THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL PAGE FOUR THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1943 P. O. Holmes and Gilbert and Jun- I In order to be eligible for support th e necessary forms by requesting 000,000, but unless workers are ava ilable a large percentage of the cr tor, Mr and Mrs R. G. Holmes, Mr prices on potatoes, beans, peas and them by mail from the local Con ops (fruits and vegetables) will go and Mrs P S. Byers and children other essential war corps each Malh servation office. FOOD FRONT BRIEFS eur County farmer must be signed to waste. In Umatilla county alone and Thurman Hill. The estimated 9,308,000 persons up in the 1943 conservation pro Mr and Mrs W. A. Mettlen are there are 38.000 acres of canning visiting at the home of their daugh gram. Eligibility for possible incen employed on American farms April peas, with a value of $6,400,000; ter, Mrs Ewen Ohard. tive payments and loans will also i, represents a 7 per cent decrease about 22,000 acres of prunes valued depend on the farmer being signed in hired workers, but about the at $2,000,000 ; 21,00 acres of dried in the 1943 program, according to same number of family workers as peas, estimated at $2,100,000. There Pieter Tensen, chairman of the a year ago . . . Sugar will be avail are 18 crops In this one county wh able for home canning on about Malheur county war board. ere formerly wheat growing was May 1, 1943 is the closing date for the same basis as last year . . . the backbone of agriculture, and ¿ITH 1943 sign-up and all farmers who Farmers temporarily hiring workers in the current year canning peas » ti» v have not signed up to date are urg for less than 30 days may obtained will bring in more money than the ed to do so before that date. Those rationed foods through local ration wheat fields. Where the canneries who have not signed may secure boards. and farmers will find the 8.500 men and women to harvest and process the crops is a leading question, wh Washington, D C., April 29-Pro- ich Is why Mr. Yates asks the war FARM WIRING ba'.ly one of the most suprising department (if it does not interfere Farmers Who are eligable for a propositions that the war depart with war plans) to hold back con new electrical connection now may struction on the powder plant until ment has ever received was the sug after crop time. obtain up to 75 pounds of copper wire for on-farm wiring on certif gestion that work on the "mystery” The 130 conscientious objectors ication by the county USDA War plant between Richland and Priest at Wickiup, on the Deschutes pro Board. Eligibility for a connection Rapids, on the Columbia river, be ject, will be continued there until is based on the number of animal further orders. These conscies are postponed until arter the harvest. units on the farm, and on power working on the reservoir site, clear Reason for the suggestion was that being needed to operate either wat- there will be an estimated 20.000 ing the area of trees. Announce ter pumps for livestock, milking men in the plant and most of this ment is made that these objectors FOR THE machines, feed grinders, incubators, will be maintained on the project crowd will be drawn from the sur brooders, milk coolers or milk ster rounding territory where there is at the authorized strength. They ilizers. already need for 40,000 men and are working for the bureau of re SEED TO ALLIES clamation and are carrying on the women to take care of the crop. I One reason that Oregon growers work formerly performed by CCC The suggestion was passed to Gen By B ureau of Public Relation», U. S. War Dept., W ash., D. C. I of vegetables and forage crop seeds eral Marshall, chief of staff, by boys until th at organization was liquidated. MACHINE RECORDS TRAINING—Women and draft exempt •. are asked to increase production Sen. Rufus Holman. The idea orig is seen in the report by the office Reedsport wants something, wants men interested in helping their country by working for the Army inated with C. C. Yates of Umat I of war information on lendlease | several things. It asks for an air have exceptional opportunities through the expansion of the War illa county. shipments during February. More Department’s machine records training program. Intensive basic In the area affected the crops are i base for army or navy planes, and than 12 million pounds of seed were it wants a turning basin in Win training will be given to new, untrained employes as well as ad-J estimated at $150,000,000, of which delivered to allied nations during chester bay for ships. Sen. Rufus C. Umatilla county will produce $30,- vanced training to current operators whose experience, with supple that month. It will be used In rep i Holman is placing these requests mentary training, qualifies them for promotion. The need for skilled lanting and restoring Allied farm before the proper departments. operators is increasing constantly and it is expected that 5,000 trained land liberated trum axis domina Myrthus Evans will be the new office machine operators will be needed this year. The machine tion. superintendent at the Indian sch FARM TRACTOR GAS records training program is being handled by the War Department’^ ool at Chemawa. Mr. Evans has County farmers who need gas for Services of Supply and will be under the direct supervision of the been principal of the high school farm tractors and other non-high- Civilian Personnel Division, Services of Supply. Accepted applicants for Navako Indians in the south way uses will apply to the OPA west, reports the bureau of Indian will be given an opportunity to become qualified keypunch, tabulating Rationing Board. If the applicant affairs. Harold L. Ickes, secretary and machine records’ operators. and Rationing Board can’t agree of the interior department, came to on the amount of gas needed, the Washington when President Roos one family cow. He received a very application will be handled soley evelt was preparing to throw out there ever was. And This Spring by the Rationing Board. House appropriations committee; good price. the Republican appointees of Pres It’s Vitally Important owi ' f o o d r e p o r t ident Hoover and wanted the Job has been requested to Include an Tch. Corp. Lester Brulotte, form American civilians will have a as Indian commissioner. After talk Item of $500,000 for the newly lo “Keep 'em rolling”--that’s the car owner’s sl erly of Yakima visited over Monday little less food this year than they ing with Mr. Roosevelt, Ickes was cated electro-development labora ogan in these war days, and that’s our slogan night at the Goulet homes. He had did in 1942, but more than they ate It is too late to phone offered the top place in interior tory which has acquired the Albany been home on a furlough, stopping in other recent years, reports to and now the Indian bureau is one too. Expert mechanical service will keep your your insurance agent of his many agencies. the office of war information. The college campus. The original app- I here en route to his camp. car running efficiently. OWI also finds that farmers are in when one of your build Despite the sale of many dairy ropriation was partly used in pur The Newell Heights club ladles creasing plantings of needed foods, herds in Oregon a6 dairymen, un chase of the college plant and add ings is on fire. will meet this week with Mrs M. L. but weather conditions will have a able to retain help, have auctioned lot to do with total 1943 product their cows, the department of itional funds are required by the Judd. SEE ABOUT IT NOW off increase of cows in Oregon of 4 bureau of mines for installation of Mrs Earl Parker had as din*er ion. agriculture states that there is an equipment and maintenance. Not guests Sunday in their home the MAY 1, AAA SIGN-UP DEADLINE percent over the cow population of hing has been approved yet by the Jake Borge family and Mr and Mrs 1942. The department has an idea bureau of budget in any of the Art Cartwright and sons. In the Insurance and Real Estate that while small and large dairies current appropriation measures. afternoon Mr and Mrs Dorsey Con- have folded up, other dairymen h a The staff is now being selected for rad and the Mike Wood famlly of Phone 97 ve bought the milkers and there is operating the laboratory and event- ! Caldwell called as much milk now in that area as ually about 300 scientists will be en- | M L Kurtz helped to bulld an gaged on experiments. There was a , addition to the Winn tenant house struggle among half a dozen cities [ast weejj Beet workers will occupy ★ ★ for the laboratory, but all the west the house. ern congressional delegations are Mr and Mrs Leo Winn’s grand >.* now backing Albany. As the pres son, Earl, of Prairie City Is spend ident wrote to Sen. Charles L. Me ing his Easter vacation here. Nary, Albany was the best place. Mr a n d . Mrs M. L. Kurtz and Washington wanted It, but so many Dud and Joyce were guests Sunday towns were contesting In that state at a family dinner in the Harvey that the delegation was split wh McLaughlin home in Ten Davis. ereas Oregon's delegation was uni Idaho celebrating Mrs Carrie Mc ted. Laughlin’.; birthday anniversary. War department is arranging to Mario Anderson left Monday for Buy your coal now to help keep transportat send a contingent of WACCS for a two-weeks visit with relatives in -the cantonment at Camp Adair. Lehi, and other places in Utah. ion lines open during the winter. There will be 144 dormitory units Mrs Claude Smith, who is under built for the girls In uniform at a doctor's oare following a h e a rt! Start to Fill Your Bin Now. Corvallis. The WACCS are to re- attack, is not improving as relatives place soldiers and permit the latter ^ and friends desire she would, to join combat troops. They will j Maurice Judd, Jr. has a new Ch- attend to the paper work. ester White sire from Washington. ----------------------- Maurice carries pigs as his special itr Farm WAR NEWS A Glass Of Vigor War Worker Gate City Dairy TIM E F O R A Too La te Spring Tune-Up V Towne's Garage Frank Morgan THE 2 N D WAR LOAN DRIVE IS ON! Hoard Coal Now For Victory The Command has Come_ ND FUEL PROBLEM WITH O w vhee ,F.F.A. project. * 1 Mr and Mrs Lester Goulet and There were 74 in attendance at famlly' the Wayne Chesnut family the Owyhee Sunday school Sunday of Nyssa and the 3id Flannigan Rev. Kriner of Payette held preach- family of Sunset Valley spent Sun- ing services following Sunday sc- day on a 1° Boise. The occas- hool. ion was Mr and Mrs Goulet's 10th The Loyal Stokes family, who ! wedd'n* anniversary were living in the Werner Peutz house, have moved to Adrian. Mr and Mrs Werner Peutz enter tained at dinner Sunday for Mr and The Merry Matrons club met at Mrs George Nein and their daugh ters. Mrs Harold Choat of Portland. the home of Jennie Benson with Miss Ester Nein and Mrs John Yan- Nova Glenn as co-hostess Wednes ish and daughter. Christine, of New day afternoon. One guest, Rhoda Jersey, Mr and Mrs William Peutz Mettlen, and 14 members were pre and son, William Jr., and their ho sent. Roll call was answered with use guest. Lyle Keeler of Santa Bible verses. The club will meet at I the home of Bonnie Gregg with Ola Monica. California. Rev. and Mrs R. O. Chandler of ! Chard assisting May 5. Something Caldwell were callers in the comm about mother's day will be used for unity Sunday evening, making pl roll call.Gladys Davis won the prize ans for a dally vacation Bible sc In a guessing contest. Refreshments hool to be held in this community. were served by the hostesses. Mr and Mrs R. W. Holmes were The date will be announced later. Mr and Mrs Jess Gregg, Mrs Geo hosts at dinner Easter. Guests were Mr and Mrs A. M. Goodson and rge Gregg and Mrs Martha Kling- daughters of Notus, Mr and Mrs back and son. Fred, were dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Wallace Or- egg Sunday. Mr and Mrs Gerald Slippy and | Mr and Mrs Jess Gregg were callers BLACKLEG BACTERIN at the Ray Franklin home near ] Parma Monday evening. Mr and Mrs Frank Crocker en tertained at dinner Sunday for the E E Crocker family, Mr and Mrs Lewis Skinner and Mr and Mrs G L. McMillan. BLACKLEG BACTERIN C o a d c a m tix M ajor In u m Mrs Arnold Slippy and children. a i* * * C l a m i ol 1» cc Carol, Sharon and Darrel! were Wlwit C aitar t iato a Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Char I « Dorn. les Culbertson. A ta a a a l - * m M « 7 ii.i A5K FDR I T -Y O U LA 5AVE MONEY Al Thompson & Sons Phone 26 t n d a n d G ood Ave. Furniture Galore 1 large used combination Westinghouse elec tric range, in good condition. Several good coal ranges. A good supply of mattresses and beds. Five different patterns and grades of new chairs. A good supply of plate and shock mirrors in 10 sizes. One dozen used rockers. One used Axminister rug, 9 by 12. Price new $09.50; now $35. Four dozen mattress protectors and lots of other furniture. Nordale Furniture Store Oregon Trail FRANKLIN NEWELL HEIGHTS Mr and Mrs A L. Leach left Tue sday for Weiser. where they visited until Thursday Mr and Mrs Will iam Applegate Mrs Applegate acc ompanied them on their trip to Washington Mr and Mrs Leach will be at the home of her sister. Myrtle Weston, at Rosalia. Washington for' an indeftnate period. Jess Sum »okl his herd at cows and calves last Wednesday except te r ol the 1 o l a li•cterh L Orea* deaafcy o f ok properties la t r r t m A p .._ L i' M - *1 U «M arranalla B to a a.» M f _ E», ter HE big push is on! This is the fateful summer that we have been waiting for; Hitler knows he must win before another winter rolls around, or face inevitable anni hilation. And you can be sure that he will hurl everything he has — every gun, plane, soldier and tank—into the summer struggle that is even now rising in tempo on every front. . T And when the command goes out to our fighting men to ATTACK—you can be sure they don't look for excuses. They don’t hesi tate. They strike fast and hard—as they did at Guadalcanal, in Tunisia and|in the skies over Europe. NOW the command has come on the home front to attack! To attack with the dollars that buy the weapons of war our boys must have to meet the last desperate assaults of Hitler. Your government asks you to lend it 13 billion dollars during this drive. And this THEY GjVE THEIR UVES... BNI TED STATES TREASDRT « A l F I NANCE COMMI TTE E historic 2nd War Loan Drive, which started April 12th, is the most urgent appeal America has ever made! The time is short—act now! When you attack with War Bonds you don’t suffer pain or anguish—you don’t risk your limbs or your life as millions of our boys are doing every day. All you do is make an investment—the safest in the world. You help to secure Victory now—and your own financial security.- ___ During this drive if you are visited by a volunteer War Bond worker, welcome him. He will explain the 7 different types of U. S. Government obligations you may choose from. But don’t wait for his call—go at once to your nearest bank or Post Office or place where they sell War Bonds. And answer the command to ATTACK by buying more Wax Bonds—and still more War Boadsl YOU UND YOUR MONEY! MA I SAVI NGS S T I F F — V I C T I I T F I N I C I MMI T T E E 10 ccof Nyssa Pharmacy Thompson Oil Co. Sugar City Bakery Curry Produce Fox’s Drive-in Nyssa Packing Co. Gamble Store Nyssa Elevator Inter-State Oil Co. Malheur Garage