TH E N YSSA G A TE C IT Y JO U R N A L PAGE SIX TH U R S D A Y, A P R IL 29, 1943 Mountainside N o Barrier M ip m blocks for afghans and numerous LEGION A U X IL IA R Y other articles. The auxiliary Invites HOLDS CONFERI ICE An American Legion auxiliary anyone who would like to help sew to Join us on Mondays and Fridays meeting of unusual Interest Tuesday at the home of Mrs Bert Adams. night featured Joint Installation of — 8 — officers of the Nyssa and Adrian DESSERT BRIDGE HELD units and a district conference in Mrs John C. Bishop entertained which Nyssa was host to Adrian, last Thursday In honor of Mrs K e ­ Vale and Ontario. ith Bailey, who will leave soon for Distinguished visitors were Mrs Ogden to make her home. Mne Whitcomb, department secre­ The dessert bridge ¡» r t y was held tary; Mrs Della Albrecht of Balter, In Taylor's coffee shop In Ontario. district president, and Mrs Ernest­ The table was beautifully decorated ine Boyer of Ontario, department with a centerpiece of lovely red chaplain. tulips. Mrs Albrecht Installed the new Prizes were won by Mrs Laura officers as follows: Adrian -M rs McOoy, first; Mrs A. C. Sallee, sec­ Perle Davis, president; Ann Jergens, ond, and Mrs Frank Morgan, the first vice president; Frances Hast- traveling prize. The guest prize was rlter, secretary; Sue Ashcraft, trea­ presented to Mrs Bailey, who was surer; Bernice Antrim, historian also given a corsage. and Pauline Bnchus, sergeant-at- - 8 - ____________ arms; and Nyssa--Mrs Albert Heldt. CLUB HOLDS M EETINO president: Mrs Bert Adams, first The V club o f Nyssa heights met vice president; Mrs A L. Fletcher, at the Dave Beers home Wednesday, second vice president; Mrs Walter April 21 with six members present. Thompson, secretary; Mrs Douglas The hostess served refreshments. McDonald, treasurer, nnd Mrs Eddy The next meeting will be held at Powell, historian. the home of Mrs James Malloy We- Good-slzed delegations from Ad- dnesday, May 5. rlan, Vale and Ontario attended — 5 — the conference, which was preceded i M AR R IE D A T P A Y E T T E toy a covered dish supper. D uring, Kenneth Moore, second lieutenant the supper Mrs John Young and ^ In the United States army, was members of her high school glee married to Charlotte Scott at the club and Mrs M H. Greenlee sang. [ home of Lieutenant Moore’s sister. At the meeting. Mrs Whitcomb Mrs Louis Bean, In Payette FYlday. discussed the talk recently given In Lieutenant Moore, a nephew of Portland by the national president, Earl Gray of Nyssa, is well known Mrs Ruth E. Muthebat, and gener­ here. Mr and Mrs Oary attended al working problems of the organ­ the wedding. Lieutenant and Mrs ization. Mrs Albrecht and Mrs Boy­ Moore left Monday for California, er also gave talks. where he will be stationed. Mrs Albrecht and Mrs Whitcomb - 8 - went to Prairie City Wednesday and HAS BRID G E CLUB from there will go to Burns and Mrs Harry Miner entertained her thence back to Baker. Wednesday evening bridge club last All units made reports on work week. Holders of high score in br­ accomplished during the past year. idge were Mrs Bert Applegate and Nyssa reported having completed for Mrs Herbert F’tsher, with Mrs Ed the Red Cross and child welfare 56 FYost receiving the traveling prize. night gowns. 10 knit swenters, three Guests of the club were Mrs Henry scarfs, five watch caps, 50 "house- Hartley and Mrs Bernard Frost. wive's" (20 filled» four helmets, th - 8 - ree men's robes, six pairs of paj­ HAS B IR T H D A Y P A R T Y Several friends and neighbors sur- amas, 13 girls’ dresses, one layette, Shan't He Go+t^uAedl W f o 'f - ‘W . John C. Manson of Nampa, elec­ trician’s mate, 1 st class, o f the navy spent Friday with M r and Mrs H. E. Collins. Manson, who has been In the service for five years, has I engaged in five major battles--Pe- ' arl harbor, Midway, Coral Sea and Solomon islands. Speak At Labor C a m p - Rev. M. H. Greenlee spoke at a sunrise service held at the labor camp Sunday. Miss Azalia Peet, missionary, delivered a talk in the Japanese language and Mrs Green­ lee sang. U . S. M arine Corpa Photo This mountain Is one of the obstacles along the line of march for V. S. Marine Raiders training at Camp Pendleton, Calif. A tactio o f this nature is used to flush the enemy from otherwise Inaccess-J Ible positions. < - 8 — CLUB HOLDS M EETING M rs Keith Bailey entertained her regular Tuesday evening bridge club this week. Special guests of Mrs Bailey were Mrs Bert Applegate and Mrs John Bishop. High scores were won by Mrs Dean Smith and Mrs FYank Morgan. The club gave Mrs Bailey a lovely gift. M r and Mrs Bailey expect to lea­ ve Nyssa this week-end to make their home in Ogden. Mr. Bailey, who is employed by the Amalgam­ ated Sugar company, has been In Ogden for the last few weeks, but is expected to arrive here Friday. cigar, or refreshing drink? Then go to any drug store in your neighborhood. You can also buy candy, magazines, books, and toys. The druggist renders a real service in making these and thou­ sands of similar items available. When you have a prescription to be filled, how­ ever, select your pharmacist with care. Pharmacy is a profession with us and not a side line. Our chief efforts are devoted to the compounding of prescriptions. Your doctor’s orders are safe with us and his instructions are followed to the letter. W e are prescription specialists. Nyssa Pharmacy NYSSA Phone 108 8 - Double Feature FRIDAY and SATURDAY, April 30 May 1 Max Baer, Marjorie Woodworth, Arline Judge and Jive Sawyer in “THE MC GUERINS FROM BROOKLYN” Cesar Romero, Sheila Ryan and Cris Pin Martin in “G A Y CABELLERO” & 8 - P A R T Y PLAN NE D The Young Adult Fellowship of the Methodist church will sponsor a party for the Youth Fellowship Friday night at 8 o'clock In the church basement. All young people are Invited to attend the party. - I - FTNTHRTAINS CLUB Mrs. John Bowen entertained her Wednesday evening bridge club this week at her country home. Mrs. Eugene Brandt was guest of the club. High honors In bridge were given to Mrs. Aden Wilson and Mrs. Frank Rnmbnud. with Mrs. Nick Rudellck receiving the traveling prize. Mat Sun 2:30, Adm llc-2«c. Evening Adm. llc-33c. includes tax — B A R G A IN N IG H T — TUESDAY, M AY 4 James Ellison and Jane Wvatt in “ARM Y SURGEON" Sports and King o f the Mounties Admission. S f-M c. including tax W EDNESDAY and THURSDAY, May 5— € Gene Tierney, George Montgomery-, Victor Mc- Laglen, Lynn Bari and Alan Baxter in “CH INA GIRL” Cartoon and News Admission Evening — l ie and 93c. Including Defense Tax SPECIALS Friday And Saturday Spun Rayon Dress Lengths 19c yard Men’s Felt Hats Regular 49c and 59c Spun rayon prints. So­ me have irregularities Reblocked hats o f a higher price quality. Colors gray, brown, tan and green. Sizes 6 % to 7%. in design. These materials are in lengths o f from 2 to 6 yards. Regular $1.98 brown and black sport oxfor­ ds. All leather uppers and composition soles. Sizes 6 to 2Vo. Men’s Rayon Sox 5c pair Visit Relatives— M r and Mrs W. W. Evans ol Halfway spent Easter Sunday at W ANTED —Two burner electric pl­ the home of Mrs Evans' sister, Mrs ate. Mrs A. V. Cook. 29A2xc Klass V. Powell. Mr. Legal Advertising N O TICE TO CREDITORS IN THE M A T T E R OF THE EST­ ATE OF W IL L IS J. W ILLIAM S, DECEASED Notice Is hereby given to the cr- ! editors and all other persons inter­ ested in the estate of Willis J. W ill­ iams, deceased, that the undersign­ Visit In Boise— ed has been appointed Administrat­ M r and Mrs John Ostrom took rix of said estate and has qaullfied dinner with their daughter and son- as such. All persons having claims in-law. Mr and Mrs Adolph Boe, In Boise Sunday. $ 1.00 Men’s Pants Child’s Oxford Work $1.29 $1.79 — Geraldine Gary, small daughter 1 of Mr and Mrs Earl Gray, injured her chin Sunday afternoon when she ran against a barb-wire fence at the home of her aunt near P ay­ ette. Twelve stitches were taken to I close the wound. Notice Is hereby given to the cr­ editors and all other persons Inter­ ested in the estate of Joseph Lee Reed, deceased, that the undr sign­ ed has been appointed Administrat­ or of said estate and has qualified as such. A ll persons having claims against said estate are hereby not­ ified and required to present the same with proper vouchers and ver­ ified as required by law, to the un­ dersigned at his office in the City of Nyssa, Oregon, within six months of the date of the first publication of this notice. A. L.‘ Fletcher Administrator of the estate of Joseph Lee Reed, Deceas­ ed. NOTICE T O CREDITORS IN THE M A T T E R OF THE E ST­ First publication Apr. 29, 1943 ATE OF JOSEPH LEE REED, D E ­ Last publication May 27, 1943. FXIR SALE—Motor boat motor. Mrs A. V. Cook. 29A2XC ‘ Girl Is Injured— CEASED. Limit 5 pairs to the cu­ stomer. Irregulars in a fancy dress sock. Heavy weight, sanfor­ ized taxi cloth. Med­ ium gray, color. A tou­ gh pant for hard work. Most sizes available. Men’s Work Shirts 79c Medium gray, heavy weight taxi cloth work shiits. Sanforized sh­ runk. Short sleeves. Si­ zes 141/a to 17, Golden Rule Store NYSSA OREGON Working In Parma— Andy McGinnis, local decorator, has taken a contract to paint a lar­ ge residence In Parma. Painting the building inside and outside will re­ quire about a month. Mr. McGinnis - 8 — G U ILD HOLDS M EETING will stay in Parma during that ti­ The Wesleyan Service guild met me. at the Methodist parsonage Tuesday night. The county librarian. Miss Return From Trip— Lillian Nisbltt. gave a talk on Lat­ M r and Mrs George Bear return­ in America. ed home Sunday from Sandpolnt, Idaho, where they attended to bus­ iness. Go To Dam— M r and Mrs G. E. Bertsch have 1 gone to the Owyhee dam. where ! Mr. Bertsch will be night watch­ Family M o v in g - Rev. and Mrs H N Waddell of man. the F'irst Church of Christ are mov­ ing this week into the Leo Hollen- Here From Nampa— Mrs Floyd Scott of Nampa Is visit­ berg residence Mr and Mrs Holl- enberg have been living In Portland ing her mother. Mrs Poage of the for some time. Nyssa Nursing Home. , Attendance Mark Broken— Visits In Boise— All previous attendance records Mrs G. L. Smith Is spending a We Want Livestock 8aL Mat.. 3:90 P. U , Adm. 5c-20o; Evening, 11c-33c. Includes tax SUND AY and MONDAY, May 2— 3 John Wayne. Philip I>orn, Joan Crawford and Reginald Owen in “REUNION IN FRANCE” Color Cartoon FO R SALE—Frlgidaire, in good co- ' ndition. I f not sold before, will sell Shows Improvement— A1 Thompson, who has been ill at auction Saturday at Bybee Sales yard. Phone 116J. W. L. Lane. for the past three weeks at his 29Alxp I home. Is somewhat improved. ' LOCAL NEWS THEATRE PROGRAM home Tuesday. - M R AND MRS E NTE R TAIN E D The M r and Mrs club met with Mr and Mrs R. G. Larson Wednes­ day evening of last week. Preceding bridge, dinner was served. Honors in bridge were won by Mrs Burnall Brown and A. C. Sallee. Attend Service— Rev. and Mrs R. G. Chandler of Caldwell and Miss Marie Church o f the Owyhee district attended the pageant given in the Methodist church Sunday evening. [ W ill Present Play— The young people of the First Church of Christ will present the play, “The Lost Church” at the Apple valley Methodist church next were broken by the size of the con­ Tuesday evening. gregation at the First Church of Here From Nampa— Christ Easter service Sunday. M r and Mrs W. K. Lee o f Nampa were dinner guests in the Rev. H. Ill At Home— N. Waddell home Sunday S. C. McConnell is ill of influen­ To Entertain Club— za at his home. Mrs Lyells and Mrs A. V. Cook will entertain Wednesday May 5 Here From Ogden— for the Sunshine club.. E. M. Cole o f Ogden arrived last Too Late to Classify Friday to attend to business. Mrs Cole came Sunday. Mr and Mrs FO R SALE—Baby Gurnsey calves. Cole, who visited friends and rel­ Cheap if taken at once, eligable for 29Alxp atives while here, left for their registration. Carl Sebum. prised Frank Sparks Tuesday even­ ing with a party on the occasion of his birthday anniversary. The even­ ing was spent in playing games. A lun;h was served. - • W ant a tube of toothpaste, ft f jm few days in Boise with her brother, against said estate are hereby not- j Robert Timson, who underwent an ified and required to present the j same with vouchers properly verif­ operation Tuesday. ied, within six months of the date of the first publication of this not­ Receive Greetings— ice, to the undersigned at the office M r and Mrs R. C. Keller received o f A. L. Fletcher In Nyssa, Oregon, Easter greetings in a cablegram fr ­ that being the place hereby design­ om their son, John Scott, who is ated for the transaction of all bus­ iness connected with said estate. stationed in Australia. Veda Marshall Administratrix of the estate In North Powder— of Willis J. Williams, Deceas­ M r and Mrs W W. Poster and ed. Lester Klinkerberg are on a 10-day Date of First Publication Apr. 29, 1943. business trip to North Powder. Date of Last Publication May 27, 1943. Sailor Visits— Here’s Amazing W ay To Gain New Strength A R E you o n . o f thorn people who are not tick, yet eel- When you bring your livestock to the Nyssa M X dom feel your beat? A re you frequently tired and sq dragged out life hardly aeema worth while? A re you In*« clined to feel nervous and irritable; appetite poor? I f the re aeon ia that you’re not getting enough iron and Vitam ins Bj and G, here’a thrilling news. One o f the foremoat laboratories o f the coiifctry has de­ veloped a tonic called Purain for people in such condition« A remarkable preparation which works two basic ways to help nature build up strength and energy. F ir& t, Purain ia rich in iron. And you know how impor­ tant it is for your system to get sufficient iron. S e c o n d , Pursin contains precious Vitamins B i and G . These vita ­ mins help stimulate appetite—aid diges­ t io n - promote better assimilation. Th at’s why you eat more and get more good from the foods you e a t I f you are feeling below par because your system may lack sufficient iron or Vitamins B i and G, do this. G o to your drug store today and ask for Pursin. Take it regularly and see if it doesn't help you feel joyfully d a rt again. A McKesson Produet. Yard They do not have to stand all day before they are sold. This saves your weight. Sale Every Saturday W e handle farm sales. Bybee Livestock Sales Co. D. O. Bybee, Mgr Res. Phone 05.13 W. L. Lane, Auctioneer Owyhee Drug Company Phone 29 Night Phone 91W