Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1943)
— Classified Advertising- THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL ■ — ■ — ........................................................................................... ^ THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1943 1 _______ ------------------------------------------ ■ gon. morning for Logan, where they will Prank T. Morgan, Guardian visit Mrs Ure's mother, Mrs Rachel - . . 4 .- o í Anna Housh, Incompetent. Bensen. They will go on to Salt Lake and Ogden to visit friends. Dated February 27, 1943. They plan to be gone about two . T..- M • weeks. IL L A T HOME Legal Advertiaement Mrs Reta Taylor was confined to Tiwo cent* per word lo r each Issue. Minimum cash In her bed for one week. She is report NOTICE OF H EARING OF ed to be getting along fine now. F IN A L ACCOUNT ' * '"gdvimce' If 30c. Dennis Wheeler, infant son of N O TIC E IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the first and final account of Clar M r and Mrs Elsworth Wheeler who highest prices for used furniture. ence A. Reece, Executor of the last is under a doctor’s cark, had to ha m isc e lla n e o u s will and testament and estate of ve his neck lanced in two places Nordale Furniture company. 21 Jtfc John F. Reece, deceased, has Deen last week. J i Mr and Mrs Lorln W. Goates are WE P A Y H IG H E ST PRICES for filed in the County Court of M alh eur County, Oregon and that the the parents of an 8 54 pound baby FO R *fciittE-i-Sprlrij£er'1'helfers.' Jake live fox feed horses. Phone 8 P ay 20th day of March 1943, at the hour girl, bom at the Nyssa Nursing e w h t r , one mile 'west o i Nyssa. ette. i7Ntfc of 11 o'clock A M . has been fixed home last Thursday. Mr. Goates is */.•;. *> ?»FtfC by the Court as the time for the a member of the L.D.S. bishopric W A N T E D —List your property, farm FO#' ty ltf oti DeHart^lO and efty, to sell or rent. We have hearing of objections to said first and Mrs Goates is a member of the See fra n k 1 t / V t o r g in . " 25Ptfc many prospective renters and buy and final account and the settle Stake R elief society board. ment thereof, at which time any LEADERSH IP M EETING 14JTFC person interested in said estate BABVDfTTOKS—Yr>it *>t more pro- ers. A. L. Atkeson. There will be a leadership meet *ts,' Uncle- Stem ‘gels more eggs if W A N TE D —Large clean rags. Gate may appear and file objection th ing held in the chapel tonight at ybix-stdrt* with Thompson’s ■ Purina City Journal. 25FTFC ereto in writing and contest the 8 o’clock. A ll leaders of organizat Bnbryo-fed -Cfhek-R-ChiK Foe del- same. Upon the settlement of said ions are requested to be present. FASH IO N FOUNDATIONS Wery-every Wednesday • and Satur account said estate will be c’ Dsed, The meeting is held fin the first day! Thompson's--Ontario- hatchery, Barcley and smart-form founda and the balance of the assets now Thursday following fast day. Box '678; -®ittarto, Oregon. 4FTFC. tion garments. Corsets, Girdles, Bra in the hands of the Executor will M r and Mrs Pierson have moved ssieres. Perfect fit assured by ex oe distributed in accordance with their family to Apple valley. FO R SALE— perienced corsetiere. Alice Collins the provisions of said will. D. O. Bybee went to Jordan Val Uncertified fi.etted,G^m seed pota- Box 500, Nyssa. Feb. 11, 1943 ley last week-end on business. 10*^.43.25.per pwt,. bulk, at cellar. Clarence A. Reece, Executor ’U N D AY SCHOOL REORGANIZED Charles- R., IMVls, .Route 2, Nyssa, Estate of John F. Reece, de Last Sunday morning Gordon CITY PROPERTY 5k.mile A û rto-al ¿ lip 's , corner and ceased. Williams was released, with a vote For Rent half e * > t .. 4M2xp of thanks for the splendid work he had done in being superintendent FOR SALE—Gcod work "hOrse 1500 FOR R E N T—Several good houses of the Nyssa Sunday school. Mr. pouods-AO yeais* 'Old:' Jake Rolk. for rent. Bernard Eastman. llM tfc • * ~ * ■’-*■** ■ - 4M2XP Williams has moved. Richard Tay- By T. Carol Bybee lcr was voted in and sustained as FO R BALE— 10 tons first, cutting Legal Advertising H U R R Y AND W O R R Y are the two .he new superintendent. He chose as hay. 4. mile west, on Columbia Ave. his counselors Melvin Jensen and N o ¡f^ T O Id té i^ v j^ *J f--.v i’ 4M2xp NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL P R O imps cf failure” Rodger S. Anderson. S IX MEMBERS JOIN W A R D P E R T Y A T P R IV A T E SALE D IN N E R GUESTS FO R SALE —Black marc, 8 years N O TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 4 BABIES NAMED AND BLESSED Mr and Mrs Dean Fife entertain Last Sunday at 11 o’clock when old, weight 1500. J. J. Kollen, route that in pursuance of an order of 2, Nyssa. 4M2xp the County Court of Malheur Cou the fast and testimony meeting was ed 10 persons at dinner last Sunday. F O R SALE—One good work horse, nty, Oregon, made on the 18th day held, Ward Clerk Dean F ife read They were M r and Mrs John Sch weight about 1400 pounds. F C. o f December 1942, in the matter of the recommondations of six persons enk and three children and Miss Fry ¿ 4M3xp the estate of Anna Housh, an in to be admitted to the Nyssa ward. Nonie Child. M r and Mrs Jemmett and son, competent person, the undersigned They included Carl Hunter, and FO R SALE--Kem -Tone, the mírele Mr and Mrs George Jensen and Blaine of Apple Valley were Sunday Guardian, will sell at private sale, wall finish. Stunz Lumber co. family. Four babies received a name dinner guests at the Clarence A. 4M2xc in one parcel to the highest bidder, and a blessing. The infant sen of Astcn home. and upon the terms and conditions Mr and Mrs Lloyd Lewis enter F O R SALE—Westinghouse electric hereinafter mentioned, and subject Mr and Mrs Doyle Monte Jensen tained at Sunday dinner. Places range. Pete Vander Ocrd, Route 1, to confirmation by said County Co was christened by his grandfather were laid for 'nine.;' Besides their Nyssa. - 4M2xp urt, on- or after April 3rd 1943, all Jensen. His father is in the U. S. immediate fam ily were Marie Hol the righi; title, interest and estate service at Lanika, Oahu, Hawaii. FO R S A L E — Joseph Kelly Jots, 32, of the said Anna Housh, incompet- The infant daughter of Sgt. and man and her mother, and Mr and 33 , 34 and 35, Glasgow addition'to tent,; in and to that certain parcel Mrs Floyf S. Hall was also blessed Mrs Holman of Ontario and two Nyssa. Fiank Ray, administrator, o f, land situate, lying and being in by Mr. ensen. Her father is also children. Ira R. Ure Sr. returned from a Route 1, Nyssa. 4M3xp the County of Malheur, Stale of in the U. S. service in a bomb group Oregon and particularly described at N Y. An infant daughter of Mr business trip to Utah last Friday. FO R SALE—1934 Chevrolet coach. R EPO RTED PR ISO NE R as all of Block 76. Green's Addition and Mrs Charles F. Swansen whose Bernard Frost. 4M3xc M r and Mrs W illiam Moyes re to the City of Nyssa, Oregon, with father is also in the service was ceived word from the war depart FO R SALE—Bay mare, about" 1-100 two houses, garage, chicken coop blessed by her grandfather Monta gue. The infant daughter of M r and ment that their son, Normon, who pounds, past 3 years of age. T o be and pump house thereon. Terms and .-conditions of sale: At Mrs Sorenson was blessed by Rod was last heard from over a year ago sold at Rust ranch for care and at Corregldod, was now being held least $500 00 in cash or certified ch ger S. Anderson. feed bill Mar, 20 at 10 a m. 4$I3xc There were 13 testimonies born. prisoner in the Philippine islands. -i- eck to be paid at the time of sale, Elsworth Wheeler was'"in Nyssa FO R SALE—Two-room house, two balance to be payable In not more Vella Dee Poulsen led the sacra last week from Portland. He contin lots, good location, cheap. Phone than three annual instalments, with ment gem. |08-J. 11M2XP Interest at six per cent per annum, P A T R IO T IC PROGRAM G IVEN ued on to Salt Lake City to answer Last Sunday evening beginning the call o serve in the armed forces. and secured by first mortgage upon FO R SALE—One p and O two-way the premises sold. Deed and abst at 8 o’clock a patriotic program From th$re he was sent to Lincoln, plow, horse-drawn,,. $50. Gall M ar ract at the expense of the purchas honoring the parents, wives and Nebraska. tin, blacksmith, Adrian, Oregon Willard C. Bishop will leave M ar .sweethearts of the men in the ser er. y -'.C ' " , . U M lx F AH bids cr offers must be In wr vice was given with Ila Child con ch 23 to answer a call from the ar iting and may be left at the office ducting the services. As each guest med forces. WANTED Mrs Fern Prescott arrived in N y of the undersigned In the Wilson of honor entered the chapel, a red F U R N IT U R E W ANTE D We pay Building, Main Street. Nyssa. Ore- white and blue bow was pinned on ssa last Sunday and will stay with | the lapel of her coat. The chapel her parents, Mr and Mrs Berner was decorated with red, white and Carlson, while her husband is in j blue V's. A large American flag the service. INSURANCE E.W. PRUYN Mrs Elsworth Wheeler is staying adorned the back of the stage. A picture of the flag, given to the at the home of her parents, Mr and Auto - "Repairing All kinds of Standard ward by the Relief society was hung Mrs Abbott, until her husband is Then she intends to join automobile and fire in in front cf the pulpit. A large blue located. Reb£ringr -Valve- Grind vase of pussywillows, with pictures him in Nebraska. for Sale L.D.S. ISews ing, Lathe work. Parts and accessories surance. We also write sec urity bonds. L. ATKESON Professional And Business Directory DENTISTS O PTO M ETRISTS J. R. C U N D A LL DR J. A. M cFA LL Dentist c f service men on each side of the \ase adorned the targe table on the < After Pres. Susie Mitchell of t lie Owyhee branch gave the open ing prayer and Ellen Brewer led lie congregation in singing national patriotic songs the program was iven as follows: Talk by Ruth Lars en, vocal sd o “ God Bless Am- : rica", D.irThel Bybee; talks, Verla Poulsen, President Aston, Wm. Orr, Blain Jemmett and Bishop Child, larle Holman, sweetheart of a sol- ler, sang. “ He Wears a Pair o f Sil ver Wings". Rosel Anderson read Credo", representing the soldier, ifenediction was given my Lillian Newby. Pictures of 38 boys were in the photo gallery. GO TO U TAH Mrs Mark Child went to Utah last week on a business trip. Mrs Edna Ure and daughter, Doris Jean, left by train last Saturday A Tough Tw o Mon -See McFali and Sae Better* ths Ahead for Cars. . . Phone 66-J Sarazln Clinic N Y S S A O R E G O N First it’s cold, then V. ' C. A. Aston was in Boise last week 41 ATTE ND AD U LT CLASS There were 41 who attended the adult class in Sunday school last adult class in Sunday school last investigators. Kingman Koiony The Polly anna club met at the heme of Mrs Raymond Holton Wed nesday afternoon, with Mrs Earl Province as assistant hostess. En tertainment for the afternoon was furnished by Mrs Arthur Cart wright. Mrs Conrad Martin received a birthday gift from her Polly anna. The members presented Mrs C. C. Cotton with a handkerchief shower as a parting gift. The next meeting will be held April 7 at the home of Mrs Robert Clark with Mrs Har vey H olton , assistant hostess and Mrs Lyle Trew taking charge of the entertainment. Conrad Martin spent Tuesday and Sunday in Caldwell visiting Mrs Martin and Jeanette. Vaccinations against smallpox and diphtheria, and tuberclin tests were given at the Koiony school Monday morning, M r and Mrs Elmer Sparks enter tained at dinner Sunday for Mr and Mrs Harold Long of Nyssa, Mrs Ellis Sparks, and daughter, Mildred, Mrs Earl Sparks and children of Adrian, and M r and Mrs Arthur Sparks and family. M r and Mrs James Lane and Mrs Lily Bach shopped in Caldwell and Nampa Tuesday. The 4-H Poultry club met with the leader, James Shaw Saturday afternoon. M r and Mrs Arthur Cartwright entertained at dinner Sunday for Mr and Mrs Wayne Wood and Ev- ertt, Leslie and Carl, Mr and Mrs Dorcy Conrad, and Mr and Mrs Clifford Conrad and Dorcey Earl, of Caldwell, and M r and Mrs Earl Parker, Mertln and Lester of Newell Heights. John Johnson was a dinner guest in the J. C. Navln home in Adrian Wednesday evening. Mrs W illiam Toomb, accompan ied by Mrs Vernon Parker of Ad rian, visited Mrs Robert Toomb in the Holy Rosery hospital in Ontario Saturday afternoon. Mrs Charley Wilson and Jewell and Nadeen shopped in Nysaa Sat urday. M r and Mrs Lyle Trew and Mrs E YE S IG H T SPE C IALIST O N T A R IO OREGON PIC K E T FLO U R is ma de from wheat raised in this district and is milled in this valley. It is the best all Purpose Flour that money can buy and it is not ration ed. A Product of the We- iser Milling & Elev ator Co. je W el ^ t I to r e Union Pacific Tim e Inspector JE W E LR Y — D IAM ONDS next PH YSIC IA N S WYCKOTF JEWELRY STORE Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific Physician and Surgeon ur car in top condition Phone $7 Hour*: 10 to 12 and 1 to S Dally -Except Sunday Fry Building for this kind o f weat her. O N T A R I O , V • OREGON SHOE SHOPS Abbott’s Shoe Shop AH kinds of shoe and harness repairing Across from post office. S A R A Z IN CLINIC • J. J. Sarazin, M. D. Eve Leuck, G. N. General ¿ -R a y practice of m e d ic i« Physiotherapy I ! Towne’s Garage ■r. M r and Mra M. W. McLaughlin of Boise, Sidney McLaughlin of Miss oula, Montana, Mr and Mrs M. L. Kurts and »on, Dudley and daugh ter, Joylce, of Nyssa and M r and Mrs Ivan Durnll and family were Sunday dinner guests at the Me Laughlln home. Bstelene Smldt, Donald Johnson, Frank Slagel, Maxine Ekberg, W lll- adene Withers and Joe Yueragan, students of the government class in Parma high school, motored to Boiae last Wednesday to attend the legialative cession. Mra Paul Seeley and Mrs M. W. McLaughlin cf Boise were Friday callera ait the home of their parents. M r and Mra M. O. Leverton and the McLaughlin home. M r and Mrs Leverton returned home with their daughera for a visit. The "Sew and So” and Gardening olub met ait Mrs Denver Glenn's home Thuraday evening, with Kath- elene Glenn as hostess. A covered dlah lunch was served, after which the members held their meeting. B ill Baxter returned home last Sunday from a Caldwell hospital, whsrs he was a patient for seven weeka, receiving medical care for pneumonia. Ivan Durnll has resigned as resl- dsatal engineer, and will operate his farm and his father’s farm. Ted Roe» has rented the King Colson and Qua Proctor farms. Row crops will b# planted on these far ms. Mrs W ill Gahley, Mrs Mary G r een way, Miss Lucille McCormick and Mice Alpha Jennsen were host esses Wednesday night at a pinoc hle party. for the Larder , o f Democracy ! Again, In a year when we must take every step to aesure greatest crop pro duction per workable aero, western farmer» prefer Northland Brand alfalfa, clover, field and grass seed. Tested seeds of known origin: De|»endable every year for 59 years: Booked by the reliable American name of . . . N orthrup, K in g & Co. MOMHUND aoisc, idaho Mo« y o ir Northrop, Kiu# doalor or w rit« a « for Informotloa. Tuesday, March 16 .jsr~ 10 Cattle 10 S TA R TIN G A T 1 P.M. 1 Holstein cow, 5 years old, 4 gallons now. 2 Holstein heifers, 2 years old, springers. 2 Holstein heifer», 1 ya year» old, not bred. 3 Holatein heifer calve«, 2 to 3 month» old. 6 Hogs 6 Machinery 1 Holstein cow, 2 years old, milking now. 1 Holstein bull calf, 3 months old. 3 Weaner pigs. 3 Chester White breed ing trouble though by stopping here to get yo Mrs Orville Hartman entertained a group of young people last Friday night in observance of the birth day cf her son, O .ville, Jr. Mrs Art Tews and daughters of Notus spent Sunday with their par ents, Mr and Mrs Herman Weick, >* weeks. You L. A. Maulding, M.D. The Owyhee Community club will hold its regular meeting March 18 at the home of Mrs E. H. Strick land with Mrs John Strickland as assistant hostess. Please note the change from a former anncunce- ment. Dr. Walker and Mrs Ferris county physician and county health nurse, held a clinic at the Owyhee school Tuesday with a good attendance of children for immunization. Mesdames Blanch Hite, Ester Cr ocker. Elizabeth Peuta, LaVone Cul bertson and Doris and Louise Gregg are taking the lessons in Home nursing class at Adrian Tuesday and Friday afternoon. Charles Bradley of Nampa spent several days at his ranch in Owyhee last week. Little Vada Bailey of Apple Valley spent the week with her aunt, Mrs Floyd Eason. M r and Mrs S. D. Bigelow enter tained at a birthday dinner Sunday for M r and Mrs Carl Junqueet and sons, Dustin and Jon, M r and Mrs Louis Pratt and two children and their house guest, Mr Pratt's mot her, Mrs Anna D. S Pratt visiting here from the coaat. Honor guests at the dinner were Mr. Bigelow and Jon Junquest. Mr and Mrs Werner Peuta enter tained Sunday evening at a birth day party for Mrs Peuta's father, George Nein. Those present were M r and Mrs Frank Croeker and eons, Lewis and Alvin, M r and Mrs Lewis Skinner, Mrs Nell Nloholeon, Mrs Herbert Thompson, M r and M r» O. L. McMllllan, and Mrs William Peutz. M r and Mrs B. T. Kinaer of Ow yhee oorntr are »pending »everal days at their ranch near Bagle. Id aho. * Mrs Herbert Thompeon of Palo Alto, California U staying at the William Peuta home while attend ing to busineas in the eommunlty. Mrs Ray Franklin was hostess at dinner Thursday night for Mrs Bob Greenway, Miss Lucille McCormick, and Miss Alpha Jennsen, teachers of the Ten Davis school. Located 12 miles southwest o f Nyssa, half mUe »outh of Olie’s corner, go 1 mile weat, Vi mile north. can avoid much motor > ' r"W *T C H Ê à ............ Main Street at Second few Owynee TEN DAVIS PUBLIC SALE sleet- -the weather man has lots of tricks for the Lawrence Krager were Nyssa shop pers Wednesday. Mr and Mrs Harvey Holton were guests in the Harvey Newkirk home in Vale Sunday. The Misses Dorothy and Betty Jean Toomb and Nadeen Nichols of Ontario were Sunday dinner guests in the Charley Wilson home. You Can Be Proud Of THIS HOME PRO DUCT! it’s warm- - -slush, rain, JEWELRY STORES PAGE THKÈÈ ______ on a business trip. *• we. 1 Ford son tractor, belt pullejr. 1 Cultipacker, 8-foot. 1 Tractor plow, 2 bottom. 1 Manure spreader, John Deere, good shape. 1 Tandam disc, 8 foot, Joh i Beere. 1 Mowing machine, Deering. 1 Harrow, 2-section. 1 Hay rake, Deering. 1 Spring-tooth harrow. 1 Grain binder, good shape, new canvas. 1 Walking plow. 1 Grain drill, Superior. r * 1 Chevrolet iy2 ton truck, 1936 model, good rubber, beet bed. i f LUNCH SERVED ON GROUNDS TERM S------CASH Mrs. Winifred Smith, Owner Cob B eil Anderson, Auctioneer. L. H. Fritta, Clerk.