TilE PAGE FOUR N YSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY. APRIL 22, 1943 _ - 3 . — Kingman Kolony Mr and Mrs Ray Cartwright were Mrs Charley Wilson visited Mrs rtland terminals to be placed in Joe i dinner guests at the Arthur Cart fa / fà e f- Zurcher and her new baby at the Stalin's ships and sent t* Vladivos- | home Sunday. Nampa Nazarene hospital last week Misses Arlene Piercy and Betty wright tok; that other tons have been sent Mrs Conrad Martin and Mrs Wil HUNOENDEVIL DOGS* to Russia from the Atlantic coast | Jean Toomb were among the 4-H liam Toomb and son, Dickie were and that England has been receiv sewing club girls to attend the all dinner guests in the Wesley Piercy ing great quantities. There has been day meeting Saturday as guests of home Sunday. an unprecedented demand for bull Members of the Owyhee Sunday Shirley Smith. Cliff Beaumont and Miss Mae etins from the department of agr- Beaumont were in Nyssa on bus school enjoyed a basket dinner af Mrs Lyle Trew, Mrs Raymond ! ¡culture giving instructions on how iness Friday. Holton, and Mrs Harvey Holton ter Sunday school Sunday at the \ to raise poultry. Orders have been in Caldwell Thursday. school house. In the afternoon Rev. shopped issued that baby chicks cannot be ' Miss Nadsen Nichols was an over Buena Vista [ sold to the Easter trade as this is j Shaver of Caldwell held preaching night guest of Miss Nadeen Wilson a waste of potential hens and eggs. services. Solos were sung by Miss Pvt. Allen Udlinck, who is stat Saturday. The Wilsons, accompan Even candy eggs, the chocolate var- j Alice Hashitani and Mrs. Jewlem ied by Miss Dorothy Toomb, took ioned in California called at the iety, have been prohibited. and a duet was sung by Mrs George her to Nyssa on Sunday afternoon, Leslie Topliff home Sunday after For the new air base at Madras j home by stage. noon. in Jefferson county, which has some j Oregg And Jess Gregg. There were and Mrs she Art. returned Sparks and children sh Mr and Mrs E. L. Jamison were 40,000 acres of level land without | 65 in attendance at Sunday school. in Nyssa Saturday. in Ontario Monday. a rock or bit of sagebrush, the fed- j Mrs LaVone Culbertson and Mrs opped Mrs Wesley Piercy, Mrs James Mrs Leonard Ducan and Pfc. Washington, D. C., April 22—Ev eral housing agency will build 22j Louise Gregg were Joint hostesses to and Mrs John Theil were in Leonard Goodell were dinner guests ery ojg dealer in Oregon who has family units for civilian war work- i the Owyhee Community club Thu Lane, at the Alva Goodell home Wednes New Plymouth Thursday. been storaging surplus eggs in ant ers. Government has already ex- i rsday. Prize winners in a game were Mrs Conrad Martin was in Cald day and supper guests at the Leslie icipation of the season when the pended $2,000,000 on the base. Mad- j Mrs Juanita Slippy and Mrs Hazel well on business Thursday. Topliff home that evening. Mrs hens are not producing freely will ras will, according to present plans, | Chamberlain. Three new members Mr and Mrs Robert Toomb and Ducan and Pfc Goodell are niece have his supply bought by the gov- be the last airport that the army joined the club. Refreshments of of Oregon Trail called at the and nephew of Alva Goodell and eriiment on June 1. Thereafter com will establish in the Oregon country. salad, sandwiches, wafers and coff family William Toomb home Friday even Mrs Topliff. munities will have to depend on th A few more flight strips alongside ee were served. Brodie, who enlisted in the eir local supply. It is too much to arterial highways are yet to be co Members of the Owyhee Comm ing.Mrs Harvey Holton and Mrs Ray air Jack corp, has received the commis predict that there will be an egg mpleted, however. These are for em unity club sold lunches at the Geo mond Holton were in Nyssa shop sion of a lieutenant. crisis, but there will be a district ergency purposes. No tabulation has rge Nein sale Tuesday. ping Monday. They visited at the Lieutenant Brodie is stationed at shortage and it is not impossible been made available, and probably Mr and Mrs Rex Walters and C.C. Cotton home. Mather Field, California. that before the end of the war eggs will not be until after the war, as daughter, Brenda, moved to Walla Misses Arlene Piercy and Betty Alva Goodell, Jr. and Edward and will be on the rationed list. Eggs to the number of millions of dollars Walla where Mr Walters has been Jean Toomb were dinner guests of Irvin Topliff were in Payette Thur are now more precious than rubies the army and navy have spent in transferred. Patty DeHaven in Adrian Sunday. sday evening. Oregon. in England. Mr and Mrs Gerald Slippy and The food distributing agency is Statistics show that 710 Oregon Billy Glenn were guests of the Ray looking forward to a tough time farmers received from the govern Franklin family near Parma Sun- with dealers and consumers when ment in excess of $1,000 for reduc NE NAMES Used National I day. APTLY D ESCRIBES TH EIR D U TIES, ASHORE OR the egg buying policy becomes ef ing production in 1941. From the Mr and Mrs D. P. Pullen and son, 'AFLOAT AND NOW CAN B E ADCED, fective. It may surprise some civ agricultural conservation program ‘ IN TH E A IR . ___________ Fred, were Sunday dinner guests of ilians to know that 300 carloads of these farmers received $829,440 and Noble Pullen family of Home- powdered eggs were rolled into Po- | parity payments were $661,412, a total for these farmers of $1,490,861. sponsored by the United Presbyter- the dale. Mr and Mrs S. T. Calhoun of Pa i¡i'i¡» ¡ 11:111111 uiniiuiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM In addition there were hundreds lan church. were callers in the neighbor who received less than $1.000 but The Nelson family from Califor- yette Friday. Among those visited For Sale for wheih there is no breakdown. nla have moved into one of the hood were the S. D. Bigelow, E. E. Croc John Holly houses south of town. Plants for dehydrating vegetables Bybee families. Year after year and fruit have been approved by The Brownie Girl Scouts met Sat ker Mr and and Mrs Byrd Walters of Bo Good assortment of new mattresses. the department of agriculture for urday with Donna Peterson. This ise visited the parental Ellis Eugene, Corvallis, Lebanon, Salem group will be led by Mrs Anna Sp Walters home at Sunday. By every test Inland stands and end tables. Nice walnut (two), Dundee, Dallas, Freewater. arks and Virginia Miller, as assist Mrs John Yanish and daughter, The armed forces and lend-lease ant leader. The intermediate Scout Christina, New Jersey, who are pieces. program are asking for unlimited group will be led by Mrs Nevin. visiting Mrs of Yanish’s Mr. ONE quantities of food in dehydrated Nominations for student body and Mrs. George Nein, parents, dinner Two electric ranges. form. After the water has been re officers and May gueen were held guests of Mrs Werner were Peutz. Mrs moved from the fruit and vegetables at a special student body meeting Neil was also a guest. the weight is reduced from 88 to 95 Friday. Election will be held this Mrs Nicholson Kenneth McDonald and dau week. percent. If the dehydrated food is ghter, Kay, who were guests at the Mrs Harvey Otis, assisted by Mrs. then compressed it is further re Nordale Furniture Store Martha Klingtoack home, returned duced and requires very small space M. Greeling, entertained members to their home in Caldwell Thursday. in a cargo carrier. Idaho will have |of the Book club Saturday at a a number of plants to dehydrate j dessert luncheon. The review for potatoes, but none of the Oregon the afternoon was the "Song of plants are located close to the prin Bernadette” by Werfel, given by cipal potato sources in that state. Mrs Brumbach. Federal works agency is approp Mrs Threlma Elliot and Donald riating $1,687 for Medford and $1,- and Kenneth were Wednesday din KING OF THE HYBRIDS 359 for Independence as the federal ner guests at the J. G. Lane home. contribution toward maintaining George Schemer has rented the There can be only one BEST of any recreational centers for soldiers at farm land belonging to Mrs Susie thing. In hybrid corn, that B E ST ia Camp White and Camp Adair. The Johnson. Iowealth—as proven by Iow ealth’« maintenance will continue until Members of the Sew and Save winning more yield and performance June 30—the end of the fiscal year. 4-H Clothing club held their last awards, year after year W ith that record goes assurance of 10 to 20 Half of all the cheese of the Ch regular meeting at the home of bushels more per acre, staffer stalks, eddar variety produced in Oregon Shirley Smith. Following a potluck easier husking, drouth resistance, must b« saved for the government. dinner the afternoon was spent in and many other advantages. And This quota will be sent abroad un seam and garment finishing, to be Iowealth seed costs you less than der lend-lease and to military for exhibited in the scrap books. Mrs $1 an acre. Stop in. D on’t buy ces. What is left will be available Luit Stam and Patty De Haven we hybrid corn until you get our prices. for civilians under the rationing re guests of the club program. The factories making sp The 4-H cooking club, with their ecial types, such as blue and Swiss, leader, Mrs Hatch, visited grocery can produce to their full capacity stores in Adrian Friday to study the as thkse types are not rationed and food point system in order to learn arc not wanted by the government. how to budget points in preparing Klamath farmers have been cry well balai'.’Cd meals. ing about shortage of fertilizer and The 4-H garden clubs are well l’liimc 26 2nd and Good Ave. this matter has finally been ironed underway with their work. Mrs H. out. The government agency hand B. Williams met With her group lì .f’lllllilililll'lil HI II II HI 111111 HI III I Ili II 11 II HI HI 11 HI HI HI lilt HI III III IIHIil III HI IIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIII HI HI ling the problem reports that Klam Tuesday at the Kingman school ath will have 22,000 aches in pota house. Plans for both early and late toes this year and it has been ass gardens were discussed. ured by growers that one ton of Dorothy Toomb met with her ga fertilizer will produce 20 tons of rdening club Wednesday at the high school. potatoes. Jimmy Byrnes, the boss of stabil The division 1 clothing girls met ization bureau, has fixed the price with Mrs C. Elliott this week. The i for Oregon strawberries at 12 cents girls exhibited their work and ju a pound to the grower, an increase dged it according to requirements over the 1942 price. For the chicken in the bulletin. Mrs Anna Sparks growers the price is fixed at 23.5 is leader for this club. The home vegetable garden is an important con cents a pound as compared with 18 tribution to the war effort. The production of cents in 1942. an increase of 30 per Sunset Valley cent. Some Oregon growers were foods for your own family is worth much more Uncle Sam needs as many as you asking for 38 cents and complain The Worthwhile club met Thurs than the actual cash value of the things you can produce! We need 'em on the ing that producers have been recei day with Mrs Annie Gregg. Sixteen Home Front, too! Fallow i ving only 28 cents and recently the members were present to enjoy the grow. Along with millions of other victory gar price was _______________ down to 24 cents. Tested Plan. -- Follow the lecture by Mrs Anderson of the dens it will add immeasurably to America's food r , . _ Idaho Power company, discussing supply. Adrian • the freezing method of preserving _____ fruits, vegetables and meats. Mrs The members of the junior class Anderson urges every one to attend entertained for members of the sen- victory health program conduc No one knows now which foods tor class Friday evening The gym- ted at the Ny“ « hi*h school build- will be plentiful, and w h i c h nasium was pavillioned with crepe ing every first Thursday at 2 p.m. paper streamers of rainbow colors ** and Mrs Sylvester Dorr and scarce, next fall. But you can be 'Productive Pullet Plan with a large rainbow at one end of children of Vale spent Saturday sure your family will eat well if the room. Spring flowers and bou- nteht and Sunday at the Claud you give your garden the attention it deserves. ghs of green leaves against a picket Britton home. fence bordered the other end o f! The Rev. Mrs Cohall and husband who have been liviTO at the Assem the room. F.»d of God parsonage, returned to A buffet supper was served at bly Than Feed Then come plans for preserving Brownsville, Oregon last week. They L.irro card tables that surrounded the L.irro will make their home there. Miss dance floor. On the tables and pia and storing for next winter's SUREBUILD SURELAY no bouquets of daffadils and forsy- Tressn Ditty is in charge of ser C h ic k B uild er meals. Recipes and information vices at the present time. IM Maik thia were placed. fa r »ha » in t Mrs George Wilson entertained »ha rat» af Following the supper a dance was on canning methods are easy to 1 2 waaksT »hair livaaf held with music provided by the with a birthday party Sunday after obtain. A good file, started now, will be inval noon. honoring her three-year old Baldwin Orchestra Faculty and bo uable for the canning season. ard members and their wives were son, Gary. Guests were Charlotte, Kenneth and Roland Ditty, Phyllis special guests. The A. N. K garden club met at Case. Sharon Query, Marion. Pern. the home of Mrs Holton Tuesday Bemadine and Junior Price. Buy I.ARRO 'Kami-TrsHcil" Fred* for All Farm Nendn And, keep your electric range afternoon. The subject of "Rock Games were played, followed by Oardens” was discussed by Mrs. refreshments of ice cream and cake At Mont Yards of ready for hard service during the Nevin. Fallowing the talk Mrs Nevin Mrs J A Black. Mrs L. E. New- canning season. Give it good care answered questions pertaining to gen and Mrs Manon Hillis visited Sunday afternoon at the Walter rock gardens every day. Grease and spilled During the social hour the group Hillis home. food particles may reduce the life of your sur designed Easter hats Refreshments The dance held Saturday night li i it by the directors of the hall provided were served by the hostess. Special face plates, oven elements and switches. Keep LUMBER: ^C O M PAN Y guests included Mrs Nevin, Mrs enough money to pay for insuring I these parts of your range clean and avoid pos Borgo. Mrs Leach and Mrs Sparks. the hall. sible inconveniences later.’ Mrs Frances Deffer took her par Miss Evalyn Gregr left Monday Setves on. t/ie ents. Mr and Mrs Brown, visiting for Sunnyside. Wash., where she \V offU T ie n t here from Nebraska, to Weiser. wh will visit her brother. Ira Gregg ere they will visit before going on Evalyn will work while there She to Portland expects to be gone at least six we eks. Mr and Mrs K. I. Peterson were Dwight Smith, Manager. Sunday dinner guests at the Patch Mrs Charley Wilson is spending home this week at Homedale with her Firat Street Phone 15 ID A H O V p O W ER Kathryn Robertson won first pl daughter. Mrs Lester Zurcher. Does So MUCH-Costs So UT T LE ! ace in the church poster campaign Mr and Mrs Harley Wilson and U .S .M .a'tin ei- ____________J L K l o r e t e l l s o f f i e r c e w i l d d o g s C A L L E D ‘ T E U F E L HUNOEN (HOUNOS O F THE D E V IL ) - JOED TH E C O U N T R Y - S ID E - A G A IN ST WHOM NO MAN COULD ‘j U fM V E WHEN C R A C K BAVARIAN R EG IM EN TS F IR S T M ET AM ERICAN M A R IN ES IN B A TTLE TH E S E BADLY B E A T E N T R O O P E R S W RO TE HOME WE HAVE M ET W ITH ' T E U F E L HUNDEN ••• • TH U S T H E ENDURING N ICKN AM E O F D E V IL 0 0 0 Owyl iee Cash Register cMqAsud Qosut th a t 0ut-Pesujosu*U them a ll IOWEALTH A G E N T S tell Io w e a lt h . It 1$ a v a i l a b le o n ly th ro u gh l o c o I d e a le r» on trhom y o u c a n re ly . ‘ NO Al Thompson & Sons W A N T E D : EGGS You'll Thank Your Lucky Stars for Full Shelves Next Fall! ’a r r B@0ê Ë M i l NYSSA YARD ELECTRICITY CéaCPuciÛj...