Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1943)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY. APRIL 22. 1943 PAGE THREE the sword of Laben lain across the Botner home this week. dinner guests Tuesday in the Jess mily were Sunday guests of Mr and "A” or the WV4NE*4, Section 12, gold plates (records). The closing Mr and Mrs Jim Malloy and Ne Sugg home. Township 19 S., Range 46 E., Will Mrs Huston Gray at Melba. number was a vocal trio by Dor- va were business visitors in Payette Mr and Mrs Walter Pinkston Mrs George Nibler and daughter amette Meridian, has filed notice Eagle, were Sunday visitors of of intention to make final Proof to thea Lewis, Wanda Callahan and Saturday. were Sunday dinner guests in the of their parents, MT and Mrs W. A establish claim to the land above Mrs Jack Conklin of Baker. Bene' Ila Botner and Virgil Seward we William Wood home in Adrian. described, before Aubrey L. Fletcher diction was by Mary Jensen. re week-end guests at the Acheson A-C Merle Kurtz writes that he ex Adams. Ouy Riehinsen left Wednesday to Notary Public, at Nyssa, Oregon, 44 ATTEND ADULT CLASS home in Emmett. pected tq leave the hospital follow report at Salt Lake for training. cn the 30th. day of April, 1943. RATES: Two cent* per word lor each Issue. Minimum cash in Forty-four adults attended the Mr and Mrs Carl Hanson Jr., ha ing another eye operation about Mrs Burkett Bray of Gowen Field Claimant names as witnesses: advance U 30c. F. Oarren, Dave Brady, H. O. gospel doctrine class last Sunday ve returned to their home in Nampa April 14. If doctors were not suc spent Sunday with her husband at G. the farm, which is known as the Don, Betty Oarren, all of Rt. 3, morning. Elyda Haycock turned the after spending a week with Mr cessful in removing the growth this Charley Nyssa, Oregon. farm. topic over to Nelda Schenck. "Et Hanson’s parents, Mr and Mrs Carl time only radium treatments would Mr and Cloud W. F. JACKSON. Mrs Patrick and family MISCELLANEOUS WANTED—List your property, farm ernal Progression and Mentle Deve Hanson. Sr. Register. have moved from Mrs Anna Bam- cure his trouble. and city, to sell or rent. W* have lopment” was the subject. For Sale umis house to their home in Black Mr and Mrs James M all# and Special Communion services will many prospective renters and buy UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT Neva and Delbert were Sunday din be held Friday night at the high canyon. VISITORS HERE FOR SALE—About 300 sacks of ers. A. L. Atkeson. 14JTFC OF THE INTERIOR Mrs J. Elwood Flinders of Hooper, ner guests at the Virgil McGee ho school with a special Easter music netted gem eating potatoes. Bring General Land Office at me in the Richland distriot. service Sunday evening. Legal Advertisement Utah was in Nyssa last week visit your own sacks. Phone 010J2. Will STATION OPEN—The Nyssa-Par- The Dalles, Oregon Mr and Mrs Sam McConnell of Dudley Kurtz and Mario And February 12, 1943. iam Peutz. 15A3xc ma junction station will be open ing her parents, Mr and Mrs Leo Nyssa UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT visited Sunday evening at the erson accompanied Mr and Mrs NOTICE is hereby given that every day except Saturday from Child, who have purchased the Sh Merle B. Lee and Richard Taylor Dan Covey and Mrs J. C. Nevin to OF THE INTERIOR Jess Rich, of Ontario, Oregon, who, FOR SALE—Imperial Washable 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. J. T Howard General Land Office at elton farm La Grande Saturday. Dud entered on February 10, 1938, made home 15A2xp Mrs Jack T. Conklin of Baker is home. The Dalles, Oregon Wallpapers for harmonious decor Fred Hanson returned Friday fr the regional music festival playing entry, Aot June 17. 1902, No. the only trombone solo in the reg March 23, 1943. om Bremerton, Washington. ation. It is “color-locked”. Stunz ALICE a ! COLLINS visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs Sunday dinner guests of Mr and ional division. He received a 2 rat NOTICE is hereby given that stead 031038. for Farm Unit "B” or the Lumber Oo. 1ATFC. Lloyd Lewis for several days. She Mrs Glen Suiter were Mr and Mrs ing. Mrs Nevin accompanied him Robert W. Lay, of Rt. 1, Ontario, SE'iSE1), Section 35, Township FASHION FOUNDATIONS Will Call By Appointment. will go to Colorado Springs, where Manford Stimmel and family and on the piano. Oregon, who, on April 8, 1938, made 17 S.. Range 46 E., Willamette Mer FOR SALE—One International Fa Residence Phone 122-J she will visit her husband, who is Art Parker of Homedale, Idaho. homestead entry, under Act of June idian, rm-all H tractor with plow. One has filed notice of intention Box 500, Nyssa. in the army. 17, 1902, No. 031109, for Farm Unit to make Jess Ford this week helped move TEN DAVIS International threshing machine. final proof, to establish Miss Norma Jensen of Boise spent his daughter and family, Mr and claim to the land above described, William Peutz, phone 010J2. 15A3xc the week-end with her parents, Mr Mrs Cleo Jordon, back to Nyssa Mrs Harvey McLaughlin was hos before Frank T. Kforgan, Notary and Mrs Melvin Jensen. from Pendleton. Mr. Jordon has tess at a dinner Thursday evening BABY CHICKS—You get more pro Public, at Nyssa, Oregon, on the PERFECT TRIBUTE Mr and Mrs Robert Holman and By T. Carol Bybee employment on a farm in this vic for Mr and Mrs Ivan Dumil and 30th. day of January, 1943. fits, Uncle Sam gets more eggs if family of Ontario and Mable An- inity. family, in honor of Clara Ann Dur- TO A i Claimant names as witnesses: you start with Thompson’s Purina EASTER SERVICES derson of Pocatello were Sunday nil's birthday. BRAVE AMERICAN | Clifford Monce, Grover Good, R. H. Embryo-fed Chek-R-Chlx. For del SPECIAL I visitors at the Lloyd Lewis home. - PLANNED Saturday evening Mr and Mrs Jo FOOD HINTS hn Ekberg were guests at a dinner Scott, William Anderson, All, of ivery every Wednesday and Satur Taylor and VICTORY Leona Anderson Ontario, Oregon. day. Thompson's Ontario hatchery, Next Sunday morning, beginning j Mr Mr and and Mrs Mrs Merl Richard Lee will entertain at the Mason home in Caldwell. Home Service Advisor W. F. JACKSON. Box 578, Ontario, Oregon. 4BTFC. at 10:30 AM., in the L.D.S. chapel a group of friends and relatives Mr and Mrs Howard Evans spent Idaho Power Company Register. there will be given a special Easter Easter Sunday. Those expected to FOR SALE—Bridge timbers, 10X program under the direction of the attend are Mr and Mrs Ferrel Pope, “MAKE YOUR BUTTER RATION Sunday with friends at Nyssa. Mr and Mrs Major Atkins and EASIER” NOTICE OF MEETING 12-16. Inquire Polar Cold Storage. Sunday school. Richard Taylor is Mr and Mrs Ersal Pope, Mr and How are ING daughter of Boise were Sunday I you getting along with Owyhee Irrigation District 18MTFC superintendent. There will be an Mrs Charles Christiansen and their your red ration coupons? Do you guests of Mr and Mrs Ivan Dumil Notice Hereby is Given: That the families, Mr and Mrs J. W. Gribble, lave enough to buy your weekly sup and family. They also called at the Board of Directors of the Owyhee FOR SALE—Modern 4-room house, Easter story by Mrs Verl Poulson, Miss Elva Roe Pope, and Mrs G. A. ply of meat, shortening, cheese, and I. J. Dumil and McLaughlin homes Irrigation District, sitting as a Bo full basement. C. K. Olsen, 4th and musical numbers from an Easter Davis, all of Emmett, and Mr and butter? Mrs Vella Richinsen is visiting ard of Equalization, will meet on Ennis. lA4xp cantata, given by a mixed chorus Mrs Harold Campbell and son of Butter, as we all know is one her son at Sacremento. the 4th day of May, 1943, at 8:00 Stibnite, Idaho. under the dicetion of Nelda Schenk, food which we all need and which Mr and Mrs Jesse Brown and fa- | o’clock PM. of said day at its office BREAKS ARM talk, Lucille Goates; action songs, Miss Lucille Mitchell, who is st we have been able to buy without For Rent Today, in a world at war, the at Nyssa. Oregon, for the purpose chorus 30 children comprising the aying with the Orr family in the worring about a shortage. But, with beautiful Tomb of the Unknown of reviewing and correcting its ass FOR RENT—Several good houses primary of and rationing on .will your ration points roll and apportionment of kindergarden grades, Owyhee district, broke her arm Just stretch far enough to assure getting Soldier is a fitting tribute to an essment Interior and Exterior for rent. Bernard Eastman. llMtfc charges for operation and mainten under the direction of Reta Taylor | above the wrist, when she slipped all the butter, meat cheese and sh American who laid his life upon ance for the 1943 season. The asses and Ellen Brower; “Model Lesson”, and fell from a limb, while several ortening your family wants? WANTED the altar of Freedom. You can sment roll and record may be in first intermediate; reading, Mary other children and herself were Let's see what we can do with Decorator. give your loved one an equally spected at the office of the district WANTED—Used furniture. Highest' lqu Schenk and violin solo, T. Car- playing in a tree. butter to stretch it over sandwiches Free Estimate fitting tribute with a beautiful by any interested person during of SEAGULL GIRLS ENTERTAINED prices paid. Nyssa Furniture Oo. I ol Bybee. The audience -will partici- for the hungry children, in cake of each business day. Nyssa Funeral Home memorial fice By hours 1ATFC I lmte in singing Easter hymns. All A pre-Easter party was given by for a special occasion, and to use order of the Board of Direc 775 First St. Minnie Moyes last Saturday, to en in cooking for the whole family. ______________________________ are cordially invited to attend. service. tors. WANTED—Girl or woman for gen- ANDERSON AND FIFE SPEAKERS tertain her class of Seagull girls. Keep in mind that you’ll have to Owyhee Irrigation District eral work in the Nyssa Nursing | Bishop D. L. Anderson, now on There were eight present. The girls eat more foods containing vitamin N Y S S A FUNERAL By Frank T. Morgan, Secretary home. 15A2XC the Weiser stake high council, and played games. Refreshments were A and the others in which butter Andy McGinnis HOME Frank T. Morgan Dennis Fife, representing the aar- served. are rich. Dated and first publ. Apr. 8, 1943. CELEBRATES BIRTHDAYS onlc priesthood, were the speakers STRECHER Last publ. Apr. 2», 1943. LAND WANTED—I have cash buy at the sacrament services last Sun Mrs Richard Taylor celebrated BUTTER butter er for 160 A. good, well drained irr day evening. Bishop Childs announ her birthday April 19. Also Dorthea ’ 1 .4 cup t salt. had a birthday the same day. % cup igated alfalfa land. Send particul ced that on account of the regional Lewis condensed milk. THE D WAR L O A N DRIVE IS ONI Leon Child celebrated his birthday meeting for the Priesthood held in ars. Harry B. Cockrun, 3705 No. Weiser last Sunday, there would be last Thursday, with a family dinner. Put the butter and salt into mix Massachusets Ave., Portland, Ore. no leadership meeting this coming Mrs Susie Mitchell, president of ing bowl and stir in gradually, ab 8A3xC. Sunday. Congregational songs con the Owyhee district relief society, out 2 tablespoons at a time, the condensed milk. Beat with rotary FURNITURE WANTED—We pay sisted of "The Spirit of God Like a celebrated her birthday recently. egg beater, or with electric beater D. O. Bybee celebrated his birthday and “Come Unto Je highest prices for used furniture. Fire Burning” at low speed, one minute to blend with Wanda Callahan con last week. perfectily. This makes 2 cups. Nordale Furniture company. 21Jtfc sus”, ducting and Dorthea Lewis at the Mrs Ray C. Lewis is spending a KNOX SPREAD piano. Invocation was by Bro. Hen three weeks vacation visiting friends WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES for dricks. A vocal duet entitled “I shall and relatives in Utah and Idaho. 1 t. Knox Gelatine live fox feed horses. Phone 8 Pay Not Pass This Way Again” was re She was accompanied by Mr. Lewis’ 1 T. cold water ette. 27NtfC ndered by Dorthea Lewis and Wan mother, Martha A Lewis, who spent V4 lb. butter <4 t. salt WANTED—Large clean rags. Gate da Callahan. Dennis Fife talked on the winter in Nyssa. 1-3 evaporated milk City Journal. 25FTFC j "The History of Mormonism”. A Mrs Lloyd Lewis was in Ontario 1. cup Soften in cold water. 1 piano selection entitled Lebestraum last week shopping and visiting at 2. Dissolve gelatine thoroughly over hot was given by Udell Poulsen. Lorin the home of her brother, Robert water. Holman. Goates gave a short talk, relating E.W. PRUYN Cut butter into small pieces an interesting incident that happ- W. A. and D O. Bybee were in and 3. heat over hot water until soft j ened several years ago, concerning Ontario and Vale last week on bus enough to beat, but do not melt Auto Repairing iness. Mr and Mrs Merlyn Fagan are the 4. butter. Add dissolved gelatine and salt Reboring, Valve Grind the parents of a son bom two weeks to the milk. Gradually whip milk ago at the Nyssa Nursing home. into butter a Dover (or rotary) ing, Lathe work. Parts Castle Callahan was the honored egg beater with or electric mixer until Insurance ¿ É B f e Real Estate guest at a surprise birthday party does not separate. and accessories given at his home by his wife. Th milk coloring if desired. Phone 64 ose present were Mr and Mrs Way 5. 6. Add Pack in dish or container and NYSSA OREGON ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ne Chesnut, Mr and Mrs Lloyd Le Phone 56w place in refrigerator until hard. wis, Mrs Jack T. Conklin of Baker Keep in refrigerator when not in and the guest of honor. Games were use. player and refreshments served. Mrs Elsworth Wheeler is doing Knox spread is not suggested for her bit to help win the war by tak frying, sauteing, or greasing pans. ing a position as a student clerk at the Union Pacific Railroad depot NEWELL HEIGHTS F we should lose the war, life would not Just think! Every extra bond you buy will in Nyssa. She is on day shift. Mr. Mrs Ted Rogers spent from Wed Wheeler is in the armed forces. nesday until Tuesday visiting fri be worth living. help provide the weapons to save the live: Doctor and Mrs Mashon from ends in Adrian and Nyssa. She and of many American boysl Isn’t that alone Caldwell, were entertained Sunday family now live near Eugene "But we won’t lose it,” you may say. afternoon with a rabbit fry at the Forrest Hardman of the navy st every effort, every economy you can home of Mr and Mrs Jim Lane. Listen, brother—in this world nothing’s worth make? You bet it is! opped to visit his parents and son sur^ unless you make it so. Monday while enroute from Virg NORTH NYSSA There are 7 types of U. S. Government inia to his new station in Calif This month it’s up to us here at home to securities to meet the needs of every purse. ornia. HEIGHTS The Ross Healy family are mov do our part, and then some, to make Victory They offer the finest investment in the world Mrs Merle B. Lee and daughter ing to Hood River to the H. Hard OPTOMETRISTS DENTISTS surer—and quicker! To do it, we’ve got to —liberal interest, plus securities guaranteed and Mrs Richard Taylor spent Sun man ranch as soon as school is out. day with Mrs Bari Anderson. DR. J. A. McFALL Mrs Healy is there now. The Hard lend- Uncle Sam 13 billion extra dollars. J. R. CUNDALL by Uncle Sam himself. Donald Ford accompanied by his mans will take over the Healy “See Mr Fall and Soe Better“ grandparents, Mr and Mrs George ranch here. It isn’t easy—but war isn’t easy and Vic Dentist A volunteer worker for the 2nd War Loan Massie of Melton, arrived Friday The R. R. Overstreet, Jr., family tory isn’t cheap. It takes money—and more Drive may visit you soon. Welcome this Phone 56-J for a visit at the home of his mot of Boise and Ellen Judd were week Sara zln Clinic her, Mrs Jess Ford. end guests at the parental Over- money—to buy planes, ships, tanks, guns unselfish patroit—and buy all the bonds NYSSA OREGON Mr and Mrs Olen Jones of Mad street home. and a million other things our boys must you can. But don’t wait for that call. G o - era, California were visitors at the Mr and Mrs Albert Welch were have to deliver that final, paralyzing knock today—to your bank, investment dealer, EYESIGHT SPECIALIST JEWELRY STORES out punch. broker, post office or bond booth and invest ONTARIO ORBOON Classified Advertising L.D.S. News 2 Come on, Lets WIN this w a r! Bernard Eastman Professional And Business Directory PAULUS JEWELRY STORE Union Pacific Time Inspector JEWELRY — DIAMONDS WATCHES y«in Street at Second WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific ONTARIO ORXOON SHOE SHOPS Abbott’s Shoe Shop ail kinds of shoe and repairing Across front poet office. PHYSICIANS I FRANKLIN D E P E N D A B I E I M I M U N I I I l l V L. A. Maulding, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phene 17 Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to S Dally—Except Sunday Fry Buflding SARAZIN CLINIC J. J. Sarazin, M. D. ¿tenermi practice of madietan A-Ray Phyrtotlwrap) — And it’s a whale of a lot easier for us at home to lend our money than for our boys to fight through the hardships and dangers of deserts, swamps, jungles, ice-fields and sub-infested seas! to your uttermost limit. Even if it hurts, it’s nothing compared to the agonizing impact of a bayonet thrust, a flesh-tearing torpedo fragment or a bone-crushing bullet. So dig deep, brother, and do it NOW! There are 7 different types of V. S. Government svunties— choose the ones best suited for you. V A C C IN E S and S U P P L IE S for CATTLE, SHEEP HORSES, HOGS and POULTRY fo r sa le by NYSSA PHARMACY THEY GIVE THEIR L I V E S . . . Y O U LEND YOUR MONEY! INTER-STATE OIL CO. MALHEUR GARAGE ATKESON’S CLOTHING STORE THE FOOD MART NYSSA LUMBER CO. FOX’S DRIVE-IN GAMBLE STORE POWELL SERVICE STATION NYSSA PACKING CO.