THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL deferred-, and those whose induct­ ion would cause ‘‘Extreme hardship and privation to their families" will be deferred. RATIONING OF HOME-CANNED Town and Farm In Wartime PAGE FlVß THURSDAY AUGUST 19,1943 army during the present war will be , to meet wartime requirements, says | The leaflet will go into every home signified by a lapel button. The WFA. Approximately 413.000 tons and the bulletin to every block war department has announced ; will be made Into peanut butter— 1 leader and neighborhood leader in Both men and women, whether of -1 375,000 tons for civllan consumption each county. The week of September FATHERS TO BE DRAFTED ficers or enlisted personnel, will be and the remainder for the Army j 12 has ben set aside by every county FOODS eligible to wear the button if they and Navy. Fathers I t to 37 years old, with in the State for this distribution. Each person in your family may FEDERAL EXPENDITURES hold an honorable discharge. children born before September IS, give away as much as 50 quarts of Miss Ethel Mealey. consultant, hea­ Ninety-live cents out of every SELL EQUIPMENT TO SIGNAL 1943. will be reclassified to make home canned food during any cal­ dollar of Federal expenditures goes lth education, division of Maternal CORPS them available for induction into endar year without collecting ra t­ F IR S T C H U R C H O F C H R IS T N Y S S A A SSEM B L Y O F G O D Photographic and short-wave ra­ directly into the war effort, says and child health, Oregon state the armed forces after October 1. ion stamps. Any food which is sold (C H R IS T IA N ) P a s to r C . A. S la u g h te r dio equipment purchased from pri­ secretary of the treasury Morgan- board of health, will bring supplies Fathers will be drafted only when it does not qualify as a gift, however, H . N. W ad d ell, P a s to r vate owners is now in service on thau. This means that $36.8 billion is necessary to fill a local board’s and points must be collected for Sunday school, 9:45 am . Alan Ed­ Bible school at 10 a. m„ Paul many battle fronts as well as In the of the approximately $38.7 billions to Malheur county August 26. She will meet with the county coordin­ monds Superintendent. Every class quota-, they will be called without all sales at the rate of eight points Gorfrey, superintendent. continental United States, but more which President Roosevelt estimat­ ator, the personnel of the county distinction regarding the number or i per quart (4 points per pound), Ho- welcomes you. 11 a. m„ worship and commun­ of a number of specific items is gr­ ed would be received in the present health department and other repre­ ages of their dependent children-, j me-canned food contributed to sc- Morning service, 11: o’clock ion service. Sermon: "The Natur­ eatly needed The war department fiscal year, will go to purchase guns, s e n t s groups to make plans for those who are "keymen" in agncul- ! hool lunch programs and similar alness of the Christian Life". Evengelistic 8 o’clock. has announced. The signal corps, tanks, ships, planes, etc. this special week. The Oregon state ture or essential Industry will be i services is included in the 50 quarts. Prayer meeting Thursday, 8 2:15 p. m„ Gospel Bell pro­ army service forces, has made a sp­ civilian defense council and the More than 50 quarts may be given gram over KFXD. ecial appeal to persons possessing Oregon state board of health with I away provided ration stamps are o’clock. 8 p. m„ praise and preaching ser­ certain high-grade or scarce items their affiliated county organizations A cordial welcome to all. collected for all gifts exceeding that vice. Sermon: “A Strange Bar­ to sell them as a means of aiding wish to accomplish county-wide dis­ number. The stamps should be tu r­ gain. tribution of the block leader bull­ the war effort. Owners who wish to ned in to your local ration boards, j T H E C O M M U N IT Y U N IT E D Announcing Rally Day and pic­ offer equipment for sale should etin and leaflet “Good Health Is WASTE FATS COLLECTED nic September 5. Special services write to:-emergency purchase sect­ P R E S B Y T E R IA N C H U R C H The county health department A Weapon”, and county-wide educ­ Waste kitchen fat collections th ­ and out-of-town speaker. K in g m a n M e m o rial ion, Philadelphia signal corps proc­ under the direction of Dr. Clyde R. ation concerning the services of the roughout the country totaled 8,440,- J . C. N evin, P a s to r. We welcome you. urement district, 5000 Wissahicken Walker of Vale has recently rece­ county health department. 274 pounds during the month of 10 a, m„ Bible school. Wednesday, 8 p. m„ Y.P.C.E. and Ave.. Philadelphia, Pa. Nothing sh­ ived a letter from Dr. Fredrick D. June, setting an all time high mark 11 a. m„ morning worship. Con­ social hour. ould be shipped unless requested. JOURNAL’S Strieker, executive secretary, Oregon since the inauguration of this pro­ Attention young people. This is RULE FOR POULTRY TRUCKERS state board of health asking that gram in July 1942, WPB has repor­ cluding sermon from James—“On your service a time to worship and SALE CALENDAR Truckers nauling poultry must the week of Sepetember 12-18 in­ ted. The total collected is still not Being Patient.” play. We invite you. post within their trucks the name clusive be reserved for emphasis PUBLIC FARM SALE sufficient to meet war demands. Friday, August 27. 8 p. m„ evening worship. Dis­ and address of the persons to whom WPB Region 1, comprised of the cussion groups for all. Y. P. led SUNSET VALLEY CHURCH 2 miles north. 1 mile west, then it is being shipped, the place from upon the county public health New England states ranked first in by Ellen Judd. 1 mile north of Vale. "The Lord hath done great things qUantities, types, grades and weight program. Dr. Strieker gives the reason. pounds collected per occupied dw­ Sale starts at 1 P.M. for us „ whereof we are glad’. Psalms ‘which the items were shipped, their . v , . - r «•» Thursday, August 26, at 2 p. m„ 126:3. We extend a hearty welcome Leaflets and bulletins have been elling. 2 horses, 3 holsteln helfters, 150 classes, and the number of head of prepared in his office at the request Rhod Island reds, Large assortment W.C.T.U. meets at the home of to you to attend our services, which BUDGET REPORT each, ........ The . „ OPA has ruled „„ __ _ _ of the Oregon state civilian defense of machinery. Government budgetary estimates Mrs. Herbert Shaw. The children are as follows: GET APPLICATION BLANKS c0UIlcil tor state-wide distribution. Col. Bert Anderson, auctioneer. for the fiscal year 1944 estimate to­ of the church will present the Sunday school at 16 o’clock with TO Members of the armed services of tal expenditures for the year, ex­ T, H. Brewer as superintendent. the U. S„ and of the united nations A rubber shortage cluding debt retirement and trust program. All are invited to at- Classes for all ages. who are eligable to use war ration Morning worship at 11. now exists. Get the best fund disbursements, at 106 billion tend. book three, will receive application Evangelistic Services 8 pm. Sp­ dolllars, and net receipts at 38 bill­ re-caps money can buy ion dollars. The expected deficit of blanks from their commanding off­ S T . P A U L ’S E P IS C O P A L ecial music and good singing, icers beginning about August 15. and have it done neither 68 billion dollars will bring the M IS S IO N at the church. these military applicat­ too late nor too soon. public debt above 200 billion dollars The Rev. Burton S alt« , vicar. Prayer meeting Wednesday 8 p.m. Processing ions and issuance of war ration by next June 30. In the fiscal year Have your tires regular­ Just ended, actual expenditures Morning prayer and sermcn, 9:30 F U L L G O S P E L T A B E R N A C L E book three will be completed bet­ A. M. ween August 15 and September 10. ly inspected by our sp­ L lo y d P o u n d s, p a s to r The book will not be needed for Holy communion and sermon each Sunday school, 10 a. m. ecialists— and you’ll kn­ buying rationed commodities until second Sunday of the month. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Stock Up Now With ow the right moment for after that time. It is estimated that Evangelistic service, 8 p. m. Church school at 10:30 a. m. approximately 700,000 men and wo­ the job. We recap with Wednesday evening, cottage pray­ Women's Guild second Wednesday men in the military services will er meeting. best approved factory of each month. Street meeting Saturday night. be entitled to receive war ration equipment. Everyone cordially Invited to attend book three. L D. 8. C H U R C H WOOL SUPPLIES ABOUT SAME Sunday 9:15 a.m. Priesthood these services. The supply of wool for civilian Seek ye the Lord while He may be meeting. wearing apperal is approximately found. Sunday 10:30 am . Sunday school. the same as last season. To meet Fall season calls for more Sunday 7:30 p. m. Sacrament military demands and equip civil­ Quality considered, present rug prices are quite C H U RCH O F T H E NAZARENE baking. Be sure you have en­ meeting. ians, existing wool facilities will be Vern W. Martin Pastor. ough Picket, that enriched flour Tuesday 2:00 p.m. Relief society reasonable! Brighten up YOUR floors at slight ‘‘Praise ye the Lord. I will praise operated to the limit of capacity. made from high altitude wheat. meeting. Manufacturers are reducing the var­ Sold by All Grocers First Tuesday of each month at the Lord with my whole heart, In iety of colors and counts of their ED. WILD, PROP. cost! Buy while assortments are complete. 4 pm . Primary for children bet­ the assembly of the upright, and in yams, weavers are dropping some W E IS E R M . tc E. C O . Phone 131J the congregation.” Psm. 111:1 ween ages of 4 and 12. Sunday school at 10 a.m. Earnest of the non-essential numbers from their lines. Materials produced will Linoleum Scatter Rugs, 18 by 36 inches. T H E M E T H O D IS T C O M M U N IT Y Barker, superintendent. Your children should be in Sun­ be familiar, popular, and practical CHURCH day school. Come and bring him. types. No colors are prohibited. M . H. Greenlee. Pastor Morning worship at 11 o’clock. NEED BIG PEANUT CROP The churdh school opens promptly Message by the pastor. Large increases in the production at 10 a m. with a helpful devotional Junior N.Y.PB. In the basement of peanut butter and peanut oil fr­ A N N U A L F IN A N C IA L R E P O R T om the 1943 crop of farmers’ stock service. We urge everyone to be on at 7:15 p.m. August 7. 1943 Evangelistic service at 8 pm. peanuts, expected to approximate time. Morning worship is at 11 a.m. T R IA L B A L A N C E Prayer and Praise service Wed­ 1,425,000 tons--375,000 tons more th ­ Bonds outstanding .................................................- * 16000.00 The Methodist Youth Fellowship nesday night, 8 o’clock. an last year—are urgently needed Bond coupons paid ............................................... 80535.00 and the Young Adult Fellowship Missionary meeting for the entire Bond & Interest Fund ........................................ - 61 2* meeting begin at 7:30 p.m. Evening church the first Wednesday of ev­ B & I Taxes receivable for year worship starts at 8.30. A half hour ery month. This meeting is held * 2431.54 1934, In the church. 414.47 of congregational singing is a feat­ 1935, Gospel Bell broadcast every Sun­ 530.22 1936, ure of the evening worship service. day at 2:15 over K.F.X.D. 133.82 1937, 689.42 1988. were 80 billion dollars, actual rece­ wills to solving problems in insur­ 219.66 1939, ipts 22 billion dollars, or a deficit ance, is being provided to soldiers 58.69 1940, of 58 billion dollars. A hundred bil­ by more than 600 legal assistance 381.16 1941, lion dollars will be needed for war officers in military installations $25000.00 1943-44, expenditures during the fiscal year in the U. S. and abroad the war Total Bond A Interest Tax Receivable ......... 29859.98 1944, compared with 73 billion doll­ department announced recently. At Oounty (Delinquent taxes) .......................... ..... 11373.23 ars actually spent for war in 1943. each of the legal assistance officers 298914.48 Drainage Tax Record) The war department now Is ex­ commissioned officers of the judge Drainage System .................................................... 88163.76 pected to spend less and the navy advocate general’s department, army Drainage Well No. 2 ............................................... 688 05 department and other agencies are service forces, who are also licensed Interest Ac Discount ................................................. 7818.68 expected to spend more for war attorneys, are on duty. During a re­ Laird land sale contract ......................................... 361.84 than was estimated in January. cent period 50 typical Legal assist­ $ 421.75 1934. O Ac M Tax Rec, year MORE WOOL FOR CIVILIANS ance officers reported th at since 471.15 1936, Several million mer.’s mackinaw their establishment they have ass­ 346 45 1936. and melton work jackets, children’s isted Military personnel in a total 410.94 1937, legging sets, blankets and other of 24,000 matters. 297.85 1938. needed items of men’s, women’s and MORE BUTTER FOR CIVILIANS 946 1939, children’s apparel will be added to Approximately 16 million pounds 89.01 1940, the civilian supply this winter as a of butter, in addition to the amount 150.06 1941, result of a program arrived at join­ scheduled for August, will be avail­ 524.07 1942. tly by WPB and the war depart­ able to civilians this month, The 84754 1943-44, ment. Army procurement on some War food administration has ann­ of the principal worsted and woolen ounced. Previously, 40 percent of Total O Ac M Taxes receivable ............................ 3568 28 I products will be reduced by 50 per­ production was to be set aside for Operation Ac Maintenance ................................. 84,008.96 cent during the last four months of government purchase. This has been Operation Ac Maintenance Fund ........................... 3187.09 this year. Penn le land sale contract ...................................... 450.00 reduced to 30 percent. TOWN AND FARM CONTINUED Tsnsen-Burblrge land sale c o n tra ct..................... 425.00 HONORABLE DISCHARGE BUT­ LEGAL AID TO SOLDIERS TONS TTi-State Investment Co. land owned ............. — 3423.37 $313,914.48 $313,914 48 Legal aid, ranging from drawing An honorable discharge from the RECEIPTS August 1, 1942 to August 7, 1943 $ 9621.04 I I I H B N I was a kid m y A b o u t 10 m o n th s ag o , I August 1. 1942, Cash on hand .............. .................... t h a t ’ll b rin g m e b a c k $4.00 for 609.11 s ta r te d b u y in g W ar B o n d s o n * ~ fa th e r used to aing a song Land Sale contracts — .................................................. e v e ry $ 3.00 I p u t in . 18.75 t h a t en d ed u p w ith th is refrain : th e P a y ro ll S a v i n g s P l a n . County land sold ................... -----------------?------------ T h o se B o n d s a r e b eg in n in g $60 DO F ig u re d it w as th e le a s t I co u ld Pasture rent ..................................................................... “Oh, Sara up your money and to m o u n t u p now . A n d I ’ m 150 D O do for U n cle S am . Drainage well No. 1 pump and motor sold put it in yow baa, g oing to kmop th e m m o u n tin g 86 09 Kingman Kolony Drainage District warrant paid — ..... Aad you’ll always Kara tabarro A n d t h a t ’s th e o n ly w ay I up. F a r I ’v e d isc o v ered w h a t 1 1.21 1938. Taxes paid in for year in yaw aid tabacca baa.” th o u g h t a b o u t it . . . u n til ju s t a sw ell feeling it is to b e mov­ 1023.81 1939. re c e n tly . in g . . . o n a p la n t h a t ’s reg u lar W ell, th e w ords stu c k w ith 1102.67 1940, a s clo ck w o rk a n d ttric e aa su re. m e, b u t I gueaa th e m o ral N ow , a ll o f a su d d e n . I ’ve 1555.81 1941, So I ’ m tin g in g f a th e r ’s song d id n ’t . 1117.55 d isc o v ered t h a t — for th e first 1942. . . . a little d iffe re n t. tim e in th e h is to ry o f Y o u rs 3087J7 1942-43. Even if you have to move in with your relat­ N o m a tte r h o w h a rd I trie d T ru ly — I ’m moving d o u g h . “Oh, u a a w yaw War Bands sod pad Total taxes paid in ........................ ...... ......................... ......... • . . 1 n ev er seem ed to be ab le ives or neighbors, or go to bed to keep warm, E v e ry m o n th , ra in - o r - sh in e , thaw in yaw baa. $18733.91 to sa v e u p a re d c e n t. Total receipts ........... ....................................... d u i n e u \ O.K. Rubber Welders Malheur Health Week Planned Picket Add To The Charm and Flour Comfort of Your Rooms Nyssa-Arcadia Drainage District 15c Each • Nyssa Furniture Co. “.. and'pull always have tobacco inyour old tobacco box!' Even If You Freeze W ar Plants Will Get Coal Next Winter E X P E N D IT U R E S Bonds paid ---------------- ---- — --- ----------------- ------ ------ Interest paid on bonds Court costs in Kiesel Estate suit ...... —........... ....... — Advance payment cleaning Lateral No 4 Operation and maintenance Taxes paid on real estate owned ...... ............... Total expenditures ......................... Cash In Bond & Interest Fund .... .......................... $ 61.24 Cash in O A M Fund ............ ...................... .............. 3117.09 August 7. 1948. total cash on hand ----------------------- ---- -------- $ 8500.00 .. 1410.00 13225 400.00 1723 23 .. ^ 3320.10 $15485.88 B u t i t ’ m nJI d iffe re n t n o w ! h e il-o r-h ifh -w a te r I ’m « tick in g aw ay a W ar B ond, a B ond And yaw’ll always bars tabacca b next winter. Avoid rationing and “heatless” days by stocking up on coal now. Fill your bins -provide emergency storage if you can—pack SAVE WITH U.S. WAR BONDS IVERYB0DY...EVERY PAYDAY... AT LEAST 101 in every ton possible. It’s the only sure way to 3248.33 $18733 91 F. Correct Attest: Frank D. Hall war plants and army camps will get coal first Tensen Oerrtt Qroot F. W. Sherwood Auditing Committee provide warmth and comfort in your home next winter. Nyssa Elevator This spnee ia a saw nO ort by Gate City Journal