THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL PAGE SIX copal church will meet June 9 at to Nyssa. After a short vacation at 2:30 at the home of Mrs. Grant home. Miss Clarice will return to La Grande to complete require Rinehart. ments for her bachelor of science Goes To California— degree, after which she will teach Mrs James Langton of Nyssa and at Portland. ENTERTAIN FRIENDS Mr and Mrs C. W. Buchner and | her daughter, Mrs H. R. Glover of sons entertained several friends at i Boise, left Monday for Los Angeles, Meeting Scheduled— their home Monday evening. A pot- j They will reman there for an in An all-day fellowship meeting of luck dinner was served to Mr and definite visit. all the churches of Nyssa will be Mrs George Sallee and son Tommy, held Monday, June 7 in the Full Attends Funeral— Mr and Mrs O. J. Adkinson, and Mrs. A. C. Salle returned to Ny Gospel church. Everyone is invited Mr and Mrs Henry Hartley and ssa Saturday after attending her to attend. The morning service at sons. sister’s funeral at Gooding, Idaho. 11 o’clock will be followed by luneli -» - HAS DINNER at noon. The afternoon session will Mr and Mrs Herschel Thompson Visits Here— be opened at 2:30 the evening meal Mrs Donald Bean of Caldwell is gave a dinner Monday at their home. Those present were Dr. and visiting this week at the home of will be served at 5 o’clock and the evening service will be opened at M . Moulding, A1 Thompson, Mr Mr and Mrs Ward Wieneke. and Mrs Robert Thompson and Mr 8 o'clock. Have Dinner Guests— Ralph Beutler. Mr and Mrs Tom Loe andafamily entertained Mr and Mrs Irving Visiting Here— W.S.CJ3. MEETS Mr and Mrs Don Buell and dau The Women's Society of Christi Frank and sons of Eagle at a din- ghter, Sherry Lynn, are visiting an Service met May 27. Mrs W. W. 1 ner party last Monday. Foster, president, took charge. Mrs Mrs Buell’s parents, Mr and Mrs Floyd Lomax was devotional lead Returns From LaGrande— Mrs Albert Notheis returned ho Leland Ricks. er and Mrs Hershey was program leader. Hostesses were Mrs. Ella me Saturday after attending the graduation exercises at the Eastern Return To Texas— Frost and Mrs Helen Gonyer. Mrs Jennie Albin and daughter, Oregon College of Education at La- Grande. Her daughter, Clarice, one who have been helping care for Meeting Planned— The St. Paul's Guild of the Epis of the graduates, accompanied her Mrs Albin's father, J. B. Coulter, | have returned ot their home at Follett, Texas. reunion at Nampa Memorial day. LOCAL NEWS On Business Trip— Insure Y our Hay Mr and Mrs Lucian Wray left Sunday on a business trip to Spok ane. They plan to return home tomorrow. Your feed this year is doubly important in the national program of increasing production. Protect It Now Visits Mother— Mrs J. W. Emery and sons left Sunday for a weeks’ visit with Mrs Emery's mother at Wilder. Returns From Baker— SEE US TODAY Frank T. Morgan Miss Marie Holman returned ho me Tuesday evening after a visit of several days with relatives and fr iends at Baker. Visits In Nyssa— Marion Osburn, Nyssa high sch ool graduate who Is now living in Homedale, was in Nyssa over the week-end. THURSDAY JUNE 3, 1943 T o g g le Rope B rid g e Visits Home— Lois Stearns spent the week-end at her home in Jorden Valley. • T he fine tra d itio n s b ehind th e family physician are sym bolic of his u n d e v ia tin g d e p e n d a b ility . They are red u n d a n t w ith legends of self-sacrifice, hard sh ip , an d suf FOR SALE—Canned prunes, peach es, pickles, tomatoes and fruit of all kinds. Mrs Wing at L. E. Fry’s Mr and Mrs A. W. Gifford of Ca 3Jlxp ldwell are the parents of 714 pound son born May 28 at the Nyssa Nur FOR SALE—General Electric 3-ho sing home. rse motor, single phase, 1160 RPM. Allis-Chalmers irrigating pump, 4 Parents of Son— by 4. 25 foot lift. Inquire Frank A 9 % pound son was born to Mr Parr, 4 ‘4 miles south of Nyssa on and Mrs J. J. Montague June 1 at Adrian highway. 3J2xc the Nyssa Nursing home. — Gate City Journal classified ads get results. Gate City Journal classified ads Mr and Mrs Burnell Brown and daughter, Marion Grace, and Mr get results. Go To Ogden— .V.VW.W.VA PURINA Livestock Spray Kills and Repels Flies. Take care of your livestock during the hot summer days. Increase milk flow of your cows by using spray regularly. u . S . M arin« C o rp s P h o to Quickly strung across otherwise impassable gulches and streams, this bridge is included among the important equipment carried ashore by U. S. Marine Raiders. The three Leathernecks are master ing its mysteries at Camp Pendleton, Cailf. EVERY DRIVER CAN HELP A1 Thompson & Sons jfEb Ö L V.V.V.W.V..V Phone 26 KEEP 'EM ROLLING AR, 1943 style, is w a r on wheels. M en, weapons and m aterials vital to victory m ust be moved swiftly, safely and w ithout delay. W O re g o n M o to r Vehicle W ill you, a s a patriotic driver, enlist in th e nationw ide campaign now u n d er w ay to stop Safety Responsibility Act The American Legion auxiliary today issued thanks to persons who assisted in making the Memorial day poppy sale a success. Here From Boise— prophecies m ade by vendors o f nostru m s an d w ith quacks and ch arlatans. Seek th e advice of your physician. Be governed by his counsel. D e pend on him as generations have done before you. Bring his prescriptions to us. W e will follow his instructions to th e last degree. Nyssa Pharmacy NYSSA PROGRAM THEATRE _Phone 108_________________ Double Feature FRIDAY and SATURDAY, JUNE 4—5 Bert Gordon and Margaret Lindsay in “LET’S HAVE FUN” The Range Busters in “TEXAS TO BATAAN” Bernard Eastm an Parents of Son— need his counsel a n d advice to p ro cure-alls. These fakes usually have th e ir origin Will become effective June 9. We would be pleased to explain this law to you. The law does not compel you to carry in surance, but buying protection is advisable. People Are Thanked— need y o u r fam ily physician. Y ou te ct you from the fraudulent claim s an d false Real Estate-Insurance “Honestly It’s the Best Policy” Mr and Mrs Adolph Boe of Boise visited Mrs Boe’s parents. Mr and Mrs John Ostrom, Monday. Their daughter, Patricia Boe. remained are visiting at the home of Mrs at the First Church of Christ com in Nyssa for a two-week visit with Watson’s parents, Mr and Mrs Er monly known as the Christian ch her grandparents. nest Watscn. Mr. Watson is emp urch. beginning Monday at 8 p.m. loyed In defense work at Burbank, and running through Friday even- Here From Vancouver— j ing. This Meeting will be conducted Mr and Mrs Milan Ryder of Van California. by the Rev. Donald Rickerson of couver, Washington stopped at the home of Rev. and Mrs Lloyd N. Visit Here— the First Church of Christ. The Pounds for a brief time Saturday Irene and Dorothy Huff of Boise public Is Invited to attend these night. Mr and Mrs Ryder are en were week-end guests at the home services. gaged In defense work in Vancou of their parents, Mr and Mrs Henry ver. Huff. Elected Secretary— Miss Romona Henderson, daugh- j Visiting Relatives— Present Play— Mrs Albert Watson and daughter The young people of the First ter of Mr and Mrs Ed Henderson church of Christ presented the of Route 2 Nyssa. was elected sec III11II MM 11MIIMillII l>l lllill! M il III III It MMIII play ‘ The Lost Church” at the Wa retary of the student body at Eas de school east of Adrian Tuesday tern Oregon College of Education You Don’t Need Your evening. at La Grande for 1943-44. ration book to buy Picket Flour . . . Nor, will you need as many ration points if you use more Picket, the enriched, all-purp ose flour. 11 in m m in li in in munii ti I iiii in ti hi 11 in in hi hi m Sat. Mat.. 2:30 P. M , Adm. 5c-20c; Evening, llc-33c. Includes tax A Grand Buy Here’s your opportunity to secure a baby gr and piano that will give you. all the advantages of a new one at less than half the cost of a new instrument. Complete with bench. In good condition. N Y S SA FURNITURE CO. Monthly Meeting Held— Return From Trip— The regular monthly fellowship Mr and Mrs Ed. Pryne and family supper was observed Wednesday and Bill Snader returned home evening at the First Church of Monday from a fishing trip to Hig- Christ. The evening was spent in gens Reservour. a social time. Services Planned— WEAK, TIRED PEOPLE Here's vital news that may make a big difference in your life Family Reunion Held— Miller Jensen and sons and dau- A Victory Crusade will be held ghters and families held a family ' • M O FTEN 1 S O TIRED, I CAN ] HARDLY D R A G MYSELF A R O U N D . HAVEN’T A BIT OF APPETITE EITHER., STRICTLY BUSINESS SUNDAY and MONDAY, JUNE 6—7 Randolph Scott, Glen Ford, Claire Trevor and Evelyn Keyes in “THE DESPERADOES” A Thrilling Tale of the West . . Brought to the screen in Beautiful TECHNICOLOR. Special two Reel Subject, “Plan for Destruction” and Cartoon. Mat. Sun. 2:30, Adm. llc-28c, Evening Adm. llc-33c, Includes tax —BARGAIN NIGHT— TUESDAY, JUNE 8 “BEYOND THE BLUE HORIZON” In Technicolor, with Dorothy Lamour. First chapter of "VALLEY OF VANISHING MEN”. A dm ission, V - 20c, In c lu d in g ta x WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY JUNE 9 —10 Noel Coward, Bernard Miles and Celia Johnson in “IN WHICH WE SERVE” This is the Story of a Ship, of the Men Who So Gallantly Serve Her and The Women Who Pr ay For Her Safe Return. Disney Cartoon and News Admission Evening — lie and 33c. Including Defense Tax 2nd and Good Ave. But each day accidents a t grade crossings in America injure or kill 19 motorists and delay 3 8 train s a total o f 22 hours— a d rain on m anpow er an d tim e th at a nation a t w a r simply cannot afford. Mrs Erler. Kirby returned Tues day morning after a short visit with her husband, who is in a nav al hospital in Washington. A 7'A pound son was bom in Buhl Wednesday of last week to Mr and Mrs J. B. Giezentanner of Nyssa. fering. N ow, as never before, you I'oo Late to Classify Son Arrives— Returns From Washington— / ! tynietull in Need and Mrs Kenneth Cottle and son, Lyle, left last week-end to visit fr iends in Ogden. I FELT THE S A M E ' WAY UNTIL I TOOK PURSIN. IT H A S C ER T AIN LY BEEN A W O N D ER FU L H ELP TO M E. Following the loss of a loved one is a wake of unpleasant, but impor tant details that must be thoroughly under stood. We, through ma ny years of experience, understand them, and can take care of them for you in a dignified, efficient, friendly way. Costs are kept as low as possible. Let us help you. Nyssa Funeral Home 3 RE you one of those people who Second, Pursin contains precious Vi 1 l are not sick, yet seiuom feel tamins B, and G. These vitamins your beet? Are you frequently tired liolp stimulate appetite—aid diges and so dragged out 1 life hardly set.. s tion—promote better as- worth while? , i L.milation. T h a t’s why rhile? Are you inclined I nervous and irritable; appetite poor? you eat more and get If the reason is that you're not get more good from the foods ting enough iron and Vitamins B, you eat. and G, here’s thrilling news. If you are feeling below One of the foremost labomtoricc c? par because your system the country has developed a tonic m -y lack sufficient iron called Pursin for people in such con or Vitamins B, and G, do dition. A remarkable preparation this. Go to your drug store w hich works two basic ways to help today and ask for Pursin. nature build up strength and energy. Take it regularly and see First, Pursin is rich in iron. And if it doesn’t help you feel you know how important it is for joyfully alert again. A your system to get sufficient iron. leKesson Product. A “You’ll have to get oft. These gentlemen have a priority rating r Owyhee Drug Company D ay P h e n e 29 Night 91W