PAGE FO U R TH E NYSSA G A TE C IT Y JO U R N A L which will be held Wednesday Since ohe news ha* been received evening. December 23 The Jolly Janes met Thursday of the arrival In port of the ship San Francisco, rlatives and friends afternoon at the home Of Mrs Dyre are anxiously awaiting news of By Roberts. Plans were made for their ron Barton, who sails on that her- Christmas party, which will be held orlc ship. H. Barton is visiting at this time Monday afternoon, Deceber 21 at in Eastern Idaho near Ashton, A n the home of Mrs Howard Hatch In other son will leave from there Adrian. soon to enter the army. The Christmas program of the Le*ter Goulet made a trip to J Wade Khool wU1 * held Tue8day s lr lm a f/vt. a n A A V A «. ln n f in A lf Yakima for a r tractor last n week. The ladles of the Community evening December 22. Charles W itty church served the noon lunch Mon will have charge of the program. Mr and Mrs Walter Stradley day at the Nichol, Toomb and Fredrick sale. shopped in Nampa Friday. B ill Aschraft poured the floor to Mr and Mrs Joe K ing spent Jsss Sugg's basement house this Wednesday In Caldwell on business. week. Mr Carlson left Tuesday on a Mrs Floyd Eason and baby are business trip to Ogden and Salt visiting her mother in California. Lake City. During her absence the Overstreets Mrs Charles W itty spent Thurs are remodelng the house, adding day in Caldwell on a shopping trip. three rooms and a porch. A number of cases of chickenpox Bill Kurtz writes now from New have been reported among Bend Mexico, where he is taking the last children. two months of his training in the M r and Mrs F. A. Miller and Jim army air corp. spent Friday in Boise, where Jim Antonie Zubizareta, 1031 T, S, S, was enlisted In the marines. He fit 80. R. T. C. No. 6., Kearnes left Saturday. Utah, is the last recruit from New Mrs John Bishop was a Nyssa ell Heights. He is In the avaltion visitor Friday. branch of the service. Orover Fretwell of Portland ar Pvt. John McDermatt A. B. Q. 2. rived Saturday for a visit with his Naval A. R. station, San Diego, is bother, W ill Fretwell, and family. now back in camp after driving a Jesse Johnston 66, a pioneer re logging truck all summer. sident of this vicinity passed away Fermln Zubezareta who has gone Monday December 7 at his home overseas likely can be reached thr near Boise, where the family mo ough his old address. Plotting Co. ved a couple of years ago. Mr. 552 Slg. Sta.. A. W. B. N , Drew Johnston was a member of the Vale Masonic lorge. He leaves his Field, Florida. Elwin Worden 3133 Honolulu, wife, three daughters Mrs. Lyda Hawaii, B. K. R. 2-c writes that Dennis of Idaho Falls, Mrs Maurine he likes his job as cook In the army Burgher and Miss Grace Johnston but will be glad to return to Newell of Boise and two sons Lee John- ton of Boise and Ross Johnston of Heights when the war Is over. Roy Deffenbach is home on a Amarllla, Texas. Funeral services were held W ed furlough and with him is his bride nesday afternoon at the Me Brat- a California girl. ney Funeral Home with Rev. Marcus E. Lindsay officiating. Internment was in the Cloverdale Memoral park. Five of his former neighbors Ths Big Bend P T A met at the F. A. Miller, E. H. Brumbach, R. school house Wednesday evening. L. Haworth, Boyce Van de Water Mrs Wilson, president, had charge and Dan Holly of Adrian served of the meeting. Plans were made as pallbearers. for the Christmas entertainment. TH U R SD A Y. DECEMBER 17. 1942 N E W E LL HEIGHTS Big Bend NO TICE T O HOG RAISERS Because o f the improbability o f getting a load on Christmas day, we will not be receiving hogs at Nyssa on Friday Dec. 25th. However we will be buying hogs as usual on Friday Jan. 1st. I wish to thank my many friends in this territory for their valued patronage during the past year and extend to them season’s greet ings. F R A N K K U LLA N D E R S^-meJUcailOH. da+Uf&ixuiA, • The human body ta the mo«* complicated mechanism ever ere - ated. N o t all o f its processes am thoroughly understood even by Ministers or others interested in church publicity are invited to use the columns of the Journal to carry Important messages and notices to their congregations. Please try to get your copy In by Tuesday of each week. F IR S T CHURCH OF C H RIST CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE (C H R IS T IA N ) Vern Martin, Pastor H. N. Waddell, Pastor Sunday school at 10:00 am. Bible School at 10 a. m. John Classes for every age, bring your family. Quigley, Supt. Morning worship at 11:00 a.m. 11 a. m. Worship and Communion message by the pastor. Service. Junior meeting Sunday evening Sermon "T h e Christmas Mess at 7:15 p.m. age". Young people's service at 7:15. 7 p. m. Y. P C. E Evening Evangelistic service at 7:30 p. m. “The Christmas P ro 8:00 p.m. message by the pastor. gram". Wednesday evening prayer and A friendly church with a friendly praise service 8:00 p.m. welcome invites you. Radio program every Sunday at Wednesday 7:30 p. m. Bible study in the country. N YS SA ASSEM BLY OF GOD Thursday 7:30 p. m. Bible study. Pastor C. A. Slaughter The home will be announced from Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. Alan Ed the pupllt. monds Superintendent. Every class Come and worship and study with welcomes you. us. Morning service, 11; o’clock Evengellstlc 8 o'clock. THE C O M M U N IT Y U N IT E » Prayer meeting Thursday, 8 PR E S B Y T E R IA N CHURCH o’clock. Kingman Memorial A cordial welcome to all. J. C. Nevln, Pastor. 10 A. M., Bible school. F U L L GOSPEL TABERNACLE 11 A. M „ morning worship. The Lloyd Pounds, pastor boys and girls of the church and Sunday school, 10 a. m. Sunday school will present Christ Morning worship, 11 a. m. mas recitations and songs and the Sunday evening evangelistic ser- pageant “ The Birthday of the vict at 7:30. K in g" W e will bring our white Wednesday evening prayer ser gift offerings and present them at vice 7:30 in parsonage. this service. Friday night young people’s 8 P. M „ evening worship. A ll will service. Everyone cordially invit join in a special service as the ed to come and help in a scriptural adults lead the devotions., the Ju game taken from the Book of niors sing their Christmas songs Genesis. Virginia and Glenn Rei- and the young people present the gen are the leaders. play, "Joy Comes in the Morning. On Christmas eve, Thursday, L. D. B. CHURCH December 24, at 8 P. M. we shall Sunday 9:15 am . Priesthood meet in the high school for a i meeting service of candlelighting and car Sunday 10:30 a.m Sunday school. ols. This will be a community Sunday 7:30 p. m. Sacrament gathering with our neighboring meeting. Sunday schools joning with us. Tuesday 2:00 p.m. R elief society December 19, Saturday, 2 to 4 meeting. P. M., at the Kingman Kolony Wednesday 8:00 p.m. M. I. A. meet school, the young people will hold ing. the Christmas party for the little Wednesday 4:15 p.m. Primary folks of the Sunday school and meeting. their friends. SUNSET V A L L E Y TH E M E TH O D IST C O M M U N IT Y ASSEM BLY OF GOD CHURCH CHURCH Mrs. C. Cochell, pastor M. H. Greenlee. Pastor This church will observe Christ Sunday school 9:45. mas this Sunday, December 20th. Morning worship 11 o'clock. The church school will meet as us Evangelistic service, 7:45 P.M. ual at 10 a. m. and hold the class Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7:45 sessions. At 10:30 the children’s P.M. department will assemble in the I f you do not*. attend services auditorium with th e ' rest of the elsewhere you are Ihvlted. W e wel sdhool and the prepared program come you. will be given. Included in the pro ST. r M IL ’S EPISCO PAL gram will be the dedication of the M ISSIO N service flag and honor roll of this church. The pastor will b r in g ’ a Regular services at St. Paul’s brief Christmas message. The fa m church will be discontinued until ilies of all service men and defense the vacancy created by the resig workers are urged to be present. nation of Rev. Stanley Moore has The Sunday evening service at R been filled. There will be two p m. will include the singing of services each month which will favorite Christmas carols and other be conducted by the varioius m in Christmas music and a message isters of the missionary district of by the pastor. This church la coop Eastern Oregon, by Bishop Wm. P. erating in the community Christ Remington and Arch Deacon Rob- mas tree and program at the high cthan. school gymnasium Wednesday at Women’s Guild meets second 2 p. m. Prayer service will be held Wednesday in each month. Sunday school classes will be at the parsonage Wednesday even held each Sunday morning at 10:30. ing at 8 o’clock. those who devote their lives to a Adrian study o f them. It is not surpris ing, therefore, that persons with The Adrian United Presbyterian out medical training who attempt to diagnose church will present a pageant. "The Birthdoy o f the K in g" Sunday morning. December 20. There will also be a white gift offering at this time. On Christmas eve. there will be a special candle- „ ... . . lighting and carol service Other Sunday schools of the district are and prescribe for their own serious ills often do themselves irreparable damage. H ave respect for your body. You ean never get another. When ill ness comes consult a physician . . . a licensed M .D . H e is a specialist in his hne just as we are in the business o f filling his prescriptions. N YSSA PH A RM A CY NYSSA OREGON The students of Adrian high school will sponsor a magazine subscription contest in the near future. The jnior class presented a skit at the student body meeting and pep assembly last Friday. G retchen Hatch1 was in Adrian or business last Tuesday. She is now emploed as a mechanic's help er at Gowen Field. Boise Mr. and Mrs. Alva Watts ah Par- entertalned the members o the h school faetult at a pincchle JO|nln* w v lc e at the hi« h parfcp Saturday evening. school building. ______________________________ _ The Adrian union high school ■ and the Kingman Kolonp grade ■ school will go together for their Christmas program, Wednesday FOR SALE afternoon. December 23. In the high school building. There will be special music, plays and a gift Truckload of Used exchange. Charley McConnell returned home Sunday evening from Cal ifornia. where he engaged In de fense work. A brother of Mr. M c Furniture, including Ke- Connell passed away in Emmett last week. ¿(TotJFmJIF/ lvinator refrigerator. Less Than One Year The Dennis Patch family were victorious but the first string lost dinner guests of the Don Covey to Parma by a score of 16 to 18. Mrs Marp Nichols and James and family Sunday. Nadine were dinner guests of Mr Mrs. Edna Gibson and Norman and Mrs Robert Overstreet in New visited Mrs. Gibson's sister, Mrs. ell Heights Tuesday evening. D. Mausllng, Sunday. M r and Mrs William Toomb and Rev. and Mrs. Harden, local pastor of the Free Methodist Dickie were In Ontario Tuesday. Wesley Plercy delivered a truck church, left Monday for a three weeks vacatoon In Spokane. They load of hogs to Nyssa Friday for have two daughters living near K. I. Peterson of Adrian. Spokane. Mrs. Robert Book is now employ ed as a teacher of commercial subjects and girls’ phpsiclal edu cation. replacing Mrs. Louise Kllng- back Gregg. Mrs. Howard Hatch is caring for the Boak baby. The yong people’s department of the United Presbyterian church will entertain the primary depart ment at a Christmas party Sat urday, December 19. at the King- man school. Mr. and Mrs. K. I. Peterson shopped in Caldwell Saturday. John Johnson was a Boise vis On display itor over the week-end. In the Earl Parker home In NewaU Heights. Mr and Mrs Frank Newbtll of Newell Heights were Sunday dinner guests of M r and Mrs C. C. Cotton. Mrs Arthur Case left Friday to join her husband In Portland. FERDINAND THE DULL in our store. Weighed every two weeks. Kingman Kolony Watch him grow and see the difference Mrs Robert Clark entertained the Pinochle club Thursday afternoon. The Home Economics club of the Kingman Grange met at the home of Mrs Lee Thrasher. New officers were elected as follows: Mrs Wesley Piercy, chairman: Mrs K. I. Peter son, vice-chairman, and Mrs Con rad Martin secertary-treasurer.. The next meeting will be held with Mrs Wesley Plercy January 5. M r and Mrs Wesley Piercy and Arlene were Sunday dinner guests of M r and Mrs John Auker in Adrian. M r and Mrs W. W. Deffenbaugh announce the marriage of their son, Jacob R., to Teresa Serrana of San Franlclsco. The newlyweds are here visiting his parents on a 15 day furlough. Deffenbaugh is in the quartermaster department of the army at Fort Windfield Scott, California. Pvt. Maurice K. Deffenbaugh is stationed at Camp Kohler at Sac ramento for a short-time attend ing a school in the signal corps, after which he will be transferred to Jopln, Missouri for nine weeks of instruction. Caldwell shoppers Saturday were M r and Mrs Wesley Piercy and Arlene, M r and Mrs Conrad Martin, and Dorothy and Betty Jean T o omb. Clifford Case, a member of the armed forces is visiting his sister and husband, Mr and Mrs Van Matre. J. G. Lane was in Ontario attend ing to business Thursday. Dorothy Toomb was a supper guest of Billie Brewer in the Owy hee section Friday evening. In the evening a car load of ycung people j attended the Parma-Adrian basket- j ball games in Parma. Adrian grade school and second string team were Purina feed makes in his development. A l Thompson Cr Sons Phone 26 2nd and Good Ave. OVER 200 H EAD of stock sold at our livestock sale last Sat urday. Feeder steers went for $11.90 per hundred. There were plenty of good buyers to take away the stock. No Sale December 26 Bybee Livestock Sales Co. D. O. Bybee, Mgr Phone 05J3 W . L. Lane, Auctioneer PUBLIC SALE Having sold this lanch, I have to move. W ill sell all my personal property hlghwa /4 0116 S°Uth ^ ApPle Valley sch°o1- Vi east of Apple Valley oiled TUES. DEC. 22 ONE O ’C LO C K S H A R P ..... Horses 1 Gray horse, smooth mouth, 1500 pounds. 1 Span Bay Mules, smooth mouth, 2800 rounds. Other outside work horses at this sale. Cows 1 Black cow, 8 years old, 5 gallons when fresh Feb. 18. 1 Jersey cow, 7 years old, 4 gallons when fresh. Fresh Feb. 28 1 Guernsey cow, 5 years old, 4% gallons when fresh. Fresh Jan 11 1 Jersey heifer, 2 yeam old. Fresh in May. 1 Guernsey bull eligible to register. 1 Jersey heifer, 1 year old, 1 Jersey cow, 9 years old, 4 gallons when fresh. Fresh Feb 8 1 Guernsey cow, 3 years old, 4 gallons when fresh. Fresh Jan 14 I hese 5 cows are all good cows. I f you want good cows be at this sale. Farm Machinery 1 five-tooth cultivator 1 Horse Disc. 2 steel headgates. 1 walking plow. 20 Rods 36 in. Hog wire. 6 cords slab wood. 1 pair 500-pound scales. 150 fence posts new. 2 Rolls of barb wire. 1 Electric cream seperator, 750 capacity, nearly new. Other articles too numerous to mention. r* Old. M r and Mrs Arthur Cartwright moved back to the Kolony Sunday after spending the past six weak* Hay and Grain 30 tons good alfalfa hay. Other outside property at this sale. 40 Bushels wheat. Your wife, your sweetheart, your sister and your mother— they all love jewelry* Paulus Jew elry Store N O R D A LE JOHN BECK, Owner Lunch Served On Grounds. FU R N ITU R E STORE Col. Bert Anderson Auctioneer L. H. Fritta Clerk