Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199?, March 11, 1943, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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sday morning for Portland, where;
Trustee; and all other person or defendants, and you and each of
Residence and Addreee;
Legal Advertising
Mr. Greer is employed In the ship­
persons unknown claiming any you hereby are summoned to ap­
Nyssa, Oregon.
yards. Mr. Greer, formerly water
SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION right title or interest in or to the pear within 60 days after the first Dated and first publication March
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Allen left
superintendent of Nyssa, and Mr»
real property described in the publication ci this summons, ex­
l l . 1943.
Greer were here to attend to busin- for their heme in California after1! IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF amended application to foreclose clusive cf the day of first publi­
Exchange Visits—
Last publication April 8, 1943.
visiting several days at the E. L.
THE STATE OF OREGON FOR tax liens on file herein:
Mr and Mrs Bernard Frost and
cation and defend this action or
Jamison home. Mr. and Mrs. Allen
You and each of you hereby are ! Pay the amount due as shown
children flew to Twin Falls from
formerly lived near Nyssa.
IRRIGATION DISTRICT, A Mu­ notified that the Owyhee Irrigation above, together with costs and ac
Ontario Friday afternoon with Mrs Here From Ironsid
Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell and nicipal Corporation, Plaintiff
cured interest, and in case of your
District is the owner and holder
Frost's brother, Clell McDowell of l Mrs Ed Beam of Ironside was a
I failure to do so, or to establish
family were in Medirian Sunday.
In the County Court of the State
of Certificates of Delinquency valid claim and title therein and
Twin Falls, who pilots his own pl­ week-end guest of her sister, Mrs
A large crowd attended the H. L. Malheur County, a municipal Cor­
of Oregon for Malheur County.
poration; Burbridge & Bales, a numbered 7884, 7883 and 7882. is thereto, a decree will be rendered
ane. En route back to Nyssa they
Day sale Monday.
High prices
In the Matter of the Eh tat« of
co-partnership; Bessie E. Doo­ sued on the 6th day oi February, foreclosing all of your claim and
encountered bad weather and Mr. ed on Mrs J. C. Beam Sunday.
were paid. Mr. Day will leave soon
little; Helen Dootlittle White; 1937, by the Tax Collector of the interest in and to said property, George C. MacLafferty. Deceased.
McDowell landed his plane at Na-
Ellen Marie Doolittle Ramsey;
to visit his brother In New Mex­
and also foreclosing the lien cf said
Notice hereby la given by the
mpw The Frost family came home Here Krom Idaho_
William Doolittle; Pauline Doo­ County of Malheur, State of Ore­ taxes and the costs against the undersigned, Administratrix of the
by train. Mr and Mrs McDowell
ico and a daughter In Missouri.
Mr and Mrs M. J. Connelly and
little Muaser; D. E. Baird; Sarah gon, for the total amount of $18.00 land and premises above named and
came to Nyssa Monday for a visit
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Floria and
family of Banks, Idaho were week­
A. Baird; J. T. Bales; F. M. the same being the amounts then described, and quieting title of Estate of George C. MacLafferty,
of a few days at the Frost home.
family will move onto the Day
Cole; F L. Lilly; L. A. McBride; due and delinquent for irrigation the plaintiff in and to said entire Deceased, to the creditors of and
end guests at the heme of Rev. and
Alwena Burbridge; Lloyd E. Bur- district assessments of the plain­ land and premises, against you all persons having claims against
Visiting In California—
Mrs Lloyd N. Pounds.
bridge; Stevie E. Lackey; Fred tiff district for the year 1932, and each of you, and for the plain­ the said deceased to file them, with
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Topllff, Mr.
Mrs Olaf FUllngness and Mrs
G. Lackey; Sheila Duncan; Her­ 1933-34, and 1935, together with tiff's attorney's fee, costs and dis­ the necessary vouchers within six
James Stephens, Sr., went to Calif­ Move To Ranch—
and Mrs. George Cleaver, Mr. and
bert Lackey; Harry T. Lackey; the interest and costs thereon, and bursements in this proceeding made months after the date of firat publi­
ornia last week. Mrs Fllllngnese Is
Mr and Mrs “Doc" Douglas have
cation of this notice at the resi­
Ruth DeNlse; Gilbert Hunter; C. taxes thereafter paid in the sums and Incurred.
visiting her daughters In Sacramen­
ison and Willis Bertian attended a
R. Em Ison, Trustee; Thea Grelg: of $492 for 1932; $5.77 for 1933-4;
This summons is published pur­ dence oi the undersigned, 1095 So.
to, and Mrs Stephens is visiting her moved to the Overstreet ranch in benefit pinochle party at the Ore­
Gladys Fraser; Ralph Bmlson; $7.10 for 1935; $15.84 for 1936; $12.81 suant to order of the Honorable Church St., Salem, Oregon, which
daughters In LoaAngeles. Mrs Flll- the Kingman Kolony section.
gon Trail school house Thursday
Bert Unison; William Em Ison; for 1937; $17.81 for 1938: and $8.65 Robt. M. Duncan made the 4th place U designated as the place
lngness was accompanied home by
of business for all matters connect­
her son, Prlate Oliver Fllllngnese, Guests At Home—
Robert E. Lees; William E Lees; for 1939; totaling $72.70, which day of March, 1943, directing pub­
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hoffman
amount is added to the lien of lication of 'this summons for four ed with the Bstate.
who Is serving In the C A army.
Sunday guests at the Grover Do­
Bertha M. MacLafferty,
N Jonas; A. Robinson: W. D. said Certificates of Delinquency weeks in the Nyssa Gate City Jour­
Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy of
uglas home were Mr and Mrs J. B. Nyssa were Sunday dinner guests
Staying At Apartments—
Sherwood; Melissa Smith; Edith numbered 7884, 7883 and 7882. all of nal, published at Nyssa, Oregon.
Dated and first publ. Mar. 11, IMS
E. Allen; Ruth Talbot; J. R. which are liens upon tne real prop­
Carl H. Goad
Mr and Mrs J. E. Cox of El Paso, Mitchell and sons, Dennis, Lewis, cf Leslie Topllff.
Last pulbl. Aprl 8, 1948.
Jolly, Florence Jolly; P. j. erty assessed to Burbridge and
Attorney for Plaintiff
Howard Day left Wednesday to
Texas are staying at the Thomp­ Shop In Boise—
Gallagher; Mabel Judd Kester; Bales, et al, who appear as the
Mr and Mrs W. J. Herod spent take his physical examination for
son apartments until they move to
Bank of Malheur, a banking cor­ owner of record in said County and
their ranch at Parma. Mrs Cox la Wednesday of this week shopping the army. Mr. Day Is a volunteer.
poration; Michael Joyce; United State, described as follows:
In Boise.
Mrs. Day and daughter will make
a lister of Mrs Jessie Callahan.
States National Bank of Portland,
their home in Nebraska.
An undivided one-half in­
a banking corporation; Ethel
Here From Weiser—
Mr and Mrs Leslie Topliff and
Move To Nyssa—
terest in the Northeast quarter
Morgan; Gem Irrigation District,
Mrs Tcm Bean of Weiser visited family were In Ontario Thursday.
of Northwest quarter (NE14-
W. L. Flower, formerly of Enter­
a municipal corporation; Owyhee
NWl») and Southeast quarter
prise, has been transferred to the Mr and Mrs Ward Wleneke Sun­
FSA camp southwest of Nyssa as day.
VICTORY FOOD HINTS National Surety Company, a cor­ of Northwest quarter (NE14-
NW14) of Section 36, Town­
employment officer. Mr and Mrs
poration; High ti Fritchman
ship 18 South of Range 46
Leona Anderson
Flower and family arrived here fr­ VisK In Nyssa—
Company, a corporation; Craw­ E. W. M.
om Prinevllle this week. They ex­
Home Service Advisor
Mr and Mrs Forrest Moore and
ford Moore, Trustee, and also all
Idaho Power Co.
pect to live in Nyesa.
family of Nampa visited over the
Said Burbridge and Bales, as the
other person or persons un­
week-end with Mr and Mrs 8 C. FAT MAKES GLYCERINS—HAVE
owner of legal title of the above
Here From Florida—
described property as the same ap­
Chicken fat may be used in pas­ interest In or to the real prop- pears of record, and the other de­
Mrs Jerry Tuttle, formerly Irene
ery described In the amended ap­
Weeks. Is visiting here from Florida.
Every night at 8 o’cl-
plication to foreclose tax liens fendants above named, and each
Mr and Mrs Lorin Goates of Ny­ combread, cakes and cookies. It
Mr. Tuttle is stationed in Florida
of them, hereby are notified fur­
ssa are the parents of an 8'! pound
with the navy.
ther that the Owyhee Irrigation
Summons For Publication
ture and should be stored1 in the
girl bom March 4.
District will apply to the Circuit
Mrs Glenn Suiter, Nyssa rural refrigerator; to “cream” in cakes or
Go To Portland—
Court of the County and State a-
ccokies, place sugar in bowl first, nership; Ellen Marie Doolittle Ram­ foresaid for a decree and judgment
Conducted by Rev. and
Mr and Mrs Cliff Greer left Tue- route, is receiving treatment.
add fat, and blend thoroughly. Use sey; William Doolittle; Pauline foreclosing all claims and interest
Mr* Bert Daniels. Mrs
standard reetpies and proceed as Doolittle Muaser; D. E. Baird; otf the above named defendants and
Return To Work—
S. D. Goshert, postmaster, has re­ usual with this one exception in the Sarah A. Baird; J. T. Bales; F. M. each and every one thereof, and
Daniels plays a vibra-
Cole; F. L. Lilly-* L A. McBride: also foreclosing the liens against
PERFECT TRIBUTE turned to his work In the pest off­ first step.
Bacon fat and other clean, cl­ Stevie E. Lackey; Fred G. Lackey; the property above described, and
ice following a period of illness.
harp and does special
Henry and Isaac, Mr and Mrs Nor­ ear fat may be used in cakes and Harry T. Lackey; Ruth DeNlse:
in said Certificates of
AMERICAN man Douglas and son, Dear., and cookies with spicy or molasses fl­ Gilbert Hunter; Bessie Hunter; C. mentioned
Delinquency numbered 7884, 7883
Ward Douglas, brother of Grover avors, in cornbread, gingerbread, R. Emiaon, Trustee; Oladys Fraser; and 7882, together with the lien
sauces, vegetables, etc.
Ralph Bmlson; Bert Emtson; Wil­ for the taxes thereon paid by said
To clarify or "reclaim" drippings liam Emiaon: A. Robinson; W. D. District, and Interest at 8% per an­
Wins Contest—
for cooking or baking: Place in i Sherwood; Melissa Smith; Ruth num upon said amounts, and to­
Henry Hartley won the Time cur­ saucepan, add 2 or 3 times as much Talbot; J. R. Jolly; Florence Jolly; gether with attorney fee of $50.00,
conducts congregation­
rent contest recently held under water, heat till fat is melted and Michael Joyce; Gem Irrigation Dis­ and quieting the title of the plain­
al singing and is in charge of all special music.
the auspices of the Nyssa Lions cl­ stir well. Cool, place in regrigerator trict, a municipal corporation; tiff in and to the said NEV.NWli,
to chtll thoroughly. Lift off layer Owyhee County, a M unicipal cor­ NW HNW * and SE‘,NWV4 of Sec.
of fat, drain on paper towel, pack poration; National Surety Company, 36, Tp. 18 S. Rng. 46 E W. M,
into dish, store in refrigerator.
j To Plant Gardens—
a corporation; High & Fritchman, Malheur County, Oregon, against
j The 4-H club of Cow hollow met To salvage fat from roasting or a corporation ; Crawford Moore, each and every one oi the said
! Sunday evening at the home of Mrs frying pan: Pour or skim pure fat
j Jessie Callahan to discuss club wo­ through fine wire sieve into tin
Today, in a world at war, the rk. The members decided to plant can. Add cne or two cupfuls oi wat­
er to pan, bring to a boil, stirring
beautiful Tomb of the Unknown victory gardens.
and swishing water around to col­
Soldier Is a fitting tribute to an
Returns From Trip—
lect fat. Pour into small bowl, cool,
American whs laid his life upon
Mrs Ed Steinke has returned ho­ place in refrigerator to chill; re­
the altar of Freedom. You can me after spending 10 weeks visiting move layer of hardened fat and add
give your loved one an equally her parents, Mr and Mrs J. W. to tin of salvage fat.
Save all fat trimmings from raw
fitting tribute with a beautiful Hasty of Red Cloud, Nebraska, her
sister in Burr Oak, Kansas, her and cooked steaks, chops, roasts, etc.
Nyssa Funeral Home memorial
brother, at Kearney, Nebraska, and Place in refrigerator dish, and wh­
friends in the middle west. Mrs en filled, render and add to tin of
Steinke said traveling was very dif­ j salvage fat.
ficult because cf the crowded trains.
Not even a teaspoonful Of fat sk­
The visit, was her first visit home immed from the soup or gravy or
since she came to Nyssa seven years left In the frying or roasting pan,
or the smallest piece of fat trimm­
ing should find Its way to the gar­
bage can for the duration, or after
I the duration, for that matter.
Hen nber—18 tablespoons equal
a cupful; 2 cupfuls cf fat usually
make a ;>o nd; the pound of sal-
v&ee f it you turn In this week may
urnKu the glycerine which stops
n enemy tank on the battle front
••••!••• re ycur boy is fighting.
1 Cup flour
' t. baking powder
\ t. salt
2 T. sugar
2 cups catmeal
1 egg
1 cup milk
3 T. chicken or bacon fat
Sift together flour, baking powder,
salt and sugar. Add oatmeal. Beat
eggs, add milk and melted short­
ening Ccmbine dry ingredients and
liquids, stirring Just enough to mo­
lte n dry Ingredients. Fill greased ,
muffin pans two thirds full. Bake ;
; at 400 degrees for about 20 min-
I utes.
How good are you at judging weights? Come
Buena Vista
|Church O f
Thu Nazarenu
A.L. Crane
Rev. Vern Martin, Pastor
Your Living Room Suite
Que¿¿ the tyJeiÿUt
IIP o m t I K STO R E P IO S ^
in and try your hand on the two live pigs
w e’re feeding in our store.
One pig is heavier than the other, but we’d like
to have you «less hou> much. Both are litter
mates. Both had an even start. Both get the
same care. Only difference is in the way they’re
fed. One pig gets Purina Hog Chow plus grain.
The other pig is on a ration of grain alone.
You guess the difference in weight. W e’ll tell
you how much feed it has cost each pig to date.
Then let YOU judge whether
the extra gain is worth the price.
>me in and see for yourself!
,C on
• P I O T A S I
feed on
C h e P lt.? * ig ta b s are
•afe, econom ical an d easy to
r. O rder a box.
Al Thompson & Sons
2nd and Good Ave.
Six miles south of Vale on Sand
Hollow Road. South side of Malh­
eur river. Sale starts at 1 p. m
PWT Lunch served on grounds.;
35 cittle. 5 hogs. 3 Jacks, 4 jennies.
F»rm Machinery
T m Johnson, owner
Col. Bert Anderson, auctioneer.
Make Your Furniture Look New
Our Re-Covers Give You
3 miles southwest of Vale-2 miles
west on Burns road, then south one
mile Starts at 12 noon. Lunch on :
30 h'rese, 7 cattle, farm machinery, j
| poultry, household goods.
Bruce Hunt, Owner.
Col Bert Anderson, auctioneer.
2 ‘i Milqs West of New Plymouth
on U S 30
Sterling at One o'clock
26 Head Guernsey Cattle. Farm
Equipment. Household Goods, Lun­
ch served on the grounds
C W Vanfleet, owner.
Col Bert Anderson, auctioneer,
i L. H PrUts, clerk.
For a brighter home life-have us re-cover your furniture to renewed beauty!
Our expert workmen will create an entirely new look for your living room—
in the fabrics you select, and build each cover for long lasting wear. W e’ve a
wide selection of fabrics for you to choose from in floral prints, stripes and
plain colors— to tastefully re-upholster your furniture.