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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1943)
PAGE FOUR THË ÑYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1943 FARM AMMUNITION t not be rationed, although the che- ' eggs to England and Russia than all returned to their home in Salem NEWELL HEIGHTS ddar will be to civilian consumers the eggs produced in Oregon last after spending the past few weeks Farmers and ranchers can obtain cf this country. | year—in fact, there were exported in the home of their daughter, Mrs ammunition needed for control of One reason there is a shortage of tUn« “ many doMn <*»* »• Robert Clark. The T. Walsh farm has been pur predatory animals. A stock of 30-06 „ .. . . , , Oregon hens laid. Oregon's product- farm help is that farm wages last 1Qn wa_, ,n of dozen Miss Joyce Kurtz of Newell Heig chased by Mike Jamora and their cartridges and 12 gauge shotgun year, according to the department j The figures cn export came from hts was a week-end guest of Miss sale will be Monday Mar. 29th. shells Is now available in the state, of agriculture, averaged $56.07 a 1 Edward R. Stettinius, and from the Arlene Piercy. Other neighbors will sell with Mr and supplies of .22 and 30-30 cart month while in war industries work- department of agriculture on what The Junior Girl Scouts held their Walsh making it a large sale. The ridges are expected soon. Dealers | ers drew down that much per week, j the Oregon hens laid. | Of course, this average age for farm | Rear of housewives that they will regular meeting Saturday in the Newell Heights Modern Pioneer have the application blanks which club will sell the lunch at noon. j workers does not include the wages not j,e able to buy rubber bands for grade school in Adrian. TO EXPLAIN MEAT RULINGS must be filled out at the time the Mr and Mrs Bill Wood have given paid harvest hands, for many f a r - 1 preserving vegetables and fruit this Mrs Robert Clark took Mrs Ricks To acquaint all concerned with order Is placed. l mers paid as high as the shipyard* i year appears to be without found- and baby to a doctor Tuesday. The possession of their farm and moved provisions of the new meat manag [ to save as much of their crop as ! atjon present indications are that into one of Che Dan Holly houses ement regulations, the county USDA FARM WAR SERVICE AWARDS baby is ill with pneumonia. j l,ossU>le. 1943 will be the all-time record for In Adrian. Mr and Mrs William Toomb and Special reccgnttlon for service on war board has arranged a meeting | “Dry champions in Oregon have pome canning because of the short- It Is believed that Bob Kurtz Is to be held in Ontario in the near the food front has been announced been^ writing to congress asking for | age of canned goods and the point sen, Dickie, and Mrs Vernon Par national prohibition as a cure for i SyStem, and the necessity of house- ker and Bobbie, and Janet of Ad now in a camp in Tennessee as he future. Slaughter permits will be by the department of agriculture. Washington, D. C , March 25-Ho- absenteeism, otherwise called “Mon- , ,vives having to depend upon their rian visited Mrs Robert Toomb and expected to move last week. Issued, and the new regulations will Farm families enlisting In all-out The Stanley Goulet family were be discussed and explained. Under u: .ng situation is becoming so tight day sickness," prevalent In war in- own endeavors to keep their larder Mr and Mrs Wade Nichols in Ont An cfflcial of civilian sup- suppued. Glass Jars and tops will Ontario shoppers Tuesday and M. the new program, farmers will be production will be awarded a certlf- at the Clatsop navy air base that dustries ario Tuesday. ply division of war emergency board also ^ avallable L. Kurtz Wednesday. permitted to slaughter for sale the cate of farm war service. The cert dwellings for 200 families and 40 has made a report proposing that n lnoks „ though after Jun, jj * Mrs Arthur Cartwright and her George Scheimer, who had a very same amount of meat as they sold ificates, signed by Secretary Wick- couples are being arranged for. At the sale of alcoholic drinks can be federal income tax will be paid on ! son, accompanied her parents, Mr narrow escape last week when his during the comparable period In ard, will be awarded by the county Tongue Point the naval develop reduced to cne percent and he lists the installment plan, his is the pro- I and Mrs Earl Parker of Newell Hel- tractor tipped over into the base 1941. Those who cannot supply 1941 war beard chairman as soon as ment that he was digging, is ar data may slaughter and sell 300 passible after completion of the ment has expanded so that 40 fam alcohol as a non-essential. Another posal of the house committee on ghts, to Nyssa Monday. alternative is the suggestion that ound with the use of a cane. pounds or three animals, Including ily dwellings and accomodations for limits be placed on the amount of ways and means, and if the bill is CUff Beaumont and Miss Mae passed by house and senate it will Mrs Anna D. S. P ratt returned to one head of cattle. No permits are mobilization drive. The farm plan 20 couples have been listed for con liquor that may be purchased at Beaumont were in Nyssa shopping her brother’s home near Corvillls needed to slaughter meat for home worksheet will provide the basis struction. These will be paid for by state liquor stores—a form of limit be easier to pay this tax than try Monday. ing to meet it in a lump sum. Any- Sunday after a visit here with her use on the farm. for making the award. the government. Additional dwell ation now adopted by the Oregon Mr and Mrs William Toomb and ing units for war workers in the liquor board. Whiskey is not being things can happen before June how family were Saturday evening din son, Louis, and family. BUI Kurtz returned to his camp Portland area have been approved distilled at present, all distilleries ever, and the installment paying ner guests in the Dennis Patch a t Ogden Tuesday after a 10 day to shelter employes of Commercial being used *for the production of plan may be kicked out of the wind home In Adrian. leave. Iren Works, which is building boats industrial alcohol required for sm ow. Conrad Martin was In Ontario on for the navy. There is a housing okeless powder and high explosives. business Saturday. shortage in every community in the The warehouses, however, are said Jewell Wilson, Thurman Piercy, Willamette valley and Rogue river to have a stock sufficient for three Ronald Lane and Allen Hathaway The Owyhee Community club met of the Kolony were among the valley and in several towns in east years. Complete line of wheat, oats, barley, clovers, ern Oregon. Government has al Gen. Douglas MacArthur has cab- with Mrs E H. Strickland with Mrs honor guests at the basketball ban AUTO TRACTOR and ready spent millions of dollars on led a southwest state that he will 1 John Strickland as assistant hostess quet In Adrian Friday evening. RADIATOR REPAIR alfalfas, pasture grass and garden seeds. units for war workers in Oregon. eturn to the Philippines and release Money to buy a bend is being coll William Toomb was in Nyssa Oregon cheese factories, producing the national guardsmen who were ected from the members. A petition Wednesday. ING Cheddar cheese, will have a market captured cn Batann and Corrigador to continue the present health pro James Shaw held a poultry club for very pound they can produce in as soon as he can muster the mili gram was signed by members. Ref meeting a t his home Wednesday 1943. More than 50 percent of all tary force. If MacArthur does this reshments of salad, sandwiches, evening. the Cheddar Cheese in the United he will also release a large number potato chips, cake and cocoa were Mr and Mrs Robert Clark shopped States will be bought for he armed of Oregon yoops who were captured served. Mrs Charles Culbertson and in Caldwell Friday. NYSSA AUTO CO. forces and the Allies. Later, when j by the Japanese. The story current Mrs Jess Gregg will be hostesses at Mrs Charley Wilson and daughter, ex-Oovernor Lehman of New York ; in the national capital is that Mac- the next meeting. Main Highway North. Nadeen, shopped in Nyssa Saturday. ha* his relief machine organized to Arthur only was persuaded to flee Miss Lois Patton was hoatees St. Mr and Mrs Rlay Cartwright of feed more than 300,000,000 people from the Philippines on the ass Patricks day a t a slumber party Big Bend called In the Arthur Cart the drain on domestic cheese fact urance that he would receive rein Wednesday night, guests were the wright home Friday evening. ories will be heavy, as mest of the forcements and supplies In Australia Misses. Peggy Langton. Virginia Miss Jeanette Martin of Caldwell people of Europe are cheese eaters. and could then return to the Is Mae Jarvis, Tiny Hinton, Marjory spent Sunday with her parents. Mr Special types of cheese, such as lands. Hillis, Helen Schwelzer, Maxine and Mrs Conrad Martin. * Swiss, Italian, blue and brick, will Lend-lease in 1942 shipped more Smith and Verla Mae Wolf. Mr and Mrs William Toomb en Insurance Real Estate Miss Mary Collins of Boise was a tertained at dinner Sunday evening Phone 26 2nd and Good Ave. week-end guest of Mr and Mrs for Homer and Joe Schooler and Phone 64 Jess Gregg. John Hickman, who are attending OREGON NYSSA Mr and Mrs N. E. H att entertain C.P.T. In Caldwell. The youths are ed at dinner Sunday for Mr and from Genessee, Idaho. Mrs S. D. Bigelow. Miss Marie Church was a lunch eon guest of the Lewis Skinner fa mily Sunday. Doris Oregg spent several days in Boise last week with her sister. Margaret Klingback. Mr and Mrs William Peutz enter tained at dinner Sunday for Mr and Mrs Jack Slmpscn, Mr and Mrs George Nein and Ester, and Mrs Mildred Hite and Marjory. The Having sold our farms, we will sell at public auction at the Welch farm located 12 miles southwest of occasion was Mr Simpson's birth Nyssa, Oregon or 44 mile north, VL> west and ^4 mile north of Adrian the following property. Ken day and also the birthday of their neth Lorensen of Nyssa route 2 has consigned some personal property to this sale. son, Laurence, who Is In the armed forces. Mrs Martha Klingback and ion. D iphthericum Fred, Mr and Mrs Jess Gregg ’and Rack doae contain* a fall dost for immunity against Hemorrhagic Mrs Deris Gregg attended the mar Septicemia. riage of Miss Margaret Klingback Each done also contain* a doae of the kfllrd bacteria that cause Pulmon to Sergeant Ruseell R. Wolf, Jr., at ary Edema in cattle. the Gowan Field ohapel Friday ev SALE STARTS AT NOON. Thu* each doae of Franklin PaatenreJU-Paeudodiphthericum Bacterin ening. ulvca you the double benefit of resistance against both Hemorrhagic Mr and Mrs Louis Hillley left for WELCH PROPERTY Septicemia and the complicating infection that so frequently occur* with their home at Geneva, Idaho last Hemorrhagic Septicemia. T k t con it tu t 104 per Jou with liberal dueroan MACHINERY: week. They Were living at the Owy 1 Anvil. hee corner. 1 Water tank, 4 barrell size. 1 Post drill. Mr and Mrs O. L. McMillan were 1 Wagon vgith rack. 1 Sickle sharpener. overnight guests of the Lewia Skin 1 Wagon with box. ner family Saturday. 1 Cream separator, hand power. Private and Mrs Plynn Carpenter 1 Valley mound corrigator, good 1 Hand seeder. are visiting In the community and 1 Mower, good, McCormick-Deering, 5 ft., oil bath. 1 Trailer box are at present guests of Mr and 1 Hay rake. Mrs Oerald Slippy. Pvt. Carpenter 1 Set good harness. Is here on furlough from an army Hay derrick. 1 Set old harness. base in California. Seed Grains O w yhee See Bill Marsh Custom Cleaning And Treating Bernard Eastman *r«ai A 1 Th o m p so n & Sons V .W .W W .W , FARM SALE Protect Against Shipping and Winter Infections! Vaccinate with FRA N KLI N PASTEURELLA BACTERIN Monday, March 29 NYSSA PHARMACY Buy GOOD Kingman Kolony The ladies held their final pin ochle party In the Frank Newtoill home In Newell Heights, Thursday afternoon. The six ladles holding low scores entertained the six hold ing high scores for the season. Mrs Raymond Holton won high score and Mrs Robert Clark low score for the afternoon. The young people's Chirstlan E n deavor society held a party at the Kolony school house Wednesday evening. Each member had the pri vilege of bringing a guest. At th* clcse of an evening of games, ref reshments were served. * Mr and Mrs Georg* Lambaraon PERFECT TRIBUTE TO A BRAVE AMERICAN plant Northrop, King 4k Co. Seed». These dependable seeds have been tested tor purity and germination by reliable leading American seedsmen for mors than M years! Chooee from Mg selec tion now a t most yards of iM k r ' Nyssa LUM BER (^C OM PANY Bwtght Smith. Manager. Phone 15 Today, in a world at war. the beautiful Tomb of th* Unknown Soldier la a fitting trtbuta to an American who laid hla Ufa upon th* altar of Freedom You can give your loved on* an equally fitting tribute with a beautiful Nyssa Funeral Home memorial aarvlce. NYSSA FUNERAL HOME Disc, good, McCormick-Deering, 16 wheel. 4 Horse collars. Three-section harrow. 1 Two-horse slip scraper. Corn cultivator. 1 Steel barrell. Two-way plow, John Deere. 1 Gasoline erigine, good, 3 H. P. Small feed grinder. 1 Jackson fork. Team of horses, geldings weight 1700 pounds each, one brown, one black, smooth-mouthed. 20 Feeder hogs, weight 60 to 160 pounds, owned by Jess Sugg. 6 HEAD CATTLE: 1 Yearling holstein heifer. 1 Roan, to freshen June 6, three years old. 1 Heifer calf, six months old 1 Holstein Jersey, to freshen Aug. 13, three yrs. old. Cattle T.B. and abortion tested. 1 Two-year old heifer with calf at side. HOUSEHOLD GOODS: 1 Heating stove. 1 Ten-foot oak dining table 1 Electric 5-tube radio. 1 Oak buffet. 1 Radio table. 8 Chairs. 2 Linoleum rugs. 1 Refrigerator, 6.3 cubic feet, good. 150 quarts canned fruit. 1 Triple-mirror dresser, chest of drawers to match. 7 Dozen young hens, laying good. 1 Dresser. l Hand corn sheller, good. 1 Mattress, old. 250 Bushels of good yellow com 1 Overstuffed set, 2 piece, like new. 1 Wool rug, almost new. Wrenches, shovels, hay knife, stone jars, fruit jars, kitchen utensils, dishes. CHRISTENSEN PROPERTY 1 Jersey cow, fresh in six weeks, 6 years old. 5 Calves. 1 Guernsey cow, fresh in four weeks, 5 years old. 1 Gelding, smooth mouth, work anywhere. 1 Red cow, fresh in six months, 7 years old. 1 Set of harness, nearly new, and collars. 1 Jersey cow, fresh in two months, 8 years old. 1 Dain mower ready to use. 1 Jersey cow. fresh in two months, 10 years old. 1 Trailer wagon. 1 Jersey heifer, freshen soon. 1 International fencer. 1 Black heifer, giving milk. Some good feed barley. 2 Coming yearlings. LORENSEN PROPERTY I 8 Head of good Guernsey and Jersey cows. T. B. and A. B. tested March 18, 1943. I 1 Jenkins overshot hay stacker, used one season. Lunch served on grounds by Newell Heights community ladies. 0. E. Christensen, Albert Welch, OWNERS Col. Bert Anderson, auctioneer. L. H. Fritta,clerk.