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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1943)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, JANUARY,! j. RAGE TWO M r Welo placed em pnask upon \H tu n a alai* tatuane Sur piana* » u t ten« Vinti- Beware » « i t it, N* sp irit ut wtUin* Sunday vautmg Mr? Reger Toe*.-' tn* lack Oust * aum an sb-uld keep in farstaiiu n ij a t tb e M antaniat. nos tata! M» ne.pium est tb e same account num ber through- T u t t u s i iu are tb e kauiw I'jrm* T o tarn retu rn ee n«in* W eenei- .u t her workuig hi* altiiougl) her a» uierc last year T u* ktwt aav* not d»y of 6ius weex i.-iauge of nam e sbou-d always be Mias Irene H erring Who h at lr-~ town. etiangue m any way tunc* iavt reported year Ae mwi’ «d ut c an forget a 111 lo r 1b* pas', week it to un U X M * rv irtu lot re a yea? a tirad review u? t l * dergo a ttiuailectomy some tune th is week, a t th e S a u ia m a '. hos ; emulation* h given: m u tn u s o K i-D H w cu m o K m m N ineteen huuQreC a u c lu rti.-tiire * pital an K am ps A d in n er was given Susie uj toy sta te mourn* u tx re tu rn s are due & .in Opta, rule, per tuet. 3>. fJmr Y m r K JR T IA N D J a n 14 «Rpecikll Mr a n c Mrs Earl G ray in nono' ! and payaui* un or tielar* April 1. N a 'ju u s. per luci. .........Jftc m lm C orporal K e n n etn M ore «giu» Greg it t second statewide social 1.’)- IMS U Hut am ount of tar. Cue k CdtaotfMkk per w o rt ---- 2« ot g»ene c M o m w ha* been ca-led g i t or m ote it may be paid in two guard a r.ille ry m a n wbo it borne on M im n iu ir__ .¡A* LStnctly Is. XOvtuioe lo r P ortland Februar)' 5. Dr Adolph leave Tnoae a tte n d in g were M ’ instalm ent* t i e first half on or W eiaart. director ol th e division <»f before April } u u e 6b* aetxmb on and M rs H enry Moore parer; ts of the corpora, and M r a:,d Mr? ' vjdaJ higierje educatioc of the Un- r tad ore O cvjber 1. P uobatiee every T u u n o e y a t Mysa* M alneur C ount) Oregon it**t»ty '.f Oregon m edical schoo. J L O ra j K n ie te t a t tn* poevolfit* a t » yia*. C M a » 1« traiuuiuoiuut T n* personal eaem ptiotu tu t g#Ut Rev. and Mrs Veri» K a r r i a n d stated today T h e conference ts be U tcuugt 6 b* U nii*« » ta te t M alis, a* « ¡to n e ciaas B a tte r unoer for Mingle m dividuak a n d H a « lo r Mrs R a n d a. S la tta » visited U n ing called to im plem ent furth er U « act t i M arci. 8 ini» U m arried t-aupler An adtutaonal *90- Tucfcer S unna) aftern o o n a t '.he Oregon s ant.-v en ereal disease pro em ptioc of CM i* allowed for each S a m a rita n h o sp ital gram . «.ready among th e most e ff uuabfied dependent M arried eoup- M r t a d M n Joe W oooarc and ective and far-reach in g in the n a t »«* m art) 111e V -ietner or ‘am uy were d in n er guecti a t the ion H ealth a n d law enforcem ent ; I) and ebe exempt» .'O* m ay to* Reraioe GdbfcCff. hom e S uade) official*, physicians and social work ftivioed in an)' proportion if 6b* A y-u n g people's social wat held ers from throughout th e sta te are Ulidga a r t m ad* separate») Pur a t th e Berrace Gibeor -»ome T je s - urged to a ttten d . exam ple on* m ay use CM» of tjw ::sy eveatng T h e e ie n ln g was kiaUi exem ption a n d tin t o th er 6b* spent ia playtog gam es R efresh- R e tu rn F ro m T rip — rem aining HUUt m eats were served to Uf persons | if any change* in 6b* com puting j | M r and Mr* C harles G a r r iy « re- system of th e 1IR2 taxer 'payable • um ed borne S aturday Ir.m a visit I in HR2 ' a re m ade b> th e legjsla-1 j in California and southern Oregtm. 1 'u re a n d they m ay be m ad* re tro - ! They visited m Los Angeles with | active, they c a o n t affect tb e s ta t- I th eir daughter. Mrs Jo h n Olsen. ut. a t ii. lo r Mi day« a fte r passing J a n 14 S pe-.a: -E v : and h e r hukband. who is a n aviation both house? df tb e legislature ano ery woman who h a s m arried since ! cadet a t th e University of C alif I receiving th e g vertior« signature she last worked and now is coc- ornia a t L .w Angeles T ney also R eckoning toy th e usual wgislatlve tcm plating re -e te r mg emp»oym»n! went to S a n Francisco, where they procedure It would toe tb e m iddle should h a v e h e r social security ac visited h e ir s tn . le w is G arrison, and of M ay before a n y change could count corrected to sh o v her legal his wife a n d from th ere went to become operative T b is would be n sa te according to Vem-.r. A W e FLar.uatn Falls to visit their son. <ux week« a fte r th e A pril 3 dead- lo m anager cf tb e L aG rande soc Ray. a n d family. i line for filing a n d first or final ial security board offioe paym ent "You can do t h k .' said M r Welo. j P olitically the HRJ legislature is •toy geing to tb e n earest field o ff Soldier Visits— i republican by a heavy m ajority ice of tb e social security board and M r a n d Mrs O m er Adkinson T hese 12 dem ocrat« a n d 7* reptlb- filling a n application for a dupli enjoyed a sh o rt visit w ith Mrs Ad- j lean s T h ere are tw . arymer. m em - cate account n um ber card. "Hie kins.m 's brother. Sergeant Edward ¡bers. t h e in the senate and tw o in com pleted application k th en sent Belknap, last Friday. S ergeant Bel j | th e house As usual th ere a re m ore to B altim ore M aryland where soc knap, a m em ber of a com bat crew law yers th a n any o th e r profession, ial security wage recard* are kept stationed at Salm a. K ansas, is cn trad * or vocatioc T b e list in clu d es: a n d a duplicate account num ber a brief furlough before reporting for Lawyers 21: la rm e rs 1* insurance card, bearing th e sam e n tim ber as overseas d u ty w ith his arm y air for m en. 1 1 : m an u fa ctu re rs .€ m ercb - th e original tout snowing your m a r ce bom ber squadron a n ts . S; phyauuans 4 a n d m»scell- ried nam e wiB be sent to you." a n e o u t. 14 j S e n a to r fjtm y e r a dem ocrat from Raker, h a s th e record for service T n u is h is 14Ui term Harvey Welis. j a republican of P o rtlan d , » second ! in po in t of aervloe with sevisi . term s to Is credit T h e stat* budget lo r 11*42-46 was | m ade up before th e p ounn tragedy a t th e sta te hoapital occurred 8 up- entender»; E vans will ask an app- | rop riatio n lo r 25 m ore a tte n d a n ts th a n th e budget provides H k pro posal will go to the legislat ure and th e approval of G o v e rn , r E arl U ntil , T h e l f t h biennial budget of the I sta te of O regon for 11*42-46 h a t just ¡com* from th e s ta te p rin te r It was j n o t only p rin te d in Salem but | th e paper i t is p rin te d on was I m ade In Balem. T h e re "M2 large j j ¡»»(get filled w ith th e figures th a t we 200 are a heartache to anyone T here were only a thousand copies p rin t- j ed fp» If you pine fo r a c p y o f th - I Is ra re tom e you will be sm a rte r th - ! a n sm art If you com m ence un p in - j lng T ney were p rin te d to fu rn ish | lieatdacltes for th e legislators, and | a fte r >»ne peek we a re su re th* book j will be a g reat success B ut th en ' th* legislators get ta a day now and , th ere a re no priorities on a sp e n n or play a n In stru m en t k invited to O I K *.l 1 > - IJartictpate in th* work T h e publK O eorge E Flagg will be tb e new B udget D irector . . . Red Crons will j 1 1 » Jolly Jane* m et 'n iu ts d a y a f- Is invited to a tte n d An Intel eating PTA m eeting was g et action on flood co n tro l a n d w ar- j X n n .'/u a t til* IV»MW </f Mr« Howard | ninga . . . A dark horse will be llat/.1i In A drian held a t th* hom e o f Mra O ergoe El- U} o o n trrm u „m th , n r a t ^ . 1^ , » » . A baby b»ry wa* born U» Mr and ^ r a F riday aftarrm on Mra Van d* j Mr* Jo b » Park».».»! S atu rd ay , J a n W ater had clm rge ,H O it p n g m n , o ld ^ will Increase to w uary a. A lunch was^ served toy th e assist- m . mW)U, MV^ r w lM n a y n r e e P a rk e r told Ilk ra n c h to I * - a n t tins lessee Mrs Dyre Ibrlierta and Economic < anim al, insect, plant, roy B ennett, Who baa renlad Uw Mra Jesse Higgins etc 1 [»olson« will be stained blue Mrs M V. Rogers Is a |»atient In h e re a fte r . . T hose who buy war W ilbur Hubert* ra n t:/» for tlw p u t few years Mr P arker U orw of th* M ercy hospital In Nam [la b>nda directly from th e governm ent [»»».«•re of thje saotum, b u t falling will be cn a n tionur roll th a t will ticaith <»»»i»p«le film to farm on a receive consideration from law m ak • m ailer <* al* ers In tax a tio n law s . Holm an. M ott and flprague will sc rap for OwMia to (tta em ail num ber th a t Republican nom ination for U. 8 . a tte n d ed til* |»ark m eeting M onday Seven toils o f sta te Income T ax aasesam ents will no busuwee wae tran sacted and a n - blanks were m ailed to pr-.apeclive otltar m eeting will be called a t a "• usiom ers by the O regon sla te be lower p roperty valuations higti- e r we will still be wliere we I* la te r date lag com m ission on D ecem ber 31 Mr« W allet Hlslwip. a nw m bri of lb ordinary years these four page tlie auditing <>,m inute* of th e Hoy- billets are accepted »« New Year's al Neighbors, a tte n d ed a business e a rd s--w lth reverse english | t ts meet In« a t K»ia»el| ball M onday t e d iffere n t tins year Tlie a ttitu d e of ar) Inc th* public tow ards the paym ent of Mr and Mre M yea Van fie W ater Income ta se s has changed It has D r T il .m as M angum will preach tran sac te d business in Holee T h u r become Stream lined with p a trio t sday. ism, Never before has tlie com m ks- the m orning meaaage a t th e local Mm N H P helan 1« having a new lon received so m any letters so N azarene ch u rch Ja n u a ry 11. J M T H ucker and child ren , Mr. n a n c e built oti her ra n c h Mr S n early Cftlxena a re expressing a , Roger yder of Ibaiwell u doing the work h e a rty cooperation w ith th e a ffa lrsa n d Mrs E E B olner a n d fam ily fwwl* M iller la <'»»nflti*<1 to hla h o m e by a n a tta ck of pneum onia M rs H arriet Hriimbach spent the w eek-end In Boise having dental work done Mr Molt retu rn e d Inane frren a holiday visit a t H iaw atha K ansas, w here he visited relatives B. H liriwntiacli and B tra tra n - •acled business in Caldwell Kridsy W alter Bishop l o t a load of It gs b> Nebiiai Miawlay M n Jo h n Hlatujp and aon <*f Ny- aaa were Sunday gueaU In the lirii- m baoh I tome Mra Will S ir ad ley ad W alter at- radley and aon Raym ond, were O n tario vlaltois T h u rsd ay R aym ond had hla eyaa »««m ined a n d treated Jue King and Harvey B en n ett a t tended a com m ittee m eeting o f the AAA In O n ta rio T hursday a n d W - day M r a n d Mra Mtkaa T ee te r spent th e paat week a t th e Tnm Lowe _ m e a t M itchell B utte Bwv Jam es W Brown paator of th e Roswell B aptist rh u rrh . will h o tn d and Good Av*. ld rellgtoua services a l W ade ahm nl houee T uesday evening« beginning a t • o'enek Anynrva who nan sing 7 0 0 L A T t TO CLAtoSIf T fKJH SAUS—W a n e Peking r i s a Nlocum m C pw b u ilt w Hi The Gate City Journal « OMDtiV 1 t *UW NEW OFFICERS SWORN IN KesidwiU of Ny-.sit. we sure, wish for the- ir new city officiate sueeeai during their term* of office. May of Henschel Thompson and hie w undi- men, a new recorder, a new city marshal. and a new city attorney were »worn in at a meeting held in the city hall Monday night These men are Launching into their dtp work d uring a time of terrific «train so that their tasks wiJJ not he ea>... They wjJJ need the sup]>ort and cooperation ol every resident of the city. Most of the new city officials are young men, not only from the standpoint of age, hut of experience in city husineis, hut we are sure their vigor and enthusiasm along with business ability and ex perience in other fields of endeavor will provide the city with a good administration during the next tw'o years. A COI OSSAL BUDGET The average person has lost track of federal government finance and will give little heed to the coio*al budgea proposed by the president to congress. It calls for tne expenditure of $104,- 128,024,028, receipts of $XOf406S}95,60<), and a deficit, to lie added to the national debt of $71,047, m , 923. In order to gnup what these figures mean let us divide them by the population of the United »States, so you w ill see what your share amounts to. We w ill »{lend about $800 tier person or $3200 per family of four during tne next fiscal year. We will add more than two-thirds of this, or more than $2000 per family to the national debt. We will spend about a third of the total wealth of the United States, in cash value, and borrow' nearly a fourth of it. Assuming that the war will continue two more years at the present rate of expense and will have a national debt of more than billions and that heavy borrowing continues several more years we will owe ourselves as much a* the country is worth. What this will ev entually mean cannot be more than vaguely gu- *ssed at now, but it should be obvious that we ire in for interesting tim<«, financially and oth- »rwise. WOMEN URGED TO GET NEW NUMBERS FARM '¿ALA W AITE D —C jm or barley Drop me Or»» aoutr» of C airo junetiue. a c a re E tto. W locum R oute 2 14j2xg M-jiiady. Ja n u a ry 1*. Muon T w , ivyrses two c a ttle . 1 a m t nusebibert FO R bALE—M odem nam e and 7 nouaebuM go'udi o a u M rt E d M a acres 1 m ile 6 W d Rysss P u t nn owner Her. Ar»oera«i auctw o- term s C W R eberger SJ4xp eer L H F r ttu C lerk FO R KALE—O n e h u n d re d and forty FOR SALE— Received shipm ent cd registered H e re ia rd R an g e and He- Flbered Kvrf coating Hi cent* gal- r <[ bulls a n d th ir ty reg ister» ! fa a - .»:» .n 5 ga-ton lA* Nyssa L ur.ber tie s g jjj be sold a t Red flfady Her- om pany 14J2xc Snow and 6 a k J a n u a ry 2i*th ir 3bth a t R ed S tu ff California. Bale under auspaoet o f Tehama W A N T E D -T o ren t with option to ^ u n t y C a ttle m e n 's Aaatcixiicn. t»uy 2 or 3 acre« w odem fatti** ■ .th ,k m rc'vtem hems* ’A'r.-.e H ereford Bale Ccnm uttee, A. L Atkewon. 14JTFC Box 3S1 R ed S tu ff. C alif o re ia for catalogues lAT.xC 4-rt FOR BALE—Several springer dairy cows and one m ule L. E Robbins. Gen Avenue, Nyasa. 14Jlxp. POI 12 add mot you FO age tn. Ny« “PEACE ETERNAL IN A NATION UNITED” 704 FOR S A L E Row crop farm , 100 t a les, extra good tm pr.vem ents, m ;d - e m liouse. I 1 1 . n row crop farm as any in Snake river valley. Will sell on term s Also good sm aller ac reages A. L. Atkeson. 14JTFC POI erti loci Eas FO WANTED List your property, farm and city, to sell or ren t We have m any prospective renters and buy ers A L. Atkeson. 14JTFX.- E.W. PRUYN Auto Repairing Reboring, Valve Grind ing, Lathe work. Parts and accessories Phone 56\v one FO ln 1 rm . pcs I n a world a t w ar. th e E te r n al L ight Peace M em orial at G etty sb u rg tak e s on new m eaning, as a n undying m on um ent to 'Peace E te rn al." No less fittin g trib u te to th e m e m ory of y :u r ltv e d ones i* th e lastin g b eauty of a per fect Nyssa F u n e ra l H em e ser vice. Fo: > 1 a ra tee ami PO har tlor PO 190 < con NYSSA FUNERAL HOME WC or I Hal w i M. IN THE YEAR TO COME W/ ark era elle WE ALL HAVE A JOB TO 00! mei Oni IS 3 t | £ s I ü— IS £3 I S! 11 A new year begins and with it new res ponsibilities for each and every one of us. We as retailers, and as individuals, too realize the problems we all must face— the sacrificies we must make—the coura ge we must maintain~the help and sup- port we must lend to our community, our government and our armed forces—in this momentoas year ahead. The farmer faces a difficult production problem which threatens our vital milk supply. You dairymen realize more than anyone else the importance of keeping up our dairy products. You have display ed your loyalty by making every effort to increase the supply as requested by our i* government. But as the men' from the farms have gone with the aimed forces or into defense plants this has become more and more difficult. Big Band Capital Parade Nazarene Church News ORDER YOUR CHICKS NOW Due to the large demand, all order« for chicks must be received early to insure delivery. I’hone or write if it i« not convenient for you Production costs have risen yet the return for milk and cream is determined by a fixed ceiling. Despite their reluctance to do so many farmers have been forced to disperse their herds and turn to crops which required les's labor. Yet in spite of these handicaps, America’s vital milk supply must be maintain ed in order to meet our growing wartime demands. Y’our own boys from the farms who are in the aimed forces, our allies, our defense workers, and our civilian po pulation all need this wartime food. WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT— 1. DON’T LET A MILK COW GO TO THE BUTCHER. Today our government is at work devising means by which farmers will be enabled to keep their herds together. If you keep up the good fight it is reasonable to expect some kind of government aid in the near future. 2. QUALIFY FOR “FARM DEFERMENT”. Our government, alarmed at the declin e in our milk supply has decided that milkers of 12 or more cows are essential and shall be permanently deferred if other suitable help cannot be found. 3. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE CO-OPERATIVE CREAMERY near your farm. I here are many advantages in j oining forces with other dairymen of your community. These farmer-owned creameries facilitate handling which is an important factor in meeting gas rationing. One of the important features of the CO-OPERATIVE CREAMERY is the fact that all profits are returned to the farmer patron thus insuring him market price for his milk as well as additional savings made by the creamery’s operations This is our pledge:—To maintain the highest quality, the highest food values of any dairy products on the market. WE AGAIN GREET THE NEW YEAR WITH CONFIDENCE AND TRTTF APPRECIATION OF OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS AS WE HAVE FOR THE PAST YEARS. ** MAVh to come in. Ai Thompson & Sons FARMER’S CO-OPERATIVE CREAMERY I