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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1943)
PAGE THREE THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1943 Joyce and Mrs Dan Corbett and favorite Bible verses. Refreshments! stead entry, Act June 17, 1902, No. One of the statements that came to I limited In the amount of metal al jjo 031038, for Farm Unit "B“ or the me most frequently on arriving he lowed, but at least they shouldn't :ont were business visitors In Boise; were served by the hostess. Mr and Mrs A. M. Goodson and S E '.S E ‘4, Section 35, Township re, from former workers, was that be scarce. The WPB has allowed Friday. daughters of Notus were Sunday Mr and Mrs George Webster and dinner guests at the R. J. Holmes 17 S.. Range 46 E.. Willamette Mer one would be surprised at what the the production quota for civilian idian, has filed notice of intention/' people had accomplished towards use to be upped from 35 to 50 per June, and Mr and Mrs Floyd Lomax! home. their own comforts and to relieve cent of the amount manufactured were Sunday afternoon callers at j The Oregon Trail P.T.A. will hold to make final proof, to establish the barrenness of their homes wi.h in the year ending June 30, 1941. the Reece Byram home near Vale. [ Its regular April meeting Friday claim to the land above described, But no more than 12 ounces of met RATES: Two cents per ward lor each Issue. Minimum cash In Sunday dinner guests at the B e r-' all members are urged to attend as before Frank T. Morgan, Notary almost nothing. Public, at Nyssa, Oregon, on the al may be used'in each can opener. nice Gibson home were the Roger j new officers will be elected. In the schools the teachers report advance la 30c. Lieut. Wilbur Smith was an over 30th. day of January, 1943. Red “A” stamps in war ration a fine response from the pupils, ik e book two will be valid for purchases Tucker and the Roscoe Kellogg night guest at the home of his par Claimant names as witnesses: ents, Mr and Mrs Wyatt Smith, Clifford Mcnce, Grover Good, R. H. writer in his teaching experience under the meat) and fats program families. ars. Harry B. Cockrun, 3705 No. has not found a better attitude In until April 30. During the month of Several families met at the ch Sunday. He returned Monday to Scott, William Anderson, All, of MISCELLANEOUS Ontario, Oregon. Massachusets Ave., Portland, Ore. April, a new red point stamp be urch Monday evening to finish lat California, where he is stationed. any class room. For Sale Mr and Mrs R. J. Holmes made W. F. JACKSON. 8A3xC. comes valid each week to expire on hing the Sunday school rooms in There has been the pleasant ex the same date, April 30. The red a business trip to Caldwell Thurs Register. the basement Monday evening. POR SALE—Seed barley and oats FURNITURE WAr TED—We pay perience of seeing these people In “B” stamp matured April 4, the C’s Rev. Vem Martin began a revival day. at 3 cents. O. Stam. 8A2xp. NOTICE OF MEETING highest prices for used furniture. their religious meetings and of fin April 11, and the D red stamp will at the Church of the Nazarene In Owyhee Irrigation District FOR SALE—Two brood sows to far Nordale Furniture company. 21Jtfc ding their response and apparent mature April 18, and together with Parma Wednesday evening. Legal Advertisement Notice Hereby Is Given: That the the red AS, they all will be good row In a few days. Elza Niccum, WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES for sincerity as inspiring. Three meet until Aptrl 30. That provides each UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT Board of Directors of the Owyhee Cow hollow. 8A 2xp ings of the united Protestent chur Irrigation District, sitting as a Bo live fox feed hones. Phone 8 Pay OF THE INTERIOR holder of war ration book two with ard of Equalization, will meet on ette. STNtfc ches are held each Sunday morn 16 basic points per week for the General Land Office at The Merry Matron's club met at FOR SALE—Sud planter, good sh the 4th day of May, 1943. at 8:00 The Dalles, Oregon ing and most of the time many st purchase of meats, cheese, canned the home of Emma Pitkins Wednes ape. G. F. Douglas, 1 mile west of WANTED—List your property, farm o’clock P.M. of said day at its office March 23, 1943. day afternoon, with Olive Hoke as and through the meeting for lack fish and edible fats and oils. NOTICE is hereby given that at Nyssa, Oregon, for the purpose Owyhee bridge. 8A2xp and city, to sell or rent. We have The sweater girl of 1943 may find sisting. Quilt blocks were embroid many prospective renters and buy of seating capacity. Though they plainer sweathers if a recommend ered for the hostess. Fifteen mem Robert W. Lay, of Rt. 1, Ontario, of reviewing and correcting its ass 14JTFC must endure the discomfort of ba ation of the knit goods Industry bers and one guest, Mrs Ellis Wal Oregon, who, on April 8, 1938, made essment roll and apportionment of FOR SALE—Imperial Washable ers. A. L. Atkeaon. Wallpapers for harmonious decor WANTED—Large clean rags. Gate ckless wooden benches or stand advisory commltee of the War Pro ters, answered roll call with their homestead entry, under Act of June charges for operation and mainten duction Board goes through. The favorite radio program. The club 17, 1902, No. 031109, for Farm Unit ance for the 1943 season. The asses ation. It Is "color-locked". Stunz City Journal. 25FTFC they come week after week. They are all young people in those meet committee has recommended that will meet at the home of Jennie "A” or the W'uNEVi, Section 12, sment roll and record may be In Lumber Oo. 1ATFC. ings. The older people have their aU frills and unessential trimming Benson with Nora Glenn as co-hos Township 19 S., Range 46 E., Will spected at the office of the district ALICE A. COLLINS services details on sweaters be eliminated to tess. Roll call will be answered with amette Meridian, has filed notice by any interested person during of in Japanese. BABY CHICKS—You get more pro FASHION FOUNDATIONS of intention to make final Proof to fice hours of each business day. save materials and labor. Further, As stated towards the beginning fits, Uncle Sam gets more eggs If Will Call By Appointment. establish claim to the land above By order of the Board of Direc It was suggested that both mater of this article, many of the young Residence Phone 122-J you start with Thompson's Purina described, before Aubrey L. Fletcher tors. ials and colors of knit goods be s t people here are being allowed to Box 500, Nyssa. Embryo-fed Ohek-R-Chlx. For del PERFECT TRIBUTE Notary Public, at Nyssa, Oregon, Owyhee Irrigation District come to work In the fields around andardized to 20 basic styles and on the 30th. day of April, 1943. ivery every Wednesday and Satur By Frank T. Morgan, Secretary Nyssa and other parts of the valley. six colors. TO A Claimant names as witnesses: Frank T. Morgan Mrs. America is urged not to pay day. Thompson's Ontario hatchery, The writer would like to urge your LETTERS BRAVE AMERICAN O. F. Garren, Dave Brady, H. G. Dated and first publ. Apr. 8, 1943. readers to Invite some of them In over the maximum celling price for Box 578, Ontario, Oregon. 4FTFC. TO THE EDITOR Don, Betty Garret», all of Rt. 3, Last publ. Apr. 29, 1943. to the homes there. Those young ham or bacon which she puts on Tule Lake Project people are the choice of the camps. the family table with eggs. New un Nyssa, Oregon. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE FOR SALE—Bridge timbers, 10X W. F. JACKSON STATE OF OREGON FOR MALH iform prices have been set for aU Newell, California. Each one has had to prove his loy 12-16. Inquire Polar Cold Storage. Register. EUR COUNTY Editor Gate City Journal alty before he Is considered for dis pork cuts sold at retail, and that 18MTFC Nyssa, Oregon. In The Matter of the Estate of charge. Those homes that are open means the housewife will find the ed to these young people will be price the same In every store, dep FOR SALE—Modern 4-room house, Dear Mr. Editor: of Potatoes Monday morning. C. B. Margaret E. Tyner. Deceased. ending upon its classification. Every NOTICE Less than a year ago when the full basement. C. K. Olsen, 4th and relocation camps were being built the richer for the experience Just retailer must have posted promin Hill will start when Judd finishes' Notice Is given that Carl H. Coad, as the life of this writer Is richer Ennis. lA4xp for the people of Japanese descent, for the association with them here. ently a chart showing the official These are the first potatoes to be Administrator of the above estate who were being evacuated from the He would urge the churches to ex OPA prices on pork, and house planted. Onions, lettuce and other has filed his final account for set FOR SALE—'Weaner pigs. D. L. An western costal areas of our country, tend a welcome to them to wor wives are urged to report to local tlement together with report of ad small crops are coming up. derson, Newell Heights, Phone even a statement was made in a news ship there. war price and rationing boards or ministration and petition for dist Merle Kutrz writes that he was ribution of such estate In the above By these statements it Is not im the OPA any instances of overch ings 07J2, Route 1, Nyssa. 8A2xp paper, which has a large circulation Today, In a world a t war, the submitting to another eye operation entitled court, and that hearing In your territory, to the effect that plied that all of the people here arges. The new regulation setting FOR SALE—1 McCormick-Deering the “Japs” were being coddled and are loyal or extraordinary people. uniform dollars and cents celling beautiful Tomb of the Unknown his fourth, last week-end. He was therefore has been fixed for the milking machine, double unit: 1 sp- being provided with fine tiled baths They are Just common folks, but prices for pork cuts, goes Into eff Soldier is a fitting tribute to an given permission to finish his pri 17th day of April, 1943, at 10:30 ringtooth harrow. O. F. Douglas, 1 while other comon peoples were be many of them are able to make a ect on April 1. American who laid his life upon mary flying 12 days ahead of his o’clock A. M. In the County court room In the County courthouse at mile west of Owyhee bridge. 82xp ing denied the privilege of even real contribution to our American the altar of Freedom. You can class, hoping he would be ready to Vale, Oregon, at which time and buying such things. Many gullable life. There are disloyal persons here give your loved one an equally go on to basic with his class. people, including the writer, were and have been some that were dan- place all persons interested shall For Rent fitting tribute with a beautiful misled into a partial belief, at least, grous to our countries safety but appear and show cause, If any they UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT of the statement. It seemed to Im they have been isolated. What gr have why such account and petition Nyssa Funeral Home memorial FOR RENT—Several good houses ply that the Japanese people were oup of 15000 people could be brou OF THE INTERIOR and report should not be settled service. for rent. Bernard Eastman. llM tfc entirely unworthy of any considera ght together without there being General Land Office at and approved and distribution of Mrs Roger Tucker, and Mrs Dave The Dalles, Oregon tion. the estate made to the persons rogues among them? A remark of NYSSA FUNERAL Beers and Mm E. E. Botner and February 12, 1943. Being employed as a high school a fellow teacher sums up the con entlt'fd thereto. WANTED HOME NOTICE is hereby given that teacher in this camp and coming dition fairly well, when he said; Ilia were Nampa shoppers Thurs Carl H. Coad, Administrator day. Jess Rich, of Ontario, Oregon, Who, Dated snd 1st publ. Mar. 18, 1943. WANTED—USed furniture. Highest In Close contact with the people “It speaks pretty well for a comm Rev. and Mrs Vem Martin, and on February 10, 1938, made home- Last publ. Apr. 15, 1943. prices paid. Nyssa Furniture Oo. here and their living condition the unity when /we never think of lock 1ATFC writer wishes briefly to point out ing our rooms night or day nor the error in the article. hesitate to go any place about the Some more able writers have giv village no matter how dark the WANTED—5 to 15 acre tract with en true pictures of the conditions Improvements. State distance from through some of the larger maga night.” Very sincerly yours, town and terms. Write to John C. zines but It may be that a local s t Grover C. Lytle Krul, Stanfield, Oregon. lA3xp atement will not be out of order In Home address as much as many of the young pe Rout 2. Nyssa. LAND WANTED—I have cash buy ople of these camps are being rel er for 160 A. good, well drained Irr eased to come and help with the igated alfalfa land. Send particul- work In the fields of the Snake Riv i.iM ^ ^,avTer Si°^ rai*ch I seH at public auction, on April 20, i y 2 miles southeast of Nyssa on the er Valley. So much depends, In their lives PP e Yal,ey roa^> Norman gulch, 2 miles north of the Apple Valley School, 6l/> miles northwest and In the future peace of the co of Parma the following property. ' E.W. PRUYN untry, upon how they are received “Ten to two” doesn't refer to the by the yeople “out side” that it would seem that anything that will hours your doctor keeps but to the Auto Repairing give a true picture Is worth while. time period recommended by the Reboring, Valve Grind This camp Is located on the bed office of defense transportation for of a drained lake and on a part th Mrs. America’s shopping hours. In SALE STARTS AT 1 :00 P. M. " " " ing, Lathe work. Parts at is too sandy for farming or for this way ODT said housewives will growing grass. Dust storms such as leave room for essential workers Malheur county people know so well who must travel during peak load and accessories when fields are left bare are the periods. Public transit facilities, of course, are jammed with millions rule here. Phone 56w What has been the reaction of of additional workers. So when Mrs. 1 Holstein bull, 17 months old. 1 Holstein, 2 yrs. old, will be fresh by time of sale. the people here to the situation? America marches out for Easter 2 Holstein 2-year-old heifers, just fresh. • 1 Guernsey, will be fresh by sale date. shopping, she is asked to key her 1 Jersey, will be fresh by sale date. shopping hours to the four hour 2 Brindle 2-year-old heifers, just fresh. period from 10 In the morning until 1 Red 2-year-old heifer, just fresh. 2 Holstein heifers, 2 yrs. old, will freshen in 2 mo. 2 In the afternoon. 1 Brown 2-year-old heifer, just fresh. 1 Swiss Jersey, middle milker, freshen in June. Pood rationing Is inspiring more 1 Jersey heifer, full blooded St. Maw’s breedings Guernsey 4 yrs old, middle milker, freshen in June. housewives to thoughts of canning fruits and vegetables than In many fresh 2 months, heavy milker. 1 Guernsey heavy springer, 5 years. years, and to those who are plan 1 Jersey cow, 4 years old, just fresh. 1 Guernsey heavy springer, 4 years. ning to “put up" victory garden 1 Red cow, just fresh, 4 yrs. old. 1 Holstein cow, heavy springer. products, here’s a word of cheer from the War Production Board. 1 Red cow, eight years old, milking heavy. 1 Red 2-year-old heifer, just fresh. The WPB has been expecting a re 1 Spotted Guernsey, 3 years old, just fresh. cord breaking home canning season All Cows T. B. and Abortion Tested. and so has taken action to see that there are plenty of glass Jars, rub 1 Bull calf. ber rings and covers for sealing the 6 Nice heifer calves. jars. Zinc lids are banned, however, OPTOMETRISTS 1 Team work mares, weight 3000. This is a real work team. _ DENTISTS a recent WPB order released en 1 5-yr.-old horse, weight 1700, well broke. 1 Smooth mouthed horse, weight 1400. ough metal to permit manufacture DR. J. A. McFALL J. R. CUNDALL of almost all types of closures. And 10 Head of feeder hogs, 80 to 100 pounds. 1 White sow, to farrow June 10 “See Mr Fall and Soe Bettes* twice as many pressure cookers will Dentist be made this year. The WPB point ed out that, however, the Increase Phon« 56-J will not be enough to take care of Sarazln Clinic NYSSA OREGON the Increased demand. But product ion Is limited because of the direct 1 Farm Master milker, two units, like new. 2 Two section spike harrow. war need for the critical steel going 1 Electric De Laval separator in A-l condition. 1 Mowing machine. into manufacture. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST JEWELRY STORES 3 Milk cans. 7 Milk pails. 1 Milk cart. 1 Hay rake. Women war workers are particul ONTARIO OREOON 100 Heavy hens. 1 Good corrigator. ar in their protection of the skin you love to touch" for reports are 3 Double sets of work harness. ' 1 Two wheel trailer. PAULUS that lotions are In great demand 1 Wagon. 1 Wheel barrow. JEWELRY STORE for hand care. Of course, glycerine 1 Two-way John Deere plow. Hay forks and shovels. Union Pacific Time Inspector which formerly "went Into lotions PHYSICIANS now is being replaced by less crit 2 Walking plows. JXWEI RY — DIAMOND« 10 Log chains. ical skin softeners. Women working 3 WATCHES Five-tooth cultipactors. Bunch of woven wire. in munitions plants are taking ex 1 Hand garden cultivator. 150 feet of 4 inch galvanized irrigation pipe. >r«ln Street at Second tra caution in the care of their skin L. A. Maulding, M.D. by using special "insulation” creams. 2 Com cultivator. Scrap lumber. Bunch of poles. Some posts. These products, which are similar 1 Spring-tooth harrow, two-section. Physician and Surgeon 4 Pitcher pumps. to powder bases, prevent the Imbed WYCKOFF Phone 37 1 Woven-wire stretcher. ding of grime in the skin. Another 1 Section of spring tooth harrow. Hours: 10 to 12 end 1 to I JEWELRY STORE 1 Chevrolet roadster. cosmetic item which women doing 1 Hay chopper with blower. Dally—Eaoept Sunday Official Time Inspector for hard physical work count as Imp 1 Beet lifter. 2 or 3 tons of hay. Fry Building Union Pacific ortant are deodorants. These prod 1 Single shovel plow. Some household goods. . * ’ . j . ucts, by the way. are not suffering ONTARIO OREGON from any shortage of ingredients. Terms Of Sale Cash. Housewives who buy butter or SARAZIN CLINIC cheese from the milkman, may pay LUNCH SERVED AT NOON. SHOE SHOPS r.eceesary ration points In advance. J. J. Sarazin, M. D. So If you decide on Monday that you wish s pound of butter deliver Abbott’s Shoo Shop Eve Leuck, G. N. ed the following Thursday. Just tu All kinds of shoe and harneei General practice of medkdnt rn over eight points to the milkman repairing X-Rey Phystotneraw for future delivery Aeroas from poet office. Can openers which Mrs America Col. Bert Anderson, Auctioneer. L. H. Fritta, Clerk will find on the market may be Classified Advertising Oregon Trail Nazarene Church News Mrs.America Meets The War Farm Sale Tuesday, April 20 23 Milk Cows 23 Professional And Business Directory Machinery, Miscellaneous Articles Francis Shaul, Owner