THE NYSSA GATfe CitV JOURNAL THURSDAY, SEPTEMBEK 2, 1943 PAGE your landing point and be there to it clean for the seasonings soak into pick you up when you hit. Shortly the bowl and give a delicious flavor after my chute opened a German to later salads fighter plane made a dive at me, In making the salad, first of all. waved as he went by. It never occ we need a green, leafy vegetable for urred to me that he might take a a base and we have lettuce, chicory, KLASS V. POWELL - - - shot at me. He may have been out endive, water cress, dandelion gr of ammunition or more probably eens, chard or spinach from which ADVERTISING r a ie s SUBSCRIPTION RATES didn't have the inclination. He un to choose. Now go to your refriger Open rate, per inch.......... 35c G n p V#»RT 12.00 doubtedly radioed my position to ator or garden and get whatever National, per inch..............35c ground forces." vegetables are available such as ra Classifieds, per word.......... 3r Single Copies........................ 05 “ “This was on a Sunday, and dishes, onions- (if the family per Minimum..........30c (Strictly in Advance) when I hit I started running to get mits) celery, peppers, cucmber, tom away from my landing point before ato, carrot, sliced cauliflower, or Published every Thursday at Nysaa. Malheur County, Oregon the Germans got there. For the next left-over string beans, carrots, peas, Entered at the postofflce at Nyssa. Oregon for transmission several months I saw much of Fran etc. Chop or cut the vegetables Into through the United States Malta, as second class acatter. under ce. I was very lucky and had lots deBired sizes and toss them into a the act of March 3, 1819. of help." salad with the greens and dressing. "Shortly at ter I first hit the gr Be sure to dry the vegetables well MALHEUR COUNTY CALLED ON ound and found a temporary hiding after washing as there Is nothing place I watched the flames and worse than a watery salad. The ma FOR WAR LOAN MONEY smoke from the remains of Avail yonnaise or dressing should be the Jones. I felt like crying as I only moisture present. Mix the in Malheur county residents, along with other able watched that. However there was gredients with a fork to eliminate American citizens, will be called upon this mon | some consolation from this too much stirring. th to make the greatest financial contribution isame point I could that see the smoke Serve the salad on a crisp lettuce from the ruins of the four German leaf or in Individual salad bowls they have ever made toward the war effort. fighters in the and your family will declare you’re The United States government is asking for fight. All we the had time shot I was down in France 15 billion dollars to help finance the war. That I ate well, particularly when I was the best salad maker yet! from the big cities." figure includes $696,800 from Malheur county, away STATE IS SHORT At one time during hta stay In ON SCRAP PILE $345,000 from individuals and $351,500 from France, Luehrs fell in with other corporations. In July Malheur county only rais Allied airmen and was party to | Oregon must round up over 19 ed 24 per cent of its regular war bond quota, so hatching up a plot to kidnap a percent more scrap metal in the general, steal a speed boat it is up to us to better our quota for the third German half of 1943 than it did in and escape to England with the second the first six months of this year in war loan. captive. Circumstances which the order to keep the western states As one man pointed out, we should contribute group could not control foiled the war machine rolling, J. Fred Ber- plot. regularly as well as during the special camp gesch, war production board district Luehrs eventually wound up in manager, announced. aigns. where he was . promptly th- . „ He „ with ... I . The increased need plate Successful conclusion of the third war loan Spain rown in Jail. was in a cell ____ production ___ for . _. steel . » ___ . J . „____„„a 111 expending war actlv of other escapees and itles in this area, plus the increased drive probably means a successful allied invas a that number as "millions of in for scrap metal by local ion of Europe, because we are already sending sects’’. he It describes did no good to kill them, demand and West coast steel fur our sons, brothers, husbands and other relatives it was an endless task. Through the foundries naces. has the higher courtesy of the Spanish police he overseas at a terrific pace. The future course of was given a haircut, the variety quotas in the prompted current salvage pro the war, its length and its casualties depend up that leaves only a shinning dome. gram. The Oregon goal Is set for 32,000 on us at home. The more bonds, more material So complete and thorough was the additional net tons, as the state’s Spanish barber that Luehrs has quota has been -the shorter the war, the fewer the casualties. had upped to 110,000 net no further need for such service The third war loan is primarily for the people. since that date. tons for the current half year as with 78,000 net tons for It calls for the purchase of bonds beyond these At the end of a week an Amer compared first six months of 1943, accord consul and military attache the you buy through payroll savings. It means the ican L. Bowden. WPB district at the prison. Three days ing to W. investment of money otherwise spent fofr luxur appeared chief. and many yards of red tape later salvage War Production Board dist ies. they returned and took the group rict The salvage are now be to living quarters on the Mediter ing extended operations to a spot-check sur stled Into a chute. At that moment ranean where they had plenty of vey of all abandoned mines and a 20 mm cannon bullet exploded In good food, and could swim dally. railroads, lumber mills, metal brid The Spanish jail diet had consisted the bomb throwing hot lead all over of a few grains of rice daily wash ges, and other deserted projects tihe Ship bay, blowing both doors ed down with olive oil. From there throughout Oregon, with available off and "I though I was done for Luehrs was taken to Gibraltar Wh idle iron and steel scrap. right there,” says Luehrs, “I was hit ere he boarded (Continued from Page 1) a plane for England GOVERNOR SNELL In the leg and blood started stream and eventually home a sortie against the Nazi submarine ing on his present ON EASTERN TRIP down. I through I was bleeding base at Lorient. The Fortress carried to death. I had never bailed out furlough. the name of "Available Jones” and before but there was nothing else Steiwer of Fossil, president It was to see them through many to do now so out the waist hatch I VICTORY FOOD HINTS of W. the H. senate, has gone to Salem to tight spots. Available Jones was not went. By this time the plane was become acting governor during the Leona Anderson particularly lucky on her first raid down to about 10,000 feet. We are ahsen :nce of Governor Earl Snell from Idaho Power Company Riddled with flak It made a forced The s state during an eastern trip, Home Service Advisor to delay opening our chutes as landing at the first Einglish airport told Governor Snell left Portland for long as possible but I wanted to It could reach. Damage was so hea have SALADS ROUND OUT A MEAL Chicago, where he will preside over plenty of time to work In the vy that it was a month and a half event my Chute did not open prom Fresh vegetables in our Gardens the meeting of the forestry comm before the ship was again ready ptly. It opened. There are good are asking for space on our dinner ute of the Council of State Govern for combat. reasons for delaying. There is less table so let’s use them in abundan ments. He then will attend the During the time "Available Jones" chance being machine-gunned on ce. The one answer is a fresh salad! meeting at Mackinac Island, Mich., was being refitted Luehrs flew five the way of down. Germans do Do you have a favorite wooden of the republican p 06 t-war advisory missions as a member of the crew that. Also there A is few less fo r; mixing bowl for your salad? If you council. The governor will return ol the famous "Dry Martini". When German ground troops to time estim ate; do, don’t wash it too carefully, wipe to Salem in about 10 days. his own ship returned to action it | made up for lost time. On the next 11 raids it escaped without a scrat ch. On the twelfth it died a gallant IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON death. On the morning of April 4 the FOR MALHEUR COUNTY crew of “Available Jones" gathered with other crews of the group in In the Matter of the Foreclosure of Delin- ) the briefing room. There they were quent Taxes and Assessments included ) told the target for the day was the within the 1943 Tax Foreclosure List of ) Renault Motor Works at Parte. They Malheur County, Oregon. ) • were told the point of rendezvous, the elevation the mission would be TO ALL PERSONS HEREINAFTER NAMED, AND TO ALL PERSONS HEREINAF flown; the type of enemy fighters expected to be encountered and wh TER NAMED AS OWNERS OF REAL PROPERTY IN MALHEUR COUNTY, ere to expect them; flak areas and OREGON, AND TO ALL PERSONS OWNING, OR CLAIMING TO OWN, OR other points Important to the raid HAVING OR CLAIMING TO HAVE ANY INTEREST IN ANY PROPERTY IN The planes took off. gained ele CLUDED IN THE FORECLOSURE LIST HEREINAFTER SET FORTH, AND vation and headed toward Paris It was a perfect day for the mission BEING THE DELINQUENT TAX FORECLOSURE LIST OF MALHEUR COUN Strangely no enemy fighter planes TY, OREGON, FOR THE YEAR 1943. or flak were encountered enroute YOU ARE HEREBY REQUIRED TO TAKE NOTICE That Malheur County, as to Paris or during the bombing runs. Flying the number two spot In for Plaintiff, has filed in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Malheur County, an mation the “Aavllable Jones" drop application to foreclose the lien of all taxes shown on the Malheur County Tax Fore ped its tons of bombs dead on the closure List for the year, 1943, hereinafter set forth in full, and that Malheur Coun target and swung around to head for home Then trouble developed ty, as Plaintiff, will apply to the Court for judgment and decree foreclosing such tax in the form of five Focke-Wulfe 190 liens not less than thirty days from the date of the first publication of this notice, ex Oerman fighters, clmasing Available cluding the first day of publication; any and all persons interested in any of the real Jonra as there special target. En property included in said Foreclosure List are hereby required to file an answer and emy cannon fire knocked out the number two and three engines and defense, if any there be, to such application for judgment and decree within thirty days the Fortress plummeted out of for from the date of the first publication of this notice, which date is the 2nd day of Sep mation with all electrical equipment tember, 1943. allot out of order. Alone in the sky Available Jones was a wide open This notice is published by authority of an order of the County Court for Malheur target for the five Fbcke-Wulf 190's County, Oregon, in the Nyssa Gate City Journal, a newspaper of general circulation and they zoomed in for the kill with published in said County, and designated in said order as the newspaper in which said cannon and machine guns blazing notice is to be published, which order is dated the 18th day of August, 1943. Fortress gunners blazed back with an aim just as deadly that made That the delinquent Tax Foreclosure List for the year 1943, which application is the Oermans pay for their kill made to foreclose, is as follows: Four of the assailants were shot down, one of them credited to No. Name of Owner S. T R. Tax Description Tax Int. the guns of 9gt. Luehrs. Total Roll Intent only on gunning down the 1 Archabal Bros ......... ...NF.1NWI 6 41 47 1940 1.52 35 Oerman diving directly at hta guns 1939 .61 1.96 4.44 Luehrs had tittle time to notice the 2 Ashcraft. Odice .......... ----------A. T. No 6 in 14 21 46 1942 .31 .03 actions of other members of hta 1941 .30 .05 crew. He knew that ship enter- 1940 .33 .08 communication prone* had gone out 1939 30 .09 1 49 of commission with the first Nazi 3 Baldwin. Douglas E. ............Lots 1 and 4 31 21 47 1942 81.21 7.31 blast Suddenly he saw parachutes 1941 161.42 24.21 opening below him and began ch 1940 4695 204.12 ecking on the rest of the crew me 1939 142.77 44.26 712.25 mbers Hr found only himself, the 4 Bank of California ..... ______ Portion of Jamieson engineer-gunner and the ball turret Acreage Tr. No. 159 gunner still aboard With the aid of 13 16 43 in the SWHNEV4 the engineer the turret gunner was Portion of TV. No. 160 brought up into the plane and hu 15 16 43 In the SWHNEV4 The G ate City Journal Ontario Youth Describes Fight NOTICE OF TAX FORECLOSURE 1942 Portion of Tr. No. 162 1941 in SEH N Ei and 15 16 43 1939 SW KNEI 1942 5 Biggs, Phebe .............................SJNV 4 South oí M al 3 19 43 1941 heur River 3 19 43 1940 NISV4, SiSW i 1934 7 Bowen, J. E., et ux ...................SWJNWJ, NWJSWV4 23 23 '20 20 46 1942 1941 1940 1935 1942 Burbridge, Mrs. Alwena ......Undivided I interest 36 18 46 1941 in SWV4NW* 1940 1939 1938 1937 21 19 44 1942 10 22 19 44 1941 28 19 44 1940 N Vi NEH 1939 / 7 33 41 1942 12 Coast Land Company ..............NV4NWV4NEV4 1941 1940 1939 7 33 41 1942 13 Coast Land Company ..............NV 4 SEJSE »4 1941 1940 1939 9 32 40 1942 14 Coast Land Co., L td..................SJSEJNEJ 3 32 40 1941 NV4NEJNWV4 33 30 41 1940 NJNEV4SEV4 1939 1942 15 Coast Land Co., Ltd ................SJSWV4NWV4, 1 32 40 1941 SV4NWV4NWV4 1940 1939 1 32 40 1942 16 Coast Land Co., Ltd ...... N1SEJSWJ 17 31 41 1941 SV4NWJNEV4 15 32 41 1940 SHNWINEV4 1939 3 32 41 1942 17 Cole, Marion ...............................SV4SWV4NWV4 1940 1939 1936 1942 All south of river In 18 Corliss, S. ft. 32 17 47 1941 NWV4SWV4 1940 1939 1942 19 Corp. of the Presiding Bishop5 acres in NE corner 14 21 46 1941 of the Church of Jesus Christof the NEV4NW1 1940 of L atter Day Saints ................ 1939 20 11 17 43 1942 14 17 43 1941 NEV4NWI 1940 1939 15 31 41 1942 21 Crosby, R F................................ NV4NEV4NWV4 1941 1940 1939 25 19 46 1942 22 Davis, Don D.......................... SWV4NWV4 26 19 46 1941 SiN EJ 1940 1939 16 1942 23 Davis, J. H .............. ............. WÌSWV4 17 17 47 1941 SV4SE1 1940 1939 36 15 43 1942 24 DeWert, E. D........................... EV4NEV4 1941 1940 1939 26 Eastern Oregon Land Co........ East of S. S. ditch 35 19 46 1937 in NE1SEI 27 7 1942 Below main canal 1941 20 46 7 1940 in EV4NWV4 1939 29 Feldtman, Orville M.................NWV4SWI, 1942 27 18 44 1941 NJNEV4SWÏ 1940 1939 1 32 41 1941 31 Fliegman, S am u el...................... NVsNWViSWi 1940 1939 32 Franks, Grace .............................NWJNEV4 less 1942 16 26 44 1941 A. T. 1 1940 1939 1 31 41 1942 34 Grayson, H attie M..................... SJNEHNWVi 1941 1940 1939 16 18 43 1942 35 Heltzel, Clara A., et al ............NE Vi 1941 1940 1939 37 Hite, William H 33 20 41 1942 ........ Lots 1 and 2 34 20 41 1941 NJNWJ 1940 1939 41 Howes, H. C..................................SEV4 16 18 43 1942 1941 1940 1939 29 32 41 1942 42 Kimbell, Eugene L., et a l ........NV4SEJSEV4 1941 1940 1939 47 Kuhne, Carl F.........................„.WV4NEJ, NV4SEV4 24 21 37 1942 1941 1940 1939 48 Lane, Herbert et ux.............. SV4SWV4SE1 17 33 40 1942 1941 1940 1939 50 Lawrence, Leanor L. ...........Lots 2, 3, 4 32 26 45 1942 Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 5 27 45 1941 5 27 45 1940 SWV4NEH, SIN Lot 1, SEINE 14 6 27 45 1939 52 Libby, Louis ...........NW H, NV4SWI 16 19 45 1942 1941 1940 1939 54 Matsumura, Mamoru 25 1942 25 18 43 1941 1940 19”!) 55 Moore, Bishoo SWISWJ 23 32 40 1942 NW *4 NW Vi 35 30 41 1941 NINW JNEI 25 31 41 1940 1939 56 Moss, W entworth H ......... ......... SINEV 4 8 18 46 1942 1941 1)40 1919 57 McClure, Marie C. ..._..............A T. No. 1 ln SV4 8 18 46 1942 1941 1940 1939 58 McDonald, Albert T ............. NEHSWV4 11 17 46 1942 1941 1940 1939 59 McDonald. Roger Douglas NWV4SEV4 11 17 46 1942 1941 1940 1939 62 Nyssa Bench Land Co. WV4SEJ, SEISE >4 7 20 46 1942 1941 1940 1939 63 Ocamico, Guy W HSW H 2 22 46 1942 (Continued on page six.) .71 .06 1.07 .16 1.01 .31 3.32 553.70 49.83 852.92 127.93 843.97 194.11 433.52 307.80 3363.78 81.38 7.32 95.42 14.31 12.83 2.95 15.12 9.53 238.86 .25 2.77 .26 1.71 .48 2.07 .78 2.52 .82 2.10 1.07 2.27 17.10 .62 6.94 2.73 18.21 4.28 18.63 6.33 78.17 20.43 .02 .25 .11 .74 .18 .79 .30 3.35 .96 .02 .25 .11 .74 .18 .79 .30 3.35 .96 .07 .76 .33 2.23 .55 2.40 .89 10.11 2.88 .05 .50 .22 '1.49 .37 1.59 .60 6.75 1.93 .07 .76 .87 4.46 .55 2.40 12.75 .91 2.93 .02 .25 .18 .79 .30 .96 3.74 .44 .80 5.00 55.57 9.45 62.98 61.42 14.13 73.41 22.76 304.72 .17 1.92 .18 1.18 .30 1.38 6.56 .35 1.14 .42 4.23 2.47 16.46 3.85 16.76 5.77 68.57 18.61 .02 .25 .74 .11 .18 .79 3.33 .29 .95 6.33 70.36 7.85 52.34 66.26 15.24 49.60 15.38 283.36 6.78 75.33 7.59 50.61 51.43 11.83 52.36 16.23 272.16 .08 .92 .44 2.95 .89 3.86 4.08 1.26 14.48 9.71 30.38 20.67 15.45 1.39 21.10 3.17 4.80 20.86 5.50 90.00 17.73 59.82 5.38 9.47 63.11 62.03 14.27 66.84 20.72 301.64 .74 .11 .79 .18 .96 .30 3.08 .36 .03 1.03 .15 1.22 .28 1.29 .40 4.76 .25 .02 .74 .11 .79 .18 .95 .29 2.63 2.78 .25 6.50 98 6.87 1.58 9.85 3.05 31.86 35.89 3.23 33.89 5.08 32.75 7.53 36.72 11.38 166.47 2.78 .25 6.50 .98 6.87 1.58 9.85 3.05 31.86 .25 .02 .74 .11 .79 .18 .96 .30 3.35 1.96 .09 5.28 .79 5.51 1.27 6.42 1.99 23.31 .25 .02 .74 .11 .79 .18 .99 .31 3.39 8.07 .73 19.89 2.98 23.44 5.38 29.27 9.07 98.84 5.70 .91 14.95 2.24 15.23 3.50 14.17 4.39 60.69 162.57 14.63 168.41 25.26 165.55 38.08 ^ « ri 53 70 CC 18 1.26 .11 3.53 .53 4.00 .92 1.95 .60 12.90 10.80 .97 9.14 1.37 8.64 1.99 10.45 3.24 46.60 51.22 4.61 92.4J 13.88 91.59 21.07 113.91 35.31 423.97 .76 .07 2.22 .33 2.25 52 2.59 .80 9.54 .76 .07 2.22 33 2.25 .52 2.59 .80 954 60.61 5.45 80.69 12.10 17.14 394 15.04 494 200 81 140.25 12.62