rae NYSSA GAI V ^ t U k E XXXVIII, Nyssa Students To Register For School Opening No. 31. LURELLE BERGAM SERIOUSLY HURT Lurelle Bergam, 10, of Sunset Valley, was seriously injured Sun day afternoon at the Elza Nlccum home in Cow hollow when he fell Registration Will Be Held o ff a horse. Week Before Aug The boy's head struck the ground, ust 30. | causing an eight inch fracture of Students of Nyssa high school will i the skull. He was taken to the register next week in preparation j Holy Rosary hospital in Ontario for the opening of school August 30, j in a coma. He was showing im- Principal Prank Parr announced. i provement Wednesday, but his con- The freshmen will sign up Mon ■ dition was still serious. The boy day, August 23, the sophomores August 24, the juniors August 25 is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bergam of Sunset Valley. and the seniors August 26. M TY JOURNAL NYS&A, OREGON, THURSDAY AUGUST 19, 194:1 Boy Injured As Reduction Made Team Runs Away In 1943-44 Tax The 13-year-old son of Mr and In This County FRANK HALL NEW JUDGE IN NYSSA $2.00 PER YEAË Merl Kygar Is Youths Getting In Jap Prison Exhibits Ready Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Kygar of For County Fair Nyssa route 1 have received word Frank D. Hall, resident of Nyssa for many years, has been appointed justice of the peace of the Nyssa Mrs J. L. Waud was injured Wed- j nesday morning on his father’s] Dl’Op Largely Due To Mo district by Governor Earl Snell. He from their son, Merl W. Kygar, Slight Decrease Expected ranch four miles northwest of Ny ney Received From In- received his commission Wednesday. stating he is a prisoner in the In Number Of ssa while working in a hay field. Judge Hall will maintain his o ff Philippine islands. Come Tax Fund Exhibits The boy sustained an impacted ice in the city hall. He was appoin Kygar stated on a card to his fracture of the upper end of the Reduction of taxes in Nyssa for ted to serve during the unexpired parents that “ I am interned at the Fotir-H club and F.F.A. members humerus and abrasions and contus ions over the body. After receiving the 1943-44 year will amount to ap term of the late Judge J. W. Will Philippine military prison camp have been busy the past week putt treatment in Nyssa he was taken proximately 25 per cent, according iams. No. 1, my health is fair, I am un ing the final touches on the exhib to figures released by County Ass home. injured. I am improving, please its they are preparing for the coun essor Ed Hendrix. Taxes in Vale The accident occured when the give my best regards to all.” ty fair to be held FYiday and Sat will be reduced about 20 per cent neckyoke on the team pulling a hay Mr. and Mrs. Kygar also have urday. August 20, and 21. rake broke and the horses bolted and in Ontario by one-third. The special school levy in 24 dis twin sons in the service, Sergeant Indications point to a slight de The rake tongue broke after hor “It is not absolutely essential that William Kenneth Kygar of Jack- crease in the number of exhibits, ses started to run and the boy was tricts in the county will be elimin students register on the day desig HONOR FOR NYSSA ated. The reductions are largely due thrown to the ground. Former Representative Walter M. j sonville, Florida, and Pfc. John as many of the older boys and girls nated for their class, but it is very MEN SUGGESTED to the state income tax school fund necessary for them to register be of $105,000 allocated to this county. Pierce will address members of the Keith Kygar, of Gilroy, California. are taking a man's place in the ha rvest fields and have been unable fore the opening of school August Some of the millage reductions arej *4alheur C°unty Pomona Grange, R. O. Larson, Herschel Thompson H n U / U r f l R p r t c c k to devote the necessary time to pre 30”, Mr. Parr said. "Students who and Grant Rinehart were appointed offset to some extent by an increase when they meet at Brogan Satur BOY IS HURT IN Al U C 1 paring their animals for show. The find it impossible to start to school by President Gcroge Mitchell at a in assessed valuations but notwith day, Aug. 28, for the third quarterly HAYING MISHAP quaility of the stock will undoubt cn August 30 because of the pres meeting of the Nyssa chamber of standing these increases practically meeting of the year. Mr. Pierce will edly equal if not exceed past per sure of farm work are asked to sign commerce Wednesday noon to in every taxpayer in the county will speak during the lecture hour beg John McDowell of Wilder, 12 ye formances. up regardless of when they expect vestigate the feasibility of erecting Ned Williams of Auburn, Wash find his tax bill considerably lower inning at 2:30,'Saturday afternoon. In addition to the exhibits them Mrs Blaine Girvin. recently app ars old, sustained a fracture of one to enter. The new state law which a mounment or some other suitable ington has been appointed district than last year. selves. the contests will attract add pays the districts according to pupil structure to honor the men of the supervisor of the farm security ad Special school district levies for ointed lecturer, will be in charge of leg and a sprain of the other leg attendance, allows us to receive mo Nyssa section serving in the armed ministration in eastern Oregon with 1943-44 will amount to 19.8 mills for the program, which will include while working on the farm of his itional boys and grils. The 4-H liv estock judging contest is open to ney for students who are not in forces. former district 26, Nyssa, and 19.6 numbers from the juvenile Grange, uncle. Lomas McDowell, at Wilder headquarters in Nyssa. club members carryin a livestock of which Mrs Muriel McCutcheon attendance if these students are en mills for former district 39, Oregon Mr. Williams succeeds Howard August 11. Erection of different types of st projects, and awards will be made gaged in farm production work. Ob ructures was discussed at the lun Bertsoh, who left today for Wash Trail. The total levy amounts to is county chairman. The boy was hurt when a pully on an individual basis. Erie H. Parker, Pomona master, viously they will not give us credit cheon, held in Brownie’s cafe. ington. D. C„ to attend a meeting $71,467 68. However, $20.000 of this on a derrick broke. He is receiving Any 4-H club Canning club mem if the students are not enrolled. of regional chiefs of real estate for sum will be paid from the receipts has asked subordinate Grange ma treatment in the Nyssa Nursing ho- ber may enter the canning contest "Parents of prospective students one week. Mr. Bertsch will then go from the state income tax, leaving sters to send delegates prepared to to be held in the high school home who are not in town should notify to Portland to assume his duties as $51,467.68 to be raised by taxation serve on a Pomona committee for economics room at 10 a m. Saturday their children of the need for regis regional chief of real estate, hand in the consolidated district, which study of the Japanese problem. The morning. In this new contest each tration and if it is not possible for ling the work in Oregon, Washing was created by vote of the people request of William Ross of Boule contestant will can one jar of fruit vard Grange, who was recently ap them to register in person they may ton and Idaho. The largest real es this summer. and will be judged on her skill, send the school officials a letter or The coupty tax amounts to $181,- pointed by State Master Morton tate program of the FJS.A. in the neatness and on the finished pro Funeral services were held Sun region is in Malheur county. card giving the courses they wish to 873.27, which calls for a millage of committee is being assembled at the duct. A scholar.Thip to 4-H summer take, or they may have a friend day afternoon at 2 o’clock in the Mr. Williams has been district 14.21 mills, School district 26 mill- Tompkins to an interim committee First Church of Christ by Rev. supervisor with headquarters at Au age is 19.8, and the city of Nyssa of this nature. A special meeting of the Malheur school in 1944 will be the award to register for them. A resolution advocating a stand county library board was held Tue go to the high-scoring contestant. “Stude-ts should be prepared to H. N. Waddell for Charles Andrew burn. His family will move to Ny millage is 26 1 mills, making a total In the livestock fitting and show pay the book fee of $4 as books and Shoop, who died Friday morning at ssa when he can find living quar millage to be paid by residents of ard farm wage scale will be pre sday evening, August 10, to study lockers will be assigned at this ti his home in Nyssa. Interment was ters. town of 60.11 mills, which is app sented and reports will be made by the annual report presented by manship contest the club members themselves will be judged on how in the Nyssa cemetery with Bert me". roximately 17 mills less than last delegates who attended State Gran Miss Lillian Nistoet, the county ge. A degree team will initiate me librarian. The other members of well they have fitted their animal Lienkaemper of the Nyssa Funeral year. BULLY CREEK DAM for the show, and on their ability home in charge. The assessed valuation in Nyssa mbers during the evening session. the board are Mrs Arthur Kiesz, PERMIT HOLDERS to show their animal. The type and Mr. Shoop was born at Lucas, BUILDING LIKELY is $593,868.25 and the tax is $15,444- Brogan, Wlllowcreek and ElDorado secretary-treasurer; Mrs Charles E. ARE GIVEN TIP Kansas. July 19, 1877, a son of .94. The valuation in former district Granges will be hosts to those from Palmer, vice president, K. A. Allen conformation o f the animals have very little bearing as the members Vale. Aug. 19 (Special)—Only the 26 is $2.352.232.33 and in former dis the rest of the county. and E. C. Van Petten. Isiah and Ellen Shoop. He was Dr. M. J. Belton, veterinarian for married to Edna Andrews March 1, shortage of labor, it appears now, Although, as is the case in librar are the ones being judged. This trict 39 it Is $249.667.54. Road dist the state department of agriculture, 1924, in Paola, Kansas. Mr. Shoop will hold up early construction of ies throughout the country, less contest is divied into four divisions, rict valuations at Nyssa are $593.- TANKER WILL BE was rushed to the James Steinlech- spent most of his life in Kansas the Bully creek dam on the Vale reading is being done in these busy one for dairy exhibitors, one for 868 25. NAMED “ OWYHEE” ned farm north of Florence to in and Missouri and came to Oregon project. The new commissioner recl times, there is more interest shown those showing swine, one for beef vestigate what the telephone sum in 1936. He became a member of amation, W. H. Bashore, as advised in books of information and Slight and one for sheep. The name “Owyhee”, strictly a mons gave suspicion might be hog the Christian church in 1940. The schedule events for the 4-H U. S. Senator Rufus Holman that NYSSA W O M AN ’S ly less in fiction. People wish to word and popular name of eastern cholera. know about the countries brought activities is as follows: All livestock Mr. Shoop is survived by his he hopes work can be undertaken HUSBAND IN ARMY Oregon origin, will be carred to ma Belton found the 46 hogs were widow and daughter. into prominence by the war, Mrs entries to be at the fair grounds be A sister, in the near furture in time to com reeling and wobbling around all Mrs. Pearl Collinsworth of Fruit- plete the dam and laterals so that County Prosecutlsg Attorney Carl ny ports in the world before the Dorman, president, said. They are fore noon Friday; livestock Judging present war ends. The name was right, and having not a little trouble land. Idaho, died in 1937. new lands can be irrigated for the C. Quackentoush of Spokane, son- reading reports on the progress of contest, 2 p.m. FYiday, Judging live selected, among a number of others handling their posterior parts. But 1945 crop season. The labor shortage in-law of Tom Low of Nyssa, has the war itself and the plans for stock classes. 8 a. m. Saturday mo in the state, to be given to one of not because they had any disease-- Return From Trip— the peace to follow. During the rning. is the big "fly in the ointment”. joined the army and will go on a series of tankers to be built In the hos were drunk on fermented All canning, and vegetable gard latter half of 1942 when the shift Mr and Mrs Nick Rudellck and Some suggestions have been made active duty soon as a major in the the Kaiser shipyards in Portland. whey. to the defense industries was at its en, and poultry exhibits must be in Mr and Mrs Aden Wilson returned that prisoners o f war may be used specialist reserve in the provost The Owyhee will be the eighth in height, there was much call for fact before 9 am . Saturday as these will Sunday from a week’s outing spent to supply the labor but there has marshal general's department. On Vacation— Mr. Quackenbush’s leave of abse series of 15 tankers, the first of ual books as people “brushed up” on be judged at that time. The cann at summit prairie, a short distance been as yet no official Intimation which will be launched in October. Bert Lienkaemper and family are from Prairie City. They enjoyed from Washington that such a plan nce was granted by the county bo their mathematics and other sub ing contest will open at the home spending this week fishing near good fishing during the week they Is contemplated. ard of commissioners. Upon receiv Other names approved include: Ch- jects that they were to need in their ec building at 10 a m. and the fitt ampoeg, Oregon Trail, Corvallis, Prairie City. 4 were at the Tensen sheep camp. ing orders to active duty, he will work. There was also considerable ing and showmanship contest at Gervais, Umatilla. Klamath Falls. probably go to Fort Custer, Mich studying for examinations. No stat 1: 30 p.m. Saturday. Exhibits will Table Rock, Wallowa. Grande Ro- poral Verl Hoover, stating that he NYSSA TIED IN igan for indoctrination and training istics are kept for books mailed to be released at 5 pm. nde, Coqullle. Jacksonville, Meach- has been transferred from Fresno, TRAFFIC CONTEST and then to one of the schools of individuals, but the report showed am, Nehalem, Tillamook and Pend California back to Burbank. He is ishes his schooling, Mr. Quacken- that 10.914 books were sent to 46 RECORD BROKEN leton. The city of Bend was nosed out bush will go overseas to serve in serving in the air forces. schools and 3.383 to 33 library stat BY U. S. HUNTER Heretofore Swan Island tankers of first place in the first division military government. When he fin- ions throughout the county. The Pvt. Gene Davis, former Adrian of the Orrson Cities Traffic Safety the military government division in 'have been given the names of ob total number of books read was 101,- When Robert E. (Pud) Long, a scure battles of the war of 1812 but 381. student body president, now with contest for the first time since Jan American occupied territories. predatory animal hunter employed so many requests have come from the military police at Phoenix, Ari uary of 1941, according to August iMrs Quackenbush formerly lived by the fish and wildlife service, Oregon communities for the use of zona, is confined to the Luke Field standings in the contest announced at Nyssa. United States department of the Oregon names that the above list BIDS ON I-O-N hospital where he is recuperating by the safety division, secretary of interior, trapped 317 predators (304 was submitted and approved. Rep CUT-OFF WANTED from bruises and fractured ver state’s office. coyotes and 13 bobcats) last Septe- resentatives of the communities The city of Klamath Falls moved J. C. OLSEN RENTS tebrae, which he received When a named will be invited to participate The state highway commission of mebr in Malheur county, he not tower in which he was on guard into first place, with Bend taking BLACKSMITH SHOP in the launching ceremonies. Oregon has asked for folds on the only broke his own record made duty, was blown over In a storm, second spot. The central Oregon The wor "Owyhee" is of legendary grading and surfacing of 12 miles in 1937 but established a new record J. C. Olsen, local blacksmith, has His brother. Pvt. Don Davis, with | city had held first place in the con- the glider infantry at Camp Mac- test ever since the city moved into leased his shop to John Murphy origin. It belongs to no lwiguage. It of the I-O-N cut-off, according to among Service hunters. During the period from July 1, kell. North Carolina, as been con- the first division as a result of pop- and George Pulsipher until the first is generally credited with being information received here. the phonetic spelling of the Indian The proposed project will cover 1942 to March 8, 1943. Hunter Long fined to the hospital recuperating ulatlon growth revealed in the 1940 of the year. Mr and Mrs Olsen will spend pronunciation of “ Hawaii". It is the 12 miles directly south of the succeeded In taking 953 coyotes and census. Bend own first place in the from an exhaustion collapse Sgt. Leslie B. Crocker of Smokey much of the next few months vac doubtful, should the Owyhee ever Malloy ranch. Fifty-two miles of 50 bobcats. Mr. and Mrs. William McEwen contest in 1941 and again in 1942. Hill air base. Salina, Kansas, has received a cablegram Friday from Long Is now employed in defense Leaders in the contest at the end ationing in the northwest and Cal sail into part in those Islands that the road is located in Oregon. Part work at Hermiston. natives will connect any relationship of it ready for oil. been home on a 10-day furlough. their son, Orville, who is in the of the first six months were as fol ifornia. to the name of their Islands. He was called home because of the 3rd division o f the infantry, stat lows: First division (Population 10, Here From Seattle— To Entertain Youths— 000 and over)-Klamath Falls, Bend. Goes Into Service— death of his grandfather, J. B. Co ing that he was well and has Miss Helen Sallee arrived home Mrs W. O. Bailey will entertain Robert McCoy, son of Mrs. D. L. Visit In Nyssa— been in Africa since last November, Salem: second division (Population ulter. Mr and Mrs Paul J. Walsh and the Youth Fellowship group of the Tuesday from Seattle, where she 5,000-10.000)-Baker. Albany, Corval McBain. has enlisted in the mer landing as Casablanca. Lieutenant James W. McEwen lis; third division (2500 to 5,000)- chant marine and left Portland friends, Mr and Mrs Paul E. Clise Methodist church FYiday evening at was employed in the Boeing Aircraft Private George D. Huffman has of the naval reserve, visited from Gpringfield. Cottage Grove. Burns; Saturday for Catalina Island, where are visiting Mrs R. Brooks. Mrs 8 o'clock at her home in Nyssa company factory. She will remain in Nyssa until she returns to Oreg Clise returned from China and Ma heights. beeen trasferred from Camp Joseph Wednesday until Friday with his fourth division (1.000 to 2500)-Ban- he will enter training. on State college this fall. nila Just prior to the outbreak of T. Robinson, Ark. to Camp Mackall, parents, while he was en route don, Mt. Angel, Nyssa and Vale tied the war. Mr. Clise after the battle Return From Vacation— Son Arrives— from Washington. D. C. to Seat for first, Warrenton and Ranter. North Carolina. Mr and Mrs A. V. Pruyn and Mr On Fishing Trip— | Standings in the contest are based A son weighing 9 pounds and 9 and fall of Java was transferred tle. Rev. and Mrs M. H. Oreenlee and FARRAGUT, IDAHO. August 12 -j Sgt. Glenn B. Ulrey of the army on Improvement shown ift the cur- ounce« was born in the BTlttlngham to Beloit college in Wisconsin for and Mrs E. W Pruyn and family Men from Nyssa. Oregon are among air corps Is now stationed some- ' rent accident experience, compared Nursing home in Ontario August 16 a course in engineering. Mr Walsh j spent the latter part of last week Mr and Mrs Clifford Main have ; to the previous three-year average to Mr and Mrs Raymond Sager. after seeing much activity in 10 j at the Blue Mountain hot springs gone to the Salmon river section the thousands of new arrivals at where in Australia. The baby has been named Harlan major battles in the Solomons and near Prairie City. They returned to of Idaho on a fishing trip. .. — j experience of each city. this second largest U. S. naval train South Pacific was also transferred Nyssa Sunday. Raymond ing station to begin recruit training Norbert Sarazin, son o f Dr. and Going To California— to Beloit college. Mrs Walsh, who for their jobs as members of Un Mrs. J. J. Sarazin, whs Is serving Visit In Roseburg— was Alma Deane Brooks before her | Visiting Here— Miss Elizabeth Atkeson will leave Mr. and Mrs. Webb Pennie and Guests At Dinner— in the United States navy, passed cle Sam's fighting fleet. The Ray Dewey family of Emm marriage to Mr. Walsh, returned i Miss Kathryn Flower arrived Su FYlday by airplane from Boise for All will be given opportunity to through Nyssa last week en route Danny left last Thursday to visit qualify for advanced training in to Michigan City. Indiana, to at relatives in Roseburg. They plan ett, Mrs H B Earp and the Her from Honolulu to be with her hus-1 nday morning from Portland to vi an extended visit with friends and schel Thompson family were dinner band while he was attending sch sit her parents, Mr and Mrs W. L. relatives In Los Angeles. one of the navy * service schools at tend a radio school. He had been to return home this wek guests at the W F. McLing home ool. The two couples vacationed in Flower. Miss Flower is engaged In the conclusion of their recruit train at Farragut Idaho, for two months. Here From Nebraska— the Yellowstone National park and defense work. Visiting Here— 8unday. ing. (Mr and Mrs Virgil Jones and fa stopped h»re for three days to visit Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Larsen of The Nyssa men are Walter Lyle Willard’ Aston of Nyssa, who is mily of Nebraska spent Tuesday at Mrs Brooks while on their way to Report« For Service— Miner, son of Mr and Mrs H. H. serving in the United 8tates mer Twin Falls are spending a few Takes Position— Robert Browne, formerly of Ny the home of Mr and Mrs W 9 Ftn- Mias Velma Fox has accepted a Seattle, where both men will be Miner, and Baxter Leroy Merrick, chant marine, stated to his parents days with Dr and Mrs. J. J. secretarial position in the Nyssa assigned to new ships as chief ma ssa, visited at the Dick Tensen ho dllng. son of Mr and Mrs Clarence Mer Mr and Mrs. Clarence Aston, in a Sarazin. me from Thursday until Wednesday chinist mates in the navy. high school office. letter dated July 23 that he pass rick, route 2. while en route to Fort Douglas. Ut Visits Here— ed the rock of Gibraltar. He said: To Move to Seattle— Mr* Phoebe Dayley of Idaho Fall* ah, where he will report for service Guests At Dinner— Rev. and Mrs Lloyd Pounds of Leave Nursing Home— Captain Rulen Dayle Blake has “It was a thrill to see the big is visiting at the home of her sister- Mr and Mrs Walt Miller of Twin in the army. Those dismissed from the Nyssa een transferred from England to rock that I had heard so much the Full Gospel church will leave in-law. Mrs Leland Ricks. She is en forth Africa, according to inform- about.” Aston was in North Afri by September 1 for Seattle, where Nursing home recently were Henry I Falls were dinner guests at the Ed route to her home from Portland. they will assume charge of a pas Ochida of Vale. John Starata of|Steinke home Mr Miller has just Sewers Wanted— tton received by hi* mother, Mrs ca awaiting further orders. Mr* Dick Tensen. chairman of the torate. They have been living in Nyssa and Mrs Dean Larcom of returned from Pearl harbor, where «land Ricks of Nyssa Captain local chapter of the American Red Here From Portland— i Parma. | he was employed. Pfc Donald E. Utter of the amp Nyssa for three years. Bake is serving in the United St- Mr and Mrs B H. Hoover of Por Cross, todav Issued an appeal for hibian scouts has sailed from his tes air force*. women willing to sew for the Red tland. parents of Mrs Sid Burbidge. ■Go T o Boise— Goes To Spokane— training camp in California for Visits In Nampa— .« a u — A. * n — in Frank Rambaud went to Spokane Cross Mr* Tensen has materials for spent last weel{ at the Burbidge Mrs Bd Stelnke spent last Satur-j i «e- Mr and Mrs C. a>uu Sallee — were Mr* Sid Burbtdge received a tele overseas duty Mr. Utter is a »on home In Nyssa. day in Nampa. I Boise Wednesday on business. I today for induction into the army various types of articles (Continued on pag* six.) hone call from her brother. Cor- Pierce To Speak To Co. Grangers Gets Promotion Charles A. Shoop Funeral Is Held Library Board Holds Meeting Our Boys In T he Service 1 |j