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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1943)
The NYSSA GAI V olume xxxvirr, No. 2 NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY. JANUARY ¿6, 1943" CONDITIONS IN SUGAR FACTORY IN Bulldogs ENGLAND ARE REVEALED ÎN LETTER JOURNAL $2.00 PER TEAR CLINICS PLANNED Plans Outlined FOR Take New Practices LOCAL TOTS For Annual C Of Because of a few cases of small factory Conditions under which sugar a problem wyh blackouts, fogs, and Two Hoop Tilts For Growing Of men are working in England lights from headlamps coming from Laical service station operators here, Mrs Edna Farris, county were revealed C Banquet Here pox health in a letter received silt made by a semi-circle two Over Week-End hava been notified that effective Beets Discussed nurse. Is arranging to hold recently by J. L. Church of Nyssa a Inches In djameter and this silt February 1 they will not be perm immunization clinics In this vicin from a friend John Kelway, living covered with the equivalent of two William Teutsch Will Speak; Officers Are Elected O f f ic ia l s HALT RETAIL GASOLINE SALES ON CREDIT by the government to sell any Vale and New Plymouth itted In England. thicknesses af newspaper petrolem products on credit, except Approximately 200 Farm Fall Victim To Ny- under certain The letter read In part: “I had the factory to prepare for conditions. ers Attend Meeting “I have fitted an air raid shelter beets, black out all windows, build ssa Quintet Credit Is prohibited except In the In Gym. up in the garage for the children a new canteen over the tare house sale of petroleum products to the Officers of the Nyssa chamber of to go into. If It serves no other pur and load the 10,000 ton sugar be From The Bulldog United States, any state, territory commerce were elected and plans pose than giving them confidence longing to the government out at Trouncing both week-end oppon of the United States or any polit Approximately 200 tamers inter in beet growing attended a for the annual chamber banquet and allaying their natural fears it the rate of 500 tons per day. I also ents, the Nyssa five came home wi ical subdivision of the foregoing or ested meeting held in the gymnasium were outlined at the weekly lunch is worth it. built a new ARP fire system from th a victory over New Plymouth the District of Columbia, for Its ex Tuesday afternoon under the aus eon of the organization In Brownie’s "At the factory we have made river pumps to top floor. (52-12) and also over the highly- clusive use, sale of petroleum pro pices of the Amalgamated cafe Wednesday noon. Sugar three concrete shelters for the men. “This campaign we are slicing regarded Vale squad (23-25). for use in motor boats used company. The banquet will be opened at 7 Each shift has air raid drill when beets as fast as we can, between Friday night the home team had ducts for commercial purposes, or for use p. m. Friday night of this week and on days and when the siren blows 2450 and 2500 per 24 hours and ma an easy walk-away at New Plymou G. Larson, district manager of motor vehicles displaying "T" the R company, will be concluded by 9 o'clock to each man shuts down his partlcul king plenty of sugar. Extraction is th with some of our second str In discussed various ph ration stickers. permit those In attendance to at ar station and proceeds with gas good, coal consumption good and ingers playing most oi the game. The directive does not prohibit ases of beet production, Including tend the Nyssa-Emmett basketball mask to his shelter. Working In the labor figures best we have ever had, At the quarter, Nyssa was In the tile use or distribution of coupon the use of segmented seed, and me game In the gymnasium. The din factory at nights Is nearly unbear partly due to the Elfa flume, which lead 16-3 and held that lead throu or script books when sold for cash. chanical blockers and harvesters. ner will be served by the home ec able. At the beginning of the cam works fine. The segmented seed requires bet the game. The hall ended onomics girls of the high school In paign It was impossible as every “Campaign men are very difficult ghout ter than the average seed bed and 21-3 and at the end of the third the home economics room. window was blacked cut either with to get and we set on everyone that quarter, New Plymouth being un more care than the regular seed. A discussion and demonstration on William Teutsch :f Corvallis, ass "Ways of Preparing and Using Dr paint or felt and windows all shut. wants a job. After a struggle we able to put a damper on our team It Is practicable, but it has certain istant dlreot:r cf the Oregon State ied Peas and Beans In the Family Eventually we were obliged to take have managed to get the men araise, the soore was 37-8. A score of 62-12 limitations. The hazards and adv college extension service, will deliver Meals” will be held Monday night, out as many electric bulbs as poss but cannot get any more for ourselves. closed what was probably the most antages of using the seed were dis the principal address. Mr. Teutsch February 1 at 8 o’clock In the home ible and leave one Just where a “As we are classeed as a reserved lopsided game In the conference cussed. was reared In this community and was obliged to work, fix a low industry, anyone over 30 years old room cf the high school man With proper use of segmented year. By Dar Thel Bybee was graduated from the Nyssa high economics wattage bulb colored either red or will not be accepted In the forces, this Starting seed and cross-blocking equipment The dastardly plot afoot to blow line-up for Nyssa was school. His father engaged In con building. green. This allowed us to open some but If the war lasts long we never Pierce, Putman, Larson, Yost, and up the munitions plant was foiled any grower should be able to reduce The meeting wll be one of a ser windows struction work here. here and there and by in know how soon they will raise the Wilson. his hand labor In thinning and hoe les of meetings ait which food topics by the Irrepressible Sadie last Fri Three musical numbers have been vital concern to the home-maker stalling one or two fans it was pos age limit. If they do, ycu bet we are day. January 22 la a three-act com ing by at least 50 per rent, but Mr. arranged far the pregram. A group of sible to work, but not very comfort Larson, playing center was high all ready to have a go, we are so warned that while the new will be discussed. Topics to be cov able, all the same. "Sadie of the U. S. A.", pres Larson of high school girls directed by Mrs ered worked up now and have made up point man i -inning up twenty-three edy, practices are fairly well proved ex at subsequent meetings Include “Driving to and from work is also our ented by the Junior class in the perimentally, John Young will sing, Twyle Craw methods minds to see It through.” points In our behalf. Sustitutes In the grower must use of preparing food for the ford 'will play a violin solo and Ph locker, drying cluded Oounsfl, Eldredge, Holmes, gymnasium. a great deal of caution as to the fruits and vegetables yllis Pcage and Darlene Dorman and late information According to the people in the Tensen, and Ward. of those practices. on canning. FLOOD CAUSED BY will sing a duet. the cast oi ten gave an application Saturday night, the Bulldogs had audience, Because of the Increasing food MELTING OF SNOW Vem Jensen Ogden, agricult R. O. Larson, retiring president shortages and exciting evening of urist of the sugar of company, a tougher time ’whupplng* last ye Interesting and the food rationing will as of the chamber of commerce will program, which dramatic entertalment. The cast ar’s district champions, the Vale were under the direction of Miss sist with the remainder of the me will soon go Into Arcaria, Jan. 28 (Special)--When be the toastmaster. effect, homemakers will find the the snow melted last week the wat The Nyssa high school Bulldogs Vikings. etings to be held In this district. He Tickets for the banquet may be subjects Rice. to be discussed at these er overflowed the Shoestring ditch will swing into two home games In a fast and furious game, Ny Lois has been engaged In experimenal secured at Frank Morgan’s office. meetings very great Importance and washed out headgates and cul this week-end after losing to the ssa gained a one-point lead In the The audience was kept in sus 'work for the company for some Oeroge Mitchell was elected pre to them in of making pense as to who the real saboteur time. plans to verts. quarter and at the end of this waa sident of the chamber at the meet assure their families their Adrian basketball team Tuesday first until the last few minutes of that they will Neighbors worked to save John night period of play, the score was 4-5 ing held yesterday. Carles Buchner have an adequate food by a score of 33 to 31. the third act when Algy yelled, supply for Zitteroob's granary from being In our favor. Vale forged ahead and was elected vice president. Frank the coming year. Other sessions will washed away. The roads were badly Nyssa will meet Emmett here by the half, the score was 8-15 for “fire!" Sadie, played by Margaret Morgan secretary and A. L. Atke- be devoted to gardening and pro night in a league game and Vale. When the time was up the Sarazln, purposely tipped the elder cut up by the floor-waters before Friday son. Ed Fhuyn, Clarence Aston and ducing the home food supply. will play New Plymouth Saturday Invalid, Mrs. Oorbus, portrayed was a tie 23-23 but In an ov ly by Dar hey receded at 10 p. m. A. C. Sallee directors. night. Both contests will be called game Thel Bybee. from her wheel Hie chairman of the meeting will ertime play the Bulldogs scored at 8 o’clock. chair. The nurae, Valerie Starr, be Miss Vivian Wldmer, home econ 2 points which won the game for Hare From Idaho— Emmett has won three games played by Violet dowers was the If only operating costs are con Mr. and Mrs. Milton J. Connelly omics teacher at the high school. and suffered Its only loss at the Nyssa. accomplice in the aaboteuring plot. sidered, the Owyhee Ditch company of Banks,Idaho spent last week Assisting her will be Mrs M. H. High point man for the home hands of the Ontario Tigers. The Sadie's Hawkshaw boy friend and stockholders paid only 60 cents per at the home of Rev. and Mrs. I.loyd Greenlee, Mrs William Shlreman was Pierce who made 8 po "greatest Emmett team is built around Reed, team admirer" waa Algernon acre for Irrigation water during and Mrs Floyd Hershey. Founds. Starting line-up was Larson, Smith (Don a big sophomore center, said to be ints. Bishop). The junior 1942. It Is doubtful whether or not All women interested are invited Pierce, Miner, Yost, and Wilson. O-man and woman got Algy's F B. any water user anywhere had ch An increase in milk prices sou 6 feet, 6 inches tall. to attend. Substitutes were Eldredge, Tensen, The Buldogs defeated New Ply Tom Church and a sabot eaper water. ght by Malheur county retail dair mouth Holmes, Miner, and Putman. 1. eur, uncle, Richard Waddell, mixed up. Of course stockholders paid more ies denied In a ruling by the night. in a league game last Friday Ward, IMPROVEMENT IN In a preliminary with New Plym pair at trouble makers were a than that, but the balance of their OPA at San Francisco. The ruling, the "B” squad won 26-17. The FINANCES SHOWN pain in the neck to everyone un assessment for 1942 went to debt covering most counties In Oregon, Adrian held the lead most of the outh, Vale’s “B" team downed Nysaa 19- til they time Tuesday night, but the Bull 30. revealed Mrs. Cbrbus and service or to Increase their surplus made by Harry S. Camp. * The financial condition of the was Malheur her "radio” Wheel chair. county dairies appeal dogs went ahead once or twice and which Is equivalent to the same city of Nyssa showed a big imp ed to the OPA tied the count occasionally. The An Mrs. Oarson, mother of the liv thing since it can be used to pay for permission to rovement during the two-year term meet increased production costs telopes, however, held the lead at ing example of “why mothers go off obligations. of Mayor J. C. Olsen, figures re early end of each period, 8 to 7 at the grey" wss portrayed by Angela The annual statement of the In November. Several opera leased this week revealed. of the first quarter, 15 o 11 at Herman. Alice Kissner was the tax company tors have threatened that unless end shows that during the When the Olsen administration ceiling restrictions were raised they half-time, and 25 to 22 at the three- assessor. year the stockholders paid $2 per took office two years ago the city would quit retailing and sell their quarter time. The romantic interest of the E. Hach, Adrian guard, was high The Oregon Shipbuilding corpor- play was characterised by Agnes acre, in cash or notes totaling $23,- had 83500 on hand. When the off products to creameries. 288.82 on their 11,619 acres This icials retired from office this mon H. F. Embree, operator of the la point player with 18 points. Yost aion recently launched Its 126th Emory (Donna Dtmmlck) and Fred sum with previous balances of cash Nyssa followed with 11 points. ship, the th the city had on hand $30,800. rgest retail dairy In the county, sa of The Carson iMerildean Robbins). Agnes William O. Duane, christ and notes miscellaneous Items lineups were as follows: Ad- ened by Mrs This fund was built up despite the id that It might be necessary to rian--Kurtz Ray E. Kendler, wife was a woman of mystery until made the plus total cash available for and Tallman. forwards; of the yard’s paymaster, fact that the city made many im lower the cream content of the Wilson, center Sadie snooped about In her typical expenditure $36,691.75. and D. Hatch and Nyssa resident, according and to former provements during the two years. fashion and found her to be the bottled milk in order to operate at infor E. Hatch, guards: Nyssa—Larson Publishers of the Gate City Jour this expendible sum, $10,000 of the owner of the hotel. was Of applied a profit. and Pierce, forwards; Miner, center; mation received from Portland. daughter nal are anxious to publish letters to the payment on Its Agnes first writes a letter giving Dairymen contend that increased Mrs Kendler’s matrons of honor Yost and Wilson, guards, and Put written by service men to relatives right to water the Owyhee glowing accounts of the family. feed costs, shortage of labor and nam, substitute. were Mrs George Dennis and Miss Then when Sadie develops a quarr dam. bringing the from and friends or information about balance due the high prices paid by creameries for Oeorgia Kendler. Flowers were pre The Nyssa B squad nosed out the Nysaa men in the armed services as down to $260,000. Then milk from supplemental farms have Adrian B's in the preliminary game sented by Yyonne Kendler. The In el between Fred and Agnes she government the public is interested in such news. $6,000 waa Invested in War bends, writes how scatterbrained the Car- made it impossible to operate on vocation was given by Father Will a score of 18 to 15. If you have letters or news please and $2,000 used to retire two bonds present price scale without loss. by The limit* were as follows: Ad iam 8. Walsh of St. Cecelia church. sons are. call us or send them to the office. A large crowd, including many the Many Issued years ago, leaving only $13.- counties, most of them in rian--Timmerman. Lane, Norris, Todd Wcodell, executive assistant A complete stage living room sett 000 We will preserve any material sub persons from neighboring churches to clean up that debt. Interest ing with doors, archway, French on the mitted to us. If requested to do so. attended the dedication services the western part cf the state were Judd, West. McDermltt and Ham was master of ceremonies. old debt required $900. granted increases. The scale of ceil doors, stairs and soft blue walls ilton; Nyssa— Marsh, Bybee, Bill held In the Nazarene church ings in this county are: retail, qu ings, Bellon, Morgan. Stelnke and Ray Kendler operated a train, were built for the occasion The After all this was done and debt Oorporal Howard Boor of Nyssa Sunday afternoon. called “The Goose" on the railroad effect at a street light across the thus reduced by a total sum of $12,- arts, 12c; pints, 8c; half pints. 5c. Wilson. has notified his parents, Mr and Rev. Vem Martin, local pastor, Wholesale that was laid to the Owyhee dam. street wss seen through the French 000 the company had $7,788.49 cash prices on the same mea Mrs James H. Boor of Nyssa, that read a brief history of the local sures are 10c, 6c, and 3c. Mrs Kendler, formerly Edna Den on hand, an Increase of 81,289 plus he Is now serving with the army church and told how God had help The highest retail prices in the VISITS PARENTS— nis, was employed in the Malheur windows. the $5,000 In war bonds and notes The stage managers were Ben “somewhere in Africa”. ed the members accomplish the state were unchanged by the order Depha Osbum, who has been county bank In Nyssa. Mias Georgia Kamlhira, Don Lytle, Tom OfUri, totaling $4934.50. Oorporal Boor said he learned task they started to do July 11, at 14c a quart In Portland and Pen attending Boise Business uiverslty Kendler was telephone operator at Mertldean Robbins. Richard Wadd When them debt retirement and office for several years. ell, Kenneth Waud and Arnold Investment Hems are deducted fr through reading his copy of the 1937, when the church was organ dleton, had those prices in and who Is now working In an of the The local Daune Gate City Journal that his father ized with 16 charter members. effect in which was one of two Lib fice at Oowen field, spent last om the expenditures there was left March, 1942. Next highest had suffered a leg fracture. He said Since that time they have pur prices were set at 13 V i cents In the Thursday with her parents, Mr. erty ships recently lanuched In the Oarren. for operating expenditures only $6.- Property manager waa BUI Fry. that because of censorship he could chased property and built two cities of Salem and Tillamook. Kaiser yards in Portland. and Mrs Thomas V. Osbum. 969 or 60 cents per acre. Make-up of the cast was by Mrs. not write “very much news". Cor churches, the first at Sixth and Ada Haworth and Winona Hen poral Boor has been In Africa since Main streets In 1939. When this derson. Leona Richardson, Aliens October. structure became too small to ac Hendricks* Juanita Shaw and Leo commodate the growing Sunday na Willis were ushers. Mr and Mrs Fred McCarthy have school, the church purchased lots received word frem their son, Wal on Fifth street and Goode avenue ter H. Turk, that he was promoted and built the new church building, to the rank of sergeant January 2. which was finished during 1942. He was stationed at Las Vegas, Nev Rev. Olenn Griffith, district sup ada, but Is now at Lowery field, erintendent of the Idaho-Oregon- Edited by Denver. Utah district, delivered the dedica T. CAROL BYBEE tory address. He commended the The 1843 “food for freedom’’ drive George W. Coffman of Nyssa, church for the progress made and slgn-up was officially opened “A WISH” Monday evening with two Ogn-up serving In the army air force at here. meetings, one st Harper and the Ragle Pass, Texas, has been pro The pastor then called the church other at Rldgevlew schoolhouse In 1 wish ” . . . . moted to the rank of sergeant, board members and the district Said a little child just three. the Big Bend district. according to Information received superintendent then spoke to them. Tuesday evening's meetings were "That we could fly here. He Is a member of the army After Rev. Martin gave the keys conducted at Wsde schoolhouse near Up In that tree, air forces' great ground crews, to the local church to Rev. Grif Adrian and at Brogan. Attendance Then jump and touch Indispensable to the job cf “keep fith. the district superintendent both nights waa small, but satis The rainbow high, ing 'em flying”. Sergeant Coffman delivered the dedicatory prayer, pre factory progress waa made consid ts a eon of Mr and Mrs Otto Cof senting the church to God to be slide on down It ering the weather and condition And fman of Nyssa. thru the sky; used In His service. of the roads, County Agent R. E. Lily and Ruth Matthews sang. Light an that soft white cloud Brooke said. Mr and Mrs Ellis Walters returned “When I Oet to the End of the In Other meeting dates will Include And the sail blue, h a m Thursday from Bakersfield. Way." ’round the world. January 38, Kingman Kolony sch Just Me and California, where they visited their Delegations were present from You.” ool house; February 1, Nyssa high ton. Jack, uho is in the armed Vale, Payette, Ontario. Not us and school building: February 3, Lin forces there Nampa. Evangelist D. C. Van coln schoolhouse; February 3, Nyssa It was only the wish Slyke of Caldwell and Rev. George high school building, and February Of a child just three. than previously The quota for Oregon again leads the U. S A. In the union. 88 93 out of every $100 Mr and Mrs Luc ten Wray have Finch of Payette were among the But somehow It strangely 4, Boulevard Orange hall In war bond sales and MALHEUR received word that their son. Jack, out-of-town visitors of Income was loaned to the gover Malheur county Is $73,130 Appled to me. county did its part by purchasing nment to provide equipment for the The limit purchase for husband Te HaM Rummage Sale— has been promoted to the rank of Imagination was at play $80.476.25 of war bonds during Nov fln t class pharmacist's mate He Here From Nebraska— and wife or any owner and oo-owner The American Legion auxiliary In her mind, Is stationed on the U S B Maryland Mrs L. Fentz of Stamford. Neb ember. the last month for which boys on the fighting fronts. will hold a rummage sale and will Took her away from the earth raska arrived here last Friday after official figures are available. Total Oregon has lead the nation twice has been raised from 15000 to $10,- serve a chicken and noodle dinner Where we're sure to find 000 hi any one year. Many Individ state wide sales equaled $10.787.000 in the last four months, haring also Mr and Mrs O. P. Counsil have noon for an indefinite visit at the in the former Baldridge Implement A peck of trouble notified that their son. Joe home of Mi' and Mrs A L Heldt Oregon's national record la the been number one state In August. uals. who have accumulated funds company store Friwuary 6. The pro And faults that we. has been transferred to Mrs Pent« is the mother of Mrs largest purchase of war bonds hi The state’s quota for January la will want to take advantage of this ceeds will be used In welfare work Would never know . . . . proportion to income of any state $)0. 300 000. which ts IS 300,00 hl^i- new high limit during January Heldt Fearl harbor by the army conducted by the auxiliary If a child at three. ity. No definite dates have been set, but will be soon. Mrs Farris, especially wants all pre-school children over six mon ths of age to attend the clinics if they have not had the immunizat ions. If they have they should take the skin tests to see If they have had their Immunity. All children over six months of age are urged to attend the clinics or go to their family physician. Foods Will Be Meeting Topic Junior Play Is Well Received Nyssa To Play Two Home Tilts Water For Local Producers Cheap Price Of Milk Increased Here Our Boys In The Service Ex-Nyssa Folk Christen Vessel Nazarene Church Here Dedicated Sign-up Begun On Production Jk> POETS’ CORNER