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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1943)
meNYSSA GA tfÖfäÜME X X X IX , W T Final tabulations on the Christ The city council voted at Us re mas seal sale conducted by the M a gular meeting Tuesday night to ho lheur County Public Health assoc ld an election for the purpose of iation were announced this week by giving local residents an opportun Mrs Charles 8. Harris of Vale, co ity of voting on the proposed pur unty seal sale chairman. chase of land south of King avenue Nyssa residents contributed »416.- for an airport on a 50-50 basis with 99. Other contributions included the chamber of commerce. Oregon Trail »72, Arcadia »26, Cairo The chamber of commerce, at its »55.55, Lincoln »82.25, Park »90.85, weekly luncheon Wednesday noon, Adrian and Newell heights »108.61 endorsed the proposal. Jordan Valley »115.29, Big Bend An area of land 400 feet deep and *48.60, Valley View *56.85, and Owy 1300 feet long, lying along the rail hee $73.84 road siding, would be set aside for Total sales in the county amoun Industrial sites. The remainder of ted to »3881.91. the 70 acres would be used by the city as an airport. The property, lying between the Nyssa-Adrlan section of the high way and Third street, would cost approximately $0500. Under the pr oposed plan, the chamber of comm erce would underwrite the financing Dudley L. 81tton, superintendent of the industrial sites. of the Malheur experiment stat In presenting the proposal to the ion, announced that he is releasing chamber, City Councilman Bernard a new garden bean to Malheur co Frost said the purchase of the area unty gardeners. Seed will be avail would provide the city with land able at local seed houses. with which to attract industries. The new bean (Pioneer) was dev The city hopes the proposal can eloped by B. F. Dana of the United be placed on the ballot at the re States department of agriculture at gular primary election May 19. Corvallis. The test here showed the bean to be so good the seed is being Here From Ogden— released at this time. This is a dual Mrs Caroline Childs of Ogden is purpose bean, making an excellent here visiting friends and relatives. green bean and if left will mature She is the mother of Mark Child. and make excellent dried beans. She Intends to stay several weeks.: The Pioneer bean is a bush bean but rows should not be planted cl Conducting Services— oser than 30 inches. Pioneer is a Rev. and Mrs L. C. Hodges a re 1 curly top resistant. conducting special meetings in the | Assembly of God church at Second Leave For Summer— and Reece streets. The services, op Eddie Powell has gone to John ened Monday night, will be contin Day to take charge of a forest ser ued two more weeks. Services a r e ! vice lookout station for the summer. opened at 8 o'clock every night e x - ' Mrs Powell will visit in California cept Monday and Saturday nights before joining her husband. Sitton Releases New Garden Bean Our Boys In The Service acter, e ffic iA c y and good conduct ant, said that, "the excellent char- significant of these awards show clearly the soldier’s character and devotion to duty.” Keesler Field, Biloxi, Miss., Apr. 20--Pfc. Don Richard Strickland, son of Mr and Mrs Earl H. Strick land, Nyssa, Ore. R.F.D. No. 2, has reported at this unit of the army air force training command to begin a phase of processing designed to determine his qualifications as a pre-aviation cadet. Upon successful completion of medical and psychological tests, cl assification and training, he will be sent to a college or university for S»t. Verdo HaiTis, who less than five months of further study. I f it is a month ago, wrote that he was found that he has sufficient acad flown to England in an unpainteS1 emic background, he will be sent bomber, writes that he has been directly to a pre-flight center for hospitalized. As he and the bomb cadet training. ardier were unloading guns, shot Lyle Miner, son of M r and Mrs exploded, Injuring his face. Sgt. Verdo is a gunner In the Harry Miner, was recently promoted to the rank of radarman, 3rd class. army air corp. He is stationed in the Pacific. Mrs. Fred McCarthy of Nyssa Second Lieutenant Alvin Lee lias received a posthumas award o f the purple heart for her son, (Bud) Notheis, who has been grad Sergeant Walter Turk, who was uated from advanced training and reported several weeks ago to have received his commission and wings been killed in a bombing raid over at La Junta. A.A.F.. Colorado, is home on leave. Germany. Lieutenant Notheis is the son of Mrs. McCarthy also received a citation of honor for her son from Mr and Mrs Albert L. Notheis of General H. H. Arnold, command route 2, Nyssa. The young pilot, er of the United States air forces. graduate of the Adrian high school, Sergeant Turk was a gunner on a will take futher training at Hobbs, New Mexico. B-17 bomber. Howard L. Fisher, better known as “Larry” Fisher of Nyssa, who was recently here to visit his par ents, M r and Mrs Harry Shelton, has been transferred from Crow's Landing naval auxiliary air base. California, to the new auxiliary air base at Fallon. Nevada. John Greenlee, machinist’s mate, 1st class, US. navy left Wednesday for his station in Florida after vis iting his parents. Rev. and Mrs M. H. Greenlee Mr and Mrs Oreenlee accompanied him to Boise, where he boarded a plane for the trip to Florida. Frank Calvert left last Wednes Joe Shelton, son of M r and Mrs Harry Shelton o f Nyssa. is stat day for Seattle to report for duty ioned with the army somewhere in with the navy. He is a pharmac England, according to Information ist's mate, second class. received here. Private Ed Peterson of Yuma, Second Lieutenant Miles Wallace Arizona and Private Hubert Peter was graduated from the Corpus Ch son of Camp Gruber. Oklahoma ha risti air training center April 4 and ve been visiting their parents, Mr has been sent to Jacksonville, Fl and Mrs Jake Peterson. orida for operational training. He Pic John Kollen. radio technician has been transferred to the US. in the army. Is here visiting his marine crops reserve. parents, Mr and Mrs J. J. Kollen. Klrtland Field. Albuquerque. New Pfc Kollen, who has been stationed Mexico today announced that Sgt. at Madison. Wisconsin, will leave Wilson Keck, son of M r and Mrs Sunday for Nashville. Tennessee. A. H. Keck of R F D. No. 1. received Jack McKey. seaman second class, the good conduct award for dem onstrated good character and exa- has gone to Norman. Oklahoma a f mplary performance of duty over ter visiting his wife in Nyssa He has been stationed at Farragut. the past year. In making these awards. Colonel Idaho. At Norman he will study WUham B. Offutt. post command- aerial gunnery ïM O CTâT Bulldogs Take Nyssa School Board Calls For Lead In League Over 3 Outfits Election On Sinking Fund Plan ■$2.00 PER Station Council Decides To Ask Vote Malheur Importance To On Proposed Land Purchase Farmers Shown Chamber O f Commerce C H R ISTM AS SE A L Votes In Favor O f T O T A L S R E V E A LE D Proposal JTY JOURNAL t ë ô t N Y S S A GIRLS TO BE IN F E S T IV A L The girls glee cluh. of the Nyssa high school will go to Nampa April 28 to participate in the Snake river Nyssa Defeats Vale 6 To 70 Persons Attend Feed valley music festival. Officials W ould Spend Mrs Stella Young, the director, P T A C O U N C IL OF 1; To Play Three er Program At Exper $75,000 For Building will be accompanied to Nampa by C O U N T Y T O MEET Home Games imental Area 26 girls, who will sing two numbers. Improvements The spring meeting of the M alh The Nyssa high school baseball The importance o f the Malheur Dar Thel Bybee will enter the sop The Nyssa school board, at its eur county council of the Oregon experiment station near Cairo Junc rano section and Twyla Crawford team took a lead in the league by last meeting, passed a resolution Congress of Parents and Teachers defeating the Vale Vikings on the tion to Malheur county farmers will enter the violin section. will be held in Ontario June 3 in providing for an election to be held Vale diamond Tuesday afternoon was emphasized at the annual fee at the annual meeting June 19 on conjunction with the 4-H club me by a score of 6 to 1. ders day program held at the stat the proposition o f creating a sink J Vale scored its only run in the eting. ing fund for a post-war construct ion Wednesday afternoon. sixth inning when the Vikings bun New officers will be elected. M e ion program. Seventy persons attended the pro ched three hits o ff Marsh, who pit The proposal will be submitted to mbers of the nominating committee gram, which was centered around ched the full game for Nyssa. The are Mrs M. L. Judd o f Adrian, Mrs the voters as follows: four lots of steers. Vikings collected only one more hit Dale Oarrison, president of the During- 1944, 1945, 1946, 1947 and Among the visitors at the station Walter McPartland o f Nyssa and o ff the Nyssa twirler. 1948, school district No. 26c of were R. E. Johnson, superintendent Nyssa Road Assesment district, th Nyssa scored its first run in the Mrs A. P. Ackerman of Ontario. Malheur county, Oregon, shall levy o f the Idaho station at Caldwell; anked the Nyssa chamber of com- { second inning, when Bybee was Mrs Dick Jensen of Ontario, P T A taxes in accordance with chapiter C. L. Jamison o f Baker, secretary merce at its wekly luncheon in the forced in on a combination of walks president, will be unable to attend 140, Oregon laws 1939, in the am of the Oregon Cattle and Horse R a Gate City cafe Wednesday noon and one hit. ount of five mills annually for the isers association; D. E. Richards for the help given by the chamber Most of the scoring was done in the state meeting in Portland this purpose of providing in advance a superintendent of the state experi in organization of the road district. the third frame. Runs were scored month so she was authorized to sinking fund for financing post-war ment station at Union and E. R. Mr. Garrison suggested that the by H. Wilson, D. Willson and By appoint a delegate in her place. construction, re-construction, imp Jackman of Corvallis, extension sp city request the state highway de bee on a double by Billings. Steinke rovement, betterment, repair or re ecialist in farm crops. partment to pave lo n g and Park hit Billings in for a total of fout; habilitation of schools, school plants In one of the principal talks, Mr. avenues, especially fdt heavy tra runs in the inning. and school premises to provide mo Jackman said alfalfa should be ma ffic. He said farmers also want the Kamlhara replaced Irwin, Vale re adequately for the public school rketed through cattle instead of be state to improve a l i t mile section pitcher, in the third inning and population of the district on the ing hauled off the farm. He pointed of road to the Overstreet beet du the Japanese stopped Nyssa until secondary and elementary levels, out that many irrigated sections mp. the seventh inning, when, with two the estimated total cost o f which had become bankrupt agriculturally The Nyssa school board has voted Speakers proposed that the ch down, Billings singled and Steinke because they sold their alfalfa as amber of commerce, the Oregon T r hit a triple against the fence to sc- to discontinue the vocational agri- will be »75,000, and to use state or federal matching funds should they hay. ail Grange and the road district ore Billings. ulture department at the end of become available, which levies shall Mr. Richards discussed feeding of send a delegation to Portland to Nyssa, scoring nine hits, handed the present term of school, probably be outside the limitation imposed livestock in general. confer with the state highway com Vale its first defeat of the season for the duration. by articles X I, section II, of the Mr. Jamison said annual cattle mission on the propos*!. The ch after the Vikings had won three The action was taken by the bo Oregon constitution” . and horse raisers association meet amber voted to authorize President straight. ard because Leno Christensen, the The board o f education, which ing will be held in Prinevllle May George MitchpH to appoint dele The Nyssa lineup was as follows: ag. instructor, will enter the navy has been considering construction 4, 5 and 6. gates. Fujii, cf; Bellon, if; H. Wilson, 2b; and qualified men are available as of additions to the school plants County Agent R. E. Brooke of D. Willson, rf; Bybee, ss; Billings, Instructors only at exorbitant salar- for the last two years, feels that Ontario discussed the outlook for lb ; Steinke, 3b;Marsh, p and Mc ies. The department facilities will the present plant will be too small agriculture in the county and ex REGISTER ED C O W S Coy, c. be closed to the public until the de for the post-war needs of the school plained how the experiment station A N D B U L L S B O U G H T The Bulldogs will play their last partment is re-opened. system. The members also feel that fits into the picture. He said the three games on the home field. T h The board will hold the position It lacks some needed facilities, not Four registered jersey animals ey will play Adrian Friday and On station will play an Important part open for Mr. Christensen until such ably a modern gymnasium and mo in the agricultural development of have been purchased by Nyssa res tario next Tuesday and Vale April time as he is released from the ser re adequate facilities for music. At idents. according to information re 38. the county. vice. the present time they contemplate The steers that were shown to ceived from the American Jersey Ontario defeated Adrian in a do the enlargement of the high school the visitors were grade herefords Cattle club. uble-header pn the Nyssa field Tue by addition of a gymnasium and MRS D U N B A R TO A bull, Vol. Observer Rinda Lad sday. • raised in Malheur county and pl sufficient rooms to accommodate aced on feed December 1, 1943. T h 453132, has been purchased by Har D E LIVE R T A L K the seventh and eighth grades. This ry Gahan from R. H. Clark. ey were fed for 134 days. would relieve the crowded condit The steers were divided into four Two registered jersey cows and Saidie Orr Dunbar, execu ion in the grade school, give room lots and fed as follows; Lot 1, first one bull were purchased by James tive secretary of the Oregon Tuber for expansion and provide a more cutting of chopped alfalfa hay and Olln from V. P. Mussolini. The cows culosis association, who was ap modern educational program for station-raised corn; lot 2, same as are Foster Volunteer Patsy Ann pointed by President Roosevelt to the children of the community. lot 1 with wet beet pulp added; lot 1400949 and Foster Volunteer Sult head Oregon’s wartime mobiliza The grade school contains 18 3, chopped alfalfa hay, wet pulp, ana 1400948, and the bull is Foster Building permits totaling more tion of woman power, will speak rooms, 17 of which are used as cl corn and beet molasses, and lot 4 Volunteer Sultan 445680. than »6400 have been issued in the April 25 at a dinner meeting spon assrooms and one as a library. The chopped alfalfa hay, wet pulp, com city recorder's office during the sored jointly by the Malheur first grade is divided Into three and ground soybeans added as pro last month. County Public Health association sections and the other grades Into tein supplement. The largest permit calls for ex and the Lions's club of Ontario two sections each, so that the en The results of the feeding, acc penditure of »3500 by H. S. Mich in the Moore Hotel In Ontario. The rollment has reached about the li ording to Dudley L. Sitton, manager ael for construction o f a cinder bl meeting is scheduled for 7 p. m., mit that can be handled in the sch o f the station, were as follows: ock building on west Main street and the general public is invited ool. The Vale high school won the Lot 1- This was used as the ch next to the Gate City Journal of to attend. Reservations should Superintendent Henry Hartley eck lot. The cattle made average annual Malheur county track meet fice. The building, 32 by 80 feek, be made in advance. said “ Until the war entered the held in Ontario Wednesday after daily gains of 2 pounds per day, vill be erected by the Utah man for Dennis W. Patch, president of picture, the population of this com consumed some 18 pounds of first noon with a score of 46%. he Hollingsworth Hardware and the health association, and Gerry munity was increasing. Indications Adrian took second place with 44 implement company. cutting alfalfa hay and an average Manville, president o f the Lion's are that it will resume growth after points, Nyssa third with 39 and On o f 7 pounds of corn. The building is expected to be club, will preside Jointly. Mrs. the war. The city of Nyssa is con Lot 2- The steers consumed an tario fourth with 31%. Charles P. Flegel, secretary of the completed by fall .when the H oll Results of the meet were as fo l ingsworth firm will move from its health association, is in charge sidered to be under-developed. New average of 28 pounds of wet beet industries are anticipated and It U pulp per day in addition to 13 pou lows: present location in the Morgan bu of the program. Mrs. Harold Cowd- Shot-put—Hatfield, Nyssa, 1st, 38 ilding across Main street from the rick o f Vale, and Mrs. Joy Moore, expected that some of our larger nds of hay and 7 pounds of corn. acreages will be broken up Into The addition of the beet pulp low feet, 1 inch; Nessary, Vale, and post office. Ontario, are scheduled to sing. smaller units. The birth rate has ered the total feed cost by »3.64 per Keck, Nyssa. Operators of the Polar Cold S t Mrs. Amy Larkin, Nyssa, Is in charge Increased and our school census High hurdles—Moore, Nysaa, 1st, orage and Locker plant will erect a o f menu and decorations. head, and the steers made a total figures show that we may expect gain of 22 pounds more per head 18:6; Scoitt, Ontario, and Crocker, cinder block building. 22 by 34 feet, T lie annual meeting of the more children In the schools for than the check lot. Each ton of Adrian. next to their present plant on high health association with election of some years to come. These and ot Pole vault—Wakasugi, Ontario, pulp fed replaced 424 pounds of way 20 iiorth of the “ Y ” . The con officers will follow the dinner. her portents lead the board to be hay and 40 pounds of oorn. This Is, 9 feet: Elliott, Adrian; Zamora. struction will cost *2000. lieve that new accommodations will gave the pulp a replacement feed Adrian and Wells, Vale. The Inland Oil company is erect (Continued On Page 6) 100-yard dash—Irwin, Vale, 1st, ing a one-story addition to its ser value of »5.04 per ton. Lot 3- An average of 2.16 pounds 11:2; Church, Nyssa; Hammack, vice station at a cost of »500. The of beet molasses was fed to each st Vale, and Morgan, Nyssa. addition, Which is nearly finished, M ile—Nelson, Adrian, 1st 5:6; is constructed of cinder blocks. eer per day to replace an equal am ount of com. The steers made pra Keck, Nyssa; Kurtz. Adrian and Grant Rinehart was issued a per Vale, April 20--For the first time ctically the same total gains as th Ward, Ontario. mit to remodel his residence in bl in the history of Malheur county 440-yard dash—Fisk, Vale, 1st, ock 27 at a cost of »200. ose in Lot 2. By valuing the mol asses at »20.00 per ton, the total 56:5; Jenkeins, Ontario; Hlbbert, Other permits were Ed Steinke, women will be called to serve on feed cost was reduced by »1.52 per Nyssa, and Etnbree. Ontario. remodeling residence on Second st trial juries at the term beginning Discus—Judd, Adrian, 1st. 101:8; reet, *100, and W. W. Cook, block 8, April 24. A number of women will head. The molasses would have a be in the panel called to report at feed replacement value equal to Jenkins. Ontario; Wilson, Adrian, addition to residence. »100. T. CAROL BYBEE corn, except that it required 173 po and Embree, Ontario. Persons planning to construct, re 10 a.m. on that day. Women were L IT T L E BRO W N SEED Medley relay—Adrian. 4:3:6. O n pair or erect buildings are required included in the jury panels for the unds fore alfalfa hay and 18 pounds more pulp per steer to make the tario and Vale. to secure permits in the city hall first time this year when Judge By T . Carol Bybee. Robert D. Lytle pointed out that High jump—Elliott, 1st, 5:8 %; before work is started. same gain as those in Lot 2. T o little K eith Powell, who may the omission of women was, in his and Lot 4- When soybeans were added Nessary; Echanus, Ontario, be wondering about the mysteries opinion, illegal. as a protein supplement to the ra Wells. The April grand Jury will meet of nature. 200-yard low hurdles—Moore. tion of alfalfa hay, com, and beet here Monday. Members of the g r pulp, the steers made a total gain 26:5; Zamora. Elliott, and Iserl, On I ’m a little brown seed and jury are as follows: of about 10 pounds more per head. tario. E. L. Jamison. Frank Balboa, Dan Snuggled under the ground. Javelin-K eek, 1st 139; Wells, These steer# show more finish than Diven, Frank W Fulleton. W. W. In my heart I am growing. the other lots o f cattle. Valuing the Nakamura. Ontario, and Nessary. The bands of the county’s four DeLong, Geo. A. Winkler, Victor But I don’t make a sound. 220-yard daah—lrwln. 25:2, 1st, soybeans at 3 cents per pound, the total feed cost was increased by Church, Hammack and Codr. Ont high schools, Nyssa, Adrian, Vale Belisle. and Ontario, will present a concert Members of the trail Jury in My bed Is so warm. ario. »3.48 per head. My pillow so dry; 18:7%,|in the high school gymnasium in clude: Broadjump—Hammack. The Object o f the test. Mr. Sitton {O ntario at 8:15 Monday. April 24, Walter Benson of Nyssa. Ada E. The sun must be shining said, was to determine which rat 1st; Irwin, Scott and Elliott 800--Brewer, Adrian, 2:19, U L jlr s h a l Davis, director of the Nysaa l Haworth of Parma, and Orace K1 Way up In the sky. ion comprised of home-grown feeds band, said inkenberg, John Stam and Hilda would produce the most beef at the Nelson. Keck and Ott>bs, Vale. A ll at once I go swimimng, 880-yard relay—Vale, 1:42:6, let,! The concert is expected to be ma Tensen of Nyssa. smallest cost. T o me It Is plain de an annual event with the one “There is no question that wet Nyssa and Ontario. I'm to fill up with moisture next year to be held in Nyssa. The beet pulp is very instrumental in N Y S S A T A K E S 6TH From the drizeily rain. public is invited to attend free of lowering the feed cost", the station Takes Position— IN R E L A Y M EET Miss June Oahan, 1943 graduate charge. manager said. I l l stretch my roots down One of the features of the concert The feed cost per pound gain was of the Nyssa high school, left Tue Nyssa high school took sixth pl Into earth warm and round, 0.160 for lot 1, 0 135 for lot 2. 0131 sday for Kuna, Idaho to assume will be the twirling of the Nyssa her duties as telegraph operator in high school majorettes. A parade ace in the annual Snake river vall I ’ll push my head upward for lot 3 land 0.143 for lot 4. the railroad depot. She attended a will be staged by the bands at ey relay carnival in Ontario laat T o come out o f the ground. week. telegraph school at Pocatello for 4 p. m. Move T e Adrian— Emmett was high point winner When I grow big The different numbers will be Mr and Mrs Max Swensen and three months and then spent three with a score of 18. Other particip- A plant I shall be, baby have moved to Adrian from months in the Nyssa depot compl directed by the directors of the four bands, which will total approximat ating schools and their scores were Bearing flowers and fruit eting her training. Nyssa Welser. 17%: Ontario 14; Vale, In great quantity. ely 110 pieces. 13% Adrian. 11; Payette. 8. and Leaves Hospital— He^e From Nampa— I'm Just one In a million Nyssa. 6. Mrs Jesse Lawrence returned ho Miss Agnes Peterson of Nampa Nyssa took third in the short-put Seeds under the ground. A stata examiner will be in the apent the week-end in Nyssa with me Sunday from Ontario, whers her parents, Mr and k t f Jake Pet she recently underwent an opera city hall April 36 to give examinat second in the 440 yard relay, and In my heart X am growing ions to operators and chauffeurs. 1 fourth in the sprint medley relay. I But I don’t make a sound. tion. erson. State Work On Streets Asked Ag. Department Will Be Closed Building Work Is Begun Here County Meet Is Won By Vikings Women To Serve On Circuit Jury POETS CORNER Edited by Bands To Give Joint Concert