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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1942)
PAGE SIX THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY. OCTOBER 22, 1942 ed home Monday from the Prmitfm 49 cattle. Ford Tractor nearly Get Three Deer new, Farm Machinery and House- Mr anij Mrs Bernard Frcst and City section with two buck» and a; hold goods. Dr. and Mrs E. D. Noroott return - doe. Lunch on grounds. Paul Cowgill, Owner. Bert Andersen, Auctioneer. To Conduct Services— Rev. Beckwith of Burns »’111 ha G. H. Fritts, Clerk. Special Notice of Grocery ve charge of the services at St.- Pauls Episcopal church Sunday, WOMEN RETURN PROM TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY October 25 at 9:30 CONFERENCE OP W8CS Deliveries FOR SALE—52 A. 40 Improved Mrs W. W. Poster, local presi Here From Gresham— irrigable. House and well water. dent, and Mrs John C. Wuif, local Mrs. Roy Lewis of Gresham, is Health falling. $2800. 1-3 down, bal Beginning Monday, October 26, 1942 we will visiting her daughter, Mrs. L. A. ance four yearly payments. 5 per secretary of Christian social relat Maulding. ions, have returned from the an delivery three days a week on the following cent. Close Adrian. Mrs A. J. Sch Located In Sandpoint— afer. 2202xc nual meeting of the Idaho con days: Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. We Mr and Mrs Robert D. McCurdy, ference of the W.8.C.S. of the Met former Nyssa residents, have located FOR SALE—Turnips and carrots in hodist church, which was held in in Sandpoint, Idaho. Mr. McCurdy, bulk. C. VanderWinkle, one mile are forced to do this to comply with ODT regul Twin Palls October 13. Mrs M. H. formerly with the Nyssa branch of southwest of Nyssa. 2203xp. the First National Bank of Port Greenlee, conference secretary of ations. land, recenly enlisted in the navy. WANTED—To lease farm on shar spiritual life; Mrs R. P. Tyler of LaGrande, carrespoding secretary es. Desire 80 acres. Box 394, Nyssa. WILSON BROTHERS GROCERY Buys Flower Shop— of the conference and Miss Azalia 2202xp J. W. Martyn has purchased the Peet, women’s society missionary EDER GROCERY Ontario flower shop from William recently evacuated from the orient, Bayhouse of Oaldwell. He was man accompanied the delegates. FOOD MART ager of the shop for six months Miss Peet, one of four evac 1 » ted Legal Advertisement during 1942. missionaries who were speakers at CHADWICK GROCERY UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT the conference, has been appolntd OF THE INTERIOR Takes Insurance Agency— to the Japanese work in Nyssa. FOX DRIVE-IN GROCERY General Land Office at A. L. Atkeson has taken the a- Mrs Greenlee and Miss Peet con The Dalles, Oregon geny for the Farmers Automobile ducted the devotional services thr- SMITTY GROCERY Inter-insurance exchange. Mr. At- October 19, 1942 5 keson, who has been engaged in NOTICE is hereby given that GUESTS ARE ENTERTAINED defense w rk on the coast, has re Zack C. Walker, of Nyssa, Oregon, his insurance and real es who, on May 18, 1938, made Orig Mr ad Mrs Charles Garrison en opened inal Homestead Entry, Act 6-17-02, tate office here. tertained at dinner Sunday in hon A STATEMENT BY DAVID F. GRAHAM, No. 031166, for Farm Unit "B" or PROGRAM or of Mr and Mrs Charles Newbill Visit On Coast- the S’iSE 'i, Section 6, Township and Betty Lou and Donald of Um Dr. and Mrs John E. Long spent 21 S., Range 46 E., Willamette Mer atilla and also Mrs Dale Garrison last week in Salem and Portland. idian, has filed notice of intention Candidate for re-election as County Judge. and daughter, Jo Anne, of Nyssa. Kill Deer On Dixie— to make final proof, to establish Phone IO8 Mr and Mrs Newbill and child Dr. C. A. Abbott and Herman claim to the land abeve described, To the Voters of Malheur County; Greeting; ren visited for a few days at the Towne each killed a deer on Dixie before Prank T. Morgan, Notary —DOUBLE FEATURE— Charles Garrison heme. I came here over 44 years ago, and have Public, at Nyssa, Oregon, on the mountain last Thursday morning. FRIDAY and SATURDAY, OCT. 23—24 27th day of November, 1942. worked right along, in different parts of the “THE WORLD AT WAR” Ex-Nyssa Man Transferred— Claimant names as witnesses: W.C.T.U. WILL MEET County at various lines, but mostly in and Corporal Marion Hasty, who has Glen McGinnis, of Adrian, Oregon Produced by the Office of War Information; The W.C.T.U. will meet Novem been around banks. I have generally held executive Ross Healy, of Rt. 1, Nyssa, Oregon stationed with the army at ber 13 at the home of Mrs Fanney Port Knox, Kentucky, has been Howard Connough, of Adrian, Ore Containing Confiscated Axis Film. positions, and for the past few years, have been Felton. Arlene Seaward will be ilie Bill Boyd “Hopalong Cassidy,” and Andy transferred to Camp Coffey, Ark gon and Woody Brewer, of Rt. 1, devotional leader. your County Judge. I have studied Law and ansas. Corporal Hasty, a former Nyssa, Oregon. Clyde in hold the Degree of Bachelor of Laws from the W. F. JACKSON Nyssa resident, is a brother of Mrs “STICK TO YOUR GUNS” HOSTESS TO CLUB Register. Edward Steinke. Blackstone College of Law. Sat Mat., 3:30 P. M„ Adm. Sc-30c; Evening, llc-33c, include« Ux Mrs. S. Burbidge entertained the Wedneday evening bridge club last Parents of Son— Since I have been in office, the County’s SUNDAY and MONDAY, OCT. 25—26 week at her home. Mrs Ed Brent A son was born to Mr and Mrs Bonded Indebtedness of $185,000 for Roads Joseph Cotton, Dolores Costello, Anne Baxter was a guest. Prizes were won by Ray Huffman of Nyssa in the Holy and Bridges has been wiped out; hundreds of Rosary hospital in Ontario last Mrs A. V. Cook, first; Mrs Claus and Tim Holt in Booth Tarkington’s Pulitzer Tensen, second, and Mrs Nick Rud- week. Mrs Huffman was formerly miles of new roads have been built, and the old Prize Novel Thelma Root, daughter of Mr and elick, traveling prize. ones maintained, yet the Road Levies have “THE MAGNIFICENT AMBERSONS” Mrs Lon Root. been very low, and there is money in the Road Cartoon and Sports LOUISE KLINGBACK IS Kill Two Deer— Mat. Sun. 3:30, Adm. llc-38c, Evening Adm. Uc-33c, Includes tax Oregon income tax rev Fund to-day. BRIDE OP JESSE GREGG Harry Miner and son, Lyle killed has been used 100% Miss Louise Klingback, daughter two deer in the Unity section last enue —BARGAIN NIGHT— The cost of running the County has not been to reduce taxes on YOUR of Mrs Martha Klingback of the week. TUESDAY, OCT. 27 increased very much, although the population property for State pur Owyhee district, and Jesse Gregg, Bob Burns and Irvin S. Cobb in has nearly doubled, and its activities almost son of Mrs Annie Gregg of Sunset Here From Salem— poses—a direct benefit to valley, were married at the Baptist Roy Harland, Salem attorney, and “THE ARKANSAS TRAVELER” trebled. E v ery P ro p e rty O w ner! parsonage in Wilder October 20 by Mrs Harland were week-end guests (A Re-issue) Rev. Beasley. at the home of Mr. Harland’s aunt, The County is in fairly good shape to-day Cartoon and Perils of Nyoka Immediate relatives of the bride Mrs John E. Lang. and holds in trust for its people, thousands of Admission, 5c-20c, Including tax Why Change and groom accompanied them. Af acres of range and farm lands; many town lots; ter the ceremony the group gat SNELL STARTS IN WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY OCT. 28—29 hered a large equity in uncollected taxes and land at the Klingback home for GOVERNOR’S RACE That Plan Now? Gary Cooper, Teresa Wright, Babe Ruth, and dinner. contracts; a workshop, a warehouse, toofls, In the first of a series of cam Mrs Gregg has spent her entire paign speeches, Earl Snell, repub Walter Brennan in Diverting income tax cash trucks, road machinery, an Old Mens’ Home, life in this community except af lican candidate for governor, stre “THE PRIDE OF THE YANKEES” to School D istricts on etc. ter graduating from the'' Adrian ssed the need: for experienced A story of a Kero of the Peaceful Paths of high “actual attendance” basis schcol she spent a year in In the four critical years If re-elected, I would continue to work hard Boise in school and at work. Mr. leadership DOES NOT “equalixe” Everyday Life . . . You’ll be Proud You Are an Gregg, ahead. Piet'ting his best efforts to a graduate cf the Nyssa . for the best interests of the County; to stand solution of Oregon’s vexing revenue available per pu American high school, has helped develop a ward governmental problems, Mr. Snell always for the welfare of its people; to help pil. Poor schools will still Please Note Advanced Admission Prices on farm on the new land in Sunset stated: improve conditions by supporting worthy ef valley. be relatively poor, and this picture—Children 15c; and Adults 55c in “This Is no ordinary election. The forts to do so; to oppose any attempts to spend The newlyweds will be at home next governor will be entrusted rich schools richer. cluding tax. {g after this week at the Klingback with extraordinary powers and money on things we can get along without un News and Cartoon home for a time. authority necessitated by the war til after the War; to hold the running expense Admission livening — lie and 33c, Including Defense Tax emergency. The next legislature of the County down to the lowest figure con 2 7 % of diverted revenue will undoubtedly be called upon NYSSA WOMEN ATTEND to enact legislation to expand and sistent with necessity and efficiency; to have would go to Multnomah County PARTY IN PAYETTE intensify the war effort of the a road program adopted which would take care A group of Nyssa women attend state. It will then be the governor’s ed an “at home" party given at the Job of the roads as they should be, in charge of to make that legislature ef Thurston home in Payette Sunday fective.” some one who could handle it; and to devote VOTE afternoon for Mrs Bessie Thurston my entire time to your service. Buckley of Eugene, Mrs Helen Thurston Brainerd of Inglewood. SALE JOURNAL’S I shall appreciate your support and will try CALENDAR California and Mrs Rachel Thurston FARMS SALE Flier of San I lego to deserve it. Saturday October 24 at 1:00 AGAINST Nyssa women attending the party P M. PWT, 1 miles west of Vale on were Mrs F. D. Hall, Mrs J. J. Graham Bldv. and <4 miles south. Income Tax Diversion Bill Yours sincerely, Sarazin. Mrs H. R. Sherwood and 3 horses. 7 cows, farm equipment, Very attractive robes for women. Brilliant Miss Eva Boydell. November 3rd Election household goods. David F. Graham. Mrs Brainerd is the wife of a 80 (P d . A d v .) Tax Stabilization Comm ittee acres for rent, $700. Gash. colors, in red. blue, rose, pink and white shades. former F enton Bldg., P ortland. Ore. Nyssa school superintend Charlie Timmerman, owner. Bert (Paid Pollcioal adv. by David P. Graham, Vale Oregon.) E. B. T anner, Chm. F . H . Young, Sec. ent. Mrs Buckley was at one time Anderson, auctioneer. Sizes from 12 to 42 and they are only a teacher In the Nyssa high school. D. M. Wollen Ranch. 8 miles East of Vale or 3 miles BUFFET DINNER SERVED west of Cairo Junction by Lincoln A buffet dinner was served Wed- Schcol. esday evening at the home of Mr. Friday, Nov. 9 at 1 P. M. and Mrs. A. C. Sallee when they 5 horses. 10 cattle, farm machin entertained the Mr. and Mrs. ery. clnb. Cards were the diversion of E. F. Gramm on, owner. the evening with Frank Morgan Bert Anderson auctioneer and O. high score and Mrs. Sall H. Fritts clerk. That famous Lorraine garment of the rayon ee receiving second high. Lunch on grounds. knit material that doesn’t stretch, shrink or sag. -5 - FARM SALE TO BE REVIEWED 10 ml less north of Ontario on Colors blue and rose. Sizes small, medium The BOOK Friendly Book club will Hl-way 30 or 7 miles south of Wel meet October 28 at 3:30 at the ser on Oregon side to Bill Wells and large. Price home of Mrs. Dick Tensen. Mrs. Associated Service Station then 1 Frank Morgan will give a book re mile west. Monday. October 24 Sale starts port. at 10 A. M. CLUB IS ENTERTAINED The Tuesday altemocn club was entertained by Mrs J. B Giezent- anner In the evening this week be cause so many of the members are working. Mrs Kenneth Cottle re ceived first prize in bridge and Mrs oughout the sessions, using the George Sallee second. general theme of "Visions". Mrs ENTERTAIN AT DINNER Greenlee was re-elected as confer Mr and Mrs G. J. Mitchell en ence secretary of spiritual life. at dinner Monday even Miss Wheaton, promotion and tertained fer Mr and Mrs Ward Wieneke cultivation field worker, will come at ing Nyssa ad Mrs H. A. Wieneke of into the conference soon and will Portland, who has been visiting at appear in as many local churches the heme of her son. Ward Wien as will avail themselves of her eke. services. The date of her visit to Nyssa will be announced as soon OHATTER BOX CLUB MEETS as word is received. Mrs Virgil McGee entertained 5 the members of the Chatter Box E ASTERN STARS PLAN TO club at the T. C. Johnson heme HOLD DISTRICT MEETING Wednesday afternoon. The Order of the Eastern Star Mrs Leona Aderson of the Idaho will hold a district meeting Octo Power company gave a demon ber 30 at Vale. Mrs Marjory Sim stration on meat cookery. Twelve pson. worthy grand matron, will members and cne guest, Mrs Ma attend the gathering. Chapters of ssey, attended. The hostess served Nyssa, Ontario and Vale will part refreshments. The next meeting icipate in the program. will be held at the John Rldder home October 28. -5 - mmm - - I - - - LOCAL NEWS - N YSSA TH EA TRE Since 1929 FOR THE WOMEN 313 X NO Chenille Robes" $ 3.98 & $ 4.98 Rayon Gowns Unde Sam Goes For APPLE PIE! 25c $ 1.98 Women’s Shoes We have just received a large shipment of Women’s dress shoes and oxfords. Brown, Koney red and Black. Dress and Sport styles. Auction Sale $ 2.9 8 , $ 3.98 & $ 5.90 Bring your livestock to us and help make this a home market. Help Nyssa Grow. Miscellaneous sale at 1 p. m, and stock sale at 2 p. m. An auction sale is the best place at which to sell anything We handle farm sales G O LD EN R U L E Bybee Livestock Sales Co. NYSSA OREGON D. O. Bybee, Mgr Phone 05J3 W. L. Lane, Auctioneer S P E C IA L for SA TU RD A Y, O C T . 2U FRESH APPLE PIE 25c Sugar City Bakery V I »