Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1943)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY AUGUST 5,1943 PAGE SIX Ww¡im C IV IC CLUB TO MEET An ice cream social will be spon sored by the Nyssa Civic . lub Aug The public is invited attend. bean attachments. P h - j dersigned has been appointed Ex- 5A2XC ecutrix of the estate of William H McOcnnell, deceased, by the County | moved back to Nyssa from Nampa W ANTE D —Copies of the July 1 iss Court of Malheur County, Oregon, | Mr. Edwards is - employed by the ue of the Gate City Jcumal. W ill and has qualified as such. : United States bureau of reclama- pay 5 cents each. t tion. A ll persons having claims against FOR R E N T —Small house. See Mrs said estate are notified to present 5A2xp j same with proper vouchers and verified as the law directs within --------------------- — ; W ANTED — Middle aged lady to ke- six months after the first public ep house on farm. Address box 268, ation of this notice, to the under 5A4xp signed at the cfflce of A. L. Flet ! Nyssa, Oregon. cher in the City o f Nyssa. Oregon, j Meeting Is Held— The regular monthly fellowship [ FO R SALE—In Ontario. Oregon 50 which place Is hereby designated supper and board meeting were held by 60 one-story brick building. 1 for the transaction of all business in the First Church of Christ W ed block from bank. Valued $12,000; pertaining to said estate. also 5-room house, valued $2500, or August 3, 1943. nesday. Ruth McConnell will take livestock o f any kind, grain, hay, farm machinery, auto | Executrix of the Estate of Visit Friend: William H. McConnell, Deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lee and fam - [ truck, Portland or Vancouver, Was- ily o f Rivervlew, were Sunday | hington property. 171 N. E. Blvd., j 5Alxp j guests o f Mr. and Mrs. Harold j Portland, Oregon. Jacks of Payette. F A R M SALE—5 miles S. E. New Plymouth on highway 30, Tuesday, In Boise— Mrs. Ben Calvari and son, Loren, August 10, 1 p.m. High grade milk spent three days in Boise recently ' cows, bull. 14-month old heifer, pro- visiting Mrs. O. D. Moore and fam ceeds go Red Cross. Team, chickens, hay, grain, straw stack, implements, ily. We have already contribut Model A. g:od rubber; milking ed our quinine, but we will be Firemen Called— machine, milk cans, household golds pleased to accept donations City firemen were called Monday first class condition, Maytag, F rig of quinine from the residents night to extinguish a grass fire in idaire, Range, etc. Peter VanZuljen. of this community In line owner. 5Alxp the southern part cf town. with the governor's request that residents turn in the qu Too Late to Classify FOR SALE—Cedar fence posts. 33 ¡nine thev may have on hand. cents each. Jack Burres, 6 Ave., FO R R E N T O R SALE—Furnished south, Payetite, Idaho. 5A2xc house, partly modern, lawn and sh ade. Inquire 162 east First St. 5A2xc Legal Advertising “The Pelicans at Beulah reservoir to are getting more than their share of the trout, and It’s a problem and M r and Mrs Frank Edwards have (one 010-R3. Returns Home— Miss June Blunck of Dwyer I Wyoming returned home last Sat- i urday after visiting for two weeks at the Rev. H. N. Waddell home. PELICANS T A K E RESERVOIR FISH ust 13 at the home o f Mrs. Dick Tensen THE POCKETBOOK of KNOWLEDGE I c lo v er Move To Nyi w. » W. B. Hoxie. which should be investigated by - 8 - G U IL D TO MEET A * LATE AS THE CIVIL WAR QkVS the state game commission." state R e cipe s e e v e t w o sets o p The next meeting of St Paul's Tom Donahue of Vale, who was a DIRECTIONS--- ONE FOR OPEN HEARTH COOKING, ONE FOR USE guild will be held at the home of business visitor In Ontario today. OF STCNES Mr ; W E. Sdhireman. Mr. Donahue Informs The Argus that these expert flshemen are org LADIES V.F.W. T O MEET anized some forty or 50 strong and A ladies auxiliary o f the Vet line up in formation at the head erans of Foreign Wars of Nyssa Is of the reservoir and gather in the V inegar , D iluted wnw water , trout In large numbers as they A NOV CL ELECTRIC SCOREBOARD 6PVE< being organized. Ladies with hus WAS A FAVOR rtE DRINK IN VWRKERS *INNINS-By-INNIN6*RESUtTS proceed on their way to the head ANCIENT ROHE. OF THEIR EFFORT'S. THE BOARD KEEPS bands, sons or brothers serving with waters of the north fork of the SCORE By A ROW OF LI6MTS WHICH FLASH the army, navy or marines over Malheur river to spawn. A t the rate ON PROGRESSIVEiy AS PRODUCTION TASKS ARE COMPLETED seas are invited to attend a meet these huge birds are devouring fish. •¿%~- ing to be held next Wednesday Mr. Donahue fears it w on t be long __ X evening in the Legion hall at 8:30. before the Beulah reservoir will be /— A All members of the auxiliary are depleted of trout. —Ontario Argus especially asked to attend. — 8— _____ NEW O N TA R IO AG. G U IL D TO MEET TEACH ER CHOSEN The Wesleyan Service guild will entertain the business and profes Ontario, Aug. 5 (Special)--To -4 8 % ' sional women of Nyssa with a social party next Tuesday in the Metho head the department of vocational o'Vs*. agriculture at the Ontario schools, dist church at 8 o’clock. 'G K suceedlng Oris D. Dearborn who - I - (J.5. SOLDIERS OVERSEAS recently resigned to accept a posit C leaning out 12*7 pa rts ARE NOW NO OSINS / M AR IN E IS HONORED f r o m the nooks and crannies ' SPECIAL _ ion as manager of the Pacific Sup dusting * An old fashioned ice cream party OF FINISHED PLANES — O nce A POWDER TO GUARD FO R SALE—8 foot McCormick - NOTICE TO CRED ITO RS LONS AND TEDIOUS HAND OPERATION ASAINST lyPHUS-CARRyiNS was given on the lawn o f the Tom ply Co-operative, will be Robert Deering combine, complete with Notice is hereby given that the un- 'S NOW BEINS DONE IN CCtWE-OUICR Dietrick of West Lynn, Oregon. SERMS Week's home last Sunday In honor ■hME WfTH HEAVy-DUy VACUUM CLEANERS' Mr. Dietrick, who graduated from Il UH M umili II I M I M U II 11 M M M1111 III W III III I II I II 1111 HI III M M HI III M M i l 11 I 111 IIHIIIIII HI II 11 III 11 II I M I II III 11 II II 11 11 11 II II 11 II 11 11 HI II 11 11 M I M I M i l l o f Virgil Jordan, who Is home on Oregon State college with the class furlough from the marines. He en of 1929, was instructor In agricul Mrs Williams' granddaughter, Carol sas and Mrs Oscar Hackerott of listed nine months ago. A fter the ture at West Lynn for a number Allen, who spent three months here, Osbcrn, Kansas who have been party the guests and hosts attended o f years. returned to her home Saturday. visiting relatives in Nyssa recently, a show at the Nyssa theater. left today to return to Kansas. —8— Return From Lakes— FAR E W E LL GIVEN M r and Mrs Kenneth Cottle and Return From Lakes— The Methodist Youth Fellowship son, Lyle, returned Tuesday even Mrs Martha Klingback and son, gave a surprise farewell party for Leroy Merrick, who left M<onday to ing after spending several days at Fred, and Mrs George Gregg r enter the navy, at the Methodist Payette lakes. turned Monday evening from P ay Return To Home— church Friday evening. The group Mr and Mrs Harold Webster and ette lakes, where they attended the Visits Here— presented Merrick with a pencil. son of Westfall, Kansas left W ed Miss Edna Burt o f Nampa, for American Sunday school union co __________ - 8 - nesday for their home. They had FAR E W E LL P A R T Y G IVEN mer Nyssa resident, visited friends nference. been visiting Mr Webster's parents. A surprise farewell party was giv in Nyssa several days this week. Mr and Mrs George Webster near Return From California— en at the Conley Wallace home in Parma and his brothers, Robert Newell heights last week for Wilma Special Meeting Called— M r and Mi's Wendell Webster and Wendell Webster of Nyssa. Bair, who has moved to Medford A special Lions club meeting will have returned from a visit with These dresses are att Boy’s light color shirts. to make her home with her sister, be held at Brownie's cafe Monday Mrs WebsterE sister and family in In Valley On Business— Mrs Joe King, while her husband. noon. An educational film will be Santa Ana. California. R. G. Larson, district manager ractive and durable. Bo Colors green, brown, Lieutenant King, is serving In the shown. of the Amalgamated Sugar comp army air corps in Africa. Delivers Sermons— any. is attending to business this th plain colored rayons tan, blue and white. As Ouests were Mrs King. Wilma Sewing To Be Done— Rev. H. N. Waddell preached at week in the Willamette valley. Bair. Ellen Judd, Maurice Judd, A large quota cf Red Cross sew services held in Halfway and Rich and pattern cotton pr sorted pattern and all Donnie Brewer, Wilma Brewer, De ing is to be done this month. The land last Sunday. Put On Committee— lla Kiger, Thurman Piercy, James sewing Is part refugee and part Mrs Walter Thompson has been ints. Sizes 4 to 14. fast colors. Sizes 2 to Shaw. Maxine Smith. Emil Codr. hospital work for the soldiers. V ol Here From Tillamook— appointed by Governor Earl Snell Ronald Lane. Lawanna Stokes. Du unteers are asked to see Mrs. Dick Archie Howell of Tillamook, for as a member of the Malheur county 141/,. dley Kurtz. Marie Martson, Wilma Tensen. mer Nyssa resident, has returned civilian defense council. She rece Wilson. Dale Oenn and Blaine and to Nyssa for a visit. ived her certificate Monday. Vida Wallace. P.T.A. To Meet— The Owyhee Parent-Teacher ass Goes tp Montana— Receiving Treatment— ociation will meek at the Owyhee Mrs. Robert R. Wilson left W ed Mrs C. C. Hunt of Nyssa Is re school house. August 12 at 2 o’clock nesday to join her husband, Staff ceiving medical treatment in the in the afternoon. Sgt. Robert Wilson, who is station Fast color cotton prints, Holy Rosary hospital In Ontario. ed with the army air corps at Great Small blur cloth roin pur Returns to Corvallis— Falls, Montana. appropriate and durable Cooking In Cafe— Barney Houston Wilson, sen of se containing over 50 dollars Mrs Jennie Bennett has accepted Mr. and Mrs. Barney Wilson, re for school wear. Assor a position as cook in Brownie's cafe. and two keys. turned to Corvallis last Thursday The cafe, closed for two weeks, was after spending a three weeks fur ted colors. Sizes 7 to 16 re-opened Tuesday. I t h*s been Iasi at the post office Sun lough here. Wilson, who is with >5» completely cleaned and redecorated. the army engineer corps, will enter day evening about 7:30. officers training school soon. Visits In Boise— U N ITE D Money Ls badly needed by Mrs H. B Williams o f Newell STATES Nursing Home Notes— owner. Generous reward. N ot Heights spent Friday and Saturday Mrs Ruth Russell was dismissed in Boise and Nampa. She vsited * il from the Nyssa Nursing home Sun ify Journal Offire. her mother. Mrs Lafe Johnson, who day. John Storata was admitted BONDS Rayon panties, elastic ls 111 in St Luke's hospital in Boise. August 3 for medical treatment. AN D $ F Turn In Y our Q uinine r N yssa Pharm acy Back to School LOCAL NEWS The Nyssa Schools Start August 30 Girls Dresses Boys Shirts $2.29 79c Dresses 98c Lost FO^VICTORY BUY Child's Panties W AR NYSSA Phone 108 PROGRAM THEATRE u waist and tight legs. Co STAMPS Return To Kansas— M r and Mrs Vem Emerson and three children o f Great Bend. Kan- lor pink and sizes 6 to We Don’t Want A Medal Double Feature But we want your business. If you have any FRIDAY and SATURDAY AUGUST 6— 7 Roy Rogers and Gabby Haves in “RIDING DOWN THE CANYON” Jane Frazee and The Ritz Brothers in “HI’YA, CHUM” thing to sell or if you are in the market to buy anything, you should attend our sales. Sale Every Saturday Women’s Rayon Hose SUNDAY and MONDAY AUGUST 8— 9 & Charles Coburn in “THE MORE THE MERRIER” She's Just a Big-Hearted Bachelor' Mother . . With a Couple of Bachelor Problem Boys on Her Hands. See the Slickest Love Scene Since “ It Happened One Night” . Bybee Livestock Sales Co. D. O. Bybee, Mgr ight hose. A practical — B A R G A IN N IG H T — TUESDAY, AUGUST 10 Fi ances Langford Robert Paige & Leon Errol in “COWBOY IN MANHATTAN” Cartoon and Vanishing Men. Admission, 5c-Mr, Including tax WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY AUG, 11— 12 Deanna Durbin, Edmond O’ Brien, Barry Fitz gerald and Grant Mitchell in "THE AM AZING MRS. HOLLIDAY” She’s The Merriest W idow that Ever Shocked the Town. Cartoon and News Admission Evening — H e and 33c. Including Defanae Tax y h ol p* f o l v o monu p r o b l e m « Kraft Home icoomnics Kitchen Stt!-V Peshligo Court. Chicago, Illinois liesse send me a free copy of "Ckeess Recipes Jar It arrime .Woofs" A dressy little shoe for All blue and blue artd Size 81o to 10' o the girls. These are of white These aivj full cut of 80-Sq* Prints two styles, the wide sc- uffer sole for extra wear 8 oz. sanforized denim, 33c Yd. and the light trim sole and they are the well for dressier appearance. known RED B A L L br Sizes 8L, to 3. and. Sizes 6 to 16. ints o f beautiful design. A good selection to ch oose from. Boys And Girls Prints 25c the ankle shoes. Black Fast Color assorted de sign prints: or brown color. Leather SCHQOL SUPPLIES Tablets, pencils, cravol- os. paints, etc. Buy what Rule. stripe overalls. % L IM IT 2 pr. o f a size to OXFORDS and above you need at the Golden cm. $1.09 To $1.19 is price. "CHEESE RECIPES FOR' WARTIME MEALS" O Her« are 22 excellent recipes from the Kraft Kitchen . . , recipe* for main diabra that will be a big help with ration menu* The hook ia illustrated: recipes are printed in Urge, eaay • to-read type. For your free copy just send order form below. Overalls Patent Straps $1.98 To $2.98 Assorted fast color pr valuable b o o k le t th a t Boys Bib good-looking hose at th Phone 25W Mat Sun 2:30, Adm llc-M c, Evening Adm. llc-33c, include« tax * School Shoes 48c W. L. Lane, Auctioneer Res. Phone 05J3 12 . Popular color, light we Bat Mat., 2:30 P M , Adm. 5c-20c. Evening, Ue-33c. include« tax Jean Arthur, Joel McCrea 19c or composition soles. Sizes 8 < u p . each customer. Waist Overalls $1.69 Boys 9 oz. blue waist overalls. Size 4 to 16. $1.98 t $5.00 BOYS CREW SOX Golden Rule Fancy stripes. Also pl ain colors. Sizes 7 to 10. iwjrooa, v/ regon Nyssa, Oregon ............................ mi. I III limn III mill IIII 111111111 . i mj i pr IHi UI i 1 1 t$i 114 kl M tl kt I hM1 IU MWKMHMMH'M t Mkftk i