J H E NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY JUNE 3, 1943 t»A «E FIVÄ L.D.S. News <Shelt0n den- l - t Sunday afternoon guests of Mr and Mrs Jess K y g a r l g p E A K S A T CHURCH dairy farm» Friday, beginning at By T. Carol Bybee for a 10-day visit with Mrs. Olsen’s Sunday. 2 o clock. Games for the afternoon parents, Mr and Mrs Leo Child. Robert Kriner, Jr„ of Payette was a u t h o r it ie s s p e a k a t c o n are under the direction of Dorthea Mrs Duward Brown of Hanford, a guest last week oi Fred Kling- Lewis and Ellen Brower. The buf ference Washington was in Nyssa last 8 un-^ bacYTnd attended Bible school. The semi-annual conference of fet table will be presided over by day visiting her sister, Mrs Dean Mr and Mrs R. G. Chandler at Dorothy Child. This social marks the Nyssa ward was held last Sun Fife. day with seeral stake authorities in the closing of the season's lesson Elaine Lewis and her brother, tended the Bible school program attendance. President Luther Fife work, but it is desired that the lad J- B., entertained many of their and were dinner guests of Mr and and President Peterson of the Wei- ies be reminded that the second friends at a weiner roast at their Mrs Wallace Gregg. Mrs Russell R. Wolf, Jr, of Boise ser stake were the main speakers. Tuesday of every month is still home last Wednesday evening. day, and meet- A mixed quartet consisting of work and ... business „ --------------- Bishop and Mrs Arvel Child had was a week-end guest of her mot Mark Child, Leon Child, Dorothy1^ 5 111 contlnue »tart at 10 the bishop's parents as dinner gue- her, Mrs Martha Kllngback. During her visit the Owyhee Community Child and Ellen Brower, sang "Th 1 sts last Sunday. PRIMARY NOTICE club honored her with a surprise ere is Sunshine in My Soul”. PARTY AT 8NADER HOME The children's organization known bridal shower at her mother’s ho Jesse Haroldson, who is home on Miss Dorothy Snader was hostess a furlough from the U. S. Navy, as the primary has also completed to seen of her friends at a party at me. Mrs John Yanish and daughter, gave a very interesting talk. Harol the season’s lesson plan and will her home last Saturday night. Th now hold their meeting only on the Christine, who has been visltfhg dson was formerly engaged in Mut ose present were, Misses Verna G r first Tuesday of each month, st Mrs Yanish’s sister, Mrs Werner ual Improvement work here. eenlee, Winona Henderson, Vivian arting at 4 o’clock. Peutz, left for home In New Jersey Other speakers were Bishop Arvel Wedmer, Harriet Herman, DarThel Wednesday. Mrs Marion Mathews of Ogden Child, first councillor O. R. Ander Bybee, Jean Snader, Phyllis Schire- Walter Peutz anti son, Billy, of underwent a tonsillectomy last week son, and second councillor Lorln man, and Elaine Russell of Parma. while ¡siting with her parents, Mr Payette were Sunday visitors at the W. Goates. Dean Fife, ward clerk, Ice cream, punch and cookies were and Mrs Garret Fiet here William Peutz ranch. read the names olf the general, st Luther n „ , M ‘" ” - Mr and Mrs Charles Culbertson ake and ward officers, for the app called at the J. B. Coulter home APOLOGY OFFERED roval of the members. All officers w Yakima last Monday morning Mrs R. B. Wong, exchange pris Sunday. Mr Coulter Is still very 111. sustained. Ruth Larsson accomp Z l " "* i 0 “ ! under- The Owyhee Fellowship group at oner from Japanese-occupied china, anied the congregational singing, tended the song service at the Met is speaking ait the Full Gospel ch ~ A - « « 1 S U n S ^ r i with Ellen Brower leading. hodist church In Nyssa Sunday ev urch, Second and Ehrgood streets, family left Saturday for a four-day ing as rapidly as expected, makliw ening. BUFFET LUNCHEON FRIDAY visit in Pocatello. each night except Saturday. Mrs it impossible to gather further news. A buffet luncheon, which marks Mrs. E. H. Strickland entertained Wong was In South China during John Turner, who is serving in the closing season of the Relief so the U. S. navy, was in Nyssa on a So tl those who always read this the older group of her music pup the invasion and ensuing three ye- column, my apologies, and we’ll ha ils Friday evening. Games indoors are. Sre experienced seeing the tor ciety and which is in honor of the furlough last week. ve more for you next time. mothers and their daughters, will and out doors were enjoyed. Ref ture and “unmerciful treatment” of Mrs Hugh Olsen and three child be held at the home of Mrs Fannie, ren, and Carole Flinders, all of Og- FAREWELL PARTY FOR ALVTN reshments of sandwiches, cookies the Chinese at Japanese hands. NYE and cocoa were served. She came home on the Gripsholm The Mutual association officers Rev. and Mrs Robert Kriner and five months after Pearl harbor. Mrs and teachers will hold a farewell family of Payette were guests Fri- Wong tells of the invasion and her party for Alvin Nye, son of Mr and day of Mr and Mrs Irving Miller, experiences at the church services. Mrs W. A. Nye, who has been called to the army, this evening at the erintendent of the Idaho, Oregon, home of Mr and Mrs Eldred Brower Utah district, preached at the 8 p.m. In Apple valley. service Sunday. Mr. Nye was active In Mutual work last season, participating in Mr and Mrs Earnest Barker and drama. family were Sunday guests at the Jess Haroldson of the U. S. navy A torch service for the installa Bernice Gibson home. was a Saturday evening dinner Rachel and Naomi Shaw of Kin guest at the home of Mr and Mrs tion of the newly elected officers and teachers of the Sunday school gman Kolony sang over the radio Lloyd Lewis. on the Gospel Bells program Sun croft, Idaho last Saturday mom - was held Sunday morning at the day at 2:15 p.m. Mrs Nelda Schenk went to Ban • close of the class session. Each re A miscellanous shower honoring tiring oiffeers presenter his success Ing to isit relatives over the week or with a lighter torch as repres Miss Irene Herring was held at the end. enting the office he held. The past E. H. Barker home Friday evening. or read the charge to the new off Miss Herring, daughter of Mr and N U FIT IS N O T A TEM PO R A R Y M AKESHIFT, BUT icers. Earl Gray sang “I Would Be Mrs A. R. Herring of Nyssa, is soon True” and Mrs Gibson read a poem to become the bride of Joe Hobson BECOMES A SOLID PERMANENT PART OF THE PLATE Daily Vacation Bible school cl entitled “The Torch”. In closing of Sunset Valley. The evening was It®* Is a NEW, EASY, MONEY^SAVING comes a part of th© plat© . . . solid, tast©loss, osed Sunday with a program by the service the congregation sang, spent in playing games. The bride- WAY TO QUICKLY make false teeth FIT harmless, natural pink in color, easy to clean the pupils after Sunday school. At We'll work Till Jesus Comes.” to-be received many lovely and use TIGHTER, creating greater mouth comfort and sanitary. Sciehtifically designed to com* tendance was 36 with 24 earning Rev. Glenn Griffith, district sup- ful gifts. Refreshments were served and lessening noisy teeth chatter and b$d pensate for tissue shrinkage and gum reces* certificates. Teachers were Mrs Roy breath from ill-fitting plates. Entirely new sion. Enables you to renew plates at home, Gueck, Mrs Wallace Gregg and method. Merely apply NUFIT to plate and Saves money. Not a temporary measure, Miss Azelia Peet. Mrs Gregg was superintendent. place in mouth. No heat needed. It soon One application lasts for months. If you Mrs William Peutz and Mrs Oral solidifies, adjusting plate snugly to the want to enjoy real mouth comfort once Hite were hostesses to a bridle sh shape of the mouth, making a proper t i t more, b u y NUFIT today. MONEY BACK if ower for Mrs. Art Neeley Tuesday No fuss or bother. Not a paste or powder not satisfied. afternoon at the Peutz home. Re you have to a p p ly e a c h day. NUFIT be- N U F I T F A L S E T E E T H R E L I N E R freshments of salad, cake, sandwi ches and punch were served by the hostesses. Mr and Mrs G. L. McMillian have moved from Ontario to the house back of Skinner’s store for the su mmer. Mr and Mrs Charles Culbertson and children and Mr and Mrs Ly nn Kygar and family were dinner At Last! A NEW Better Way to Make FALSE TEETH Fit TIGHTER or NO COST! to 50 people. The out-of-town gu ructor. He graduated in the upper ests were Miss Ruth Goode of Na six of his class of one hundred at mpa and Miss Loretta Sorensen of the Texas field and was returned Parma. to Mather Field for assignment to Rev. and Mrs Vern Martin and ] a base as instructor in flying when daughters were business visitors in the unavoidable accident occured. Nampa Wednesday. Jack's 'buddy' at Mather Field, Lt. Herbert L. Fischer left Saturday morning for Savannah, Missouri to I Paul Dailey, was the driver of the enter the clinic for treatment. Wh- ! car in which also riding were Dail ile there he plans to visit relatives 1 ey's wife and Lt. George Heath in Kansas. Ed Mason has been em- besides Lt. Brodie. They were dr ployed to take care of the crops iving through the dim-out section of Los Angeles. Th" car was' going during Mr. Fischer’s absence. Mrs F. A. Powell is side this week. over a rise in the road and came Wednesday evening Rev. G eorge1 to an abrupt ninety degree angle Baurle of Nampa will preach to the turn. Because of the fact that the "Mens Crusaders” at 8 o'clock. This j warning sign had been knocked organization sponsors home missio- | down the night before, there was ns. All men are Invited to attend. no warning. Lt. Robert F. Doyle, classmate of Jack's all through his flying in struction was the military escort who accompanied the body home and stayed with the family. Lt. Brodie leaves his parents, Mr. and Mrs E. L. Jamison of Nyssa, and Mr and Mrs J. H. Brodie of (Continued from Page I) reserve on May 12, 1942. He took Klamath Falls. Oregon. He was to C.P.T. training in the spring of '42, have been married to Miss Hazel and was the first student to solo fr Hucka of Lowell Oregon this mon om Madras Field in Oregon. In Au th. Also surviving are his sister, gust of last year, he received his Eris Jamison, his grandfather, A. call to report to the army at Santa L. Brodie of Olustee, Oklahoma, Ana, California where he stayed five uncles and four aunts besides for six weeks. He was then sent to many, many friends. “Think of him faring on, as dear Mather Field to train as an instr In the love of There as the love uctor. Upon completion of his tr aining and receipt of his wings of Here; ithere, he was sent to Randolph i — Think of him still as the same, I Field near San Antonio, Texas for say: He is not dead--he Is just away.” speclaT extra training as an Inst Last Tribute Paid To Lieut. Brodie Nazarene Church News Not a Powder or Paste An Entirely New Method Owyhee Hay Insurance W e sell all kinds o f crop insurance. Now is the time to talk over with us your in surance problems. Our office will be open every day. A. L. Atkeson NUFIT False Teeth Reliner NYSSA PHARMACY Now that the family is spending more time at HOW TO F I L L OUT OP A' S MAIL APPLI CATI ON FOR WAR RATION BOOK NO.3 »TUB the order of these war time days. You may select STUS U N IT E O S T A T E S O F A M E R IC A O F F IC E O F P R IC E A D M IN IS T R A T IO N sturdy, charming pieces here in complete room WAR RATION BOOK NO. 3 IDENTIFICATION STUB TEAM OFF AFTBR COMPUTING THIS APPLICATION. TEAR OFF THIS STUB AND BE SURE^ TO KEEP IT UNTIL VOU GET YOUR WAR RATION ROOR NO. I T «o, O # Her« 000000 Form N « . R - l S t I THIS STUB AND KEEP I T . „ ...............................................................................................I home, eye-appealing, comfortable furniture is o * Htr* sets or individually, to reflect your own good taste. All our furniture is made Form Approved. Budget Bureau No. 08-R417 with expert Ualted Stofe« •< Aiaerlca— OBIc. o f P rlc. Ada^al.trwtioa * workmanship. APPLICATION FOR WAR RATION ROOK NO. 3 O ne » p o llu t io n must be m ade foe each «rou p o f persons w ho arc »elated by b lo o d . m am a«e. or adoption and w h o regularly live at the same addreaa. Persons temporarily awaw from home (fo r a period o f oO days o r le s s ), such as students, travelers, hospital patients etc., must be included in the family application. Persons livin g at the same address » u t n o t » ilatro by b lood , marriage, or adoption must isle SEPAAATi applications. If additional applications are needed, yoo can g « them at your post other A person may be included in on ly one application for W ar Ration Book N o . 3. ^ T h e fo llo w in g may not apply o r be included in any application for W a r Ration Book N o . 3: Persons in the armed services, whether or not eating in organned messes, including Army, Navy Marines. C oau G uard, and all W o m e n 's A u xd iaries; aod inmates of institutions o f involuntary confinement such as MEAD in s t r u c t io n s CAREFULLY Pf S print* be'low ^uH name a ^ com plete m ailing address o f the person to w hom books are to be « a ile d . ress given below . Books w ill n o t be forwarded. If you Books will be delivered by July 21. 1943. to address | are not reasonably sure o f address between June 13 and July 21. 1943, d o not submit application. Such applications w ill be accepted later. Primi la lak er Typ* L 70 0 S .1 . ____ __ ______ G R £ £ / S f ' * $ T . ............................ oooooo WILL BE NAILED TO Rocker Combination THE ADDBESS YOU GIVE. . — A / V V T O W / V , A S 0 p o r Q n jy YOUR RATION BOOK ' 7 2 7 5-Piece Daveno And Swing TYPEWRITE OB PRINT PLAINLY . Nyvels and tapestry cover. A complete dining room outfit TM » nnpl lent Ion m u st be m ailed betw een Jtsste l $115 mmé Mm 1«. 1»U. A fte r J e m I N b . ap plication « sell! n et he accepted befere A « g « e t 1. Prim in the spaces provided below the name o f the »^*d o f the farm!y the county in w hich persons included complete m ailing address. If you are print your ow n name and address. in t h « application live, and t h e « not a member o f a fam ily group, 0 « H»* F«W » Print la M i e r typ « Other Davenos A s Low A s T ««r O # $ 4 9 -5 0 HEAD OF FAMILY L m rovtM *' FILLS V 2 l 7 G & Æ Æ A & S 7 7 > S A 7 / T / M 7 ._ PnM below foil „.m e end dale of both oi eeeb O T M ■ ~ l« y j * ,tl” *pl>t itmn If w rw e luted o b e n ee heed e l I t e U r b • ¡¡• » ¡T “ « e le e e book U UtU iddeooe. reeeet «hat e e e . ab tbe »ee« Mae below. l ' 1 ! t 1 ! ! -------------------------------------------------- j ß 4 s O .I / / S Æ - . 4 > ./ V , O Q ................................................ Æ O Æ . _ L IS T ALL THOSE Swing Rockers FOE WHOM BOOK 3 _ L L _ il ■ T« O Moot O . %/A/yfÆÔ D fSlotol ___________a s * : ----------------- IN HEME T «tr 1 Q 4 THAT HEAD OF a.H v% 7 $16.50 Velour, tapestry, nyvel and mohair covers. Prices start at FAMILY REPEATS -. ’I - ____ IS SOUGHT. NOTICE HIS NAME ON FIRST LIN E . IF ELIGIBLE Big Selection MORE SPACES ON OTHER SIDE OF CARD Occasional Chairs A PPL 1C ANT MUST SIGN HEME l a t t a r c t r r lR r s a r . bo tim i))« to S l s t r l W t . th e ., certa. They ce* he f i l l e d oat et once, hat ehoeld oot ho ee lle d before Jeee I. Sock Ro. 3. «hich I . . reel.ee- oont hook, H i l l be d ie trlb e te d by - e i l b ^ lo e lo » le t . i - J»«o. «ever., . i d . o f the t p .l ic e tio — c e rt he. » . c o t fo r o M It io o e l M l » « - o b . C e rt, ere ere-.ddre.eed to - o l I d — tor». A Ro<e I er i o tte r poeto«# - » o r » am i.» - le r e t i r e d . ora Cot th l e d i eg re—^ eat end -eo 1 1 ^ b o l i d e y w j U - * f i l l i - « oat jroer epplicetioo cord. $6.95 To $89-50 Peterson Furniture Company Payette Ontario Vale