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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1943)
A THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY JUNE - j r - 3, r r 1943 — j \ PAGE TWU — ' JH 1 The Gate City Journal KLASS V. PO W ELL....................... - - Editor and Publisher ADVERTISING RATES SUBSCRIPTION KATES . $2 00 $1.20 Single Copies......... ......... .05 (Strictly In Advance) Published every Thursday Entered at the postoiflce through the United States the act Open rate, per Inch.........35c National, per Inch..... .......35c Classified«, per word..___ 2c Minimum..... ....30c at Nyssa. Malheur County, Oregon. at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission Mails, as second class matter, under of March 3, 1879. VICTORIES REGISTERED AS MEMORIAL DAY IS CELEBRATED With civilians paying tribute to the memory of their soldier dead Sunday, May 30, soldiers, sailors and marines engaged in the present war were pounding the enemy on practically every front in the world. American soldiers, assisted by the navy, wip ed out the last remnant of Japanese troops on Attu island in the Aleutians, representing the first territory taken back by the United States from the Japanese. The Japanese will probably long remember the victory as the first of a st ring of victories that the united nations will pile up in the »Pacific war. On the other side of the world, the united na tions were bombing Germany with a ferocity that presaged another offensive-invasion of Europe. At the same time French warships sail ed into the allied camp to give the united nat ions another material and spiritual “lift”. Vice Admiral Rene Emil Godfroy, commander of the Alexandria fleet, has finally decided to tu rn the ships based at Alexandria over to the all ies. On the political front, General Charles De- Gaulle and General Henri Giraud, French lead ers, have met to bring about greater unity am ong their people, who were split by the German conquest of France. Victories have also been recorded by the all ies on other fronts. It is difficult for a person to review these tri umphs without commenting on their impotence if victories for freedom and tolerance are not registered at the peace table. If this world is to have peace, nations must absolutely forget their selfishness and give con sideration to the positions of the others. The prospects do not look bright, with Russia and Poland already fighting over the spoils before the fighting is completed. Kingman Kolony ■ ■ -» » . - ents, Mr and Mrs R. L. Haworth. Fred Brock of Jordan Valley Is (The following verse is from a visiting soldiers’ paper, the Sentinel, pub family. his brother. Joe Brock, and lished in camp somewhere in Haw Mr and Mrs Leroy Bennett and aii. It was sent to the Luray Her Mrs Cameron were business visitors ald, Luray, Kansas, by a boy in in Caldwell Tuesday. Mr and Mrs Hinterlider and Mrs camp there.) Delbert Douglas of Nampa were Monday guests in the D/re Roberts I’m writing this short letter. And every word of it is ture; home. Mrs Dan Holly and Miss Virgin Don't look away. Draft Dodgers, for ia Miller shopped in Boise Thur sday. it is addressed to you. Mrs Della Bunnell spent a few in Boise last week having her You feel at ease and in no danger, days eyes tested Joanne Moore of Na Back in the old home town, returned home with her for You cooked up some good story, so mpa visit. the Draft Board would turn you a Mrs John Bishop and Johnnie of down. Nyssa were Sunday guests in the Brumbach home. You never think of the real men, Mr and Mrs Arch Parker and that leave there day by day. Carline of Elgin, Oregon were we You just think of the girl friends, ek-end guests in the E. E. Parker that you get while they’re away. home. Kenneth Parker and Mr Stubble You sit at home and read your pa field of Elgin were overnight guests per, Saturday in E. E. Parker home. jump and yell, ‘‘We’ll win!" Mrs Brock has been sick the past Just where do you get that "we” week. stuff, Mr and Mrs R. L. Haworth will this war will be won my men! be at home to their friends Wed nesday evening June 2. in observa Just what do you think, Draft Do nce of their 25th wedding anniver dger, sary. What this free nation would do, Mrs N. S. Phelan and Miss Vir ginia Miller were Sunday visitors If all the men were dodgers, Afraid to fight like you. in Caldwell. Mr and Mrs Dyre Roberts and Well, I guess that is all, Mr. Slack Mrs Boyce Van de Water spent Tuesday In Nyssa. er Mrs W. F. Howard of Caldwell, For I suppose your face is red. America is no place for you morale Mrs Della Albrecht of Bjiker and Mr and Mrs Leslie Howard and breakers, And I mean every word I said. son of Boise were callers in the Eachus and Bruiribach homes Me So In closing this letter. Draft Do morial day. A Child Health conference for dger, mothers and children from two to Just remember what I say, years of age, was held at Wade Keep away from my girl, you cow six school house last Friday. Twenty ard, were examined. One half For I’m coming back some day. children this number had all the immu —By An Unkown Soldier. of nizations and seven none, and three had all but smallpox. Mrs Edna Ferris, Mrs Amy Lar kin and Mrs Irene Makinson of Mrs Lora Pillsbury, a pioneer of Vale conducted the examinations this community, passed away early from 10 a.m. until 5 o’clock. Since Monday morning after a long ill the county librarian could not be ness. She came here from Chicago present Mrs Charles Witty reviewed in 1902. Funeral (private) services a number of books on child health will be held at Peckham chapel and nutrition. Wednesday afternoon. Bend ladies assisting were Mrs. Mr and Mrs Swetland transacted Harvey Bennett, Mrs Joe King, Mrs business in Caldwell Wednesday. Dyre Roberts, Mrs Boyce Van de Carroll Thomas of Osage Kansas Water and Miss Virginia Miller. arrived Thursday to spend the su mmer with his sister, Mrs Verl Bis hop and family. The Jolly Janes will meet Thur sday at the home of Mrs H. R. Ha Ellen Judd, Nadeen Wilson, Doro thy Toomb, Marjorie Hite and Don tch. Mr and Mrs W. Jones of Calif ald Elliott as 4-H delegates from ornia and Miss Eleanor Haworth this vicinity left Tuesday morning of Corvallis are guests of their par to attend the 29th annual 4-H sum- TO USA’S SLACKERS Big Bend Adrian N O T IC E ter, Jeanette left Sunday for Oen- The Budget Committee of the City of Nyssa, Malheur County, essee, Idaho for a visit with relat Oregon, has fixed upon Friday, June 25, 1943, at eight o'clock P. M. ives and friends. as the time and the Council Chamber at Nyssa, Oregon, as the place when and where the estimate of money proposed to be raised by taxation for the fiscal year of 1943-44 may be discussed with the levying board of said City of Nyssa, and at which time and place any taxpayer subject to said levy, when made, shall be heard for or against any proposed tax levy. Itemized estimte of the amount of money to be raised by tax ation for the ensuing fiscal year for the said city are as follows: BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1943-44 Estimated Expenditures PERSONAL SERVICES Police .................................................................... $3,600.00 Librarian 225 OO City Health Officer ........................................ 120.00 City Attorney ............... ....... 400.00 Janitor ...................................... ........................ 702 00 City Engineer ..................................................... . ...... 100 00 Band Director ......................................... .......... ........ 000 Office Clerk .................. ........ 100.00 $ 5,907.00 MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES Office and Supplies ............................................ ....... 35000 Fire Department . ......................................... ...... 706.00 1.056.00 MAINTENANCE AND SUPPLIES Fuel and lights _______________ _________ ....... 400 00 City Hall ............ 270 00 670.00 MISCELLANEOUS Auditor ........................................... 200 00 Street Lights ....................................... ....... 2.550 00 Emergency Fund ........................................... 600.00 Bonded Indebtedness ...... 2.000 00 Interest on Bonds 886 94 Street Fund ................................... ... . 2.600 00 8 . I. A C ..................................................... 175.00 Prison Meals 150 00 Telephones 135.00 City Orounds ..... 1.560 00 Police Department ............................................. 13000 Cemetery ............................. 225.00 11,211.94 TOTAL $18 844 94 RECEIPTS Licenses $ 80000 Fines 500 00 Road Fund 300 00 Liquor TOTAL $1 900 00 Total estimated expenses for the year $18.844 94 Receipts for the year, estimated 1,900 00 Anticipated Surplus from General Fund 1.500 00 Amount to be raised by taxation 15.444 94 STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS ON JUNE 1, 1943 Street Improvement District No. 1 outstanding $ 1 773 52 Water Bopds outstanding 10 000 00 Street Improvement bonds outstanding 3 500 Sidewalk Imp Dlst. No. I bonds outstanding 680 32 Sewer Imp. Dlst No 1 bonds outstanding 313.77 Sewer Imp Dlst No. 2 bond« outstanding 1.369 34 City Hall bonds outstanding 5.500.00 Sewer Bonds Series 1935 outstanding 127)00 00 Sewer Bonds Series 1938 outstanding 20.000 00 Funding Bonds outstanding 4,497.73 Water Works Improvement Bonds outstandlrgt 18.000 00 TOTAL .................. $77.634 68 Pfc. Jacob Ray Deffeivbaugh, 17th Donald and Marion Dazey of So Bn. Oo. C, Shenaugo, PRD.. Gr uth Owyhee called to see John eenvllle, Philadelphia, is home on Johnson Monday. Marion is on a furlough with his parents Mr furlough from the naval training and Mrs W. W. Detfenbaugh. His station at Farragut, Idaho. wife came from San Francisco to Mr and Mrs Herbert Shaw were in Nyssa on business Saturday. visit while he is here. Pvt. Mnurlce K. Etfffenbaugh. son Mr and Mrs William Toomb and of Mr nnd Mrs W. W. Deffenbaugh family. Mrs Conrad Martin and is attending school in Mamouth, Miss Mae Beaumont shopped in New Jersey. He will finish his cou Caldwell Thursday. rse June 12. John Johnson, James Shaw, Gene NYSSA HEIGHTS Davis and Billy Hamilton, were Herbert Fischer has gone to Sav- entertained at dinner In the George nnah, Mo., where he will be in Barton home in Apple Valley. the hospital for some time. Mr and Mrs William Toomb and Mr and Mrs Jim Mass and Jun- son, Dickie, were dinner guests In ice visited at the Austin Heath ho the Vernon Parker home in Adrian Sunday. Mrs Lily Bach has returned from of Kingman Kolony were Sundny Seattle, where she visited In the afternoon visitors at the W. E. home of a daughter. Maize home. Mrs Charley Wilson and Jewell Rev. and Mrs Vem Martin nnd and Forestlne and Mr and Mrs Mrs Eunice Gibson of Nyssa called Wilbur Anderson and sons were in at the Herbert Fischer home Thu Caldwell shopping Thursday. rsday. Mrs Haney and Raymond Holton Mrs O. J. Kurtz and Harold were were in Ontario Friday. In Boise Monday. Mrs Elsie Heltz and son, Charles, Mr and Mrs Carl Sebum were In of Boise, came Monday for a visit New Plymouth Friday. In the home of her parents, Mr Mrs Carl Coad of Nyssa called and Mrs Frank Frederick. at the Jesse Hunnting home Sun . Mr and Mrs Ray Elliot of Notus day. visited in the T. L. Elliot home | Mrs U. Q. Sebum and son were Sunday afternoon. dinner guests of the Carl Sebum Mrs Conrad Martin and daugh family Monday. Lots Of Furniture Just Arrived 3 bedroom suites 6 hampers 3 davenos 12 wardrobes 2 coil springs 3 baby cribs 1 Electric range 5 rockers 12 D. R. chairs Cash if you have it; credit if you need it. Nordale Furniture Store r • — ■■■• ■■ - ~r=r=ï = mer school at Corvallis. About 35 delegates from Malheur county will be taken to Corvallis by Howard Hatch in one of his busses. A program to raise funds for ex penses of the delegates was held Thursday evening at the high sch ool under the directio onf Mrs Th- ulma Elliott. Mrs Elliott and Kenneth and Do nald left Monday for Corvallis. Th ey will motor as far as Portland with Mrs Mildred Hite, who is sp ending the summer in Washington. Mrs Howard Hatch and Barbara will make the trip to the coast with the 4-H club group and will visit in Portland while the summer sch ool is in session. Mr and Mrs John Nevin visited at the Dr. John Anderson home in Caldwell Teusday afternoon. Mrs Vera Sparks visited her hus band at Moutain Home over the week-end. The Howard Hatch family visited in Parma Sunday. Mrs Dan Holly, Virginia Miller and Dorothy Hamilton were in Bo ise shopping Thursday. Mrs John Hinton has as her gu est her sister, who is visiting here from Bums. Dennis Patch left last Wednesday to attend the meeting of the Oreg on State Health association in Po rtland. Mr and Mrs Arthur Cartwright were Wednesday dinner guests at the Nevin home. Arlene Peterson and Emily Otis returned Saturday from La Grande, where they have been attending school for the past year. Mr and Mrs K. I. Peterson and Arlene and Donna were Sunday dinner guests at the Frank Hill home in Nyssa. The Intermediate Girl Scout gr oup met Saturday at the home of Caroline Schiemer. Work was done toward the second badge. Mrs John Nevin, leader of the group, announ cer that any girl between the ages of 10 and 14 wishing to join the Scouts, should do so while the gr oup is in the beginning stage in their badge work. The June meeting of the A.N.K. Garden club will be held at the home of Mrs Garret Stam of Ny ssa June 8. Miss Azalia Peet, who has done missionary work for 25 years am ong the Japanese people In Japan and who is now located at the Ja panese camp, formerly occupied by the C.C.C. group, spoke on “Closed and Opened Doors” at the young people's meeting Sunday evening at the United Presbyterian church. The junior and adult groups join ed with the young people to hear Miss Peet. Ration Calendar June 7—Blue stamps G, H and J valid through this date, Blue st amps K. L and M, which became valid May 24, are good through July 7. SHOES June 15—Stamp no. 17, book no 1, valid for one pair of shoes, expires at midnight. Stamp no. 18, valid June 16 for one pair of shoes. Stam ps interchangeable among family. FUEL OIL September 30—Period 5 coupons valid March 26 through September 30. Heating coupons—one unit, value ton gallons, ten units, 100 gallons. GASOLINE July 21—"A” book expires. No. 6 stamps in "A” books valid through this date. Ti May 31--Cars with B books must have tires Inspected by June 30. F.F.A Holds Meeting— Alva Goodell, Jr. won a pie-eating contest over Lawrence Low at a meeting of the Nyssa chapter of the F.F.A. May 26. Entertainment was provided by Charles McCoy acting as master of “truth and con sequences”. Ice cream was served. Card O f Thanks We sincerely thank our many friends for the beautiful floral of ferings, and for the sympathetic way in which they have comforted us in our great sorrow, caused by the death of our beloved son, bro ther and fiance, Lt. Jack H. Brodle. Mr and Mrs J. H. Brodie Mr and Mrs E. L. Jamison Miss Eris Jamison Miss Hazel Hucka City O f Nyssa Budget For 1943-44 GENERAL fu nd Estimated expenditures together with the expenditures for the years 1940, 1941, and the 1942-43. EXPENDITURES 1940 1941 1942-43 Budget PERSONAL SERVICES Police ............ .................. $2.700.00 $3,120.00 $2,700.00 Recorder ...................... 1,500 00 1,500.00 1,800.00 Librarian ....................... .... 225.00 225.00 225.00 City Health Officer .... 120.00 120.00 120.00 City Attorney ................. 300 00 400.00 300.00 Janitor ............................ 660 00 660.00 540.00 City Engineer .... 69.00 83.50 100.00 Band Director ................ 0.00 405 00 0.00 Office Clerk .................... 0.00 281.50 420.00 MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES Printing and Advertising ... 304.14 290.52 300.00 Office and Supplies 256.74 198.21 250.00 Fire Department ........... ... 918.30 700.00 700.00 MAINTENANCE AND SUPPLIES Fuel and Lights ........... 381.17 381.28 400.00 City Hall ......................... ... 206.88 239.38 200.00 MISCELLANEOUS Auditor ............................. 0 00 0.00 200.00 Street Lights „. 2.398.83 2.480.62 2.550.00 Emergency Fund ............ ... 347.08 771.70 525.00 Bonded Indebtedness ... ... 1.500.00 2,500.00 2.000.00 Interest on Bonds ............ ... 1,741.35 1,845.04 994.96 Street Fund .................... .. 2,853.22 2,039.33 2,039.00 S. I. A. C........................... ... 161.27 138.77 175.00 Prison Meals ................... .„ 17190 128.40 150.00 Telephones ........................ 126.25 144.40 120.00 City Orounds ________ 978.14 1,015.02 1.460.00 Warrant Interest ........... _ 119.84 1.74 0.00 Police Department ......... 50.01 66.91 112.00 Cemetery ........................ 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTALS .......... $18.104.11 $18,379.21 $18,900.36 RECEIPTS Licenses ............ .............. - 885.00 514.00 1,040.00 Fines ..... ......................... ... 492.20 359.00 300.00 Road Fund ...................... ... 318.52 351.71 300.00 Liquor ............................. - 14158 263.31 200.00 TOTALS ................. $1.837.30 $1.488 02 I fiscal year 1943-44 .................. ........ $1.840 00 Estimated receipts Fund ................. lect to the 6% limitation subject to the 6% limitation ............................V..... $12.558.00 2.886 94 budget for 1943-44 Budget $3,600.00 660.00 225.00 120.00 400.00 702.00 100.00 0.00 100.00 350.00 706.00 • 400.00 270.00 200.00 2,550.00 600.00 2,000.00 886.94 2,600.00 175.00 150.00 135.00 1,560.00 0.00 130.00 225.00 $18.844.94 800.00 500.00 300.00 300.00 $1,900.00 $18,844.94 1 onn no 1 roo no 15,444.94 WATER DEPARTMENT Recorder ___________ Water Superintendent Power _____________ Repair and Supplies .. Improvements ___ _ Bonds ___________ __ Interest on Bonds ___ Emergency _________ TOTALS .... EXPENDITURES 1940 1941 .....$ 0.00 $ 0.00 ..... 570.00 690.00 .....2,013.52 2.032.80 ---- 610.80 1,765.55 ..... . 4.865.75 3,766.02 — In General Fund — In General Fund —• 0.00 0.00 ....$8,193.15 $8.314.30 RECEIPTS ....12,227.23 12,302.23 SEWER DEPARTMENT 1942-43 Budget $ 0.00 840.00 2.100.00 4,000.00 1.000.00 1,130.00 0.00 $9.070.00 12,000.00 1943-44 Budget $ 660.00 980.00 2,900.00 4,340.00 1,000.00 1,040.00 1,080.00 $12,000.00 12,000.00 EXPENDITURES Recorder _________________ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 660.00 Sewer Superintendent ...................... 570 00 690.00 840 00 980.00 Miscellaneous .............. ........... 14 42 108.35 20.00 20.00 Repair and Replace ............. 42.31 39.07 200.00 951.00 Power ____,........ 331.17 368.26 400.00 330.00 Light« .......... 30 65 21.07 21.00 21.00 Inspection 69 00 38 00 10.00 30.00 Maintenance _____ ____ 47.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 Bonds _________________ 1.500 00 1,500 "1 1.50000 1.500 00 Bond Interest____________ 1.460.00 1.140 00 1,250.00 1.340 00 Printing ______ ______ 28 65 27 97 20.00 20.00 Cleaning _____ 22 50 ' 9-7 0.00 50 00 Water ...........................1 ...I Z 42 50 33 00 38.00 38.00 Chlorine ___________ ______ 151.15 162.37 150.00 200.00 Sinking F u n d ___________ 000 000 0.00 1.053 00 TOTA1Ö $4.226.10 $4.171.93 $ 6.000 00 15 600 00 RECEIPTS Service Charges - Connection -------------------—- 4.560.42 5 82121 5,600 00 6.000 00 Charges 32500 ‘ 0.00 0.00 We. the undersigned Budget Committee of the Citv of Mm „ .. 000 certify that the above and foregoing is the « ,¡ 1 ? } / ?***• Malheur County, Oregon, do hereby expenditures for the fiscal year 1943 44 together w th the budget ° ommUtee the probable of the said city of Nyssa for the years 19« and w«V ^ detaUed «tpendltures OROROE SALLEE r o w W A -« “ budget toT the fUcal year of 1942-43 GEORGE HENNEMAN fm Z g Z Z * * ™ ADEN WILSON TUNZ HERSCHEL THOMPSON. Mayor BERNARD PROST H H MINER Attest: BERNARD EASTMAN G e o r g e M rrniiB .il ORANT H. RINEHART. Recorder