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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1943)
PAGE THREE THURSDAY JUNE 3, 1943 Classified Advertising RATES: Two cent« per word advance Is 30c. MISCELLANEOUS For Sale FOR SALE—4 Reg. Yr. Hampshire Rams. Also spotted sow and 9 pigs. F. F. A. Boys, J. E. Johnson, Box 337, Adrian. 3J2xc FOR SALE—Imperial Washable Wallpapers for harmonious decor ation. It Is "color-locked”. Stunz Lumber Go. 1ATFC. For Rent FOR RENT—Two Bertsch houses, one three-room, one four-room. Cl osets, built-ins, two beds each, both furnished, one with electric stove. See Graham Insurance agency. 27MTPC FOR RENT—Several good houses for rent. Bernard Eastman. llM tfc WANTED WANTED—Used furniture. Highest prices paid. Phone 149W. Nyssa Furniture Co. 1ATFC WANTED—Listing on farm and city property. A. L. Atkeson. 6MTFC. FURNITURE WANTED—We pay highest prices for used furniture. Nordale Furniture company. 21 Jtfc WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES for live fox feed horses. Phone 8 Pay ette. 27Ntfc Sunset Valley Mrs. Albert Watson and daugh ter, Jo Ann, and Miss Dorethy Wolfe of Los Angeles, and Mrs. Arnold Wolfe of Grand Coulee, Washington, arrived here early last week for a visit at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wolfe. Jess Haroldson, 3rd class radio man of the navy stationed at Bain- bridge Island. Washington, visited the past week at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Harold- hon of the Richland district. Mrs. Fred Mitchell and daughter, Lois, went to Portland last week to visit for two or three weeks with Mrs. Mitchell's daughter, Mrs. Morgan Hanson. Opal Mitchell Is staying at the Joe Stephens home while her grandmother is E.W. PRUYN Auto Repairing Reboring, Valve Grind ing, Lathe work. Parts and accessories lor each Issue. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Vem W. Martin Pastor. Custom butchering every Monday and FrlSay. Beef, sheep and pork. Sanitary butchering guaranteed. Phone 0SR1. One mile west of Nyssa on Alberta Ave. Jake Fischer. ALICE A. COLLINS FASHION FOUNDATIONS Will Call By Appointment. Residence Phone 122-J Box 500, Nyssa. THE CHURCH OF CHRIST L. D. 8. CHURCH NEWELL HEIGHTS . ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL MISSION Interior and Exterior Decorator. Free Estimate 775 First St. Andy McGinnis DENTISTS OPTOMETRISTS J. R. CUNDALL Dentist DR. J. A. McFALL “See McFafl and 8oe Phone 56-J Sarazln Clinic NYSSA OREOON EYESIGHT SPECIALIST ONTARIO OREOON PAULUS JEWELRY STORE WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE Official Time Inspector far Union Pacific ONTARIO OREOON PHYSICIANS L. A. Mauldin«, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone SI Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to 0 Dally—Except Sunday Fry Building SARAZIN CLINIC SHOE SHOPS J. J. Sarazin, M. D. Abbott’» Shoe Shop l H kinds of «hoe end haroeee repairing A crow from poet of floe. Sunday 9:15 a.m. Priesthood meeting. Sunday 10:30 am . Sunday school. Sunday 7:30 p. m. Sacrament meeting. Tuesday 2:00 p.m. Relief society meeting. Wednesday 8:00 p.m. M. I. A. meet ing. Tuesday, 4 p. m. Primary for children between the ages of 4 and One of Frank Ray's tenant hous es burned to the ground Wednesday morning and the Japanese family occupying the house lost all their clothing and other possessions. Mr Bower, Lou Pratt, M. L. Kurtz and Jake Borge helped Mr Ray re build. The house was finished Fri day night. Ellen Judd left with other Malh 12 eur 4-H club members for Corvallis Tuesday morning to attend summer school. Everett Earl Wood of Caldwell The Rev. Burton Salter, vicar. and Deraid Cartwright of the Kol- Morning prayer and sermon, 9:30 ony spent the week at the home of A. M. their grandparents, Mr and Mrs Holy communion and sermon each Earl Parker. second Sunday of the month. Church school at 10:30 a. m. Fermin Zubizareta writes from Women’s Guild second Wednesday of each month. Professional And Business Directory Union Pacific Time Inspector JEWELRY — DIAMONDS WATCHES iz«<n Street at Second Psm. away. Miss Dixie Scott spent Sunday with her mother in Apple Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Dee Hillls of Boise were Sunday guests at the home of their son, Walter Hillis. ery month. This meeting is held Miss Twlla Wolfe, who has been In the church. working at the Carl Mltzel home in Gospel Bell broadcast every Sun Nyssa, returned home Saturday. day at 2:15 over K.F.X.D. Miss Helen Dean and hor daugh ter, Miss Lloyd Hahn of Twin Falls were week-end guests at the L. E. Main Highway North Newgen home. • ------ Mr. and Mrs. Neil Dimmick made Services for Sunday, June 6. a trip over the week-end to Yak 10 a. m., Bible study and song ima. service. Mr. and Mrs. Don McCoy and 11 a. m., preaching and com- baby were week-end guests at the i munion. Subject: 'A Sure Foun- Lew McCoy home. Mr. McCoy has ! dation.” Just returned from Hawaii where Evening service 8 p. m „ preach he was employed by Morrison- ing and song service. Subject: “ Is Knudson for a year. He will go the Bible a Dead Letter?” on to Canada in two weeks. Wednesday evening, 8 o’clock, Bob Reffett passed the gov Bible study and song service. ernment examination and will go Everyone is cordially Invited to to Fort Douglas, Utah, Friday. A all services. farewell party was given for him Chester L. Hewitt (Minister) last Wednesday night at the com munity hall. Phone 56w JEWELRY STORES "Praise ye the Lord. I will praise the Lord with my whole heart, In the assembly of the upright, and in the congregation.” 111:1 Sunday school at 10 a.m. Earnest Barker, superintendent. Your children should be in Sun day school. Come and bring him. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Message by the pastor. Junior N.Y.PJ3. In the basement at 7:15 p.m. Evangelistic service at 8 pm . Prayer and Praise service Wed nesday night, 8 o’clock. Missionary meeting for the entire church the first Wednesday of ev General practice of medlelnt X-Ray Phystottooro« SUNSET VALLEY CHURCH “The Lord hath done great things for us whereof we are glad’. Psalms 126:3. We extend a hearty welcome to you to attend our services, which are as follows: Sunday school at 10 o’clock with T. H. Brewer as superintendent. Classes for all ages. Morning worship at 11. Evangelistic Services 8 pm . Sp ecial music and good singing. Prayer meeting Wednesday 8 pm . at the church. June brides won’t be spending the time usually given to choosing patterns in silver-plated flatware. There aren’t the patterns this year from which to choose because half of the silver-plated manufactur ers are turning out war goods, and silver itself, is going Into such items as lining of airplane engine bear ings and in sliver brazing alloys for Joining metal par* Manufac turers are making their allotment of silver go as far as pos sale. That means making only the most essential Items: knives, frorks. dessert spoons and tea spoons. Many of the old patterns restricted two est m t if c s x , FORMER BOXER W HO ROSE FROM THE RINKS TO A LIEUTENANCY RECENTLY LEO A SUCCESSFUL PATROL AGAJKJST THE OAP - A N ES E A T G U A D A LC A N A L. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST (CHRISTIAN) H. N. Waddell, Pastor Bible school at 10 a.m. Roy Bibb- ey, supt. 11 A. M. worship and communion service. Sermon. 'T he Christ of Pentecost”. 7:30 pm . YP.C.E. 8 p. m. praise and preaching ser vice. Sermon “A Call to service” “ Victory Crusade” Monday through Friday night. Great gospel sermons and singing. Rev. Donald Rickerson pastor of the First Church of Christ of Boise will cnduot the services. Come and enjoy this special sp iritual feast that the Lord has in store for everyone who will attend. A friendly church extends to you a friendly hand. A .v; KENNETH FLA C K RECENTLY RECEIVED A28-F00T LETTER . THE EPISTLE .IWITTEN I ON WALL PAPER 8V MISS DORIS PATER OF GOtfRI6',TOWA, > STARTED O N OCT, 6 AND FINISHED OCT. 30 , 1042 . Ss II NYSSA ASSEMBLY OF GOD Pastor C. A. Slaughter Sunday school, 9:45 am . Alan Ed FORMER BUTLER UNIVERSITY monds Superintendent. Every class TRACK COACH AND TWO-MILB welcomes you. CHAMPION, NOW MARINE- Morning service, 11: o'clock CORPS PRIVA TE. Evengellstic 8 o'clock. Prayer meeting Thursday, 8 o’clock. OPA. Prom the dollars and cents A cordial welcome to all. ceilings were placed upon used bed springs, complaints had been received that prices asked some times were so excessive that they would actually be more than the 3. bedsprings costs brand new. A tag 10 a. m., Bible school. 11 a. m., morning worship. Ser showing the maximum retail price mon: “The G reat Gift of Faith.” must be attached to each used 8 p. m., evening worship. Devo bed spring offered for sale. And speaking o f bedsprings, the tions led by the adults. Juniors led by Mrs. Lane; young people war p roduction board survey of reveals that discuss “What It Takes to be a sleeping equipent manufacturers are turning out Missionery” . Adults continue their discussion enough sleeping equipment to meet civilian needs despite manpower of “ Prayers of the Bible.” The Mary and Martha society shortages, government restrictions meets Thursday, June 10, at 2 p.m. on critical materials and demands at the home of Mrs. D. W. Patch. from the armed forces. Since ln- Mrs. Carl Hill is the leader of nerspring matteresses are out for the devotions and Mrs. Nevin is the duration, manufacturers have start leader of the study on home ed using layer on layer of fine cotton and find they turn out missions. Of Choir practice Friday at 8 p. firm and resilient products. m. at the Kingman school house. course, fillings other than cotton felt are not used very much. The day may come when typists will be winding their own new Sunday school at 10 a.m. Topic: ribbons on the old spools in their “The Plagues”. Text Ex. 5:1 to 10:- typewriters. But the WPB says ■29 Showing God’s contest with Ph in the distance is to save used rib araoh. Morning worship at 11 a.m.. “Mi bon spools and turn them in And ssionary Work in War T om China” . when buying new ribbons. Sunday evening at 8 p.m. “Return when you do, be careful not to warp or bend the spool. Because Trip Home on the Gripsolm.” Special meetings at the Full Gos of the shortage of metal, the steel pel this week through June 7 with for production of typewriter spools Mrs Rose B. Wong, missionary to has been cut in half. Here’s good news for Mrs. Am China, special speaker. All are we erica's shopping trips to the cos lcome. metic counter. Effective May 26, packaged cosmetics . . . about 200 types . . . will have established prices at all levels from the man Greenlee. Church school begins at 10 a.m. ufacturer to the consumer. And Prayer service will be held at the Mrs. America should know what church Wednesday evening at 8 p.m. the top ceiling is because the max There is to be no worship service imum retail price must be marked at this church next Sunday, June on packages by manufacturers. In 8th, as this Is conference Sunday the case of gifts they may be and the pastor will be out of the marked on detachable cards or labels. city. IS THE COMMUNITY UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Kingman Memorial C. Nevtn, Pastor. FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE Lloyd Pounds, pastor A *" 22 THE METHODIST COMMUNITY CHURCH M. H. Pastor PUBLIC FARM SALE I mile west of Harper, Oregon Tuesday, June 8, 1 P. M. Ross Linson, Owner 3 horses, 30 cattle, hogs, poultry and lots of farm machinery. Also Chevrolet Coupe. Col. Bert Anderson, Auctioneer. L e e a l A d v ertisem en t NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OP THE EST ATE OP JESSE JOHNSTON, DE work on private owners of timber, CEASED. the state and counties. "We will do Notice Is hereby given to the cred well to remind ourselves at this itors and all other persons Interest season o f the year, of the Import ed In the estate of Jesse Johnston, ance of KOG work. Nothing would deceased, that the undersigned has augment enemy invasion more than been appointed Administrator of a forest fire throwing up a nat said estate and has qualified as ural smoke screen." states Mr. Hay such. All persons having claims es. against said estate are hereby not WINDSHIELD STICKERS W ONT ified and required to present the STICK same with vouchers properly ver Many motorists do not fully un ified, within six months of the date derstand instructions for applying of first publication of this notice, this year’s decal type of windshield to the undersigned at the office of license stickers for automobiles. John Holly in Holly Bros. Store, in They now complain that they are Adrian, Oregon, that being the pl cowing off, Secretary of State Rob ace hereby designed for the tran ert S. Farrell Jr. states. The new saction of all business connected 1944 markers will be printed at the with said estate. state printing office and safeguards John Holly, to Insure the quality of the stickers Administrator of the estate and to make counterfeiting difficult of Jesse Johnston, deceased. will be made. First publication May 27, 1943 FERNINST JUNKETS Last publication June 24, 1943. State Treasurer Leslie Scott is opposed to convention junkets on the part of state officials and emp The County Court of Malheur loyees “ as an unnecessary waste of County, Oregon requests all persons taxpayer money." He served notice Irrigating land adjoining i county that he would oppose all future roads or highways to handle the irrigation water In a careful and PRISONERS DONATE WORK proper manner so as to prevent the Some 50 inmates of the Oregon same from flowing or seeping upon penitentiary have volunteered to do or across said roads and highways the addressing of 1,200,000 questlon- In such a manner as to Injure the eers and ration ‘books necessary to roads or to interfere with public cover the state of Oregon. The prin use thereof. ted material was trucked to the The Court Is desirous of keeping prison under heavy guard from the roads in the best condition pos Los. Angeles this week. sible from the limited funds avail The addressing arrangement was able. but through carelessness or made by OPA because of the trem negligence some persons have per endous hand labor Involved and the mitted this condition to exist which shortage o f manpower at this time. Is requiring unnecessary labor and The work will start June 1 and will a useless expenditure of money. require three months to complete. We request your full cooperation It is a voluntary contribution to the In this matter so Chat more bene war effort by the prisoners with no ficial use of the road fund can pay attached. made. FARM LABOR DEFERMENTS This request Is made pursuant to More than 11,000 men have been the authority vested in the County deferred from military duty to op Court of the State of Oregon under erate and work on farms of Oregon. Section 100-2301 et. seq. and Sect This number exceeds the total of ion 116-1206 of Oregon Compiled all others given occupational defer Laws Annotated. ment In the state with the excep COUNTY COURT OF MALHEUR tion of those In the metropolitan COUNTY, OREGON area of Portland working in strictly By By Murray Wade war industries. "We've had no com Chas. 8. Leavitt plaints from the farmer, altho he County Judge. CAPITAL PARADE Irwin Troxell Governor Earl Snell has asked does work long hours and often Charles Marshall 88 citizens to serve on Keep Oregon short-handed,” declares Colonel El County Commissioners. Green committees in executive and mer V. Wooton, state director of advisory capacities. Edmund Hayes will direct the state-wide campaign as he has for the yast three years. Congress last week curtailed forest fire protection funds and those ear marked for emergency fire fighting in areas outside the dim-out zone. This late action by the lawmakers thrown the major portion of the some where on the ocean. His A. P. that June brides of peacetime O. is Louisana. He writes he is fine have chosen are being discontinu and sends a “hello" to all his fr ed until after the war. Mrs. America can be certain of iends. plenty of vitamin-enriched bread Mrs Charlie Harris and children for her war working family. The arried in Ontario Sunday from Cal war production board has placed (vitamin ifornia to islt Mrs Harris’ parents, thiamine hydrochloride Mr and Mrs Leach, and the Borge B -l) and nicotinic acid (niacin) under allocation control so that family. there will be adequate supplies of The junior group of the girls these vitamins for enriching bread Scouts under the leadership of Mrs flour and cereals. J. C. Nevin met at the Caroline The demand for used metal coll Scheimer home Saturday afternoon and flat bedsprings resulting from Any girls between the ages of 10 curtailed production of new bed- and 15 are Invited to Join now as springs has brought forth specific the girls are Just beginning their dollars and cents ceilings by the second badge work. All the girls are also earning money for uniforms. The June 12 meeting will be with Betty Jean Toomb. Joyce Kurtz accompanied Mr and © Mrs Harvey Otis to La Grande Saturday and remained for a visit at the Ed Prouty home. Mrs Carl Hill and Mrs Stanley Hill and children were Nampa sh oppers Thursday. Mrs D. L. Anderson returned a week ago from a two weeks visit In Utah with relatives. Mrs.America Meets The War selective service. DAY-CARE SCHOOLS Superintendent of Public Instruc tion Rex Putnam has appointed superintendents to assist commun ities with the war program in ablishing and operating nursery schools, kindergartens and day-care centers for school-age children of working mothers. Federal funds have been secured for this project under the provisions of the Lanham act. STATE SHORTS The newly created state forest south of the Nehalem river in Clat sop county, has been named Nehal em Pioneer Forest . . The state will get 25 per cent of the gross sale of this years large peeling of cascara bark in Eliott forest . . Edward Sy- ring succeeds Max Flanery as man ager of the state motor vehicle division . . Clarence Ellis will head the new division administrating the motor vehicle financial responsib ility law . . Public utility valuations are up $14,300,000 above 1942. "Sonny Boy' M JX E i Minimum cash In BUTCHERING U-SMaiUti- ™ NOTICE TO IRRIGATORS ^ 'o m :o f : ; u t 7 ^ ir ^ t T e x ^ ba Capital Parade Bigger & Better Chicks Uncle Sam can’t wait. He needs these war ch icks now to provide fighting foods for the boys at the front and for the folks here at home. Speed production by using Just Right starter and growing mash. THE NYSSA ELEVATOR New Interior Washable Paint VELDURO In paste form -to be thinned with water. Velduro is designed primarily for use on in terior walls and ceilings and provides a finish that is both washable and durable. Solid hiding can usually be obtained with one coat. Velduro can be applied over old paint. Contains self-sizing properties. Can be safely washed or sponged. Velduro is practical and economical. Nyssa Lumber Co.