Classified Advertising THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1943 PAGE THREE penses down. He intends abolishing guasta of Mr and Mrs Joe King Emison, Trustee; Gladys Fraser: Legal Advertising R. Ralph regional officers and have one Mrs J. Metcalf returned to her Emison; Bert Emison; Wil­ headquarters In each state, with home in Portland after a two-weeks liam Emison; A. Robinson; W. D. The Dalles, Oregon authority to settle all but the most visit with her mother, Mrs M. E. March 23, 1943. Sherwood; Melissa Smith; Ruth NOTICE is hereby given that Talbot; J. R. Jolly; Florence Jolly; difficult queslona without referring Rogers. Robert W. Lay, of Rt. 1, Ontario, Michael Joyce; Oera irrigation Dis­ to Washington. The present aet-up Mr and Mrs Zeb Wilson shopped Oregon, who. on April 8, 1938, made trict, a municipal corporation; k 30,000 employes but Brown will In. Caldwell 9aturday. homestead entry, under Act of June Owyhee a municipal cor­ RATE8: Two cent* per word lor each Issue. Minimum cash In toes out a few thousand and dep Mrs Harriet Brumbach spent 17, 1902. No. 031106. for Farm Unit poration; County, National Surety Company, advance Is 30c. Saturday In Caldwell having dental “A” or the W*4NEti, Section 12. end more on volunteers. Brown was a corporation; High 4c Frltchman Township 19 S., Range 46 E., Will­ Company, a corporation; Crawford dine. defeated last November for re-elect' work Mre N. S. Phelan left Sunday for amette Meridian, has filed notice Moore, Trustee; anu ail other per­ Ion to the senate for being too Bend, for a visit with her daughter, of intention to make final Proof to son or persons unknown claiming MISCELLANEOUS much of a "yes” man. He la now establish claim to the land above any right, title or Interest in or Mre Orover Lee. WANTED developing a “no” eomplex. For Sale Mrs John Bishop and Johnnie of described, before Aubrey L. Fletcher to the real property described In Nyssa were Sunday guests in the Notary Public, at Nyssa, Oregon, the amended application to fore­ FOR SALE—Imperial Washable WANTED—Used furniture. Highest on the 30th. day of April, 1943. close tax liens on file herein: Brumbach home. Wallpapers for harmonicas decor­ prices paid. Nyssa Furniture Oo. Mr and Mrs Chris Molt spent Claimant names as witnesses: You and each of you hereby are IATPC in Caldwell on business. O. F. Garren, Dave Brady, H. G. notified ation. It Is "color-locked’’. Stuns Two national assembly programs Saturday the Owyhee Irrigation Washington. D. C„ April 1—There Mrs Jack DeOss tran- Don, Betty Oarren, all of Rt. 3, District that Lumber Oo. IATPC. WANTED—6 to 15 acre tract with are 562,686 males In Oregon. On the were enjoyed this week by the st­ Mr and Is the owner and holder Nyssa, Oregon. business In Boise Wednesday. udents of Adrian high school. On Mr and Mrs L A. Curtis and fa­ W. F. JACKSON. of Certificates of Delinquency FOR SALE—Large brooder, 4 feed Improvements. State distance from farms there were 141,569. In the Monday. gave an Inter­ mily visited their daughter In Boise Register. numbered 7884, 7883 and 7882, Is and terms. Write to John C. rural areas but not on farms were esting talk Mr. on Edgar tables. Mrs Betty Forbes Wheeler. town the observatory at lA3xp 158,862. Such was the manpower less Mt. Paitomar. On Thursday “Bo Bo” brotwht their grandchildren lA2xp Krul, Stanfield, Oregon. OF SALE OF REAL PR O ­ sued on the 6th day of February, home for a short visit with them. NOTICE the magician, intertainad with .tri­ 1937, by the Tax Collector of the than three years ago. Since then PERTY PRIVATE SALE WANTED—Two or three-horse sin­ Joe KliM attended an AAA meet­ NOTICE AT FOR SALE—1941 Nash Ambassador gle phase motor. J. H. Boor. lA2xp cks of magic and witticisms. County of Malheur, State of Ore­ IS HEREBY GIVEN, selective service has dipped In and Mervin Peterson, en route from ing in Ontario Thursday. six, twin Ignition, overdrive, air- gon, for the total amount of $18.00 that in pursuance of an order of Mr and Mrs Vtrl Bishop and ba­ removed thousands, the exact num­ Stillwater. Oklahoma to San Pran- by were buslnees visitors in Ontario the County Court of Malheur Cou­ the same being the amounts then condition, new rayon cord tires. WANTED—Someone to take Job cu­ and delinquent for irrigation visited at hia home this week. nty, Oregon, made on the I8th day due Lloyd W. Lewis. 18MTPC tting 1000 sacks seed spuds. M. A. ber being something of a military clsci, district assessments of the plain­ Ratetzyk, route 2. secret. Tht draft age strength of He has been taking special radio Thursday. of December 1942, In the matter of Mre Walter Bishop was badly WA6HABILITY—Velio paint meets WANTED—To buy four fresh cows. Oregon (18 to 38) was 329.358 and work at the college at Stillwater bruised two ribs were broken and the estate of Anna Housh, an in­ tiff district for the years 1932, and will continue this work at San her knee sprained when she Jum­ competent person, the undersigned 1933-34, and 1935, together with U. S. government specifications for Must be T.B. and abortion tested. from this shcukt be subatraded sev­ Francisco. will sell at private sale, the interest and costs thereon, and washability. Nyssa Lumbe Co. Barney Llgart, route 2, Nyssa. eral thousand who are In the army, Arlene Peterson arrived home ped from a wagon Monday when a Guardian, in one parcel to the highest bidder, taxes thereafter paid in the sums team ran away. 25M2xp the navy, marines and coast guard. Wednesday from La Orande to visit Mr and Mrs Henry Wilson and and upon the terms and conditions oí $4.92 for 1932; $5.77 for 1933-4; FOR 8ALE—Building to be moved mentioned, and subject $7.10 for 1935; $15.84 (or 1936; $12.81 from lot. See B. Burns Box 45. WANTED—Potatoes. Brownie’s cafe. The percentage of rejections for Mervin. daughter, Mildred have moved from hereinafter Mrs Ellen Sparks and Mrs Vera Dixie to confirmation by said County Co­ for 1937; $17.61 lor 1938: and $8.65 18M3xp 11M3XC. physical reasons has not been stat­ Sparks to the Lonney ranch, which were Caldwell visitors Wed­ ohey are fanning this season. urt, on or after April 3rd 1943, all for 1939; totaling $72.70, which the right, title, interest and estate amount is added to the lien of FOR SALE OR RENT—DeHart 40. WANTED—Irrigated land, 10 to 80 ed.Manpower of draft age on Oregon nesday. Mrs William Teeter. Mrs Jack acres, Improved or unimproved, with Mrs Garret Muntjiwerff and ch­ Jones 'and Mrs Zeb Wilson attend­ of the said Anna Housh, incompet- said Certificates of Delinquency See Frank T. Morgan, 25Ftfc or without stock and equipment. farms was 53,812. Possibly 50 per­ ildren visited relatives In Payette ed the Union Sunday school con­ tent, in and to that certain parcel numbered 7884, 7883 and 7882, all of BABV CHICKS—You get more pro­ Will trade one or two apartment cent of thtse have disappeared, sw­ Wednesday. situate, lying and being In which are liens upon the real prop­ held at Caldwell Tuesday. of the land County of Malheur, State of erty assessed to Burbridge and fits, Uncle Sam gets more eggs If houses showing better than 10 per allowed up In military forces or In Mrs Vernon Parker visited her vention Junior Shuler of Roswell who Is net on investment in Salem, war industries. One of the problems mother, Mrs Toomto, who k conval­ In the medical crops and Is enjoy­ Oregon and particularly described Bales, et al, who appear as the you start with Thompson’s Purina cent all of Block 76, Green’s Addition owner of record In said County and one $3500, other $5000. G. which has been worrying congress is escing at the home in Nyssa. Embryo-fed Chek-R-Chix. For del­ Oregon, ing a furlough, was a dinner guest as to City of Nyssa, Oregon, with State, described as follows: B. Trotter, Box 728, Bend, Oregon. The K. I. Peterson family were how to keep farm labor on the far­ of Mr and Mrs Ohales Van Cleef two the houses, ivery every Wednesday and Satur­ garage, chicken coop 18M3xp ms. It is generally admitted that If dinner guests at the geroge de Hav­ Monday. An undivided one-half In­ day. Thompson’s Ontario hatchery, and pump house thereon. en home Saturday evening. a farm laborer is given a deferment terest in the Northeast quarter Box 578, Ontario, Oregon. 4FTFC. FURNITURE WANTED—We pay to work on a farm he cannot be An Inter class track meet was Mr and Mre Horace Chaney and Terms and conditions of sale: At of Northwest quarter (NE14- prices for used furniture. frozen there, If this is America, and held Thursday cf last week. The Bernice shopped In Nyssa Saturday. least $500.00 In cash or certified ch­ NWV4), the Northwest quarter FOR SALE—Bridge timbers, 10X highest Mr and Mre Oscar Pinkston and eck to be paid at the time of sale, Nordale Furniture oompany. 21 Jtfc seniors won first place and the being a free citizen he can desert of Northwest quarter (NW(4- 12-16. Inquire Polar Cold Storage. Mrs Herrington and Creta Clair balance to be payable in not more second. Mr. Johnson is were dinner guests of Notus friends and Southeast quarter 18MTFC WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES lor the farm for a war Industry where sophomores than three annual Instalments, with NWV4) the pay is better. As an alternative track coach. of Northwest quarter SE‘4- Sunday. interest at six per cent per annum, FOR SALE—One registered milking live fox feed horses. Phone 8 Pay­ the suggestion Is made that as long Members of the home economics Mr and Mrs Bd Nielsen took Lois of Section 36, Town­ secured by first mortgage upon NW14) shorthorn bull, 2 years old. Sire ette. 57Ntfc as he Is needed on the farm and re­ classes have been preparing and to Caldwell Wednesday and had and ship 18 the premises sold. Deed and abst­ E. W. M. South of Range 46 Crees Northboy Major, dam, Wall­ WANTED—Capable, married, steady mains there'he will be deferred, but serving lunchs the last week. Fac­ her eyes fitted for glasses. at the expense of the purchas­ Said Burbrldge and Bales, as the owa Leona. Two registered short­ ranch hand. Five miles southwest If he leaves for a war Industry he ulty memdbrs have been spectal Mr and Mre Cummings of Wilder ract er. horn sires, aged 7 months. Sire Nyssa. Albert Pfeller. guests. will be picked up and placed In un­ of legal title of the above 25M2xp iform. All bids or offers must be In wr­ owner Wallowa Valley Prince, dam, Wall­ On Tuesday noon the Senior Qlrl called on Bend friends Wednesday. iting described property as the same ap­ and may be left at the office owa Leona. David Gale, general WANTED—List your property, farm There is talk, too, of raiding mar­ Scout troop met at the noon hour pears of record, and the other de­ of the undersigned In the Wilson delivery, Adrian. 25M2xc and discussed the subject ‘‘Per­ ried men and sending them into fendants above named, and each Building, Main Street, Nyssa, Ore­ and city, to sell or rent. We have service. There are in Oregon, on sonality,” a “personality quiz” was Legal Advertisement gon. of them, hereby are notified fur­ many prospective renters and buy­ taken by the members. For Rent 25,352 married men below ther that the Owyhee Irrigation Frank T. Morgan, Guardian District ers. A. L. Atkeson. 14JTFC farms. Mr and Mrs D. W Patch and UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT the age of 34 years. will apply to the Circuit of Anna Housh, Incompetent. What Is not appreciated is that family were Caldwell visitors Sun­ Court of the County and State a- OF THE INTERIOR FOR RENT—160 acres, 80 irrigable, WANTED—Large clean rags. Gate only Dated February 27, 1943. California and Washington day,' foresaid for a decree and Judgment General Land Office at 25FTFC paid higher 38 acres alfalfa, 9 acres pasture, 30 City Journal. fram wages last year The DaUee, Oregon IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE foreclosing all claims and interest acres good spud or beet gound. than did Oregon. The difference February 12, 1943. STATE OF OREGON FO R MALH­ of the above named defendants and LOST Improvements. Cash rent preferred. each and every one thereof, and between Washington and Oregon COUNTY NOTICE Is hereby given that Seven miles northwest Nyssa on Lost—Gasoline allotment card. Fin­ wages 15 cents a day, without • Mrs F. A. Miller. Mrs N. S. Phe­ Jess Rich, of Ontario, Oregon, who, In T he M EUR atter O f T he E state Of also foreclosing the Hens against King avenue. H. L. Brcoks, Route der leave at Farmers Supply Coop. board. was property above described, and California fanners paid 42 Charles Witty, Mrs Joe Brum- on February 10, 1938, made home­ George C. M acLafferty, Deceased. the 1, Ontario. lA2xp J. H. Boor. lA2xp cents a day more than Oregon, also lan, mentioned in said Certificates of NOTICE TO CREDITORS stead entry, Act June 17, 1902, No. bach, Mr. Tetter and Mrs Joe also without board. When Oregon King solicited Red Cross funds in 031038, for Farm Unit "B” or the Notice hereby is given by the un­ Delinquency numbered 7884, 7883 FOR RENT—Several good houses ALICE A. COLLINS and Washington farmers were pay­ Bend this week and received $13836 SEWOStt, Section 35. Township dersigned, Administratrix of the and 7882, together with the Hen for rent. Bernard Eastman. llMtfc FASHION FOUNDATIONS for the taxes thereon paid by said ing $3.09 and $3.24 a day (dozens add to the county fund. 17 S., Range 46 E., Willamette Mer­ Estate of George C. MacLafferty District, OFFICE CLOSED—Dr. E. D. Nor- Will Call By Appointment. of states pay only $1.86) and ship­ to Mrs and Interest at 8% per an­ Deceased, to the creditors of and j idian, has filed notice of intention Charles Witty was sick last cott’s office will be closed on Sat­ num upon said amounts, and to­ Residence Phone 122-J yards were paying $1 and more an all persons having claims against to make final proof, to establish week. urday afternoons during the sum­ Box 500, Nyssa. hour, It was almost Impossible to Mrs E. E. Parker returned home claim to the land above described, the said deceased to file them, with gether with attorney fee of $60.00, mer. 25M3xp and quieting the title of the plain­ keep labor on farms. War Industries from necessary vouchers within six mon­ tiff a three-weeks visit with her before Frank T. Morgan, Notary ths In and to the aald NE14NWK, won whenever there was a contest sons, Arch after the date of first publicat­ NW'.NW'i Public, at Nyssa, Oregon, on the and Kenneth, and their 8BMMWH of Sec. with farms for labor. ion of this notice at the residence 38, Tp. 18 3. and Rng. 30th. day of January, 1943. families at Elgin, Oregon. 46 E W. M. Here Is the value of the leading of the undersigned, 1695 So. Church Claimant names as witnesses: Mre. Clare J. Baker of Baker who INSURANCE E.W. PRUYN industries of Oregon (not Including was out of school about two weeks Clifford Monce, Orover Good, R. H. St., Salem, Oregon,- which place Is Malheur County, Oregon, against war industries): Lumber $140,146,003, owing to lllnesas was able to return Scott, William Anderson, All, of designated as the place of business each and every one of the said Auto Repairing food products $27,320,006, paper pro­ Wednesday to her duties In the Ontario, Oregon. All kinds of Standard ducts for all matters connected with the defendants, and you and each of you hereby are summoned to ap­ $25,603,632, meat products W. F. JACKSON, Estate. school. and fire in- $17,240,445, dairy products $16,665,- Big Mr Bend Reboring, Valve Grind- 1 automobile pear within 60 days after the first Bertha M. MacLafferty, Adminis­ t Register. and Mrs E. H. Brum bach surance. publication of this summons, ex­ 347, printing and publishing $13,- transacted business In Ontario Sat-' tratrix. ing, Lathe work. Parts 531,928, Iron and steel $11^503,336, clusive of the day of first publi­ UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT urday. We also write sec- bakeries $10.682364. Wages paid by Mre Lewis King and mother, Mre. Dated and first publ. Mar. 11, 1943. cation and defend this action or OF THE INTERIOR and accessories various Industries were: Lumber . urity bonds. pay the amount due as shown Last publ. Apr. 8, 1943. General Land Office at $46,116,398, paper products $4,085,- Young of Ontario, were Sunday above, together with costs and ac- 403, wood products $3,428,966, can­ SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION craed interest, and In case of your A. L. ATKESON Phone 56w ned food $3361,605. printing and failure to do so, or to establish publishing $2.567,431, bakeries $3, valid claim and title therein and IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF 212,623. machinery and took $2,025, thereto, a decree wUl be rendered THE STATE OF OREGON FOR forecloelng 918, iron and steel $1,534,671, wool­ all of your claim and MALHEUR COUNTY OWYHEE ens $1,347,737. Interest in and to said property, IRRIGATION DISTRICT, A Mu­ On the picturesque coast of Ore­ and also foreclosing the Hen cf said nicipal Corporation, Plaintiff taxes and the costs against the gon, at Port Orford, near Battle vs. land and premises above named and rock, the government Is to build a Malheur County, a municipal Cor­ described, and quieting title of class $ airport which will cost $865,- poration; Burbrldge 4s Bales, a the in and to said entire 000 and will probably be well over a co-partnership; Bessie E. Doo­ land plaintiff and premises, against you million by the time the development little; Helen Doolittle White; and each of you, and for the plain­ is completed. The navy department Ellen Marie Doolittle Ramsey; tiff's attorney's costs and dis­ requested this and civil aeronautics William Doolittle: Pauline Doo­ bursements in this fee, proceeding made administration has agreed to con­ little Musser; D. E. Baird; Sarah struct It. It Is to be an additional A. Baird; J. T. Bales; F. M. and incurred. protection of the Oregon coast and Cole; F L. Lilly; L. A. McBride; This summons is published pur­ will not be far, in flying time, from Alwena Burbrldge; Lloyd E. Bur- suant to order of the Honerable the place where a Japanese sub­ bridge; Stevie E. Lackey; Fred Robt. M. Duncan made the 4th OPTOMETRISTS DENTISTS marine sent a hydroplane ashore to O. Lackey; Sheila Duncan; Her­ day of March, 1943, directing pub­ IN THE FRONT LINE OF THE MARCH lication of this summons for four drop Incendiaries In a national for­ bert Lackey; Harry T. Lackey; weeks DR. J. A. McFALL est. in the Nyssa Gate City Jour­ The little town of Port Orford J. R. CUNDALL Ruth DeNtse; Ollbert Hunter; C. FOR RECORD FOOD PRODUCTION FOR nal, published at Nyssa, Oregon. Is to furnish the land without coat “See MrFaU and Sos R. Emison, Trustee; Thea Oreig; Dentist to the government and maintain Carl H. Co ad Oladys Fraser; Ralph Emison; v ic t o r y . t # and operate the field as a public Attorney for Plaintiff Bert Onison; William Emison; Phone Bfl-J airport. This field will furnish the Residence and Address: Robert E. Lees; William E .Lees; navy with a land base from which NYSSA Sarazln Clinic OREGON Nyssa, Oregon. START THEM ON — KEEP THEM ON — A H. C. Boyer; V. B. Btaples; J. to operate patrols, being theoreti­ N Jones; A. Robinson; W. D. Dated and first publication March cally similar to the land base at DIET OF Sherwood; Melissa Smith; Edith 11, 1943. Tongue Point. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST JEWELRY STORES E. Allen; Ruth Talbot; J. R. Last publication AprU 8, 1943. It » estimated that the army will Jelly, Florence Jolly; P. J. ONTARIO OREGON require seven billion pounds of sea Gallagher; Mabel Judd Rester; IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE food this year to alternate with Bank of Malheur, a banking cor­ STATE O F OREGON FOR MALH­ PAULUS meat. Harold L Ickes, secretary of poration ; Michael Joyce; United UOUNTY JEWELRY STORE the interior, who has charge of fish States National Bank of Portland, In T he M EUR atter of the Estate of Union Pacific Time Inspector and wildlife service, declares that PHYSICIANS a banking corporation; Ethel M argaret E. Tyner. Deceased. the goal of seven billion will be sh­ JEWELRY — DIAMONDS Morgan; Oem Irrigation District, NOTICE ort by more than three billion a municipal corporation; Owyhee WATCHES Notice Is given that Carl H. Coad, pounds Not all of this seafood will, County, a municipal corporation; Administrator of the above estate Main Street at Second of course, be salmon, but a substan­ National Surety Company, a cor­ has filed his final account for set­ L. A. Maulding, M.D. tial amount will oome from the poration; High 8c Frltchman tlement together with report of ad­ Columbia river. Secretary Ickee la Physician ai Company, a corporation; Craw- ministration and petition for dist­ not overly enthusiastic with this WYCKOFF ferd Moore, Trustee, and also sll ribution of such estate In the Phone $7 Give Them Just Right Chick Starter and Follow above year's prospects. He aaya that the other person or persons un­ entitled court, and that hearing 10 to 13 and I to I JEWELRY STORE Hours: shortage of manpower, the diver­ known clsimlng any right, title or has been fixed for the Dally—Except Through to Reap a Premium in Early Peak Pro­ interest In or to the real prop- therefore Official Time Inspector for sion of boats and scarlcty of gear 17th day of April, 1943, at 10:30 Fry Building Union Pacific will reduce the catch substantially ery described In the amended ap­ o’clock A. M In the County court­ duction This Fall with ONTARIO OREGON Alaskan waters win not1 yield as plication to foreclose tax liens room In the County courthouse at much salmon as normally because on file herein. Defendants. Vale, Oregon, at which time and by the navy depart­ Summons For Publication SARAZIN CLINIC of ment restrictions place all persons Interested and the presence of Japanese To Burbrldge 4c Bales, s co-part­ appear and show cause. If any shall they SHOE SHOPS After the unfavorable start of nership; Ellen Marie Doolittle Ram­ have why such account and petition J. J. Sarazin, M. D. rationing by office of price admin­ sey: William Doolittle; Pauline and report should not be settled istration the head man. Prentiss Abbott’s Shoe Shop Doolittle Musser; D. E. Baird; and approved and distribution of Eve Leuck, G. N. is trying to make it leaa Barati A Baird; J. T. Bales; F M. the estate made to the persons All kinds of shoe and harness General practice of medic» Brown, unpalatable to the people. He has Cole; F. L. Lilly; L A. McBride: entitled thereto. repairing X-Ray Physlotherap) decided he will not ask for $ 24 . 000 . Stevie E lackey: Fred O. Lackey; Cari H. Ooad, Administrator Aereas from post off» . 00 to carry hk organisation to July Harry T. Lackey; Ruth DeNtse: | Dated and Ut pubi Mar 18, 1943. 1, and has given orders to keep ex- Ollbert Hunter; Bessie Hunter; C. I Last pubi. Apr. 15, 1943. Adrian Big Bend Get Your Professional And Business Directory mn Ju s t Right Feeds More Eggs For Uncle Sam THE NYSSA ELEVATOR