THtî NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, MARCH PAGE TW U m u .m J 1 EUÜL The Gate City Journal K LA SS V. P O W E L L - - - S U B S C R IP T IO N RATES - A D V E R T IS IN G One Y ear......................... »2.00 Six Months...................... »125 Single Copies......................05 Open rate, per Inch...... .35c National, per Inch.......... 35c Classifieds, per word...... ... 3c Minimum.. (Strictly In Advance) RA TE S .... 30c 8T. at Nyssa. Malheur County, Oregon. at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission Malls, as second class matter, under of March 3, 1879. “WHEN THE BOYS COME HOME” Salem Statesman * The mother of a Salem boy now in the army in the southwest Pacific gave us a copy of part o f a recent letter from her boy, which we quote: “ I'm sure glad someone could paint a black picture of this war and I mean black. Every time we pick up a paper from the st ates there Is ; mething about some defense plant where the workers have walked out on strike. I f they could see some of the fellows that are trying to make this world safe for them to live in, I think they wculd change their minds a little. I can’t Just see their point of view cn this war when they are getting three or four times as much a week as we are a month, and still they want more. I and the rest of the fellows over here would like to get hold of some of them for a few minutes and I am sure they would change their minds. There are going to be a few of the so- called war workers a little sorry for the way they have done things when the American boys get home again. Some of the soldiers who have been fighting in the battle zones 16 to 18 hours a day can’t see why the people at home can’t do the same.” This reflects the attitude of service men who don’t like the way things are going back home. This attitude will be reflected in action when the boys get back home. Neither the war mill ionaires nor the war workers with a record of absenteeism and slackerism are going to be very popular; and neither will be John L. Lewis and the leaders who try to put the bulge on wages and prices. We do believe, however, that the majority of the workingmen are deeply interested in winn ing the war. They have sons and relatives in the service. They realize the value of freedom to the workingman. But they are bewildered and help less under leaders who gouge and grab, who use the war emergency as a means to entrench th emselves in power. “ When the boys come ho me” may not be quite so tuneful as the old song, for the strikers and the idlers. Sunset Valley Elza Ntccum received a last Wednesday stating mother had passed away dell. Idaho. Hugh Qlenn purchased telegram that his at Wen 80 acres MAKES LOOSE FALSE TEETH F IT T IG H T E R m ew e a s y Not c Powder HOME WAY Not o Paste ! N o t .« a NEW EASY MONEY SAVING W A Y TO QUICKLY auk* I*I m »e th PIT TIGHTER, cr#- <*«nq greater mouth comfort and lessening noley teeth c hatter and bad breath trom iH tilling plates. Belirely new method. Merely apply NUFIT to plate end pbiro in mouth. No heat needed. It soon solidl- flee, adjusting plate snugly to the shape ol the mouth, making a proper lit. No luso or bother. Not a paste or powder you have to apply each day. NUFIT becomeu a part ol the plate eolid. taste lees, harmless, natural pink in color, easy to clean and sanitary. ScienlUtcally designed In compensate tor tissue shrinkage and gum recession. Enables you to renew plates at home. Saves money. Not a ten^Kyrary measure. O n e application lasts lor months. II you want to enjoy real mouth comlort once more buy NUFTT today MONEY BACK if not NUFI T FALSE TEETH RELI NER Nyssa Pharmacy E P IS C O P A L M IS S IO N Regular services church Published every Thursday Entered at the postoffice through tl • United States the act P A U L 'S will at St. Paul's be discontinued until the vacancy created by the resig nation of Rev. Stanley Moore has been filled. services There each will month be two which will be conducted by the various min isters of the missionary district of Eastern Oregon, by Bishop Wm. P. Remington and Arch Deaoon Rob- othan. Women’s Guild meets second Wednesday in each month. Sunday school classes win be m held each Sunday morning at 10:30 THE COMMUNITY UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Kingman Memorial J. C. Nevin, Pastor. 10 A. M., Bible school, ’What Doth the Lord Require of Thee, But to do Justly, and to Love Mercy and to Walk Humbly with Thy Ood?” 11 A. M., Morning worship. Ser mon: "T h y Kingdom Come” or The Organization of Brotherhood. 7:30 P. M. Evening worship. The young people lead the devotions. Last week we had an enjoyable time identifying hymn tunes. Come and Join us; thert is always Inspir ation and Information for all the family. F IR S T C H U R C H O F C H R IS T (C H R IS T IA N ) H. N. Waddell, Pastor trees took dinner with Mr. W ing* in the death ol his mother. Boise Sunday. last week. Mrs Edwin Bergam entertained Mrs Leo Winn has been quite ill he Sunset auxlllery Tuesday after- Here From Portland — but is able to be around again. M r and Mrs Donald Miller of P o Lester Goulet purchased a seed noon. Frank Rookstool accompanied by rtland vDtted Mr. MlUer’e parente, planter from M. L. Kurtz and Sat urday planted five or six acres of his son. Dale and family, of Jer M r and Mrs Lee Miller, last week. ome, Idaho were Saturday guests ground to lettuce. Another piece of land has been at the home of his brother, Roy. Mrs Frank Parker entertained sold. The wood 160 acres has been purchased by a Mr. Dalton. The Ba- her club Thursday with six mem rtan family gave possession March bers present. After a business meet C H U R C H O F T H E N A ZA K ENE ing lunch was served. The next 5. Vera Martin, Pastor Roy Hiari of Newell Heights, for meeting will be held March 18. A I was glad when they said unto merly of Yakimi, and Miss Genev- grab-bag will be featured. me let us go Into the house or lve Emi Mathusaka, formerly of CARD OF TH AN KS Wapoto, Washington were married the Lord. Psalms 122. We wish to thank our friends and at the Catholic church in Caldwell Sunday school, 10 a. m. E. J. neighbors for their kindness and Hobson, Sunday school Superin at 2 p. m. Sunday. M r Hiari Is the oldest sen of Mr consideration during our bereave tendent. Come and bring all the and Mrs Hiari, who live on the ment, caused by the death of our family. W e have suitable classes Lester Goulet ranch. The Hiari fa beloved husband, father and son. for all ages. Mrs Ann Breazeale and sons. mily, Mr and Mrs Lester Goulet Morning worship, 11 o’clock’. Mr and Mrs L. A. Breazeale and Mr and Mrs Stanley Goulet Junior society, 7:15 p. m., Mrs. and family. attended the wedding. Kellogg, supervisor Lt. BUI Kurtz arrived Sunday Arlene Se- N .Y.PB .. 7:15 p m from Ogden on a 10-day furlough. Lumberman Visits— ward, president. L. H. Winge of Minot, North Da He Is working as a test pUot in the Evening aervloe 8 o'clock. kota, superintendent of the Mid Prayer and praise service Wed Ogden air depot. Sonny Goulet celebrated his four west Lumber company, stopped here nesday, 8 p. m. th birthday anniversary March 3 last Friday night to visit Mr and W.F.M.8. second Wednesday of with a dinner. His guests were his Mrs John Ctetrom. Mr and Mrs Os- every month at the church, 8 p. m. sister and brother and his cousins, Radio program every Sunday, Dolores, Roland and Kenneth. 2:15 p. m. Tune In K FX D . The Lester Goulet family were We welcome everyone to all dinner guests In the Wayne Chesunt these services. home in Nyssa. Mrs Goulet was honor guest, it being her birthday N Y SSA ASSEM BLY OF OOD Harold Kurtz expects to leave Pastor C. A. Slaughter Sunday school, 9:45 am . Alan E d - ¡college at the end of the quarter as monds Superintendent. Every class the air corps Is calling all reserves See He was expected to arrive home to- | welcomes you. day. Morning service, 11: o'clock The nominating committee of the I Bvengellstls 8 o’clock. Adrian church will meet at the R Phone 97 Prayer meeting Thursday, Main Highway North. R. Overstreet, Sr., home Tuesday o'clock. night. A cordial welcome to all. The Missionary society of the church will enjoy a Spanish lunch F U L L G O S P B L T A B E R N A C LE nUIBHUillllllilll II 1111 II HIM III |;| 111111 LMHiUll m iiM M M B III lil.M A M M m U & M U O m i eon at the Rev. Nevin home Thur Lloyd Pounds, pastor sday afternoon. Mrs M. L. Kurtz Sunday school 10 A. M. Topic will be co-hostess. A Bride for Isaac." As the meeting will be the last of Morning worship hour at 11. the church year the study of Latin- The special revival services at the Amerlca will be closed. Election of Full Gospel church are continu officers will be held. AUTO TRACTOR and RADIATOR REPAIR ING Bill Marsh •••••O R We have installed grain treating equipment and are now ready to treat grain of all kinds. Clean Seed will give you High Germination Low Waste Content Strengthening Qualities We are equipped to give you a thoroughly satisfactory job on your seed cleaning. All kinds of grain seed and grasses for sale. Start those chicks o ff right-see that they ha ve JUST RIG H T starter mash and chick ration. THE NYSSA ELEVATOR AUNT JO’S Dine And Dance Is Open For Business ing here in NjJaa with a good promise of greater things ahead and Bible school at 10 a m. Roy Bib- we know that He who has prom bey, superintendent. ised the bountiful harvest has nev 11 am., worship and communion er failed us yet. May we see you service. at the services soon. Sermon. "The Chrtet of Triump hal Entry". E V A N G E L IS T IC SERVICES 7PM . Y.P.CJB. Interest Is being taken In the ser 7:46 P.M., Praise and preaching vices held in the former Baldridge service. Implement building. The meetlngB Sermon, "Christian Unity” are continuing Sundays, Tuesdays, Mid-week services as announced Thursdays, and Fridays. These ser from the pulpit. vices are undenominational and for You cannot safely Isolate yourself the purpose of telling the gospel of from Ood or man. our Lord "which Is, which was, and ■from Mr. Rogers near Adrian and Come to Church. which Is to come the Almighty". moved there last week. Interesting, profitable and enlight Arlie Scott of Apple Valley vis TH E M E T H O D IS T C O M M U N IT Y ening messages are given. The ev ited a few days at the L. E. Neiw- CHURCH angelists. D. Hilton and R. Cam p gen home. M. H. Greenlee. Pastor bell. extend a welcome to all. Mrs. Cash Turner, who haa been Church school opens promptly at 111 In the Nyssa nursing home, was 10 o’clock Sunday morning. The U D. 8. CH U R C H dismissed last week. morning worship service with a Sunday 9:15 a.m. Priesthood The small son of Mr. and Mrs sermon by the pastor begins at 11. meeting -* Harley Wilson has been very 111 The Methodist Youth Fellowship Sunday 10:30 am . Sunday school. at the Charles Wilson home with and the young Adult Fellowship Sunday 7:30 p. m. Sacrament bronchial pneumonia. meetings are at 7 p. m. The even meeting. Mrs. Filllrgfsness, who has been ing worship service starts at 8 with Tuesday 2:00 pm . Relief society visiting at Sacramento, Is expected a half hour of congregational sing meeting. home this week. ing. Mrs M. H. Oreenlee will sing Wednesday 8:00 pm . M. I. A. meet Oce Schweizer and his son. Bud a negro splrltual.The pastor will ing. are working In the shipyard at preach. Prayer service Is held at Tuesday, 4 p. m. Primary for Portland, after 10 days of training the parsonage Wednesday evening children between the ages at 4 and in that city. at 8. < 19. Mrs. Edwin Bergan returned last week with a report that the fam this year. day. ily did not see Robert Tosch before Mrs. W. T. Comeron returned last Mrs. Knapp of Rcawell sang a he lasd. Donald Toech remain ed cn the coast. week from a 10-day visit with her solo at the Baptist services held Word was received from Mr. and daughter, Mrs. Joe Dansey, of Port at the Wade school house Tuesday Mrs. Lorenson that Mr. Lorenson's land. evening. Rev. Brcwn gave a very step-father died unexpectedly three Inspiring sermon and announced hours before their arrival at the Friday, March 12, as a special 'Day parental home In Nebraska about of Prayer” at the Baptist church in 10 days ago. The W ade P T A will meet Friday Roswell and extended an Invita Mr. and Mrs. Charley Schweizer visited Mrs. Carlisle Saturday. She afternoon, March 12 at the home tion to all to attend. of Mrs W ill Gibson. The Jolly Janee held an all-day has been dismissed from the hos Lawrenct Cruse af Orchard Tract meeting at the home of Mrs. L. pital and Is at the McKenzie nurs helped George Fisher move to his Eachus Thursday. ing home west of Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Hlnterlider and Mr. Verle Landreth has rented the new home In east Roawell, W ed nesday. and Mrs. Burton Blake of Nam pa W yckoff ranch in Beuna Vista for SEED Cleaning Frank Morgan NYSSA AUTO CO. Upper Sunset Mrs Edwin Bergam and daughter Paula, who visited in Portland and vicinity with friends and relatives for a week have returned home. Frank Tosch formerly stationed at Fort George Wright, Washington moved to Oowen Field, Boise March 1. M r and Mrs U. E. Parker attend ed the funeral of Mrs Alma Day in Nyssa Sunday. Mrs Eliza Adams Is visiting In Seattle with her daughter. All members of the Chalk Butte grange are asked to make a special effort to attend the next regular meeting, March 16 as special bus iness will be considered. Eliza Niecum received news of Lqnch counter and booths Dance to our nicholodesn music on s spied* did floor. We appreciate the past patronage o f our cue* them to inspect our quartern in our new location in the former theater bufld* tomers and invite ing. ' t Mr. And Mrs F» A. Harris 111 in i iii iii in in in;HiiM i Big Band Mrs M E. Rogers has returned from Mercy hospital. Nam pa where she received treatment. Ed Nielson and brother trans acted business In Caldwell Wednes day were Thursday guests at the home of M r and Mrs. Dyre Roberts. Mrs. Harvey Bennett and her 4-H cooking clid> visited the Adrian club at the home at Mrs. Howard Hatch Saturday afternoon. M r and Mrs »w etland and Mrs. N. S. Phelan were Psldwell busi-1 nees visitors Saturday. Mrs Harriet Brumbach spent Sat urday shopping In Caldwell. Bob Gibson, who Is In the med ical detachment at the naval train ing station at Memphis, Tenn. ar rived home last Monday for a visit Oerrltt Timmerman of Fort Lewis with his parents, Mr and Mrs W ill spent a furlough with his family Olbson. Delmo Brock has rented the Leo nard Carter ranch, recently purch ased by B. Davidson of Parma. Vlrl Bishop and uncle, Mr. H off Usai Estate man. transacted business In Nampe Monday. Ricks Gale, who was out a t sc hool several months because of a N T HS A OREGON broken leg. was able to return last week. Boyce Van de W ater was a Nyssa MHBMnium visitor Sunday The brooder house at Bd Nielsen's ranch caught fire Tuesday evening. A large hole was burned In the fl oor and a number of baby chicks were killed. • Yea, you! You can help pro M r* Joe K ing was elected W o vide the depth charge that will man of the Week" by Personal S h sink a Nazi sub -ears thousands opper program given by K ID O F ri at American uvea-Insure more day morning The letter telling of supplies for our fighting forree! all her activities In the community Just buy U S W a r Bond«-buy and her war work was written and them with every «ingle penny sent In by Mrs Goldie Roberta you can save. They’re a sound Mrs H. R. Hatch. Mtaa Hatch and investment. They're a powerful the two ions of M r and M rs Henry way Ut which you can moke Vic Hatch spent Tuesday In Boise visit tory ours! ing Mrs Henry Hatch. O lrl »routs from her* attended Published in cooperation with the the potluck dinner at Mrs D. W Drug. Coemetic and Allied In Patch* home in Adrian Monday ti us tri ce by evening Mr and Mrs Clua SUlonL« and baby were Ontario visitors Wednes Hey.. Dont friend iq keeping electrical equipment ip good prd«r. Qil «vary moving part regularly— but not too generously, and do not oil a motor while it is in operation. Your electrical appliances will last longer, and lo more of their part in helping meet farm pro duction quotas in the Snake River Valley. Elec tric service saves time on the farm— and helps meet the shortage of farm help. The oil is the farmer's best NEWELL HEIGHTS Bernard Eastman komm’ M E ? “ ,* forge e l e c t r ic it y yetvei on ihe FARM FRONT KEEP THE MILK F1 0 WIN6 Tra«t your cream separator tenderly; keep it in operation. M ore milk end dairy product! than even before are needed this year. Buy War Bonds Today! Willard T a b i* Co. ,DAHO V POWER n