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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1943)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY -------- Kingman Kolony JUNE 24, 1943 ______ Olsen home in Nyssa. reminded by the county AAA com Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Grey were mittee that they must Indicate in entertained at a Father's day din The local W.C.T.U. met in the Poland China gilt, from California tention to participate in the incen ner in his honor at the home ot home of Mrs Harvey Otis Thursday Thursday. tive payment program by June 30 U> their daughter, Mrs. Henry Moore, afternoon. Mrs James Lane was in Mr and Mrs Arthur Cartwright be eligable for the special payments of Payette. Mr G rey’s family pre charge of the meeting, in the abs to be made for those crops under sented him with many beautiful and sons, were Sunday dinner gu ence of the president. Mrs Lily Ba the food for freedom program. G r gifts. ch gave the devotions and Mrs Jess ests in the Earl Parker home in owers who were mailed an ‘inten Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Holton Sugg the lesson, and Mrs Herbert Newell Heights. tion" form should sign and return and Leslie Joan of North Powder Shaw sang a solo. The next meet Misses Dorothy Toomto and Nad- it at once. Those who did not re called at the parsonage Sunday ing will be held with Mrs Herbert ien and Poreetine Wilson were ceive a form, but believe they are afternon and Joyce Martin went FAR M LUM BER R A T IN G 9haw and the children will be In Sunday guests of Miss Arlene Pet The county U6DA war board is eligable, should call at the county home with them for a visit. Mrs charge of the program. AAA office before next Wednesday, Holton Is Rev. Martin's sister. now in a position to assist farmers C liff and Miss Mae Beaumont erson in Adrian. Rev. and Mrs. Martin and Vern- June 30. Mrs Prank Cummins called to who are unable to obtain lumber were in Nyssa shopping Monday. alea attended a birthday dinner M r and Mrs Wesley Piercy were see Mrs Prank Newtolll, in Newell tor essential farm construction. The in his honor Monday evening at the Sunday evening guests in the J. C. Heights Tuesday. home of Mr. and Mrs. Bernice Gib war food administration has obtai son. Others present having birth Mrs William Toomb, Dorothy, ned 500 million board feet of lumb i Ki.i 11 l i ri i l h 11 iiiMiimiimiii in ni n inn i i l 11 days this week were Mrs. Randal Betty Jean and Dickie shopped in er to take care of farm needs thr Stathos and Bernice Gibson. ough September. Malheur county Ontario Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Seward, L e has been given an allocation of A bridal shower was given Tues Mrs Arthur Cartwright and sons lumber, and has been authorized to day evening at the Earl Grey home roy, Virgil. Miss Ila Botner, Mr. spent Tuesday in the home of her issue certificates bearing an AA-2 in honor of Miss Ruth Mathews, and Mrs. Dwight Seward and fam parents, M r and Mrs Earl Parker ily, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hobson, Mr. preference rating. Farmers may use who is soon to become the bride in Newell Heights. and Mrs. Ed Wild, Mr. and Mrs. the rating to obtain lumber from of Samuel Shaw of Kingman Ko- Mr and Mrs J. C. Olsen of N y Don Seward and son Mr. and Mrs. dealers, who may, in turn, extend ony. Besides lawn games, a short ssa were guests in the Wesley Pier R. A. Kellogg and son and Mr. the rating to mills to replace their program o f comic readings and cy home Saturday evening. and Mrs. Bernice Gibson and Ger stock. The certificates may be used songs was given. An original song Mrs Elsie- Heitz shopped in Ny ald attended a lawn wedding to purchase lumber for mainten written by Mrs. V em Martin to ssa Saturday. Sunday at the Clauson home north ance and repair work and for con the tune of “ Jingle Bells” was sung Jewell Wilson was a Sunday of Emmett. Miss Zola Rogers, struction necessary to production. by Mrs. Ruth McConnell, sister of daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert guest of Dudley Kurtz in Newell Lumber obtained under the prog Mr. Shaw, and Mrs. Vera Kellogg. Acheson, became the bride of Clar Heights. ram may not be used for dwellings. Mrs. Dan Corbett gave a humor ence Clauson of Emmett. PEED W H E A T RESUMED ous reading, “Th e Brussell’s Car Recent visitors at the bedside of Resumption of the feed wheat pet”. The bride-to-be received Mrs Dave Hawkins, who is very ill program, following congressional many lovely and useful gifts. R e at the home of Mrs Ed Wild, are Mrs Leonard Hart and children authorisation to Commodity Credit freshments were served to 75 per Mr and Mrs John Leuallion, Mr of Chester California are guests of for sale of an additional 50 million sons. and Mrs Oliver Sandy and her Neighbors of Herbert Fisher cut brother, all of Bonita, Oregon, Mis M r and Mrs Glenwood Pounds. Mrs bushels of wheat, will take care of the immediate situation for county and shocked his hay this week and Mable Camp, Mrs Mary Pierce, Hart is a sister of Mrs Pounds. Earl Sparks of Mountain Home farmers, the county USDA war the men of the Nazarene church Mr and Mrs Gene Honey of rural visited his family in Adrian Wed board believes. However, the need stacked it Friday and Saturday. Nyssa and many other friends. still remains for careful manage Mr. Fischer, who is in a sanitorium nesday. Telegrams have been sent to all I f she stays with da Mrs John Hinton shopped in ment of feed supplies, especially at Savanah, Missouri, is reported of Mrs Hawkins’ children. hay, and the war board suggests to be getting along fairly well. The Caldwell Thursday. irying in Malheur cou Mr and Mrs Seriuner of Merid that every farmer use every means women helped Mrs. Fischer with ian, Idaho have moved into the Ho he can to increase his own feed the cooking. nty, because production lley house, recently vacated by production and reduce his depen Boy Williams of Portland ar Results of the school election in rived Sunday for a short visit with dence on purchased feeds. M r and Mrs Don Covey. the Owyhee district were as follows: o f dairy products is be his brother, D. D. Williams. M EAT DIRE C TO R NAMED Mr and Mrs Prances Deffer and Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Barker at director for three years, E. E. Cr Appointment of C. R. Tulley, family were Tuesday evening din coming more important ner guests at the home of Rev. and Portland, as state meat marketing tended the funeral service for Mrs. ocker; director for two years to supervisor, has been announced by Claude Smith at the Owyhee school finish opt the term of Lester Har Mrs Nevin. ris, who resigned, Claude Eachus every year. Delores and Lester Auker enter the State USDA war board. Are* house Sunday. June Webster and Mont Corbett and clerk, Mrs M. B. Klingback. tained numbers of their young meat supervisors, who will assist W e salute the men friends at a welner roast Sunday the county war meat committees to were dinner guests at the F. A. Mrs Ellis Walters and Mrs R al eigh Ohamberlian were Joint host iron out meat distribution prob Powell home Sunday. and women who are evening. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Seward and esses to the Owyhee Community cl John Johnson, local agriculture lems and eliminate any black mar ub Thursday. The secretary report instructor, returned Friday from a ket operations, will be announced Mrs. Roscoe Kellogg were in Cald milking the cows, ed the new bond had been purch trip to Corvallis, where he attend soon, the county U8DA war board well, Nampa and Boise on busi ased and the $25 dollars donated to ness Friday. ed the cooperative canning confer has been informed. Mrs. Eunice Seward and Albert the Red Cross had been paid. P A Y M E N T DEADLINE ence. Refreshments of sandwiches, sal. Malheur county growers of potat Joseph Kellogg spent Friday at the A son was bom Monday morn ad and punch were served. oes and vegetable truck crops are Don Seward home near Parma. 'iiiminiiiiiiiiiiiiii|iiiiiiiiiiiii h 1111 n ii i m in m in 11 hi mi ing to M r and Mrs J. Mackey. M r and Mrs Kenneth McDonald and daughter, Kay, were guests at the Klingback and G. L. McMillan home Thursday. M r and Mrs Oscar Pinkston, Mrs Myrtle Harrington and daughter, Cleta, and Pete Sleeper of Big Bend were Sunday afternoon callers at the Klingback home. Mrs Wallace Gregg is to be the leader at the Owyhee Fellowship meeting which meets each Sunday evening at the school house. Every body is invited to attend. Rev. Kriner of Payette will hold preaching services after Sunday school Sunday. In Compliance with governmental regulations the following prices and rules are now effective Donald Hite, who is working near Pendleton, spent the week-end vis on dairy products: iting relatives here. Roy Williams of Amity, Oregon is here visiting his brother, Darrow and family. 50 per cent of all butter manufactured must be sold to the government. The wholesale price Dinner guests at the Klingback of bulk butter 92 score, 42y2c per pound. The government will pay a 5c subsidy on all but home Sunday were Mr and Mrs Charles Culbertson and children, ter manufactured, providing the manufacturer has not reduced the price of butterfat to the Betty and Larry, and Mr and Mrs farmer. G. L. McMillan. Jewell Wilson received a spotted Nazarene Church News She’ll Be À Winner PA G E much sugar for canning or preserv- No. 1, good for five pounds, expires : ing, and our Cold Storage Locker— at midnight. Stamps No. 15 and No. it your are lucky enough to have 16 in war ration book one valid for one-will be bulging with many other 5 pounds of sugar each for home fruits besides strawberries, let's can canning. them. How about a good recipe for Food Mart Dairy Products Regulation Schedule Butter COFFEE June 30—Stamp No. 24, book No. them, Try this one, they will stay 1. good for one pound, expires at whole and as pretty and red as fr midnight. esh berries. SHOES CANNED STRAW BERRIES June 16-Stamp No. 18, book No. 1, 2 c. sugar valid for one pair o f shoes through 2 c. water October 31. Stamps interchangeable among family living in same house 2 qts. strawberries Cook sugar and water together hold. FUEL O IL until sugar is dissolved. Add 2 qu September 30—Period 5 coupons arts strawberries which have been carefully washed and hulled. Cook valid March 26 through September for 5 minutes Remove from range, 30. Heating coupons—one unit, val cover with cloth and allow to stand ue ten gallons; ten units, 100 gall over-night. Then reheat and pour ons. G ASO LINE strawberries into sterilized Jars, fil July 21—“ A ” ‘ book expires. No. 6 ling Jars to within 14 inch of top. Screw on lid, then loosen 14 turn. stamps in “ A ” books valid through Place Jars in pan on rack in oven this date. TIR E S taking care they don't touch. Pro Cars with B books must have cess for 55 minutes in 250 degree oven, or 15 minutes In hot water tires inspected every 4 months; bath. Strawberries canned by this cars with C books, every 3 months; method do not float to the top, cars with A books, every 6 months. stay plump, lose very little color, and are delicious. Adrian Owyhee FIVE Ration Calendar R A T IO N BOOK NO. 2 June 20—Red stamps N valid. All, including J. K. L and M expire June 30. Each weekly series good for 16 points. July 7—Blue stamps K, L and M good through this date. SUGAR August 15—Stamp No. 13, book Serving 5 Counties From t! ie Largest Stock of Genuine Parts Orders Shipped Immediately McCluer-Manser Phone 49 Payette, Idaho Now is the Time To Insure Your Hay With the entire nation depending upon the fanners to produce food crops and livestock to the limit of their ability, you cannot afford to let your hay go uninsured. SEE US T O D A Y Frank T. Morgan Can You Justify The Neglect Of Your Car? Let’s face the facts. Your car may have to last until 1944 or 1945. Right now is the time to adopt a regular pro gram of wartime maintenance. Look the old bus over. Aren’t there a number o f little things that should be attended to now, before they grow into big things? Towne's Garage Butter sells at eight points per pound. Oregon Trail Cheese 70 per cent o f all cheese manufactured must be sold to the government. Ceiling price on ch eese is 28c. The government pays 2% c per pound on cheese, which must be returned to the farmer. Cheese sells at eight points per pound. Ice Cream The government, by executive order, prohibits the use of more than 65 per cent of the but terfat used in the manufacture of ice cream in 1942. . Reliable sources give information to the fact that within a short time the use of butterfat in ice cream may be prohibited. Powdered Milk 75 per cent of all powdered milk must be sold to the government. The price paid by the gov ernment for extra grade powdered milk is: Roller Process, 12Vi>c per pound; Spray Pro cess, 14y2c per pound. Evaporated Milk The government is requesting evaporated milk manufacturers to provide 40 million cases this year. The government is paying $4.20 per case for evaporated milk. Fluid Milk at V IC T O R Y FOOD HINTS A ll indications point to the fact that fluid milk will be rationed within a short period of time. * The Merry Matrons club met at the home of Alberta Bowen last Wednesday afternoon with Fern Caldwell assisting. The afternoon was spent sewing. Seventeen mem bers and one visitor, Jean Hyde, were present. In guessing games Alice Holmes received a prize. The next meeting will be held at the home Nora Snodgrass with Arl- ine Seward as co-hostess. New o ff icers for six months will be elected at this time. Refreshments were served by .the hostesses. M r and Mrs Marion Chard and family were Sunday dinner guests at the Ernest Smith home near Mitchell butte. Hollis ^De G rofft of Baker was home for a few days last week. Mr and Mrs Bowen and family were Sunday dinner guests at the Ira Chadd home in Sunset valley. Miss Jean Hyde o f La Grande vi sited from Tuesday until Sunday at the F. O. Holmes home. On Sun day. Mr and Mrs R. J. Holmes were hosts at dinner honoring the visitor. The Above Prices Are Bulk Prices And Apply Only In Wholesale Lots FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE CREAMERY Payette, Idaho Leona Anderson Home Service Advisor Idaho Power Company Dairymen Honored Our nation has grown greater through its ex ceptional appreciation of the value of dairy pro ducts. W e feel that we have an important duty in the program of developing health and happin ess and we feel that national daily month is wo rth every support. Nampa Creamery Co. ii ii 11 in m m m m ninm him mmmmmmm m mm mm mnm mi mm my = To Malheur I Dairymen * June is Dairy month-- | the month in which we § ■'CANNTNO STRAW BERRIES In the past we have not canned salute the protectors of § many strawberries but rather pre served them and canned other fr America’s health-dairy § uits but this year it U a different story. We do not have as much sugar as in the past and strawber products. Health exp- | ries is one crop we are going to be E sure of having so why not can th em. Rhubarb is another fruit which erts sa y-“ Every child needs a quart of milk | we have avoided canning a great deal of but this year, let's can rhu every day, and each adult needs at least a pint. = barb too. So, whether It be rhubarb, peaches or strawberries, eat what you can. and what you can't eat. can. WKh this thought in mind, and the fact that we do not have tri 111 1 mg 11 1 1 n 11 u m I m I m mm u i m m i n m ii uu ii i i mu m imi i i mtMMMIIMHi Fox's Drive-In I