T H ¿ NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. TH UR SD AY, DECEMBER 17, 1942 of his heritage, and of how grate Mountain Hems were visiting in ful he was of being bom of parents Nyssa last week with Mrs Lillian who had been thru the temple. Newby. Mr and Mrs J.' W Jennings and Dennis Fife had as his topic, Miss Vera Anderson, sister of Mrs The Ohurch Welfare Plan". He Ellen Brower, Is now employed at Romaine were In Boise Monday to explained it’s numerous projects, The First National bank at Nyssa. visit Jo Ann Hendry, who Is quits such as placing reliable families on Miss Verla Jensen spent Friday 111 in a hospital at Boise. farms to operate them. RATES: Two cent* per word lo r each Issue. Minimum cash In Lester and Alvin Cleaver had A vccal duet, an original musical and Saturday in Boise visiting her advance Is 30c. their tonsils removed Friday In composition written by T. Carol sister, Norma. Bybee entitled “Lullaby” was ren Mrs Lillian Newby was entertain Nyssa. dered by DarThel and Thelma By ed Thanksgiving day at Wendle, Mr and Mrs Olen Thompson and KALSOMINE, PAINT a t competi bee with Nelda Schenk as accomp Idaho a t the home of Mrs John children spent the past week a t the MISCELLANEOUS tive prices. First class quality. anist. This song was first featured Estep. For Sale Mr and Mrs W. A. Bybee were H. L. Day home. Nyssa Lbr. Co., Goode Ave. and in Utah at a concert. Mr and Mrs Glenn Hoffman en Muril Lewis had for his subject In Ontario shopping last week and POR SALE—1929 Model A Pord Highway 201, Phone 118. 16Mtfc ‘Temple Work”. He said “The ch also in Nampa on business. tertained Tuesday evening In cel Pldc-up. 744 No. 3rd'Street. lTDSxp Mrs Arvilla Swensen’s and her ebration of their wedding anniver urch has completed and dedicated PAGE THREE NOTICE OF SALE O F COUNTY OWNED LANDS Pursuant to an order of the County Court of Malheur County, Oregon dated the 2nd day of Dec ember, 1942, I will on the 9th dey of January, 1943 a t the hour of 10:00 o’clock A. M. a t the front door of the County Court House a t Vale, Oregon, offer for sale, the tracts of land hereinafter describ ed and numbered for not leas than the prices fixed by said Court with the proportionate cost of publica tion added thereto. Said lands will be offered for sale as follows: All tracts priced at 8200.00 or less to the highest and best bidder for cash; all tracts priced a t more than 8300.00 to the highest and beat bidder f o r ' cash or for not leas than 30% cash and the rem ainder to be paid under w ritten agreem ent with th e pur chaser In equal Installments not exceeding 5 years, all deferred pay ments to draw Interest a t the rate of 6% per annum, payable annu ally, and such agreements Shall be subject to all term s and con ditions of Section 69-813 and C hap ter. 402 Oregon Code 1» wb of price 840.00. T ract No. 788A, description, SEH, sec. 10, twp. 19, m g. 44, price 81800.00. T ract No. 769A,description, NW‘4 - NEH, All north of m ain Owyhee C anal In SWHNEH, sec. 9, twp. 18, rag. 45. price 875.00. T ract No. 770A, description, N W 1 - NWH, sec. 19, twp. 18, mg. 45; 8W HNW H, sec. 19, twp. 18, mg. 46; NWHSWH, sec. 19, twp. 18. mg. 45, price 8120.00. T ract No. 771A, description, All East of Railroad in NEHNEH- SWH, sec. 20, twp. 18. mg. 45, price 85.00. T ract No. 772A, description, EH of FARM LANDS nine temples. The tenth one, at sister has been visiting her the A. T. No. 25 in 8E H SEH , sec. 30, sary. Those attending were Mr and past week. twp. 18 mg. 45, price 850.00. POR SALE OR TRADE—I-acre, FOR RENT—75 acres of farm land, Idaho Falls, is near completion. Mrs Jim Ritchie and Garnet Bellle, Miss Norma Jensen of Boise vis Roy C. Lewis of the high council, 4-room modern house, double g a r 37 cultivation, remainder pasture. T ract No. 773A, description, EH. Mr and Mrs Claude Day and ited frierds and relatives In Ny was the next speaker. He told of sec. 29, twp. 29 m g. 45; NEH- age, hen-house, pasture, well. Close Mary F. Nichols, 1 mile east, H Romine, Mrs Frank Savage and the birth and life of Christ, He ssa last Sunday. NWH, sec. 29, twp. 29. rang. 45; Donna Belle and Alva Ooodell, Jr. In. Terms. H E. Collins, Box 600, north of Kingman schoolhouse. Mr and Mrs Merle Lee of Emmett SHNW H, sec. 29. twp. 29, mg. 3D 2xp said “Too many people put their Mr and Mrs Orren Hendry of Nyssa. 17STPC own interpretations on passages of were visitors at the Richard Tay Glenns Perry spent Friday and 45; SH 8W H . sec. 29 twp. 29, scripture instead of letting latter lor home last week. mg. 45, price 8520.00. Saturday at the J. W. Jennings Butchering Merlin Fagan a member of the day revelation reveal It to them. FOR SALE!— Electric stove, table T ract No. 774A, description, NEH, Lorln Kay of Parma pronounced Young Men’s Improvement associ home. sec. 36, twp. 16, mg. 45; SW H - top white enamel 36 model excel CUSTOM butchering every Mon the benediction. ation, celebrated his birthday Dec Burl Wyckoff T’as home several SWH, sec. 17, twp. 16, mg. 46; days this week helping top beets. lent condition. E. H. Brandt, 7 ember 17. day and Friday. Beef, sheep and LDS BAZAAR SATURDAY NWHSEH sec. 18, twp. 16, mg. Mr and Mrs Alfred Scott spent miles southwest of Nyssa. 3D3xp pork. Sanitary butchering guaran The doors to the Relief Society Mr and Mrs H. L. Brooks, who 46; SHSEH, sec. 18, twp. 16, mg. Monday at the H. L. Day home. bazaar will be open to the public live on King avenue, are unable to 46; SEHJSWH, sec. 18, twp. 16 Mr and Mrs George Cleaver re FO R RENT OR SALE—Modern teed. Phone 05-R-l. One mile west next Saturday at 11 o’clock. The get to their house in their car on of Nyssa on Alberta Ave. Jake mg. 46; NH.NEH, sec. 19, twp. ceived word from their son, P. F. C. house furnished. bazaar will be held In the store account of mud. They have to go Leonard Cleaver of the medical co- 1937. Fischer. 16, mg. 46; NEH,NWH, sec. 19, All lands wMhIn the boundaries space, just west of Frank Morgan’s about one block on foot to get rp, that he was sailing for overseas B ernard Eastman. 3DNfc. twp. 16, rng. 46; SH .8E U , sec. of Irrigation or drainage dist 20, twp. 16, rng. 46;8H H H , sec. there. office. There will be dish towels, FASHION FOUNDATIONS ricts will be sold subject to any pillow cases, (fancy) many aprons, PHOTO GALLERY ENLARGED duty. 21, twp. 16, rng. 46; NH.NEH, George Cleaver Is having a well valid assessments made or to be Barcley and smart-form founda shirts, sofa pilows. rugs, many other WANTED Because there have been so many sec. 28, twp. 16, rng. 46: SEH ,NE made by said districts since the tion garments, Corsets, Girdles, Bra useful articles that would make ex boys from the LDS church enter the drilled. H, sec. 28, twp. 16, m g. 46; NW WANTED TO RENT—Would like ssieres. Perfect fit assured by ex cellent Christmas gifts. The bazaar navy, army, and marine corps, it date said lands were acquired by H JiW 4 .se c .2 8 , twp. 16,rng. 46; NEH, to contact farm owner with full eq perienced corsetlere. Alice Collins will be held to raise money to take has been necessary to have their VICTO R Y FOOD HINTS the County and all lands within 8W H , sec. 28, twp. 16, rng. 46; the boundaries of the Warms prtnga Leona Anderson photograph gallery enlarged. It will care of the worthy needy. uipment who would be Interested Box 500, Nyssa. SH.SW H, sec. 28, twp. 16, rng.46; Irrigation District and which have Idaho Power Co. be more than twice as large, two PIANO RECITAL DEC 21 In share cropping. Many years ex SWH ,SEH, sec. 28, twp. 16, rng. been classified as In Classes 8 and Home Service Advisor perience In raw-crop irrigated far. Nelda Schenk will present 15 of feet wide and about 5 feet long, 46;NH,NEH, sec. 29, twp. 16, rng. 6 and as to which said County MEAT SUBSTITUTES ming. Can furnish plenty of refer her piano students In a recital be and in more of a flat cabinet form, 46; WH.SWH. sec. 29, twp. 16, has heretofore by resolution dated There are several foods which ginning at 8 P. M. in the LDS with hinges on the upper edge, to ences. Harry Masto. FSA camp. rng. 46; 8EH .8W H , sec. 29, twp. September 3, 1930 authorized a furnish us with protein and which lOD2xp chapel December 21. The public Is allow the glass to be opened for 16, rng.46; Lot 1, sec. 7, twp. 17, transfer to said district of the Invited to attend. Mrs Schenk has new photographs as they are re can be used on meatless days In mg. 46; Lot 2, sec. 7, twp. 17, m g. WANTED—Trailer house, factory “Seek Ye First The Kingdom of had extensive training as a teach ceived. The names and addresses of complying with the Meat Rationing w ater rights appurtenant to said 46, price 81324.00. made. Tires must be good. State er and is at the present time Wei- the boys are under each picture. Program. This Is, of course, at the lands shall be sold without waiter T ract No. 775A, description, SEH, price and kind. Write Journal Off Heaven and all Else Shall be Add ser stake musical director of the At the present time there are three present time, voluntary and up to rights. sec. 22 twp. 16, m g. 46; SHNEH, ice. 10D2xp ed”. each and every housewife to acc Said lands numbered as to LDS Relief society, and choruster of the boys reported “missing”. sec. 23, twp. 16, rng. 46; SEH- PRIMARY ASSOCIATION REOR of the Nyssa ward. omplish. tracts and with the minimum prlo NEW SON N W 4, sec. 23, twp. 16, mg. 46; List Your Property, farm and GANIZED We know that on the coast peo es set opposite each tract are as MUTUAL IMPROVEMENT HOLDS Mr and Mrs Elllsworth Wheeler SW H, sec. 23 twp. 16, rng. 46; city, to sell or rent. We have many ple find it very difficult to buy Because Mrs Malcolm Crawford NHSEH, sec. 23 twp. 16 rng. 46; proaptctive renters and buyers. has moved to Boise, where her hus SPECIAL OFFICER MEETING are the parents of a boy born in meat of any kind—whether It be follows, to-wlt: The Mutual Improvement asso Ontario last Friday. The boy has T ract No. 748A, description, Lots 8W H 6E H , sec. 23, twp. 16 rng. 46; A. L. Atkeson. 5Ntfc band is In the service a change was ciation called a special officers and been named Dennis Ellsworth. He restricted or unrestricted and by 1 to 5, Inclusive, Block 110, O nt SWHINWH, sec. 24, twp. 16, rng. WANTED— We are buyers of cloyer made in the presidency of the prim teachers meeting last Monday night. weighed 6 pounds and 15 ounces. using substitutes we can help supply ario, price 8760.00. 46; NWH8WH sec. 24, twp. 16, them with meat once in a while, ary association. After releasing Mrs The purpose was to plan for a Mrs Wheeler was formerly Miss and alfalfa seed, also old or new mg. 46; 8H SW H . sec. 24 twp. 16. T ract No. 747A, description, Lot 41, to say nothing of cutting down Crawford with a vote of thanks for Christmas party to be held during Betty Abbott. crop corn either on the ear or sh Block 3, Terrace Heights, O nt m g. 46; NHNEH, sec. 25, twp. 16, our meat bill. the splendid work she has accomp SON IN AFRICA the holidays. elled. Beal and Davenport, seeds m g. 46; NHNEH, sec. 26, twp. 16, ario, price 810.00. Substitutes rich In protein are C. M. Zink, who Is visiting at men, at Michael-Leonard company, lished with the children between Lorln Kay, son of Mr and Mrs m g. 46, price $880.00. T ract No. 748A, description, Lot 43, the ages of 4 and 12, Mrs Melvin Lorin W. Kay of Parma, has been 1213 N E 15 avenue In Portland, eggs, milk, cheese, dried peas and Ontario, Oregon. Phone 564. T ract No. 778A, description, NEH- Block 3, Terrace Heights, O nt 17DTPC Jensen was sustained as the new transfered to the Bremerton ship announces that he has received beans, Including soybeans, cottage 8W H . sec. 35 twp. 21, rng. 46; ario, price 810.00. President last Sunday evening. Mrs yards. Before goning to Washington, word that his son, Dee J. Zink, Is cheese, and peanuts. price $1000.00. An excellent meat substitute and T ract No. 749A, description. Lot 31, T ract 777A .description, SH SEH . WASTED TO BUY—Two room O. R. Anderson was chosen as her he went to Logan, Utah to take care now somewhere In Africa. If Mr. stick-to-the-ribs dish Is house. Jake Fischer. 27ATFO. first councelor and Mrs G. J. Will of business. Block 8, Terrace Heights, O nt Zink finds the kind of work he Is sec. 11, twp. 29, mg. 46; SW H - CHEESE SOUFFLE iams as her second. A secretary for ario, price 810.00. 8W H , sec. 12, twp. 29, m g. 46; WE PAY HIOHE8T PRICES lor the organization has not been el Mrs J. E. Wheeler received word looking for he may stay In Portland. 4 T. butter FREE CHRISTMAS DANCE T ract No. 750A, description. Lot 3, from her son, O. W. Forbes, that W HNEH, sec. 13. twp. 29, mg. live fox feed horses. Phone 8 Pay ected. Primary Is held each Tues he was awarded one of the highest Block 11, Vale, price 8360.00. A Christmas dance will be held 4 T. flour 46; NWH, sec. 13, twp. 29, mg. ette. 27Ntfc day at 4 o’clock In the Chapel and grades in his work of engine train in the LDS hall December 25. There 1H cup top milk 46; NHSW H, sec. 13. twp. 29, mg. T ract No. 781A, description, Lot 4, all children are Invited to attend. ing. He is stationed at Miama, Flor will be a lively pregram, Including 1 t. salt 46; NWHSEH. sec. 13, twp. 29, Block 11, Vale, price 8760.00. YOUTHS DELIVER TIMELY SER ida. LOST a one-act play directed by Nina Dash of cayenne mg. 46; NEH, sec. 14, twp. 29. T ract No. 753A. description, Lota 13, (4 pound snappy cheese MONS SERVICE MEN TO GET NEWS Cottle at 7:30 p. m. and dancing mg. 46; NHNWH, sec. 14, twp. 14, IS, & 18. Block 8, Altschul’s L 06 T—Mattress between Nyssa and 6 eggs Last Sunday evening James As beginning at 9 p. m. Free punch will AT HALF PRICE 29, mg. 46; N H 8E H , sec. 14, twp. addition, Vale, price 8350.00. Jfjshitani comer, highway 201. ton, Dennis Fife and Merle Lewis Make a sauce of the butter, flour, For the benefit of those not at- be served. The officers of the mut 29, mg. 46, price $800.00. William R. Moyes, Route 2, Nyssa. took up part of the services with I tending church services last Sun- ual improvement association ex milk, and seasoning. When thick T ract No. 763A, description, Lots T ract No. 778A, description, S H or calj Journal office. lTDlxp timely sermons. With the meeting | ^ ay evening, we would like to take 1 <k 2, Block 1, R inehart addition, tend a invitation to all their friends ened and smooth remove from fire NWH, sec. 14, twp. 29, rng. 46; Vale, price 8100.00. and add grated cheese. Stir until commencing at 7:30 p. m. Dorthea i opportunity to announce that In Nyssa to attend the party. NWHSWH, sec. 14, twp. 29, mg. cheese Is melted. Add beaten egg T ract No. 754A, description. Lots 1 Lewis chose ‘‘Star of the East for ; ¡s now p o ^ ^ g [ 0 sen(j (fae jjy- 46; NHSEH, sec. 15. twp. 29, whites. Pour into a buttered bak to 14 inclusive, Block 10, N orth her five minute musical program gsa city Journal to your boys m g. 46; NEH, sec. 15, twp. 29, TEN DAVIS ing dish and bake at a tempera west Townslt# Addition, Vale, The congregation sang Christm as1 In the service for half price. If mg. 46; NEHNWH. sec. 15, twp. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gulllckson ture of 325 degrees for 1 hour. songs, led by Nelda Schenk. Prayer LDS people will contact T. Carol price 835.00. 29, mg. 46; WH. sec. 16, twp. 29, entertained at dinner last Wednes Next week let’s forget about meats was offered toy Clarence Aston. Bybee, this will be taken care of. T ract No. 7S5A, description, Lot 34. rng. 48; 8H N H , sec. 19, twp. 29, day for Mrs Harry Krebbs of White- and meat substitutes and discuss Lorin W. Goates conducted. James Block 2. Hadley’s 1st. Addition. FIFE SPEAKS AT VALE mg. 46; 8 H , sec. 19, twp. 29. mg. bird, Charles Burau of Washing an appetizing Christmas Dinner. Aston was the llrst speaker. He told Vsle, price 830.00. Pres. Luther L. Fifie of the Wel- ton, D. C., and M. and Mrs. Carl 46; 8H SW H , sec. 23, twp. 29, T ract No. 756A, description, Lots 3, ser stake was the speaker at the Graham and family. rng. 46; All, sec. 35, twp. 29, rng. Examiner Coming— 4, 5, 8c 0, Block 21, Outlook, price LDS services in Vale last Sunday 46, price $1920.00. Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Tucker and A traveling examiner of opera 8100.00. evening. Betty Fife accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Dudlep Tucke and T ract No. 779A, description, NEH, tors and chauffeurs Is scheduled to T ract No. 767A, description, North him to Vale. She played a piano son, Richard, were Sunday dinner sec. 31, twp. 16, mg. 47; 8HNW - selection entitled “Nobody Knows guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Staff- be in the city hall In Nyssa Dece 20 feet by 90 feet. Lot 8, Block H. sec. 31. twp. 16. mg. 47; 8W H , mber 23 from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. 21, Outlook, price 850.00. the Trouble I’ve Seen”. sec. 31, twp. 16. rng. 47, price od at Enrose. T ract No. 7S8A, description, Lots CHRISTMAS PROGRAM NEXT Mrs. Marvin Easterday and chil $400.00. 7. • 8c 9, Block 13, Westfall, price T ract No. 780A, description, 8E H - SUNDAY MORNING dren have returned home from 87.50. Legal Advertwement There will be a special Christmas Buhl, where they visited relatives. 8W HNW H. sec. 5, twp. 18. mg. T ract No. 756A. description, Lot 9, program given next Sunday morn Mrs. Beuford Arnett and Paul 47, price $50.00. Block 36, Brogan, price 960.00. ing in the chapel beginning at Seeley of Boise were married Nov T ract No. 781A, description, A. T. T ract No. 760A, description. 8 E H - NOTICE OF HEARING 10:30. Children of all ages will take ember 28. No. 1, sec. 34, twp. 17, mg. 47, NWH. sec. IS, twp. 39, rag. 37; OF FINAL ACCOUNT. part. The public is invited to attend price $75.00. Charles Burau, who spent six SWHNHH. sec. 18. twp. 29, mg. NOTICE HEREBY IS OIVEN, and partake of the Christmas spirit. days furlough with relatives, left T ract No. 782A, description, E H - 37; E H 0W H , sec. 18. twp. 39. th a t th e first and final account of VISITORS AND GUESTS NWHNEH, sec. 5, twp. 19, mg. Sunday for Texas. OPTOMETRISTS Douglas M. McDonald, Administ mg. 37; NW H8EH sec. 19. twp. Mrs Melva Carlson of Yakima 47. price $20 00. Mrs Harry Meyers, who spent two rator of the estate of Elizabeth J. 29 rang. 37: NWH. sec. 20, twp T ract No. 783A, description, E H - was a guest at the Dean Fife home weeks visiting her sister, Mrs Geo DENTISTS last Tuesday. She is Mrs Fife’s ni rge Tucker, at Boise and Mrs Char McDonald, sometimes written Mac 29. rang. 37; price 9990.00. 8W HNW H, sec. 29. twp. 19, mg. DR. J. A. McFALL Donald, deceased has been filed In T ract No. 761A. description, A. T. ece. 47, price $30.00. «gee Mr Fall and 8 x Better” les Hermo, left Friday for her home the County Court of M alheur Cou 7 in N EH 8EH , sec. 14, twp. 15, Mrs Lillian Newby returned to at Portland. T ract No. 784A, description, 464 J. R. CUNDALL rang. 42, price $18.00. nty, State of Oregon, and th a t her home in Nyssa after visiting In acres North of Johnson-Schultz Mrs Ivan Durnll, Mrs Carrie Mc Saturady the 2nd day of January T ract No. 763A, description, WHNB- Dentist Boise with her sen, Tom Newby, Laughlin and Harvey McLaughlin lateral of Riverside Ditch In NE- (4 .sec. 9, twp. 20, m g. 43; price 1943 a t the hour of 11 o’clock A. M , and family. HSEH and Lot 7. sec. 3, twp. 22, were callers at the home of Mr and has been duly appointed by such Phone 66-J 880 00. Mr and Mrs J. E. Bower and Miss Mrs Sam Collins at Nampa Thurs rng. 46. price $100.00. Sarazln Clinic Vera Anderson were in Boise last day. Mr and Mrs Sam Collins have court as the time for the hearing T ract No. 793A, description, aH SE H . O. W. Glenn, NYSSA OREGON of said account and any and all sec. 1«, twp. 1«. m g. 43; price week on bu.Sness. 8herlff, M alheur Co sold their farm, and are moving to object Ions to same, and the settle 880 00. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST unty, Oregon. Mr and Mrs Richard Taylor were Boise. ONTARIO OREGON m ent thereof, a t which time any T ract No. 764A. description, 8W H - Data of first publication, Decem Sunday visitors at the home of Bob Greensway is horns on a two- person Interested In said estate je w e l r y sto res sec. 16. twp. 18. m g. 43. price ber 10th, 1942. Dean Fife. 1 week furlough, may appear and file abjections to 8190.00. Date of last publication, January Mr and Mrs Arvel Childs were " p h y s i c i a n s Mr and Mrs Oeorge Jones and in Ontario taking care of business family have moved from the Fred said account and report, In writing T ract No. 786A, description, 8W H - 7th, 1943. PAULUS and be heard thereon. 8EH , sec. 3, twp. 17, mg. 43; last week. Spaeth, Sr., farm to a farm near November 30th 1942. iiinimilil!iii:iiiiiii:iii:iii:iiiiiiiii:iitii!iimiiiiiri<im,iuPiii!iX8 L. A. Maulding, M.D. SBH 8E H . sec. 9, twp. 17, rag. JEWELRY STORE Mr and Mrs Harry Newby of Middleton. Douglas M. McDonald 43; NEHNEH sec. 9, twp. 17, u n io n Pacific Time Inspector Physician and Surgeon A barn has been built on ths Administrator of the m g. 43; 8H N R H . see. 9, twp. 17, JRWK i .RY — DIAMONDS Phone 37 Irvin Powers farm, and a barn Is estate of m g, 43; SEH, sec. 9 twp. 17 mg. Hours: 10 to 13 and ! to 6 well under construction on the WATCHES Elizabeth J. McDonald, 43; 8 H 8 W k , sec. 9, twp. 17, rang. King Colson farm. Dally—Except Sunday deceased. 43; W HNEH. sec 10. twp. 17, M«tn stre e t a t Second Rob Hertlg and Mrs Bill Hertlg Insurance T ¡ Real [state Fry Building rag. 43; W H, sec. 10, twp. 17, - of Caldwell were Wednesady visit g mg. 43; 8W H 8E H . sec. 10. twp. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT ors of Mr and Mrs Fred Hertlg, Sr. Phone 84 E 17, m g. 43; NH. sec. 16, twp. 17, SAR AZIN CLINIC OF THE INTERIOR Mr and Mrs Howard Mullen of =: OREGON NY8SA mg. 43; N H 0E H , sec. 19. twp. 17, WYCKOFF r: General la n d Office a t J. J. Sarazin, M. D. Caldwell spent Friday evening with = rag. 43; NEH. sec. 17, twp. 17, The Dalles, Oregon Mr and Mrs Willard Bartles. JEWELRY STORE 5 Eve Leuck, G. N. mg. 43, price 81440 00. November 19. 1942. Official Time Inspector for Oeneral practice of medicine T ract No. 798A, description. 6 acres NOTICE Is hereby given th at Union Pacific X-Ray Physiotherapy lying northwest of riser and sou Roberta W hitt Hall, formerly theast of R. R. in » E H A H . ONTARIO OREGON Roberta E. W hitt, Widow of R ich sec. 33, twp. 18. m g. 48, price The Pyraunids of Egypt MISCELLANEOUS ard H. W hitt, of 52014 N. 7th 8t„ 8100 00. Boise. Idaho, who, on April M, T ract No. 797A. description, RWW- KELLER’S NYSSA AERIE IMS. made Original Homestead In a world of change and chaos, g NWH. sec. 39. twp. IS, rag.44. CABINET SHOP Entry. Act 8-17-02, No. 031133. for F. O. E. NO. 2134 the pyramids of Egypt sytnboHzeg Farm Unit “B" or Lot 4, 8W H - j f it Is made of wood wa Meets Wednesday Night an ageless tribute to the m em -d N W V SW H SEH NW 1* , Section 1, ■ en make It or repair I t AT EAGLES HALL ory of men. No less lasting mo-E Township 23 S„ Range 46 E. Wil E.W. PRUYN Visiting Eagles Welcome F. O. Box 883 643 for a lam ette Meridian, has filed notice num ent to the memory of yourE HARRY MINER. Bee. of Intention to make final Proof, to loved o n « Is the beauty andE HERBERT FISHER, Free. HEALTHIER AMERICA Auto Repairing establish claim to the land above quiet dignity of a Nyssa Funeral g SHOE SHOPS described, before Frank T. Morgan. Home service. Reboring, Valve Grind Notary Public, a t Nyssa. Oregon, on Because of labor shortage and other condit _______ Laundries the 30th day of December. 1943. Come to us In time of need. ions everyone is working to the limit of his abil Abbott’s Shoe Sh<^> C laim ant names ss witn ess « : ing, Lathe work. Part» Nyssa s Own * Wysm Owned All klnda of shoe and ity and therefore needs the food value found L E. Woods. Mrs L. E Woods. — Seventh * Park Streets — repairing and accessories in meat. O. C. Fenley. and Mrs. C. O. Fen- Phone 14d A ero« from poet office. ley, all of Rt. 1, Homed sir. Idaho. Classified Buena Vista Advertising It Pays To Advertise professional And Business Directory Bernard Eastman NYSSA FUNERAL HOME Nyssa Steam Laundry Nyssa Packing Com pany W. F. Jackson. Register Phone 66w