L.D.S. News By Doris Aston THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1943 PAGE S E V E N joined him here. Mr Allen is a ¡California. While there she visited believed reached at 7 a. m. j made to the War Labor Board in without giving up ration stamps.’’ scarce goods fairly with their nelgh- brother of Mrs Aston. her parents Mr and Mrs N. Stei- On Aug. 27, 1942 the high tern - , Washington for approval of the In many communities, including bore, Mr and Mrs William Orr of mle, two brothers, Allen and E. O. perature as 61 degrees and the wage increases provided for. in- ; Oregon, merchants, retail associa-1 In announcing details for the Phone 149 W Owyhee district were in Nyssa; Steimle and two sisters, Mrs John low 51; August 28. high, 63. low cluding a differential of at least tions and chambers of commerce are; program today, Chester Bowles, VISITING IN NYS8A shopping, Monday. They had just Stanley and Mrs H. R. Porter. 43. Aug. 29. 1943. W l 71, low 46 three cents an hour in favor of the being asked to assist in the cam- OPA general manager, said; W. J. Beus of Burley was In Ny- returned from visiting their dau­ •graveyard’’ shift in the 24 hour: p>1 and retaller8 are pledglng “This is not a program of the . Way back . in . the . pre-Pearl har- operation. Lack of this has made i t : , .. ... ssa during the week-end looking ghter, Mrs Elmer 8cott of Payett. bor days of August 1941 we find dlfflcult to get a labor force for th a t. th*?r wlU n®*ther sell above office of price administration or any Mrs Susie Mitchell has her lit­ Ration Calendar temperatures of 69 and 47 for high for a farm. top legal prices nor give up ra­ government agency. It is a the shift, Aird said. tle grand-daughter, Mary Ellen tioned goods without collecting other Mr and Mrs Turner of Victoria, Hansen, and low of August 30 and tempera­ people's program in which every staying at her home. Ma­ RATION BOOK NO. 2 stamps. Richard G. Montomery British Columbia Canada has been ry Ellens mother Mrs Morgan can cooperate. All ol us tures of 73 and 49 the following OPA district director, explained. citizen October 2.--Expiration date of red day. visiting Mrs Lillian Newby. They Hansen, has an Jnfant girl, should remember that in a democ­ All persons signing the home racy it is not the government returned home last week. which Now just to make us feel good Mrs Leo Child and son andistamps x> Y and z - last ot the red ,ront pledge »ill receive red. must fight black markets or rising Mr and Mrs Luther Fife and dau­ grandaughter, Nani, returned Sat­ stamps series In War Ration Book Mr. Richmond offers September n i „ _ T A and blue stickers to display living costs. It mus. be the people ghters, Vivian and Betty, returned urday evening from visiting in 2 X becomes valid August 22; Y figures of a year ago to assure us A l c i n I S A u O p i 6 C l in white home or store windows signify­ for they and they alone, have the from Van Nyes, California. While Clinton of more balmy weather before the and Hooper. Utah. Friends on August 29, and Z on September frost gets on the pumpkin. High Details of a nationwide, cooper­ ing that they are willing to do their to protect themselves from there they visited Mr and Mrs Fife's entertained Child at a party S. part on the home front to keep power ative campaign by homemakers and the inroads of the black market­ new grandson, Wayne Haroldson. while there. Mrs Leon’s temperature for Sept. 2, 1942, was friends also September 20—Expiration date of to hold down the cost down the cost of living and share eer and the chlsler . . . " Mrs Haroldson formerly lived in held a party in his honor. degrees, Sept. 3, 4 and 5, 88 of merchants blue stamps R. S and T (processed 91 living and combat black markets degrees each. Nyssa. Mr and Mrs H. L. Brooks and foods). Blue stamps U, V and W were announced today by the office Conley Ward of Nyssa left for family, who have been vacationing .become valid September 1, good thr- of price administration as volun­ Fort Douglas, Utah August 20. A in J. SIMPLOT AND the mountains, returned to their ough October 20. teer civic committees in more than farewell dinner was given in his home week. RATION BOOK NO. 3 100 communities throughout the MEN MAY AGREE honor at the home of his grand­ Mrs this Caroline Child of Odgen is (Brown stamps) Replacement country conducted local drives to mother, Mrs Lillian Newiby. visiting at the home of Mr and book containing coupons to be used CALDWELL. Aug. 30 (Special)— secure signers for a “home front | Mrs W. A. Bybee and children Child. as those in ration book 2 run out. Satisfactory termination of the pledge.” are visiting friends and relatives in Mrs Mr Mark and Mrs Hersel Beus and October 2.—Expiration date of prolonged negotiations between Those signing the home front Utah this week. of Burley, Idaho were brown stamps A and B. October 30- the Simplot dehydrator here and pledge agree (1) “I will pay no Mrs D. O. Bjbee and daughter, Bill Beus visitors in Nyssa. While Expiration date of brown stamps C, the International Brotherhood of more than top legal prices,” and (2) Dar Thel, and friends shopped in week-end here they purchased farms. D, E and F. A becomes valid Sept­ Teamsters, Warehousemen. Chauf­ “I will accept no rationed goods Boise Friday afternoon. Mr and Mrs S. P. Bybee fa­ ember 12; B on September 19; C feurs and Helpers was in sight to­ Mr and Mrs W. L. Allen of mily were Sunday dinner and guests on September 26: D on October 3; day with the reaching of a tenta- Big shipment of chairs, tables, high chairs and Pocatello, were overnight guests at the U. L. Kesler home. E on October 10; and F on October tive agreement between the man- Bernard Eastman at the Clarence Aston home. Mr. Bishop and Mrs Arvil L. Child 17. agment and the union representa- Allen »toped over from a trip to are the parents of a boy bom, RATION BOOK NO. 1 stools just received. .fives still must be accepted lnsurar.ee ftgPtji: Real Estate northern Idaho and Mrs Allen August 25 at the Holy Rosary ho­ Sugar. October 31-Expiration date by the which union membership, J. Harold spital at Ontario. stamp No. 14, five pounds. Canning Aird, personnel manager at the Phone 84 Mr and Mrs Lloyd Lewis and j sugar stamps No. 15 and 16, each plant said today. NYSSA OREGON family were dinner guests of Mr good for 5 pounds, through October If the members of the union ap­ and Mrs Eldred Brower of Apple 31 . prove, application will then be Valley Sunday. Shoes. October 31-Expiration date Garry Leavitt, son of Mr and of stamp No. 18 for one pair of Mrs Golden Leavitt, celebrated shoes. his ninth birthday August 26. Th­ Stoves. August 24-Rationing of ere were 19 guests. After games cooking and heating stoves begins- were player, refreshments were includes most new stoves burning served. coal, wood, oil or gas for domestic The M. I. A. held a swimming use. Purchasers must get certificates party at Caldwell last week. After from ration boards. the swim each family ate their FUEL OIL picnic lunches. September 30-Period 1 coupons in Each year thousands of lives, mil­ CHILD FAMILY HAS PROGRAM new fuel oil rations valid through Mr and Mrs Mark Child had January 3, 1944. One unit, period 5 lions of dollars are lost because of flies, ants, fleas, roaches and charge of the evening program coupons valid through September other insect enemies. But they can last Sunday. O. R. Anderson con­ 30 for 10 gallons. Ten unit, period be controlled — with a spray that ducted since Bishop Child was in 5 coupons, valid through September kills ’em dead, STANDARD FLY Burley, Idaho. Josphine Russell 30 for 100 gallons. Coupons with the preliminary music, with gallonage printed on the face valid SPRAY. Composed of active in­ gave Nora Larsen conducting the sing­ for amount indicated until expira­ gredients 100%, it’s easy to use ing. Opening was by Leo tion date shown on coupon sheet. in any sprayer, won’t stain, has Child. First on prayer program was GASOLINE an agreeable odor — and it's so a talk entitled, the "Hope for the 21,-Expiration date of inexpensive tlut you can use it sinner,” by Mrs Mark Child. A No. September 7 stamps in A book, each good generously. vocal duet entitled, “Jesus Saviour for 4 gallons. Pilot Me ”, by Mr and Mrs Child. September l.-Old type B and C For Livestock Next was a talk entitled, ‘‘What gasoline coupons not valid after Protection is the Book of Mormon,” by Mark this date. May be exchanged by STANDARD -tsaid suotsspu agms jssism ‘PtlUO mail or in person at ration boards dent. Prayer was given by Clar­ for new type coupons. ANIMAL ence Zinc. „ TIRES FLY SPRAY The Primary association held its Cars with C ration books must first meeting of the fall season have tires inspected every 3 months; Mono or Moll Your Order Today last Tuesday, beginning at 4 o’cl­ B books every 4 months; A books W. E. “Bill” Schireman ock. All children between the ag (every 6 months. September 30 next es of 4 and 12 are Invited to att- inspection deadline for A book Phone 61 end. holders. Commercial motor vehicles- Mrs T carol Bybee and daugh­ tire inspections every 6 months or Y o u r S o c a l r e p re s e n ta tive for ters, Nannettee and Celia Carol, every 5,000 miles, whichever occurs STANDARD of CALIFORNIA ‘returned from a two-week visit in first. Los Angeles and other parts of Cost Of Living Unfinished Furniture Nyssa Furniture Co. is whet you got for the money yon invested in the 2nd Wer Loon Closing Out Sale Friday, Sept. 10 Sale Starts At 1:30 Located three miles southwest of Nyssa on oil­ ed road to Enterprise avenue, then three miles west and one mile north on Jefferson ave. 22 head of registered and grade guernsey daily cows and heifers. 1 registered guernsey bull, 10 months old, a real calf. 36 head of spotted Poland China brood sows and pigs. 2 gilts to farrow by sale day. 1 DeLaval two-unit magnetic milking mach­ ine. Farm machinery, small tools and some house- hold goods. Terms------Cash WEATHER CALLED ABOUT AS USUAL NAMPA, Sept 2 (Special)—Sc you think we’re having unseason­ ably cool weather, huh? F’all’s coming early this year, you say? That’s what we thought, too, un­ til Nampa's reliable weather sta­ tistician Carter Richmond at the Pacific Fruit Express company put us right. Richmond says we always have cool weather late In August and that we may expect warmer days in early September. This Is just the change over to Indian summer— that's Richmond’s viewpoint. Sunday's temperature maximum and low were 78 and 58 while this morning’s low of 48 degrees was W hew !1 F. A. Powell Owner Col. Herb. Moore, auctioneer, Nampa. T. 0. Bybee, clerk. Phone 293R1 for sale dates. How how much ere yvu willing to invest in order to net this? A Brut hand information concern­ ing the effects of gas. After ad­ justing Ms mask, he spends a few moments In a gas-filled chamber end, jast prier te in urging. Is ordered te remore the amok as that he m a ^ te t^ whiff a i Urn Let's buy invnsion uonas to the limit of our resourcesf Gate City Journal /w » ~