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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1943)
»vir? r/ieNYSSA GAI VOLDHETXXVnr Ño. 4 NYSSA TO (PLAY FRUITLAND FRI. JOURNAL THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1943 USE OF CEREALS Nyssa Divides TO BE DISCUSSED NYSSA, OREGON, Shoes And Fuel_ Farmers Likely || ToiReceiveJS$Uj The College of Idaho frosh-Nyssa Oil ¡Placed On being Another of the series of meetings |Two Hoop Tilts held in the home economics game, which was to have Over Week-end Rationing List For 1943 Beets basketball room o* the high school building as been played in Caldwell Saturday part of the rural war production of this week, has been postponed Processors, Growers Are Holding Meetings In Capital Indefinitely. Nyssa will play Fruitland there Friday night in the first game be tween the two teams this season. A program now being developed in Washington. D. C., indicates that it will be worked out on a basis that will give producers approx imately $11 a ton for their beets in 1943, according to information received here Tuesday. A road district bill introduced Processors and representatives In the state senate at Salem by of the beet growers associations and Senator Jim Jones and Represen the department of agriculture have tative V. B. Staples of this district been meeting in the national cap was discussed at the weekly lun ital for about a month to confer cheon of the Nyssa chamber of on sugar beet problems. commerce Wednesday noon by The $11 return will be from Carl Coad and Frank Morgan. $1 to $2 more than was re The bill provides for organiza ceived in 1942, unless the program tion of local assessment districts being developed affects the 1942 by vote of the property owning pajment residents in the district and for The Western Beet Growers asso assessments not to exceed 15 mills ciation in its last Washington news on the dollar of assessed valua letter stated that sugar beet grow- tion of the real property in the ere are again asked to produce a district, for road improvements. record crop. The food adminis The local district would have tration even stated that an in- three directors to supervise the creise in sugar production would roads and would designate the be desirable; but due to the dif work to be done by the county ficulty in getting labor for sugar court with the county equipment beet fields and processing facil in this district, all as provided by ities in some sections, the recom the plans of the local board. The mended acreage is limited to 1,- cost of all work so done would be paid from the funds of the dist 050,000 acres. “Production goals for 1943 call rict. If the county should be un for the efficient use of every acre able to handle the work as request of farm land and all agricultural ed, provision for the local board resources", the news letter states to do it by leasing equipment or ‘"To produce greater quantities of contracting for the work has been food than ever we have a limited provided. supply of skilled farm labor; in The measure, introduced as sen fact a limited supply of labor of ate bill 156, probably will be re any kind. The goal for the beet ferred to the committee on roads growers is to equal their 1942 pro and highways of the senate for duction; in fact the secretary of its recommendation. agriculture stated in his annual Before the discussion of the bill, report for the year 1942 that an a picture Showing American troops increase in sugar production would fighting in Africa was shown under be desirable. This definitely means the auspices of the school district. nothing less than the 1,050,000 acres requested. The final figures for 1942 beet sugar production are not avail able, but present estimates are about 1.750,000 tons Let's pro duce 2,000,000 tons of beet su The Snake River Valley Basket gar in 1943 on the 1,050,000 acres. league tourijment will be held Every spoonful of sugar produced ball In Payette Wednesday, Thursday will be needed.” and Friday af next week. The Oregon winner will repres ere From Seattle— ent Malheur county in the play-off Mr and Mrs Eldon Stringfellow with the Baker-Union-Wallowa Seattle are visiting at the home county champion. The winner from Mrs Stringfellow's parents, Mr the four Oregon counties will have id Mrs Kenneth Cottle. They plan “tiie right to play in the state tour spend a few days in Ogden he nament to be held in Salem in Ma re returning to Seattle. rch as representative of eastern Oregon. Return From Trip— The toumment to be held in Pay next week will also determine Mr and Mrs W. G. Herrod have ette winner of the Snake River Val returned home from a three-week the Each school will be al trip, which they traveled by bus. ley league. 10 players In the tourney. They visited in Long Beach, Calif lowed Nyssa Bulldogs will play th ornia, Hillsboro, Texas and Chey eir The first game against Ontario and enne, Wyoming. Adrian's Antelopes will battle Vale In their first encounter. Road District Bill Submitted Tourney To Be Held In Payette Our Boys In MCGINNIS GIVEN The Service HONOR BY LEGION James Cornell of Nyssa, who is In the navy, has extended greetings through his parents to his friends to Nyssa. He said he likes the navy. Cornell entered the navy 24*4 months ago. At the end of the nin th month he paseed his test for fi rst class seaman. Before the end of the 19th mon th he had also received two decor ations and had been promoted to the grade of signalman After going through the attack on Pearl har bor he was transferred from the Pacific to the Atlantic. Miller Jensen, who Is stationed with the army at Hobbs, New Mex ico, is visiting in Nyssa. Mr Jensen, who expects to be here until Sun day. formerly was employed by the Bder Hardware company. Glen Burns, son of Mr and Mrs A. J. Bums of Nyssa, has arrived “overseas". Bums, formerly of Ny- u .nii«t«a m the marines six mo nths ago and is now a first class private. Robert R Wilson at Nyssa has been promoted from the grade of sergeant to staff sergeant at the army air base at Oreat Palls. Mon tana He la a son of Mr and Mrs C C Wilson of Nyssa Commander Doug. McDonald of Nyssa post of The American Leg ion presented Andrew McGinnis wi th the gold 25-year membership pin, for continuous membership in the organization at the last meeting of the Nyssa post. McGinnis joined the legion in Fr ance, where the organization held its first caucus following World War No. 1. Following the regular meeting Mrs Clyde Abbott, president of the ladles auxiliary, and Commander McDonald surprised the member ship of both organizations with an oyster supper. A recorded program depicting the history of the national anthem was enthusiastically received. The record of “The Story Behind the Star Spangled Banner" was made for the women of the auxil iary in the United States. It is in the form of a dramatization. The auxiliary expressed thanks to all persons who generously help ed make the auxiliary’s chicken dinner and rummage sale a success. The organization, in its extensive welfare program, not 8nly does local welfare work but also sends gifts of clothing and money to supply the needs of wives and children of disabled veterans of world war No. 1. Child Visits Kay Moore of Nampa, three ye ars old. has been visiting at the ho me of her grandparents. Mr and Mrs s. C. McConnell Mr and Mrs McConnell took her home Wednes day Visit In Mr and Mrs George Webster of Parma entertained the W W Fos ter family at dinner 8unday Individuals Wanting Oil Must Register Feb. 15, 16 and 17 and conservation program will be held Monday night at 7:30. Miss Vivian Wldmer, home econ omics teacher who is In charge of the meetings, said whole grain cer eals and different kinds of flours will be discussed. Experiments will be conducted with soybean and pot ato flour and various whole wheat flours. Any woman interested is in vited to attend the meeting. Mrs W. W. Foster, Mrs Bert Ad ams and Mrs C. A. Abott will as sist Miss Widmer. $2.00 PER YEAR Nyssa Bakeryj Closed^Because Of Fire; LossjPlaced At $3000 Bulldogs Beat Weiser BUSINESS MEN IN But Lose To C of I LEAD IN TOURNEY Freshmen Fire Starts Near Boil er And Spreads Rap idly The Nyssa Bulldogs defeated the The business men increased their Shoes and fuel oil have been add ed by the government to the grow Welser Wolverines in a league hoop lead in the bowling tournament Fire of undetermined origin, ing list of rationed articles. game in Wiiser Friday night 27 to Monday night by defeating the starting Friday morning in the Shoes were rationed beginning Sugar City bakery on Main street 25 but lost to a clever College of farmers. February 7 so that a person cannot Standings of the teams are busi caused damage estimated at $3000 Idaho fi=»amen team here Saturday ness men. won 1$ and lost 2; Eag to the building, equipment and now buy a pair of shoes without night 31 to 27. les, won 4 and lost 12; farmers, stock. presenting a ration coupon. Although the visiting team was won 11 and last 9; KS& D, won Fuel oil dealers will register at 7 and lost 9; Andrews Seed com The fire, said to have started the ration board office in the At- composed of good ball handlers and pany, won 9 and lost 7; Thomp near the boiler, spread rapidly, keson building February 12 and 13 clever shooters, the Bulldogs held sons won 4 and lost 12; Wilson but firemen confined the flames and the public will register at the the lead most of the first half. In brothers, won 12 and lost 4; and to the bakery. However, smoke grade school building February 15, the second half the speed and ad White Satin, won 3 and last 13. seeping 16 and 17. The rationing is for per into the Nyssa Electric eptness of the Coyote Pups began sons using fuel oil, diesel oil and shop in the same building and the to tell on the high school lads and kerosene. Nyssa Packing company building caused some damage in those es Individuals should measure the the visitors took a small lead, which tablishments. width, length and height ol each Mrs Walter Thompson, chief of they never relinquished. The first Loss to the bakery building and room and hall in their house and the block leaders in Nyssa under quarter ended in a 6 to 6 tie. equipment, owned by A. J. Swan, take the information to the regist the block plan of organization for Keith Russell, former Nyssa high operator of the bakery, was ration place. The Oregon Trail Grange passed former covered civilian war services, explained the by Insurance. John Applications for fuel oil, diesel point system of food rationing at school player was relieved by a sub a resolution at the regular meeting partly Emery, who holds a lease on the oil and kerosene rations will be a meeting of sector and block lea stitute In the second quarter be Tuesday night, requesting the OPA bakery, amount received at the grade school build ders in the city hall Wednesday cause of chalkli'g up three fouls, to allow custom butchers to slau of bread lost and a considerable pastries, valued at ing from 4 to 6 p. m. February 15 afternoon. but returned to the game only to ghter animals for farm consump and 16. On February 17 the hours Mrs Thompson also showed war be ejected by the referees when he tion without having them added $150. Emery is having his bread will be from 4 to 9 p. m. to the regular quota at these but and Mr. pastries No. 2 and canned food mar registered his fourth foul. baked in Caldwell and chers. Henry Hartley, superintendent, book ked with prices and points. Just before the end of the first Fanners have in the past few makes deliveries every day as us of schools suggested that applicants The number of points needed to half, Larson and Pierce put Nyssa a- years disposed of the equipment ual. He hopes to have the local follow tlie following procedure: food will depend on the avail 13 to 9 on field goals. The ad in caring for their own meat bakery in operation in about 10 Applicants must get application buy ability of the food to be purchased head Frosh scored two field goals In a and have depended upon the cus days. blanks from their dealers; the and not on the price. The points row, but Pierce kept the Bulldogs tom butchers for this service. The dealer will also furnish the app will be determined by the weight ahead by scoring a field goal and Grangers cannot see wherein this licant with a record of the amount content of a package or can. of oil used during the past year; The rationing, covering 200 items a foul conversion. After Yost had ruling will cut down the number the applicant will then fill out of food, will become effective Mar converted a foul, Miner registered a of animals slaughtered for farm Young a field. Pierce a field use, but they do see where It works the blank; the completed blank ch 1. A "freeze” will be established tip-in, and Young two field goals, Carter a hardship on them and upon the will then be accepted by the reg on canned and processed goods for istrars at the grade school; com a week beginning February 22. At of the visiting quintet tied the cou peaple who have brought equipment The Nyssa high school lost a box to provide this service. putations will be made on the that time each preson will be all nt at 21 to 21. ing, wrestling program to the Pay With the tempo of the playing basis of the information contained owed There was considerable discuss ette high school in Payette Tues five cans of fruits or veget Increasing, Young put the Coyotes on the application blank and the ables. The date for registration will ion concerning the feasibility of day night. ahead 25 to 23 and Bailey gave th establishing ration will be issued later by the be announced later. a dehydration plant in The defeat marked the first time em another two points. Pierce of the Nyssa area. local rationing board. for this in two years that Nyssa has lost a The block leaders will give in was ousted on fouls and El- type at processing Demand is so great that smoker. Church and Oguirl won A. L. Atkeson, chairman of the formation on the point system of Nyssa relieved him. The Bulldgs the government is making mat Nyssa rationing board, received the rationing to every family. Blue st dredge wrestling matches and Suiter continued to make a valiant fight, erial and credit available for such their following telegram from*C. C. And amps are for canned goods and red but gathered a draw in boxing. were four points behind when undertakings. erson of Boise, Idaho state OPA stamps for meat. Nyssa fighters wtll meet Adrian final whistle was blown. The Orange was honored by a Tuesday night at 8 o'clock In the director, as follows: Mrs R. G. Larson, community the Pierce was high point player with Unused shoes made in' whole or service chairman, named Mrs Hen- 12 points. He was follwed cloeejy by visit by State Deputy Charles local gymnasium in 30 rounds at boxing. No wrestling bouts will be part of leather or with rubber solesiry Hartley- and Mrs George Mitch Young Caldwell with 11. ona Master Bari Parker at Vale staged. except waterproof rubber footwear, ell as her assistants. The commun Other of players and their points The Nyssa and Adrian boxing and soft and hard sole shoes and boud- ity service center will be open in were: Nyssa--Larson, 5; Miner, 4; wrestling teams battled to a draw ouir slippers, soft soled Infant shoes the rationing board office every Yost4; Wilson, 2, and Eldredge; Fr In Adrian last week. and ballet slippers are rationed be Wednesday and Satuurday after 8; Bailey, 5; Lonergan, ginning 3 p.m. EWT Sunday Feb noon from 2 to 4 o'clock for dis osh—Carter, 4; Young, 11; Russell, and Salto. N orsine Home Notes— ruary 7, 1943. Consumers may not pensation of Information pertain In a preliminary game the grade A daughter, weighing 7 pounds, buy rationed shoes there after until ing to rationing. school defeated the high school fr S was borii February 7 to Tuesday February 9. Beginning then eshmen 20 to 17 In a hotly-contest- A farm machinery course will be Mr ounces, and Mrs L. V. Christensen of customers must present and the eded game. The players were as fol held In two meetings at the Adrian Nyssa. trade must collect stamp number lows: Frosh—Root, Greer, Bowen, high school agriculture shop Feb Mrs Paul Baker of Ny 17 from war ration book one. This Weeks, Gullde, Hansen and Counsll: ruary 13 and 20. The shop will be ssa Mr are and parents of a 9 pound, 4 ou stamp is good for one pair of any grade school—Toombs, Langdon, open from 7 a. m. to 6 p. m. on bo nce son. kind of rationed shoes through Ju Bellon, Church, Seitz and Orr. th Saturdays. of Nyssa is a pat ne 15 and Is transferable between the score standing at 25 to The two meetings are planned ient Fred in Lindner the nursing members of a family living In the On Thursday evening, February 23 With the end of the third period of because at completion of an eight- Mrs L. R. Kirkland home. and two ch same household until further not 4, “food-for-freedom” sign-up meet the at Nyssa-Welser game, each team weeks course in general metal work, ildren are receiving medical treat ice. Dealers may buy shoes without ings were held at the Boulevard made only two points several farmers still had some farm ment. giving stamps but will owe ration Grange hall In the Ontario com canto. Nyssa was ahead in 26 the to final Implements that they wanted to currency for all such purchases and munity and at the Hope school in few seconds before the end of 36 the a repair In the shop. Because of we Soldier On Furlough— must keep all stamps and certifi the Hope community near Vale, contest and made the extra point ather conditions and the distance Don Morgan, home on a two- thereby completing a series of 16 on a foul conversion. Ray Larson cates collected.” some of the men have to travel, week furlough from Camp White at which nearly 600 Mal high point man with nine points. members Shoe repairs are not rationed. meetings of the class asked for the at Medford, is visiting friends. He county farm operators clearly Nyssa won the preliminary game two 10-hour Neither are the following types of heur meetings. their Intentions to go “over by a count of 32 to 22. George Bill is in the medical corps of the army. footwear: Waterproof rubber foot showed J. I. Johnson, coordinator, stated top" on the 1943 production pr ings was high point player with 10 that wear, soft and hard soled house the in the course enrollees will and boudoir slippers, soft soled ogram. work on repair, operation and con attendance, as a rule, points. infant's shoes and ballet slippers. was Although struction of tillage, feeding and har than usual at the meet When shoes are ordered by mail ings, better vesting machinery and such service POETS’ there are still 70 percent of the stamp should be detached and the total farm operators In the co Implements as wagons, manure sp sent with the mail order. readers and fertl llaem distributors unty who have not signed up for CORNER A few jabs will also be carried out the 1943 "food-for-freedom” pro In sharpening and repairing hand gram. rt is hoped that a number of farm supervisors will be working The Malheur County National hoods for the Coming summer's wo Edited by In the field soon, signing up fann Farm Loan association, in joint se rk. CAROL BYBEE ers who were unable to attend the ssion with the Payette association meetings. However, the large part in Payette February 3, elected Har DEMONSTRATION WHY? Why is may soul filled with long- Donnie Brewer, sophomore mem of the sign-up will have to be done ry McCarty and Q. A. Ireland for ber of the Adrian F. F. A., recently in the local AAA office and all far three year terms as members of the GIVEN ON MEATS i-ng Ever since you went away? purchased a bred Buroc gilt from mers who have not signed up as yet board of directors. Variety meats, meat extenders Why are urged to do so in the next two am I always wondering the Illinois consignment sale, which At an organization meeting later and alternate dishes were demon was held at the Normal university weeks before the deadline. How to pass the time of day? strated at the ‘ s hare-the-meat"' the board elected Mr. McCarty pre judging pavilion in Normal, Illinois. Information vital to the united sident; Arle J. Smlt. vice president, program given in the high school The gilt was consigned by the fa nations war effort will be obtained Herbert J. Davis, secretary-tre kitchen Tuesday afternoon under Why, when I look at others mous Matthew stock farms of Mt. from a summary of all nation’s and the sponsorship of the nutrition Do I always see your face asurer. Auburn. Illinois and was selected farm plans and :hl* tabulated mat J. K. Blackburn, chairman of the council. To bring back tender memories by Brewer by B. R Evans, secretary erial must be In the hands of our Payette county USDA war board; Mrs. Leona Andetwon. home ser Of a sad, but fond embrace? of the Duroc Record association. war leaders around March X. Come L. V. Patch, chairman of the vice advisor and demonstrator for The animal, which cost $210 deliver In to the AAA office now and plan Col. Payette county selective service oo- the Idaho Power company gave the Tell me If you cam. Dear . . . . ed at Adrian, was placed as one of your 1943 farm operations. mmittee; B. F. MoOarroll, chairman demonstration. She stressed the use Why time drags slowly by, the top five gilts of the sale by of the Payette county rationing of heart, kidney, liver, tongue, brain Why the days all sewn like years Judge VanMeter. ADRIAN 4-H HOG committee; V. A. Slpla, county ag and sweetbread tn the dally diet And I sometimes wan"1 an Outstanding swine breeders of the ent, and others explained to the and suggested many alternate dish com belt consign their best gilts to CLUB ORGANIZED farmers the “food for freedom" es and ways of extending the meat Why do I feel so keenly this sale each year, according to ADRIAN. Feb 11 (Special)—A goals for 1943 and discussed mach flavor. Prizes were won by Mrs. The heart-aches and the fears? J. E. Johnson, agriculture instruct new 4-H Swine club was organ inery supplies and various types of Mark Christiansen, Velma Kendall, Why are the eyes that were shuuag Now all bedimmed with tears? and Ruth Rule. or in the Adrian high school, who ized Sunday at the Snlvely Hot rationing. reported that Brewer now has five Springs. Farmers were assured at the me The demonstrator pointed out th registered Duroc sows and one reg Officers of the club are as fol eting that every consideration is at the variety meats are perishable Why, when I hear sweet music and therefore must bo eaten here Of the old songs and the new, istered sire in his swine project. He lows: President, Jack Ward; vice being given to the program and th at is working in cooperation with his president, at no farm laborer essential to the home as they oannot be sent to Do my thoughts go fleeting back Buster Talbot, and sec the armed forces. Mrs. Anderson ward father. T. H. Brewer, to improve the retary, Buddy Smith. Other mem war program will be drafted. the tact that these meats To the hours. I’ve spent with you? type of hogs on their place. bers are Chester Fasten and Al J. C. McCaustland, vice president stressed In addition to his swine project, bert and Richard McGinnis. Ken of the Federal Land Bank, was the are just as nutritious as beef, pork, BE A NEIGHBOR Donnie has one shorthorn heifer, neth Elliott will lead the boy* in principal speaker at the noon lun veal and mutton, the rastrlctled Orest your neighbor with s smile. cheon. He recommended the follow meats, and that the alternate foods, eight acres of sugar beets^hd five the club. as cheese, nuts, dry beans and He may have a burden to bear. After the business meeting the ing financial program: “Pay all cur such acres of com. debts, all property taxes, put peas, and milk should be used often. Let him know you are human too Donnie's brother. Homer was also boys enjoyed a swim in the pool rent your mortgage in safe condition, Mimeographed copies of a week’s And together your troubles share. and later were entertained by the outstanding in F. F. A. work. He provide for living expenses, set menus with recipes using these fo antics of Chester Bason's little won the state fanner degree in hi* aside money for Income taxes and ods were distributed to the audi They71 become lighter every day trick pony. senior year in 1941. invest the remsinedr of the farm ence. The week's menus were plan If you'll help each other along ths income in war bonds. Continue to ned for a family of four-father, way. Visits Daughters— Meeting Time Changed— Mrs Harriett Holman of Portland use short term credit to finance mother, and two children-wtth only Be not distant and centered In self. of meat being ussd, wh The Lions club will hold its next | has been visiting her daughters, production, for It* cost will be I sm 1% 10 pounds pounds would have bean av Let him know you have a heart. meeting Monday night at 6:30 in- Mrs Lloyd Lewis and Miss Marie than the interest on the same am en under the present voluntary That no matter when he needs you stead of at noon next week A quiz ! Holman. She is now visiting one ount of money Invested In war bo ailable YMH Bt there, to do your part. ration mg plan nds* contest «rill be held. ;of her sons in Ontario. Point System'Of Rationing Aired Grange Requests Aid For Butcher Nyssa Fighters • To Meet Adrian Adrian Farmer Class Continued Many Producers Not Signed Up Donnie Brewer Buys Good Gilt Farm Loan Unit Elects Officers