Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1943)
M l fH E N YSSA G A TE C IT Y JO U R N A L PAGE SIX M H im TH U RSD AY, A P R IL Mrs Artie Robertson won high sc- j auxiliaries at Vale, Ontario. Adrian ore. The traveling prize was given . and Nyssa. to Mrs Turner. j The new elective officers of the On Tuesday of this week Mrs [ Nyssa unit are Mrs Louise Heldt, Bailey again entertained another i president, Amy Adams, vice presi- one of her clubs. Winners of prizes I dent; Jean pletcher> vlce were Mrs George Sallee and Mrs i presjdent; Cora Thompson, secre- Bernard Frost. Mrs R. O. Larson tary; JuUft McDonald. treasurer, and NeMe PoweU hi9torlan. ort. The following report from the was a guest of the club. supreme office testifies to the effort SU RPR ISE P A R T Y G IVEN I B IR T H D A Y P A R T Y HELD of this society generally Rev. and Mrs M. H. Greenlee en- Mrs j j g „ aian entertained Sat- Additional government bonds in tertained Tuesday evening at dinner urday at , blrthday party in honor the amount of $2,500,000 have been with a suprise party for their dau of her son, David, who celebrated purchased by Royal Neighbors of ghter, Verna. The 12 guests were his 14th birthday. After dinner the America, giving the society a total girls of the senior class, of which 12 guests and the host attended a , .. ~ . . . . of $5,084,750 invested in United St- Miss Oreenlee is a member. Spring | plcture show . ates securities, according to a report flowers were used on the table and received by Alice A. Collins, recor about the rooms. FASHION SHOW HELD The Easter parade was ie theme of the fashion show sponsored by the Girls league and the Home Ec onomics club of the high school in the gymnasium Wednesday aftern oon. _ . . , The theme was presented in the . , . ... .„.. form of a dream. Aloha Maw fell asleep and in her dream appeared three of her gi; 1 friends, portrayed der of local camp. by Virginia Troutner, Geneva G ra The society’s purchase of $2,500.- ham and Harriett Herrman, who 000 worth of government war bonds acted as models. A group of senior girls, headed at this time serves as a part of two by Verna Greenlee, president of the ?.atrt.°.tlc P ^ t s . One is the Royal OirLs league, and Dorothy Snader, N*ighbor M<*h6rs day » a r bond president of the Home Economics canlpulgn and the other is the se- club, acted as hostesses at the t e a , 60nd war loan drlve of the treasury which was held in the home econ- oepartmenL omlcs room of the high school bui- ! In , vlew of the socU*ys campaign lding following the fashion show, ,0 sel1 war b,)nds nnd stwnPs amon« which was attended by approximat- |‘ J* 5 846 camPs and 500 600 members ely 100 persons. Bernice Whipple ,hls lnvestment has 156611 '•'‘signaled was general chairman of the show. as 'rhe NelShbor Mother s The grils glee club directed by Day Purchase of Government War Mrs John Young presented special B<,nds’ The amount of the purch- numbers |ase ls considered a fitting tribute __» _ | from the society to mothers o f the SOCIE7TY BUYS BONDS I "ation for their sacrifices and con- An interesting meeting of the tributlons to the war effort. The Royal Neighbors of America, Camp society's campaign opened March 1 No. 10730, was held Tuesday evening and closes May 31, 1943. - 8 - M A Y P A R T Y PLAN NED The ladles o f the Episcopal guild met last Wednesday afternoon at the home o f Mrs Dick Tensen to make plans for a May day party, which will be held May 1 at 1:30 at the parish hall. Bridge and pinochle will be played. The public Is invited to attend. Those desiring reserv ations should call Mrs Artie Rober tson or Mrs Bernard Eastman. - 8 - L IB R A R IA N T O SPE AK The Wesleyan Service guild of the Methodist church will meet April 27 at 8 o’clock at the church. Miss Lillian Nisbitt, county librarian, will be the guest speaker. - 8 - C H ATTE R B O X CLUB MEETS Mrs Wallace Gregg entertained the Chatterbox club at her home Wednesday afternoon of last week. Seven members were present. Mrs Charles Grider became a new mem ber. Mrs Carl Meredith of Vale was a visitor. The hostess served refres hments of salad, sandwiches and punch. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Ira Ure April 28. - 8 - in St. Paul’s parish hall. The main HAS T W O PA R T IE S issure before the members at the Mrs Bert Lienkaemper was host present time, as all other organi zations is their part in the war e ff- ess to a group of ladies at bridge Wednesday afternoon of last week. Three tables of guest were present. Mrs Larry Brown and Mrs Lloyd Lewis were winners at cards. C juatantaad In the evening Mrs Lienkaemper entertained the regular Wednesday SCREW WORM club. - 8 - For this affair, one table of HAS B IR T H D A Y P A R T Y KILLER AND | guests were invited. The club prizes W. W. Poster entertained at R E P E L L E N T were won by Mrs Grant Rinehart a Mrs i)» y . birthday dinner Tuesday evening AGAINST ALL FLIES and Mrs Sylvester Heiner. Mrs John for her daughter. Miss Eleanor Pos Young received the guest prize. ter. Places were laid for eight. The • D . v . l o p . d by 'A - 8 - C U TTE R labora- table was attractively decorated In SU ND AY CLUB MEETS t o r ia i, K -R -S it in the Easter motif. The color sch The Sunday Evening club of the •n tiraly diffarant and mor* potent than ordinary killers young married group met with Mr eme of green and yellow was carried or repellents alone or in combination. and Mrs R. G. Whitaker. Mrs Harry out In the menu and decorations. Several lovely gifts were presented ONLY ONE TREATMENT NEEDEDI Miner received high score in bridge to the honoree. Buy a can today! If in your opinion it i and G e o r 86 S a lle S6C0nd h i* h M rs i. not by (ar th . m o.t a ff.c t iv . billar John Bishop was a guest. or repellent you have ever used, return what's le ft and w e'll refund your entire HOSTESS T O CLUB purchase prise. Mrs Keith Bailey was hostess to OWYHEE DRUG CO. Phone 29 Night Phone 91W the regular Thursday club last we ek. Special guests for the afternoon were Mrs S W. Abersold, Mrs Tom Turner and Mrs Ormnnd Thomas. ALEXANDER’S Ready To Outfit You For Easter! WITH THE LATEST AND SMARTEST Suits For Men SUITS that have that easy fit and quality that will last through several seasons of good hard wear. You’ll like the pure-wool worsteds, cov LOCAL NEWS Undergoes Operation— Dick Stockman, supervisor at the Owyhee dam, underwent a major operation recently in the Ontario hospital. Leaves Hospital— Virgil Anderson, who was injur ed when struck by a bicycle ridden by LeRoy Merrick, was dismissed from the Ontario hospital this we ek. He was hurt last week. Visit Here— M r and Mrs Ralph Timson and Mrs Ruth W ilcox are here from Salt Lake City visiting their sister, Mrs G. L. Smith. M r and Mrs Ch arles Timson of Council, Idaho were also here over the week-end. The family motored to Boise Sunday to visit a brother, Robert Timson, who is ill in a hospital. En Route To East— Mrs E. K. Hutchinson o f Leban on, Oregon and Miss Helen Golden are visiting members of the Thomp son fam ily in Nyssa. They are en route to Sheridan Pennsylvania. Miss Golden Is a granddaughter of J. T. Long. models, in colorful spring patterns that add a touch of smartness to any man. 35.00 $ 40.00 $ 45.00 $ For Spring you want bright, cheerful ties. W e have them in a se emingly endless proces sion of color combina tions to satisfy every taste and temperament. 50c to $1.50 Regular or lightweight hats for Spring. The se ason’s outstanding fav orites in color, shape, trim and texture. $3.50 Spring Shirts to team up with your new suit. Stripes, plaids, figures, solids and whites. A whale of an assortment, from $1.75 to $2.50 W e have the pick of pajamas in any man’s language. Smartly cut with lots o f room for full freedom o f move ment. $5.00 $6.00 $2.00 $2.50 $4.00 There’s no shortage of No wardrobe is comp slacks at Alexander’s. lete without a Snort Co- Here you’ll find gabar at. Full cut and roomy dines, bedfordcords, tw for comfort, yet smart eeds and shetlands by in style. They come in the hundreds, in scores solid colors, plaids, ch o f patterns and colors. ecks and figures. $6.45 to $8.45 $13.95 to $16.50 ALEXANDERS “ Where Good Clothes Cost Less” Ontario Oregon Promoted SAVE AT AUCTION W e offer a great chance to pick up bargains in goods often worth twice the purchase price. Come early and look things over. Sale Every Saturday Bybee Livestock Sales Co. D. O. Bybee, Mgr Phone 05J3 W . L. Lane, Auctioneer O ffice Ph. 25R. Phone 116J NYSSA Phone 108 PROGRAM THEATRE Double Feature FRIDAY and SATURDAY, APRIL 23— 24 Lloyd Nolan, Heather Angel and Ralph Byrd in “TIME TO KILL” The Range Busters in “TRAIL RIDERS” Sat. Mat.. 2:30 P. M , Adnu 5c-20c; Evening, llc-33c. Includes tax SUNDAY and MONDAY, APRIL 25— 26 Phillip Dorn, Anna Sten, John Shepperd and Virginia Gilmore in “ CHETNIKS, TH E F IG H TIN G G U E R R IL L A S " See The Man Who Keeps An Entire German Army Busy. Latest M ARCH OF TIM E and Sports Mat Sun 2:30, Adm. llc-2»c. Evening A dig. 11c-33c. Include« tax — B A R G A IN N IG H T — TUESDAY, APRIL 27 Jimmy Lydon and Charlie Smith in "HENRY ALDRICH GETS GLAMOUR” Sports and King o f the Mounties A d m iss io n E v e n in g — l i e a n d $3c. In c lu d in g D efi T as Homedale, 22A2XP FOR SALE—Fine old violin. Sacr ifice in price to settle estate. Write W e had an extra good sale this Violinist, 605 Meadow Drive, Boise. week. Prices were good on all kinds 22Alxp of stock. W e were short on fat cat W ANTE D —Fryers at Brownie’s ca tle. Buyers were here who didn’t fe. 22A4XC get enough. Bring your stock here. W e will get you the best prices for W O R K W ANTE D —Man with cat them. erpillar wants work plowing, disc HOGS, 580 HEAD ing or ditch work. B. Fujii, care Market Strong F.S.A. camp or see Jack Fujii at Top—on choice butchers.$14.30 high school. 22A2xp Bulk ....................... $13.90 to $14.30 Packing sows ........ $12.75 to $13.40 Clifton B. Cates, who was in FOR SALE— Between 15 and 20 Feeder Pigs ............ $15.00 to $15.60 command of the First Regiment tons of good alfalfa hay. D. P. Pull SHEEP, 122 HEAD of U. S. Marines throughout the en, route 1, Nyssa. 22ATFC Market Good Guadalcanal campaign, has been promoted from the rank of col Lambs ................... $13.00 to $13.25 onel to brigadier general. Gen. W ANTED — Horse-drawn patato cu HORSES, 44 HEAD Cates is shown wearing the new ltivator, write, stating price and Horse Market Slow ly designed Guadalcanal blaze. C ATTLE , 504 HEAD The “i ” indicates the First Ma Market Strong rine Division, the stars the Good fed steers ......$15.00 to $15.35 Southern Cross. 1 Good grass fat steers ................. .....$14.00 to $15.00 ch for a time before going into act Common to good ive duty with the navy. Mr. Bush steers ......................$11.00 to $13.50 ong, who Joined the navy last fall, Medium to good fed took five months of special train heifers .................... $13.00 to $14.00 Medium to good grass ing at Phoenix. He is now a lieut S upplies Iron And V ita m in s B i heifers ................... $12.00 to $13.00 enant, junior grade. A n d C, O ften Lacking In Diet Visit In Baker— Good cows .............$11.25 to $12.00 M r and Mrs Charles Garrison m- Medium to good irritable cows .................... spent Sunday in Baker with M r $9.60 to $10.50 Cutter cows ........... $8.00 to $9.00 and Mrs Frank Olsen. Canners .................... $5.00 to $7.00 Sales Continued— Best bulls ................f t 1.00 to $13.50 The thrift sale sponsored by the Veal calves $12.00 to $16.00 St. Paul’s guild of the Episcopal ch Good quality Stocker and feeder urch will be continued for several steers ....................... $14.50 to $15.00 Medium stocker and feeder weeks each Saturday, beginning at 1:30 in the parish hall. steers ......... $13.50 to $14.50 Stock calves .............$13.50 to $14.00 Services Planned— Heifers ....................$13.00 to $13.50 Good Friday services of the Epis Good quality stock copal church will be held at 8 o’cl cows .......................... $8.00 to $9.00 ock In the parish hall tomorrow. Oood milk cows $125.00 to $137.50 Rev. J. Burton Salter will preside. Cheaper kind $85.00 to $100.00 HERE’S AMAZING WAY TO GAIN NEW STRENGTH you frequently feel tired I F dined to be nervous and irril Youngsters Arrive— M r and Mrs E. N. Horn of Nyssa are the parents of a daughter, Car olyn Margaret, born in the Britt- ingham home in Ontario recently. A son, weighing 8 pounds, 13 oun ces, wrs bom to M r and Mrs D. Fairbanks of Nyssa In the Holy Rosary hospital. — appetite poor —this message may apply to you. t A new preparation called Pursin now supplies iron and precious Vita mins B, and G, often found lacking in weak, tired people—who are suffering from a nutritional deficiency of these needed elements. You know how im portant it is to have a sufficient sup ply of iron. The vitamins help stimu late appetite and aid digestion so you eat more and get more good from the foods you do eat. I If you are feeling below par because your body lacks sufficient iron and Vitamins B, and G, do this. Get Pursin from your druggist today. Take it regularly and see if it doesn't help you feel joyfully alert again. ONTARIO LIVESTOCK A McKesson Product. COMMISSION CO. Cwyhee Drug To. We deeply appreciate the kindness shown to us during our recent bereavement, caused by the death o f our beloved father, Judge W. J. W ill iams. Words cannot adequately express the great thanks we feel in our hearts for the comfort pro vided by the many acts of kindness extended to us in our time of sorrow. The friendliness of city officials and others will not soon be forgotten. Mrs Josephine Goldman. Mrs Veda Marshall. Roy Williams. Fred Williams. Easter The Nyssa chapter of the Amer ican Red Cross recently completed Its war fund campaign with a large surplus over its quota. W ith a goal of $1000, Nyssa’s con tributors gave a total of $1794.67 Mrs Dick Tensen. chairman expr essed thanks to those who coopera ted in the campaign The collections have been group ed as follows: R.F.D.. $464.72; Ad rian. $72; residents of Nyssa. $333.- 94; business gift subscriptions. $311; organizations, $265.74; Big Bend (lower), $81.75; Wade, $56.60, and theater collections, $211.42. Clothing For The Children REG U LATIO NS ON PRICES REVEALED The Nyssa war price and ration ing board has available a copy of O P A maximum price regulation No. 341. used commercial vehicles. Frank Parr, price chairman, announced following a meeting of the price panel Tuesday night. Mr. Parr said that the panel will discuss this regulation at its next meeting with the thought that the group will bo enabled to promptly supply both purchasers and sellers of this equipment with full inform ation concerning proper ceiling pri ces. M r Parr also said that price ceil ings are to be fixed on meals and beverages served In public eating and drinking places. All "covered’’ establishments will be notified of the requirements of this order. The local board ls prepared to accept their filings of menus and other prices of food and drink items. ANGLING SEASON TO OPEN M A Y 1 The angling season for trout not less than six Inches in length will be opened In Malheur county May 1 It xrlll also be opened on the sa me day In Baker. Grant. Hamey. Klamath, Umatilla. Union. Wallowa and Wheeler counties. The trout bag limit Is 15 fish or 15 pounds and one fish In any one day. but not to exreed 30 fish or 30 pounds and two fish In any seven consecutive days or In possession at any one time. Mayo Moss, Manager Bert Anderson, Auctioneer Card Of Thanks Dresses 79c To $ 4 .9 5 Dainty rayons and sheers, o f new’ materials, colors and styles. Also those cute little prints, so neat and becoming t o the young lady. Sizes 3 to 14. Shoes $ 1.98 UNDERWEAR ANKLETS RIBBONS To STOCKINGS etc. Admission. 5e-Me, Including tax WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, APR. 28— 29 George Murphy, Anne Shirley, Carole Landis, Bennv Goodman and Alan Mowbray in “THE POWERS GIRL” A Prize Package of the Most Beautiful Girls in the World to Thrill You and Make You Laugh. Cartoon and New's E. Wretling, LO ST—Heart-shaped locket, bear ing Initial R. Finder leave at Food j FO R SALE—Good hay. Walter B e 22A2xc Mart. 22A2xp nson. Telephone 03R2 RED CROSS U N IT DRIVE SUCCESS W e handle farm sales. condition. Idaho. Too Late to Classify j LO ST—pair of glasses in case at | Dunaway pond. Reward. "Butch’ FOR SALE—Two tons first crop Burbidge. 22ATFC alfalfa hay. $15 ton. S. D. Bigelow, route 1, Nyssa. 22Alxc Working In Caldwell— Mrs Elizabeth Rosengrants, reg istered nurse, is employed In the Memorial hospital in Caldwell. She Attend Services— Mrs Mattie Moreland. Miss Clau- is a former Nyssa resident. dine Tomlinson and Rev. and Mrs — 8— H. N. Waddell and family attended IN S T A L L A T IO N PLAN NE D Here From New York—* Officers of the American Legion Mrs Lymnn Bishop, mother-in- the evening services of the First auxiliary will be Installed by Dist law of Mrs John Bishop, ls here Church of Christ in Boise Sunday rict President Della Albrecht of from Lyons, New York for a visit. evening. Rev. Waddell was the guest speaker. Baker at a meeting to be held in the Legion hall April 27. Navy Man Visits— Mrs Albrecht, accompanied by st James W. Bushong, former prin Attend Convention— Rev. and Mrs H. N. Waddell and ate officers, will be here for a cou cipal of the Nyssa union high sch nty conference, which will be at ool, was here Tuesday while en ro Charlotte Kay returned Saturday tended by representatives of the ute to Ohio State university to tea afternoon from the eastern Oregon state convention o f the Churches of Christ. The convention was well attended. erts, tweeds and gabardines. There are hund reds on our racks in single and double breasted 1943 to complete the Easter $ 2 .9 8 Patent straps, white straps and black, br own or white oxfords. dress. A ll sizes. Golden Rule Store NYSSA OREGON