp FQg^ICTORY We also sell other types of fire insurance and §j | lack of Interest. $4.16; one w eb w aist beM a t 23 c e n ts ; tw o co tto n n ec k tie s a t 44 c e n ts ; 2 k h ak i cap s a t $1.26 an d one tw ill Jack et a t $2.16. T o tal $16.74. An $16.75 w ar bond should m a k e a m a rin e c o m fo rta b le for th e nig h t w ith a 23-pound m a t tr e s s a t $4.20; two b la n k e ts a t $13.54; a pillow a t 56 r e n ts and two pillow c a s e s a t 30 c e n ts . T o tal $18.60. O r he co u ld be p ro v id ed w ith a ru b b e r poncho a t $4.77; a hel m et w ith its lining an d o th er Item s of Its a sse m b ly a t $5.62; a rifle c a r trid g e b elt a t $2.15; a m a rin e c o rp s p a r k co n sistin g of h a v e rsa c k , k n a p sa c k and su sp e n d e rs a t 55.10; a c a n te e n an d Its c o v e r a t $1.05. T o ta l $18.69. T hose of you who w o rry ab o u t th e co m fo rt of yo u r boy in s e rv ice can h elp in su re his c o m fo rt by buying w a r bonds. And 10 y e a rs fro m now > oil'll ta k e b ack $25 for e v e ry $18.75 you p u t In. Twins Arrive— DILL PICKLES FOR RENT—Modren furnished ap Twins, a boy and a girl, were bo artment Phone 39W. T. C Bowman. By Mrs Ed Steinke rn Labor day in the Holy Rosary Take one gallon of water. Meas hospital In Ontario to Mr and Mrs Frank Ray, who live near Adrian. ure in one gallon stone Jar. If you use gallon pail add two cups of wa Improves R esidence- ter as a gallon pail does not hold Bud Anderson Is completing Im a full gallon. UNITED 1 cup vinegar, 1 cup of salt, bring provements at his home. He has » STATES covered the exterior with shakes water, vineger and salt to boil. Wash pickles, dill size, use H gal and is painting throughout the lon jars and put pickles and dill in dwelling. ä fc fB O N D S jar. Pour above liquid over pickles, AND set in sun or warm place. Shake ev Return To California— ery morning for 10 days. Wash off (STAMPS Mr and Mrs Art Servoss and jars, put in celler, use salt in the young son left Tuesday for their sacks not in box’s. Use rubber and home in Burbank, California after zink lids if you can. spending their vacation with relat w i w i i n mini n hi in in 11 i.i in it m in in m m 11 m m m in in in n iii iiiiiiiinii in in in mi ni in in in in in in iiimininii ives here. They were honored at a dinner given Sunday at the Bill Lowe home. En route to Nyssa they visited the Ernest McClure family at Oakland. Mr Servoss is a car penter on defense work at Burbank. Protect yourself against loss of your crops = 5 Not a ll of yo u r p ay ro ll s a v in g s an d o th e r W ar Bond p u r c h a s e s a r e used fo r ta n k s , p la n e s and g u n p o w d er. A p a r t of yo u r in v e stm e n t goes for the c o m fo rt of y o u r fa th e r, b ro th e r, son o r frien d . P u t y o u r w a r bond buying th ro u g h yo u r p a y ro ll sa v in g s plan on a fa m ily b a s is to do th e m o st effe ctiv e jo b In p ro v id in g fo r th e c a re an d sa fe ty of your m en In th e a rm e d fo rce s. F ig u re It o u t fo r y o u rse lf how m u ch beyond 10 p er ce n t of tho a g g re g a te Incom e of yo u r fam ily you c a n p u t into w a r bonds above th e co st of th e n e c e ssitie s of life. R e m e m b e r a sin g le $18.75 w ar bond will buy fo r a fighting so ld ier on th e fro n t: Two c o t ton u n d e rsh irts a t 44 c e n ts ; two p a irs of co tto n s h o rts a t 76 c e n ts ; two p a irs of co tto n so c k s a t 34 c e n ts ; one p a ir of sh o es a t $4.31; a cotto n kliakl s h ir t a t $4.6-$; p a ir tw ill tr o u s e r s a t FOR SALE—Canning Tomatoes, br ing your containers. C. Vanderwin- kle. 1 mile southwest of Nyssa. 98- ! 3xp. and Mrs M H. Greenlee and family tember 1. The next meeting will be Friday evening at 7:30 in the c h - , held at Mrs T. C. Terhune's home like I thought it would.” urch basement. All members and September 15. Another Rookstool son, Claude J. friends and their families are invit —I — Rookstool, has been promoted In MOTHERS HOLD MIEETING ed to attend. Gradle roll, mothers of the First the army to the rank of corporal Church of Christ met at the home and transferred to Flint, Michigan, ELECTION PLANNED Tlie W.C.T.U. will hold its annual of Mrs H. N. Waddell last Thurs from Chicago. election of officers Friday at the day afternoon. A social hour was Aviation Cadet Paul W. Heldt has home of Mrs Earl Gray. The meet enjoyed. Ice cream was served. recently been transferred to Brooks ing will be opened at 2 o'clock. field. San Antonio, Texas for his SUNSHINE CLUB MEETS The Rebekah Sunshine club met advanced flying instruction. GUESTS AT DINNER Mr and Mrs Clayton Patton and at the home of Mrs Jess Lawrence Ted Morgan of Nyssa. who en Linda, Mr and Mrs Verle Landreth | September 2 Mrs Lawrence was as- and Barbara and Joan Crocker were sistd by Mrs Borgman and Mrs listed In the army a year ago, has Sunday dinned guests at the home Richardson, a visitor. Other guests received his call from the army Is included Mrs Cook of Portland and taking P. technical training at Oo- of Russell Patton, Jr. her mother, Mrs Lylles of Nyssa. ldborough, North Carolina. —8— Morgan, who has been living in Refreshments were served by the HOSTESS TO CLUB Denver, is expected home to spend Mrs Artie Roberston was host hostesses. a few days with his parents. Mr ess to the Thursday afternoon br and Mrs Frank Morgan. idge club. Mrs A. H. Boydell *was high scorer. Mrs Kenneth Cottle, Reed Cottle, who has been stat- who was a guest, won the traveling iohed with the navy at Great Lakes. prize. Illinois, is home on a short leave. Lions To Meet— - 8 - The Lions club will resume its He has had as guests Lester Keiser BIRTHDAY DINNER SERVED Mrs Kenneth Cottle entertained weekly luncheons Monday in Brow and Charles Short of the navy. Ke iser and Cottle went to Boise Tues Wednesday evening at a family din nie's cafe after a month’s recess. day and Keiser left from Boise for ner In observance of the birthdays his station at Farragut. Idaho Cot i of Mr Cottle and small son, Lyle. Tot Home Closed— Mrs George Jensen has closed her tle returned home for a more ex - 8 - "park your tot" home because of tended visit. CLUB IS ENTERTAINED The Wednesday evening club was entertained last week by Mrs Carlos Buchner. Mrs John Young was a guest of the club. Prizes were won by Mrs Bert Lienkaemper and Mrs Bernard Eastman. —8— ENTERTAINS CLUB • Your pharmacist is a specialist Mrs George Sallee was hostess to whose function is to prepare and her bridge club Tuesday afternoon of this week Mrs J. B. Olezentan- standardize drugs, and to com ner and Mrs Bernard Frost scored high. Guests were Mrs Henry Hart pound your doctor’s prescrip ley and Mrs Ed Frost. LOCAL NEWS J le ti Q ei 9 t S b u f f it i - 8 - HAS BRIDGE PARTY Mrs Aden Wilson entertained her Wednesday evening bridge club last week with two tables In play. Mrs Ellis Buckland won first prize. Mrs A. V. Cook, a guest, second prise, and Mrs Frank Rambaud the trav eling prize. —8— HAS BRIDGE CLUB Mrs Harry Miner entertained het bridge club last evening with two tables of contract. At the previous meeting at the home of Mrs Hers- chel Thompson. Mrs Mary Thomas and Mrs Ed Frost won prizes. ENTERTAINS CLUB Mrs E L. Jamison entertained the 1 Chatter Box Club at her home Sep tions. He is not qualified to diag nose your ailments or to pre scribe treatment. Your doctor is thoroughly competent to examine you and to decide on the treatment indicated. He has not been trained to prepare and compound medicine*. In thi* store we fully recognize the functions and If you have a pet pre scription on file in a dr ug store in some other town you should have it here in Nyssa so your PRESCRIPTIONS prescription can be fill ed without delay when you need it again. Try us first. Our prescription department is complete. Owyhee Drug Company Day Phone 29 Night Phone 91W mini I'lniMii» in m i t in in in in in.iinn m m iii i i injnnnniinn.innnntminiM.innnnnnnniiiiiinn inini' P IL L O W S White Goose Feather Pillow $4.00 each Good pillows are not very plentiful so for any one who wants a better pillow these crushed white goose feather pillows should fill the bill. The covering is a blue and white stripe feather- proof ticking. Crushed Turkey Feather Pillow $3.00 each Also large size soft fluffy pillow. Curled Chicken Feather Pillow $1.50 each Large size, and a good soft pillow. limitations of both the physician and the phar macist. Our business is compounding prescrip tions according to the doctor’s orders. Nyssa Pharmacy Golden Rule NYSSA OREGON