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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1943)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1943 Classified L.D.S. N ew s By Doris Aston Phone 149W ULS.ÈA,*'Unê±- J y K ié - The Sunday evening M.I.A. meet ing was conducted by Eldred Brow er. The program was given as foll RATES: Two cent* per word lor each Issue. Minimum cash In ows: Song by congregation, “M.I.A., advance Is 30c. Our MIA”; prayer, Dean Fife: song, "As We Hold Our Banners High”; Scripture reading, Verle Poulson; WANTED—Used furniture. Highest theme. Vivian Fife; vocal S'.», MISCELLANEOUS prices paid. Phone HOW. Nyssa Wanda Callahan; reading, Pauline For Sale Furniture Co. 1ATFC Hendricks; talk, Lloyd Lewis; song FOR SALE OR TRADE—Grocery chorus of junior girls; reading, An »tore with living quarters and auto j WANTED—Listing on farm and city ne Pett; song, “Carry On”; prayer, camp with seven cabins. Phone 68W property. A. L Atlceson. 6MTFC. Jack Schenk. Mr and Mrs Lloyd Lewis were Na 2S4xp. VVE PAY HIGHEST PRICES fol mpa visitors over Labor day. Mr and Mrs H. H. Scott and Mr FOR SALE—Auto Liability Insur live fox feed horses. Phone 8_ Pay 27Ntfc and Mrs Wallace Shepherd and ch ance. $11.50 per year on “A" Ration. ette. ildren of Baker were over night Other Rates Proportionately low FURNITURE WANTED—We pay guests at the Lloyd Lewis home Meets State’s Requirements Bernard EastmenI hl®hest Prlces f° r used furniture. Sunday night. They are relatives of ___________________________\ Nordale Furniture company. 21Jtfc Mrs Lewis. FOR SALE—Farms of all sizes. Mr and Mrs L. G. Poulsen acc $100 to $300 an acre. A. L. Atkeson, MISCELLANEOUS ompanied by Udell and Vola Dee, realtor. 12ATFC __________________ BUSY OR WORKING MOTHERS have returned from Burley, Idaho FOR SALE- 1935 V8 truck, 1935 Ch- ! Your children will be well taken having been called there by the evrolet sedan and 1934 DeSoto se- care of, day cr night at the “PARK death of their daughter, Mrs Reed Lloyd. Their little granddaughter dan. Inquire Signal Service. 19Atfc j YOUR TOT” home. returned with them. She will make Reasonable prices. FOR SALE--1938 Chevrolet deluxe her home with the Poulsen family. Call Mrs Gayle Jensen 132-W coupe. Motor re-conditioned, radio, Delma Ward, granddaughter of good rubber, fine finish. M. S. Mu HAVE YOU SEED FOR SALE? Mrs Lillian Newby, left for Boise j ss er, Phone 526, Ontario, Oregon. WRITE US IMMEDIATELY! Tuesday to attend Boise Junior college. We are in the market for larger FOR SALE—20-acre ranch, good Lloyd Lewis has gone to Portland buildings, lots fruit, near school. supplies of all kinds of field and this week to purchase a new car. However Two miles north Adrian, 9 miles grass seed than ever. Some of the quilters of the LDS south Nyssa. Lee Thrasher. 2S3xp shortage of transportation and ma | Relief society spent Tuesday after society. Mr and Mrs J. W. Gribble, parents FOR SALE— White rock pullets, 5 npower prevents us from visiting noon quilting at the home of Mrs of Mrs Reta Taylor and Dortha Lee, months old. E. H. Brandt, Rt. 2. all seed areas. We will appreciate Fannie Child on Alberta ave. and Tech. Sargant Dean Pope of six miles southwest of Nyssa. 9S3xp your writing us at once stating Leon Child went to Burley on Chico, California and sister Mrs kind and quantity of seed you have, FOR SALE—Three extra good hol- or expect to have. When seed i s , business this week, Harold Campbell and sons and Geo stein springer heifers. Jake Fisch ready, prepare identical sample by j Mr arld Mrs Ford Smith of Na- rge A. Davis, grandfather, were vis er, Alberta avenue. 9STFC! taking some seed from each bag mPa were in Nyssa on business itors at the Taylor and Lee home Monday evening. They called at the on Gem Ave. Tuesday. ----------------------------------- and mixing. Four ounce sample is FOR SALE Daveno. May be seen ! enougji if representative of the en- Clarence Aston home while in town. Mr and Mrs Kenneth Cottle and at A1 Thompson and son store.,, ij.f, Mail sample to Bishop and Mrs Arvel Childs' in son, Reed %ho Is home on furlough, fant baby was blessed Sunday and were Caldwell visitors over Labor 9Slx P NORTHRUP, KING & CO. given the name of Reed Adams Ch day. Boise, Idaho. WANTED We will have representative call ild. The Glenn Cooper baby was Mr and Mrs Ruben Haroldson of WANTED—Girl od woman for hou- | to arrange for delivery to nearest also given a blessing and name. the Owyhee district were Nyssa Mr and Mrs Joseph W. Peterson shoppers Tuesday. se work. Inquire at Journal Office. collection center. Sellers of Northland Brand Seeds. and three children of Brigham City, Lillian Newby is visiting in Boise SEEDS WANTED—Cash buyers of 19A8xC Utah are visiting at the Glenn Pet with her son and family. erson home on Alberta Ave. over Red Clover, Alfalfa, Grass seed. Mrs Bruce Pett of Apple valley is BUTCHERING the week-end. They expect to make visiting in American Falls with her See us before selling. Beal & Dav Custom butchering every Monday their home at Weiser. enport, seedsmen at the office of daughter, Mrs Cecil Stuger. She is Mr and Mrs Herman King, who expected home soon. Michael-Leonard company, on Ny and Friday. Beef, sheep and pork. Sanitary butchering guaranteed. recently purchased a farm near ssa highway. Ontario, Oreg. 23tfc Mr and Mrs L. G. Poulsen visited Phone 05R1. One mile west of Nyssa Nyssa. are moving here this week Sunday at the home of their dau HELP WANTED—Applications for on Alberta Ave. Jake Fischer. from Ogden. ghter, Mrs Elden Pearson of Apple the coming beet campaign are be Mrs Merl Lee and Mrs Richard valley. ALICE A. COLLINS ing received now from men and Taylor were overnight visitors in Lester Keiger, formerly of Ny FASHION FOUNDATIONS women. It will be necessary for all Emmett Friday. They were visiting ssa, who is stationed at Farragut, Will Call By Appointment. employees of the 1942 campaign to their parents, Mr and Mrs J. W. Idaho, is visiting with Reed Cottle. Residence Phone 122-J register for work this year. Boys Gribble, and brother, who is home Mrs Elden Strlngfellow of Port Box 500, Nyssa. and girls under 18 years of age on a furlough from Chico, Califor Blackesby, Washington, daughter of need not apply. The Amalgamated nia. Mr and Mrs Kenneth Cottle, is Sugar Company, Burnell Brown, The regular monthly work and visiting her parents. business meeting of the LDS Relief society will be held September 14. E.W. PRUYN Enriched high-altitude Lunch will be served free by the A d vertisin g P IC K E T wheat Auto Repairing Reboring, Valve Grind Flour ing, Lathe work. Parts Get it at your grocer’s. A product of Weiser Milling and El. Co. and accessories Phone 56w Professional And Business Directory SHOE SHOPS DENTISTS « _____ J. R. CUNDALL Dentist Phone 56-J Sarazln Clinic NYSSA OREGON JEWELRY STORES Abbott’s Shoa Shop AH kinds of shoe and hamesa repairing Across from post office. OPTOMETRISTS DR. J. A. McFAI.L “See Mr Fall and S e better* PAULUS JEWELRY STORE Union Pacific Time Inspector JEWELRY — DIAMONDS WATCHES Main Street at Second WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE Official Time Inspector for Union Padfle ONTARIO OREGON Work Guaranteed — ■ 1 ............ PHYSICIANS L. A. Moulding, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 37 Hours; 10 to 12 and 1 to S Dally—Except Sunday Fry Building E. I. COLE WATCH and CLOCK SARAZIN CLINIC REPAIRING JEWELER J. J. Sarazin, M. D. Free Examination and Estimate! General 1 practice of medi dm NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE Physiotherapy PARMA — — — — IDAHO X-Ray appropriate fees for each. j oes. STOVES August 24-Rationing of cooking JOURNAL’S and heating stoves began. Includes SALE CALENDAR most new stoves burning coal. wood, oil or gas for domestic use. Purch Thursday Sept. 16, 1 p.m. at Old asers must get certificates from rat Scoucie ranch in Bacon valley near Goodrich, 10 miles north of Cam ion boards. bridge, or 6 miles West of Mesa. FUEL OIL September 30-Period 1 coupons in 5 horses, 13 cattle, 12 calves, 1942 new fuel oil rations valid through International TD 6 track Tractor, January 3, 1944. One unit, period 5 wagons, harrows, 1935 Chev. truck, coupons valid through September drills, discs and numerous farm 30 for 10 gallons. Ten unit period 5 coupons, calid through September equipment. Karl C. Hoelzle, owner, 30 for 100 gallons. Coupons with gal- Bill Welty, auct, Audrey Pattison, lonage printed on the face valid for clerk. amount indicated until expiration date shown on coupon sheet. Legal Advertising GASOLINE NOTICE September 21.-Expiration date of No. 7 stamps in A book, each good Notice is hereby given that LaVan Van Tromp has filed in the County for 4 gallons. September l.-OM type B and C Court of Malheur County, Oregon_ gasoline coupons became invalid. his application that his name be May be exchanged by mail or In changed to Van Duerden, and a person at oratin boards for new type hearing on said application will be held at the County Court Room In of coupons. Vale, Oregon, on Thursday. Sept TIRES Cars with C ration books must ember 23, 1943, at one o'clock P. M., have tires inspected every 3 months; at which time and place all persons B books every 4 months: A book ev may offer and show cause if any ery 6 months. September 30 next ' theV have, why the same should inspection deadline for A book hold not be granted. This notice is given' ers. Commercial motor vehkcles-tire by virtue of an Order of the Coun inspections every 6 months or every ty Court of Malheur County, Oreg 5,000 miles, whichever occurs first. on, dated August 21. 1943. Date of first Publication 9-2-43 Date of Last Publication 9-16-43 J. D. LANE Attorney for Petitioner P otato G rowers R eceive ‘Break- allows the release of materials. POOD SHIFT SUGGESTED Dr. J. C. Evans, state hospital '''I'M « M in i U til !!! Iil l l l'l l:l U lli Mit I til III 1.114 I I I'l iiTm superintendent asked the state bo Oregon seed potato growers whose ard of control for permission to re fields failed to meet the rigid stand duce the amount of butter used by ards for regular certification c a n l the hospital's patients, and to use probably still qualify their crops for 1 more than enough oleo-margarine a higher price than straight table to of set the butter reduction. Dr. stock as the result of the establish ment of a new seed potato grade Evans contended the proposal wo called war approved seed potatoes. uld allow the patients more fats and This is a grade established nation save state money. ally by the USDA as a means of The 1943 legislature, in' spite of providing an adequate supply of bitter opposition of She dairy inter seed somewhat better than table ests, voted to allow the use of mar stock because the supply of certified garine in state institutions provided stock is not large enough to meet there was a butter shortage. While present requirements. The farm crops department at Life, when it is most the request was designed for the good of the patients and economy Oregon State college, which is the beautiful is simple . . . the board decided political friction certifying agency in Oregon, has set That is one reason why up standards for the new grade. would be started by any change at Nyssa Funeral Home this time and tabled the request— These provide for distinctly lower quality than Oregon certified seed with the hot potatoes. stresses simplicity in its potatoes, but will guarantee potatoes STEIWER ACTING GOVERNOR services. Nyssa families much 'better for seed purposes than President of the Senate W. H. have learned to depend Steiwer, Fossil, is serving as gover those bought on the open market. While application of the new gr nor while Gov. Earl Snell is on an upon us for sympathetic eastern trip. The governor left the ade is not confined to fields previo and understanding att usly entered for certification, the capital Tuesday for Chicago where he will preside over the meeting of shortage of manpower for inspect ention in time of berea the forestry committee of the Coun ion will make it impossible to han vement. cil of State Governments. He will dle many other fields unless request then attend the meeting at Mack was made for inspection in time inac Lsland, Mich., of the republican for the work to be done during the postwar advisory council. The gov second week of September. The ernor will return to Salem in about regulations for the new grade call for a single field inspection plus 10 days. twat «> the regular bln inspection, with .. ....................... mm 1111:1111 in ....... BARBERING PRICES JM IIB /I. Insurance ijSmSmh Real Estate M urrayV /adP The state board of labor examin ers say It will be a month or more Phone 64 before they can pass on petitions NYSSA OREGON HIGHWAY VISIONS ASSEMBLED sent It by barbers of 20 counties re garding prices of barber work as The first patterns of postwar provided for by the "barber law” highway commission completed a passed by the 1943 legislature. Some series of “look see” tours totaling are asking for a continuance of the Serving 5 Counties more than 5000 miles and covering present scale reasoning that a raise From the Largest Stock of most of all the main hgihways of will reduce gross receipts. Others are Genuine asking for a raise that averages 65 the state. cents for haircuts and 35 cents for The itinerary of the trips includ shaves. ed consultation meetings with coun Under the law whenever minimum Parts ty courts, chambers of commerce prices have been agred upon by 70 Orders Shipped Immediately and other citizen groups who made per cent of the licensed barbers of requests for roads totaling $400 mll- any county the board shall have the establish such lion. There was an unanimity of op- power to ___ ___ prices. lnion expressed that no bonds sh - 1 ENFORCEMENT^POWER UPHELD Phone 49 Payette, Idaho ould be issued for postwar highway * Inspectors of the Oregon liqffor control commission can legally make construction. Expected revenues from federal arrests, serve and execute warrants Sale Starts At 1:30 and state funds for the three years and have the powers of search and lmmriately following the war range seizure the same as sheriffs, con Interior and Exterior from $40 to $80 million. Reconed on stables and other peace officers ac Located three miles southwest of Nyssa on oil a general average this would be $20 cording to a ruling Just made. ed road to Enterprise avenue, then three miles Decorator. million a year for the three year FLAG-RAISING Governor Earl Snell has sugg period. ested that flag-raising ceremonies west and one mile north on Jefferson ave. Gas rationing has diminished the Free Estimate gas tax funds, the main source of mark the openin of every school district in the state. Rex Putnam, 22 head of registered and grade guernsey revenue of the state highway com 775 First St. mission. to a point where little can state superintendent of public in daily cOws and heifers. be done more than maintain the struction will ask the principals of system. Now the principal objective all schools to cooperate with the 1 registered guernsey bull, 10 months old, a of the commission will be to have suggestion. surveys made and blueprints ready real calf. to go whenever the war situation Bernard Eastman Simplicity Nyssa Funeral Capital- Parade H om e Closing Out Sale Friday, Sept. 10 M c Cluer-Manser Andy McGinnis Ration Calendar EYESIGHT SPECIALIST ONTARIO OREGON PAGE THREE Attention Growers O f Potatoes And Onions If you want storage, either dry or cold For Full Particulars See F. H. Hogue Payette, Idaho Phone 17 RATION BOOK NO 2 October 2.-Expiratlon date of red stamps X, Y and Z, last of the red stamps series In War Ration Book 2. X becomes valid August 22; Y j on August 29, and Z on September J 5 RATION BOOK NO. 3 (Brown stamps) Replacement bo ok containing coupons to be used J as those In ration book 2 run out. October 2.-Expiration date of br own stamps A and B October 30- Explration date of brown stamps C, D, E and F A becomes valid Sept ember 12; B on September 19; C on September 26: D on October 3: E on October 10; and F on October 17. Each weekly series good for 16 points. RATION BOOK NO 1 Sugar. October 31-Expiration date stamp No. 14. five pounds. Canning sugar stamps No. IS and 16, each good for 5 pounds, through October 31. Shoes. October 31-Expiration date | , of stamp No. 18 for one pair of sh- ' 36 head of spotted Poland China brood sows and pigs. 2 gilts to farrow by sale day. 1 De Laval two-unit magnetic milking mach ine. Farm machinery, small tools and some house hold goods. Terms-----Cash F. A. Powell O ner Col. Herb. Moore, auctioneer, Nampa. D. 0 . Bybee, clerk. Phone 293R 1 for sale dates.