THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1943 Big Bend day. Mrs. Jesse Johnston and Mr. and Wade school opened Monday Mrs. Lee Johnston of Boise were morning with Mrs. King of Cald visitors at their ranch here. Mon well and Mrs. Charles Witty as day. teachers. Lower Bend school started Walter Bishop transacted busi last Monday with Mrs. Baker of ness in Ontario Wednesday. Mr. Button of Boise and Mr Caldwell and Miss Mary Weir teach Galloway of Parma were business ing. Mrs. N. S. Phelan returned from visitors in Bend Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Viri Bishop and Hammett. Idaho. Wednesday, call ed back by illness of Mr. Lee of baby transacted business in Cald Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Lee well Thursday. Miss Angela Hickman and Cleo of Pasco, Washington, visited his father from Monday until Thurs- ¡Tucker were married Monday morn- .________________________ ________ I lng. Miss Hickman is telephone op - 1 erator at Wilder and Mr. Tucker is employed by Mr. Batt. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Bockus and children and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mausling shopped in Nyssa Satur day. B. G. Roberts and Mr. and Mrs. Dyre Roberts and family spent Fri day on business in Caldwell and Nampa. Mrs. E. E. Parker accompanied Adrian friends to Caldwell Friday. Wayne Piercy of Casper, Wyom ing, visited Cyrus Bishop Thursday. He is enjoying a 10-day furlough. Mrs. Walter Bishop attended the funeral of Mrs. Robins in Roswell Saturday afternoon. Ralph Robertson of Roswell was I looking after ranch interests in this vicinity Thursday. ! Mr. and Mrs, Gus Sillonis and | family spent Sunday visiting rela- | tives in Marsing Mrs. N. S. Phelan returned home j Saturday from a visit of a few days | in the Lee home in Nyssa. War Plant “Spy” at Work PAGE SEVEN top*4 5 and 6 Nineteen Nyssa residents ! tary No written tests are given and Mr. Johnson said Oregon's quota attended the institute, which was | no maximum age limits are Un for the third war loan drive is more organized by Rev. M. H. Oreenlee j posed, than $100,000.000, twice as much as of Nyssa, executive secretary of the the last one. Water Satisfactory— “This request is for a loan. The ' board of education of the Idaho | j Water tests made in Portland sh- government is asking you to let it | conference Rev. Ray Mortensen is low that the Nyssa water is satis- have money in a crisis", the speak dean of tlie institute. | factory for domestic us« Claude er pointed out. "The government ------------------ Willson, water department super bonds are backed by taxing power. 'Rend Guard Meeting— intendent, said. If a corporation or manufacturer j Several Nyssa state 'guardsmen issues bonds and you buy them. | attended a meeting of A company Returns From Iowa—- they must make money to make you i ot Ontario Tuesday night. Mrs S. D. Goshert has returned money. The United States indebted- ------------------ from a visit in Lorimer, Iowa, where ness is all at home. That makes U.S Infant Succumbs— she was called because of the ser The infant daughter of Mr and ious illness of her brother. bonds the safest bonds in the world. “Can this government service this Mrs Dennis Toombs died in the 300 billion dollar debt? How can it Nyssa Nursing home Wednesday Hold Picnic— pay it. The taking power brings in night, September 1. Interment was The Nyssa grade school and high 35 billion annually. The national In the Nyssa cemetery Friday with school faculties held a picnic in income is 140 billion dollars. The Bert Lienkaemper of the Nyssa Caldwell Sunday, They played soft- producing power of the country at Funeral home in charge. The girl, ball and other games. the end of the civil war was almost named Phyllis Jean, is survived by nothing. We were a debtor nat five brothers and two sisters. Examiner Coming— ion. The government was in debt A traveling examiner of operators Visits Son— 3 Vi billion dollars. That was a stag and chauffeurs is scheduled to be gering sum. Ability to pay is a re Mrs Julia Smith has returned in the city hall in Nyssa September lative matter. New wealth Is what from Brigham City, Utah, where 15 from 8 a m. to 11 a.m. we are going to use to pay the bill she visited her son, Corporal Dale ion dollars, rt Is easier to service S Smith, who Is a patient in the Spend Week-End Here— Albert Heldt and son. Robert, that than it was to service the 3'4 Bushnell general hospital. billion in Lincoln’s time. i returned home from Ogden to spend the week-end visiting their son and “Foreign people have been buying Clerks Wanted— Applications for the positions of brother, Warren Heldt, who Is home American currency. We figure four billion of it is hid ln Europe. Those clerk and Junior clerk for various on furlough from Farragut, Idaho. people have more faith in American branches of the government ser Mr. Heldt returned to his work ln currency than in any other currency vice, including the office of price Utah Wednesday. in the world. We only had five bil administration, in Idaho, Montana. lion in currency. It is now up to 16 Oregon and Washington, will be ac Attends Beauty College— Leona Willis has gone to Nampa or 17 billion. What do we have to cepted by the United States civil back it. We have about 22 billion in service commission, according to to attend the Superior Beauty col gold and 10 billion in silver. The Mrs Jean B. Fletcher, local secre- lege. gold at Port Knox is pledged to pay 1111111111111111111H HI II I'l II 11M III II III nil III II il M 11 11 II m ill 111 III 11 li 11 II II II II Mil III III III III III |I this currency. Our government has never repudiated a bond”. Mr. Cooper said "We bought bo mbs, but the bombs have been drop ped and aren’t any good any more. For the greatest net returns for your fat hogs bring them to We need some more money for the railroad yards in Nyssa, Oregon or Homedale, Idaho where I bombs”. buy every Friday. No commission, no shrinkage. You can see and check the weight of your hogs yourself. For Friday prices Phone 111R, Nyssa, be tween the hours of 5 p.m. and 9 p.m. on Thursday or 53JLJ, Ho medale on Fridays. r\u*Py, at w,ork ln one America’s great war plants with full ?,r£?a. I$f ,the pI* nt P?1« * —and instead of looking out for trouble, he looks «e at a Chevrolet gun plant, employed to check gun tubi* General Motors Division is producing in quan T h ere’s no need to let O ld M an tity for the 90 mm. anti-aircraft gun. He is shown here using the horoscope, W eath er pile up roof repair bills Mrs J. W. Jennings is visiting her a special optical instrument developed for checking the finish of the gun bore, fo r you. T ough, lasting, weather- daughter, Mrs O. L. Hendry, and nflmg and surface. A tubular electric light on the end of the horoscope affords tested Standard roof coatings cut inside illumination so that every aquaie inch of the bore may be closely scruti- family of Glenns Ferry. overhead expenses to the bone. r?, Kthe ,bor.°,coPe. “ "loved forward and backward the length of the Mr and Mrs Charles Orider call isvi-ft. Check your roof. If k s protective barrel. An ominous sight for the Axis is the inset close up of the coating o r its shingles are begin ed at the Leslie Topliff home Sun nflmg as seen through the horoscope. Production of this gun, which baa a n ing to have a w eathered look, day afternoon. range of more than five miles, is a major Chevrolet war assignment. 1 sw ing in to action w ith a brush T helma and Dorothy Florea and a few gallons of one of these spent Sunday in Caldwell. inexpensive Standard roof coatings and community, according to Mrs Infant Improves— Mrs Alva Goodell and Alva. Jr., — your roof w ill last years longer. The infant son of Mr and Mrs and Donna Belle returned home Edna Farris, county health nurse. ASBESTOS ROOF COATING Charles Cannon of Sunset valley, Sunday from Colorado after spend The program Includes “protection 1111 1 111111111111111111111111111 n 11 ii 111111 in iiiiiiimi u m u ii min iiiiiiimiiiii m lim n iiiiiiiiiiiiini.niii— «mi T o p quality asphaltic roof paint who has been in the Holy Rosary ing the past three weeks visiting against communicable diseases by w ith sp e cial asbestos and m ica •Jl III I I 111111 lilii III I II I t ill I II I I'l III I I 11II Hill III III II 1:1 IIIIII111 ............11111111II 111 111M III linillliai hospital in Ontario for the last th Mrs Goodell’s parents, Mr and Mrs immunizations, keeping children a- content — you can’t buy better, (Continued from Page 1) ree weeks, is slightly improved. He E. Gwss. way from all sick persons, keeping Mrs Woodie and Mrs Curtis; a skit is expected to be taken home with ROOF PAINT Mr and Mrs Willis Bertran att H eav y -d uty asphaltic roof coat, children home if thev are ill, main by Mrs Ralph Boor and Arthur in the next week. Mr and Mrs J. ended the Rodeo at Boise Sunday. sim ilar to above, but w ithout as taining sanitary conditions in ybur Beam of Eldorado Grange; a re T. Cannon and Mis Charles Cannon bestos o r mica. home, block and community, report port by Betty Lou Parker on her visited at the hospital Tuesday. UTILITY COATING ing rats and mosquitoes to your attendance at 4-H summer school; Strong, quick -d ry in g prim er for Injured In Accident— local health department, eating the m etal surfaces — apply before us right foods, conserving food values a vocal solo by Betty Feltman; a J. T. Cannon suffered a leg injury ing Roof C oating or Roof Paint. by proper storage and cooking, kee reading by lone Presley; and a pi Tuesday afternoon when he was PRIMING SOLUTION struck by a chain while he was st ping cheerful and busy and not for ano solo by Elaine Reed. P rim er for prepared paper roofs The office of civilian defense, th getting to play, wearing proper cl- Mrs Elton Smith of Willowcreek acking baled hay. — renews w eathered roof paper by rough the block, community and othing and keeping room tempera- Grange was elected gatekeeper to restoring asphaltic content. neighborhood leaders is distribut tures at 85 degrees, expectant mot- I fill the unexpired term of Tom Jo- Visit In Emmett— SHINGLE STAIN ing material sent out through the hers seeking medical advice early | hnson of Oregon Trail Grange, and Mr and Mrs Al Thompson and Ready to apply, no m ixing. Stop« cooperation of the Oregon state since the health of the mother and William Ross of Boulevard was el- Mr and Mrs Herschel Thompson cracking and w arping, seals pores board of health in preparation for baby depends upon proper care, j ected to serve instead of Conrad went to Emmett Monday to visit of w ood. R ich la s tin g co lo rs: the observance of -public health early diagnosis by a physician when , Martin of Kingman on the execut- Mrs H. B. Earp. mother of Mrs G reen, brow n, and red. week September 12 to 18. ill, practicing good home nursing. ive committee. Mrs F. W. Fulleton, Herschel Thompson. Mr and Mrs Al SHINGLE OIL The material pertains to simple and calling upon your local health vale, was appointd home econom- Thompson spent last week-end ln Economy shingle coat, m ix It w ith ! rules of health that when practiced department for help in protecting leg chairman, a post formerly held Jordan Valley. colors. Checks cracking and w arp j will go a long way toward safeguar the health of those living in your I by Mrs Conrad Martin. Mr and Mrs ! ing, renew s life of wood. Keep plenty of milk on hand for it. ding the health of the individual block” ; Martin and Mr Johnson have mov Institute Is Held— The annual institute of the young ed from the country. Erie H. Parker, I Pomona master, presided at the adults of the western district of 1 morning, afternoo^ and evening the Methodist Idaho conference was •sessions. Eldorado and Willowcreek held at Payette lakes September 4, ii iii i ii ii hi i,i ii i hi ii ii mi mi 1 1.1 ii mi .1 hum m i in ii m 11 in nu i in 11 iww u in um in j Granges assisted Brogan in the du ties of host. Malheur County had the distinc tion of having the largest delegat ion at a three-day conference for volunteer health workers held at We are in the market for all kinds of grass the Eastern Oregon College of Edu cation at LaGrande. Eleven counties seeds, alfalfa and clover seeds. were represented. Members of the Phone or Mail Your Order Today Malheur delegation lncludd Mrs A. P. Ackerman, Mrs May Roberts, See us for highest prices before you sell. W. E. “Bill" Schireman Ontaria; Henry H. Hartley, Nyssa; Phone 61 Mrs T. C. McElroy, Mrs Edna Farris | and Mrs Kathryn Claypool, Vale; i and Mrs C. S. Harris, Willowcreek. Your local repr e s en t a t i ve f or j Mrs Farris, Malheur county public Phone 26 2nd and Good Ave. health nurse, was a member of a STANDARD of CALIFORNIA | panel of speakers Monday after noon, and Mrs Harris, county seal ' .sale chairman was on Tuesday j afternoon’s panel. Activities of county health assoc- | iations in a total health program were considered and included dis cussion of the tuberculosis control program. Mrs Saidle Orr Dunbar, YOU'LL FIND THEM MOKE executive secretary of the Oregon The Zero Hour on our fighting front means all move forward to the Tuberculosis association was ln ch arge of the conference. Dr. Harold attack at the appointed time, no holding back until tomorrow or some ot j M. Erickson of the state board of her time. All move forward at the zero hour. J helath, and Dr. C. C. Bellinger, | superlndent of the Salem tuber- j cuiosis sanitarium, were the princ You'll find Cind-r-blocs ipal speakers. Hogs Wanted Buena Vista LOCAL NEWS Walter Pierce Discusses Japs Frank Kullander Like a Midnight Snack? Health Data Is Sent In County \ Gate City Dairy Buying Seeds BUILD IT WITH... A1 Thompson & Son The Zero Hour CIND - R - BLOCS The Zero Hour On The Home Front Is September 9 when w e should all move to back the attack. We are not asked to risk or give our lives; only to lend our money at a fair rate of interest to back the boys in the attack. Are you ready or will you hold back? Putting off the attack until another day may lose the battle. Buy War Bonds Today Think! Is that call you are about to make really necessary? Malheur Home Telephone Company I ► ' / Banker States Bonds Are Safe The soundness of government war bonds as an Investment was emph asized by Frank Johnson of Port land at the third war loan drive "kickoff'’ dinner meeting held in the Moore hotel in Ontario last Th ursday night. Mr Johnson, president of the Federal Loan bank of Portland, was introduced by Forrest Cooper. Lake- view attorney, who is deputy adm inistrator of the Oregon war fin ance committee. Joe Dyer of Ont ario, county chairman, presided at the meeting. Mr. Dyer paid tribute to Larry Brainard of the Idaho Power com pany. who is giving all of his time this month to the drive. Mr Dyer said "We feel that with Larry’s help Malheur county will go over the Are Faster, Easier to Build With Cind-r-blocs are made in units easy to handle. There are standard units for walls, special units for wall-ends, grooved units for doors and win dows. You can btilld your farm structure faster, easier, because Cind-r-blocs are ligh t • • • • LASTING DURABLE FIREPROOF INSULATING Cinder blocks are made o f volcanic ash from the Melba disrict. They are light weight, stron g and durable. The nat ural color o f the block is light purple which gives a pleasing appearance with no coating. However, the blocks can be covered with paint, plaster, or stucco as desired. M anufactured by: CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY M a n u fa ctu r er s - C ontractors Boise, I daho 8th and Orchard Avenue P hone 4736