Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1943)
✓ The NYSSA VOLUME mvm, GAS ITY JOURNAL $¡a NYSSA, OREGON, THlUtSDAVT APRIL B T Ï M $2.00 PER YEAR BOARD EMPLOYES BOYS SCORE HIGH Baccalaureate RATIONING Adrian School SUGAR Bulldogs Take CHAIRMAN NAMED Lions Sponsor BUY MANY BONDS IN NAVY’S EXAM Ag. Building Is AT of L. Beet Sugar Refinery Services Will ointed Mrs R. G. Larson has been app Plan To Handle Three Nyssa high school youths Baseball Title chairman of the Nyssa rat employes, local 22918 of Nyssa, voted who the examination under On Oregon Side Influx Problem the navy took college Taken By Fire at its last meeting to buy an add Be Held Sunday ioning board, succeeding A. L. Atk- training program eson, resigned. Mrs Larson has been itional $500 worth of war bonds, acting as community service chair Greenlee Says Leisure in April made sufficiently high sc Nyssa And Payette Will Schools To Sponsor man. making a total held by the local of High to be considered, according to Meetings In Respec The rationing board quarters have Time of Laborers ores $1300. Play Foi League Pen information received here. Is Problem tive Towns Employes, through a payroll ch been moved back to the city hall nant This Week The three youths are Jack Ch eck-off system, have bought $13,500 from the Atkeson real estate and The Lions club, meeting in Brow urch, Bob Eldredge and Marion Su The Nyssa high school won the ADRIAN (Special)—Fire of un worth of bonds during the last year. Baccalaureate services for mem Insurance office. The office hours known origin destroyed the agri More than 90 per cent of the em bers of the senior classes of the are form 9 to 12 and from 1 to 4 nie's cafe Monday noon, voted to iter. championship of the Oregon divis ployes are making regular monthly Adrian and Nyssa high schools will o'clock. sponsor an educational, spiritual School officials have not learned ion of the Snake River Valley Base cultural shop of Adrian union purchases. and recreational program for the the results of the army examina ball league by defeating Ontario be held in the respective school high school Friday afternoon. Most of the students and fac buildings Sunday evening, May 2. 750 laborers who are expected to tion. Monday on the Nyssa diamond by ulty members had left the build arrive here very soon. Rev. John Nevln of Adrian will a score of 4 to 1. ing to attend the Nyssa-Adrian deliver the sermon in the Adrian The laborers will be housed in The Bulldogs played their last baseball game, when the fire was high school auditorium. The girls the labor camp near Snake river. discovered by a faculty member conference gome of the season Fri octet will sing "Fairest Lord Regional Agricultural Credit cor A meeting will be held in Brown and some students. Local and day with Adrian. They defeated the neighboring residents were soon as The May 6 meeting of the Health Jesus” and "The Heavens Re poration Antelopes 4 to 2, thus tying with ie’s cafe Wednesday, May 5 at 2:30 loans made to date in sembled. fighting to save the build for Victory cltfb will feature meat sound”. Ontario for the lead. The Monday for the purpose of determining the Malheur county are helping in Farmers who are selling livestock ing and trying to prevent the fire shortages. At the June 3 meeting Adrian's class day exercises will crease pork production and main feasibility of such a program. All game this week broke the tie. from reaching the main building spring canning will be discussed. should be sure that they have corr As a result of winning the Ore tain dairy output, Pieter Tensen, civic, fraternal and church groups The fire in the ag building, Paul V. McNutt, war manpower be held Thursday morning in the chairman of the Malheur county gon title, the Bulldogs will meet ect weights, declares Laurel Ander fanned by a strong wind, had commissioner, recently stated that high school building. Honor stu USDA war board, reported this are asked to cooperate in the pro son, district man for the state dep the Payette nine in a championship reached such proportions that it in 1943 eighty million man-days will dents. the two members of the week. gram. artment of agriculture with station play-off this week-end. Payette won was irr;x>sslble to check the flames. be lost because of needless illness. senior class maintaining the high "The bulk of the loans we have Rev. M. H. Greenlee, who was ap at the pennant on the Idaho side. Ontario. A few records, desk tables and Hiat is enough working time to est scholastic record for their four closed to date through the war pointed as chairman of the Lions Some The first game will be played here farmers who sell hogs, cal year period will give talks. This chairs were all that could be saved. build 14,000 planes, 33.000 tanks and today and the second in Payette ves and other stock are in the hab board have been to farmers pro club committee, said that the In Some damage was done to the 10 battleships. A plant employing year’s honqr students are Mary The third game, If necess potatoes, a vitally needed flux of laborers will cause many it of weighing the animals in the Friday. main building when the rear doors 5000 workers would be closed for 42 Lou Jackson and Mable Roberts. ducing ary, will be played Monday but the trailers and are careless about the food,’ Tensen said. of the gymnasium caught fire. The years if this were to occur in such Class officers and student body "Other loans and advances are problems, which can be solved, he weights. As result, there is some site has not been selected. officers will be inducted and spec making possible Increased produc said, by a committee that is prop times disagreement with the sales Payette, which has not played loss, estimated at around 16,500 a factory singly. covers loss of the building, equip Health for Victory clubs have ial awards presented. Nyssa this season, has a well-bal of milk and pork, both vital erly organized. The purpose of such yard weights. ment, tools, both of the agricul been organized nationally in order On Thursday afternoon an in tion anced team. Farmers, in weighing their stock, ly needed foods. an organization would be to pro ter-grade school track meet will be tural building and of defense class to better equip the American house Marsh pitched a one-hit game sometimes allow the two back wh- To date, Tensen said, 117 re es, and files and the agricultural wife to meet the problems of food held at Big Bend park. This gional loans and advances for tect the laborers and the towns ells of the car to be on the scales against Ontario Monday. Fritz re library. All was covered by in shortages and food rationing. Com year’s May queen will be crowned. $97,800 have been approved in Mal people. Other members of the Lions with the trailer. Other times they gistered the only Ontario hit in the surance as was athletic equipment petent home economists have been Candidates for May queen to be heur county, club committee are Frank Morgan the trailer and stock only on sixth, scoring a man from second stored in the building, and dam selected in every locality to give voted on this Friday at student “Reports we have received from and R. G. Whitaker. Klass V. Po get the scales but neglect to uncouple base for the only Tiger run. age to the main building. demonstrations and present helpful body elections, are Lois Patton, the district office in Spokane in well was appointed Wednesday to the trailer form the car or truck to Fukiage scored for Nyssa in the Eleanor Hobson and Phyllis Ha dicate that in the four northwest represent the chamber of commer which they have it hitched. As re third on a hit by Jim Fujli. In the Lack of local fire fighting equip Information. ment was definitely felt by local Meetings in Nyssa are held the worth, in the program. sult, their test weight is not accur fourth inning, Bellon hit, went to states 86 per cent of all loans ce Mr. .citizens during the fire Friday. first Thursday of each month in On Friday May 7, commence and Whalen, representing Lions ate and they are not a little per second and third on a wild pit advances made have been for International, met with the Lions turbed to find that the sales yards ch and was squeezed in by Pierce the home economics room of the ment exercises will be held with than $2,500, and that pro Monday. high school at 2 p.m. Copies of re Dean John Anderson of College of less He talked on changes cau- | weights differ considerably from the for the second Nyssa counter. CHURCH ELECTED cipes portion is approximately the same Idaho as speaker. Pierce reached first on an error sed in interior towns and cities by weight they supposed. used in the demonstrations here in Malheur county,” the war STUDENT PREXY and scored on Marsh's double with are given to everyone attending. The program has also been com board chairman reported. "That the war. Anderson points out that it is planning guides for the fol pleted for the Nyssa baccalaure means that the small farmer is A March of Time picture on the unlawful, in selling any commodity two down in the sixth. McCoy, hit Tom Church was elected president Meal lowing may be secured for ate services. by weight, to Include the weight of by a pitched ball, went to first. Fu one making greatest use of this medical profession was shown. of the Nyssa high school student ,10 cents month each. Every ho The program will be presented the anything other than the weight of kiage knocked out a double, scoring program. body for the 1943-44 year in an el me-maker is invited to interested as follows: Prelude, high school "More than half of the money FARMERS URGED Marsh. attend. the commodity sold. ection held in the high school this band; processional, high school advanced throughout the district The Nyssa lineup in the Ontario He says further that there is a week. band: invocation. Rev. Burton J. has been for special war crop ad TO TAKE COURSES game was as follows: Jim Fuji!, If: state law, administered by the de Perry Coleman, this year’s soph HIGHT AWARDED Salter: hymn, congregation, led by vances. Malheur county’s loans for partment division of weights and Wilson, 3b; Bellon rf; Malioy, cf; omore class president, was elected GUERNSEY CALF "Rural America-40 million strong- measures, Rev. Lloyd Pounds; "Hie Heavens regulates livestock Pierce, 2b; Marsh, p; McCoy, c; livestock purposes, are Included vice president over five other can has gWen generously to the Amer scales over which Are Telling’’, girls’ glee club; scrip which is bought Fukiage, ss, and Bybee, lb. Ontario’s in the small portion of the district didates. Francis Hight, sophomore in the ture reading, Bishop Arvll Childs; total which has been disbursed for ican Red Cross. Now the Red Cross and sold, as well as stock battery was Burgher and Joyce. all scales Claudlne Tomlinson was elected Nyssa Future Farmers of America renews its plea for the public to which commodities are handled. over Lord's Prayer", Letha Moyes; general farm purposes.” Nyssa defeated New Plymouth 11 All secertary, Bill Fry treasurer and has been awarded a purebred guer “The take advantage of its services des sermon, Rev. M. H. Greenlee; commercial heavy duty scales, such to 8 in a non-league contest here Don Bishop inter-class rivalry ch nsey heifer calf from the L. A. Mil "Hear igned for the average citizen," ann Us, O Lord”, Colleen Towne, those Used at sales years, are in Tuesday. airman. ler herd at McMinnville. ounced Dr. W. J. Weese, chairman as CHANGES SHOWN Lucille Latham and Gale McCoy; spected yearly by the department. of the Malheur Red Cross chapter. Sears-Roebuck company is finan prayer, Rev. H. N. Waddell; hymn, IN CROP GROWING WEED CONTROL IN Knitters Wanted— cing the purchase of calves for the congregation; benediction, Rev. C. The volume of donations to date COUNTY IS URGED Knitting yam for sleeveless swe 10 eastern Oregon F.F.A. chapters. A. Slaughter, and recessional, high Ralph Brooke, county agent of are as follows: Ontario and vicinity, calf is to go to each school. $3341.70; Vale and vicinity, $1660.57 aters to be made for the Red Cross One Malheur county, said recently that and Requests for the control of mor Nyssa and vicinity, $1795.32. The requirements set up provide seshool band "Agriculture in Malheur county has is now available at the home of $frs that ning glory, white top, Canada th the calves must be from regis "While 50 per cent of the funds made quite a change in the past Pick Tensen, chairman of the Nyssa tered stock, of which the records istle. or Russian knapweed should will go to support the many Red several years. . .and for the better. Cross unit of the Red Cross. Women will are 500 pounds or over on the dam’s services to our armed forces, The Oregon Trail Grange at its be filed in the county agent office Much of this results from certain ing to knit the sweaters are asked side and 650 pounds on the sire’s Weese explained, “many other Tuesday night meeting voted to buy by June 1, J. B. Holladay. assistant factors which introduced into the “Dr. to call at the Tensen home immed side. Hight is to return to the Se services which have been offered a $500 war bond. It already had conty agent, announced today. Since program with the establlsment of labor, time and travel are limited iately for the yam as the call for ars-Roebuck calf committee the fir public for many years are still purchased a $100 bond. the beet sugar factory in 1938. Some the sweaters is a “hurry-up” appeal. st heifer calf. available In fact, they are more The bonds will be placed in the this year, it is believed that such Hie annual meeting of the Malh of these I have discussed in a pre eur Stock Growers association will vious statement about livestock fe important to the Individual and to building fund, which will be used a plan would do much to facilitate phoned from Seattle recently and (be the nation now during wartime th after the war. The Grange also the weed control program in the held Saturday, May 1, starting and dairying. talked to his sister, who in turn at 1:30 PM. in the Moore hotel in eding an ever before.” Restrictions in tra loaned $200 to the Malheur county county. “Besides the expansion of the vel will not pervent the Malheur experiment farm committee from Many requests have already been related the message to his mother. Ontario. livestock and dairying Industry filed and work will begin in the First Lieutenant Charles H. Lane, The tentative program has been since sugar beets became a part of chapter form offering classes in Red the building fund. near future. Mr. Holladay stated son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lane planned to Include the following our farm program, there has also Cross first aid, accident prevention, The Orange has been building that clean cultivation and the app has been transferred from Camp speakers: Prof. E. F. Rinehart, ex developed, to a very substantial de nutrition and home nursing to rural the fund during the last two years lication chemicals will again be Clayborn, Louisiana, to a New tension animal husbandman, Uni gree, the profitable practice of gr groups, it was emphasized. All four through silver drills, scrap drives, practiced of this In view of the York post, where he expects to be versity of Idaho, who will discuss owing certain seed crops, such as courses are of especial value to fa cooperative buying of wheat and shortage of help, year. are urged, called overseas. Another son, First "Livestock Production and Prob onions, carrots, and lettuce, on land rm families, which are distant from coal and donations from members. wherever possible, farmers to apply chemical Lieutenant Garland Lane, who is lems;” H. Soulen, president, Idaho which has grown one or two crops doctors and hospital and nursing The organization collected $175 Tu on their own weeds patches are ground mechanic at Williams Field, Woolgrowers association, who will of sugar beets. Following beets, th care .Skills learned in some Red Cr esday night in donations toward the small. Tills system if would Pheonix, Arizona, 'Just returned discuss “Recent Developments Aff ese crops do especially well, prod oss class may save the live or health $500 bond. Members reported in county help for larger areas release which from a trip to Los Angeles, with ecting Sheep and Wool Production; ucing high yields of good quality of one individual, and he is one dividual purchases of bonds in the demand more time. his wife. . "Walter A. Holt, Umatilla county seeds. The income from such cr more agricultural war worker ne amount of $1425. for chemicals may by Uncle Sam. agent and secretary of the Oregon Harold Kurtz and Edward Kurtz be Arrangements following beets, runs from $150 eded made at the county extension Farm people in Malheur county were initiated into the organizat office. Pt. Harold Kurtz, who has been Woolgrowers association, who will ops, to $600 per acre. stationed at Sheppard Field, Tex discuss “Legislature Affecting the “The practice of planting these are urged to get in touch with their ion. Cross chapter to arrange for as, since his call the latter part Woolgrower of Today;” and Dudley crops after beets results from Red Move To Canada— these wartime protection classes. WELL KNOWN LDS Technical Sergeant James B. At- of March, has recently been trans Sltton, superintendent of the Malh seed several causes. Among other things, Mr and Mrs Fred Burgesser and keson of Nyssa has notified his par ferred with other air corp reserves eur branch experiment station, who the thorough cultivating and hoe Class times and locations are so pl son loft Wednesday for Winnipeg, ents, Mr and Mrs A. L. Atkeaon, to A & M college, Stillwater, Okla will discuss “Hie Winter's Beef Fe ing of a beet field eradicates weeds anned to same time and gasoline. MEMBER PASSES Manitoba. Canada, where they will by letter that he is now in England homa. eding Operations Conducted on the that you can grow a seed crop “There is still more to Red Cross Funeral services for Albert L. Mc make their home. Mr. Burgesser work than giving of your money, Sergeant Atkeson’s letter reads in A-c Merle Kurtz began his basic Station." Additional features of the so without weed contamination. The and accepted a position with the taking through class in Inst Clellan, Sr., former Nyssa resident, has training at Lancaster, California, 'program will be worked out to make rotation of seed crops and sugar part: held April 12 in the Union Manitoba Sugar company as chief Just a note to let you know I am April 17. the meeting one of interest and beets promises to make seed grow ruction, “Dr Weese added. "Giving were church with Bishop Leo An chemist. He has been employed by ok. Am now at my final destination. educational value to the livestock ing one of our major activities in else Includes the work of over three L.DS. derson presiding. Lloyd Walsh of the Amalgamated Sugar company million chapter volunteers in the Had a lot of fun getting here. Have Byron Barton, who has not been producer. Malheur County. There is no comp the Union stake presidency was the In Nyssa ever since the local factory received a lot of letters from you. heard from for some time, writes A banquet is planned for the eve arison between the quality and yield seven special service crops in such speaker. Hope you got all of mine. The cen that he is stationed at New ning. All stockgrowers are urged to of seed crops grown in rotation with programs as production of surgical j Mr. McClellan was bom Septem was built In 1938 sors would probably cut out all the Guinea. He is advanced to fireman attend both the meeting and the sugar beets and those grown in ot dressings and kit bags for the arm - ' ber 13, 1884 at Loa, Utah, the son ed forces, or visits by home service Interesting news. Consequently th 2nd class. Barton sailed on the San banquet following. her ways. workers to the families or service- | of Hugh Jefferson and Jullett Ch ere’s not much to say. Condor isn't Francisco and was injured in the “There is plenty of land for feeds, men. some problem has arts- ' ase McClellan. In 1903, after assist here and Fm live chief till he arr battle In November. seeds, potatoes and a great variety POETS’ V-HOME CAMPAIGN of other crops which grow well in en to where be solved by the Red Cross. ing his father in farming and stock- ives. Hope he gets here soon. Malheur chapter needs more volun raising, Mr McClellan attended the “I reached here on my 24th bir Second Lieutenant Boyd B. Brown IS STARTED HERE Malheur Oounty and still leave as teers CORNER throughout this rural comm A. C. college of Logan. Utah and thday Probably a memorable date, of Nyssa having completed a six much as 12.600 acres of land for the following year was called to ta Ha Majbe will be somewhere far weeks course of military instruc Block leaders of the civil defense sugar beets each year. The county unity to aid in the Job to be done. ke a missionary course at the B. Y. different on next one: who knows? tion and physical conditioning at group of Nyssa started a V-home planning board has Included this Men and women are invited to give university Edited by at Provo, Utah, after wh as much or as little time as they the air force officer training school campaign Monday. much beet acreage in its war crop ich he fulfilled a two year mission T. CAROL BYBEE Amor ’ the 13 Oregon men advan at Miami Beach. Florida, was Requirements for a V-home are program. Last year slightly more can spare to their Red Cross chap to the northern states. ced from the pre-flight school of graduated with his class in the air conservation of food, clothing, tr than 11,000 acres of sugar beets ter". SMILE In 1909, Mr. McClellan was mar the San Antonio aviation cadet cen farces of the army of the United ansportation and health; salvaging were harvested in Malheur county , ried to Nora Taylor. To this union ter in Texas recently as Aviation States. He is prepared to take of essential materials, refusal to sp so growers should aim to plant app were born five children, all of wh Twenty-three muscles It takes to over executive duties in air forces read rumors, and purchase of war roximately the same in 1943, or sl Cadet Paul W Heldt of Nyssa. om survive. In 1912 he moved to frown. savings stamps and bonds. The cadets Will undergo training maintenance. ightly more, for a well-rounded Payson, Utah, where he became a To smile, it takes only eight. Persons meeting the requlrments county agriculture program." in the air at primary, basic and member of the high council and Why work those muscles overtime? advanced flying fields before winn Willard A. Aston is somewhere will be given a V-home sticker counsellor to Bishop Heber Curtis Better smile before its too late. ing the coveted wings and comm in the Pacific. A letter received "Let's see a sticker in each home NYSSA YOUTHS The Nyssa branch of the First of the Payeon 4th ward He served by his ps rents recently was dated in Nyssa”. said Mrs Walter Thomp issions at flying officers. National bank of Portland has pur two years as marshal of that city. Like a dark cloud overhanging the TO ENTER MEET March 7 and said: “It is 120 de son. local leader. chased $486.000 worth of bonds dur Mr. McClellan and his family mov sky Mrs J E Wheeler has two eons grees hot" when he made his Several Nyssa high school boys ing the second war loan campaign ed to Union in 1930 and there he That's how we look when we pout in the service, one on one side rounds. He is in the maritime Youngsters Te Form Club— engaged In farming and stockrais Let’s wear a smile, dispell all the Any child nine years of age or will participate in the eastern Oreg this month of the continent and one on service. older Is invited to Join the Nyssa on track meet to be held in La- The bank has sold approximately ing and moved to Nyssa in 1939 gloom the other Oswell Forties, a 2nd Saturday They will be acc $100.000 worth of bonds to individ During the two years he resided in Hang your “Happiness Shingle” out. class mechanic in diesel engineer Clarence Zink, who has two sons 4-H Victory Garden club, which trill Orande to LaOrande by Coach uals and firms during the month, Nysaa. Mr McClellan managed the ing. gets his mall at New York in the service, has received word be formed at a meeting to be held ompanied bringing the total handled through Western hotel In 1842 he went to Twenty-three muscles It takes to Young. fleet station He expects to go to that one of his soons. Dee J. Zink, in the Nyssa grade school building John the local bank during the month southern California, but the change frown The Nyssa youths will enter the Friday between 12 and 12:46 by Mrs is “right in the front lines of ac Key West. South America, soon. failed to improve his health and he To smile, it takes only eight. events; Ward. 230 low to almost $600.000 Her other son. C. A. Forbes, is in tion”. He is with the army in Walter Thompson, local leader of 'following It opens the wey for friendship to * Browne. 100 yard dash; Malheur county's quota during died April 5. the 38th constructSion battalion North Africa His other son. James the civil defense organization In hurdles; 440; Church. 880. and Hill, the present campaign is $1.800.000. Survivors include a daughter. Mrs bloom and gets his mail at fleet station Zink, is an instructor in the heavy terested children are asked to meet Larson. Let happiness in at the gate. Everett Hamilton of Nysaa. at the entrance to the building high Jump and 128 high hurdles. based on the 1940 census. P.O, San Francisco He tele artillery e4 Camp Lewis Loss To Building And Equipment Placed At $6500 Loans Increase Crop Production Meat Shortages To Be Discussed Careful Animal Weighing Urged Grange Raising Building Fund Stock Growers Plan Gathering Our Boys In The Service First National Purchases Bonds