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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1943)
THE NY8SA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1943 Classified Advertising RATES: Two cent* per word I or each Issue. Minimum cash In advance la 30c. FOR SALE!—30-acre ranch, good buildings, lots fruit, near school. Two miles north Adrian, 9 miles FOR SALE OR TRADE—Grocery south Nyssa. Lee Thrasher. 3S3xp store with living quarters and auto WANTED camp with seven cabins. Phone 314. SEEDS WANTED—Cash buyers of 2S4xp. Red Clover, Alfalfa, Grass seed. FOR SALE—Two 80-acre farms ne- See us before selling. Beal & Dav- ar Adrian. Cheap, with small down i enport- seedsmen at the of,lce ot Michael-Leonard company, on Ny- See Abbott at shoe shop. ssa highway Ontario, Oreg. 2Stfc 2Slxp HELP WANTED—Applications for FOR SALE—Tulip bulbs. Mixed the coming beet campaign are be ing received now from men and colors. S. C. McConnell, two blocks women. It will be necessary for all north of factory. 26A2xP employees of the 1942 campaign to register for work this year. Boys FOR SALE—Buck Rake. R. ~C. and girls under 18 years of age Keller, Route 2, Nyssa. 26A2xP need not apply. The Amalgamated Sugar Company, Burnell Brown, FOR SALE;—Ripe tomatoes. Fred Superintendent. 1JTFC Hansen, 5 miles west on Alberta WANTED—Used furniture. Highest avenue. 26A2xP prices paid. Phone 149W. Nyssa 1ATFC FOR SALE—Mixed tulip bulbs. Ex Furniture Co. tra large 5c each; large 3c, and WANTED—Listing on farm and city medium 2c, all blooming size bulbs. property. A. L. Atkeson. 6MTPC. Charles S. Wyckoff, route 1, On tario. 26A2xC WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES foi live fox feed horses. Phone 8 Pay $7Ntfc FOR SALE;—Auto Liability Insur ette. ance. $11.50 per year cn “A” Ration. FURNITURE WANTED—We pay Other Rates Proportionately low highest prices far used furniture. Meets State's Requirements. Nordale Furniture company. 21Jtfc Bernard Eastmen MISCELLANEOUS For Sale MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT OR SALE;—Furnished house, partly modern, lawn and BUSY OR WORKING MOTHERS shade. Inquire 182 east First St. Your children will be well taken 19ATFC care of, day or night at the "PARK FOR SALE—Farms of all sizes, YOUR TOT” home. Reasonable prices. $100 to $300 an acre. A. L. Atkeson, realtor. 12ATFC Call Mrs Gayle Jensen 132-W FOR SALE—1935 V8 truck, 1935 Ch GRAIN GRINDING—Phone 348-R3, evrolet sedan and 1934 DeSoto se Ontario. Cairo Junction. Jacob 19ATFC dan. Inquire Signal Service. 19Atfc Schoessler, FOR SALE—Monarch coal range, HAVE YOU SEED FOR SALE? WRITE US IMMEDIATELY! good condition. Leland Ricks, phone We are In the market for larger 23J. 26A2xp supplies of all kinds of field and FOR SALE—1931 Model A, 5 pass grass seed than ever. However enger car, good tires and motor. shortage of transportation and m a L. C. Buffington, lt4 miles south npower prevents us from visiting west of Nyssa C. C. Camp. 26A4xp all seed areas. We will appreciate FOR SALE—1938 Chevrolet deluxe your writing us at once stating coupe. Motor re-conditioned, radio, kind and quantity of seed you have, good rubber, fine finish. M. S. Mu- or expect to have. When seed is ready, prepare identical sample by seer, Phone 526, Ontario, Oregon. taking some seed from each bag and mixing. Pour ounce sample Is enough If representative of the en E.W. PRUYN tire lot. Mail sample to NORTHRUP, KING & CO. Auto Repairing Boise, Idaho. We will have representative call Reboring, Valve Grind to arrange for delivery to nearest collection center. ing, Lathe work. Parts Sellers of Northland Brand Seeds. 19A8XC and accessories Phone 56w BUTCHERING Custom butchering every Monday and Friday. Beef, sheep and pork. Sanitary butchering guaranteed. Professional And Business Directory DENTISTS J. R. CUNDALL Dentist Phone 56-J Sarazin Clinic NYSSA OREGON JEWELRY STORES w aeaee ■ i .. i u — * 1 1 SHOE SHOPS Abbott’s Shoa Shop All kinds of shoe and harness repairing Across from post office. OPTOMETRISTS DR. J. A. McFALL -See Mcrall and Soe B etter' PAULUS JEWELRY STORE Union Pacific Time Inspector JEWELRY — DIAMONDS WATCHES Main Street at Second WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific ONTARIO OREGON Work Guaranteed E. L COLE WATCH and CLOCK REPAIRING JEWELER EYESIGHT SPECIALIST ONTARIO ORBOOH PHYSICIANS L. A. Moulding, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 37 Hours: 10 to 12 end I to 5 Daily—Except Sunday Fry Building SARAZTN CLINIC J. J. Sarazin, M. D. Free Examination and Estimate! General practice of m ed id a NHXT DOOR TO FOOT OFFICE Physiotherapy PARMA — — — — IDAHO X-Ray Phone 05R1. One mile west of Nyssa on Alberta Ave. Jake Fischer. ALICE A. COLLINS FASHION FOUNDATIONS Will Call By Appointment. Residence Phone 122-J Box 500, Nyssa. THE POCKETBOOK of KNOWLEDGE PAGE THREE) they have, why the same should net be granted. m is nonce is given by virtue of an Order of the Coun ty Court of Malheur County, Oreg on, dated August 21, 1943. Date of first Publication 9-2-43 Date of Last Publication 9-16-43 J. D. LANE Attorney for Petitioner NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed Ex ecutrix of the estate of William H. McCcnnell, deceased, by the County Court of Malheur County, Oregon, and has qualified as such. All persons having claims against said estate are notified to present same with proper vouchers and verified as the law directs within six months after the first public ation of this notice, to the under signed at the office of A. L. Flet cher in the City of Nyssa, Oregon, which place Is hereby designated for the transaction of all business pertaining to said estate. August 3, 1943. Ruth McConnell Executrix of the Estate of William H. McConnell, Deceased. 4 C a p ita l ® P a i d de Mi ll B/ M u r ra y W adp CLARA NEVADA LINDER, De ceased. Under authority of an order granted by the above-named court, dated August 2, 1913, the under signed executor of the last will and testament of Clara Nevada Linder, deceased, will sell at pri vate sale the following described real property, to-wit: The South Half of the North Half of the Southwest Quar ter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 31, Township 19 8outh, Range 47 East of Wil lamette Meridian, lying and being in Malheur County, Ore gon, and containing 10 acres, more or less, together with the appurtenances thereunto be longing. The sale will be made on, or after, the 3rd day of September, 1943, and bids will be received at the office of E. Otis Smith, Wilson Building, On tario, Oregon. The terms of the sale are as follows: Cash, lawful money of the United States, ten per cent of purchase money to be paid at time of sale, balance on confirmation of the sale by the court. Dated at Ontario, Oregon, Aug ust 2, 1943. E. OTIS SMITH, Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Clara Nevada Linder, deceased. All of the interim committees cr eated by the 1943 legislature are now functioning or have announced early meetings. The history of inter im committees is that they really do a big Job In a big way or merely fulfill their frequently delegated st unt of being scapegoats for legisl ators who would avoid going on re cord as having voted for or against a highly controversial measure. The creation of an iterim committee Is an easy out for sophistic politicos. The 1943 session of the legislature NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL New combat smve for aviators was as free of this unsavory pract WALLY iS -IHRES SLOVES IN ONE,_ PROPERTY ice as any the writer has observed 1 . AN M M t S A V O Y S lW E lA triX V ffA TfLt& aa ilA f In the County Court of the State Amor ^ not or swui curar- t. » mach suae during fifty years attendance at O r WOOL. w rM A lïA TH œ n u M fU O . of Oregon, in and for the County Oregon sessions. i - * o M H o r s itA f o r A o t i i i M t r n s n f i n m L M of Malheur. U N O tK A U COMPITIOOS. The postwar program committee In the Matter of the Estate of has a titanic commission and is do M ABMEWA, JM & ing good work. A hangover comm f V f S f h V S P IN JA M W » * THE JAM IS SfREAPOMOOTH, ittee created in 1941 will recomm PRIER, ANP R O ilE P OP ANO , N ew eLecTBicAt fish " nets * end a rate structure for commercial STEREO FOR FUTURE U SE KfcTP FISH FROM SWIMMINS vehicles. A joint Oregon-Washing- s FROM RESTRICTep AREAS l* IN A STREAM OR LAKE. ton-Idaho fisheries committee Is st ye~r ooesN'T kill them riving for cooperation to sustain the rapidly dlminlshining salmon Indus try. Other committees have such chores as: investigating the board of health, conducting a temperance and work will be under the super Monday. educational program, study problem vision of Oregon’s state highway The Adolph Sneider family and of schooling delinquent minors, con commissioner R. H. Baldock. Mrs Rathjen and children were sideration of state tithing tax, ex Sunday dinner guests at the Henry amination of state industrial accid STATE MUST PAY State industries are assessable Hlntz home Mrs Rathjen is a sis ent commission affairs, inspect state ter of Mr. Hintz. buildings and recommend improve under the state restoration fund Rev. Snow Honey, evangelist of miles Southwest of Nyssa, Oregon ( 2 miles even through they are commercially ments, consideration of civil service Spokane, who Is temperarily in Ny west on Grand Ave., then Insured, Attorney General I. H. Van mile South) or 2Vi> plan for state employees, improve Wlnlke has advised the state board ssa, delivered the message at the miles northeast of Olie’s comer ( 2 miles East and ment of uniform legal procedure. Assmbly of God church Sunday Reports are to be filed with the of control. evening. mile north). ■governor before the 1945 session of STATE SHORTS Charlotte Ditty sustained a bad Industrial accidents reported to the legislature. the state were slightly lower the laceration on the leg Sunday when TO TEST LAW past week, 1385 with 5 fatalities . . she ran against a wash-tub while A representative of a firm of Governor Snell leaves for Michigan playing in the yard. Portland attorneys is here preparing Mr and Mrs Cash Turner visited M • a suit to be filed against the state September 3. Sunday at his brother's home near Sale Starts a t l :00 P. M. industrial accident commission. The Vale. suit will ask for a decree of the The Worthwhile club will meet Valley court declaring the law invalid wh September 16 at the home of Mrs ich authorizes the commission to Lurelle Bergam was brought home Jay Howard with her mother, Mrs tax and inspect the plants of indus from the Holy R 06 ary hospital Fri Turner, as co-hostess. trialists who elect not to come un day. He is considerably improved der the provisions of the safety app but will have to remain in bed for 1 Registered Jersey cow-Betty-8 yrs. old-6.0 test. K in g m a n K o lo n y liance law. several weeks. There are 16,000 to 20,000 workmen Mr and Mrs J. A. Black visited 1 Jersey Heifer-Pokie-3 yrs.-6.3 test The following friends of Mr and In hazardous occupations who will relatives near Nampa Sunday. Mrs Conrad Martin entertained be affected by the outcome of the Mr and Mrs William Buffington 1 Jersey Heifer, Wiley, 3 yrs., 5.0 test. suit. and son, Billy, went to Boise Thur them at dinner before they left for WHILE WTNCHELL VACATIONS sday. Billy submitted to an oper their new home in Clarkston, Wash 1 Jer. and Dur. Cow, Spot, 5 yrs., 3.4 test. A princess of the movie capital of ation on his nose, where a pressure ington: Mr and Mrs K. I. Peterson, world has married a lad from the was causing defeotive hearing. They Mr and Mrs Dennis Patch, Mr and 1 Ayr. and Guer. heifer, Whitie, 3 yrs., 4.3 test capital of Oregon. Marie Elizabeth returned home Friday and Billie Mrs Harvey Otis and Rev and Mrs Sietoer, daughter of Film Actress was ready to begin school Monday. Nevin of Adrian, Mr and Mrs Carl 1 Jersey heifer, Blacknose, 3 yrs., 6.2 test. Marlene Dietrich, and Dean Good Mr and Mrs Dolph Whitlow of Hill and Mr and Mrs Robert Over- treet of Newell Heights and Mr and man Jr. were married last Saturday. Yakima visited from Wednesday un 1 Jersey heifer, Warty, 3 yrs., 5.5 test. His father Is cashier in the office til Saturday at the Lester Kendall Mrs Wesley Piercy of Kingman. of the secretary of state where he home, bringing Darrell and Wyvell Norma Lee and Charles Hutz are 1 Jersey heifer, Nancy, 3 yrs., 4.5 test. has been employed for the past eig Kendall home from a visit at Yak spending a few days visiting their grandparents Mr and Mrs Frank h t years. ima. Mrs Whitlow is Mrs Kendall's Fredericks, while their mother is 1 Dur. and Guer., Roanie, 1st calf. 5.0 test WEATHER PERMITTING sister. An all-time record for forest fire John Lawson, w(ho has been stay in Phoenix, Arizona. 1 Jer. and Dur. Cow, Brownie, 4 yrs., 4.6 test. The local W.C.T.U. met at the control in Oregon has been estab ing at the Kendall home, left Sat lished this year-to date. “A very dry urday for Elgin, where he has em home of Mrs Herbert Shaw Thurs 1 Jer. and Dur. heifer, Blondie, 3 yrs., 5.4 test. day afternoon. A program was given late fall or an enemy air invasion ployment In the planing mill. by several children in the commun could alter the record in a short 1 Jersey heifer, Grade, 3 yrs., 4.3 test. Mr and Mrs Hudd Robb and ch time,” warns State Forester Rogers. ildren and Mrs Flora Robb shopped ity. Wayne Piercy arrived home Fri Woodsmen, fishermen and hunters In Nampa Thursday. 1 Jersey heifer, Bonnie, 8 yrs., 5.1 test. have complied with fire warnings Mr and Mrs Charles Schweizer, day to spend a 10-day furlough with and regulations this season with Mr and Mrs Charles Share and Mr his parents. 1 Black Jersey, Blackie, 3 yrs., 5.9 test. Mrs Wesley Piercy drove to Geu- better grace and thoroughness than and Mrs Dick Wyatt were dinner esee, Idaho with Mrs Conrad Martin most groups of citizens who have guests Friday evening at the Vlc 1 Jersey cow, Gabriel, 5 yrs., 4.3 test. been asked to make wartime adjust Marshall home In Oregon Trail. The Thursday. Mrs Piercy returned 1 Jersey heifer, Just fresh. ments. dinner was given in honor of Mr home early Sunday morning. Misses Ida May and Dorothy De- FIRST TO FILE! and Mrs Barr Doolittle and family 1 Jer. and Dur. heifer, Heavy Springer, 2 yrs old. To Walter Theadore Lyles goes of Redding, California. Mrs Dool ffernbaiLjh returned home Saturday the fox trail for being the first can ittle is the daughter of George Sch from Ontario, where they have both been employed. 1 Guernsey heifer, Heavy Springer 3 yrs. old. didate to file for nomination to an weizer. Naomi Shaw spent Sunday as a elective office at the May 1944 pri The rain, which fell this week, 1 Jersey tfeifer, Heavy Springer, 3 yrs. old. mary election. He will seek the rep was very welcome to farmers who guest In the Ernest Barker home in ublican nomination for representat had cattle in nearby hills. Feed and Owyhee. Mr and Mrs Frank Newbill of 1 Jer. and Dur. heifer, Heavy Springer, 3 yrs. old. ive in the legislature from Multno water were getting low and some of Newell Heights were guests of Mr mah county. * the stock had started swimming the and Mrs Frank Cummings Sunday. 1 Jersey heifer, Heavy Springer, 2 yrs. old CAMP ADAIR ROADS canal onto the farms. The Oregon State Highway Com Mrs Julia Rathjen and children, 1 Roan heifer, Bred, 2 yrs. old. mission has awarded contracts tot Agnes and Edwin, of Bellingham, JOURNAL’S aling $425,000 fbr construction of Washington arrived at the Adolph 1 Guernsey heifer, Twin, 3 yrs., 5.1 test. SALE CALENDAR secondary highways adjacent to Schneider home Friday for an ex- Camp Adair. The funds will be fur tended visit. . .PUBLIC FARM SALE 1 Jersey heifer, Ropie, 3 yrs., 5.4 test. nished by the federal government Robert Ditty was ill of influenza Five miles east of New Plymouth, jK ■ 1 mile east of Hamilton Service Sta. 1 Guernsey heifer, Guernsey, 3 yrs., 4.6 test. on Emmett highway, Friday, Sept. These cows are all producing now, soon to fresh 3: 21 Head of cattle, 2 horses, 9 ho gs. farm machinery, hay and grain. en. Public is invited to see this herd before sale date. Sale starts at 1 p.m. Terms Cash. A very fine herd of young cows. Col. Bert Anderson, auctioneer. Sale Public Dairy T% */> V2 Friday, Sept. 10 Sunset 25 Cattle 25 Attention >T2 miles west on oiled road and mile south of New Plymouth bank Thursday, September 9, V. C. Douglas will sell 15 Head of cattle and dairy equipment, Including ne arly new DeLaval milker. Terms Cash. Col. Bert Anderson, auction eer. Growers O f Potatoes And Onions If you want storage, either dry or cold 1 Farm Master milking machine, used 1 year, in go od condition. 6 Milk pails. 8 10 gal. milk cans, good as new. TERMS-------CASH Lunch Served on the Grounds. Legal Advertising For Full Particulars See F. H. Hogue Payette, Idaho Phone 17 = NOTICE Notice is hereby given that LaVan Van Tromp has filed In the County Court of Malheur County, Oregon his application that his name be changed to Van Duerden, and a hearing on said application will be held at the County Court Room In Vale, Oregon, on Thursday, Sept ember 23, 19&. at one o'clock P. M . I at which time and place all persons | may offer and show cause If any D. H. Curran Owner Col. Bert Anderson, Auctioneer L. H. Fritts, Clerk