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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1943)
Classified Advertising 4 C a p i/d l AMERICAN HEROES BY LEFF yÿÊEF MurraiWride RATES: Two cent« per word lor each issue. Minimum cash in advance is 30c. PEACE SESSION Delete the probability of a special session of the legislature to raise money fbr old-age pensions. The MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS ’43 session had vision enough to For Sale make arrangements so elastic that BUSY OR WORKING MOTHERS FOR SALE—Auto Liability Insur Your children will be well taken the state will not have to write ance. *11.50 per year on “A" Ration. care of, day cr night at the “PARK rubber checks this biennium. But-- Other Rates Proportionately low YOUR TOT” home. look out for a “preparedness for Meets State’s Requirements. peace” session. Kaleidascope events Reasonable prices. Bernard Eastmen Call Mrs Gayle Jensen 132-W of the past fortnight are a flash ing reminder to federal and state FOR RENT OR SALE—Furnished GRAIN GRINDING—Phone 348-R3, officials of the abruptness of war. house, partly modem, lawn and Ontario. Cairo Junction. Jacob realize that whether our Eur- shade. Inquire 162 east First St. Schoessler, 19ATFC opean victory is days or years arriv 19ATFC ing, preparedness for peace is to day’s job. FOR SALE—Farms of all sizes, Lincoln Heights _ ** NEW LIQUOR HEADACHE *100 to *300 an acre. A. L. Atkeson, Rev. McConnlee, pastor of the j Report ^ the state liquor control Captain Anthony Hollub manned the top turret gun» of hi» grounded realtor. 12ATFC plane to return the fire of the Jap air attack on Clark Field in the Presbyterian church of Ontario, de- j commission reveal that some of th- Philippines. Expoted to atrafing plane», the New Mexico captain ran ltvered a message to the Lincoln etr pest customers are using as ma- For TRADE acrosa the field for more ammunition when it waa exhausted. Ha was Sunday school at 3 p.m. Sunday. | ny as six permits to get more than ready to sacrifice hit life to keep hi» gun» biasing. How much can you in- TO TRADE—1937 Dodge delivery The Lincoln Sunday school has (their share of rationed liquor. The vest in Payroll Saving» to help heroic fighter» like Hollub to keep fifing? pick-up on late model sedan. Lloyd received an invitation from the commissioners are all for drastic Lewis, 451 Fourth. 29JTFC Arcada Sunday school to attend ar.d immediate corrective measures an all-day services there August 29. J which include suggestions to require WANTED Mr and Mrs Vern Smith and son the buyer to produce his OPA rat- CAPITAL SHORTS Maxine Smith have gone to Port HELP WANTED—Applications for andlda Nelson were Sunday dinner ion book; compelling permit holders By gubernatorial proclamation re land for a visit. Eddie Oear, neph the coming beet campaign are be guests at the Gregory R06S home. I to purchase their liquor at the store quested by General Lewis, north ew of Mrs Frances Deffer who has ing received now from men and Karen Ross celebrated her fourth 0r agency where their permit was western commander, all civilians spent the summer at the Deffer obtained: attaching holders photo have been ordered off the beaches women. It will be necessary for all birthday. employees of the 1942 campaign to A farmers meeting was held at graph to permit. of Oregon. . . Merle Chessman, home, returned to Portland with register for work this year. Boys the schoolhouse Saturday evening Wholesale liquor prices are down Astoria editor and Oregon state them. and girls under 18 years of age members plan to purchase a car and a lcwerlng of retail prices is senator, has been elected chairman John Johnson transacted business being considered. need not apply. The Amalgamated load of coal. of the Oregon-Washington pcst-war in Boise valley over the week-end. Sugar Company, Burnell Brown, The Patch and Chat club will GOVERNOR PLANS CHANGE fisheries committee . . ten persons The young people’s group of the meet at the home of Hope Smith Governor Earl Snell will recomm Superintendent. 1JTFC be admitted to the bar out of Presbyterian church enjoyed today. Co-hostesses will be Jennie end to the 1944 legislature that the will 18 who took the examiners test . . United a swimming party at Nampa Tues WANTED—Used furniture. Highest Smith, Helen Green and May Page. present method of financing old-age state police seek two more convicts day evening. They were accomp prices paid. Phone 149W. Nyssa The community singspiratlon will assistance and public welfare be who walked from the prison Furniture Co. 1ATFC be held at the schoolhouse, Tues removed from their dependency on farm, making away three who escaped anied by Rev. and Mrs Nevin. day evening. Several special num liquor profits. WANTED—Listing on farm and city bers has been chosen by the com "The present contingency plan within four days . . state employees property. A. L. Atkeson. 6MTFC. mittee. use their cars for state business Sunset Valley Everyone Is Invited to attend. with its lack of stability not only who will 5c a mile now instead WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES fOl Friends of Feme Rooks tool have causes considerable confusion and of 4 receive Mr and Mrs J. A. Black return cents. live fox feed horses. Phone 8 Pay received news stating that she had apphehension but, in my opinion, is ed Sunday from Wyoming, where ette. $7Ntfc arrived safely at the Bronx, New not the desirable method of meeting they visited Mrs Black's brother. and would be Issued uniforms our obligations to Oregon’s senior Lorraine Hite of Owyhee spent Adrian FURNITURE WANTED—We pay York after several selection tests. She citizens,” Governor Snell said. Such several last week with her highest prices for used furniture. with other new members of the a change would not affect fixed Mrs Don Linville and children of Aunt, Mrs days Harvey Wilson. Nordale Furniture company. 21Jtfc WAVES were honored with a talk budgetary figures or taxes. Pasco, Wash, arrived at the Alvin Mr and Mrs Harry Frye and son by Mrs Roosevelt. WARNS DRIVERS McGinnis home for a visit with re of Homedale visited Friday at the ALICE A. COLLINS Motoists must obey military police latives In this community. Walter HUlis home. FASHION FOUNDATIONS cfficers just as they would observe Mr and Mrs Harley Wilson and Miss Irma Points, who has acc Will Call By Appointment. Bernard Eastman the orders of civil officers, Secre epted a clerking position at Holly son were Saturday evening guests Residence Phone 122-J tary of State Bob Farrell, warns. brothers store, left for Portland at the Omar Hite home. Box 500, Nyssa. Extensive military maneuvers in Monday for a week's visit with her Darrell and Wyvell Kendall left Real Estate Insurance central Oregon are now under way, parents. She will reside in the small Tuesday for a week's vacation at BUTCHERING and during August a large number Holly house recently occupied by Yakima, where they will visit rel Custom butchering every Monday Phone 84 military convoys will be moving Mrs Barnett, upon her return. atives. and Friday. Beef, sheep and pork. NYSSA OREGON of over Oregon highways. The largest Mr and Mrs Curtis motored to Miss Mertrude King of Salt Lake Sanitary butchering guaranteed. movements early in August will be Boise Friday, bringing Louise Hinton spent last week at the home of her Phone 05R1. One mile west of Nyssa ever the Mackenzie and South San- and Marjorie Cameron home with leice, Mrs Grover Cooper. Miss King on Alberta Ave. Jake Fischer. tlam highways. is employed by the Salt Lake local them for the week-end. CIGARETTE TAX Mrs Don Holly and Miss Virginia ration board. enrichment” act of Miller shopped In Boise Thursday. Mr and Mrs Morten Wixen, for Interior and Exterior the The 1943 “unjust E.W. PRUYN legislature went Into effect The Mary and Martha Missionery mer resident of Cow Hollow arrived last week. It levies a 95 per cent circle of the United Presbyterian 1 here Saturday for a few days, after Decorator. Auto Repairing tax on the net amount of tax which churc met at the home of Mrs Carl l which Mr Wixen will report in Sp- has been collected by cigarette deal Hill Thursday. Mis Deffer received I okane for an army examination. Free Estimate Reboring, Valve Grind ers and wholesalers but not paid a chapter from the study book on Mrs Wixen will return this week to the state. Returns to the tax comm the assimilation of racial groups in Portland. ing, Lathe work. Parts 775 First St. ission must be made and filed on this country. Mrs Patch had ch Mr and Mrs Rueben Kelley of special return forms available from arge of the lesson on Russia. Ref Vale visited Friday evening at the and accessories the commission. reshments were served by Mrs Hill Newgen home. FUNDS TO STATE Kenneth Lorenson and son, Ber- and Mrs Stanley Hill. Andy McGinnis The battleship Oregon commission Mr and Mrs K. I. Peterson were nie, were dinner guests of the Don Phone 56w Is receiving *100 a month rent for in Ontario on business Tuesday. Parker family Sunday. tools which were in the old ship Miss Ada Curtis returned home Rev. and Mrs Homer Walkup, and are being used by an Oregon Tuesday from Portland, where she Miss Tressa Ditty and Mrs Mary corporation which is manufacturing has been engaged in defense work. Query returned Saturday from Fr machines •'or military and naval BUI Woods was a Nampa visitor eewater where they attended camp purposes. Att.rney General I. H. Monday. meeting for a week. Van Winkle has ruled that the Miss Shirline Weisherger of Boise Walter and Banon HlUis hauled a money cannot be used by the com visited at the Patch liome Sunday car of wood from the Adrian stat mission to pay expenses of the Miss Weisgerber will teach comm ion last week. Their order was made battleship Oregon museum In Port ercial subjects and girls physical a year ago. land but must be paid to the state education at Adrian high school Mrs C. A. Ditty was quite ill last treasurer and placed in the general the coming year. She will live at week but Is better now. fund as the legislature appropriated the Wesley Piercy home. Mr and Mrs Jay Howard and money to maintain the museum. Miss Virginia Jarvis and Miss children motored to Boise Sunday. Professional aim Business Directory SHOE SHOPS DENTISTS J. R. CUNDALL Dentist All kinds of shoe and harness repairing Across from, post office. JEWELRY STORES OPTOMETRISTS DR. J. A. McFALL Phone 56-J Sara ¿In Clinic NYSSA OREGON Abbott’s Sho# Shop UFE-Li NES to “See McFall and S.* BeMsr" PAULUS JEWELRY STORE Union Pacific Time Inspector JEWELRY — DIAMONDS WATCHES Main Street at Second W YCKO FF EYESIGHT SPECIALIST ONTARIO OREGON PHYSICIANS JEWELRY STORE L. A. Muulding, M.D. Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific ONTARIO OREGON Physician and Surgeon Phone 37 Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to S Dally—Except Sunday Fry Building Work Guaranteed E. I. COLE WATCH and CLOCK SARAMN CLINIC REPAIRING JEWELER J. J. Sarazin, M. D. Free Examination and Estimate! Jenem practice of medietas NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE Physiotherapy PARMA — — — — IDAHO E-Ray KEEP EM ROILING T H E R A IL R O A D S A R E TH E R A C K B O N E OF OFFENSE They visited Mr Howard’s mother. Nanette and Celia, are visiting in The new addition to the Charles California. Schwelzer residence has been com Mr and Mrs I. A. Mitchell Shop pleted and they expect to move to ped in Nyssa Monday. Their daugh Mrs Mem Pratt of Richland. Mrs Carlisle’s home in the near ter, Washington, who is visiting at their future. them. Neil Dimmick is painting and home, accompanied and daughters, Ivy remodeling the interior of his resid and John Alta, Moon of Rivertown, Utah are ence. Mrs Lila Mitchell. Mrs. Rose Carlisle, who spent visiting Mrs Glenn W. Peterson several months in the Ontario hos had Mr as and week-end guests George pital and nursing noma as a result Salter and his two sons, and of a broken hip sustained last win Glendal of Wood Chess. Vernal, Utah. Wh ter, has returned to the home of ile here Glendal purchased an 80- her daughter, Mrs. Charlas Sch- acre fram at Adrian. weizer. Mrs. Carlisle, 81 years old, President and Mrs Luther Fife has recovered from the hip injury. | and daughters, Vivian and Betty, left for Burbank, California Thur sday morning. They expect to be gone about two weeks. President By Doris Astoa Fife will receive medical treatment while there. PARTY GIVEN Mr and Mrs Glenn Haws and fa Last Thursday a party was given mily from California have moved in honor of Harold Callahan, who to Nyssa. They have bought the has just returned from Alaska. The Fred Levi place. Mrs Haws is a sis- 17 guests played games. Ice cream ted of Melvin Jensen of Nyssa. and cake were served. Bishop and Mrs Arvil Child enter ATTEND DINNER tained dinner in honor of the Bis- Mr and Mrs Irwin Cox and family rops parents Mr and Mrs Leo Child. of Parma attended a chicken dinner August 16th. It was their 39th wed given by Mr and Mrs Woodrow ding anniversary. Callahan of Nyssa Saturday evening. Sam and Ben Hartley are pur LEAVES FOR PORTLAND chasing farms In Nyssa. David Holman of Portland visited Mr and Mrs Austin Child and Ills sister Mrs Lloyd Lewis over the Mr and Mrs John Child are also week-end. He left Monday for Por buying farms in this location. tland. He was accompanied by his Dart Bybee accompanied Bill Bu- mother. ese to Utah, Sunday. RELEASED POSITIONS The following were released fr Undergoes Operation— om positions in the Sunday school Mrs. Warren Larsen of Twin Sunday morning: Mrs Rita Taylor, Falls, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. Mrs Ellen Brower, Mrs Haycock, J, Sarazin, underwent an operation Mrs Vera Anderson, Mrs Russell, last Thursday In the Holy Rcsary and Clarence Aston. hospital in Ontario for removal The new officers are Miss Mary of her appendix. Sergeant Larsen Lou Schenk, Miss Helen Anderson, arrived here from Camp H.wze, Mrs Hendricks, and Leo Child. Texas, Friday on a 10-day fur Mrs Thelma Bybee and daughters, lough. L.D.S. News fin HUM III w iii H iii it i hi i III 1.1 iiiiih «nil mill iii mini 11 mu i mm mmnm m in urn in mi in n in in in m in Hay Insurance Is Essential Protect yourself against loss on yorur hay and grain by purchasing adequate insurance. ¡Pro tection costs so little as compared to the chance you take when you do not have your crops in sured. Frank T. Morgan in tini in n in in in in in in in in inn in in in in in in in i ,in m in min m il in rim i iin n iitii n in in n m n i ji in in Legal Advertising in in NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed Ex ecutrix of the estate of William H. McConnell, deceased, by the County Court of Malheur County, Oregon, and has qualified as such. All persons having claims against said estate are notified to present same with proper vouchers and verified as the law directs within six months after the first public ation of this notice, to the under signed at the office of A. L. Flet cher in the City of Nyssa, Oregon, which place is hereby designated for the transaction of all business pertaining to said estate. August 3, 1943. Ruth McConnell Executrix of the Estate of William H. McConnell, Deceased. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY In the County Court of the State of Oregon, in and for the County of Malheur. In the Matter of the Estate of CLARA NEVADA LINDER, De ceased. Under authority of an order granted by the above-named court. dated August 2, 1943. the under signed executor of the last will and testament of Clara Nevada Linder, deceased, will sell at pri vate sale the following described real property, to-wit: The South Half of the North Half of the Southwest Quar ter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 31, Township 19 South, Range 47 East of Wil lamette Meridian, lying and being in Malheur County, Ore gon, and containing 10 acres, more or less, together with the appurtenances thereunto be longing. The sale will be made on, or after, the 3rd day of September, 1943, and bids will be received at the office of E. Otis Smith, Wilson Building, On tario, Oregon. The terms of the sale are as follows: Cash, lawful money of the United States, ten per cent of purchase money to be paid at time of sale, balance on confirmation of the sale by the court. Dated at Ontario, Oregon, Aug ust 2, 1943. E. OTIS SMITH, Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Clara Nevada Linder, deceased. NOTICE That County Warrants not presented will be cancelled. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that the following warrants wUl be ca ncelled and the payments thereof will be refused unless said warrants are presented to the County Treasurer for payment on or before Sept ember t» 1943. GENERAL FUND WARRANTS Date Issued Claimant Amount No. Aug. 31, 1935 ( 8.00 18427 East Side Grocery Oct 31, 1935 7.50 18915 Mrs C. L. Palmer Nov. 13, 1935 19086 John Kilpatrick 3.00 Nov. 30, 1936 19341 Elizabeth A. Williams 7.60 Nov. 30, 1935 19342 Moses M. Williams 7.50 Dec. 31, 1935 19642 Moses M. Williams 7.50 Jan. 35. 1936 19881 25 00 Mrs C. S. Warner Jan. 30, 1936 19922 Mrs George McTavish 20 00 Jan. 30, 1936 19923 Mrs George McTavish 20.00 Jan. 30, 1936 19934 1500 Frank B. Glenn Jan. 30. 1936 19935 25 00 Mrs R. O. Wheeler Jan. 30, 1936 Mrs Clara H. Young 15.00 19937 Jan. 30, 1936 19940 1000 Harry Stephens Jan. 30. 1936 10 09 19950 Mrs Ida M. Craig Jan. 30. 1936 Mrs Louie Hyde 19952 1250 Jan. 30, 1936 19962 Mrs A B. Oarrett 1000 Jan. 30. 1936 19963 Mrs C. C. Ktlbu: n 15.00 Jan. 30. 1936 Mrs Emil Lanolr 19968 12.50 Jan. 30, 1936 Sarah Jane Ricker • 1 10.00 Jan. 30. 1936 James W. Olison 65 7.50 Feb. 8, 1936 Joe McReynolds 1.30 152 Apr. 7. 1936 Aura Ingle 10.00 871 May 6, 193« 1113 t 22500 GENERAL ROAD WARRANTS 1*35 Aug. Geo. Eldredge 10096 1500 Sept. 1935 10136 A. F. Hill 19.50 Nov. T B Duncan 800 14 Dec 171 24 00 C H Hoffman H. 8. SACKE IT County Clark