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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1943)
< TH E NYSSA G A T E C IT Y JO U R N A L TH U R SD A Y. J A N U A R Y 14, 1943 PAGE FOUR Adrian That the name o f Glenwood Pou nds should receive honorable ment ion for either a Humane Society or Bey 8c:ut troop, was recommended by local citizens who were cn Main street Thursday evening between the hours of 5 and 6, Eye witnesses tell of a white and black cat who had taken up a temporary abode on a transformer. Mr Pound's attention was attracted to the plight of he cat, and although details of the re scue were not learened, both Mr. Pounds and the cat landed safely. M r and Mrs Leo Famworth and son, Dennis, of Yakima, are visiting relatives In Adrian and vicinity. M r ad Mrs Gale Martin, in cele bration of their wedding anniver sary, spent Sunday in Boise. M r and Mrs Ed Newton of Oregon Slope, M r and Mrs Merle McRey- nolds of Nampa and Mr and Mrs Glen Palmer were Sunday guests at te Gerrit Muntjewerff home. M r and Mrs Ray Drowns and fa mily were Homedale visitors Sun day. Mrs Howard Hatch was hostess to the “ Jolly Janes" Thursday. P la ns for the coming year were dis cussed. Refreshments were served. Mrs Olenwcod Pounds visited in Vale over the week-end. Mrs O. Muntjewerff and Mrs Ver non Parker spent Monday in Boise. Sunday evening dinner guests at the Howard Hatch home were Mr and Mrs J. Jarvis and family and M r and Mrs Steelman and Donna. M r and Mrs Ira Pichards and Donna Ashcraft were guests at the home of their parents, Mr and Mrs Bill Ashcraft, over the week-end. Miss Ashcraft is employed by Swift and company in Caldwell. Mrs Margaret Barnett, teacher at the Owyhee school, returned to her home in Adrian last week-end after spending her Christmas vac ation with her sister, Mrs Clabby, In Weiser. During the holidays Mrs Barnett heard from two of her sons who are in the armed forces. One is with the Canadian forces in England, and the other is making regular flights IT’S TOPS! PICKET FLOUR “ Enriched with Vita min B” . There is no better all purpose flour made. Get It From Your Grocer. WEISER MILLING & ELEVATOR CO. from Hawaii to Australia. M r and Mrs Harold Long of Ny- ssa were Sunday dinner guests at the Ellen Sparks home. Dennis Patch attended the execu tive meeting :f the Malheur Healtn assiciatlcn in Vale Saturday morn ing.. John Johnson and R. Boak atte nded the schoolmasters meeting in Fruitland Thursday evening Mm Edna Oib60n and Gary Mun tjewerff were sick the past week. Bud Nathheis of Owyhee, former Adrian high school student and now registered with the air corps, en rolled in school this past week in order to get certain mathematics requirements. A t the school assembly held F r i day in the High School auditorium, a talk on "Resolutions for the New Semester” was given by Mr. Patch. A one-act play portraying boys mi micking the public application of make-up, was presented by the fr eshman class. Music by the band, under the direction of Mrs Covey, and a pep meeting led by Yell-Lea ders Virginia Jarvis and Lois Patton completed the meeting. The winter concert of the Adrian High School band under the direct ion of M r and Mrs Don Covey will be held Wednesday evening, Janu ary 20 at the high school. The High School O irl Scouts met for their regular meeting Tuesday noon in the social science rcom. P l ans were made for a special obser vance of Scout day February 22 at which time new members will be initiated. On Friday evening the Adrian A and B squads were defeated on the local floor by the Ontario A and B squads. The Ontario B squad was coached by Walter McPartland, for mer principal of the Kingman Kol- ony school. On Saturday evening the Adrian A squad defeated Prairie City, 42 to 21. Coach Buru and the Prairie City team were entertained at the Patch, Piercy, Hatch and Brewer homes. The team left for Prairie City Sun day morning. Rev. J. C. Nevin received a Chri stmas donation c f $5 for offering plates. An additional $5 from mem bers of the congregation was receiv ed Sunday morning in order to pu rchase offering plates made from Oregon myrtle wood. A Junior group of boys and girls called “ Pioneers" under the leader ship of Mrs Oeorge de Haven, has been organized and meets Sunday evening at the local United Presby terian church. Dan Holly, Don Oovey and Den nis tPach were guests at a “ stag party” at the Frank Miller home Wednesday evening. Mr and Mrs Dan Holly received a letter the past week from their son, Raymond who is now in Africa. 20— 80 Automobile Insurance Policies are now Available s In case of accident we pay 80 per cent and you pay 20 per cent. Big Reductions in property damage and pub lic liability rates are now in effect. Frank Morgan Insurance and Real Estate Phone 97 Don Tosch Is improving al tough His squadron moved January 3 but : f Newell Heights is the cook. Mrs. William Toombs, Mrs. C. he is confined to his bed. because there was no eye specialest M r and Mrs Hatfield were O nt in the new location Merle did not C. Cotton and Mrs. Mae Beaumont attended a pinochle club meeting ario visitors. get to travel with them. in the Stanley Hill heme in New Agnes Eastman entertained her ell Heights Thursday afternoon. club Thursday with nine members Ray Cartwright o f Big Bend was present. The afternoon was spent a dinner guest at the home of his socially. A grab bag was featured. The money will be used for war There were 35 present at Sunday son, Arthur and family Friday. William Tocmb was sick and un stamps. Pdlyanna names were dr school Sunday. Miss Clarabel Wright of McCall gave an object | able to hold his dairymen classes awn for this year. Mrs Sam Potts lesson. Sunday school will be held Wednesday and Thursday eve- became a new member. The next meeting will be held Jan. 21 with at 2 p. m. next Sunday and church ings. The home economics club of the Helen Nlccum. services at 3 p. m. Everyone is Kingman Grange met in the home Claude Day is building a cow bam invited to attend. Miss Aeada Dwyn who is taking o f Mrs. Wesley Piercy Tuesday on the TrunbuU place preparatory to moving as soon as his house is nurse's training at Baker, spent the afternoon. Lawrence Krager has pm-chased moved. holidays with her parents, Mr. and Dale Limbaugh was a Vale busi Mrs. Bill Dwyn. She returned to the C. C. Cotton ranch. He has been cn construction work and has ness caller Thursday. her work last week. The three Mr. and Mrs. Derrell Williams, a leave of absence. who have lived on the K. S. & D. Krager children will attend school ranch the past seven years, moved (here. to a ranch they purchased on the Notice To Hog Rauerc Owyhee last week. With the Installation of a now Mr. and Mrs. George Moeller and scale at family and Miss Clarabel Wright Mrs U. E. Parker entertained the THE R A IL W A Y STOCK YAR D S of McCall were dinner guests Sun following guests Wednesday even day at the Otis Bullard home. we are now receiving your hogs Mrs. Lillie Dement went to work ing: Mr and Mrs Frank Parker, M r there every Friday, paying the in the Willard Jones home this and Mrs Don Parker and son of highest price the market permits Madras, Oregon and Mrs Edna M o week. and seeking to serve you in every Miss W right closed a success rgan o f Ho xl River. The Chalk Butte Orange will hold ful Bible study Sunday night. It possible way. was held for a week in the differ open house Tuesday night Jan. 19. FRANK KULLANDER ent homes. From 20 to 40 attend A guest speaker will speak cn dairy cattle. ed each night. Miss W right left Monday for McCall to continue her work there with the Northwest Mountain Mis sion on child evangelism. Mr. and Mrs. Angela Marcstica, who have lived on the K. S. & D. ranch the past five years, are mov ing this week to the Johnson ranch in Apple Valley. The Arcadia Sunshine club will meet January 21 at the home of Mrs. Letster Jameson. Keep your automobile in topnotch condition. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Orris receiv Let our expert mechanics overhaul your car. ed a letter from their son, Keith, who left last week for the army. He is now stationed at Fort Doug las, Utah. Arcadia Mlnieiera or others interested m church publicity are invited to use the columns uf the Journal to carry important messages and notices to their congregations. Please try to get your copy in by Tuesday of each week. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Vern Martin, Pastor ST. P A U L’S EPISCOPAL M ISSION Regular services at St. Paul's Sunday school at 10:00 a.m. until Classes for every age, bring your the vacancy created by the resig family. nation of Rev. Stanley Moore has Morning worship at 11:00 a.m. been filled. There will be two message by the pastor. services each month which will Junior meeting Sunday evening be conducted by the various min at 7:15 p.m. isters of the missionary district of Young people's service at 7:15. Eastern Oregon, by Bishop Wm. P. Evening Evangelistic service at Remington and Arch Deacon Rob- 18:00 p.m. message by the pastor. Uhan. Wednesday evening prayer and Women's Guild meets second praise service 8:00 p.m. Wednesday in each month. Radio program every Sunday at Sunday school classes will be held each Sunday morning at 10:30. N YS SA ASSEM BLY OF GOD Pastor C. A. Slaughter THE C O M M U N ITY UNITED Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. Alan Ed PR E S B Y T E R IA N CHURCH monds Superintendent. Every class Kingman Memorial welcomes you. J. C. Nevin, Pastor. Morning service, 11: o’clock 10 A. M , Bible school. Try to Evengellstic 8 o’clock. imagine the Bible and every ref Prayer meeting Thursday, 8 erence to it lost to our world, then o'clock. resolve. A cordial welcome to all. 11 A. M „ morning worship. The sacrament of the Lord's supper. FU LL GOSPEL TABERNACLE Sermon: "A New Commandmet” . Lloyd Pounds, pastor Reception of new members. Sunday school, 10 a. m. 7:45 P. M „ evening worship. De Morning worship, 11 a. m. votions led by the young people. Sunday evening evangelistic ser- Discussion groups for every mem vict at 7:30. ber of the family. Wednesday evening prayer ser church will be discontinued F IR S T CHURCH OF C H RIST (C H R IS T IA N ) H. N. Waddell, Pastor Bible school at 10 A. M „ John Quigley, superintendent. 11 A. M „ worship and ccmmun- lcn esrvice. Sermcn, 'The Christ of Prophecy". 6:45 P. M., children's meeting. Special music at all services Leader, Mrs. Cays. Sermon, “ I f the Dead Could Speak” . Evengellstic services will continue this week. Come and enjoy these services with us. Sermon topics as follows: Jan. 14—"The Cost of Salvation” Jan. 15— “ Is There a Second Chance?” Jan. 18— “ A Healing Touch” . Jan. 20—“ What I Would Do I f I Were the Devil.” Jan. 21—"The Great Salvation.” THE M E TH O D IST C O M M U N ITY CHURCH M. H. Greenlee. Pastor ~ | Lincoln Heights Geraldine Pettet entertained a 5 | group ol 25 friends Friday evening at the home o f her parents. Mr and Mrs Jack Pettet. Parlor games were the diversion of the evening, after which refreshments were served by the hostess and her mother. Miss Frances Page has been ill for several days. vice 7:30 in parsonage. Friday night young service. people’s SUNSET V A L L E Y ASSEM BLY OF GOD CHURCH Mrs. C. Cocliell, pastor Towne’s Garage Kingman Kolony The Pollyanna club met Wednes day afternoon in the home o f Mrs. Lyle Trew with 10 members present. The time was spent with enter tainment furnished by Mrs. Char ley Wilson and Miss Mae Beau mont, after which refreshments were served by the hostess and Mrs. C. C. Cotto. Mrs. Earl Province o f Sunset valley attended the club meeting at the Lyle Trew home and later called at the Ccnrad Martin home. John Johnson of Adrian was a dinner guest in the J. G. Lane home Monday evening. Miss Dorothy and Betty Jean Toomb were overnight guests in the home of Vernon Parker in Adrian Saturday night. M r and Mrs Vern Smith and son Hot lunches are being served to and Ida Nelson were Sunday dinner te children at the Kingman guests at tile Jult Houston home. Kolony school. Mrs. Earl Parker Election of officers was held at the yougn people's meeting Sunday evening. Officers will be: President Martin Sayers; vice-president, Joe Winslow; song leader. Grace Hous ton; Pianists, Gearldine Pettet, and social chairman, Donna Winslow. Mrs Earl Weaver, teacher o f tire M r and Mrs Lester Goulet and upper grade of the Lincoln school, family had as their New Year's din lias been ill the past 10 days with a ner guests M r and Mrs Lee Cables, throat infection . She is Improving son and daughter c f Ontario. at this time. The Stanley Ooulet family did LI Clyde Hainline has been sick. not return from Kennewick when they expected to but visited in Y a kima. They returned home Monday. Mr and Mrs Bill Wood were gu ests o f friends in Be iso from Christ mas day until Monday. T h e ladies of Newell Heights club made several bath robes for the Red Cross last week. Mrs H B. Williams spent a few days in Nampa with her parents, M r and Mrs Lafe Johnson helping them to get ready to leave far Cal ifornia, where they are spending the winter. Mr and Mrs Carl Hill entertained at Sunday dinner. Quests were Mr and M is Harry Sipes. Mr and Mrs Jim Johnston. Mrs Jrhn Johnston of Homedale and the Stanley Hill family. Dinner guests Thursday at the M L. K urt* heme included M r and Mrs M. W. McLaughlin of BoLse and the H. E. McLaughlin fam ily of Ten Davis. Mrs Carrie McLaughlin re turned home with them. M. L. Kurtz, who is employed in the Swan Island shlppyards in P or tland. spent from Saturday until Monday evening with his family. R. R. Overstreet was host to the officers of the Adrian church and the members of the budget commit tee Thursday evening at his home The tresurer reported *778 has been paid out in the nine months period with a balance in the bank Those present felt very encouraged ever the growth of the church and I the financial report. Jess Sugg and carpenters will so- jon have the new bam ready Jor use. The M L. Judd family entertain ed at a Sunday dinner honoring . Eugene Judd of California, who is j leaving soon for the army Other j guests were his mother. Mrs Gordon j Judd, his grandmother Judd and I his grandfather, all of Parma A-C Merle Kurtz has had to have I a growth removed from his other I I eye and so Is still tn Santa Ana. | TN I RAUMUIDS ARE THK BACKBONE OF OFFENSE cZ&^ó0ÌVIIK Sunday school 9:45. Morning worship 11 o'clock. Evangelistic service, 7:45 P.M. Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7:45 P.M. I f you do not attend services elsewhere you are invited. W e wel come you. L. D. S. CHURCH Sunday 9:15 a.m. Priesthood meeting. Sunday 10:30 a.m. Sunday school. Sunday 7:30 p. m. Sacrament meeting. Tuesday 2:00 p.m. R elief society meeting. Wednesday 8:00 p.m. M. I. A. meet ing. Wednesday 4:15 p.m. Primary meeting. A district Christian Endeavor soc Austin Robbins has been building ial will be held at the Lincoln sch a basement house on his farm near ocl house Friday evening. Lincoln drive. He purchased the NEWELL HEIGHTS farm last spring. J * Upper Sunset IMPORTANT NOTICE I will not be able to do any more custom but chering for anyone from this date on for the du ration because of OP A regulations. I thank one and all for past patronage and will continue custom work after the war. I will continue beef and pork sales as usual at the Polar Cold Storage. Jacob Fischer Regulation of Open Accounts NOW IN EFFECT! The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Bank adopted Amendment No. 4 to Regulation W. further restricting installment and loan credit, and adding a provision to include open accounts. W ith Respect to Charge Accounts A L L BILLS ARE DUE A N D P A Y A B L E TH E 10TH OF TH E M ONTH F O LLO W IN G PU RC H ASE, AND IF P A Y M E N T IS NO T MADE BY T H E 10TH OF THE 2ND M O NTH F O LLO W IN G TH E M ONTH D U RING W H IC H THE PURCHASE W A S MADE, NO MORE CREDIT M A Y BE GIVEN. P A Y YO U R BILLS AN D KEEP Y O U R CREDIT GOOD LOSE Y O U R CREDIT A N D YO U LOSE SOME TH IN G YO U M A Y N E V ER REG AIN NO COM M ISSION CHARGED ON COLLECTIONS OREGON — ID A H O — N E V A D A — U T A H D IVISIO N Pioneer Service Co., Inc. Division O ffice— I.O.O.F. Building, Eugene, Oregon f W A T C H FOR TH E GREEN A N D BLACK ACCO UNTS FOR SALE H AN D B ILLS W IT H