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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1943)
PAGEFOUS THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY AUGUST 5,1943 m int wisliM civilians to lay off | crab* have been caught and after , turkeys in August and September the meat had been extracted the PICKING DAISIES | in order to accumulate birds for shells were thrown into the sea. [ the troops overseas, but the feed Conservationists now exp lam that I situation will have much to do with these shells contain elements which . amount of turkeys the government are needed to rebuild the soil and < buys for the soldiers. should be ustfi as fertilizer. Corn is almost impossible to ob tain in the northwest, according to | reports, and this is almost a "must" in feed for chickens and turkeys Mr and Mrs Herbert Warren of Argentina corn, which formerly came into the northwest by the Trumbull, Nebraska are visiting at shipload, is no longer available be the homes of their daughter, Mrs cause of a shortage of cargo space. Roy Gueck, and their son, Roy Warren, Beef slaughtering in the north M r and Mrs Ed Stiner are visit west has increased a good 20 per ing at the Chadd heme. r r Washington, D. C. August 5—The cent during the past few weeks M r and Mrs Eldon McOarvin of hay growers' association, whose Cattlemen who were holding out Hood River announce the birth of a membership con.prises the hay far for higher prices are now shipping son, Eldon Ivan, July 24. Mrs Me mers of Washington and Oregon, in trainloads every week and the Garvin was Miss Viola Schneider of have been endeavoring to obtain packing plants of Washington and Sunset valley before her marriage. permission from the office of price Oregon are operating full blast. Mrs John Case o f Tacoma is administration to add a «n a il ch Considerable of the beef now being visiting at the home of her parents, arge for carrying in the coming butchered is range or grassfed cat- M r and Mrs C. A. Ditty. winter, but without success to date. I tle and doe8 not come up to army Miss Helen R effett returned home In the livestock industry feed has specifications, which wants No 1 Saturday after two-week vacation become the No. 1 problem. It is ass beef for the huger daily require at Payette lakes.. erted that there is not enough hay ments. No. 1 beef is grainfed, and Miss Tressa Ditty and Mrs Mary in sight (alfalfa, wild or tame hay) the shortage of hay and different Query and small daughter, Sharon, to meet the requirements and the grains for cattle feeding last year left Monday to attend a 10-day "'5 Site.* price of hay is such that it is more f-rced many cattlemen to resort to church convention at Freewater. profitable to raise hay this year range fattening. Northwest cattle tyt ff tfj y Oregon. than any other crop. growers are beginning to wonder if Mrs Otto W olfe received treat Regulation of meat continues in grassfed steers are going to become ment Saturday for a severely bur 'lit. a mess and there are today a larger t a suit on the market. Such beef is ned arm. , number of cattle on the farms th- kood meat, but with point rationing Mrs Jim Langley was 111 in a an ever before. Butchers have been and the armed forces taking pract- iMf»e restricted In slaughtering and the «¡ally all o f the grainfed beef their Nampa hospital last week. She was livestock has been piling up. T h e , only maiket Is civilian consumpt- expected home Sunday. Mrs Pete Wilson and children, publtc has been unable to purchase ion on a rationed basts, a weeks conference at Payette lakes. Ontario and Nyssa one day this the meat it needs (some exceptions, j Great reserves of fuel oil and gas- who visited In Colorado, have re They drove to Parma and there I week. turned home. of course), and the stockmen are oline are being built up in Washing- ____________________ Rev. and Mrs Homer Walkup and joined the Nampa group on their j wondering where they will be able ton, Oregon and Alaska, but not for a Mrs John Case were business vis bus. to obtain the hay for their stock. the use of civilians. The war strat itors in Nampa Friday. M r and Mrs Ira Cole and family Among those in touch with the sit egy board has issued a directive to Chester Sage, a former Cow holl o f Parma were Sunday dinner gu uation there are some who predict the California cil companies to cr Thelma Florea and Alvin and La that meat will be very scarce a year eate all-time reserves of these pet ow resident, was among the draft ests of M r and Mrs Lee Thrasher. M r and Mrs Vernon Parker and Vem Cleaver returned from Pay hence for, with feed scarce, there roleum products. The purpose Is to ees to take examination last week. will be nothing to do but slaughter anticipate the big Pacific push, wh He will leave In three weeks for family were supper guests Sunday ette lakes this week. animals on a grand scale. en several thousand surface ships training. Mrs Sage, of Burns. Ore. evening In the William Toomb ho Leslie T op liff has purchased a The fcod question gets down to of every description and thousands joined him here Saturday. She will me. new combine. be here until he leaves. the chickens and turkeys. Those o f aircraft combine to move in on Mr and Mrs Conrad Martin were Mr and Mrs Chester Sage are vis Members of the Assembly o f God Sunday dinner guests of M r and who raise poultry professionally are the Japanese to wipe out all resis iting at the E. L. Jamison home, church enjoyed a welner roast at Mrs K. I. Peterson In Adrian. worried. There is an abundance of tance. The vessels from Pudget Mr Sage will soon leave to enter chickens and turkeys now, but un sound, Columbia river and Alaska the Robert Ditty home Friday even Betty Jean Toomb spent from the armed forces. ing. less the necessary feed Is made av points must be kept supplied with Sunday until Wednesday in Cald |Mr and Mrs Alva Goodell and (Mrs Hankins of Salem is visiting well with her aunt, Miss Jeanette ailable a slump in the flocks is fuel, for not all of the ships will Alva, Jr„ and Donna Belle were expected. The quartmaster depart- move westward out of California at the home of her daughter, Mrs Martin. In Ontario Wednesday. Howard Finger, who has been 111 ports. | M. — Miss May Beaumont and C, -- — Mrs Jim Ritchie entertained the at the Ontario hcspital. The baby These fuel reserves are being st Beaumont attended to business in Out Our Way club on the S. B. bom to M r and Mrs Finger passed ock up while the yards of the nor thwest are building and launching away and was buried early last ships and by the time the push week in Ontario. Mrs Finger went starts in earnest the gasoline and to . the Charles Schweizer ranch oil will be in readiness. Naturally, Monday. Mr and Mrs Charles Schweizer. these prodigous quantities o f pet roleum products will substantially M r and Mrs Dick W yatt and M r reduce the gas and fuel oil available and Mrs Charles Share attended the for civilian consumers and a strict funeral of William McConnell F ri rationing of these commodities can day. The deceased was the step be expected. I f the push Is in the father of Mr. Share and a brother- First buy war winter It wll mean less heat for in-law of Mr. Schweizer. Mr and Mrs Chet Sage and Mr dwellings and office buildings, a reduction under the 95 degrees. The Sage's parents, all of Bums were Bonds and stamps time may come when the navy will dinner guests at the L. E. Newgan back a truck up to a private home home Tuesday evening. Hoffman lawn Thursday afttmoon. real property, to-wit: T h e South Half of the North Eleven members answered roll call with school experiences. Mrs Glen Hoffman, Mrs Alva Gcodell, Mrs Horn and Tippy Ann won prizes. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Ouy Tanner Aug. . 12 S u n se t Vafley Mrs Joe Callahan has been quite ill with pneunlnla. Legal Advertisement NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PR O PE R TY In the County Court of the State o f Oregon, in and for the County of Malheur. In the Matter of the Estate of C LAR A NEVADA LINDER. De ceased. Under authority of an order granted by the above-named court, dated August 2. 1943. the under signed executor of the last will and testament o f Clara Nevada Linder, deceased, will sell at pri vate sale the following described *ÊX } H alf of the Southwest Quar ter of the Northwest Quarter o f Section 31. Township 19 South. Range 47 East o f W il lamette Meridian, lying and being in Malheur County, O re gon, and containing 10 acres, more or less, together with the appurtenances thereunto be longing. The sale will be made on, or after, the 3rd day of September, 19*3, and bids will be received at the office of E. Otis Smith, Wilson Building. On tario, Oregon. The terms of the sale are as follows: Cash, lawful money of the United States, ten per cent o f purchase money to be paid at time of sale, balance on confirmation of the sale by the court. Dated at Ontario, Oregon, Aug ust 2. 1943. E. O T IS SM ITH , Executor o f the Last Will and Testament of Clara Nevada Linder,'deceased. BAC/C-TO-SCffÓOi LUtfCHCS Oven-Fresh Bread For Fine Lunches Buenei Vista j Oven-fresh daily. Fine for sandwich es. Gives any lunch- box a lift. Children like both our white and wh olewheat bread. Sugar City Bakery Keep U p The H om e s W e Seed Growers A re Fightin g For To protect Your Home and then Buy a piece Of Furniture To brighten it. NYSSA FURNITURE CO. CLARENCE ASTON and pump out the oil In storage tank In order to furnish fuel for the fleet. The American people will be more economical after the war. They are learning to utilize things which were formerly tcssed away and which in the stress o f war they now realize are valuable. The list ranges from tin caps for bottles to tubes for toothtpaste and shaving cream. The matter of fertilizer Is coming to the fore as scientists say that the land ■on the west side of the Cascades Is being exhausted and something must be done to Increase Its fer tility. From the days of the first white man In the Pacific northwest •nu mi limili um min n iiininn iiiniitiniRi mi um m n it n in in in in n in in in in in in 11 in ri in ti mm n 2 2 E — n s Hay And Grain Insurance = Protect yourself against loss of your crops | with fire insurance. We also sell other types of fire insurance and | all kinds of automobile coverage. A. L. Atkeson ........i in in in in n in n 11 in n in in in n m id in i nn mmmmmmm m nimm mm Recap Now We have plenty of rubber on hand now, but we face the possibility of a shortage of rubber later. Have your tires recapped before it is too late. No certificates are required on passenger car recaps. We repair all sizes of tires, including tractor and combine tires. 0. K. Rubber Welders ED. W ILD , PROP. Phone 131J 1 III KMAM III O re go n Trail TYie Merry Matrons club met at the home of Jessie Chard Wednes day afternoon with Minnie Mitch ell as co-hostess. The afternoon was spent visiting. Twenty members were present. An apron auction was held with Oladys Davis as auct ioneer and Ola Chard modeling. The club will meet at the home of Qlayds Davis August 11 with Viola Adams assisting. Roll call will be answered with ideas for entertain ment for the club. In a quiz con test Alberta Bowen received the prize. Refreshments were served by the hostesses. Bernice Bowen and Patty Chard attended the annual American Sun day school convention at Payette lakes. Mrs M attie Thomason was a Sun day dinner guests at the W. S. Jo nes home. Mr and Mrs F S. Byers and fam ily were Sunday dinner guests at the F. O. Holmes home Kingm an Kofony Mr and Mrs William Toomb In vited Mr and Mrs Dennis Patch and family, Mr and Mrs K. I. Peterson and family, M r and Mrs Harvey Otis and Emily and Rev. and Mrs John Nevtn and Laura Louise of Adrian. Mr and Mrs Carl HU1 of Newell Heights, Mr and Mrs Robert Clark and family and M r and Mrs Wesley Ptercy and family and John Johnson to a picnic supper served Thursday evening In honcr of M r and Mrs Conrad Martin, who will leave the Kolony soon. Mrs Elsie H etti and children have spent the paat week In Boise Pvt Maurice Deffenbaugh left last Friday for Camp Crowder, Missouri after spending the past 10 days> visiting his parents. Mr and Mrs W W Deffenbaugh. Mr and Mrs Robert Fischer of f>ame«t spent Wednesday visiting Mr and Mrs W W Deffenbaugh and family. Mr and Mrs Herbert 8haw enter tained at Sunday dinner for Mr and Mrs Hugh MoCennell. M r and Mrs Samuel Shaw. B em ita Tucker of Nyaea and R. M Stokes of Cal ifornia Mr. Stokes returned to his home Sunday evening and will re turn soon with his fam ily to live en a farm he has recently purch ased near Nyssa. Tw enty-five young people and their leaden o f the United Presby terian church left on Monday for , L»m | 1 4 C o n tin o u s Im provem ents A n d A d d itio n s To O u r Se e d L P ro ce ssing P lan t M a k e It Possible Fo r U s To Be O f G re a t Se rvice T o M a lh e u r C o u n t y 's M u lt i- M illio n j D o llar Se e d Industry. To serve all seed growers, largo or small, field seeds or garden seeds, we can assist you in getting the most man >y at the least cost for your seed. • / Our Plant Includes: •* Latest equipment for the processing and polishing of beans. Complete units for best possible cleaning and treating of field seeds. New equipment to process and clean carrot, onion, lettuce and other garden seeds. Fumigation and processing equipment for Austrian and Dry Edible Peas. • r Seed laboratory-the only such service in eastern Oregon speeds up analizing and testing of seed samples. Storage-we can store your crop for you in Malheur county's safest and roomiest storage rooms, built particularly for the storing of seeds. If you are a seed grower and not a member of our coonerativc v m , many ways we can increase your seed profits. ‘ 1 ,1,1 „„ l l * ( as^ us a^out the Pacific Supply Cooperative Ontario, Oregon