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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1943)
! The NYSSA mÜ'MF. XXfVïïf M exicans Reach Nyssa T o W ork In Farm Fields Wo. íé BLANKS FOR NO. 3 BOOKS A V AILAB LE GAI iTY JOURNAL ÑVsSA, OftEGOX Six Resolutions A re Adopted By M alheur Grange NYSSA RESIDENT TO BE GRADUATED $2.00 PER YEXR M em orial Day T o lDRIVERS D0 N0T Three Directors U NEED NEW CARDS Be Celebrated By ! Oregon citizens who have current O f N ew District # Nyssa Residents dlrver’s license* will not be required W ill R e f le c t e d ______ to renew them this summer, under Application blanks for war ration UN IVB H BtTY OIF OREGON, Eu book No. 3 were distributed by the gene, May ¿1 (Special)--Am ong the local post office to all box holders more than 600 candidates for deg- rural patrons May 22. grees at the 66th annual commen Workers Placed In Nyssa and Mrs Blaine Girvin to Suc Special Services W ill Be a new law enacted by the last sess School Officials To Be These applications should be com cement of the University of Oregon ion of the state legislature and wh Farm Security ceed Frank Parr As pleted and mailed between June 1 Held In Cemetery Chosen At June 21 to be held May 30, Is a student ich becomes effective June 9, Sec and June 10. Additional blanks are Camp Lecturer Sunday Election from Nyssa. retary o f State Baib Farrell said. now available at the poet office, Frank T. Morgan. Jr. Is applying but In no cases will they be distrib Tw o hundred and 55 Mexican Many Oregon citizens, thinking Six resolutions were passed by the Memorial day will be celebrated Election of school directors of co for a bachelor of science m geology nationals arrived In Nyssa Tuesday uted after June 10. Malheur County Pomona Grange at and geography. In Nyssa this year with services in they would be required to renew nsolidated school dristrict No. 26 to work In the local farm fields. its meeting held In Brogan Saturd Dr. Donald M. Ebb, president of the churches and with a special their licenses after June 30 of this will be held June 21. The Mexicans, leaving Mexico Ci the university, will deliver the com Memorial day service in the city year, which Is the expiration date ay. This year school officials will be printed on the card, are sending ty May 19, were brought here under delayed in the budget procedure Despite the fact that farmers are mencement address, speaking on cemetery at 3 o’clock Sunday after applications for renewals to the the sponsorship of the Amalgamat "T h e University and the War of the until after July 1, when the con noon. in the midst of their busiest season, driver's license division, Farrell said. ed Sugar company, but are available Survival", at. the exercise Sunday solidated district will come Into ex All stores, service stations and These people are being informed the attendance was good. for all types of agricultural work. evening. « istence. Very few of the men are experien The resolutions provide that de The baccalaureate services will be other places of business will be cl that the legislature extended the Second Lieutenant Jack H. Bro Due to the resignations of two ced In sugar beets, but are agri die of the army air forces, son of ferred farm workers receive recog held in the morning, and the speak osed Monday in observance of Mem period for which the present licen members of school district 26 board, ses are valid to June 30, 1945. cultural people, R. O. Larson, dist M r and Mrs E. L. Jamison of Ny er will b e ' Dr. WlUlaton W irt, who orial day. It will be necessary to elect three nition through presentation of em As a result o f this change in the rict manager of the company, said. ssa, was fatally Injured In an aut will speak on "T h e Church, the Memorial day is a national holi new directors this year for the con law, drivers who now have a valid Mr. Larson emphasized that the omobile accident In Los Angeles, blems or Insignia equivalent to that Chaplain, and the Soldier.” day in most states. I t originated Oregon license, may operate on solidated district. Petitions are be of the armed forces, that the nat farmers will have to train the M ex Tuesday morning, May 25. Reunions will be held for the cl ional Grange radio hour be resumed asses of 1913, 1918, and 1933. shortly alter the Civil war as a that until June30, 1945, without ing circulated for Lloyd Adams for icans as to how they want their Dying of a basal skull fracture on the blue network, that Granges day on which to decorate the graves paying additional fees of taking the five-year term, R. G. Larson work done. It Is believed that the and broken neck, Lieutenant Brodie for the three-year term and Bert o f the soldier and sailor dead of further examinations. Mexicans will quickly adapt them was the only one In the party of having Juvenile Oranges assist the Llenkaemper for the one-year term. that war. In some of the southern selves to all agricultural work in four who was killed. All others were juveniles in financing one delegate Mr. Llenkaemper has resigned as states the date for Memorial day the district because of their agricul Injured but the extent of the In to the state Grange meeting, that clerk of school district No. 26, e f Brogan and ElDorado Granges be varlee, but lt Is observed for the tural background. juries was not known here. fective July 1. same purpose. The day has been The workers will be In the dlstrlt Details of the accident were not thanked for their hospitality, that j a c* l uianx Blank peut] petition forms are available rather generally observed through throughout most of the summer, learned. Also riding In the car, wh the Pomona Grange supply the nec ut the office o f Mr Llenkaemper essary funds to send a juvenile de out the nation In recent years by although they may be moved to ich was driven by Lieutenant Paul Petitions must be filed with him the American Legion, Veterans of other districts If work Is caught up Dailey, Jack's "buddy" at Mather gree team to the state Orange se Stamps 15 and 16 In ration book not later than June 8. here and they are needed In some field, were Dailey's Wife, and Lt. ssions whenever they are held with Dennis ‘Patch Re-elected Foreign wars, their auxiliaries and The new consolidated district will No. 1 are good for five pounds of in a radius of 30 miles from the other patriotic orders. other section. George Sheath. be composed of the former school President; Reports All local patriotic orders. Includ canning sugar each, according to All of the men were at work by A ll of these young officers receiv home town of the team and that districts 26 and 39. Given ing the state guard, will participate Mrs R. G. Larson, chairman of the Wednesday noon. All of the 265 are ed their “wings" at Mather field the government establish a floor in the services at the cemetery th local rationing board. working In this vicinity, except 20 near Sacramento April 20. They for live animal prices sufficiently The stamps, which became “good” The Jclnt annual meeting of the is year. Rev. M. H. Greenlee, chap- who went to Vale, Brogan and Jam were then sent to Randolph Field, high to guarantee prices to the pro May 24, may be used for obtaining ison. near San Antonio, Texas, where ducer that allow his cost o f pro Malheur Ooimty Health aaaoclation, lam of the American Legion, will The workers are housed In tha they received special training for ductlon, a labor Income, and a mar- 1 the P .T A . and the 4-H clubs held deliver the principal address. The canning sugar any time during the FB.A. camp at Nyssa. Farmers are a period of five weeks as aviation gin to Insure and maintain the In Ontario Saturday proved very public Is invited to attend the ser canning season, without a person applying for the extra amount. The successful. Separate meetings for vice. urged to take advantage o f the instructors. They had completed American standard of living. sugar thus obtained is included in Mrs Bdd Charles was elected as each group were held in the morn Mexicans being here so as to get their course and were en route to The new Malheur experiment st the 25 pounds allowed for each per their work completed as quickly as Mather field to be assigned to bas alternate to the State Grange sess ing, there was a Joint luncheon In ation operators will sponsor a feed son for canning purposes by the ions, which will be opened In Eug the school cafeteria at nocn, and possible. One o f the requirments of es as instructors. ers day program June 1, starting at ration board. their remaining In the district Is 2 p.m. Military funeral services will be ene June 7. A ll delegates to the st a Joint meeting In the afternoon A new community service chair ate Grange sessions are asked to addressed by Dr. John Anderson of employment not less than 75 per held In the Methodist church, but This program is for the purpose man, Mrs George Sallee, has been of presenting to the public, infor cent of their available work time. the time Is held In abeyance pend register their names with Mrs B l the Oollege c; Idaho. appointed. She has chosen on her Dennis Fa*ch was reelected pres T h e Mexicans, transported here ing release of the body by the army. aine Girvin of Vale before June 1 mation and results of the first live The Oregon Cattle and Horse committee Mrs O. J. Donahue, Mrs by the farm security administration, Six pallbearers and two buglers fr by telephone or mall if they desire ident of the health association, with stock experimental feeding trials are being fed at their own expense om Gowen field In Boise will part transportation or can take other Mrs O. Y. Chester of Harper vice Raisers association, at Its annual J. L. Church and Mrs Henry Har conducted on the new station. president; Mrs. Chas. Flegel, secre meeting in Burns last week-end, tley. In a cooperative mess hall. Place icipate. The Nyssa home guard will delegates in their cars. Forty head of cattle, have been Approximately 585 families In the fed for the last 135 days on differ Frank Parr of Nyssa tendered his tary and Arthur Atherton, treasur pledged increased food production, ments are made by the U. 8. em fire military salute. Interment will but asked additional government Nyssa vicinity applied for canning ployment serivce. Applications for be In the Nyssa cemetery. A m ilit resignation as Pomona lecturer and er. The report of the nominating ent rations In order to determine sugar last week. The 585 do not In the merits of certain rations In fat- workers should be made to the emp ary escort will accompany the body Mrs Blaine Girvin was chosen to committee was given by Mrs K ath help in meeting the goals. The stockmen passed resolutions clude those signed up at Adrian fill the vacancy. William Ross was ryn Claypool. loyment service at the Nyssa camp. to Nyssa. ■ nlng beef cattle In Malheur cou Mr. Atherton's financial report asking the O PA to adjust gasoline Jordan Valley and other points nty. Besides his parents, Lieutenant appointed as fire Insurance dele regulations to enable ranchers to south of Nyssa. Locate H e r e - Brodie Is survived by a sister, Erls gate to the state sessions. The prize showed that the association has on The public Is invited to attend The office of price administration this prgram and to inspect the cat New residents of Nyssa are Mr. Jamison of Nyssa. Lieutenant Bro for the best home economics report hand nearly $2000 for Its work dur maintain livestock production, ask ing guaranteed price levels, seeking has extended for one week th ex was awarded to Vale. ing the present fiscal year. and Mrs. Melvin Spitze of Madras, die, who was to havejjeen married tle prior to shipment of the anim The Brogan agriculture commit The report, o f Mrs. Claypool, ed federal aid for recruitment of lab piration date of blue stamps O, H als to market. Oregon. Mr. Spitze, who for the In June to Hazel Hucka of Lowell, _ or, maintenance of present railroad and J in war ration book No. 2. The past two years taught at the M ad Oregon, was graduated from the tee reported that crops around Br ucational corflnflttee chairman, st rates on meat and stock shipments, stamps were previously scheduled ras high school, Is helping on the Nyssa high school In 1937 and from ogan were good and that the orch ressed the part the schools had pl ards north of town were not injur ayed In installing the new health additional farm machinery and st to expire May 31. A. A. Bratton farm until this fall, Oregon State college In 1942. ed by frost, although orchards south report cards In all the schools o f the ate permission for privately-owned when he will teach at Nyssa high. trucks to carry freight anywhere at and In the valley were badly dam county. Annuals Arrive— FORMER NYSSA Mrs. Eldna Farris, county nurse, any time. Go To Bremerton— The Nyssa high school 1943 an aged. * RESIDENT DIES The stockmen re-elected Robert A committee appointed on the told the group that her office had M r and Mrs John Quigley and nuals have arrived. Students may Changes In the farm machinery M r and Mrs John Stafford and da obtain their “Tupelo" at the school cooperative movement Included Go received more criticism than ever Lister, Paulina, president; Herbert Mrs Charles E. Share has been program, designed to ughter left fcr Bremerton last Sat office Friday and Saturday of this rdon Dickson, Oarl Locey, Newton before during the past year because Chandler, Baker, first vice presi called to Dallas because o f the dea rationing speed up the placing o f equipment Zahler, G. Y. Chester. Tom Dono of her Inability to meet all the de dent; Sherman Guthridge, Prairie week. urday. th of her father, W. D. Davis, May City, second vice president, and C. on farms where lt Is needed, were hue, C. E. Harris and Paul Kroger. mands for health service. 23- a f t Robertson, was operated on May announced yesterday by Pieter An entertaining lecture hour was "W hen you people get ready to L. Jamison, Bums, secretary-treas Mr. Davis, formerly a well-known 13, at Corpus Christie, Texas, where arranged by Mrs Blaine Girvin In demand enough public health nur urer. They voted to hold the 1944 Tensen, chairman of the county Nyssa farmer, had lived at Dallas he is stationed. USDA war board. cooperation with the subordinate ses to do a proper Job In thla coun convention in PrineviUe. for several years. Interment was in County quotas have been elim lecturer. It was composed of read ty, you’ll get them. I t ’s up to you" the Dallas cemetery. Tec. Sgt. Bert Sandy, son of ings, musical numbers, a skit and she said. She reported that 185 pat inated for all but seven Items of Besides his daughter, Mr. Davis farm machinery. The action was Mr. and Mrs, Taylor Sandy. Is a spelling stunt. ients were still on her books May 1. Is survived by his widow; three taken to make certain that no now taking a months’ training at Mrs Helen Barnes. Mrs Violet During the past 15 months, over sons, Earl of Richfield, Idaho and equipment will remain idle In Orlando, Florida. Hill, Mrs Constance Sterling and 600 have been visited and otherwise Clarence and Arthur of Dallas, and dealer's stock until after Its sea Mrs Clara Woodcock were obligated cared for. Mrs C. S. Harris gave nine grandchildren. After a 10-day furlough from In the fifth degree. sonal use Is over. the seal report, complimenting her Six hundred members of the Gamp Howe, Texas, First Class The next Pomona meeting will 37 community chairmen who assist Farmers holding purchase certif Private Dale Trent, son of Mr. again be held at Brogan August 28 ed her. 8he has agreed to take the Farmers' Cooperative creamery at icates for any item o f farm mach and Mrs. Alvin Trent will return with Wlllowcreek and El Dorado chairmanship next year. Mrs Amy tended the annual meeting of the inery except tractors, combine' cooperative In Payette May 20. The to Texas Friday. assisting. pickup balers, potato diggers and Larkin gave the report of the nutr affair was held at the Payette Chri- sorters, hayloaders and side deliv Dinner and supper were served ition group. Lieutenant Carl P. Dunaway by the ladies of the host Oranges. ery rakes may purchase from any President Patch presided and stain church and lasted most of the has been on leave, visiting his No evening meeting was held dealer in the state who has the thanked all the committee chair day. The creamery served lunch at Twenty-six 4-H club members and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dun man for the work they had done noon. leaders are scheduled to attend the Item In stock. Befitting the stern days of war away. returning from his third Removal of county quotas and in the past year. annual 4-H club summer school to ALLAN JOHNSON Camp San Luis Obispo, Calif.— foreign flight with the ferry com Dr. Ariderson” told the assembled “ nd their part in the plcture; the be held at Oregon State college county "tags” will give farmers TAKEN BY DEATH farmer members spent most of the The promotion of Pvt. Leroy E. mand division. (Continued On Page 6.) June 1 to 11, according to Inform an opportunity to locate tractor- time in both morning and after Parker, son of Mr and Mrs Earl ation received by E. M. Hauser, co drawn and tractor-mounted equip Allen S. Johnson, former Nyssa noon sessions talking business, lis Sergeant Loren E. Earnest Is at Parker, Nyssa to the rank o f tech unty club agent, from the various ment, such as harrows, plows, SPRING ROUND-UP resident, died May 14 as a result of tening to reports on past business taking a month's nician fifth grade, has been ann Minneapolis community club leaders. The num mowers, discs and cultivators, o f a and plans for the future. ounced by his commanding officer. course In super-charger work. He a lingering Illness. The body was OF TOTS PLANNED ber Is somewhat smaller than the make and type best suited to the They heard that last year the was an instructor at Chanute taken to Rupert, where funeral ser First Lieutenant F. M. Sargent delegation that has customarily tractor with which lt will be used, Spring "round-ups" for pre-school creamery did a business exceeding Corporal Parker, who Is stationed field. Illinois, from which he was vices were held May 21. been going from this county. Sever the chairman explained. This was Mr. Johnson was bom\ May 17, children will again be sponsored by $2!000.000. and sold 4 million pounds at this central California army graduated a year ago. Sergeant al of the older club members who not always possible with quotas In post with a special service unit, was Earnest Is stationed at Lincoln 1919 at Alamosa. Colorado and was the P.T.A. and other interested gr of butterfat. This year, so far, bus Were planning to go will be staying effect, as both the make and num married to Lucille Benton In Rup oups where there are no P.T.A. g r iness is 25 per cent ahead of last Inducted In to the army February ] air ba*e, Lincoln. Nebrska ber of machines allocated to the ert, Idaho. For the past year he oups. The first two-day conference year. More and more farmers are home to help with farm labor. 3. 1943, at Camp Grant, IQ. He a t-i -------- oounty were specified. Due to oenjested facilities on tr tended school at Adrian, Oregon Pvt. Leland Carlacn left Friday and his family lived in Oakland. was held at Ontario Monday and converting to the sale of whole milk ains. the delegation this year will The change In the rationing pro and In civilian life was employed as morning for his station at Camp California, where he was employed Tuesday. There will be an all day Instead of butterfat only and rece go to Corvallis by school bus. Thla gram will not increase the amount conference at Nyssa May 28. and iving an additional 15 cent* a pound a transmitter inspection technician Polk, Louisiana. after being married In the shipyards. of new farm machinery available Survivors are his widow, Lucille; one at Wlllowcreek school June 8. for lt. The whole milk price Is now method of transportation has been In Oregon, nor will lt eliminate to Miss Bernice Montague. Nyssa approved by the office o f defense a son, Allan Boyd. 2H years old: his Dates for others will be announced 86 cents. Santa Monica. California--Opl. girl, at a ceremony held in Wlnn- purchase certificates. Applicants transportation. father, two brothers and two sisters, later. C. J. Mitchell, production mana Robert A Points, son of M r and emucca, Nevada last Monday. Club members attending this year for any o f the "no-quota” Items will all of Rupert. Parents are invited to take their ger of the Challenge Creamery and will be gclng on scholarships fur be required to locate the needed Mrs Frederick Points of Nyssa has Attending funeral services at Rup children to the clinics for an ind Butter association, talked on pro Vpt. Willard C Bishop, son of Mr been graduated from an Intensive nished by various civic and rural machinery In a dealer's stock course In aviation mechanics at and Mrs W A. Bishop is a squad ert were Mrs George Benton. Mrs ividual conference with Mrs Edna duction problems as they affect the organizations. The county fair bo Before any additional certificates North American aviation factory leader at Fort Leonard Wood. Miss Ruth Pruyn, Mrs Zeola Nielsen, Mrs Farris, county nurse, and others marketing of the finished product. ard. Ontario commercial club, Nyssa are Issued beyond the amount of The trucking problem got con- chamber of commerce, Boulevard the county's original quota, fanners school. Inglewood. California, and ouri. He left Nyssa last March to Vera McCurdy, Kenneth Benton who are assisting her Miss Amy and Miss Clarissa Tillman, all of Larkin will discuss problems of nut- siderable attention. So far, the cr- | orange, Oregon Slope Orange, 4-H already holding certificates will be now is prepared to blast the axis. enter the service. Nyssa. Mrs Johnson and son retur- ritlon. Someone will be present from eamery has been able to purchase clubs and other organizations are given time to locate and buy their This Is one of the many schools In Benjamin Ashby, who has been ned to Nyssa with them. Also at- th* county librarian's staff to dis only one new truck and the cutlook all contributing scholarships tomachlnery, Tensen said. the army air forces technical train ing command which trains the sp home on a furlough, left for his tending the funeral were Mr and cuss suitable books. All children will Is not considered very favorable for dub members who have been doing The farm rationing committee's ecialist technicians who maintain post last week after visiting friends Mrs Leo EUibee and Clarence Elli- be weighed, measured and given many more for the duration. outstanding work. By cutting one policy Is to get available machinery bee of Apple valley. bomber and fighter planes In per and relatives here. Directors elected were H B 9ol- day from the usual session, the into use as speedily as possible, the visuel test. Those needing the fect combat condition He now Is attention of physician* will be re teibeck. Payette; Oeorge Vaughan, state club department has been able the chairman declared. I f the Alvin I . Nye left today for Spok Meetings Planned— eligible to beoome crew chief on a ferred to their family doctor. Payette; and Howard Oocdwln the co* t of this event holder of a purchase certlflcst# A series at special meetings will bomber and to win a higher rating. ane to take his examination to en Oem county There was a good the same level as It has In the past does not like the make of that par ter the army. He Is the son o f Mr be held at the Full Oospel church Going Sooth— delegation present from Malheur In spite of rising food prices. ticular machine that the local deal Arrivals at the Infantry replace and Mrs W A. Nye He was grad be Tinning May 30 and continuing F A. Powell left Wednesday for oounty including the two directors. The gr up from Malheur county er has In stock, the committee will ment center for baslx training at uated from the Nyssa union high for a week Rose Wong, missionary western Texas and eastern New Fred Burgess and P. F Country will leave Ontario at 8 A M . Tues give the mahlne to some other farm from China, will be the special sp Mexico, where he will conduct ev man. Camp Roberts. California include school this year. day. June 1, arriving In Corvallis er who has immediate need for it. eaker. Everyone Is Invited to attend angelistic mertlngs for the Naxarene Thomas C. Hoffman, brother of In time to be assigned quarters that the meetings. Corporal Dale Smith, attached to church until the first of September Go To Seaside— Mrs Lloyd Lewis of Nyssa Before evening Classes will start on W ed Return To Nyssa— Mr Powell Is going by way of Los Mrs Oeorge Ooodrich and daugh nesday. June 2 and continue throu entering the army Holman was a the medical corps of the army left Visit In Nampa— Mrs Ralph Richardson and daug M r and Mrs Eldon Jenson. V*r Angeles to attend the district ass ter, Elsie, stopped In Nyssa recently gh June 10 with the exception of hter. Rose Marie, former Nyssa res Monday evening after spending a student at Oregon 9ta*e Oollege two weeks furlough at his home and Mrs. Charles Drewlt*. and Mrs embly o f the church. He plans to for a visit of two days with friend* Sunday idents. returned May 17 to make Rob- here He Is being transferal from J. R. Hunter were Sunday visiter* visit his home town. Lovlngton. New They left Tuesday for Seaside, wh Aviation Cadet Jo* R Three local leaders will accomp- j her home here after residing In at th* John Potter home at Nampa Mexico In July. Walla Walla to Brigham. Utah. ere they will make their home ertson, son of Mr and Mrs. Artie any the delegation as chaperones. | Hill City, Idaho for several months. Lt. Jack Brodie Fatally Injured Annual H ealth Group And P T A G athering Held 15 A n d 16 A lig a r otamps A re VlOOQ Experim ent U n it P rogram Planned Stockmen Seek Governm ent A id Farm Machinery* Ration Changed Our Boys In The Service Annual Creamery M eetin g Is Held 26 W ill Attend J Summer School i 1