THrC NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. THURSDAY. JANUARY 21. 1943 ---------------------------------- Start I9 4 3 Right! ----------------------- ------------ -------------- - 1 " - " ; 1 1 - » — e i 'i Make This Page 0 RATES: Two cents per word tor each Issue. Minimum cash In advance Is 30c. FOR SALE OR TRADE—I-acre, 4-room modern tfluse. double gar age, hen-house, pasture, well. Close In. Terms. H E. Collins, Box 500, Nyssa. 17STPC FOR SALE--Pour room house, mod em except heat. Two lots, good location, reasonable price. Bernard Eastman. 31DTPC. FOR SALE—Good Income property In Nyssa, or will trade for good fa rm. V. W. Duus. Factory Court op posite Sugar factory. 7J4xp FOR SALE—1941 DeLux Pymouth, 1900 miles, tires and car excellent condition. M A. Rataezyk. 14J3xp —T Give 10% interest on $3000, good security. Inquire Journal office. 31D 4XC KALSOMINE. PAINT at competi tive prices. First class quality. Nyssa Lbr. Co., Goode Ave. and Highway 201, Phone 118. 16Mtfc FASHION FOUNDATIONS Barcley and smart-form founda tion garments, Corsets, Girdles, Bra ssieres. Perfect fit assured by ex perienced corsetlere. Alice Collins Box 500, Nyssa. FOR SALE—Good clarinet. Almost new. Nyssa Furniture company. 14J2xC WANTED—To buy or rent tractor- fresno. M. A. Rataezyk. Rt. 2. 14J2xp W A N TED FOR SALE—White Peking ducks. FURNITURE WANTED—We pay Elza Niccum in Cow hollow. 14J2xp highest prices for used furniture. SALE—Modem home and 7 Nordale Furniture company. 21Jtfc FOR acres 1 mile S. W. cf Nyssa. Part 14J4xp WOULD LIKE TO RENT—40 acres terms. C. W. Reberger or more for general farming. M. A. FOR SALE—Row crop farm, 100 ac Rataezyk. 14J3xp res, extra good improvements, mod- j house. As good a row crop farm J WANTED TO BUY—Seed Potatoes. ern as any In Snake river valley. Will duting an attack because they are M. A. Rataezyk. 14J3xp sell on terms. Also good smaller ac weary and should have a rest. reages. A. L. Atkeson. 14JTFC Ab.:ut the time that Bernard Ba WANTED—We are buyers of clover ruch called in the press and annou and alfalfa seed, also old or new nced that he had distributed $1,000,- crop corn either on the ear or sh 000 in war bonds to various charit elled. Beal and Davenport, seeds ies the national capital was buzzing men, at Mlchael-Leonard company, wnth the story of a magnificent ba Ontario, Oregon. Phone 564. 17DTFC By John W. Kelly nquet which Baruch gave to«Mr. and Mrs Harry Hopkins at the Carlton HTB PAY HIGHEST PRICES for Washington, D. C., Jan. 21--A re hotel, a few blocks from the White live fox feed horses. Phone 8 Pay- ader of this column, a farmer, Is House where the Hcpklns live, and itte. 27Ntfc not impressed with Mr. Rossevelt’s a shorter distance from Lafayette idea that a 40-hour week is about where on nice days Baruch ? ANTED—Manure hauler. See Fr- enough for a working man in a war square, sits on a bench to transact business. nk T. Morgan. 17Dtfc Industry, although 48 is OK. if time When Mrs. Hopkins was married at and a half is paid. The farmer writ the White House recently Baruch gANTED—To buy Weaner pigs. es he and mesrt of his neigh asked her what she wanted and she !. H. Brandt, route 2. Nyssa. 14Jlxp bors that put in 98 hours a week, and replied, "a party.’ The banquet was VANTED—Corn or barley. Drop me the president is not suggesting that the delayed honeymoon present, card. Eliza Niccum. Route 2 14j2xp they knock off work when they feel Mrs. Hopkins was told by the mul VANTED—To rent with option to fatigue. The writer says he has a ti-millionaire to select the menu, uy 2 or 3 acres with modern house. farm with dairy cows. He is up at and she went the limit. In ordinary l . L. Atkeson. 14JTFC 5:30, has to milk his cows and do times the banquet would not have until evening, then milk the raised comment, but with a war cn ANTED—List your property, farm chores cows again and if he is through by and restrictions on food and a call nd city, to sell or rent. We have 7:30 he considers himself lucky. His to the people to make sacrifices it nany prospective renters and buy- night milking is done by electric has given the gossips something to rs. A. L. Atkeson 14JTFC light and because of the dimout re talk about. gulations he has had to cover all Manpower is disappearing from cracks In the bam to prevent a ray the postal department. Thousands LOST of light from being seen outside or of carriers have been drafted be subject to reprimand or worse fr- and letter almost anyone eligable to take LOiTr—Holstein steer, weight 1000 em the air raid wardens. There is a civil service examination Is of pounds. Hems, with hole in right no day off for the dairyman; it is draft age. making It difficult to fill ear. W. A. Fox. 7JTFC a seven day week. In view of this vacancies. Upshot is that one de constant labor the farmer says he livery a day is the practice In many LOOT—Brown leather bill fold. is not in sympathy with the war communities. Verna Greenlee. Phone 129R. 7J2xp time worker who must have his re The English are hoping that con laxation periods, and doubts whet gress gives the president control ev FOR SALE— Received shipment of her the boys from Washington and er immigration. England is crowded Flbered Roof coating. 85 cents gal Oregon, the old 41st division who with refugees from Hitler Controlled lon In 5 gallon lots. Nyssa Lumber are battling the Japs are ordered by countries of Europe. A titled Eng company. 14J2xc their commanders to cease firing lishwoman. in the national capital, says that the president promised he would bring them into the United States if England would keep them a couple of years. She does not give the autj-ority for her statement. Not with standing tht dangers of travel on the Atlantic alien refugees have been pouring into the United States on practically every passenger beat making an Atlantic port and in so me fashion manage to satisfy the immigration inspectors, for thous ands are admitted without difficul ty. It has been proposed that this power be given the president, with the string t|.at will refugees return OPTOMETRISTS DENTISTS to their native land six months af DR. J. A. McFALL ter the war terminates. In effort J. R. CUNDALL “See McFall and See Better“ this would suspend the immigration law. Dentist Inquiries have been received as Phone 56-J to whether the federal government Sarazln Clinic has any funds available to under NYSSA OREGON write search for oil in the north west. The government has no money EYESIGHT SPECIALIST for this purpse. but explains that JEWELRY STORES ONTARIO OREOON it is interested in efforts to bring in new oil fields. Oil in commerical quantities has never been found in PHYSICIANS PAULUS Oregon. JEWELRY STORE laboratory in Utah L. A. Moulding, M.D. is Government Uhlon Pacific Time Inspector experimenting with clays from Oregon to determine their alumina JEWELRY — DIAMONDS Physician and Surgeon content and reports thus far are WATCHES Phone 37 pleasing. If the clays are of super Hours: 10 to 13 and 1 to 5 ior quality they will be used in nor Main Street at Second Dally—Except Sunday thwest aluminum plants, tending to Fry Building make these plants permanent and I independent of the bauxite deposits WYCKOFF Dutch Guiana. SARAZIN CLINIC of Little JEWELRY STORE publicity is being given ef Official Time Inspector for of the new deal to provide Jobs J. J. Sarazin, M. D. forts Union Pacific the lame duck congressmen who Eve Leuck, of G. medicto» N. for ONTARIO OREOON were defeated last November. But General practice the lame are being slipped in- Physio triera pj | to the war ducks ¿-Ray department, department of Justice, office of war information. SHOE SHOPS I and other agencies--anywhere there Laundries is a place vacant or a Job that can Nyssa 1 Own * Nysaa Owned be created. There is still nothing to A bbott’* Shoe Shop — Seventh * Park Streets — right, however, for the defeated c n- AB klnds of shoe and harnesa congressmen from the Pacific nor- repai ring Phone 14« thwest and their prospects are very Aeroai from poet office. Nyas* Steam Laundry I poor. At The National Capital V Professional And Business Directory \ PAGE THREE - Your "Middle Man” THE POCKETBOOK / k n o w led g e ^ Classified Advertising MISCELLANEOUS For Sale ' has filed notice of intention to estate of the said Anna Housh, in make final Proof, to establish cl competent, in and to that certain aim to the land above described, parcel of land situate, lying and before Frank T. Morgan. Notary being in the County of Malheur. St Public, at Nyssa, Oregon, on the ate of Oregon and particularly de 11th. day of February, 1943. scribed as follows: to wit: All of Claimant names as witnesses: Block 76, Green’s Addition to the of Nyssa, Oregon with two Glen Beebe, C. B. Clausen. Marious City garage, chicken coop and Johannessen, and Perle Davis, all of houses, pump house thereon, according to Homedale, Idaho. official plat thereof on file in W. F. Jackson the the office of the County Clerk of Register Malheur County, Oregon. Terms and of sale: At NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING least $500.00 conditions in cash or certified NOTICE D9 HEREBY GIVEN, that check, to be paid at the time of the the first and final account of Dora sale, balance be payable in not Holmes, executrix of the last will more than three to annual and testament of H. D. Holmes, with interest at six per Instalments, cent per deceased, has been filed in the annum, and secured by first mort County Court of Malheur County, gage upon sold. Deed Oregon, and that the 23rd day of and abstract the at premises the expense of the January 1943, at the hour of 11 purchaser. o’clock A. M. has been appointed All bids or offers must be in by the Court as the time and the writing and may be left at the County Court Room at Vale, Ore office the undersigned in the gon as the place, for the hearing Wilson of Building, Main St. Nyssa', of objections to said final account Oregon. and the settlement thereof, at which time any person Interested Dated December 21, 1942 in such estate may appear and file Frank T, Morgan, Guardian of the objections thereto in writing and Estate of Anna Housh, Incompet contest the same. ent. December 21, 1942 Dora Holmes, Executrix of the IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE Estate of H. D. Holmes, deceased. STATE OF OREGON FOR MAL A. L. Fletcher HEUR COUNTY Attorney for Executrix. In The Matter of the Estate of Phelan, Deceased NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL N. S. NOTICE OF HEARING PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE. Notice is given that Jennie E. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Phelan, Administratrix of the above that in pursuance of an order of the County Court of Malheur County, estate has filed in the above en Oregon, made on the 18th day of titled court for final settlement, December, 1942, in the matter of her final account and petition for the estate of Anna Housh, an in distribution, and that hearing there competent person, the undersigned on has been fixed for Jan. 23, 1943 Guardian, will sell at private sale, at 11 o’clock A. M. at the County in one paicel, to the highest bidder, courtroom in the Courthouse at upon the terms and conditions here Vale, Oregon, where all persons and subject to Interested to said Estate shall ap Jim Miller, woh enlisted in the inafter mentioned, by said County Court, pear and show cause, if any, why marines, left Thursday nignt for confirmation or alter the 23rd day of Janu such account should not be allowed San Diego, where he will reelve on ary 1943, at 10 o’clock of said day, and settled and distribution of the his training. all the right, title, Interest and estate made to the presons entitled Mrs. John Bishop and baby left Thursday night for Port Qrd, Cal- iforia to visit her husband, Lieut. INVEST IN AM ERICA! J. C. Bishop. Leonard Carter, who was suffer BUY BONDS AND STAMPS ing with bolls, spent several days with his sister, Mrs, A. L. Bennett in Roswell, Mrs. L. L. Beyer and children, Marjorie and Keith, arrived Thurs day from Hiawatha, Kansas to vis it Mrs. Boyer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs, Chris Molt. Mrs. M. E. Rogers has returned from Mercy hospital in Nampa, where she spent 10 days. A prayer meeting was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Wil son Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Miller left Saturday evening for Clatskanle to visit their daughter, Virginia, who teaches there. Miss Miller under went an emergency appendix oper ation Friday. The Big Bend PTA met Wednes day evening at the schoolhouse with a large crowd present. Mrs. Zeb Wilson presided. Mrs. Walter Str- adley, treasurer, noted the good finacial condition of the unit. The program chairman, Mrs, Joe King, led in an interesting discussion “Children’s Part in the War”. A social meeting for all was planned for the latter part of the month. A committee, Mrs. Brumbach, Mr. Jones, Mr. Witty and Mrs. Baker, was appointed to plan entertato- met. This unit is working to raise funds to install electricity in the schoolhouse. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Curtis were Caldwell visitors Friday. thereto. Jennie E. Phelan, Administratrix First publ. Dec. 24, 1942. Last publ. Jan. 21, 1943. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THF. INTERIOR General Land Office at The Dalle«, Oregon December 14, 1942 NOTICE is hereby given that Perle Davis, of Rt. 1, Homedale, Idaho, who, on March 11, 1938, made Original Homestead Entry, Act 8-17-02, No, 031069, for Farm Unit “D” or the NW%SW14. 844- SW>4, Section 25, Township 22 S„ Range 46E., Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Frank T. Morgan, Notary Public, at Nyssa, Oregon, on the 27th day of January, 1943. Claimant names as witnesses: Floyd Glass, Charles Penley, Robert Robertson, and C. Ben Clausen, all of Rt. 1, Homedale, Idaho. W F JACKSON Register. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR General Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon December 14. 1942 NOTICE is hereby given that Floyd T. Glass, of Homedale, Idaho, who, on March 9, 1938, made Ori ginal Homestead Entry, Act 6-17-02, No. 031068, for Farm Unit “C” or the SEWNE14. NHSEti, SEVISE 14, Section 23, Township 22 S.. Range 46 E., Willamette Meridian, hat filed notice of intention to make final Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Frank T. Morgan, Notary Public, at Nyssa, Oregon, on the 27th day of January, 1943. Claimant names as witnesses: Perle Davis, Charles Penley, Robert Robertson, and C. Ben Clausen, all of Rt. 1, Homedale, Idaho. W. F. JACKSON # * Iss*'* • Register How To Prolong the Life Legal Advertisement UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR General Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon January 14. 1943 NOTICE is hereby given that Barkley J. Cram, of Rt. 1, Homedale. Idaho, who. cn May 24, 1938, made Homestead entry, Act June 17, 1902, No. 031181. for Farm Unit “A” or the SW'i NE‘4, NW'iSE's, Section 14, Township 22 S„ Range 46 E„ Willamette Meridian, has filed not ice of intention to make final Pr oof, tc establish claim to the land above described, before Frank T. Morgan. Notary Public, at Nysaa, Oregon, on the 26th. day of Feb ruary. 1943. Claimant names as witnesses: Floy Dazey, Frank Dasey, Billy Fisk, Ed Underdahl, all of Rt. 1. Home- dale. Idaho. W F. JACKSON. Register. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR General lend Office at The Dalles. Oregon December 24, 1942 NOTICE is hereby given that Robert Samuel Robertson, of Rt. 1, Homedale, Idaho, who, on March S, 1938, made Homestead Entry. Act June 17. 1902, No. 03106*. for Farm Unit "H" or the SW^SWVi sec 28. E'lEHNE'i sec 34. and the W44- NW'4, Section 35. Township 22 8, Range 46 E Willamette Meridian, of Your Electric Washer Your electric washer is s sturdily-built machine. Like other mechanical equipment it requires reasonable care and adjust ment. You can provide that care and keep it in good working order by following these few simple rules: S S • • Be careful to turn In buttons, snaps or Mppers. They ¿ouge rubber from the rolls. Release pressure on rolls when not Is use. Take good care of the cord—don’t let it kink - don’t 1st the washer roll over it—rubber cords will be hard to replace. Don’t overload. Fill with clothes and water to the water line. Whan through washing laave Ud iooss so tub can dry thoroughly. Oil motor and other exposed parte according to manufacturer's Instruc tions. Check the gear eaaa under Mbs tab a* least ease a year to make • Store waaher In warm, dry plane K pnaMhls. otherwise move the washer to a warm place the Have dealer or washer a check-up one# a year. A Httle care and attention to your riactric your electrical give your electric or twice w ill add y ea n at uarfuhn — washer. IDAHO ^