Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1943)
PAGE SIX mim CLUB W IL L MEET Mrs. Grace Barton. Nyssa high school teacher, will deliver the prin cipal talk at the regular meeting c f the Nyssa Civic club Wednesday at 2:30 in the parish hall. Mrs. Bar ton Is a former missionary to China Musical numbers will be arranged for the program. flag-bearer, Elsie Towne. Nyssa camp No. 10730 has enjoyed a steady growth during the past year, officers said. Many new mem bers and Juveniles have been add ed to the rolls. THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1943 bridge club met at her home Tues lunch at Brownie's cafe and played day afternoon. Mrs Thompson re bridge later at the home of Mrs reived high score. Frank Rambaud. Mrs Klaas Tensón won high score and Mrs Sid Burb- - 8 - ' idge second. GUESTS ATTE N D P A R T Y Six guests attended the meeting of the regular Tuesday aftemcon bridge club at the home o f Mrs K e nneth Cottle this week. The guests were Mrs Ray Larson, Mrs John Bishop, Mrs Keith Bailey, Mrs Hen ry Hartley, Mrs Frank Morgan and Meetings W ell Attended— Mrs E. D. Norcott. Mrs Qeorge M it The evangelistic meetings under chell won high score and Mrs Bur- nail Brown second. Mrs Bishop re way in the First Church of Christ are well attended. Several outside ceived the guest prize. delegations have been present. Rev. - 8 - Rickerson and Mrs Rickerson of Bo C H ATTE R B O X CLUB MEETS The Chatterbox club held its first ise and Rev. Phillips of Meridian meeting cf the year at the Glenn drove here last Friday night for the Suiter home Wednesday, last week. meeting. LOCAL NEWS M R AND MRS MEET The Mr and Mrs club met at the home of M r and Mrs A. H. Boydell for dinner and bridge last Thurs OFFICERS O F R O Y A L day evening. Two tables were in pl NEIGHBORS IN S TA LLE D Officers of the Royal Neighbors ay with high score going to Mrs Eight members were present. o f America for 1943 were installed Ray Larson and second to Mrs Geo Return From Visit— Mrs T. C. Johnson was appointed rge Mitchell. at a meeting held in the parish Mr and Mrs John Murphy have program leader for the coming year. - 8 - hall January 5 with Deputy Mamie E NTE R TAIN S CLUB Mrs C. H. Bennett will hold an returned from a visit at Parko, W y Secoy acting as installing officer. Mrs Keith Bailey entertained the all-day meeting after home January- oming. The new officers are as follows: Oracle, Helen Oonyer; vice oracle, Thursday bridge club last week. Mrs 20. Each member o f the club is to Visit In Nam pa— Sylvia Fox; past oracle, Vivian Ormond Thomas and Mrs John Bis provide a covered dish for a potluck Mrs Cora Tomlinson and daugh hop were guests. Mrs Frank Morgan dinner to be served at noon. Jones; chancellor, Laura Moss; rec ter, Claudine, were business visitors order, Alice Collins; receiver, Ruth and Mrs E. D. Norcott won the pri G U ILD HOLDS IN S T A L L A T IO N in Nampa last Saturday. Foster; marshal, Helen Herod; ass zes. The Wesleyan Service guild held istant marshal,Iris Blake; inner - 8 - installation of officers Tuesday ev Election Planned— B RID G E CLUB MEETS sentinel, Maud Calvert; outer sen ening at the Methodist parsonage. The First Church of Christ will M r and Mrs R. G. Whitaker were tinel, Marguerite Moss; managers, The new officers are Mrs Eva Ch Maud Peterson, Gertrude Atkeson hosts to their bridge club at their adwick, president; Miss Erma Ham hold its annual election January 17. and Anna Goshert; physicians, Dr. home Sunday evening. M r and Mrs lin, vice president; Mrs Dorotha A fellowship dinner will be served Maulding, Dr. 8ears and Dr. Sara- Grant Lewis were guests. Mrs Geo Adkinson, recording secretary; Miss prior to the election. zln; faith, LaVonne Fox; courage, rge Sallee and Mrs Bernard East Orba Blair, corresponding secretary, Returns From Conference— Wanda Groot; modesty, Goldie man received the prizes. and Mrs Margaret Carpenter, trea I Rev. M. H. Greenlee has returned Caldwell; unselfishness, Clarissa - 8 - surer. i home from Chicago, where he at POURSOME MEETS Tillman; endurance, Elizabeth A t Committees were appointed as tended a meeting of conference ex Mrs Jess Thompson’s foursome keson; musician, Clara Bellon, and follows: World brotherhood, Miss ecutive secretaries cf the board of Effie Ellen Counsil; program, Miss | education of the Methodist church. Hamlin: Christian social relations. He was away from Nyssa for three Miss Eleanor Poster; social and re weeks. creational activities. Miss Helen White. Shop Is Closed— Mrs Lomax was the installing o f The Owylhee beauty shop will be ficer. closed until Monday because o f the Tea was served after the business illness of Mrs Iris Blake. session. MARRIED IN DECEMBER ningless If, through food hoarding, supplies are withheld at this time from our boys in the armed forces,” said Mr Atheson. "The department of agriculture as issued a statement showing the pecentages of Am er ica's foed that must be diverated from civilian use under the ration Visit In Nampa— ing to meet military and lend-lease Mr and Mrs S. C. McConnell sp requirements. About 50 per cent of ent last Wednesday visiting In Na all canned and dried fruits and veg mpa with their daughter, Mrs For etables must be diverated from civ rest Mocre. ilian use for the military." at the home of M r Poster's par ent*. Mr and Mrs. W W Fitter. The visitors, while en route to their homes, were accompanied as far as Boise Tuesday by Miss Grace Foster cf Nyssa. Takes Position— Mrs Frances Focht has accepted a position as cashier In the Eder Hardware company grocery depart ment. Rrturnes From Visit— Mrs Lillian Newby has returned from a three-week visit with her son. Tom, and his family in Boise. While in Boise Mrs Newby attended the marriage of Harold L. Fuller of the United States army air corps and Miss Lavina Rose Stoyancff at St. Michael's cathedral and a recep tion held in the Owyhee hotel Dec ember 27. Nursing Home Noti J. A. Black of Nyssa and Mrs J. C. Rightmire of Parma, who entered the nursing home January 8. are receiving medical treatment. An 8 pound. 8 ounce son was born January 11 to Mr ad Mrs Ed Mah oney. Mrs John Points of Nypsa, enter ed the home January 1 for medical treatment. Attend Payette Service— Several cf the First Church of Christ attended baptismal services in Payette Sunday afemocn. Mr and Mrs Geroge Wilson and two young men from Ontario were bap tized. Meeting Time Changed— The farm machinery class spon sored as a part of the rural war tr Mrs W. H. Ludwig has returned aining program will be held in the to Rupert, Idahc after spending the agriculture shop cf the Nyssa high holidays with Mr and Mrs Keith schc'l each Saturday from 8:30 a - Bailey. m. to 5 p. m. instead of Wednesday evening, according to Leno Christ- Return From Twin Falls— insen. who Is in charge of the pro Mrs Burnall Brown returned ho gram in Nyssa. Farmers are urged me Saturday from Twin Palls, whe to repair their machinery at th» re she visited her sister-in-law. Mrs ag. shep. Selcn Lewis, who is recovering fr Return Tc Home— om an operation Mrs Lewis accom M r and Mrs Walter Sparks and panied Mrs Brown to Nyssa for a niece. Oeraldyn Elliott, have retu visit. rner! to their home at Pnrkdale af- er visiting for two weeks with frie Here On Visit— Harold Rucker of Jerome, Idaho nds. Mr and Mrs Grover Douglas and family. attended to business in Nyssa and Ontario fr:m Sunday until Tuesday. Move To Owyhee— I He was accompanied to Nyssa by Mr and Mrs Raleigh Chamberlain i Mr. and Mrs. Howard Poster and have moved to their new home on ' two sons of C. oding, who visited the f rmer Kerr ranch on the Owy hee. Return To Rupert— LAD IE S E NTE R TAIN E D Mrs Kenneth Cottle entertained a group of ladies Wednesday after noon at. two tables of bridge. Mrs Bert Applegate was awarded high score prize and Mrs Grant Lewis the traveling prize. - 8 - HOSTESS T O CLUB Mrs Harry Miner was hostess to the Wednesday evening bridge club this week. Mrs Herbert Fisher won high score. Mrs Bert Applegate sec- nd and Mrs George Sallee the tra veling prize. - * - N O -HO ST P A R T Y HELD A no-host party was held Tuesday evening by the regular Wednesday evening bridge club. The group had Acetosi? % P e rh a p s y o u a re on e o f tlio sc fo rtu n a te I,*-, V who has g iv e n th e matter o f medical care MRS. P . VORIS CHILDS w ho»* marriage took place camber 18 in Payette. She i t the fo rm e r M itt Thelma Cook, daughter of Mr. and M rt. A. V. Look o f ISytta, t ilU lu a j in d ivid u a ls n e v e r been ill. I f so, y o u h a v e I t u i l lO little th ou gh t. Here’s h op in g th a t illness never overtakes you or b lc lU -S llia il. a n y of the members of your fam ily. But if it does, you should be prepared. W hat physician would you call? Where would you take SUGGESTIONS Or The Week W O M E N ’S HOSE FU LL FASH IO N RAYO N 25c 25c W O M EN’S A N K LE TS Heavy Crew Style find it necessary to consult him, depend on us to fill his prescriptions exactly as ordered. MEN’S DRESS SHIRTS FAST COLOR PATTERNS p a ir 25C W O M E N ’S SLIPS Satin, Tearose color Mr. Adkinson, 71. NYSSA OREGON C attle fo r Sale For our sale this Saturday we will have some daily heifers and steers, and also some cows for the packers. SI.49 MEN’S DRESS SOX Irregulars 5C pair. C H ILD ’S DRESSES Fast Color Prints 69c G O L D E N [ { H E NYSSA At Night Phone • CO < t l N YSSA PH ARM ACY pr. SI .00 OREGON Mrs O. R. Hite has cone to Port- 'and tc visit her dnugher. Tony, for two weeks. Cllests At Dinner— M r and Mrs Doc Dctiglas were •inner gnes»s at the Grover Douglas home Sunday. Maker. Varsity Team— Although only a freshman. Thom as H lman, brother of Mrs Lloyd Lewis of Nyssa. has "made” the varsity basketball team at Oregon State college. He Is pledged tc Sig ma Phi Nu fraternity. While play ing basketball at Baker. Holman was a member c f the championship Oregon high school hoop team. Visits Cousin Here— Mrs W illiam West o f Albuquerque. New Mexico visited at the home of her cousin. Mrs R. M. Codhrun. M o nday and Tuesday, She has been visiting her husband, who has been I stationed at a United States army camp at Boise. Food Sale Planned— yd. C1 0Q ]) | .00 DOUBLE B LAN K E TS All Cotton Plaids SPUN R AYO N S New Bright Patterns cian now. Prompt attention to minor ailments often prevents long, serious illnesses. When you 85c CO TTO N PRINTS FAST COLOR MEN’S W O R K SOX Heavy Part Wool his prescriptions? Establish your family physi Bring your stock to this sale and you will be satisfied with the prices. We will have plenty of buyers. Let us handle your farm sale. Bybee Livestock Sales Co. D. O. Bybee, Mgr Phone 05J3 W. L. I>ane, Auctioneer T h e American Legion auxiliary will sell home-baked beans and ho me-made brown bread Saturday at | the Powell service station. Dough nuts and coffee will be served th r oughout the day. Grange Invites Public— The Chalk Butte Orange has In vited the public to attend a meet ing to be held in the Cow Hollow community hall January 19 at 8 p. m. A state dairy and creamery Inspector and two state milk and cream testers will demonstrate how milk and cream are tested and gra ded and how fanners can avoid low grades on their milk and cream. The dem. nstrattons will be followed by a round table discussion. Refres hments will be served. Visit In Boise— Dr and Mrs E. D. Norcott spent Wednesday In Boise. P A T R IO T IS M IN R A T IO N PRO G RAM IS URGED BY O PA Hoarding not only violates the tenets of good citizenship but it can very easily lead to serious consequ ences for the hoarder, according to announcement made by A. L Atke son. chairman of O P A ’s Nyssa war price and rationing board. Mr. Atkeson warned that excess stocks o f rationed goods would have to be declared and the equivalent number of stamps surrendered at registration time, and stated that severe penalties await those who fall tc comply "But. such penalties will be mea W ANTE D —T o buy Weaner pigs. E. H Brandt, route 2, Nyssa. 14Jlxp ONTARIO LIVESTOCK COMMISSION CO. We had a great sale here this week with all of the stock selling exceptionally good. Too Late to Classify Don’t let some tell you they can FOR SALE—Ocod clarinet. Almost sell it as good as we do. They d «a ’t new. Nyssa Furniture company. get It done. 14J2xC W e had buyers who did not get enough stock. Bring your stock to us next week and we will do the re st. HOGS, 580 HEAD Market Strong Top-na ch ice butchers $15.00 Bulk ...................... $14.25 to $15.00 Packing sows ......... $11.75 to $12.60 Feeder Pigs ........... $13.60 to $14.25 SHEEP, 33 HEAD Lambs ............. $13.25 to $14.25 HORSES, 64 HEAD Market Better CATTLE, 738 HEAD Market Strong HAVE FAITH IN Good fed steers $13.00 to $13.75 Good grass fat steers $12.25 to $13.00 EVERY PRODUCT! Common to good Your druggist is the middleman steers $11.00 to $11.40 between you and the doctor. Ycu Medium to good fed heifers ............. »11.25 to $12 JO need complete confidence in him. Medium to good grass Our customers keep coming back heifers »10.50 to $11.10 because we serve them honestly. Good cows $10.50 to »11.26 Why not stop In and get acqu Medium to good cows »9.00 to $8.50 ainted? Always quality merch Cutter cows $7.50 to $8 25 andise at reasonable prices. Canners »6.50 to $7.25 Best bulls »10.60 to »12.26 Day and Nite Service Veal calves »12.00 to »15.60 Good quality Stocker and feeder Phone 29 any time of the day steers *13.00 to »13JO and 91W at night. Remember us Medium stoeker and feeder when sickness strikes—we are steers * 12.00 to *12.50 your doctor’s friend. Sleek calves *12.50 to *14.00 Heifers *12.50 to »14.00 Good quality stock cows .......................... *7 50 to »8.40 Good milk cows »82.00 to *106.00 Cheaper kind *70.00 to »80.00 C.o To Portland— W liC ¿ I W ANTED —T o buy or rent tractor- fresno. M A. Rataezyk. Rt. 2. 14J2xp O w yhee Drug Co. Phone 29, Night Phone 91W Next To Theatre Mayo Moss, Manager Bert Anderson, Auctioneer BOXING 3 0 Rounds of Boxing Vale High School Vs. Nyssa High School N yssa Gym nasium Wed. Jan. 20, 1943 7:30 P.M. Adm ission 5Qc and 25c First legal fight between these two schools. NYSSA PROGRAM THEATRE _Phone 108 __________________ FRIDAY and SATURDAY, JANUARY 15— 16 The Three Mesquiteers in “SHADOWS ON THE SAGE” Lynn Roberts and John Sheppard in “DR. RENAULT’S SECRET” S a t Mat.. 2:30 P. M , Adir_ 5c-20c; Evening, llc-33c. Includes tax SUNDAY and MONDAY, JANUARY 17— 18 Diana Barrymore, Brian Donlevy, Henry Dan ieli and Arthur Shields in “NIGHTMARE” Action, Suspense, Comedy, Romance and Na zi Spies-W nat a Nightmare. Comedy and Cartoon Mat. 3un. 2.30, Adm. llc-28c. Evening Adm. llc-33c. Includes tax — B A R G A IN N IG H T— TUESDAY, JANUARY 19 Kent Taylor and Irene Hervey In “HALF W A Y TO SHANGHAI” Merry Melody and Secret Code Admissisn, 5c-20c. Including tax WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, JAN. 20— 21 Bing Crosby. Bob Hope. Dorothy Lamour, Dona Drake and Anthony Quinn In “ROAD TO MOROCCO” Pop Eye Cartoon and News Admission Evening — l ie sod 33c, Including Defense Tax