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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1942)
PAGE SIX THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL annua CLUB IS E NTE R TAIN E D The Tuesday bridge club was en tertained by Mrs Frank Morgan last week. Two tables were in play. Miss Eva Boydell won first prize and Mrs Ed Frost second prize. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1942 Veterans Hold Meeting— At the regular bi-monthly meet ing of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Nyssa post No. 3506 Friday even ing, Past Commander Wallace Paul was presented with the past com mander's pin by Past District Com mander M. H. Greenlee. The post voted unanimous approval o f the local state guard company and passed a resolution pledging united support of the movement. Five dollars was voted for the guard company's mess fund. . -8 - "B AC K W AR D S P A R T Y " G IVEN There were 14 boys and girls who HOSTESS A T BRIDGE P A R T Y | FELLO W SH IP G IVES P A R T Y attended the "Backwards Party” Mrs Eddie Powell was hostess to I The Methodist Youth Fellowship given by the junior girls class, the Wednesday evening bridge club j gave a Sadie Hawkins party in the Wednesday evening at the L. D. 8. this week. Mrs Lloyd Lewis was a | church Tuesday night, chapel. The girls entertained the Scouts and Explorers. Refreshments guest. Prizes were won by Mrs | were served. Mrs W. P. Hendricks Bernard Eastman and Mrs Bert T O S TU D Y DEM OCRACY is class supervisor for the Junior Food Sale Planned— Lienkaemper. The Wesleyan guild, which will girls. A fcod sale sponsored by the - 8 - meet the third Tuesday of each W.S.C.S. o f the Methodist church CIVTC CLUB PLA N S PR O G RAM month, will begin a study on “The will be held in Eder's store next The Nyssa Civic club will meet Christian Root of Democracy” . Saturday, beginning at 11 a. m. October 21 at 2:30 in the parish Miss Azalia Peet will have charge Donations may be left at the store hall. of the next meeting, which will be after 10:30. Several musical numbers will be held October 20 in the church. given. Miss Azalia Poet, a lormer Miss Peet will report on the Attending Convention— Coast Guards Needed— missionary to Japan who is now WIS.CB conference held in Twin FYank Morgan left Tuesday for Coast guard recruiting stations employed at the farm security ad Falls, Idaho this week. in the Seattle district, comprising Denver to attend a convention of ministration labor camp ol Nyssa, Washington, Oregon, Idaho and the National Reclamation Congress. will give the principal talk. Montana, have received authority Mr. Morgan, who will return home M R AND M RS CLUB MEETS The M r and Mrs Club met at to enlist an unlimited number of Monday, is president of the Oregon Boy Is Injured— the heme o f Mr and Mrs Frank radio technicians, motor machin Reclamation Congress. Milton Gardner, 13, who lives Morgan last Thursday evening for ists’ mates, apprentive seamen and with his sister, Mrs Mary Lewis, dinner and bridge playing. Burnell firemen third class, according to Deer Brought In— broke his wrist when he fell from Brown wen high score and Mrs Lieutenant-Commander Ben C. W il Several Nyssa residents have a tree last Sunday. His wrist will A. C. Sallee second high in bridge. cox, Seattle district personnel pro taken deer to the Polar Cold Storage curement officer. Recruiting stat locker plant. They are as follows: be kept in a cast for six weeks. -8 -. ions are located in the federal Helen Stockham, Owyhee dam, and office building in Seattle and the Clifford Fcx, Walter Pox. Walter post office buildings in Tacoma, LeGrande, Fred Hite, Henry Kollen, Portland and Spokane. W illiam Snader, D. W. McGinnis and Roy Pounds. Deer Are Killed— Opens Nursing Home— Clifford Fox, W. A. Fox, Bill Mrs J. W. Poage of Nyssa has Snader and Walter LeGrande each killed a deer Monday on Flag re-opened the Nyssa nursing home. prairie 40 miles from Ironside. The She will employ a registered nurse men were reported to be the first to take charge of the patients. — DOUBLE FEATURE— to reach Nyssa with deer. Clifford FRIDAY and SATURDAY, OCT. 16— 17 Fox was the first in with a deer Return To Nyss Dr. and Mrs C. A. Abbott have also last year. Richard Carlson, Jane Randolph and Barton returned from the Crescent ranger MacClane in Appointed On Committee— district near Bend, where Dr. Ab “H IG H W A Y S BY NIGHT” Don Masterson, chairman of the bott had charge o f a guard station executive council of the county during the summer. Dr. Abbott will From the Novel “ Silver Spoon” , by Clarence civilian defense council has res open his office Saturday. He and Budington Kelland igned the position and George J. Herman Towne left Wednesday Charles Starrett and Russell Hayden in Mitchell o f Nyssa has been appoin night on a deer hunting trip to “D O W N RIO GRANDE W A Y ” ted to suceed him. Mr. Mitchell has Prairie City. not decided whether to accept the Sat. Mat., 2:30 P. M., Adnc. 5c-20c; Evening, l lc-33c, includes tax position. Services Closed— The evangelistic services conduct SU N D A Y and M ONDAY, OCT. 18— 19 Here From Portland— ed in the Full Gospel tabernacle Shirley Temple, Dickie Moore, William Carag- Mrs H. A. Wieneke o f Portland were concluded Sunday night. Ser an, Guy Kibbe and Peggy Ryan in is visiting at the home of her son, vices will be conducted Friday Ward Wienke. “MISS ANNIE ROONEY” evening. LOCAL NEWS NYSSA Phone 108 PROGRAM THEATRE Shirley is a big Girl Now, Cute, Talented and Pretty . . .Don’t Miss Her! Comedy and Cartoon. Mat. Sun. 2:30, Adm. llc-28c, Evening Adm. Uc-33c, includes tax — B A R G A IN N IG H T— TUESD AY , OCT. 20 Preston Foster and Brenda Joyce in “LITTLE TOKIO U. S. A.” Comedy and Perils of Nyoka Admission, 5c-20c, including tax W EDNESDAY and TH URSDAY OCT. 21— 22 Cary Grant, Jean Arthur, Roland Colman, and Rex Ingram in “THE TALK OF THE T O W N ” The Town is Talking About “ Talk o f the Town” , and Why Not? It’s One of the Big Pictures o f the Year. Merry Melody and News Admission Evening* — 11c and' 33c, Including Defense Tax COLD WEATHER IS COMING Be Prepared MENS W O O L JACKETS Zipper or button also Size 36 to 48. Priced. makinaws, plain colors and plaids. *3.95 to *9 95 MENS UNIONS Woolens 25%, 50% and 100%. All cotton, medium and extra heavy weights. Sizes 36 to 50. $1.19 to $5.95 MENS W O O L SOXS Regular length and boot soxs. White and gray colors. 20c to 50c OVERSHOES and RUBBERS r„s;: Visit In Boise— On Hunting T r i p - M r and Mrs Emil Stunz and Dr. and M rs E. D. Norcott and Mrs Harry Miner visited in Boise M r and Mrs Bernard Frost left Tuesday. Tuesday morning on a deer hunt ing trip to the Prairie City section. Returns From Visit— M. F. Solomon, city recorder, re Candidate V is its - turned home Tuesday night from Robert S. Farrell, Jr., of Port a visit in Hammond, Indiana. land, republican candidate for sec retary of state, called on friends Sailor Leaves— in Nyssa Wednesday. Kenneth Cockrun left Monday noon for the Great Lakes naval training station near Chicago. Mr. Cochrun, who recently enlisted in the navy, expects to be sent to a baloers and cooks school soon after reaching the training station. A supp f surplea cotton pur chased by farm secruity armin- Visit In Walla Walla— M r and Mrs G. J. Mitchell spent istration to be used in the mak- from Saturday to Monday In Walla iog of mattresses and comforters has been made available to M al Walla. heur county. The cotton will supplement the Here From Halfway— M r and Mrs Walter W. Evens of AAAcotton mattress program two Halfway spent Sunday and part cf years ago, during which 300 F’SA Monday with Mrs Evans' sister, families made 450 mattresses. The cotton will be distributed to th Mrs Klass V. Powell. ose FSA families who participated in the former program at the rate Teachers Attend Institute— T hirty teachers and school admi of one comforter per mattress. T h nistrators of Nyssa went to Baker ree pounds of cotton is used in today to attend an eastern Oregon making a comforter. M aterial oth institute today and Friday. Among er than cotton will be furnished the Nyssa residents attending the by the families. A series of meetings for FSA bor institute are Henry Hartley, city superintendent: Frank Parr, prin rowers in various parts of the co cipal of the high school, and Owen unty has been arranged by the loc Price, principal of the Junior high al home management staff of FSA. for the purpose of distributing the school. Mattresses To Be Made In Co. ri ri i l n n 11 i l n 11 n ni h id h n ri 11 ni n i l i l 11 ni hi 11 ni in i l n 11 i t n 1111 i l 11 m 11 11 i'i um 11 * I" > < < < ' I h ' CHRISTMAS CARDS With Your Name Printed On Them Pour buckle all rubber overshoe, r" “ ~ i im'1 •up *1.49 to *3.95 A great variety o f styles for your selection. $1 for box o f 20 ALSO CHILDS RUBBERS AN D Order early if you expect to send cards to Womens and childrens galoshes. men serving in the armed forces outside MENS GLOVES Cotton glove« and mittons, Jersey gloves for men. women and boys, leather flannel lined and leather faced gloves. continental United States. BLAN KETS all cotton and and doubles. 5% GIVE US YOUR ORDER NOW' Dark wool alngles. wool alngles 98c to $8.95 GOLDEN RILE N YSSA OREGON Nyssa Gate City Journal • • uimnHniimimmiiimMiimmiiHNiitiiiumiiiHBNMRuamwtNMiMtm cotton and demonstrating the me- thod of preparing the cotton batts so that tlie comforers may be com- pleted at home by each homeaker at her convenience. Besides the comforter-making demonstration, there will be a number o f displays of particular wartime conservation interest, on food preservation, homemade fur nishings, and salvaged clothing. New and different nutritious sch ool lunch sandwich suggestions will be featuured for sampling. The first three of this series of demonstrations will be held at the W illow Creek schoolhouse October 15; the Lincoln schoolhouse Oct ober 16, and the Vale Grange hall October 19 from 2 to 5 o'clock. Dates for the rest of the county will be announced in next week’s Every interested person will be welcome to attend, regardless of participation in the mattress pro gram. Soybeans Well Adapted To C;>. lar per month pension for aged cit- izens Wallace pointed to four gener- ations of farm background as giv ing him an understanding of farm problems. All license fees collected by state game officials Should be returned where the special seasons are not held, regardless of the reason for cancelling seasons Wallace said. “ I will fight for these returns as a private citizen, as a member of the state senate and as governor,” Wallace said. CO LUM BIA AVENUE O NTARIO LIVESTOCK COMMISSION CO. W e had a good run o f stock of all kinds Prices held in good shape. W e can sell a lot more of finished cattle and hogs. W e have plenty of buyers to take them away. W e are getting 25c to $1 more than any place in the country. Bring your stock to us. We will look after your inter ests. HOGS, 348 HEAD Market Good Top—on choice butchers.... $13.75 Bulk ________ ___.... $13.00 to $13.75' Packing sows ....... $11.60 to $13.501 Feeder P ig s ............ $13.60 to $14.10 SH EEP 426 HEAD Lambs _______ _____$9.00 to $11.40 HORSES, 12 HEAD C ATTLE, 655 HEAD Market Good Good fed steers......$11.00 to $11.75 Good grass fat steers ........ ............. $10.50 to $11115 Common to good steers ...................... $9.00 to $10.60 Medium to good fed heifers__________ $10.00 to $1030 Medium to good grass heifers _______ _____$9 00 to $10.00 Good cows ............v $8.50 to $9.40 Medium to good cows _______ _______ $8 00 to $8 50 Cutter cows ..... ....... $6.50 to $7.00 Canners ...... ............... $4.00 to $5.00 Best bulls ____ $8.00 to $10.40 Veal calves ........ $9.00 to $14.00 Good quality stocker and feeder steers .... *10.70 to *11.00 Medium stocker and feeder steers ---------------- $8.50 to *10.00 Stock c a l v e s .... .... $1100 to $11.25 Heifers ________ $1030 to $11.00 Good quality stock cows --------------------- $5 60 to $7.001 Hood milk cow s.....$75.00 to $100.10 Cheaper k i n d _____'$50 00 to $7000 | Mayo M m . Manager ■rt Anderson, Anrtione he“ *‘ng saW report petitlon and all objection« thereto, and all persons interested in said estate and having objections there to shall appear at said time and place and file written objection« to the said account and show cause if any they have why said ac count should not be allowed and approved and said administration brought to a cloae and the balance of said estate be distributed in accordance with the proviaiom of the last will and testament at aald deceased. A. L. Fletcher Administrator with the will annexed o f the estate of H arri son Fay Brown, deceased. 1st publication Oct. 15, 1942 Last publication Nov. 12, 1943 Marjorie Groot was home from Boise over Columbus day. Mrs S. P. Bybee arid Mrs W. A. Bybee spent Monday in Payette. M r and Mrs Jake Groot and son of Arcadia were Sunday afternoon visitors at the Dick Groot home. S. P. Bybee and Dale Garrison left on a deer hunt Saturday nlglyto TO O LA T E T O C LA S S IF Y Dick Groot was in Ontario and Frultland on business Thursday. FO R R E N T —New 3-roam house on Mrs W. A. Bybe and Mrs S. P. Alberta avenue. Mrs Luther Fife. Bybee were in Nampa Friday. Phone 05iR2. 15G2xc During the past spring, numerous farmers in Malheur county became interested in the production of Legal Advertisement soybeans. On the irrigated land, a considerable acreage has been plan ted, mostly in small varietal plant N O TICE OF H E AR IN G ings. Former evidence, gained from ON F IN A L ACCO UNT experimental work conducted in the Notice hereby is given that A. L. county on varieties, indicated that administrator of the certain varieties were adapted to Fletcher, local conditions and recommend estate o f Lura A. Cunningham deceased, has filed his report and ations were made on that basis. final account of his administrat- On the experiment station plots,,.__ . . . . . . . . ________. . V" . . , i ion, and that a hearing thereon has one yariety has been outstanding; I . . . . . .. _ * . been fixed by the Court for Satur the Mandrin which has already day November 14. 1942 at the hour shed its leaves and has reached a of 11 o’clock A. M., at the County stage of maturity. This Is appar Court Room at Vale, Oregon, at ently a heavy yielding soybean and which time and place all persons Is adapted to conditions prevailing interested in said estate are noti in this county. Other varieties fied to appear and file objections which show considerable promise in writing if any they have, why are the Minsoy and Manohu; these said account should not be approv three being the outstanding var ed and settled, and said adminis ieties. The prospects are that If a tration be brought to a close and sufficient acreage could be establ the administrator discharged. ished in this area financial inter A. L. Fletcher est should be secured to build a Administrator o f the estate of processing plant. Lura A. Cunningham, deceased This year, soybean oil is much 1st pub. Oct. 15, 1942 in demand to replace the supply of Last pub. Nov. 12, 1942 vegetable oils which were formerly Imported. N O TICE OF H E AR IN G OF F IN A L ACCO UNT N O TIC E IS H EREB Y GIVEN, W A L L A C E V ISITS that A. L. Fletcher, Administrator IN TH IS SECTION Ontario, Oct. 15 (Specitl) M alh with the will annexed of the estate eur county democrats met Wednes of Harrison Fay Brown, deceased, day at Taylor's coffee shop in O n has filed his first and final account tario to sound opening guns in the and report of his administration campaign for Noember 3 elections. of said estate with the County Dr. C. M. Tyler was in chage. Lew Clerk of Malheur County, Oregon, Wallace, democratic candidate for together with a petition for dist governor, Charles Leavitt, candidate ribution of the remaining assets for county judge, and Clarence of said estate in accordance with Barret, candidate for county com the last will and testament of missioner were present and spoke. said deceased and that Saturday Wallace outlined his program with particular attention called to the scrap iron drive. Wallace attempted several years ago thro ugh Oregon legislative action to stop the shipment o f scrap to Jap an. He favors a plan for school children to take a large part in the drive. He pledged to take care cf Oregon men returning from ar med services the day they return. He also went on record as favoring establishment of a three-man state tax commission. Wallace stated he would strongly Insist on a 40 dol- the 14th day o f November 1943, at the hour of eleven o’ clock A. M in the County CXurt Room in the City of Vale, Malheur County, Oregon has been fixed by the Court as the time and piace for JO UR NAL’S SALE CALENDAR FO R SALE—Good Automatic Range. 299— 4th Street. used Hot point ISOBxp N O TIC E O F E S T R A Y -O am * to my place 4 m ile» south o f On tario, on Octotoerl, Cheater White Sow Owner can reclaim same by paying cost o f feed and advertis ing. Win Brown, Ontario R.F.D. PU B LIC SALE As I am In defense work, I will sell at public auction the following described property, located In Sun set valley under Chalk butte just east o f Cow hollow community ball. Go to Ole's comer, take Cow hol low road three miles, then 3-4 miles south. Friday, October 23 Beginning at 1 p. m. 36 head o f cattle 18 milk cows, holsteln, jersey and guernsey, milking now, 2 to 10 years old. Tw o springer cows. Nine other milk cows. O TH ER LIVESTOCK 1 Registered holsteln heifer. 1 Registered papers. holsteln bull with 1 Fat yearling steer. 7 Calves, 2 to 10 months old. 2 2-year old durham heifers. 6 Mixed yearlings. 22 ewes, 18 lambs, one buck. 1 brood sow and 6 weaner pigs. Thursday, Oct. 22, 1 p. m., 13 Horses miles northwest of Vale on John 1 Bay mare, 8 years old, weight Day highway or 1 mile south of W illow Creek store. 14 cattle, 60 1160. 1 Team work horses. tons o f alfalfa hay, pasture, farm machinery and household goods. Henry Ash, Owner. Bert Anderson, Machinery auctioneer. 1 Oliver hay rake, 1 rubber-tired wagon, Bulck frame, good tlree. I Thursday October. 22 1 p. m. H Oliver mower. 1 Float and 1 Cream mile south of Weiser Junction on separator. Oregon Side. Farmall Tractor F-12 Lot o f Other Farm equipment on rubber, power lift tractor plow and disk, and other farm equip and small articles. ment and household goods; Also Almost new hog wire, 36 and M 4 dairy cattle, 15 feeder pigs and inch, 9 and 10 mesh. 3 brood sows. C. F. “ Potato” Smith 1 Hay swather. Owenr. W. H. Welty, Auctioneer, I n Set pick-up guards for mower. Douglas McGinnis, Clerk. 6 Acres of com. 4 ACTION RELIEF FOR ACID INDIGESTION Several tons o f clover chaff. Third cutting alfalfa hay in the field. Lunch on the Grounds Bill Parker Mr. E. E. Clonlnger, Owners Terms Cash 50e N YSSA P H A R M A C Y Nyssa, Oregon. W. L. (B ill) Lane, Auctioneer Phone 25-W, Nyssa D. O. Bybee Clerk Auction Sale Bring your livestock to us and help make this a home market. Help Nyssa Grow. Typewriter in good condition will be listed for sale Saturday. Miscellaneous sale at 1 p. m, and stock sale at 2 p. m. An auction sale is the best place at which to sell anything- W e handle farm sales Bybee Livestock Sales Co* D. O. Bybee, Mgr Phone 05J3 W . L. Lane, Auctioneer