Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1943)
THE NY98A GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 194« PAGE EIGHT raiser. taffeta gown with a fingertip vail G intral's Daughter Enlists ind carried a bouquet of red rose- juds. Barbara Rlbliter was brldes- r.aid and George Recla was groom's m w ñ m sh hall September 15. All babies two R U B Y SNAPP IS BRIDF. OF A L B E R T M EIER years old or under are elegaole, but Miss Ruby Snapp of Nyssa, daug must be registered before September hter of M r and Mrs John 8napp of Midvale. Idaho, became the bride of Albert Meier, son of Mr and Mrs Henry Meier of Apple valley, at a ceremony preformed August 29 at Caldwell by the Rev. Stuchberry of the First Baptist church. The cou ple were attended by Mr and Mrs Perry F Ward of Nyssa. The bride wore a dusty blue a f ternoon dress and felt hat with black accessories and a rosebud corsage. Her attendant wore an a f ternoon dress of Australian green with turf tan hat and accessories. Her corsage was of rosebuds. Mrs Meier Is a graduate o f the Midvale high school and the Spok ane Business university. At the time of her marriage she was employed by the Idaho Power company. Mr. Meier is a graduate of the Parma high school. Mr and Mrs Henry Meier were hosts at a buffet dinner after the ceremony for the wedding party, the family and close friends. After a short wedding trip, they will reside In Nyssa. ATTE ND S W EDDING Miss Darlene Dorman attended the wedding o f Miss Margaret Judd of Payette to Homer W Herald of LaGrande. The ceremony was performed last Sunday afternoon at the Payette Methodist church. Miss Dorman was matd o f honor. - 8 - B ABY SHOW PLANNED The Nyssa Civic club will sponsor a baby show to be held at the par- 12 with either Mrs Ed Frost or Mrs Dick Tensen. A victory garden sale will be held the same day and the proceeds from this sale will go to the purchase of the club's quota of war bonds. - 8 - HOSTESS A T P A R T Y Mrs A1 Kuehn was hostess to a group of friends last Thursday eve ning at two tables of bridge. Prizes were awarded to Mrs Henry Hartley and Miss Eva Boydell. -8 - E NTE R TAIN A T DINNER Mr and Mrs John Bowen enter tained at dinner Sunday for Mrs George Shertllff of Payette and Mr and Mrs Frank Rambaud of Nyssa. —8— HAS BRIDGE P A R T Y Miss Eva Boydell entertained F ri day evening at three tables of br idge. High scores were won by Mrs E D. Norcott and Mrs John Bishop. man. The newlyweds left immediately .fter the ceremony for a honeymoon at Payette lakes. - Pianist — — — Teacher Northwestern University, Chicago Curtis Institute of Music, Philadelphia London College o f Music, London, England. Accredited Teacher of Piano. Member National Guild of Piano Teachers For appointment leave name at High School or Grade School office, or phone 121 or 41 on Tuesdays. Address correspondence to Miss Hoffman at Parma, Idaho. Phone 120-W, Parma. .............. iiiiiin:iiii. iiiiiiiiiiiiiii mm im linn innni 111111 m m 111 m 1111111111 iiiimimiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiM Jennie Lin d Beds These Famous Beds Are Made o f excellent hardwood. Also just received shipment of box springs and felt mattresses that will be sold in the next 10 days at 10 per cent cash discount. Nordale Furniture Store iimiHum mm iiiumii mm m in mm in m nmn min ninn in inniini in in in k in nun in m in mi i in in m in 111 in in in i NYSSA Phone IOÔ PROGRAM THEATRE Double Feature FRIDAY and SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 3— 4 Lupe Velez and Leon Errol in “MEXICAN SPITFIRE’S BLESSED EVENT” The Range Busters in “HAUNTED RANCH” Sat. Mat., 2:90 P. M., Adm. 5c-20c; Evening, llc-33c. Includes tax SUNDAY and MONDAY SEPTEMBER 5—6 Franchot Tone, Marsha Hunt, Gene Kelly and Van Johnson in “PILOT NUMBER 5” Color Cartoon, Pete Smith and Latest M ARCH OF TIM E Mat. Sun. 2:30, Adm. llc-28c, Evening Adm, Uc-33c. Include» U x — B A R G A IN N IG H T— TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 Betty Rhodes and MacDonald Carey in “SALUTE FOR THREE” Our Gang and Vanishing Men Admission, So-Me, Including tax WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY SEPT. 8— 9 Franchot Tone, Akim Tamiroff, Erich Von Stro heim and Anne Baxter in FIVE GRAVES TO CAIRO” Sports, Pop Eye Cartoon and News. Admission Evening — He and tic. Including Defense Tux Guild Will Meet— St. Paul's guild will meet Wednes day, September 8 at 2:30 at the home of Mrs A. H. Boydell. Visit In Vale Mrs Peggy Sourvos, Mrs Alice Buckland. Mrs Aden Wilson and Mrs Nick Rudelick were in Vale Wednesday attending to business. Leave Nursing Home— Mrs Raymond Sager and Infant son have left the Brlttingham Nursing home In Ontario and are staying at the home of Mrs Sager's parents, Mr and Mrs W. W. Poster. a packages will be shipped early in September as It will take them approzimately 3 months to reach Here On Business— their destination in enemy held Mr. and Mrs. Robert Long and territories. In additional 10,000 sp daughter o f Jordan Valley were in ecial Christmas boxes for United Berkeley Baker has returned to Nyssa from The Dalles, where he received medical treatment. Autoobiles Collide— An automobile driven by George Mitchell of Nyssa and a truck op erated by Robert L. Price o f Pay ette were slightly damaged in a col lision two miles north o f Parma Saturday afternoon. Miss Eugenia Dickson Lejeune, daughter of the late Lieutenant Central John A. Lejeune, Commandant of the U. S. Marine Corps from 1980 to 1929, is sworn in at a member of the Marine Corps Women’s Reserve by Brigadier General L. W. T. Waller, Jr., at Arlington, Va. Private Lejeune will train at Camp Lejeune, .New River, N. C. THE U N H U f' H O U S E K E E P E R LOCAL NEWS Wilhelmina Hoffman buying Returns to Nyssa— 8 - Drill Cancelled— The Oregon state guard will not - 8 - drill next Monday night because of F A REW ELL DINNER G IVEN Labor day. A potluck dinner for Mr and Mrs Henry H uff enter guardsmen and their families will tained Sunday at a farewell dinner be held in the high school building for Rev. and Mrs Lloyd Pounds and Monday night, September 13. son, who will leave soon for Seattle, where they will make their home. Returns To Home— - 8 - Danny Williams, grandson of Mr VALE MAN M AR R IE D and Mrs H. B. Williams, left for Margaret Fischer of Aberdeen. his home in San Francisco last F ri South Dakota, and John Recla of day night after spending the sum Vale were united in marriage mer with his grandparents. August 18 at 9 o’clock at the Bless ed Sacrament church in Ontario. Goes On Visit— Father Gaire performed the cere Ralph Williams, who has been mony. working in the shipyards at Port The bride wore long white land during the summer, is on a vacation In SanFrancisco, where Is is visiting his sister, Mrs Glenn Beutler, and his sister-in-law, Mrs H. L. Williams. Later he is expected to visit relatives in Nyssa. in Nyssa Saturday on business. —8— HONOR GUEST HERE M r and Mrs Frank Rambaud had as their house guest Friday and Saturday Mrs Hobart Smith of Eu gene, an aunt of Mrs Rambaud. A fam ily dinner was served in honor of Mrs Smith Friday evening, HONORED A T DINNER Rev. and Mrs Lloyd Pounds were the honor guests at a covered dish supper given by the Scouts and Scout parents. The program was arranged by the Scouts. Rev. Poun ds was presented with a gift as a token of appreciation for the fine work he has done with the scouts. Rev and Mrs Pounds will soon leave for the coast. Rev and Mrs Green lee were guests. Mrs W. E. Schire- man was toastmistress. Is interested farm. E A R L Y SENDING OF GIFTS URGED States prisoners, both military and civilian, held by the enemy. These latter packages differ from the st andard food package In that they will contain baked ham, cheese, fruit cake, fruit bars, jam, Army spread, peanut butter, coffee, sugar coated and sweet chocolate, > hard candys, candled nuts, cigarettes and cne game. These special packages for United States prisoners are paid for by the Army and Navy, and private orders are not accepted from Individuals, the Red Cross announced. Too Late to Classify FO R SALE!—Trailer house, 8 by 11 on the inside, built-lns. Alfred By Mrs Fred L. Olmstead Chrtstams Is owning this year, ea Evans, l mile north, 3 miles west 2Slxp rly, to three Pacific Coast cities— o f Nyssa. Los Angeles, San Francisco and Seattle--In order that it may come FO R SALE;— 1 heavy springer Guer the usual time for servicemen abr nsey cow. Also 20 feeder pigs. 1V4 oad. American Red Cross volunteers miles west of Vest Bros, com er or will start packing Red Cross Christ 5 miles N. W. of Nyssa. Earl Black 2Slxp mas boxes for overseas on Sept burn. ember 1. finish them on September 24, it was annnounced today by LO ST—Black cocker spaniel missing A. L. Schafer, Pacific Area manager since Aug. 30. Reward. Phone 34J. 2Slxp of the American Red Cross. These W. L. Me Partland. three cities are handling the P acif ic Area quota. Every American sol F O R SALE;—Six inch McCormick dier, sailor and airman Hbroad will bur mill, like new. Also forty feet get his Red Cross package this o f five Inch belt, like new. J. B. Christmas. Included In each holly Giezentaimer, Phone 108 or 12SJ. asixp decked box-only 8 by 4 by 3 inches- -will be pencil, memo book, cig arettes. Christmas cards, candy ch W A N TE D —Girl od woman for hou ewing grum and miniature game. se work. Inquire at Journal Office. The latter may be anything from a tiny checkerboard to the Jeep Bo F O R SALE!—1942 Olds “96", 4-door ard. made to tie on the knee diring sedan, low milage, excellent condit play and containing 15 complete ion, completely equipped. Can be se 2Slxc games and puzzles. This comes in a en at Inland Oil Co. one by three inch box! In the East the American Red Cross is already in the midst of Christmas preparations for prison ers of war in European camps. Enriched high-altitude For the past three weeks approx imately 2,000 Red Cross volunteers wheat working In shifts have reported da V i 1- - ily at the prisoner of war food pack ing centers in Philadelphia, Chicago, and New York and prepare 400.000 Get it at your grocer’s. standard food packages for holiday S i* « distribution to the war prisoners in A product of Europe receiving aid through the Weiser Milling and El. American Red Cross. Decorated with Co. lng service a picnic will be held Gospel church each Thursday even the Christmas motifs and the pro verbial colors o l red and green, the at the Apple Valley school house. ing. He will send someone from Everyone is invited to attend. Nampa church to preach each Sun " m 1111 m 1111 m 11 m 11 m m u m i 111 mil iii mi im it ri i i i i 11 m m m m m m mu in m m u rn M initiim m P IC K E T Flour Move T o This Area— Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Hurst have moved to the Kingman Kolony sec tion from Myrtle Creek, Oregon. They purchased the Frank M or gan ranch at Kingman Kolony last spring. Hay Insurance Is Essential day. Rev. Lloyd Pounds, who has been pastor here, is moving to Seat tle. Visiting Daughter— Mrs W. F. Findling left Saturday night for Pendelton to visit her daughter, Verna Ruth Findling, who is employed at the army air base. Protect yourself against loss on your hay and Here From Vale— Mrs Thomas McElroy of Vale vis Parents of Girl— grain by purchasing adequate insurance. Pro ited Monday with Mrs John Bishop. Mr and Mrs Pat Sweeney of N y tection costs so little as compared to the chance Visit In Boise— ssa are parents of a girl. 7 pounds. Mrs Herbert Fisher and her mot you take when you do not have your crops in Picnic Is Held— 10 ounces, born August 21 In the her, Mrs Emma Quinby, visited in sured. The annual Sunday school picnic Holy Rosary hospital In Ontario. Boise over the week-end. o f St. Paul’s church was held in the park at Caldwell last Sunday. Nursing Home Notes— Visit In Boise— After dinner games were played. A son, weighing 7 pounds, 9 oun Mrs Lloyd Pounds and Miss Edna ces, was bom August 31 to M r and Sheild spent Thursday of last week HIM KIM 111 III I m in ii m in m m uni i» in ini m ran ini rail in in m ran m w im niiiii inumimiinni unni Attending Meetings— Mrs Jake Borge. in Boise on business. Frank Morgan and R. G. Larson w ill m m in ran m mini in m in m m unii in m m m m in in in in in m in nun m ranni ni ni m i in ni in ni inn MM Iansolo Ranmrez of the labor ca went to Portland Wednesday night mp was admitted to the hospital Visit Here— In the Interest of reclamation. They Tuesday. Mrs Herman Huff of Nampa and will attend a meeting o f the execu Dismissals this week were Mrs Mrs Locklear of Boise spent Mon tive committee of the Oregon Rec E. Miller of Adrian. Mrs Ed Rose- day visiting M r and Mrs Henry lamation Congress and will meet berry and infant son and Mrs Oh- Huff. with the sub-committee o f the ho arles McBride. use appropriations committee of the Going To N. D. state legislature. Chapter To Meet— Miss Edna Shield will leave Mon Oolden Rule chapter, O.E.S , will day for her home in North Dakota Return From Camp— hold Its first fall meeting September after spending the last three mon The young people of the First 6 at 8 pm. ths with Rev. and Mrs Lloyd Pou- Church of Christ returned home nds. li Sunday evening from the Christian Bishop To Speak— service camp, which was held at Bishop W illiam P. Remington will Here From Buhl— W e carry in stock a supply of the most com- § Payette lakes last week. pay a visit to St. Paul's church I Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Wright m September 5. Church services will o f Buhl. Idaho, spent a week at the si Rally Day Planned— be held at 9:30 a.m. monly used legal blanks and will order uncom- | | home o f Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Olsen, | Rally day will be observed In the j Mr. Wright, a bean and potato First Church o f Christ next Sun To Conduct Services— mon blanks upon request. day A special Rally day program R ev David Casper o f Nampa will 11 ii 11 ii m ri in i ri m in ii limn ii 11111 m in in-n u ii , | will be given. Following the morn- have charge o f services In the Full Frank T. Morgan Oregon I L e g a l Blanks | — For Sale At Our Office s | 2 Quand y oust ottealilt /Id. y (ui Pnoted y 044/1 tMome • Buying medicine from the itin erant peddler o r the comer quack is a dangerous practice. Many people take medicine almost c o n stantly who do not need it at all. M any others take medicine en tirely unsuited to the particular illness from which they suffer. W hy take such unnecessary chances? Your health is your most valuable possession. When you are ill see you r physician. Then bring the prescription he hands you to us for expert compounding. Nyssa Pharmacy I — Simplicity Life, when it is most beautiful is simple . . . That is one reason why Nyssa Funeral Home stresses simplicity in its services. Nyssa families have learned to depend upon us for sympathetic and understanding att ention in time of berea vement. Nyssa Funeral Home MtimmUllllUMIIMIIIItlHmiMIIUIIMU i This is the only service of its kind offered | in Nyssa. Paper Supplies Are I- Getting Short ~ — | I tE I; I I f you want printing done soon you should 1 I order it now. W e have a good supply o f bond I | paper and envelopes. Office Supplies Our office supply business is growing because = customers realize we are offering a genuine ser- s § vice to this community. W e are selling many § articles that are inconvenient to secure. Gate City Journal