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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1943)
The NYSSA V o l u m e XXXVIII, No. 32 WAR BOND SALES ARE APPRECIATED GM JOURNAL ~NYS5AV0^EGÜNrTf!ÜRS5Ÿ' AUGUST 26, 1943 $2.00 PER YEAR ADRIAN TO HOLD Crops Discussed Don Graham Writes To R. Larson Exhibits Shown WAR CHEST DRIVE Only 1 Teacher At Luncheon Of Malheur county was the first up On Sugar Sack From Pacific Isle At Junior Fair An Oregon war chest campaign, Position Vacant county to report on the Molly Thrilled with sight of a White for this fall, was organ Local Merchants state Are Excellent scheduled In High School Pitcher day campaign for the sale i Satin sugar sack on an island in our cooks had prepared the meal, ized at a meeting held in Adrian and lo and behold, there lay on a of war bonds and stamps, accord the Pacific, Don Graham of Nyssa box School Will Be Opened this White Satin sugar sack. F.F.A. Livestock Exhibits recently. ing to word received from Mrs Sa- sat himself down to a typewriter Bernard Anderson county chair Are Largest In Monday for half a idie Orr Dunbar, director of the and inscribed a letter on the sack The first thing that I noticed was man of Ontario, presided. Mem History women's division, by Mrs P. L. Ol- to R. G. Larson, district manager the company design, then 'Oregon day bers of the executive committee mstead, Malheur county chairman. of the Amalgamated Sugar company factory', ‘Nyssa’. I grabbed it up Several subjects of Interest, in Mrs Dunbar’s letter reads as fol producer of “White Satin”. and some of my shipmates thought The F.F.A. livestock exhibits at present include: Mrs C. M. Tyler, The Nyssa schools will be opened cluding the Malheur county experi lows: Graham, a veteran of world war that the gunner had gone ‘nuts’ the Malheur county fair, held in Mrs Amlel Claude, Dick Jensen, Monday with a complete faculty August 20 and 21, were the Chelsey Boyer and C. F. Trow. Ch with the exception of a music sup ment farm, seed production and the “Hurrah. The telegram from Mal No. 1, is a gunner’s mate, 1st class, because I holler out ‘Now I know Ontario, largest in of the fair heur county was the first up-state United States navy. why the coffee tasted so doggonned third war loan drive scheduled to news on Molly Pitcher day. I was Writing on the 10-pound sugar good. It had real sugar in it, made and many of the the history 4-H club exhibits airman Anderson explained in de ervisor. School cfficals are still at start September 9 were discussed , g)mply amazed Bt ^ report and bag, Graham said he picked up the right in my home town'. Oh boy was were larger than last year, despite tail the complete program for the tempting to secure someone to head before a large crowd at the weekly hasten to send congratulations. sack drive which will open October 18. the music department. on “island X” July 28, 1943. I pleased and was I close to home obstacles created by th war. luncheon of the Nyssa chamber of "I imagine you are going to walk The sack is now a very highly priz and loved ones. Gee, good old Ny The quality of the FJ.A. livestock Under the direction of Bill Ash School will be held only in the commerce Wednesday noon. was noticeably better this year, craft Adrian committees were na morning Monday, with the first full right off with the honors outside ed mememto of Mr. Larson. ssa, my loved ones and my friends exhibits being registered. Crop ex Dudley Sitton, manager of the ex of Portland. At any rate, it was Graham's letter reads: seemed very close to me at that scheduled for Tuesday. periment station, located near Cairo marvelous and I am grateful to "This is what happened In conn moment. In fact I felt right at ho hibits were below normal because med. On the executive committee day Frank Parr, high school principal, junction, said “We have gone thr you and the Legion auxiliary wo> ection with the picking up of the me again, so whatever happens they had not reached maturity Leslie Schaefer is chairman with reports that registration is proceed Members of the Nyssa chapter of ough a fairly good season. We have men of Malheur county”. Mrs Pearl Davis, Mrs Wm. E. Wood, during my service with the navy, I the F.F.A. had many more exhibits ing satisfactorily. He wishes to em some good Information that we did More than $3000 was raised in sack: “Leaving our fox holes, we went Mrs Margie McKague, Wm. E. Wood will always say that finding this phasize, however, that all high sch not have when I talked to you last Nyssa, Ontario and Vale in the one back for chow and while eating White Satin sugar sack gave me than in previous years. and K. I. Peterson. On the rural ool students should register at this Maurice Judd of Adrian was high and year”. day drive, conducted August 7. Grange committee are Perle chow and drinking our coffee, I the bigest thrill'of the whole war, time, regradless of whether they money winner, taking home $73 The station operators have been passed a remark to a shipmate who and believe it or not, I’ve had a few in prizes from his purebred Suf Davis, Claude Eachus Leslie Sch will be able to attend when school working with field crops this spr was sitting near me, that Some so far. aefer and Dale Ashcraft. Earl Davis opens. ing. The fertilizer trials, Sitton said, how the coffee is really good today. "So, along with this sack, I send folk sheep, registered Chester White treasurer and Mrs Dennis W. Pat The elementary school faculty is are very promising. They are also hogs and crop exhibits. Charles It tastes like the good old coffee my regards to my friends in Nyssa McCoy of Nyssa and Donald Dazey ch in charge of publicity. Fifteen composed of the following persons: experimenting with seeds. that we used to get at home in and my love to my family in the of Adrian made excellent showings members of the Adrian American First grade, Mrs Elta M Benson "We have to know what not to Oregon, and isn't it good and sweet, best ‘biggest city for its size in Am on their registered Hampshire sheep. Legion post and member of the Au and Miss Mamie L. Bostrack; .,econd do as well as what to do In exper H. W. Fisk, manager of the Idaho gee it makes the ‘sugar city' in God’s coun Donnie Brewer of Adrian won most xiliary were present. grade, Mrs Iva Kuelhn. Miss Ida- imenting with seeds”, Sitton said. Power company at Vale, was unan close to home. a fellow feel pretty erica', try, and tpr making possible of the blue ribbons in the duroc- mary Prouty and Mrs Lloyd Hague; "We have grown all of the feed for imously elected commander of dist "After we had finished chowing a cup of thanks coffee really swell. White third grade, Miss Eva Boydell and jersey swine division. our livestock feeding experimental rict 7 of the American Legion at (eating) I passed the place where Satin did it again”. Mrs Douglas MacDonald; fourth work for next winter. We have sev The F.F.A. judging contest was grade, Mrs Eva Chadwick and Miss department convention eral different varieties of barley and the annual fairly even this year with Ontario Kathryn Crandall; fifth grade, Mrs in Baker last week-end. EXCHANGING OF oats that need to go out for pro held winning first place. County Agent Hazel Lane and Mrs Jessie C. Her- The district covers five eastern BOOKS REQUIRED Kuhns of Caldwell was the judge. duction. They seem to be successful”. Oregon shey; sixth grade, Mrs Margaret counties and 14 posts. Joe F. Dyer of Ontario, Malheur Carpenter One of the outstanding accomp Commander First places and championships Miss Mary Zink; Hugh Bowman of the All outstanding old type B and C in the 4H division were announced county war finance committee ch seventh and and lishments at the station has been Oregon department eight grades. Mrs Opal of the American airman, announced this week that the expeirments with fall planting Legion stated his objection as follows by County Club Leader science and girls phy the ration books must be exchanged the third war loan drive will be st Thompson, of Austrian field peas. The two plots return of the Japanese to the to Pac E. M. Hauser, of Ontario: education; Mrs Victoria Sch Vegetable garden—Ellen Judd, arted in Malheur county as well as sical that did well were planted early. ific coast during war-time and also for the new type ration coupons English and art; C. C. Har in other parts of the nation Sept weitzer, Mr. Sitton said if Austrian peas said that he was in favor of the before September 1, the district O- Farmers Asked To Visit Kingman Kolony, champion. vey, social science and library, and ember 9 and will continue until the are to be grown here successfully extermination of all Japanese in the PA reminded motorists today.. Canning—Division 1, Artina Stoh- AAA Office In Ont ler, Lincoln; division 2, Patsy Lang, end of the month. Walter McPartland, principal and they must be dusted against weevil. quickest way possible. On September 1 the old type cou and boys physical ed ario Next Week Orove; division 3, Arlene Piercy, The goal set for the nation Is 15 mathematics Austrian field peas are especially Mr. Bowman of Pendleton made pons become invalid and gasoline billion dollars. The quota for Oregon ucation. Kingman Kolony; division 4, Bon good as a green manure crop. The high schopl faculty will be report to the convention and it dealers cannot accept them In ex The 1943 Agricultural Conserva Hyde, Grove: Arlene Piercy and Malheur county will be deter composed One of the crops that shows good his of the following: Frank was adopted. Suggestions to dele change for gasoline. Motorists can tion program compliance check-up nie mined in the vedy near future. possiblky in this area is the soy gates grand champion of all divisions; Parr, principal and boys physical included that the Legion sh will start about September 1. This Mr. Dyer pointed out that “Many canning contest, Patsy deHaven, bean. Six acres of the beans have ould make present service men ass readily tell if they are now holding year, Malheur county farmers are John Young, pre-flight people will say ‘How can we raise education; ben planted at the farm. Sitton will ociate members, to become full me the new type, or old type, coupons. asked to visit the local AAA office Kingman Kolony, first. higher mathematics, use soybean meal for protein supp mbers on honorable discharge from Old type B and C coupons are id at Ontario as soon after September Dairy—Holstein heifer calf, Wes that much?’. Increased taxes, which aeronautics, geometry, physics, and boys athlet lement in his livestock feeding ex service; provide for service men’s entified by the words "permits de 1 as possible and report their 1943 ley Richmond, Lincoln: Holstein none of us like, but which are nece ics; Stella Young, English and periments. The station men planted families and funds for rehabilitation livery of one unit of gasoline." New crop averages and • practices comp- yearling heifer, Shirley Russell, ssary in wartime, will take care of girls Mrs vocal music; Mrs Ada Haworth, about a third of the amount needed. Grove; holstein mature cow, Harold eight varities of edible soybeans, but work. type B and C coupons carry only ieted and social science; Mrs Or- Lincoln; champion hol The balance must be raised through English some of them probably are not ad ithe words “Mileage ration”, plus a It will be the responsibility of the Richmond, ace Barton, stenography, journalism Rehabilitation Outlined the sale of bonds. stein, Richmond of Lincoln; jersey apted to this section. reports, first readiing large letter B or C depending on producer to provid- Satisfactory me heifer oalf, Dorothy Toomb, King- “You may say ‘I have already bo and library; Miss Lois Rice, social The farm operators also have a Committee constitutional amendments and the class of ration. B coupons, as asurements especially for war crops man Kolony; champion Jersey, Dor ught’. Thousands of our boys have science and speech; Leno Christen new bean called the pioneer, a white of reports of department officers were in the past, are printed in green and sugar beets. County office for othy Toomb; guernsey heifer calf, already fought, but they can’t stop sen. Smith-Hughes agriculture; edible bean, under experiment. It made. ink, and C coupons in red. Miss Virginia VanSlyke, home econ ms aerial and ground maps will be deHaven, Kingman Kolony; when they feel they have fought omics is doing well. can exchange valid mode available to the producer to Donald and girls physical education; A provision for a rehabilitation enough. This Isn’ t a part-time war— guernsey yearling heifer, lone Rob R. B. Dessert of the Dessert Seed service officer to be employed at old Oar type owners by applying to th aid in his report. Each producer bins, Lincoln; guernsey mature cow, either we make a continuing all-out Miss Mina Conrad, English, typing company with headquarters In EH $2700 per annum was introduced at eir local coupons war price and rationing who is eligable for an incentive bookkeeping; Mrs Marguerite Goodell, Lincoln; champion effort to win or we push victory and Centro, California said "We have bords by mail or In person, the OPA payment on potatoes should be pre Chester Miller, algebra, arithmetic and gen many years inito the future. No several hundred acres of vegetable meeting. All resolutions have explained guernsey, Donald deHaven; grand and new type coupons will pared to submit actual measure eral science, and Melvin Spltze, referred to proper committees dairy animal, Harold matter how much we are investing chemistry, seeds under production. We expect been be issued on a conpon-for-coupon ments to the person assisting in the champion biology and orientation. now. It isn’t enough unless we are Richmond. to take on production of other cr for A consideration. report. The custodial staff will consist of point before the con- basis. really sacrificing. Beef—Hereford steer, Luke Van- ops. The crops are bringing fabul ention contested was a resolution dividing Holders of 100-ga!lon bulk coupons If a producer has a wheat acreage derbrink, Pioneer; angus steer, ‘In any event, it takes both taxes Mr. Miller, Mr. Cochrun and Mr. ous returns. The government has Oregon into districts in place of must apply to the boards to have for 1943, he should be prepared to and savings to pay for a war like Dorman. Ingle, Cairo. placed production of garden seeds the present ten seven. The resolution them exchanged fer regular coupons turn in the actual yields from this Bernard this and it's up to each one of The custodians have renovated the Poultry—white leghorn, Beverly (Continued on page six.) of the appropriate class - B, C. E. crop in order to keep th wheat Russell, Grove; Rhode Island red. us to one was defeated. shoulder our share of the lo buildings during the summer mon ths. The greater part of the high A motion to adopt a resolution to R. or TT, or in the case of large history for the farm up to date. Lei ter Parker, Kingman Kolony: ad”. school building was kalsomined, the create the office of district vice- users, for ration bank certificates. Some rechecking of 1943 acreages other breeds. Naomi Shaw, Kingman commander in all districts was car The one-gallon bulk coupons issued and practices is expected later in Kolony. floors in both buildings were varn ished and the effeots of a year of ried. Speakers during the Saturday to members of the armed forces as the fall. Therefore, where estimate Rabbits—Lester Parker. wear and tear were ellmlnatd so far morning session were General Ralph a special furlough or leave travel of acrage are used, it would be well Swine—Duroc market hog, Mark as possible. Cowgill, commander of the Oregon ration will continue in use. it was for th preson reporting compliance White, Willowcreek; Poland China state guard, who complimented Leg explained. to be as accurate as is possible un market hog, Jimmy Wilson, King- der the circumstances. ionnaires on their complete cooper man Kolony; Hampshire market ation in organizing the guard under The 1943 potato incentive pay hog, Patrick McClure, Willowcreek: Lightning, striking during a storm ments will be made in the same first pen of four. Jimmy Wilson: August 8. created havoc at the Don conditions almost unbelievably hard; Lowell Stockman, national congress payment with the conservation champion «Ut, all breeds, Mark Reardon farm near Nyssa. man from Pendletion, who urged practice. Sugar beet payments will White Willowcreek. and champion The lightning struck the house, ruined a radio, tore a gable end out Legionnaires to present their ideas probably be made In March or Apr. market hog, all breeds, Wilson. The staff of the Adrian high on winning the peace by forming President Roosevelt is doing a of 1944 after the factory finishes its Sheep—Fat lamb, heavy. Wilbur of the house and ran along a wire school has been completed, accord to the chicken house. The bolt melt committee to present such ideas to first-class job in the handling of annual run. Stewart, Valley View; fat lamb, ing to Superintendent Dennis W. congress. R. P. Kramer, special ag the war, and is a master of the Each producer is urged to make light, Betty Shaw, Arcadia: black ed the wire, setting six grass fires Patch, to the opening ent of the FBI in charge of Port military situation, in collaboration his report as soon as possible but to face ewe lamb, Floyd Bishop, Val between the residence and the ch of school preparatory 30. land headquarters, who praised the with American military leaders, sa arrange his visit to coincide with ley View: whiteface ewe lamb, Patty icken house. It crushed one end of Members August of the staff are J. E. _ . _ 26-- „ pon TT„ „ jye Legion for being subersjve alert and activities; aggress- id Lowell Stockman representative other business if at all possible. Re Shaw. Arcadia; mature ewe, Floyd the poultry house. Johnson, agriculture instructor; Ho Fort Knox, Ky.-Aug Jn reportlng Mr. Reardon, who was irrigating porting of compliance can be great orders of Maj. Gen. Alvan C. Gill- and EImer v Wooten, in in congress, who visited in Nyssa ly speeded up if each farmer will Bishop. in a field, saw the fire and ran to ward Lovejoy, science, physical ed Showmanship contest—Hog division j em, Jr., chief of the armored com- chare Qf state selectlve senrlee hea- Monday. house ,but rain started falling ucation and coaching; Mrs Genevie have the acreages of the various Wilson, Kingman Kolony; sheep. the mand a new class of soldier stud- d<,uarters who ,ald that over M On the home front, said Stock- crops ve Watts, English; Miss Shlrllve and extinguished the flames. listed before he visits the off Shaw, Arcadia; dairy. Miss Toomb. man, the president is doing poorly. ice. ents had reported at the armored cent Qf Mlectiv(i gervice Bill Schoon was stunned when Weisgerber, commerical; Mrs Doro Kingman; beef, LaVera Fritts, school this week to take a special am deeply concerned over the lightning struck the Pruyn garage thy Patch, social science and home are Legionnaires. Colonel “I Cairo. new-deal policies. They will, unless course in the wheeled vehicle dep members the same day. The lightnln struck economics: Mrs Ann Elizabeth Th Wooten stated that the problem of Results of all FF.A. exhibits and CO-OP SUPPLY TO delay victory. artment. lie arae roof, and tarveled to a con omas. band and social science; Den after the war will be corrected, the Judging contest, announced by duit New Students Include Private Don demobilization “The war is costing us too much. BUILD ADDITION and burned the wires leading nis Patch, mathematics and book greater than the problem of mob Leno Christensen of Nyssa, and J. Murphy, son of George Murphy ilization. He said that the re-emp- The interest on the national debt keeping, and Rev. J. E. Nevin, Bible to the electric welder. John Johnsen of Adrian, vocational soon will equal the entire cost of Ground was broken last week for agriculture instructors, follow: study. of Nyssa. loyment division of the selective The armored school, of which the government in 1930. excavation of a basment for the new Registration of students will be board In Oregon is already, running SWINE "The situation on the home front addition to the PacificOoaperative Class I, duroc-Jersey: Brig. Gen J. A. Holly is comman service held Friday and Saturday of this service men in their old Jobs or to dant. trains the thousands of off functioning to replace discharged is badly muddled by overstaffed Supply building in Ontario. week at the high school building Lot 2—1st, Donnie Brewer, Ad icer and enlisted technicians who secure new work for them. bureaus In Washington, whose men This addition, according to OX). rian, from 8a.m. to 10 p.m. Lockers will $7; 2nd, Jack Marshall, Nys Dearborn, manager, was found nec sa. $5; 3rd, Donnie Brewer, $3. perform the specialist tasks in the Other speakers appearing on the are not practical." also be assigned at that time army’s mobile, powerful armored program Included Roane Waring, Stockman cited the milk situation essary in order to care for the in- Lot 3—1st, Brewer, $7: 2nd, Brew Mr Patch said that, although divisions. One of the largest techn- national at The Dalles and Hood River as creasiing volume of business hand er, $5; 3 rd, Don Lytle, Nyssa, $3; The registered Jersey dairy herd of students are working and will not commander of the Ameri an Robert H. Clark of route 1, Nyssa, leal schools in the world, it grad- can Governor Earl Snell of example of OPA bungling which led by the institution, which calls Winslow. Ontario, $1. Lot led the herds of Idaho during June be able to attend school the first uates several times more students Oreg0|lt and Brigadier General Jo- he believes is the worst feature of for additional seed cleaning equip 4th, Joe it is important that they reg (Continued on page two) with an average of 46 22 pounds of day, each year than the largest civilian hn N. Oreely, military analyst for the new deal home front policy. The ment and storage. ister this week. Regular classes will butterfat per cow. which formerly had 14 milk Plans call for the erection of a universities be held Monday. the office of the co-ordinator of Dalles, After the Malheur County Dairy now has only two and th structure 40x60 feet, a portion of PROSPECTING FOR new courses will be offer affairs, Washington, dealers, Herd Improvement association was ed Several Cpl J. Harold Callahan of Cow D inter-American c ese are subsidized by the city. An which will be four stories high and CALCITE STARTED this year, including world history, discontinued Mr. Clark joined an increase in milk price ceilings was in which the new seed cleanling Hollow who has been home on fur geometry, office practice and ph Idaho association, the Welser-Oem- lough for the past two weeks, left PRESSURE COOKER refused. Hood River dairymen have equipment, now on hand.w 111 be Vale Aug. 26 (Special)--Charles ysics. Monday afternoon for Fairbanks. stayed in business supplying milk installed To this will be added a Swan has returned from a prospect Payette No. 2, which was the high Alaska, where he will resume his NOW AVAILABLE to Portland at a higher price wh single story lean to, to be used as ing trip along the Owyhee reservoir association in Idaho during June. CIRCUIT COURT ile the city itself is short of'milk. a warehouse, along with the full Mr Swan reports considerable The 414 cows in the association, in duties as radio operator His bride left Tuesday morning Leno Christensen, vocational agri Stockman said the OPA had 2700 baser» ent under the entire new st activity In that section with pros cluding 41 dry cows, averaged 33.97 SESSION TO OPEN for Oolome S. Dak. Where she will culture instructor iri the Nyssa high lawyers on its staff in Washington ructure. The addition will extend pectors looking for calclte. a min pounds of butterfat. visit friends and relatives for a few school, stated this week that the hl- trying to regulate an Industry of 60 feet west from the present buil eral much in demand for various Clark's Sybil was third high cow Vale, August 26 (8peclal)--The days before returning to Washing- gh school has received through the which they know little or nothing. dings and will be of similar con war purposes A considerable de in the association. She produced September term of circuit court will ton D C., where she is employed war production program one victory struction. George Shaffer is the posit is located there, but the pro 1426 pounds of milk containing 81.2 be opened August 30, when the model pressure cooker for loaning Visiting In Nyssa — contractor in charge of building op- blem is kno-ring how to extricate pounds of fat Two other cows, in grand jury convenes. Judge Robert as a telegraph operator. to families who need it. It in usable form. Mr Swan said. cluding Rosie, averaged more than D Lytle will preside. Mrs Clarence Poorman and Mrs i eratIons 60 pounds of fat Rosie, milked since Members of the grand Jury ars Sergeant J. C. Poage is home on In order to make the fullest use Jim Mitchell from 8eattle, and Mrs | ----------------------- last December. 235 days, has not Art Ackerman, Oeorge F Clowers. Here From Emmett— a short furlough from his station possible of the cooker local residents A. V. Oook of Portland are visiting Parents Of San— at Sioux Palls. South Dakota Ser wishing to borrow it are asked to Mrs Mary Lyles this week. Mrs Mr and Mrs Carl Clarkston of Mr and Mrs Lieehty of Emmet • given under 60 pounds of fat per M M. Oreeling, Floyd Hager. O Y. geant Poage is a radio Instructor in schedule Its use ahead of time. They Poorman and Mrs Oook are da ugh- ' Apple valley are parents of a son spent the week-end at the W L month. In that time she had prod Chester J. A Davenport and Ouy Farnsworth. may call the high school for details. ten of Mrs Lyles , bom Sunday. McLIng home. 1 uced 508 pounds of fat. the army. Third War Loan Drive Endorsed By Chamber Of Commerce Vale Man Named Dist. Commander 1943 Production Check-up To Be Begun Sept. 1 Our Boys In The Service Third War Loan Drive To Start Lightning Hits Building Here Stockman Talks On F. R. Status Dairy Herd Of Nyssa Is High Adrian’s School Staff Employed