TH E N YSSA G A TE C IT Y JO U R N A L TH U RSD AY, J A N U A R Y 21, 1943 PAG E SIX M A R R IA G E ANNOUNCED | stume suit with brown accessories M r and Mrs John Ridder of Nyssa .id a corsage of orchids. Dorothy announce the marriage of their da- Ridder, sister of the bride and maid ugh ter, Lorraine to Crawford A. of honor, wore a cover green sui'. Riley, eon of Mrs Lee Pursley o f ! and a corsage of rosebuds. Roma Jerome, Idaho, in Portland January LeMire was groom's man. 12. Immediately after the ceremony The Rev. D. C. Denman of St. i a weeding breakfast was served in Alary’s cathedral performed the c e r - ! the Roosevelt hotel, emony. j The bride is a graduate of the Ny- The bride wore a green wool co- ssa high school and the Ex-Cel-Cls 'W hy, aAe pAeAcAjptio+vi o^ie+t cuActte+t a + i J ia tin ? • Perhaps you have noticed that the prescriptions which your physician writes are usually writ­ ten in Latin. No doubt you have wondered why. Prescriptions are written in Latin because Latin is a dead and never-changing lan­ guage, universally employed in medical practice. A Latin prescription written in America or Eng • land can be filled in Germany, Russia, or France, even though the pharmacist may not know a word of English. On the other hand, no m atter where your prescriptions may be written, we can fill them promptly and accurately. That is our specialty. NYSSA PHARM ACY A t Night Phone Mr. Adkinson, 71. NYSSA OREGON MATERIAL FOR YOUR BETTER DRESSES AND SPORT W EAR Beauty school o f Boise. Mr. Riley is at the party played rummey a graduate of the Jerome high sch­ — §— ool. They will make their home at HOSTESS T O CLUB 905 N. W. 20th street, P rtland. Mrs Dean Smith enter ained Ihr Tueday evening bridge club. Mr W EDDING HELD JA N U A R Y 14 E. D.Norcott won high score and Ruby Robinson of Sunset valley Mrs A. Robertson second. Three became the bride of Lynn Buffing­ guests, Mrs Bert Lienkaemper. Mrs ton of Sunset valley at a ceremony O. J. Donrhue and Mrs R. G. Whi- preformed in Boise January 14. They taker, were present. spent the week-end at the home of Mr. Buffington’s sister and br.ther- in-law, M r and Mrs Dan S.-hrock. who accompanied them at the wed­ ding. LOCAL NEWS M r and Mrs Buffington returned to Sunset valley, where they will Beet Growers To Meet— make their home. M r Buffington R. G. Larson, district manager is engaged in farming with his fa t­ cf the Amalgamated Sugar c mpany her. has announced that a series of Mr ad Mrs Buffington will be tre­ meetings for discussion o f beet pro­ ated to a charivari and shower at duction for 1943 will be held this the Buffington residence Saturday month. The meeting for this comm­ night. A dance, t i which the public unity will be held January 26 in the Is Invited, will be held in the com­ Nyssa gymnasium. Matters for munity hall. discussion will include the use of segmented seed, mechanical block­ - 8 - ing and mechanical harvesters. G IVE PIN O CH LE P A R T Y Mr and Mrs Bernard Frost were hosts at a pinochle party held at Sells Farm— their home Sunday evening for 20 D. R. DeGross has sold his farm guests. Mrs Harry Miner received to M. O. Titland of Twin Falls. Id ­ high prize for the ladies and Car­ aho. Mr. and Mrs. DeGross expect los Buchner received high for the to remain on the farm until about men. Mrs Perry Ward and Emil St- February 15. unz won the traveling prizes. .Parents O f Son— CLUB PR O G RAM GTVEN | A son was bom December 24 in Mrs Grace Barton gave an inter- Washington. D. C. to Mr. and Mrs. estinig*talk on heme life in China Julio Elgurea. formerly of Nyssa. at the regular Nyssa Civic Club Mrs. Figurea was formerly Anna- ineeting held In the parish hall W e- . stello Cancelmo of Nyssa. Mr. Ei- dnesday afternoon. gurea is serving Ip the army, Mrs. Mrs Barton displayed many pieces' Eigurea’s mother and her stepfath- of clothing, household goods, pict- er, Mr. and Mrs. John Gamage cf ures, baskets and other articles. Emmett were in Washingt n when Dickie Schireman, accompanied the baby was born. They were en by Mrs C. W Buchner, Played two route to Florida on a visit. violin selections and Miss Phyllis Poage and Miss Darlene Dorman, Goes T o California— accompanied by Mrs John Young, Mrs. Minnie Paul left this week sang two numbers. for Oakland, California. She will Mrs A. L. Fletchr and Mrs Walter be suceeded as cook in the Nyssa Thompson served tea. Nursing h :tre by Miss June M it­ chell, who wig also study unrsing. Mrs. James Keys has accepted a The Consolidated Freightways he­ position as night nurse at the ld a personnel-safety meeting last nursing home. week In the dining room of Brown­ ie's cafe, with George C. Callahan, Youth Reaches Station— Rev. and Mrs. M. H. Greenlee local agent, and Mrs Callahan as hosts. have received word -that their son, Those present were Einar (M ike) John Greenlee, aviation machin­ Campbell. Weiser agent, and Mrs ist's mate, 3rd class, U. S. navy, Campbell, former Nyssa residents; has arrived at his new station in Louie Caffar, Ontario agent, and greup is the first tc be stationed Mrs C affar; Louana Preston, Ont­ at the new field, one o f the larg­ ario secretary; Zern Hawkins and est in the United States. Del Clement, driver salesmen of Ontario and Mrs Hawkins and Mrs Attend School— Clpment. and Del Boyer.' Rev. and Mrs. M. H. Greenlee A fter the dinner the greup held o f the Methodist church went to a business meeting and then en­ Boise last Tuesday to attend a gaged in bowling at the Nyssa bow­ school of evangelism. Mrs. Greenlee ling center. and Miss Azalia Peet attended the school Wednesday. The schcol was conducted by four national church M AR R IE D IN NEW Y O R K D INN E R SERVED Kerm lt Lienkaemper of Nyssa was married last Saturday afternoon in New York City to Miss Elaine M it­ chell of Lander, Wyoming. Mrs Lienkaemper is chief operator In the telephone office In Lander. Mr. Lienkaemper, son o f M r and Mrs A. F. Lienkaemper of Portland. Is a lieutenant in the army with headquarters In Virginia. —8 - IN S T A L L A T IO N PLAN NED The Women's Society o f Chris'.i n Service o f the Methodist church wil! hold installation and a pledge ser- vice for the new officers Thursday, January 28 at 2 p m. In the church. Miss Azalia Peet. former mission­ ary to Japan, will be the installing officer. REBEKAHS COTTON Girls GABERDINE COATS 69c yd. *6.95 to *9 95 Mercerized finish materials that have an appearance similar to woolens. Approp­ riate for slacks, skirts, shirts, etc. Assorted colors. Heavy weight for cold weather wear. Assorted colors and sizes. Select one of these coats now and save it for next win­ ter. Womens House SLIPPERR $I.OO pair Womens DRESSES l“2 price Regular $1.79 to $1.98 all-leather slip­ pers. Chiefly small and large sizes. This is our remain­ ing stock of winter styles in better dress­ es. Regular $6.95 to $8.95. GOLDEfV RILE NYSSA OREGON ^ " ‘7 77 ^ Tennessee' 8 - - 8 - F AR E W E LL P A R T Y G IVEN M r and Mrs P J K reiter gave a farewell party last Wednesday for their son. Edward, who is home fr­ om Texas on a furlough. He is a f i­ rst class private in the army. The evangelistic meetings that have been led by Evangelist E. G il­ FO R SALE O R R E NT—Two room 21JTFC bert Cays and Mrs Cays will be house. Phone 143J. concluded Sunday night. FOR SALE- - 10-acre ranch, good improvements, deep well, half way Agents Appointed— between Parma and Nyssa in Apple M A. Biggs of Ontario has been Valley. W. J. VanLandingham. W il­ appointed government appeal agent der route 2. 21J2xp. chell, who will also study nursing, named associate government appeal FOR SALE—Several springer dairy agent of the Malheur selective ser­ cows and one mule. L. E Robbins, vice board. Any registrant may. with Gen Avenue, Nyssa. 21Jlxp out charge, obtain from these o ff­ icers advice as t their rights under selective service law and regulat­ FO R SA LE —T e e Red B luff C alif­ ions and where necessary obtain ornia annual Hereford Shew and Sale will be held on January 29th assistance in taking appeals. and 30th at Red Bluff. California. 140 registrrd Ranee herd bulls and Visits In Spokane— 30 reglstred females will be sold Wayne Chesnut of the Inland Oil under auspices Tehama County Ca- company spent part of last week in Spokane on business. and accessories Every time we fill a pre-cription we keep this thought in mind. Two reputations and a life depend on how fait­ hfully we follow instr­ uctions. The doctor’s re­ putation, our ( reput­ ation, and the life of omebody’s mother, fat­ her, sweethe rt or ch­ ild. Pharmacy ; a pro­ fession built on faith. W e ’re proud of the fa­ ith you have a us— we won’t fail you. Phone 56w Owyhee Drug Co. Levai Advertising E.W. PR U YN NO TICE OF E X P IR A T IO N OF RED EM PTIO N PERIOD ON T A X FORECLOSURE JUDGMENT Auto Repairing N O TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the redemption period for the redeeming o f real property from the judgment and Decree foreclos­ ing tax liens on real property and ordering such property sold to Mal­ heur Gouty, will expire on the 3rd day of February, 1943. Said Judg­ ment anrl Decree was made and entered by the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Malheur County on the 3rd day of February, 1942. said properties ordered sold under All persons interested therein will take notice and be warned that all c f said Judgment and Decree, unless sooner redeemd. will be deeded to Malheur County immediately upon expiration of such period of red­ emption and that every right or in­ terest of any irerson in such pro­ perties will be forfeited forever to said Malheur County. Dated this 18th day of January, 1943. C. W.Glenn Sheriff and Tax Collector Malheur County, Oregon. Reboring, Valve Grind­ ing, Lathe work. Parts wsmm Two Good Used ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS Good supply o f coal and wood stoves, includ­ ing three circulators. .One new Coleman Oil Heater NYSSA FURNITURE CO. CLARENCE ASTON Too Late to Classify 0f F° R SAT E—70 head of weanerpigs. L W a„ d. 3 , . miles west o f N v_ 21J2Xp D''nIm n Cf Nashville' FOR SALE O R TRAD E— 41 acres ! land 10 acres alfalfa, rest grain, At»,. ¥ ¡ l i __ > pasture land. 2 ro;m house, full ; basement, grainery, deep well, 7 Eed De.vey is confined to his bed j miles west of Nyssa. Mary E. Pierce as the result of injuries sustained i Nyssa. box 672. 21J2xp when lie fell from a horse. Public Farm Sale M onday, February i One mile north and 2 mile- east of Adrian on old Kingman place. 1 ® 22 head o f cattle and farm machinery. Also DeLaval milking machine. THE MAIN D/SH IN TOUR WART/ME MENU f Cheese is an excellent meat substitute, and a fa­ vorite nutritious dish in its own right. Use it in souffles, sandwiches, omelets. AM ERICAN CHEESE. Family all-around favorite SWISS CHEESE Good in many ways! FOX’S Drive-in W A T C H NEXT W E E K ’S PAPER FOR B ILL L Y L E TREW , O W NER NYSSA Phone 108 PROGRAM THEATRE F R ID A Y and S A TU R D A Y, J A N U A R Y 22— 23 Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce in “ SHERLOCK HOLMES’ SECRET W E A P O N ” Range Busters in “ B O G TH ILL B AN D ITS” . Loretta \ oung, Brian \herne, Sidney Toler and Sat. Mat., 2:30 P. M , Adir.. 5c-20c; Evening, llc-33e, Includes tax Cattle for Sale For our sale this Saturday we will have some dairy heifers and Holstein steers. Also one good Bring your stock to this sale and you will be satisfied with the prices. W e will have plenty o f buyers. Bybee Livestock Sales Co. D. O. Bybee, Mgr Phone 05J3 S U N D A Y and M O ND AY, J A N U A R Y 24— 25 Gale Sondergaard in “ A N IG H T TO REMEMBER” Here Comes The Bride-W ith the Groom Scared Stiff—You’ll Laugh Yourself Dizzy. Merry Melody and Novelty. Mar Sun 2.30, Acini llc-28c, Fvonlng Adm. llc-33e, Includes tax team, 1600 pounds. Let us handle your farm sale. G IV E B R ID A L SHOWER Mrs George Mitchell and Mrs Ward Wieneke entertained at the j tiorne of Mrs Wieneke Tuesday ev- j enlng with a bridal shower given in j tumor of Miss Irene Poage. who will j leave scon for California, where she will be married to Lieutenant W il­ bur Smith, who is stationed with the _ army at Merced Twenty-one guest« [ W ANTED — 100 in Bible school Sun­ day at the First Church O f Christ. H. N. Waddell, pastor. 21Jlxp J UN IO N W IL L MEET The W.T.C.U. will meet at the home of Ms Eunice Gibson Febru­ ary 12 at 2 o'clock .Members are asked to give a memory verse in commemoration of George Wash­ ington's birthday. H - E N T E R T A IN A T P A R T Y Mrs S. P. Bybee and Mrs Jacob Fischer entertained Tuesday even­ ing at the home of Mrs Bybee in honor of Mrs Dale Garrison. P in ­ ochle provided the entertainment. Three tables were in play with high | score going to Mrs Herbert Fisher, low to Mrs Victor Marshall and the traveling prize to Mrs T. H. Eld- redge. FDR SALE- All kinds of standard ttlemen's Association. Address Her­ automobile and fire insurance. We eford Sale Committee, Box 391, Red also write security bends. A L. At- Bluff, California for catalogues. keson. 21JTFC 21J1XC FOR R E N T—Tom Johnson 80 to Margaret Wilson of Weiser spent right party. See Frank T. Morgan. 21J2XC I t he week-end with Mr and Mrs S. C. McConnell. She left Monday for I Central City. Nebraska, where she FOR SALE— 1928 Chevrolet pick-up. two-wheel trailer. Small air heater, i will be employed. pressure tank, pipe. Inquire Jou r-1 | nal Office. 14J2XC. Meetings To Be Closed— i, ? Selectman j o f Omaha city area. Dr. Roy Short of Louisville. Kentucky and IN S T A L L Mrs Betty Forbes Wheeler, dist- . rtet department president, installed the officers of the Rebekah lodge for terms of six moths at a meet­ ing held January 14 Officers installed are Minnie Le- uck, noble grand: Nora Ray, vice grand; Jessie Graham, secretary; Sopha Root, treasurer; Betty Forbes Wheeler, Chaplin, and Harriett Har­ ris, R. S. N. O.. M ary Bums I. O. Other officers will be installed later. - Por^snH I Takes Position— j Miss June Webster has accepted ! a position as bookkeeper in the Ed- er Hadrware company store. Miss Webster, who formerly held a sim- ilar position at Curry's produce. succeeds Mrs Lloyd Lewis, who has I resigned. ! ----- — -------------- Here From Weiser— W . L. Lane, Auctioneer — B A R G A IN N IG H T— TUESDAY, J A N U A R Y 26 F ay Painter. \ era Vague and Hugh Herbert In “ MRS W IGGS OF TH E CABBAGE PATC H ” Supei-man and Secret Code Advntalon. 5c*20f, including tax W ED NESD AY and TH U R S D A Y, JAN. 27— 28 1 at O Rrien, George Murphy, Jane Wyatt, Jack­ ie Coope and Max Baer in “ TH E N A V Y COMES TH R O U G H ” A Grim and Realistic Portrayal o f the Hazards Confronting our Navy in this Global War. Sports. Cartoon and News Admission Evening — lie and 33c, Including Defense Tax