Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1942)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL TH U R S D A Y. OCTOBER 8, 1942 PAGE FOUR DURCH ' Upper Sunset M r and Mrs Charles Struck and Mr and Mrs U. E. Phrker were Boise visitors Tuesday. Mr and Mrs Dale Frank and sons of Twin Falls and C. Knapp of South Dakota were over night gue sts at the U. E. Parker home F ri day. Other week-end guests were Mrs Redding of The Dallas, Mr and Mrs W illiam Felton of Twin Palls and Mr and Mrs John Bardness of Nevada. M r and Mrs Roy Huskey of Hood River spent a night at Frank Park er's home while on their way to California. M r and Mrs Sam Cates sold their ranch in Cow Hollow to Fmnk Davis of Ontario. The Cates family left immediately for their former home in Oklahoma. Chuck Share rented his place and moved Thursday. The Shares family are spending a few weeks at the Vic Marshall home before leaving for the coast. "Doc’» Raffington received the news of the death o f his mother in St. Jose, Missouri. He left on the evening train to attend the funeral. A group of neighbors gat hered at his place and stacked his hay Monday. The neighbors stack ed hay Tuesday for George Gabriel, who has been under a doctor’s care. M r land Mrs Arch Eastman and daughter and M r and Mrs Claude Britton left Monday for Hcod River to help during apple picking. Don Tosch and Ed. Bergam are working at the factory in Nyssa. Tosch passed his examination for the cadet and is on the reserve list. Mrs R.J. Thompson and Ed. Bergam were Phrma callers Friday. Mrs W alt Raffington is enjoying a visit from her nephews of Vale this week. M r and Mrs George Gabriel were Ontario business callers Sat urday. Sadie Parker entertained L e r club at her home Thursday with six members present. A grabbag was featured. The proceeds will be used for defense stamps. After the business meeting lunch was served. The next meeting will be held with Mrs Thompson October 16. Mrs Henry Hientz enterealned Sunday in celebration of the bir thday of her son Rudy. The follow ing guests were present: Melvin Schneider, the Hunter children, Kenneth Rookstool, Mrs Robert Ditty and friends from Parma. Cake and ice cream were served. Rudy receiveddd many nice gifts. Adolph Schneider is enjoying a visit from his nephews and niece from Washington. HE his third crop of hay for him last week. Mr and Mrs Kenneth McDonald and daughter, Kay, were Sunday guests of Kirs Martha Klingback. Other guests were Mrs Harriet Smuckel and Mrs Flora Mackin of Walla Walla. NEWELL HEIGHTS Nebraska is visiting at the home underwent another operation last Mrs d ia ries Ditty, and attending of her son, Roy Quack. Friday and is recovering satisfact school here. Mrs L. E. Newgen receiver a orily. Mrs George Wllscn and children Virgil Halady of Mitchell Oregon visited Sunday with M r Wilson, telegram Thursday from, Mrs He visited at the V em Butler home who is staying in Nyssa and working len Dean of Twin Falla stating Sunday morning. at the sugar faotory. Adolph Schne that Mrs Dean’s mc4har, Mrs W i Ben Shaw and Cecil Houston dow passed away. Mrs Newgen left went to work ot the Sugar factory, ider, Donald Tosch and Edwin that evening for Twin Falls and Bergam are also working at the in Nyssa last week. returned home Sunday. sugar factory in Nyssa. There was a large crowd at the Alice Klssner left last week for Due to the anticipated rationing Arcadia club meeting October 1. Idaho Falls, where she will work. of gasoline first aid classes will at the school auditorum. The after Those helping Mr and Mrs Loyad noon was spent in working on not be held at the hall as were Landreth celebrate their 4th wed quilt bloks for the Salvation Army. previously planned. Mrs Kaye Hunter has gone to ding anniversary Sunday at their Refhesrment were served by the home were M r and Mrs Verle hostesses Mrs Homer Earnest, Hood River to work in the Apple Landreth and daughter ot Ontario, orchards. and her daughter, Wanda Sykes. Mr and Mrs L. B. Landreth and The next meeting of the club will Mr and Mrs John R e ffltt and son of Nyssa, Mr and Mrs Grover be held October 15 at the home of family have moved into their new C.aper, Mr and Mrs Alfred Soott Mrs J. M. Wagner with Mrs Ellis basement house. and son cf Vale, Mr and Mrs Ray Warner as co-hostess. Mr and Mrs Henry Hintz and L. Gueck and son. Mrs Dan 0K»e- The play the school is giving Donnie were Caldwell shoppers ck of Trumbull, NebcaMca and M r will be presented Wednesday night, Friday. and Mrs Roy H. Warren and October 14, Instead of October 16 Mrs Dan Gueck o f Trumbull daughter, Carolyn. as stated last week. The club will also give away a guilt. The proceeds will be used for the hot lunch program. Pie and Coffee will be served. Denver and Wid Gay sold their horses at the Ontario sale yards W e are cash buyers o f Red Clover, Alfal last week. Denver has gone to fa— and other field seeds— also Beans. Washington. W id and his family will leave for Kansas some time W e will loan you bags for threshing your this month. bean crop. Ben Shaw delivered some fat See us at M IC H A E L-LE O N A R D SEED COM hogs to the Payette sale yards P A N Y office, Ontario, Oregon. last week. M r and Mrs Ronald Hollers and son o f Ontario and Mrs Holler’s father of Buie Eye. Missouri visited ! at the George Moeller home Sun day evening. _________ ___ ______invited to uas Min or others the columns of the Journal to carry important messages and notices Mrs. R. O. Berry of McChord to their congregations. Please try to get your copy in by Tuesday of Field, Tocomla visited over the ________ ‘ each week. week-end at the M r and Mrs Carl THE METHODIST COM M UNITY Hill hlme while enroute to Tampa NYSSA ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH Florida to Join her husband who Pastor C. A. Slaughter is stationed at Drew Field. Berry's M. H. Greenlee. Pastor Sunday school, 9:45 am. Alan Ed Church schools opens promptly is a Technical Sergeant with the monds Superintendent. Every class at 10 a. m. with a devotional ser aviation corp. welcomes you. The Modern Pioneer club ladies vice led by Mr. L. E. Robbins. Morning service, 11: o’clock Morning worship is at 11. The were entertained Tuesday by Mrs Evengellstic 8 o’clock. Prayer meeting Thursday, 8 Methodist Youth Fellowship and the A. L. Leach in her newly-built Young Adult Fellowship meeting basement house. o'clock. Jess Sugg had an electric pump are at 7 p. m. Evening worship A cordial welcome to all. begins at 8. The pastor will preach installed last week. M r and Mrs both morning and evening. Prayer Sugg have the necessary cement L. D. 8. CHURCH Sunday 9:15 am . Priesthood service is on Wednesday evening at for a basement house and will be gin work as soon as they are per 8 . meeting. mitted the lumber. Sunday 10:30 a.m. Sunday school. Jewell Wilson was a dinner guest ST. PA U L’S EPISCOPAL Sunday 8:00 pm. Sacrament of Dud Kurtz Sunday. MISSION meeting. M r and Mrs M. L. Judd, Maurice Tuesday 2:00 pm. Relief society The Rev. B. Stanley Moore. Wscar and Ellen Judd and Forestine meeting. Morning prayer and sermon 9:30. Wilson of the Kolony were dinner Tuesday 8:00 pm. M. I. A. meet Holy communion and sermon guests in the ’’M other»’ Judd home ing. each fourth Sunday of the month. in Parma Sunday. Wednesday 4:15 pm. Primary A good many acres of third crop Women’s Guild meets second meeting. hay is still in the field. The fa r Wednesday in each month. mers are hoping the drying season FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST will continue this week in spite of (CHRISTIAN) CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE the fact that hunters are hoping H. N. Waddell, Pastor for rain. Vem Martin, Pastor Bible school at 10; John Quig The lettuce in the Newell Heights Sunday school at 10:00 a.m. ley, superintendent. is still slow growing. None of it 11 a. m.—Worship and commun Classes for every age, bring your will be ready for cutting before ion service. Sermon, “The Christ family. October 15. Triumphant.” Morning worship at 11:00 a.m 7:30 p. m.—Y . P. C. E 8 p m—Praise and preaching message by the pastor. Twelve members of the Worth Junior meeting Sunday evening service while club met Thursday at the Thursday, 8 p. m.—Bible study at 7:15 pm. home of Mary Newgen. Tw o visit The Merry Matrons club met at ors, Ruby Robinson and Mrs Dan and prayer service. Young people’s service at 7:15. the home of Viola Adams Wednes Gueck o f Nebraska, were present. Sunday will be promotion day. Evening Evangelistic service at day afternoon with Gladys Davis We urge all members of the Bible 8:00 pm . message by the pastor. Because o f the absense o f the Protect your Home as co-hostess. The afternoon was school to be present. president, no business session was Wednesday evening prayer and spent quilting. Eight members were I f you have no ohurdh home we held. Refreshments were served by and your Business. praise service 8:00 p.m. present. The club will meet Sept welcome you to our services. • Radio program every Sunday at ember 7 at the home o f May Wurl the hostess. The next meeting will be held October 15 with Mrs. Hudd In observance of Nat with Virginia Rookstool assisting, THE C O M M U N ITY UNITED Robb as hostess. FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE a pink and blue shower will be Jerry and La Velle Hunter and PR E S B YTE R IAN CHURCH ional Fire Prevention given for Margaret Douglas. Roll Sunday school 10 A.M. Halmut and Rudy Hintz were a- Kingman Memorial call will be a white elephant ex mong a group o f children who at Morning worship 11 A.M. Adrian, Oregon. W eek October 4 to 16 change. Refreshments were served. tended an outdoor party near the every night. J. C. Nevin, Pastor. Mrs J. E. Bowen entertained the Dale Limbaugh place in Cow H ol Evangelistic services 7:30 P.M. we call your attention We are now conducting special Wednesday evening Bridge club of low Friday evening. 10 a. m.—Bible school. Nyssa at her home Wednesday eve Leonard Newgen hauled two 11 a. m.—Morning worship, serm meetings at the Full Gospel taber to many ways in which ning. loads of lumber from Unity, where on "The New Birth” , by Rev. nacle with Sister Alva C. Thompson M r and Mrs Horace Fuhrmian he bought a house and wrecked it. I of Nampa as evangelist. I t is our Nevin. you can assist in pre 8 p. m —Evening worship, devo aim and desire to make these meet and family of Kuna Idaho were He is moving the lumber to his Sunday visitors at the Tarvold place. Mr Newgen intends to build ings as nearly non-denominatlonal venting disaster from tion and discussion for all groups. a house this fall. The juniors led by Mrs. Lowe. The as possible and to make them com Olsen home. J. E. Bowen and Mrs Frank Dar- John H. Case and daughter, Phy- j fire. young people’s topic: How much munity wide and far reaching. Work while it is day for the night ring of Anderson dam visited over Ills arrived here Tuesday evening | Do We Know About Others?, Na- the week-end with Mrs J. E. Bowen. from Seattle to visit a t the Ditty | deen Wilson leads. The adults fin cometh when no man can work. home, M r Case left Wednesday j ish the study in Amos. Be careful in disposing o f used matches and afternoon for La Grande, where FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST Thursday, Oct. 15—The Mary he was called to the bedside o f his SCIENTIST and Martha Missionary seciety cigarette butts. Awarded Degree— father, W. J. Case, who is ill. meets at the home of Mrs. H. R. 215 North 9th Street, Payette, Idaho Mr and Mrs Frank Fredericks Phyliss Case is staying at the A branch of The Mother Church spent Sunday with their daughter, Judge David F. Graham, county Otis. The second study on Latin home of her grandparents, M r and Take no chances in leaving children alone judge, has been notified that he America will be the main fea The First Church of Christ, Scient Mrs Elsie Heitz, in Boise. Their ist. In Boston. Massachusetts. ture of the afternoon. little grandiaughter, Norma Lee, has been awarded the bachelor of Ci Hüllt III HI 11 M il II lllilil II III HHM 11 HI Ill’l l I II I I I III HI laws degree by the Blackstone returned home with them. in the house. Mrs C. C. Cotton entertained the College of Law of Chicago. Judge end with her aunt, Mrs Russell Kolony Pinochle club at her home Graham did all of his studing by Cochrun of Nyssa. Keep oily rags and waste in closed metal correspondence. Frank Savage had a well drilled Thursday afternoon. Mrs Stanley on his farm. Water was struck at Hill and Mrs Harvey Holton are containers outside the house. Elton Jennings, Willis Bertram new members of the club this 195 feet. Lester Cleaver and Irvin and Ed year. Mrs Frank Cummings was a S. B. Hoffnfan is doing Carpen guest. Mrs Carl Hill received high ward T op liff began working In the ter work for John Bartholoma. Teach everyone in the fam ily to watch stov Mrs C. C. W yckoff and Burl. score and Hrs Frank Newbill the sugar factory last week. With the Installation of a m w Jean and Barbara were in Ontario traveling prize. es, fireplaces and electric appliances. The "Out Our W ay” club, which scale at The Home Economic club spent was to have held it's regular meet Saturday. Saturday afternoon sewing for the THE RAILW A Y STOCK YARDS ing at the home of Mrs Alva Never place hot ashes in wooden containers Red Cross at the Adrian high we are now receiving your hogs Ooodell October 22 will meet with school. Mrs H. L. Day Instead. there every Friday, paying the or near wooden partitions. Mrs C. C. Cotton left Saturday highest price the market permits for an indefinite visit with relatives Mrs Maize left last week for The Owyhee Parent-Teachers will in Twin Falls. Calloway, Nebraska after spending and seeking to serve you In every Send your cleaning work to a dry cleaner or Mr and Mrs William Toomb and several weeks here visiting relatives. meet at the schoolhouse Monday possible way. evenirgt, October 12 at 8.15 instead Mrs Conrad Martin were in Boise Mrs S. B. Hoffman accompled her use fire safe cleaning fluid. of the regular date to hear Dr. Tuesday. While there they called mother home for a visit. DeCamp and Mrs Wells on impor on Mrs Elsie Heitz. Betty Wyckoff spent the week tant school subjects. All school Mrs Mary Nichols and James Give alarms promptly when fire is discover patrons are invited to attend. and Nadine spent Friday in Ontario Even if you’re the The Owyhee Community club They visited Mr and Mrs Wade ed. will meet October 15 at the Char Nichols. les Bradley home with Mrs Bradley The Junior Missionary Circle Do not thaw water pipes with open flames. and Mrs John Strickland as host held a party at the home of Mrs driver, you may not esses. George Dehaven in Adrian Satur Have an electrician keep your wiring in good Mr anr Mrs S. D. Bigelow and day afternoon. The circle elected escape accident. Be pre Again introducing the latest and most pract Fred Pullen were dinner guests of officers as follows: Betty Jean ical diagnostic “ aid to a doctor” since X-ray, we condition. Mrs Dora Minton of Parma and Toomb, president; Patty Deheaven, pared in advance with will give a thorough health examination, by the called on the Frank Zlmber family vice-president; and Joyce Kurtz, In the afternoon. Mrs Milton and secretary-treasurer. Committee Ch aid o f our marvelous “ human analyzer” for $2. “ cover-all’' insurance. Mrs Zimber are nieces of Mrs Blg- airman appointed are Delores Au- W e will also examine and treat respiratory elow. I ___ __ ker. __ proggram; Arlene Piercy, soc- Mrs Harriet Smuckal and M r s '^ i; "and Ross Lane, membership. dysfunction cases and many other conditions Flora Mackin of Walla Walla are Mre j q Lane and Mrs Oeorge that keep the people running from one physic here visiting their sisters, Mrs Deheaven are the leaders of this Izaarmnee and Real Bstate ian's office to another seeking relief. Martha Klingback and Alzada De- junior group. Phone 97 Bord o f Payette. James Shaw had his tonsils re Elmer Dale Culbertson, Mrs Jua moved Saturday morning. nita Powers and Betty Glass of M r and Mrs Earl Parker of New Martinez. California were visitors ell Heights and Mr and Mrs Dorsey at the Charles Culbertson home Conrad were Sunday guests of Mr Saturday. and Mrs Arthur Cartwright. Phone 252 Ontario, Oregon ------ 7<> T - The upper grades of the Owyhee Nadeen Wilson and Nadine Nich ■»»// school held an initatkm party ols were Sunday dinner guests of Thursday for the sixth grade. A Dorothy Toomb. y < ß j l ' • •• J picnic was held. Games were played Forestine Wilson spent Sunday and refreshments were served. with Ellen Judd as guests of her Mr and Mrs Chales Culbertson Obed Rea arrived Friday to make and children were Sunday dinner ’’Orandmother’’ Judd In Parma, guests of Mr and Mrs Arnold an Indefinite visit to the C. M. Slippy. Beaumont home. Mrs D. P. Pullen left Thursday Mrs Threlma Elliott of Adrian for a visit with delatives In Utah called on Mrs T. T. HUott Sunday | and California. and Mrs Mildred Hite of Owyhee I Mr and Mrs Ellis Walters enter- evening. Mrs Elliott U feeling better A good “ front” in this case means clean, I talned at dinner Sunday for Mr the past week. and Mrs Walter Johnson of Nyssa trim clothes. Regular cleaning not only ' Their sons. Rex, of Ontario and keeps you looking tip-top. .jt makes Byrd Walters of Boise were also guests. clothes last longer! Embedded dirt wears Mr and Mrs 8. D Bigelow enter There were S3 present Sunday Your menus will cer delicate fibers, makes fabric weak. tained at dinner Friday for the at 8unday school Rev. Oreenlee of Carl Jungquest family of Ontario Nyssa delivered a message at 3. Don’t take chances! Your present clothes and for their house guests, Mr and p. m. Mrs Oreenlee sang a solo. tainly be improved Mrs Carl Olsen, who are visiting Sunday school next Sunday will be MUST last. Have them cleaned often! from Iowa. Mr Olsen Is Mr Jung- held at 10 A. M. by serving our high grade meats. guesfs uncle. The visitors left for Mr and Mrs Otis Bullard and their home Monday. family and Mrs Anna Dali visited Our meats will satisfy you. Bob Rice Is still in the hospital. at the At Thumpaon home In Nyssa HU physical condition U somewhat Sunday afternoon. Improved, but hU mental condition WUmar Hlpp. who has been In _________ CLEANERS and DYERS la still uncertain. Neighbors put up the hospital since September 18 Attention Farmers Beal and Davenport, Seedsmen Sunset VaHey Oregon Trail National Defense Through Fire Defense Kingman Kolony Buena Vista Notice To Hog Raisers Owyhee It can happen to you! FRANK KULLANDER world’s ..most ..careful SPECIAL HEALTH CLINIC OCTOBER 15, 16 and 17 Frank Morgan BERNARD EASTMAN FRANK MORGAN GRAHAMS INSURANCE AGENCY DR N. A. MANN CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN KEEP UP A GOOD CIVILIAN FRONT « Arcadia Nyssa Packing Company Reasonable Price* on All Work Main’s Cleaners