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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1943)
.* 77 NYSSA VOLUME XXXvitI, No. 21. NYE RESIGNS AS CHIEF OF POLICE ~‘ n YS5A,' ftRËTGOri, ÎHUftSÏ&V, JÜNE 10. 1943 JOURNAL ~$g^0TEÌTYMR THOMPSON QUITS NEW METHOD OF Parallel Auto Demonstrations RATIONING New System Of BOARD Beet Thinning MAILING Parking Plans Walter A. Nye resigned Wednes On Food To Be Jess Thompson has resigned as a About Finished A new method BEGUN of speeding up Voting* Offered chief of polloe of Nyssa and Given In County member of the Nyssa rationing bo mail deliveries, through addition of By Grange Head Now Completed day was as succeeded In This Section a branch post office number by Orville Maze, who ard. His successor as not been ap to the has been night policeman for the pointed. Stripes Are Painted On Three Blocks Of Main Street Drying, Canning, Freez Appointment of Mr. Thompsons Mexicans Are Expected address on mail for delivery in lar Japanese Problem Dis last six weeks. ge cities, is being placed in oper ing To Be Covered successor will increase the number To Be Here This cussed At State Mr. Nye was appointed in place ation rapidly, according to Nyssa By Expert Summer of board members to four. Other of Chief of Police A. V. Cook, who Session postal officials. members are Mrs B. o. Larson, ch the first part of the year Home food preservation demonst airman; State highway department emp resigned Reports from many cities indi Thinning of beets in the Nyssa- Frank T. Morgan and A1 June 10--Delegates to went to Portland to work in rations will be given on June 21. 22, Kuehn7 loyes painted the parallel parking and Nampa district is expected to be cate that it has been received en the EUGENE. the shipyards. 70th annual session of the Ore 23 and 24, announces R. E. Brooke, thusiastically by the press, postma stripes on Nyssa's main street and completed by June 15, according to gon State Orange, which opened Malheur county agriculture agent. did other painting the first of this R. G. Larson, district manager of sters, business concerns and the here Monday were asked to give th public. The drying of vegetables and fr week. the Amalgamated Sungar company. eir support to a proposal to permit uits in the home, the home canning Residents of small cities, towns all registered voters to cast their The painting on the street and However, much beet hoeing and of meat, fish, vegetables, and fru sidewalks was done after the city work in the lettuce and other crops and rural regions should inquire of ballots by mall. its, and the preparation of meat, firemen and other volunteers had to be done. their correspondents in the large The plan, as presented by Morton and fruit for the frozen Ensign Milton LeRoy Cook, 35, remain thoroughly washed the thorough Major Edgar B. Cole of Nyssa vegetables The Mexican nationals brought cities concerning the number assi Tompkins, state grange master, in locker, will be demonstrated by native resident of Nyssa, who was fare. Starting at 6:30 Monday even has been missing in action, presum ! Miss Lucy A. Case, extension nut a student flier at the Dallas, Texas here a few weeks ago have all been gned to the city residents’ branch his annual message to the session, ing, some of the firemen worked ably in Europe, since May 28, acc ritionist of Oregon State college. naval air station, was killed recen working steadily, with the except post office so that the mail may would be patterned after the pre until 4 a.m. Tuesday in order to ording to Information received by Each community is given a choice tly in a plane crash near Orand ion of during the period of rainy be expedited. The degree to which sent system of absentee voting, ex complete the work for the state relatives here. weather. Work generally has been mail will be speeded depends upon panded to provide that each regist a drying, canning or freezing Prairie, Texas. highway crew. Major Cole, a squadron comman of kept up to date, although some the extent to which the numbers ered voter would receive his ballot Other methods of Funeral services were held for few fanners through the mall some days prior With the painting of the para der in the U. S. air forces, is a for demonstration. are needing help. are used by mailers. preservation will be discussed Ensign Cook in Baker, Oregon last The sugar company's to the election date. The voter wo llel parking sections on the street, mer student engineer at the Nyssa if food desired, contract on such as salting, smok week. uld then mark his ballet and return Nyssa's new system of parking has plant of the Amalgamated Sugar the 55 Mexicans working here ex and storing food. There will Ensign Cook was bom October 17, pired it in the same manner, or, if he so been completely placed in effect. company. He enlisted in the army ing, today. The company is renew be a chance to ask questions on fo 1917 in Nyssa. With his parents. Mr. ing its contract on 50 of them for desired, cast it in person according Parking on Main street from First in July, 1941. preservation problems. and Mrs Charles LeRoy Cook of the entire season. Local organiza to present procedure. to Third streets is restricted to two Major Cole’s father, E. it. Cole, od The big job of the rural people Baker for a short time before going tions are being formed to act as The Tompkins plan has as hours from 2 a.m. to 6 p.m. is general superintendent of the in winning this war, says Secretary to Clarks ton, Washington where he sponsors for the remainder of the its objective simplifying voting pro The state employes painted the Amalgamated Sugar company. Maj of Agriculture Wickard, is to raise was graduated from high school. He cedure to make it possible and more so that it appears that the Mrs M. L. Judd of Adrian, county convenient parking sections with white paint or Cole is the husband of the for preserve food. Preservation of was graduated from Washington grou.p for a greater percentage Mexicans will be kept in the dist chairman of the round-up clinics and painted lanes with yellow paint mer Royce Church, daughter of and surplus food in the home is very State college at Pullman last June. rict this summer. of the people to exercise their fran sponsored by the Parent-Teacher at intersections for pedestrians. Th Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Church. important because it releases com Ensign Cook enlisted in the Uni associations and other interested chise. ey also painted the stop signs and mercial food products for victory ted States navy in August of 1942, State Master Tompkins also rec posts, groups in communities where there ommended CANNING DONE IN purposes. All farm families are urg He was to have been graduated fr- in his message that pr are no PTA units, is offering to ed to fill every glass Jar available om a naval flight school and rece esent laws which restrict voters fr DEMONSTRATION the units and groups some plans with home preserved products. The ive his wings in a short time. om changing their registration from for the spring round-ups. one party to another on or Just Different methods of canning we supply of tin has been cut down Besides his parents he is survived To conserve the physicians’ time, prior to election day, be repealed. re demonstrated by Mrs Anderson by the war. The rationed amount by a brother, Dr. A. T. Cook of Mrs Judd will suggest all-day con of the Idaho Power company at of tin canned vegetables and fruits Stockton, California: three sisters, Larry Lee Bellon, 8-year old son ferences as a preliminary to the re The Japanese problem, which was the third meeting of the Health for is far from adequate for good nutr Mrs. Cora Dooley and Mrs Lois Va of Mr and Mrs Joe Bellon of Nyssa, gular clincis with the physicians a subject of some controversy at ition. Home canning in glass is lentine of Lewiston, Idaho, and a died in St. Luke’s hospital in Boise present. the session, was treated at some Mrs Rose Alice Mull of Nyssa Victory club. The demonstration in something that can be done in ev twin sister, Mrs Mildred Hudson of June 1. length in Tompkins' address. It was cluded oven and pressure cooker died at her home Monday. Individual conferences will be he ery home as a practical war meas Bremerton, Wash.: six uncles A. V. Funeral services were held in ld. All children over two years of pointed out that even now, Japan Funeral services were held this canning. and also to assure adequate Cook of Portland, formerly of Ny Peckam's chapel in Caldwell with age up to school age are Invited. ese are purchasing some of our ric afternoon at 2 o'clock with Rev. Prizes of fruits and vegetables ure of food and well-balanced ssa; Carl E. Cook of Baker, Walter the Rev. Lloyd N. Pounds of the farm lands. As to the stand to M. H. Greenlee of the Methodist canned at the demonstration were amounts will be registered, weighed, hest of food for the non-produc B. and Jesse L. Cook of Keating: Full Gospel church of Nyssa offic They be taken by the Grange on the dis church officiating. Interment was given to Mrs J. L. Church, Mrs supply and measured and given the vision months. Drying of fruits and Ivan McNee and Ralph McNee of iating. Mrs Pounds sang ‘Away In test used in the school health in position of Japanese residents of in the Nyssa cemetery with the George Mitchell and Marie Thomas. tive country when the war ends, A Manger" and "Does Jesus Oare?”. Several new members were en vegetables is a method which can Pocatello, Idaho. Nyssa Funeral home in charge. made by the teachers each this is a method which can Tompkins recommended that the Interment was in the Caldwell cem spection Rose Alice McClellan was born rolled. Everyone interested in be vegeeables fall for the school children. used in place of canning with session take no action other than to etery. March 11, 1890 in Woodward co- coming a member of this national be Mrs Amy Larkin, county chair empower the state Grange execu inexpensive equipment. Larry was born January 13. 1935 man unity, Oklahoma and was married organization is invited to attend homemade nutrition council, will be pre committee to take suitable act woman should be interest at Scotts Bluff, Nebraska and lived sent with an exhibit of material for tive to John Mull at Woodward in 1902. the next meeting. Attendance at ed Every at the appropriate time. two consecutive meetings entitles in some form of home food pre at Mmatare. Nebraska with his pa She came to Nyssa in 1924. nutrition on self-help cl ion “Shortage of farm labor is the servation this year. Everyone will tents until 1941, when the family correct Survivors include six daughters, a person to membership. othing for the pre-school child end greatest obstacle we face in meeting want to know how to can fruits wi moved to Denver. The family mo Mrs R. F. Duncan, Mrs B. B. Baker, At the July 1 meeting methods of th home-made toys for the pre-school less sugar or what substitutes for Two Ontario men, Corporal Jose ved to Nyssa in October of that child. Miss Lillian Nisbet, county the demand for all-out production,” Mrs L. G. Smith and Katherine brining and dehydrating foods will sugar Tompkins. “I feel that this can bç used New pressure ph Sutherland and Private Walter year. Mull, all of Nyssa, Mrs G. W. Eic- be featured. librarian, will exhlbt books for the stated problem, irom the standpoint of McPartland, have transferred from cookers will not be available in Besides his parents Larry is sur ftpsr of Portland and Mrs p. J. pre-school child and Mrs. Edna the national administrative divis any quantity and will be rationed Co. B, Oregon state guard of Ont vived by two brothers, Jean and Farris, Pulsipher ol Harper, and three county health nurse, will be ions of the various agencies, has by the county war board: therefore, ario, to Oo. D. of Nyssta Jerry; a baby slstei, Joan, and his sons, Raymond, Clerance and Fred present for consultation on health been aggravated by departmental those who have pressure cookers Mr. Sutherland is manager of the grandfather, Bert VanHorn. Mull of Nyssa. Also surviving are Mrs. Larkin. Miss Nisbet and Mrs. Jealousies and mismanagement. Th will want to make the best use of Dessert Seed company and Mr. Mc her 93-year-old mother, who lives Farris will be available for individ is serious condition, unless speedily them and share them with neigh Partland is the new principal Qjf at Pueblo, Colorado: two brothers, ual conference* throughout the corrected, may bring chaos to the bors if possible. Use of the pressure the Nyssa grade school. day. one sister, and 10 grandchildren. harvesting of much-needed crops Those farmers growing certified cooker will be demonstrated at the The Oregon slat guard was org The conferences promise to be on which the growers have spent anized a year ago and now has be canning meetings. The construction seed this year will be able to take Return From Visit— worthwhile for parents. A summary (Continued on page two) of home made evaporators will lie tween 8000 and 9000 members in advantage of higher prices this year Mr and Mrs John Quigley retur of findings will be made and pre than in previous years. Lend explained and directions wiU be dt the state. Like other companies, the ned home Sunday from Bremerton more sented to the physicians for their Nyssa company has lost many men Appointment of W. A. Qrtgg. Ha consideration. Futher clinics and Veterans Will Meet— lease on certified ladine clover seed strfbuted. after a two-week visit witl> their has A meeting of Disabled American to the army and war industries. As rper. as state bee inspector for notified growers to the etfect daughter. Mrs John Stafford. will be announced later. Veterans. chapter No. 11, a result the local company is in Malheur county has been announ dates chat the loan value will be at the NYSSA TIED IN Clinics scheduled in the Nyssa will be held Border In the hall in need of recruits. New classes will be ced by the state department of agr district rate of one dollar per pound. Seed June will be held at the Wilder the night of I.O.O.F June 11 at 9 started for men joining the outfit. iculture. which administers the st Kingman for Kolony prices have advanced on other var SAFETY CONTEST school house. Mo o'clock, war time. Several members ieties of seeds approximately in Seven cities in the fourth division Drilling two hours a week is lit ate apiary taw. Our Boys In this nday,June 14 at the Owyhee school of the chapter live In this vicinity. tle enough for any man to give Grtgg is nationally known as a June proportion. 15, June 17 at the Oregon for first place in the June st during war-time, one company off producer of fancy comb honey and Farmers in Malheur county are tied Trail school house and June 28 and Has Mumps— andings in the 1943 Oregon cities icer said. Is a thoroughly experienced bee-i to make application at an traffice T h e Service advised at the school gymnasium. The Mrs 8. Burbrldge has the mumps contest, Secretary of keeper, having produced bees on 29 early date for certification of their State Bob safety conferences will be opened at 10 this week. Farrell announced today. a commercial scale for 35 years or fields which should be eligible for These cities were Barnfon. Enter LIONS NOMINATE A.M. and closed at 5 p.m. more. He recently retired from act this practice. Eligibility includes prise, Mt. Angel, Myrtle Point, Ny MEN FOR OFFICE ive operating, turning his apiaries seed used from certified origin. In and Warrenton. GRAZING OFFICE over to his two sons. the case of alfalfa there should be ssa. In Vale Nominees for officers of the Ny the frist division, Ben contin a seedling inspection which is nece ued to hold first place while Salem ssa Lions club were selected at a Winter loss of bees in Malheur MAY BE ERECTED POETS' ssary so that inspectors may be was second and Klamath Falls was luncheon of the organization Mon county runs about 15 per cent, wh ich is considerably lighter than in Vale, June 10 (Special) —A new certain that no plants from olc( in third place. In division two. Ba day noon. CORNER stands are in the field. This is also ker was first with Marshfield sec The nominees are as follows: Pr some sections of the state, reports federal warehouse and office for true of clovers. One or two field ond Pendleton third. Ontario held esident, Bernard Frost and Rev. A. Burr Black, state apiary sup the grazing service of th# depart inspections are required plus a lab first place in the third division with M. H. Greenlee; vice president, Cal ervisor with headquarters at Salem. ment of the interior is a possibility Edited by He says Malheur county is apparen for Vale, Martin Galt, district gr oratory test on the seed after har Seaside second and Hood River th vin Wilson and Frank Parr; sec tly pretty free from bee diseases, azier vesting. Malheur county has been T. CAROL BYBEE revealed today. He has been retary-treasurer, Grant Rinehart with exception of one or two sect authorized to secure some lots in ird. one of the important field seed gr Cities and R. G. Whitaker, and tailtwis- “I CAN” are segregated according to Houston Wilson, who is serving owing counties of the state and is ions. Black was here last week to the city; and the Immediate inten Courtesy of Leo Child Herschel Thompson and Henry make in the engineering division of the now developing a vegetable seed population groups and standings ter, final arrangements with Gr* tion is to erect a temporary ware from The Amature Athlete UB. army, is spending his furlough business which promises to be one are based on improvement in the Hartley. igg to handle the inspection* house where the district’s supplies The club voted to pay the ex Condition with his parents. Mr and Mrs Bar of major importance and will pro current accidents experienced com penses of bee* in eastern Ore can be stored. They are now locat If you think you are beaten, you of a delegate to the district pared to the previous three-year is favorable in general, except ed at the abandoned COC camp at are. vide farmers with a handsome ney Wilson. convention to be held in Burley, but gon average of each city. in Baker eounty where considerable Harper. Wilson, who served in the army supplemental source of income. a delegate has not yet been select If you think that you dare not, since March while attending the Farmers have indicated for 1943 alfalfa has been plowed under, the Later. Mr. Oatt said, it is hoped you ed. don’t. state supervisor reports. He says of brick or stone which will be a If you'd University of Oregon will leave that they will grow between 2500 U.s. WANTS DROP also that Baker county has lost combination warehouse and office. you can't like to win. but you think Saturday for Corvallis where he and 3000 acres of vegetable seed cr IN BROILER CROP about 2.000 colonies of bees the past It the lots can be secured at once, It’s almost a cinch you won't. will receive his assignment. ops. The acreage of seed this year The war food administration's re N.E. DODD NAMED two years, due chiefly to shortage Mr. Galt said, some buildings at will include some certified seed pot quest for stabilization of broiler CHIEF OF A.A.A. of help Half these colonies were Harper will be moved here and so It is true as the star in the skies Mr and Mrs Kenneth Cottle re atoes to supply local demands. production U aimed principally at ceived word recently that their son, An Oregon farmer. N. E. Dodd of gassed and eombs melted for wax me other work done before the end That out in the world you’ll find heading off over-expansion of com- Haines Reid, has been transfered from now heads one of the imp- and the other half were moved out of the present fiscal year when the Success begins in a fellow’s thoug merlcal broiler production. The 1943 FarrMut. Idaho to a naval radio appropriations for this kind of wo Nationaf goal calls for 4 billion po- ortant units of the war food adm- of the county. td&Altlon school in Chicago. machinery tor working In eastern Oregon, as in other rk expire. He has made a request hts unds of chicken meat, one bilUon inistratton's farmars to produce food for sections of the state, many new to the county court to donate sev It's all in the state at mind. more than last year. Farmers are with Pfc Antonio Zilbizareta of the U. S Freedm better known th “backyard” beekeepers are in ev eral lots near the present county Full many a race is lost to produce three billion roughout Mr the Dodd, air forces is home on furlough from Funeral services were held at expected warehouse. Members at the county | Ere ever a step is run; western states as "Bd" idence this year pounds of the total, including 375 court had this matter under cons And many a task has failed Madison. Wisconsin this week was appointed national million pounds from off-season br Peckham’s chapel in Caldwell Sat oods raised during the fall and win chief of the agricultural adjustment Regllgious Meeting Held— ideration today. Before It was ever begun. afternoon. June 5. for Mrs. ter when brooding facilities are no- I agency A religious street meeting was private Harold G. Olson of Nyssa, urday Eugenia Orosswhlte. mother of Mrs. held Saturday night under the lea who is stationed with the army or Douglas McD nald of Nyssa nnally idle Ed Dodd is one of the farmers IS SET Think big and your deeds will grow: dnance department at Casper. Wy Dr H. H Hayman was in charge The farm plan survey shows that ] who helped set up the nat'onal dership of the Rev Slaughter of LUMBER Think small and you'll fall behind: ASIDE FOR FARMS oming. has become acquainted with of the services. Miss June Wil the state’s 1943 chlcken-for-meat j farm program in the early '30s; Ch- the Assembly of God church. Rev that you can and you will; Oene Autry, well-known movie star son of Nyssa furnished the music goal probably will be exceeded W1 oaen by his neighbors to head the Homer Walkup. evangelist, sang To relieve lumber shortages on Think at the camp Olson, known in Ny Mrs. Crosswhite, 87 years old, th both livestock and poultry num Baker county com-hog committee, two solos as he played on his guit farms for all repairs except those It's all in the state of mind. ssa as Olie" Olson. desires to was well known in Apple Valley, bers now at the point where careful he was shortly afterward appointed ar. Richard Waddell and Lloyd to farm dewellings WPB has set If you think you’re outclassed, you know whether any other Nyssa re where she resided for several years management of feed supplies are to the post of chairman of the st Pounds played an Instrumental du aside a total of 500 million board are. sidents are stationed at Casper His before golr _, to Caldwell to make required, the »tote USDA war board ate corn-hog committee When the et. Mrs Rose Wong, returned miss feet of lumber for delivery on an You’ve got to think high to rise: address is 461 Bomb Sqdn. 2nd air her home with her daughter, Mrs cautions against further expansion agricultural adjustment and con ionary. delivered the message A AA2 preference rating during; June. You’ve got to think well of your interest is being shown and force. A.A3. Casper Wyoming. Josephine Lewis. She was a mem in broiler production, especially wh servation program was organized general it is hoped that the** meetings may July. August and September. Far self. in 1936. Dodd became chairman of ere construction of new facilities Is of the Christian church. develop with the community taking mers who cannot obtain lumber Before you can win a prize. Elmer E. Olson, son of Mr and ber Interment Involved. Increased off season pro- | Oregon’s first state AAA commlttoe present ratings, should apply Mrs Torvakl Olson, whose other son cemetery. was in the Parma duotton is still wanted, but mostly He left that post in 1938 to become part in the singing one local min with to the county farm rationing com- Life’s battle doesn’t go ister said assistant director and than director is stationed with the army at Casp from farmers who have the facll mmittee for certificates to purchase To the stronger or faster man. of AAA' s waatam ragion, eompru- er, Wyoming, has been tranrferred Takes PosHl ies. labor and feed and are in the lumber for maintenance, repair But soon or late, the man who Goes To Baker— from the Oakland air station to Udith Douglas has accepted a po best position to raise an etra br tng the 13 western states and new construction necessary to wins, Mrs Alice Collins left Wednesday Livermore California. Olson, a me- sition at the J. R Slmplot dehydra- ood during tbs late summer and Dodd still operates his farm near for Baker on a business trip. to the fellow who thinks he can! the food production procram. Haines, Oregon. talsmlth. second class, is a petty ter two miles from Caldwell. fall officer in the naval air corps Major Cole Of Nyssa Missing Ensign M. Cook Killed In Crash PTA To Sponsor Local Clinics Larry L. Bellon Taken By Death Funeral Is Held For Rose Mull 2 Transferred To Nyssa Guard Certified Seed Prices Higher Bee Inspector For Co. Chosen Mrs. Crosswhite Funeral Is Held 9