PAGE FOUR THE NYSSA GATE CJTY JOURNAL THURSDAY AUGUST 19,1943 Charles of Marsing, Idaho and Mr bers present. The ladies gave a 1 a three weeks visit with her mother and Mrs Chester Axtell and family pink and blue shower in connection and other relatives in Lead, North with the regular club meeting for Dakota. of Caldwell. Donna Matherly and Mary Lee Arlene Piercy invited Joyce Ku­ Mrs. Tanner. The hostess served Vitamins for the Workman rtz, Dolores Auker, Caroline Schei- ice cream, cake and punch. The Shenk have gone to Emmett, where mer. Patsy De Haven. Shirley Smith next meeting will be held at the they will spend a week with Mr. -B y Dr. James A. To b ey • and Mrs. Charlie Thompson. ! and Betty Jean Toomto to dinner Leslie Topliff home August 26. Mr. and Mrs. Will Burtrem, Mr. C. W. Barrett spent Sunday in j Sunday. y O U can take it as a maxim that have food-minerals to keep the and Mrs. Alva Goodell and E. L. Mrs Ella Grandison of Spokane Jameson were among those who a t­ the Frank Edward home in Nyssa. * the well-fed worker usually is bones strong, the blood red, and John Shenk is installing a water the best worker. A good diet is to aid in various other bodily arrived Wednesday to spend a week tended the Co-op picnic at But­ system in his home. not, of course, the only factor in processes. The sources of these ler’s grove Sunday. in the C. M. Beaumont home. Miss Celia Weeber. registered health, but it minerals include dairy products, Mr. and Mrs. George Cleaves re­ Mr and Mrs Samuel Wilkins and is certainly one whole grains, enriched bread, nurse, of San Francisco, visited ceived word from their son, Pvt. daughter, Linda, of Huntington sp­ of the most im­ fruits, liver, pork, nuts, and Eugene Cleaves has returned to his her two sisters here the past week. ent Sunday in the Charles Wilson green vegetables. portant. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Shaw and fam­ Mrs Elsie Heltz and children, home. Mrs Henry Jacobson and company after an appendix opera­ Finally, we come to the vita­ In order to ily and Carroll and Treva Garren tion. Pvt. Cleaves is attached to Rosalee returned with them as they Charles and Norma Lee came from be able to in­ mins themselves. These he should Washington, D. C., Aug. 19--Rumor Boise on Thursday to visit Mr and had been visiting the Wilkins family the medical corps. His brother, left last Saturday for Council, Ida­ crease produc­ get from such protective foods as Pfc. Loyd Cleaves, had his tonsils ho, where they will spend a week since Wednesday. has it that Alvin J Wirtz, recently Mrs Frank Fredericks. tion, reduce ab­ pasteurized milk, eggs, fruits and camping. removed the past week. Opl. Charles Wilson left for Hot api inted by Secretary of the Inter­ Mr and Mrs Wade Nichols of sences, and step fruit juices, yellow and red vege­ Gloria Marostlca of Apple Valley ior Harold Ickes as a consultant on u p e a r n i n g tables, meats, and enriched white Watson visited with Mr and Mrs Lee Springs, Arkansas after spending spent the week end with Wilma 10 days visiting his parents, Mr and power matters, will put In consid­ Thrasher Saturday. ab ility , every bread made with milk. Bullard. The best place to get vitamins _ , , _ . worker needs a erable time in the northwest. Wirtz, Mr and Mrs Ira Cole and family Mrs Charles Wilson. Dr. J. A. Tobsy p r o p e r d i e t _ is from foods, rather than from Fred Levi has sold his ranch, r —— of Parma were Sunday dinner gu­ IMr and Mrs Arthur Cartwright who was an under-secretary of the The junior class had charge of known as the Sam Henry ranch, to with a full quota of vitamins. But pills, capsules, tablets, or elixirs. ests of Mr and Mrs Lee Thrasher. moved to the Tom Johnson ranch interior in 1940-41, is a protegee of from California. Mr. he also needs more than vitamins The best foods for the purpose Mr and Mrs Ray Elliott of Kuna near Nyssa this week. They are to the closing exercises at Sunday a party “Honest" Harold who placed him in Levi will go to his cattle ranch in school this week. are natural foods, which contain in his daily diet. and Mr and Mrs George Cartwright work for Charles Garrison. charge of the Bonieville power adm- Mr. and Mrs. Lester Mr and Mrs Glen Dowers and Montana. Mr and Mrs J. G. Lane and fam­ called on Mrs T. T. Elliott Sunday As a foundation for these health­ natural vitamins, rather than instration during that time. Mr. ily shopped in Caldwell one day this family attended a family reunion Jameson, who lived on the place, afternoon. Ickes believes Mr. Wirtz knows as giving vitamins, the efficient special preparations or unusual at the home of Mrs Dowers’ parents will move to Nyssa. Ida May Deffenbaugh accomp­ week. much as anyone about the electric worker must have an adequate dietary concoctions. Persons who are properly nour­ anied the Higgins family to Nampa Mr and Mrs Harvey Otis and Em­ Mr and Mrs Willard Ross, in Cald­ Most of the farmers have their quota of energy-giving foods, power situation in Washington and ished will have the health of Wednesday evening to attend a con­ ily were Sunday evening dinner well Sunday. second crop of hay in the stack Oregon. Among other things, con­ such as enriched bread and whole youth. As pointed out by Dr. F. C. Mrs Bill Hipp left last week for this week. grain cereals, potatoes, and other guests in the C. M. Beaumont home. ference of the Nazarene church. sultant will make a further report Bing, a well-nourished child has Dorothy Toomb spent Sunday as Dorothy May Deffenbaugh has on the contemplated Umatilla rap­ solid vegetables. These are the firm flesh on a strong skeleton, ids project, whioh has been in the sustaining foods. with firm muscles, a healthy skin, gone to Ontario, where she has em­ a guest of Irma Points in Adrian. Along with energy, the worker clear eyes, firm pink gums, teeth ployment in the L. O. Braunan ho­ Mrs Clarence Elliott took her 4-H blueprint stage for years. Another Sewing class to Snively Hot springs must have foods that build muscle free from decay, a tongue pink me. look-see will also be made of Grand and brawn, the protein foods that and uncoated, glossy hair, and a Mr and Mrs Frank Moss of Hom- for a picnic and swim Friday even­ Coulee by Mr. Wirtz. edale were Sunday guests in the ing. The story goes that Secretary Ic­ replace and replenish the constant happy disposition. wear and tear on the body tis­ kes is not too well pleased with the The adult workman who is W. W. Deffenbaugh home. Mrs Arthur Case entertained a progress made In tfhe northwest by sues. These are foods such as well-nourished will exhibit these the public power advocates, who meat, milk, cheese, fish, bread, same characteristics, with free­ group of little girls Sunday in ob­ and beans. dom from fatigue, and with.plenty servance of the seventh birthday have been defeated time after time of her granddaughter. La Verna With the vitamins, he must of ambition and zest for life. M!rs. E. L. Jameson is visiting at in their attempts to take over the • Unfortunately, less than one- Van Matre. Members of the family Milton-Freewater. private utilities. The voters in most to spend the day were Mr and Mrs Mrs. Guy Tanner entertained the third of all drugs and medicines all such elections have said No. Another source of information says vey of conditions in 35 counties in to curb the boom, such as happened Kenneth Van Matre and Evelyn Out Our Way club at her home consum ed an n u ally are p re­ that ex-Congressman Walter Pierce, various parts of the United States, after world war No. 1. After the and Mrs Loyd Weygaudt and son, Tursday afternoon with eight mem­ who during his 10 years as an east­ Just completed by the department of last war flocks of insurance com­ scribed by physicians. The phar­ ern Oregon representative packed agriculture, the American farmer is panies, mortgage loan associations, mmmm ra u im m mu iiiiiiimnim iin n n iiiiiin n i i i i i i i t i i i i i i i i n uni iiiiii i in in Lnninii in the torch for public power, will Join far more prosperous than the atti­ macist is the only person who the Bonneville staff. Pierce, who is tude of farm lobbyists and farm private investors and others were can provide professional advice left holding the sack on farm loans an experienced campaigner along bloc congressmen would indicate. such lines, also has a wide acquain­ According to this survey, northwest from coast to coast, which resulted . on th e o th er tw o -thirds. He tance in the northwest and it is farmers are buying better food, bet­ in serious losses and wrecked many understood his talents will be used ter clothing and 'banking more sav­ financial institutions. A reputition knows all about the fake reducing cures, hair Protect yourself against loss of your crops | in that direction. ings than they did in the boom days the department of agriculture wants growers, cancer remedies, and on down through To the degree that agricultural of world war No. 1, and this situa­ conditions may be judged by a sur- tion is said to exist nationally. Fig­ of such a happening is the thing the list of miracle workers. Before you buy any with fire insurance. ures released by the federal farm to avoid. It is said legislation in loan bank Show current payments some form will be asked by the de­ of these nostrums ask us about them. If you have been met and considerable partment Dy which farm land prices We also sell other types of fire insurance and | PR O TEC T THE really need medical attention we will refer you amounts of money have been de­ 2 •rs can be controlled. posited for furture payments. One Secretary of the Treasury Morg- to a list of competent physicians., all kinds of automobile coverage. reason advanced for larger savings T enthau still insistes a steeper income entering farmer savings accounts is tax is the proper answer to his that farmers have been unable to prayer for $12 billion more revenue. buy new machinery and in other Tax experts, on the other hand, say ways have been forced by circum­ Our Jap enemict want to any such increase in taxes will fall stances to limit their spending. destroy Oregon's forests. squarely on the middle income g r­ InHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiin It should be understood, of course, Don't help them f oups, the white collared worker, wh­ that conditions in 35 counties do Put out your cigarettes, not necessarily present a true pic ose salary has not increased any­ matches and campfires! ture of the nation-wide agricultural thing like others but whose living costs have. All tax men agree cor­ PR E V E N T FO REST situation, but officials in the dep­ FIRES by observing the artment of agriculture assert that porations and others in the higher rules of common sense! with a national farm income this income brackeets are now paying year greater than the 1942 record the limit, which is from 40 to as KEEP OMGON WHIM ASSN Seism, Oregon ^ of $18,628,000,000 there can be no high as 90 percent on their incomes. question but that, in a broad way, Many members of the house ways and means committee have remain­ agriculture is prospering. The old story about the city slick­ ed here all during the recsss, wrest­ er taking the farmer is working in ling with the new tax bill which everse these days, according to high they hope to have ready for the officials in the department of agr­ house hopper, come September 14. iculture. Farm land prices have gone However, several key men on the sky high and many framers are un­ committee are of the opinion by far loading at unheard of prices. It is the larger part of Mr. Morgenthau’s E V E R Y FI RE IS feared a price collapse will result additional $12 billion will have to A N A X I S FI RE! f O O O t ° B after the war, unless steps are taken come from some other source than Income taxes. They argue the only i iTii i m i nri n in i n it n «mill iinn n in iii m mil m m n in in m mini mill min in in m m n m m m m i out, so to speak, is a sales tax wh­ S E O V t ioh would raise the additional am­ p l l t ount of money needed. These same congressmen are frank to say they doubt very much if the house will Use One of These for an Assured Food Supply accept any bill which has for its purpose heavier income taxes, at least until all other expendients for Even the most optimistic predictions say some foods ddltional revenue have been exhau­ sted. will be short next winter. W ith our abundance of the world's PRACTICAL HEALTH HINTS Mrs John Bishop and Johnnie of Nyssa were Sunday guests in the Brumbach home. Mr and Mis ft L. Haworth and daughters spent Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs S. Haworth in Star, where Mrs Haworth is very ill. Mr and Mrs Carl Case of Arena Valley called on the Welsh and Brumbach families Sunday. Kingman Kolony Arcadia /1 Valuable Public SeSwice Buena Vista Hay Insurance FOREST FRONT \ A. L. Atkeson | Nyssa Pharmacy Ne x t w . n « " TO finest fruits and vegetables in the Snake River Valley, we Big Bend IN GOOD SHOES The annual Book club picnic was held August 15 at the country home of Mr and Mrs F. A. Miller with members, families and guests Active children need in attendance. A picnic dinner was well-built, sturdy foot­ enjoyed and a social time spent in visiting. wear. Be sure to put Mrs Dan Holly of Adrian, Mrs N. S. Phelan, Mrs F A. Miller and their feet in our shoes. Miss Virginia Miller spent Wednes­ day In Boise on a shopping trip. (Mrs De Qss took Mr De Oss to Boise Thusday for medical treat­ ment. Mr and Mrs Will 8weet received a telegram last Monday announcing the death of their brother-in-law, Sam W. Tate, at Rantoul, Illinois. Mr Tate came to the Bend In 1900 and took up one of the first claims In this section and developed it in­ to a productive ranch. Later he sold and returned to Illinois to follow his calling as a photographer. Mrs Ray Cartwright and Mrs H. R. Hatch were Caldwell business visitors Friday, Mrs Dyre Roberts and children and Mrs Clyde Riggs and children spent Friday in Caldwell. Mrs N. S. Phelan and Mrs Joe Brumbach were Boise and Caldwell Low-heeled black sandals visitors Friday. made to delight the party E. H Brumbach who spent the past three weeks in the Ontario girl! hospital returned home Saturday in an ambulance He is steadily Improving from a severe heart a tt­ ack. Pvt. Douglas and wife of Nampa spent Saturday visiting In the Dyre Roberts home Mr Douglas Is home on a furlough from Camp Edwards. lllljlllllllltIM MIIIIIIM MIIM IIIIIIIIM MIIIIIIIIM MIIIIIIIIM lim millimiimilMllm U Massachusetts. Atkeson Clothing Store can guard against food shortages next winter and spring by preserving food now. Ask for free information at any Idaho Power office Build up next winter's food supply by one or more of these methods: • QUICK FREEZING— an Ideal method. If you're lucky enough to have a freezing locker. It you have— flit It now, while fresh foods are abundant. • GENERAL CANNING— I. Pressure Cooking— the only safe can­ ning method for non-acid foods, as it avoids danger of botullnu* poisoning. 2. Wafer Bath. 3. Oven Canning. 4. Open Kettle. The three last methods are suitable for fruit* and tomatoes only. • DEHYDRATING— Certain foods can be dried. Ask et any Idaho Power office for free plan sheafs for home dehydrator*. • WINTER STORACE— Many vegetabla* a* well as apple* and pear* can be stored effectively in their natural condition in cellar*, pits and boxes. — ” W W I I DAHO A CITIZEN W OWER P W H E R E V E R IT S E R V E S