Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1943)
THE NYS8A_b\T,fe CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1943 PAGE FOUR i;Farm WAR NEWS The vacinit »• »» OREGON SEED M OVING SOUTH Gross-country movement of Ore g o n * 1943 winter legume seed crop began this week, with an “ advance guard" o f 15 carloads of Austrian winter field peas enroute to Dixie land. The agriculture adjustment agency is again acting as ‘go-be tween’’ for this “ hands-across-the- continent" exchange, buying Move To Emmett— M r and Mrs. George McKee have returned to Emmett from the Owyhee pumping plant, where they had been living for a fw weeks at 10 PROCLAMATION the seed from Oregon growers and dist ributing it so Southern states' far mere. The state A A A committee expects that the volume of seed handled under the program this year will be considerably less than last year’s record 100 million pound total. Oregon farmers who are familiar with the potency of winter legume cover crops as a soil buiilder will see more than coincidence in the southland’s all-time-high cotton yields this year, and the fourth year o f the seed program. Dixieland fa r mers are casshlng in on the cover crops grown from Oregon seed on an ever-increasing number o f sou thern acres. SPUD DOANS STORAGE IN C E N T IVE Oregon potato growers will find more assurance of a favorable mar ket and added incentive to provide adequate storage for the record 19- 43 crop in the War Pood Administ ration’s announcement o f a potato loan program. Doans will be made on field run potatoes to growers or co-ops. Doan rates will be 35 cents a hundred less than the support prices announced last spring with appropriate adjustments for the percentage run o f No. 1 potatoes. The support price levels that have been announced for Oregon are $2 a hundred for U S . No. Is, Klamath county basis, and $1.80 a hundred, Malheur county basis. These support prices will be increased 20 cents a hundred in December, and an add itional details will be announced as soon as they are received, the O re gon USDA war board reports M ORE PR O D U CTIO N EQ U IP M ENT Steps were taken this week to make available to farmers two types o f production equipment that have been in the hard-to-get class. First, county USDA war boards have been authorized to issue AA-2 preference ratings to farmers for engines up to 20 horsepower. Second, the state has been given a definite quota of crawler-type tractors which will be released to farmers by the War Production Board on the recomm endation of the state USDA war board. M ORE AM M U N IT IO N FO R F A R MERS Increased amounts o f ammunition are made available for farmers to protect crops and livestock by an amendment to the War Production Board's Ammunition Order. 1-286 The amendment provides a special quota of 50 .22 caliber rim-fire cart ridges. 20 center-fire rifle cartridges and 25 shotgun shells for farmers and ranchers who certify that the regular quota was not sufficient to protect crops and livestock from birds and animals. The regular qu arterly quota is 100 rounds of .22 caliber rim-fire cartridges, 40 rou nds of center-fire rifle cartridges o f any caliber, and 25 rounds of shotgun shells. The special quota must be obtained before October 1. FOOD F R O N T SHORTS The air corps has obtained plenty o f shearling sheep pelts to make . suits for high-altitude bomber and fighter crews, and sheepmen have been notified that they need not shear any sore sheep especially for this pupose . . FSA is unifying the duties of three committees and an advisory committee by setting up a single 3-man farmer committee . . Acting to ake fore lumber avail able for essential farm construction the W PB has directed some mills to set aside parts of the August Sept ember production for farm use only and announced that farmers' orders bearing an AA-2 priority issued by county war boards will get prefer ence over all other civilian lumber orders . . . About 5,000 pounds of copper wire have been distributed to Oregon farmers through county USDA war boards in the past mon th, and a similar amount is avail able for September farm wiring needs. Takes Agency— The Stuns Lumber company has farm implements in the Nyasa-On- taken the agency for the Oliver tario area Emil Stuns, manager of the firm, has ordered repair parts, which he expects to receive within the next two weeks. He will take orders for repair parts during that time. camp, conduc To The People Of The United States ÜV». .«t L •prorlamaiintt RECOGNIZING THE FACT that in carrying the war into enemy territory, we shall need greater amounts o f money than any nation has ever asked from its citizens in ing. Sid in the ch. He are lea' to Orei iness. Mrs Pearsoi her fai Jess ornia i relative here. Hatti ent of Califon Mrs 1 canning Davie me froi Call ar his mol resort. Oeorf it ing Jc M r at ated th in Onti ncheon The - week b; lunch \ W. A Utah fc panled ve been B ill a o f Buhl visiting Mrs Ontario all history, I, FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT, President o f the United States o f America, do officially proclaim that on Thursday, the ninth o f September, 1943, the Third War Mr a business sday. Misses orth re a vacat Mrs J ario, w l school t Miss I In Fru teach lr A nui this vie moved < ong the Margery M r ai children Cow H< at the Roberts. Miss 1 loyed at Loan shall be launched. A As Commander-in-Chief, I hereby invoke every citizen to give all possible aid and support to this Third W ar Loan drive, not only so that our financial goal may be reached, but to encourage and inspire those o f our husbands and fathers and sons who are under fire on a dozen fronts all over the world. It is my ‘earnest hope that every American will realize that in buying W ar Bonds in this Third W ar Loan he has an opportunity to express voluntarily and under the guidance o f his conscience, the extent to which he will "back the attack.” The American people supported well the first and second W ar Loan drives and in fact did even more than was asked o f them. Our need for money now is greater than ever, and will continue to grow until the very day that Victory is won; so we must ask far more sacrifice, far more cooperation than ever before. Pur ite i Fon berti soutl IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal o f the United States o f America to be affixed. DONE at the City o f Washington, this twenty-sixth day o f July, in the year o f our Lord nineteen hundred and forty-three, and o f the Independence o f the [SEAL] United States o f America the one hundred and sixty-eighth. By the President: CORDELL HULL Secretary o f State. s * * * 15 B I L L I O N DOLLARS ( N O N - B A N K I N G QUOTA) ¿tee WITH WAR BONDS im] This Advertisement Sponsored By The Following Firms NYSSA ELEVATOR FRANK T. MORGAN NYSSA PACKING CO. NORDALE FURNITURE STORE NYSSA PHARMACY AMALGAMATED SUGAR CO. STUNZ LUMBER CO. AL THOMPSON AND SON PRUYN GARAGE MALHEUR GARAGE GOLDEN RULE STORE BOISE PAYETTE LUMBER CO. THOMPSON OIL CO. TOWNE’S GARAGE OWYHEE DRUG CO. INTER-STATE OIL CO. FOX’S DRIVE-IN GAMBLE STORE IDAHO POWER CO. WILSON BROTHERS. BERNARD EASTMAN ATKESON CLOTHING STORE NYSSA FURNITURE CO. INLAND OIL CO. CHADWICK’S DRIVE-IN THE FOOD MART NYSSA LUMBER CO. FARMERS SUPPLY CO-OP POWELL SERVICE STATION EDER HARDWARE CO. gei we ] ive me un< s I