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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1943)
7»eNYSSA GA SJTY JOURNAL «2.00 PER YEÄR Greenlee Gives Essentials For Successful Life VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL PLANNED Representatives from four diff erent churches of Nyssa met Sun day afternoon at the home of Rev. H. N. Waddell to discuss plans for a union daily vocation Bible school. Tentative plans relative to time, place and teaching staff were con cluded and a future general meet ing date agreed upon. All those In terested In a union daily vacation Bible school for Nyssa are invited to be at the meeting, scheduled for May 10 at the home of Rev. H. N. Waddell. Administration Building At FSA Setup Occupied HARTLEY TALKS AT ORE. TRAIL Henry H. Hartley, superintendent of the Nyssa public schools, ex plained to the eighth grade gradu ates at the Oregon Trail school In a talk delivered Wednesday night the changes that the pupils will experience In the Nyssa high school as a result of the consolidation of the two school districts by a recent vote of the people. Mr. Hartley discussed the course of study the students will find In Nyssa and the program for next year. He explained the reason for requiring certain subjects and des cribed alternative subjects available The Nyssa grade school band fur nished the music at the graduation exercises. Welfare Group Organized Here DEBT ON PARMA CHURCH IS PAID Nyssa, Payette To Battle For League Pennant PARMA, May 6 (Special)—Two mortgages totalling $15,000 went up A permanent community welfare in flames last night in the dinning committee was organized at a meet room of the Kirkpatrick Memorial Baccalaureate Services Work Is Progressing On ing held in Brownie's cafe Wednes Community church here, while an Opponents Split Two Ga Held In Gym Sunday Other Parts Of day afternoon. The officers are Rev. audience of 300 persons applauded Night mes; Will Play Again Project M. H. Greenlee, chairman; Ormond the close of a successful movement Friday Thomas, vice chairman, and Mrs begun six years ago by the Matrons The prerequisites of a happy and The administration building at Dick Tensen, seceretary-treasurer. Guild of the church. successful life were outlined by Rev. The Nyssa Bulldogs will play the the Nyssa labor center, operated by Sixteen of the possible 26 comm M. H. Greenlee, baccalaureate sp The mortgages were delivered to Payette high school baseball team the P. S. A., was occupied the first eaker, at the services held for the unity organizations were represent the church officials by Dr. Robert in Payette Friday afternoon at 2:30 of the week and work is progressing 1943 Nyssa high school graduates ed at the meeting. A thorough dis C. Shupe of Caldwell, representing for the championship of the Snake on other parts of the project so that cussion was held on the possible the national boards of the Presby River Valley league. and their parents and friends in it is thought that the labor houses need of a permanent community terlan church, which had advanced the gymnasium Sunday night. will be ready to occupy, at least Nyssa won the Oregon division committee to deal not only with the money when the church was Taking as his subject, “Make Your in part, by the end of this week. title and payette took the Idaho present transient labor problems, built in 1920 at a cost of $50,000. The center will house many Jap The fire was applied by Mrs. Ma pennant. They played two games, Calling An Election Sure”, Rev. but with such community problems anese and migratory workers. It Greenlee opened his address by st as may arise. After the discussion ry E. Kirkpatrick, a life member of one Thursday and the other Friday has been built by the government the group voted to form a perman the board of trustees, and by Mrs. of last week. In Thursday’s game, ating that "If we are too solemn Ruth McCrelght, president of the for that purpose and is listed as a ent committee. There will be several changes in we are going to miss a lot of fun played here, Nyssa won by a score standard camp, the only one of Its Sub-committees to deal with var Matrons Guild. next year's teaching staff with four that Jesus Christ Intended us to Principal address following the of 6 to 2. Payette won the second ious projects as they arise will be of the present faculty members cer kind in this part of Oregon. Ormand Thomas of Nyssa, Is gen banquet was delivered by the Rev. game by a count of 6 to 5 in nine have. I think you will find Jesus tain of returning. appointed by Rev. Greenlee. W. O. Benthln, now of Grangevllle, Innings. went through life offering good ch Those who will be here next year eral manager of the camps In Mal under whose pastorate the debt are Mr. Prank Parr, principal; Mrs heur county. Harry Collins, also eer to the downtrodden. In the first contest the first five NYSSA WINS 6TH of Nyssa, Is head mechanic. Miss payment project was started. “Some lives are a hodgepodge of Ada Haworth, social economics; Mrs Duree Eby, whose home is in Nyssa players at bat scored hits IN TRACK MEET ideas, notions, facts and superstlt- Grace Barton, journalism, comm Boise, has been employed as clerk Malheur county farmers who are off Ingersoll, who was replaced by utions that people catch as they go ercial, and library; and Miss Lois in the Nyssa standard camp. Later increasing production of potatoes Nyssa won sixth place in the Grant. The five hits, made by Jim Rice, history. New teachers include through life. They finally die, not a campcaretaker will be employed. and fresh vegetables to meet crit eastern Oregon high school track Fujil, Wilson. Malloy and Pierce, having enjoyed the pleasure of ach Miss Virginia VanSlyke, home econ The camp at Ontario has been ical wartime demands are assured meet held in LaGrande last Satur omics and orientation; Mr. Melvin gave Nyssa three runs, which were ievement. There are other lives that Spitze, science, and Mr. Albert To- opened and at present has 25 by Pieter Tensen, chairman of the day. scored by the first three men. are the result of right thinking. Fifteen teams were entered. La- Japanese registered though many County AAA committee, that in- Imkins, music. Malheur county fell short of its In the fourth inning, Fuklage si "You are as you find yourself the . . . ... . . . Grande won first place, Ontario," ' Miss Vivian Widmer, home econ- ™°f.e . wf5CPeCt^ _ ^ at—r , . thef? ■ centlve payments will be made for result of your choices up to now. omlcs teacher stated, “I have decid may also be a camp at Vale. At those crops as previously announc- second; Vale, third; MacHi, fourth, quota in the second victory loan ngled with one out and Bybee rea drive conducted last month by more ched first on an error, pushing Your parents and teachers and ot ed to give up my teaching career. I the Ontario camp. Theodore P. ed. and Pendleton, fifth. hers have put you in positions wh haven’t any definite plans except Parrish is In charge of the camp Nyssa youths placed as follows: than $700.000, according to a report Fuglage to second. Fujil went out The program for potatoes and ere you had to do things. You may it's going to be some other kind of and Fuml Fugiate has been em truck crops is not Involved In the Church, second in the half mile; issued by Chairman Joe F. Dyer of for interference with the ball and Ontario up to May 1. think they made the decisions, but Job. I have enjoyed my year at Ny ployed as clerk. recent action of congress on Incen Ward, second in the low hurdles; The United States National bank Wilson singled, bringing in Fukiage. you yourself chose the lesser of two ssa very much, more than any other The camp, 11 miles from Nyssa, tive payments, Tensen declared. The Browne, fourth in the 100-yard da of Portland at Ontario sold $135,- Bellon reached first on an error. evils. place. I don't want to be disillus Is now known as the Adrian camp funds for potato and vegetable in sh, and these three and Morgan, "If your life has not been defin ioned so am qutiting while I feel to keep it separate from the Nyssa centive payments are already avail fifth in the relay, making a total 518.56 in bonds, the First National This play sent Bybee home for the bank of Portland at Nyssa $52,471; third rtm that inning. itely directed by a power greater good about It.” standard camp. At this center, able, and payments will be made to of 11 points. the First National bank In Vale, than your own, we hope that you James C. Chance of Caldwell is Payette scored its two runs in the growers who plant more than 90 Mrs. Marian Cheldelin, English $36,573.25; the post office at Ontario seventh Inning. will soon make the Important ch instructor, Is resigning to resume assistant manager and Burt Rob per cent of the Individual farm go $6525; the post office at Vale $22- oice. If you have not accepted Ch her duties In her home as Is Mrs. erts is camp caretaker. Nyssa made 11 hits, and three al for these crops unless a definite 87.50, and the post office at Nyssa errors; Payette four hits and one rist other choices you will make will Helen Butler, girls’ physical educ act otf congress prohibits payment $2137.50. not amount to much. I am not tal ation teacher. Mr. Alvin Templer, error. of any incentive payment. Bonds sold elsewhere, but credited king about denominationalism. I band instructor, will start a chicken The Pirates scattered their six He asked farmers not to be con to Malheur county’s quota were as am talking about accepting Christ farm when school is out and Mr. runs throughout the game Friday. fused by reports that congress had follows; State of Oregon, $97.500; The suit of Lawrence Bailey of as our personal savior.” rejected incentive payments In act Nyssa against Henry VanEgmond of Standard Oil company, $20,000, and They scored one in the second, th Leno Christensen, agriculture teach Referring to the graduates finish er, thinks Uncle Sam will decide ree in the third, one in the seventh ing on the agricultural appropriat White Settlement for $10,000, bro Idaho Power company, $14,400. ing their secondary education. Rev. his Job for him. Mr. John Bum- and one in the ninth. ions bill. Potato and vegetable pay Chester Davis’ eleventh-hour call The United States National bank ught as a result of an automobile Greenlee said “You may want a va gamer, present science teacher, will Nyssa tallied four runs in the th ments are not affected, and will to American farmers to plant to accident, will be tried at the Sept of Portland, Ontario, purchased ird and the last one in the fifth. cation, but you can’t rest. You are devote his full time to farming. be made as announced to compen the limit of war crops before plant ember term of the Malheur county $400.000 worth of bonds; the First In the third, Nyssa put two men on (Continued on page two) Mr and Mrs John Young are not ing time is passed will find most sate growers for the higher cost of circuit court. National bank of Portland, Nyssa base errors and Fujil, Wilson and ■yet sure whether they will be here Malheur county farmers already the extra production needed. O. A. Gossett of Vale, who was $337,500, and the First National Bybee hit, bringing in the runs. The payment for potatoes will be ’ next year or not. Mrs. Young Is the "going the limit” to put every acre bank of Vale, $30.000, making total Wilson scored In the fifth on a tri a bushel on the normal suing Van Egmond In the same case sales of $1,134,912.81. senior English, and girls’ vocal mus of farm land Into war production, ! 50 cents ^ for $10.000, was awarded a verdict ple and a wild pitch. ic Instructor. Mr. Young has been believes Pieter Tensen. chairman of 1 yiel.d ..“n the acre“«* b?tw<* n 90 April 30 by a Jury In vale. Malheur county's quota, based on Thursday's lineup for Nyssa was the atheletlc coach here for IS years the county USDA war board. Citing and 110 per cent of the farm goal. The plaintiffs filed suit’ on am population. M * $1,900,000 ' Jim Fujil If; Wilson, 3b; Bellon, rf; and is famous for his championship the war food administrator's assu Payments of $60 an acre will be Malloy, cf; Pierce, 2b; Marsh, p; baseball teams. He also teaches rance of an all-out program to pro made on the same basis for carrots, ount of the death of Gossett’s son Plan Special Service— and Bailey’s wife in an automobile McCoy, c; Fukiage, ss, and Bybee, snap beans, lima beans, beets, to mathematics. Mrs. Young stated, vide labor, harvesting machinery The Nazarene church will hold a lb. The lineup was about the same accident occurring nearly two years "If we are ever going to make a and fair prices, the war board ch matoes. cabbage, onions and green ago on the Vale-Ontario highway. special Mother’s day service Sunday. in the second game. Yost replaced peas for fresh market. change, this Is the time to do so.” airman urges county farmers not The program will Include dedication Along with dry peas, dry beans, A car driven by John VanEgmond, and baptism of infants. At the mo Bellon in the eighth Friday and This summer, Mr. Parr will work to let a single acre remain idle. minor son of the defendant, is all Jamihlra started the game as pit on his farm (he has several acres The complete text of Davis’ state and flaxseed, potatoes and vegeta eged to have crashed into the Bailey rning service all mothers attending cher. Kamlhira, however, was re of onions to hoe.) Mrs. Haworth ment follows: "This is the most Im bles are on the list of Important car, killing 12-year-old Newell Gos will receive a souvenir. lived in the third by Marsh will be occupied with her family portant planting season in Ameri- war crops for which increased pl sett and his sister, Mrs Bailey. needed to meet war re and garden at home, Mrs. Barton can farm history. We can still In- antings are Ah, I know . . she is the mother. . _ ___ _. __ . In his opening statement to the / _______. . . qulrements. Growers will visit in Chula Vista, California crease _ .. the ___ number of - acres we pi- ” . .. who are set up Jury Attorney Robert D. Lytle out to grow more of these crops are and western Oregon. Miss Rice ant. In a very few days it will be She goes to the door and faces De lined the facts which the plaintiffs ath. said," I am going to go home and too late. The war food administrat urged to do so. allege led to the fatal accident. He The chairman said that more dry hoe the victory garden— .unless I ion Is asking the farmers to plant "Was there something you wanted?” beans are especially needed. This Is and Chas. Swan represent the pl said she. Harlingen Army Gunnery school, can get someone else to do it. I to the limit for critical war crops, one of the few crops where Intend aintiff. T must have a life from this house”, Texas May 6--Included among the think this Is a nice country even food crops, and feed for livestock. ed plantings, as pledged by farmers P. J. Gallagher, Ontario attorney, He said members of this week's huge grad If It Is hot and dusty and I will be In the drive that has been made to during the recent farm mobilization represented Van Egmond. He told Edited by "Makes no difference who lt might uating class at the Harlingen, Tex back next fall.” Increase the acreage of beans, pot the Jury that the defense would be”. Mr. Henry Hartley, school sup atoes, and oil crops, there was no drive, do not measure up to the prove contributory negligence be as, aerial gunnery school—men to T. CAROL BYBEE state’s 1943 war production goal. fill fighting slots In bomber crews— erimtendent, will be here again next | Intention to minimize the import cause young Gossett had not gotten "Oh spare my boy’, she cried to De is Rutherford A. Mitchell, son of year. ance of other essential crops. Ex out of the way when he heard the WHICH LOVE IS BEST? ath. Mr and Mrs 3. A. Mitchell of Nyssa. panded production also of feed gr Van Egmond car approaching and By Martha M. Stelmle "See . . he was to have a wife”. One of the "Men Behind the Tri EIGHTH GRADERS ains and hay is vitally necessary If also because flares had not been LosAngeles "We are putting the world to a ggers” of the army air forces, he TO HAVE PROGRAM we are to continue our record hea set out by the stalled cars. He also vy production of livestock and live will sit In the front row of aerial indicated that he would contest the With a book I sat In my rocker one test" he said. ’F'rom this house I must have one combat In dealing out the venge stock products. The war food adm claim that the senior Van Egmond evening The Nyssa grade school will hold ance admonished recently by Gen. n assembly and promotion exercises inistration Is organizing the coun Fifty-three students will be grad was liable for the action of his min Not seeing one word that was writ life. H. H. Arnold, commander of the Friday at 9:30 a.m. try's latent labor resources to help uated from the Nyssa high school or son because the car was not a on the page; With tottering steps, the mother air forces, when he said: “Every Diplomas and athletic awards with the harvests this year. Acting at commencement exercises to be family car but was used principally There before my eyes a mist came turned, time you line up a Jap Zero in your will be given. with manufacturers and other ag held In the school gymnasium to In the defendant's business. ’Give me a moment to bid them sights, think of your comrades of encies of government, we will do our night at 8 o'clock. The accident occured August 8. stealing; the Tokyo raid who were murdered PEA WEEVIL DUST best to see that more harvesting After the prelude and processional 1941 about 8 p.m , 3(4 miles east of Then appeared it seems, a wonder good-bye. My missions on earth is completed” machinery is ready by the time it Is played by the high school band, Vale. The Bailey car. driven by ful stage. In cold blood!” NEEDED IN CROPS she said, At brief exercises here he received Is needed. We will work for contin the following program will be pres Mrs. Bailey, stalled and Mrs Bailey I’m . . not . . afraid . . to die.” a diploma and sliver gunner's wings. Victory gardeners who want to uing price supports at fair levels ented: “Siesta” and Love Sends a started for the Gossett ranch west Completion of the course and an make sure of having peas free from In order to minimize risks in the Little Gift of Roses”, girls glee club; of Vale where her husband was There came Mr. Death to see his Death feeling his wager with Life other technical course automati tiny worms caused by the pea wee market place. We ask farmers, on salutatory, Kathleen Loe; vocal solo, awaiting her. They took the Gossett friend Mr. Life. cally entitles him to sergeant's che vil will need to be prepared with their part. In the days that remain "April Song”, Carol Robertson; cl car and Newell Gossett accompan These two had a difference to set was lost; “Are you sure you understand this vrons. Unless retained as an Instru rotenone dust to be applied at the at spring planting, to take an extra ass history. Verna Greenlee; class ied them. They first tried to push tle, lt seems ctor then he will immediately Join proper time, remind Don C. Mote degree of chance this year tor their will. Bob Eldredge; class prophecy, the stalled Bailey car and when To find out, if they could, which thing?” “Oh yes I do, quite well” she said, a combat unit. and Kenneth W Oray, entomolog county-to plant In full the acreage Helen Sallee; "The Swan” and "I this proved unsuccessful Mrs. Bailey was “Since He will not taste your sting”. ists at the OSC experiment stat they can expect to handle under the Shall Meet You", girls glee club; drove her father's car to the front o f J , thp ,oveg Qf whk-h Sgt. Leslie Burton Crocker of Ny ion. most favorable circumstances.” valedictory. Raymond Larson, pre of the Bailey car while her husband dream. She entered the room, with weary ssa successfully completed the flex The pea weevil lays its eggs on sentation of awards. Superintendent started to get a tow rope. While he ible aerial gunnery course at the the young green peas pods, from Returns From Trip— Henry Hartley; presentation of cl- was getting It out of the luggage So to a home they went, and Death steps. With gentle hands, fixed the boys army air forces flexible gunnery where they hatch with the tiny Wayne chesnut returned Monday ass, Principal F'rank Parr and pre compartment of the stalled car, he said . . . school. Laredo army air field, Lar larva boring through and into the from a trip to Chicago. He flew to sentation of diplomas, R. G. Lar heard a roar behind him and was “The son in this house lies 111 on covers. ’I’m a wee bit tired, tonight” she edo, Texas April 24. individual peas. The only known sa Chicago from Ogden and brought son, chairman of the school board. barely able to jump out of the way the bed. Upon graduation, he was promo tisfactory method of controling this back four cars and truck, which Members of the graduating class before the Van Egmond Ford cras I’ll soon show to you without a dou said. (Oh that queer way of mothers). ted to his present rank and received pest Is by poisoning the adult wee he left at Burley. Idaho and Ogden. are Bette Adams, Clyde Adams, hed into the stalled Bailey car. Yo bt the coveted aerial gunnery wings. vils before they lay their eggs. Utah. Mr Chesnut, manager of the Juanita Boyles. Robert Browne, Pe ung Gossett was killed instantly There Is no love like you talked She placed the girls soft hand in He Is now eligible to take his Imp Rotenons dust of approximately j inland Oil company, was away fr- ggy Chard, Melda Coleman. Jim and Mrs. Bailey died on the way to about.” her lovers, ortant position as a-member of an one-half of 1 percent strength Is the om Nyssa one week. Cook. Elton Counsil, Beverly Dona the hospital. She smoothed her husbands worn army air forces combat crew. most effective for tills purpose. It j _______________ hue. Bob Eldredge. Dorothy Farr. Death knocked on the door, a girl brow; may be obtained in approximately , Improving Driveway— Verna Flndllng, Betty Flanary. Ray Here On Furlough— comes out- She glanced or the room with pride Miles Wallace spent a 24-day this strength at seed and garden The E. O Muir company Is lm- Fox. Jack Fujil. June Gahan, Gen Corporal Randall Staphof re this house I must have a in her eye furlough following his preliminary' supply stores. j proving the driveway In front of Its eva Graham. Verna Greenlee, Win turned to Nyssa last Wednesday on "From life” said he. And said “There . . I am ready . . in a college in Montana with his The first dust application Is made , building along the railroad tracks ona Henderson, Irene Herring. Th a furlough from Fort Polk, Louis family here. He left Friday to just before, or as the first pods fo Workmen are resurfacing the dri urman Hill. Marie Holman. Junior iana. A baby boy was born last A startled look came Into her eyes, now”. “Life means so much, Oh surely lt report at Seattle to be sent from rm. and Is followed by weekly app veway and erecting a new concrete Holmes. Wednesday morning to Corporal can’t be rae". She went to the door, and stepped there for a pre-flight course lications ur *11 the crop Is harvested. retaining wall. Lillian Kanyid, Frances Kumaza- and Mrs Staphof at the Holy Ros Lt Bill Kurtz, formerly station This requires the first dust to be wa. Charles Landreth. Ray Larson. ary hospital in Ontario. The baby. Then the father goes to the door, outside; Feeling her life had run it’s race. ed at Ogden, has been transfer applied while considerable bloom Is Panel Holds Meeting— Kathleen Loe. Leona Lunger. Jack weighing 6 pounds. 3 ounces, has i His duty he never would shirk red to the repair squadron and on the vines More complete dlrect- The Nyssa OPA price panel met Marshall. Oayle McCoy, Genevieve been named Randell Nlckolas. Mrs BlIt wlth rounded shoulders he re- But there stood LIFE with out-st- reched hands was sent to New York City on ions for controling the pea weevil Tuesday in the city hall The gr- McCullough. Leory Merrick. Lyle Staphof is now in Nyssa conval- entered the room secret business for his squadron. either in garden or field peas are oup meets the first and third Tues- Miner. Letha Moyes. Alvin Nye. esclng at the home of her mother. | said, "He had to finish his work” And a smile upon his face. contained in a new station circular days of each month. The public Is Robert Ouchido, Roy Pierce. Carol Mrs A. R Herring. A reception was Word was received by relatives at of information No. 303. invited to attend the meetings. Ribertson. Helen Sallee. Phyllis 8c- held Tuesday evening in the Naza- To loVe to „ crtfk*. ,maM gnd "You’ve proven to all, tonight." He said Kingman Kokmy last week that ----------------------- I .. m u rene church honoring Corporal 8t- great Kenneth Bach, son of Mrs Lily r.aest At Dinner— Attend M eeting- una. Marion Suiter. Dick Tensen aphof Mr and Mrs Nicholas Slap- Something divine to feel for each That on earth and in Heaven above, There is no devotion can be com Bach, has been promoted to the Mrs Martin Hansen was a dinner Rev. Lloyd Pounds and Calvin Betty TUlman. Cbnley Ward. Max- hof and their three daughters and other rank of captain Captain Bach la guests of Rev and Mrs Lloyd Pou Wilson attended a scoutmasters lne Warren. Bernice Whipple, and two sons were week-end guests of who la that by the bed with am pared. With a good . . true . . mother's nds Sunday stationed In Honolulu. meeting Tuesday evening at Parma Bob Yost. I Mr and Mrs Herring. | an ^rey head? l o v it . Teachers Reveal Vacation Plans Payments To Be Given Growers Malheur Fails To Reach Quota Bailey Case To Be Tried Later Davis Asks All Out Plantings Our Boys In T h e Service POETS’ CORNER Graduation Will Be Held Tonight